Spring Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse, Santiago, Chile, Time and Date
Spring Lunar Eclipse 
Spiritual Meaning
Eclipse Chart

Spring Lunar Eclipse

Links:  Total Lunar Eclipse Description | Diagram | Video |
March 14, 2025 (Day 73):  The Total Lunar Eclipse on the morning of March 14, 2025 occurs within six days of the Spring Equinox on March 20.  This corresponds to the time of year of the Passover, but since it is before the equinox, Easter is pushed out to late in April.  The eclipse will be visible primarily in North and South America and the Pacific.  Greatest eclipse occurs in the Pacific south of  Mexico at 0658/45 UT1 (0258/45 EDT).  The eclipse occurs in Leo, for suffering in the Royal Family.  The Royal Family applies to the Royal Family of God, the Church, and to the Royal Family of the state, corresponding to the Government of the United States as well as other governments of the world.  The Lunar Eclipse will be followed by a Partial Solar Eclipse on March 29, 2025.

The Moon in the Earth's shadow turns various shades of blood-red during an eclipse, depending on the viewing location.  The darkened and bloody Moon symbolize the curse of sin upon the congregation, corresponding to Church or State or some other body or people.  The Lunar Eclipse also symbolizes the sin of the woman in the Garden when she fell into sin and became the Prostitute of Babylon.  This is the curse of the woman in Marriage, corresponding to Eclipse Testing.   The woman in sin, and later the man, destroyed the first marriage.  Both the man and woman became guilt-ridden and took out their bitterness on each other.  They also destroyed their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Lord had to pay for their sin to give them a decent life.

Today sin in the Church is an attack on the Lord Jesus Christ, who is Holy and in Heaven in a Resurrection Body.  The Lord speaks to the Church from Heaven as He did in the Book of Revelation.  He reminds the Church of failures and the need to Rebound to prevent dying the Sin Leading to Death.  The darkness and blood-red color during the Lunar Eclipse is the sign of sin, suffering, and loss of sanctification.  Sin results in spiritual death.  If the sin is not handled with Rebound, Divine Discipline and suffering follows.  Red symbolizes blood and suffering - corresponding to the woman's monthly cycle of suffering and to child birth. 

Spiritual Meaning

The Lunar Eclipse of March 14, 2025 occurs in Leo, for the suffering of the Royal Family. The Royal Family stands for the Royal Family of God, the Church, and the government, since the king entrusted members of his royal family with leadership roles in government.  The Royal Family has a Temporal and Spiritual side.  In Babylon the Evil King ruled the Military Establishment, and the Prostitute of Babylon ruled the Civil Government.  She was the High Priest.  In the United States the State is the Temporal side, and the Church is the Spiritual.  In the US the Church and State are separate.  In the Roman Empire the Church and State were considered to be married, making the Holy Roman Empire.

The Moon in Leo in the eclipse symbolizes the suffering of the Royal Family.  This is obvious in the edicts of President Trump to reform the federal government.  There is a great outcry from the big RIF (Reduction in Force).  Federal agencies have been gutted and closed.  Illegal immigrants are being sent back to their native countries.  And tariff wars have begun with the nations of the world.  No leader in US history has had the gall to even consider such dictatorial measures.  However, Jehu, the anointed of God in Israel, did much more.  He even executed the Royal Family.  

Eclipse Chart

            Eclipse ChartThe chart at the time of maximum eclipse of the Moon at 0658/44 UT1 on March 14 has the Moon in Midheaven in opposition to the Sun at the Bottom of Heaven in a Stellium in Aquarius and Pisces, for very strong opposition.  The Sun in conjunction with the Bottom of Heaven corresponds to the Crucifixion, which was the price of redemption from the wages of sin, which is spiritual death (Rom 6:23).

The Sun was in conjunction with the God of the Covenants in Aquarius, for the Noahic Covenant related to the Flood and corresponding to the flood of illegal immigrants into the country.  The God of the Covenants in Aquarius can also stand for the Covenant of Peace, for the Millennium.  World peace will  not come until the Millennium, when Satan is incarcerated for a thousand years.

There were three planets in Pisces:
    1.  Redeemer - for the offering of  Christ for  the sins of the world
    2.  Savior - the Church
    3.  Morning Star - Christ, the High Priest of the Church.

The Mediator Planet was in Aries, for Christ the High Priest as the Mediator between God and man.  In the Church Age every believer is a priest, and Christ is the High Priest.  The pastor is not the High Priest, and the Pope is not the High Priest of the Church.  The Lord Jesus Christ intercedes for the Church directly (Rom 8:34; Heb 7:25; 9:24; 1 Jn 2:1).

The Red Planet was in Gemini, for a bloody bridegroom, corresponding to Christ's suffering for the Church (Eph 5:25) and to the bloody robe of Christ at the Second Advent (Rev 19:13).

The Almighty God Planet was in Taurus, for ruler of the world, corresponding to Christ at the Second Advent.

The Last Adam Planet was in Capricornus, for Jesus Christ as the sin bearer.


 The Total Lunar Eclipse of March 14, 2025 was in the Spring when the Passover normally occurs.  The Moon was in Leo, for the Royal Family, corresponding to the Church and the Government.  The blood-red color of a total eclipse symbolizes suffering.  The suffering occurs in people, who have sinned, and in Jesus Christ, who suffered the death of the cross as the price of redemption for the sins of the world.

The Royal Family symbolized by the Moon in Leo corresponds to the Government of the United States, especially since President Trump took office and proceeded to eliminate waste and corruption and improve the efficiency of the bureaucracy to usher in a Golden Age of prosperity like Pax Romana.  However, the current situation is great trauma from a big RIF, legal opposition from the courts, and tariff wars among world leaders.

In the midst of all of this, the world is being positioned for the Tribulation with the Antichrist of the European Union preparing to oppose the King of the North of Russia after Client Nation USA has departed in the Rapture.


1.  "Eclipses During 2025," Fred Espenak, EclipseWise.com, Aug. 16, 2024.
Marcy Curran, "Total Lunar Eclipse of the Full Worm Moon Mar. 13-14, 2026," EarthSky, March 13, 2025.
3.  "Total Lunar Eclipse of 2025 Mar 14," Fred Espenak, EclipseWise.com.
4.  "LIVE Stream: Total Lunar Eclipse March 13-14, 2025," Time and Date, March 13, 2025.

Author:  Larry Wood,   Released - March 14, 2025

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