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Hurricane Francine in Louisiana Reveals God Remembers 9-11

Hurricane Francine
Spiritual Meaning

Hurricane Francine

September 12, 2024 (Day 256):  Hurricane Francine made landfall in Louisiana on the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 Islamic terrorist attack on the United States.  At the time of landfall of Hurricane Francine the planets overhead were configured as a reminder of the death and destruction on 9-11.  In the  chart of the planets there was a Kite, for the airliners that flew into the World Trade Center and Pentagon.  And there was a Grand Cross as a sign of terrible suffering, like the crucifixion.  The Moon was rising in Sagittarius for  the invasion of an army.  And the Red Planet was on the Descendant in Gemini, for the deadly suffering of the witnesses in the Twin Towers.

God controls the heavens and the weather.  He recalled 9-11 and shed new light on revelations of its meaning in history.  The first plane struck the World Trade Center at 9:02/59 AM EDT (1302/59 GMT), where 59 is for Simeon criminality, corresponding to the location of Louisiana in the US.  God sent Hurricane Francine to Louisiana to symbolize an attack from an al-Qa'eda army of terrorists, led by Osama bin Laden.

Fish in the Street
Hurricane Francine struck Louisiana as a minimal hurricane with 65-70 knot winds and 976 mb pressure, along with widespread flooding.  However, there were variations and surprises.  There were some wind gusts over 90 mph.  Some trees that fell caused extensive damage.  And there were the expected widespread power outages.   In Kendall, South of Lake Pontchartrain, fish were swimming in the street.


Tropical Storm Francine was named on September 9, Day 253, where 9 is for the plagues of Egypt, and September is the ninth month, i.e. 9-9.  Tropical Storm Francine was in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Mexico and South of the Texas border.  It was moving very slowly .  In one of the pictures the next day, it resembled a tortoise.  A tortoise is a symbol of Baal.  However,  on September 10 the weather service upgraded Francine to a hurricane.  As it crossed the Gulf it overcame wind shear and dry air and became better organized.

Tropical Storm

As Hurricane Francine approached Louisiana, it became a little (5 to 10 knots) stronger.  Early on the  morning of September 11 it appeared as a strange creature that resembled a hyena.  A hyena symbolizes terrorists.

Hurricane Francine made landfall on part of the Mississippi Delta south of Morgan City at 3 pm CDT.   Two hours later as it continued to come ashore, the eye of Francine appeared as a horseshoe, as it had done on other occasions as it crossed the Gulf.  A horse's shoe corresponds to being  trampled by the horses of an invading army.  A hurricane coming ashore symbolizes an amphibious assault of an army.  After crossing Louisiana West of New Orleans, Francine proceeded up the Mississippi River through Jackson and Memphis as a Tropical  Depression.  It quickly lost strength and became a rain-maker.

The path of Hurricane Francine began in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Mexico, crossed the Gulf, and traveled up the Mississippi River through Jackson and Memphis.


Spiritual Meaning

Hurricane Francine, which began off Mexico South of Texas, symbolized migrants coming into the US from Mexico into Texas.  God brought the hurricane to Louisiana on September 11 in remembrance of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the US in which Boeing 767 airliners full of passengers crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.  US President George W. Bush , who was visiting a kindergarten in Sarasota, Florida at the time of the terrorist attack, first flew to Barksdale Air Force Base in Shreveport, Louisiana, and then to the US Strategic Command, which oversees US nuclear forces, in Omaha, Nebraska. 

The locations of President Bush on September 11, 2001 reveal what it meant to be in the geographic will of God.  Bush was in Florida visiting a kindergarten class because he ran on a platform of improving education.  Florida is in the region of Aquarius, for communicating the Good News of the Gospel.  Bush was trying to be the education President, but God called him to be the Commander in Chief, and Bush understood immediately that we were at war.  Instead of flying over to US Central Command in Tampa, he was taken to Barksdale in Louisiana.  Louisiana is in the region of Scorpius and Simeon criminality, corresponding to the terrorist attack on the US.  However, Barksdale lacked secure communication capability for the world.  So Bush was taken to US Strategic Command in Nebraska, which is in the region of the Merarites.  The Merarites were metallurgists, corresponding to Fire Testing.  The Twin Towers of the  World Trade Center were burned to the ground, and the Pentagon was evacuated after it was set on fire by an airliner crash.

With a giant leap of faith the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on September 11, 2001 symbolizes the Arab attack on Israel at the Second Advent and the Baptism of Fire that will follow.

The culture war between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam is already heated up.  Christianity is waiting for the Rapture.  Israel is waiting for the Second Advent.  And Islam is waiting for the Millennium without Jesus Christ and Israel.  Islam is Satanic.

The conflict in the world is fueled by spiritual beliefs more so than political aspirations.


Hurricane Francine Landfall Chart

Hurricane FrancineThe Chart at the time of landfall of Hurricane Francine contains a Kite, a Grand Cross, and a Stage.  The Kite symbolized the airliners the terrorists used to crash into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Somerset, PA.  The Grand Cross symbolizes the suffering of the victims of the terrorist attack on the US.  And the Stage symbolizes the setting of the terrorist attack and its historical significance.

The Sun is in Leo, for the King of glory of the Lord Jesus Christ at the Second Advent when He will return for the destruction of the enemies of Israel.  The Savior Planet is also in Leo, for the Lord at the Second Advent as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who will fight for Israel
(Gen 49:9; Heb 7:14; Rev 5:5).

The Moon is on the Ascendant in Sagittarius, for the attack of an army, corresponding to the attack of the al-Qa'eda terrorists on September 11, 2001. 

The Red Planet is on the Descendant in Gemini, corresponding to the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center filled with witnesses.  Over 2,000 died in the attack.  Gemini also corresponds to the location of California and Israel.  The significance of the destruction of the Twin Towers has not previously been understood.  One of the first cities in the world was Jericho.  The city had a large tower as a high place.  Other cities had similar towers.  Babylon had an elevated Ziggurat that stood tall.  Ziggurats were used as temples for worshiping idols, for sacrifices, and for astrology.  After the Flood the city of Babel had a tower.  Later the cities of the Islamic religion had mosques with towers.

The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were not simply the idea of the architect.  They came to symbolize the highest building on Earth and thus, symbolized high places, and to Islam they were the symbol of materialism and riches of Western Culture.  The destruction of the towers symbolized a great victory for Islamic terrorists.  Furthermore, God was not fond of Satanic high places as demonstrated at the Tower of Babel.  

The Almighty God Planet was in Taurus, for a giant, who is under the power of Baal in Spiritual Warfare.  The Mediator was also in Taurus, for success through a mediator.

The Redeemer Planet was in Pisces for a Levitical offering.

The God of the Covenants was in Aquarius, for the Noahic Covenant, corresponding to the Flood.  Flooding accompanied Hurricane Francine as a sign of the Prostitute of Babylon, who sits on many waters (Rev 17:1ff).

The Last Adam was in Capricornus, for an outcast.  Those who reject faith in Christ will be cast out of the world and into Hades at the Second Advent.


Hurricane Francine made landfall in Louisiana on the 23rd anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.  In the attack passenger jets were crashed into the Twin Towers, which caught fire from the jet fuel and crashed to the ground, leaving a giant ash heap.  The reinforced concrete ribs of the buildings were left exposed like the broken feet of clay and iron of the image of King Nebuchadnezzar.  God had strong reason for sending a hurricane to Louisiana to remember the anniversary of the 9-11 terror attack.  A comet or meteor could have been sent, but a hurricane produced by the Weather Archangel was chosen.  Important battles and dates of history are often associated with special people or circumstances.  We always dreaded December 7, the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, because of all the frustrating problems and SNAFU's that cropped up.  Ichabod was such a person (1 Sam 4:21-22).

The terrorist attack on the US was the work of Satan and Islamic terrorists.  It was a jihad, a holy war.  However, God decreed it and let Satan carry it out.  God had a purpose in it.  The towers of cities have hidden meaning.  Satan rules the world, and he builds cities.  The first city in the Bible was built by Cain for his son (Gen 4:17).  Jericho, one of the oldest cities, had a large tower, and Babel had a tower, which God destroyed.  The towers of  cities were high places for worshiping God or Satan.  Mosques have towers.  In the eyes of bin Laden and the Islamic terrorists the Twin Towers were evil towers.  So they devised a brilliant plan to destroy them.  It was not a military plan to conquer and occupy, but simply an act of terrorism.

The 9-11 attack was a horrible act of vengeance of Satan and his followers in Islam.  A great holocaust occurred.  The towers burned and left a huge ash heap.  People jumped off the towers to commit suicide to escape the flames.  Over 2,000 died and went to Heaven or Hades.  The Palestinians celebrated the 9-11 attack by passing out sweets and shooting their guns, but Israel stood by the US through thick and thin in the  wars that followed.

God decreed this cursing for Client Nation USA and remembered it with a hurricane sent to Louisiana 23 years later.  The reason must be very significant.  One such reason is that the attack of 9-11 and the Fire Testing that followed symbolizes the Second Advent and the Baptism of Fire that follows.  Believers will go into the Millennium, and unbelievers will be cast into Hades.  Eternal Life requires faith in Jesus Christ.


1.  Metia Carroll, "Kenner: Flooded streets recede revealing dozens of fish" WDSU6 News, New Orleans, La., Sept. 12, 2024.
"World Trade Center (1973–2001)," Wikipedia, Sept. 9, 2024.
3.  "When Bush came to Nebraska: 9/11 through the eyes of those at Offutt that day," KMTV 3 News, Omaha, May 16, 2022.
Larry Wood, "Our Native Land," Dec. 18, 2011.
"Tower of Jericho," Wikipedia, Sept. 11, 2024.  

Released September 13, 2024 - Revised September 30, 2024

Author:  Larry Wood