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The Day the God of the Covenants' Rings Disappeared ** New**

March 23, 2025 (Day 82):  The rings of the God of the Covenants Planet became invisible from Earth on March  23, 2025.  This was due to the angle of observation of the ring plane from Earth.  This oddity resulted from the Sovereign Design of God, and God provided a Sun Halo by the Weather Archangel to verify that the New Covenant to the Church was still in effect.  What was invisible in the Heavens was visible in the weather over central Florida.

Spring Lunar Eclipse ** New**

March 14, 2025 (Day 73):  The Total Lunar Eclipse on the morning of March 14, 2025 occurs with the Moon in Leo, for the Royal Family.  The Royal Family corresponds to the Royal Family of God, the Church, and to the Government.  The blood-red color of the Moon in the eclipse is a sign of suffering.  Since President Trump took office on January 20, he has issued a flurry of decrees that included big RIF's (Reductions in Force), closing of agencies, deportation of illegal immigrants, and tariff wars among the nations of the world.  Government workers are in a state of turmoil over the dizzying speed of new orders and changes - like having the rug pulled out from under them.  And that's the meaning of the Eclipse of the Moon in Leo.

Signs of Second Advent and Angelic Conflict in 2025 Daytona 500 ** New**

February 16, 2025 (Day 47):  The Daytona 500, called "The Great American Race," was run on February 16, 2025.  It is the premiere of stock car racing for the season.  The race has become historic.  This year's race revealed a spiritual side that symbolized the Second Advent when the Lord will return and slay His enemies with the sword of His mouth.  The Weather Archangel brought up a picture of the two-edged sword of the Lord over Florida.  The race was won by William Byron when the Archangel Michael caused a multi-car wreck that opened the way for him to win.  He also won the 2024 race.  Winners are decreed from the Sovereignty of God.  The weather image of he sword brought out the Lord's message to the Church at Pergamum where Satan's throne was.

Helicopter and Passenger Jet Crash into Potomac after Colliding ** New**

January 29, 2025 (Day 29):  American Airlines Flight 5342 with 60 passengers and 4 crew crashed after being struck by an Army Black Hawk helicopter.  Both the plane and helicopter fell into the Potomac River in Washington, DC.  All onboard the plane and helicopter were killed.  The failure of the helicopter and plane to pass over the river illustrates the death of Pharaoh's Army during Israel's crossing of the Red Sea in the Baptism of Moses.

Why Did Record Snow Cover the US Gulf Coast? ** New**

January 23, 2025 (Day 23):  Record snow fell in the Southern US from Texas to Panama City, Florida on January 21, 2025.  Why?  This was a once-in-a-lifetime event.  What does it mean?  The record snowfall came the day after President Trump issued an Executive Order renaming the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America.  That received the backing of the Weather Archangel, who implements the Sovereign Design of God in the weather.  There certainly appears to be something Divine in this mystery.  It deserves an explanation.

President Inauguration, Second Advent of Donald Trump ** New**

January 20, 2025 (Day 20):  The inauguration of President Donald Trump as the 47th President of the US occurs at noon on January 20, 2025.  It is Trump's second inauguration.  The Weather Archangel brought the ceremony into the Capitol rotunda to illustrate the magnificent Grace of God.  The planets for a Bucket configuration aligned with the circular rotunda.  The focus of the Bucket is the Moon in Virgo for family and civil servants gathered round as the oath is administered.  The focus is an eye, symbolizing Grace.  There are parallels to the Second Advent and resurrection of Old Testament saints ushering in the Millennium.  The signs of God's Grace Blessing are overwhelming.

Los Angeles Palisades Fire, Sign of the Second Advent

January 13, 2025 (Day 13):  The apocalyptic Palisades Fire in Greater Los Angeles flared up on January 7, 2025 and exploded exponentially into a major fire.  Fueled by dry brush and propelled by strong Santa Ana winds, the fire overpowered fire fighters.  The Pacific Palisades community, home of Hollywood celebrities and million-dollar mansions, was burned to ashes.  Unlike other wildfires, the Palisades Fire destroyed entire neighborhoods and communities.  The people fled in panic on short notice and left their belongings behind, but most got out alive.  The fire is a sign of the coming Second Advent and the Baptism of Fire that will precede the Millennium.

Former President Carter's Coffin Arrives in Washington  

January 7, 2025 (Day 7):  The flag-draped coffin of former President Jimmy Carter arrived in Washington to lie in state in the Capitol rotunda.  A National Day of Mourning and a funeral are scheduled for January 9.  Beginning the New Year with a funeral for a former President is a bad sign.  The New Year is supposed to be a time of new beginnings - not old endings.  God has brought back the memory of Jimmy Carter to help us understand the meaning of the year 2025, for Sovereignty.  God appointed Carter to be the Sovereign President of the USA.  He was the 39th President, but he didn't die in office , where 39 is for the Sin Leading to Death, but he lived to 100 for maximum Divine Good production.

The Meaning of the Year 2025 - Sovereignty  

January 1, 2025 (Day 1):  The meaning of the year 2025 is Sovereignty.   The greatest act of God's Sovereignty was Creation.  God's Sovereignty is the source of all authority and power in Creation.  The Sovereignty of God is given to the Lord Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords.  He is King over the Temporal World and Lord over the Spiritual World.  Our life is created according to the Sovereign Design Specification of God down to the hairs on our head.  The time of our birth and time, place, and manner of death are God's Sovereign decisions.  We have free will and can choose to love God or fight Him.  In either case God's Sovereign Design will prevail.  God has created awesome signs in the heavens this year, including signs of the Second Advent and the Marriage of the Lamb. 


Fall of Bashar al-Asad in Syria  

December 10, 2024 (Day 345):  Syrian President Bashar al-Asad fell from power after an Arab rebel faction commanded by Ahmad al-Sharaa, 42, a former al-Qa'eda terrorist, overran Damascus in a surprise attack.  Asad was caught without Russian and Iranian support, and his security forces melted away and fled in the face of the rebel attack.  Asad fled on a plane to Russia and was granted asylum by President Putin.  Asad fell in 2024 after 24 years of brutal rule as dictator of Syria, where 24 is for strategy and archangels.  The fall was due to the curse from the Abrahamic Covenant on the enemies of Israel and the Four Generation Curse.

Tropical  Storm Sara Proclaims the Gospel  

November 19, 2024 (Day 324):  Tropical Storm Sara proclaimed the Gospel, the Good News of the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.  After being named on November 14, 2024, where 14 is for the Passover, every day of its life matched the calendar days of the month of the Crucifixion of Christ from 14 through 18.  The storm moved along the coast of Honduras for 3 days, corresponding to the days the body of Christ was in the tomb.  After landfall in Belize the storm crossed the Yucatan Peninsula, and emerged in the Bay of Campeche on Nov. 18 as a sign of the Resurrection of Christ.  Furthermore, the geography of the region of the Yucatan symbolized the Throne of Christ in Heaven.  

Hurricane Rafael and the US Presidential Election  

November 10, 2024 (Day 315):  Hurricane Rafael ran coterminously with the 2024 US Presidential Election. The weather produced by Weather Angels explained what was happening in the Presidential race. A face even appeared in the clouds.  Tropical Storm Rafael was named on the eve of the election and died like Jonah in the middle of the sea when the storm died.  The storm ran under the horse's neck of Cuba with the configuration of a Horse's Hoof in the stars overhead.

Hurricane Milton:  Sowing to the Wind; Reaping the Whirlwind  

October 16, 2024 (Day 290):  Hurricane Milton made landfall at Sarasota, Florida on October 9, 2024.  It became a Category 5 Hurricane as it crossed the Gulf and spun off a swarm of tornadoes around Lake Okeechobee as it approached South Florida.  The hurricane and the tornadoes were Double Punishment - sowing to the wind and reaping the whirlwind.  Even though the hurricane was weakened by shear and dry air before landfall, there was still damage from coastal flooding.  The hurricane illustrated the Prostitute of Babylon sitting on many waters, and astrological signs included the Noahic Covenant and the sexual illustration of the New Covenant to Israel.

Hurricane Helene, Repeat of Idalia Curse 

September 29, 2024 (Day 273):  Hurricane Helene made landfall in Florida on September 26, 2024 in almost the same spot and followed the same path into Georgia as Hurricane Idalia in 2023.  Gulf Coast flooding in Florida was basically the same.  However, Perry went through the eyewall of both storms.  It was heavily damaged by weaker Hurricane Idalia, but it suffered only minimal damage from Hurricane Helene.  Ground measurements in Perry were 60 mph less than predicted by the weather service.  The weather angels must have protected Perry.  The reasons for the suffering from Idalia have come out in the last year.  Some are related to the legal attacks on former President Trump and others to Israel's war against terrorists.  Hurricane Helene appears to be another bad omen.

Shadow Moon Eclipse 

September 18, 2024 (Day 262):  There was a Partial Lunar Eclipse at 0244 GMT this morning.  The eclipse was visible in the Americas, Europe, and Africa.  The eclipse was weak and mostly in the light penumbra shadow with only a small part in the dark umbra shadow.  The Moon was on the cusp of Pisces, for the Church, and the shadow symbolized sin.  The church at Sardis, one of the seven churches of Revelation, had a problem with sin and failure to Rebound.  The Lord ordered them to Rebound.  If they didn't, He would come upon them like a thief in the night and punish them.  Most of the churches in the world do not teach Rebound, and most Christians don't use it, and consequently do not live in fellowship with God and are not executing the new Christian Life in Christ Jesus.   

Attempted Trump Assassination II 

September 17, 2024 (Day 261):  Former President Trump survived a second assassination attempt on September 15, 2024 at his golf club in Florida.  As Trump was playing golf, a Secret Service agent spotted a rifle barrel in the hedge and fired, causing a man to drop his AK-47 assault rifle and flee.  The man was later apprehended. The man did not shoot at Trump, and Trump was uninjured.  However, the failure to secure the hedge row around the golf course was just like the failure to secure the perimeter in the previous assassination attempt in Pennsylvania. Common elements link the Astrology harts of the two assassination attempts to Hurricane Francine and the upcoming Lunar Eclipse as an intricate plan of history is revealed.

Hurricane Francine in Louisiana Reveals God Remembers 9-11 

September 13, 2024 (Day 257):  Hurricane Francine hit Louisiana on September 11, 2024, the anniversary of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.  The configuration of the planets overhead at landfall indicates that God was indeed remembering 9-11-2001.  At the time of landfall the Moon was rising on the Ascendant in Sagittarius, for an attack of an army, and the Red Planet was on the Descendant in Gemini, for deadly suffering from the planes that crashed into the Twin Towers.  Yet there must be a bigger reason for God to send the Weather Archangel to deliver a message about the 9-11 attack 23 years later.  The 9-11 attack had a much deeper meaning than we realized.

Hurricane Debby Florida Landfall Linked to Four Generation Curse 

August 6, 2024 (Day 219):  Hurricane Debby made landfall in the Florida Big Bend on August 5, 2024.  The Weather Angel revealed himself before landfall as with Hurricane Beryl.  Hurricane Debby wasn't notable for its destruction but for revelations of Bible Doctrine.  The storm was suffering associated with the current crisis of Israel under the threat of escalation of the war against terrorists from Iran and Lebanon.  The death of a 13-year old boy from a falling tree related the hurricane to the Four Generation Curse.  Double Punishment, sowing to the wind and reaping the whirlwind, was also revealed.  And Tropical Storm Debby passed over Georgia with the sign of the Palestinian Covenant.

Attempted Trump Assassination 

July 27, 2024 (Day 209):  Former President Trump narrowly escaped death in an assassination attempt at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024.  A bullet missed his head by 1/4 of an inch and pierced his ear instead.  His life was preserved by the Grace of God.  Satan tried to kill him, but an angel of God interceded and caused Trump to turn his head to the right so that the bullet only pierced his ear.  As he was taken away by Secret Service agents, the angels left their calling cards to reveal the Spiritual side of the events that unfolded. 

Hurricane Beryl, Storm of the Ages that Died and Rose the Third Day 

July 13, 2024 (Day 195):  Hurricane Beryl recently struck the Windward Islands, crossed the Caribbean, and crossed the Yucatan over a 66 million-year-old  crater connected to Satan's fall and the death of the dinosaurs, showed angels paying homage to the cross of Christ, spent three days and three nights in the Gulf of Mexico, portrayed Jonah and the whale, was resuscitated before striking Texas, flooded Houston, and turned the  power off before ascending in the clouds like Christ into Heaven.  Simply the most awesome Hurricane ever recorded in the human era!

Trump Becomes a Martyr 

May 31, 2024 (Day 152):  In a New York trial former President Donald Trump was found guilty of falsifying business records.  The trial was a convoluted circus that didn't pass the sanity test.  The guilty verdict of the jury made Trump into a martyr.  Divine Viewpoint from the Spiritual World must be used to make sense of what occurred.  

Israel and Allies Foil Iran Attack 

April 14, 2024 (Day 105):  Israel and its allies foiled a massive Iranian attack of Israel with over 300 drones and missiles.  The allies shot down the drones and missiles before they reached Israel.  A weather Angel heralded the Iran attack with a low pressure system on the coast of California at the time of the attack.  The weather  signs symbolized the battle that was being waged by Angels and demons.  The allies of Israel will be blessed per the Abrahamic Covenant, and the enemies will be  cursed.  Satan's strategy to destroy Israel was foiled.

2024 Total Solar Eclipse Surrounded by Sun Halo

April 8, 2024 (Day 99):  The Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 was accompanied by Sun Haloes before and after the eclipse.  The Solar Eclipse symbolized the death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the Sun Haloes symbolized the New Covenant to the Church, which was foretold before the Crucifixion and fulfilled in the Church Age that followed.  The Jews rejected Jesus Christ and the Church was called out as the Lord's new Bride and Royal Family.  Thousands of people traveled to be in the path of totality.  They were surrounded by the lies of false teachers, but they also had an opportunity to reach  God consciousness and believe in Christ for Salvation.


1 Corinthians 15:3-4 The Gospel
3 For I delivered to you in the order of first importance what I have also received, that Christ died as a substitute for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures

The Gospel is the message of the death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  He paid for the sins of everyone on the cross.  Sins will not condemn a person to Hades.  He died physically and was buried in a tomb for three days.  During that time He went into Sheol, the heart of the Earth, and announced that He had paid for the sins of the world.  He rose in a Resurrection Body on the third day and took the Old Testament saints with Him to Heaven in a Triumphal Procession.

Everyone's sins are paid for and people are free to receive everlasting life by believing in Jesus Christ.  If they believe in Jesus Christ, their sins will be forgiven; they will be born again Spiritually; they will go to Heaven when they die; and they will receive a Resurrection Body at the Rapture when Christ returns.

The Easter message of the death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ will be verified by the Solar Eclipse in eight days (Apr. 8, 2024).  The Solar Eclipse symbolizes the death, burial, and Resurrection of Christ just as does the planting of a seed that sprouts in Spring.  "Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved" (Acts 16:31)!

Eclipses Mark the Curse of the US Presidential Election 

March 22, 2024 (Day 82):  The Lunar Eclipse of March 25, 2024 heralds a Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024.  The pair of eclipses signify great events in human history and shed light on the meaning of those events in our lives.  The Lunar Eclipse symbolizes the sin of the woman in the Garden, and the Solar Eclipse symbolizes the redemption solution provided by payment for the sins of the world by Christ on the cross.  The path of the Solar Eclipse corresponds to the adultery of Reuben, which reveals the cursing from feet of clay in the 2024 Presidential Election.  The paths of the Solar Eclipse and the previous one of August 21, 2017 form a cross, the symbol of national cursing related to the two Presidential candidates and to many other curses in the nation.  The cross formed by the eclipse paths corresponds to a Confederate flag, an X, or a Mystic Rectangle in Astrology.  

Rare Florida Earthquake 

February 8, 2024 (Day 39):  A rare Florida earthquake struck 100 miles East of Cape Canaveral on February 7, 2024, and weak tremors were felt on Florida's East Coast.  The earthquake was the Judgment of Ecumenical Babylon by the Land Archangel.  The earthquake was related to the killing of a terrorist leader in Baghdad by a US drone and to the case before the Supreme Court about keeping Former President Trump off the Colorado ballot.  It was also related to Satan's attack on the division of the land associated with Israel and Gaza and to the flood of immigrants across the US southern border.  

Colorado Train Wreck:  Satan's Attack on the Presidential Race  

January 31, 2024 (Day 31):  An Amtrak train collided with a milk taker and derailed in Colorado, blocking a strategic path on January 29, 2024.  The wreck, which was the work of Satan and Archangels, illustrated the Colorado courts' attempt to block former President Trump from being elected President by keeping him off the ballot. Since Colorado is in the place of the Holy of Holies in the Client Nation Model, this represents a serious strategic problem for the nation.  

The Archangels of the Iowa Caucus  

January 18, 2024 (Day 18):  The Iowa Caucus on January 15, 2024 illustrates the meaning of the year 2024, for Archangels and strategy.  Some of the Archangels left their calling cards behind to get our attention.  The Weather Archangel provided signs in the weather beginning on January 9 related to the coming Caucus, and two Florida tornadoes the day of the Caucus revealed the second and third place finishers who opposed Former President Trump.  The glimpses of the work of the Angels in the Iowa Caucus give us a new perspective of the Spiritual World that drives human history.   

Fiery Collision of Japan Airbus and Earthquake Relief Flight 

January 2, 2024 (Day 2):  A strong earthquake struck Japan on New Year's Day.  The earthquake devastated some cities on the East coast.  The next day an airbus with 379 people onboard struck a Coast Guard earthquake relief plane.  Both planes caught fire, but all the people on the airbus escaped, while 5 of the 6 on the Coast Guard plane died.  The crash occurred in a strategic to tactical transition as the airbus was landing.  Archangels handled the earthquake and the fiery collision of the planes.  This illustrates the meaning of the year 2024, for Archangels and strategy.

The Meaning of the Year 2024 - Archangels, Strategy

January 1, 2024 (Day 1):  The meaning of the year 2024 is Archangels and strategy.  Twenty-four Archangels sit around the Throne of God in Heaven to worship Him and control creation.  The Archangels are miraculous and powerful creatures who are strategically aligned with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church and Savior of the world.  The Archangels command vast armies of angels and direct human life according to the Will of God.  The strategy of every life is to receive Salvation.  For those who have been saved, the next strategic objective of the Spiritual life is Spiritual Maturity.  Failure results in dying in the wilderness.  Satan counterattacks the Plan of God to prevent people from receiving Salvation and reaching Spiritual Maturity.  His strategy is to destroy Israel to prevent the fulfillment of the unconditional covenants to Israel at the Second Advent.  The current Hamas attack on Israel is an example of Satan's strategy in opposing God.

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Author: Larry Wood
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