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Former President Carter's Coffin Arrives in Washington 


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Former President Carter's Coffin Arrives in Washington
Spiritual Meaning
New Year's Funeral Anachronism
Birth Chart
Death Chart

Former President Carter's Coffin Arrives in Washington  

CarterJanuary 7, 2025 (Day 7):  The coffin of former President Jimmy Carter arrived in Washington to lie in state in the Capitol rotunda.  The flag-draped wooden coffin was carried on a caisson through the streets of Washington, DC, escorted by military honor guards and the Army Band, and followed by the Carter family in black.  The coffin was taken to the Capitol where there was a 21-gun salute, and eulogies were delivered by members of Congress.  The former 39th President died at his home in Plains,  Georgia on December 29, 2024.  He was 100 years old.  He graduated from the Naval Academy, served on a nuclear submarine, was Governor of Georgia, and was President from 1977-1981.  As President he was the Sovereign leader of the nation appointed by the Lord Jesus Christ.  He was also a Christian who tried to live the Christian life and actively engaged in personal evangelism.

January 9 has been designated a National Day of Mourning, and a funeral will be held that day in Washington for former President Carter before his burial in Plains, Georgia.  President Biden will give the eulogy for the former President.

This is an example of Sovereignty in the year for Sovereignty.  Sovereignty is the decision of God, who bestows it on whom He wishes.  It was God's Sovereign decision to appoint Jimmy Carter President of the United States.  Carter was the 39th President, where 39 is the number for dying the Sin Leading to  Death.  However, Carter did not die when he was President.  He even lived to be a hundred, which is the number maximum Divine Good production.  God also decides the time, place, and manner of death from His Sovereignty.  The caisson that carried the coffin of Former President Carter was one of two signs in Carter's Death Chart.  The signs in the heavens and the numbers don't lie.  So all this deserves an explanation.

Spiritual Meaning

God elected Jimmy Carter as the 39th President of the US for reasons that we will never fully understand.  Carter didn't die the Sin Leading to Death when he was President, but the nation was dying in the wilderness in reversionism like the congregation of Israel that Moses tried to lead into the Promised Land.  The rise and fall of nations is God's Sovereign decision, but it is based on the attitude of the people toward God.  Those who lack faith will die in the wilderness, and those who have faith will conquer the Promised Land (Heb 3:16, 17, 18-19). 

Camp DavidCarter was from Georgia, which is the state that symbolizes the land, corresponding to the Promised Land and the Client Nation.  Carter was pro-Semitic, but like immature Christians, he didn't believe Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the other Prophets.  Carter convinced the leaders of Israel and Egypt to accept the Camp David Accords.  The three, Carter, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, symbolized Cosmic, Political, and Ecumenical Babylon of Satan. 

The Accords were a strict violation of Isaiah 31:1, "Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help!"  The Accords gave away parts of the Promised Land in violation of God's Sovereign design and the Palestinian Covenant.  Furthermore, future US Presidents who weren't as smart as Carter about the Bible, adopted this flawed doctrine.  And future leaders of Israel also agreed to give away parts of the Promised Land.  That is the Sin Leading to Death.(see also Sin Unto Death). God has cursed the USA and Israel for rejecting the Abrahamic Covenant.

During the Carter administration, the rise of the women's movement and Civil Rights movement also proliferated.  Sure, these people had problems, but the solutions were from Satan.  Carter was not exclusively to blame, but he was taken in like others in the country.  In addition, inflation rose and there was an oil crisis.   Carter didn't deserve credit for the failure, but it happened on his watch, and he got the blame.

Carter didn't deserve the blame for the nation's problems, but his Spiritual Life was not mature.  He was not on the path to Spiritual Maturity.  Only the Spiritual solution could deliver the nation.  So Carter's Spiritual Life lacked power.  Yet, God picked Jimmy Carter up and made him the Sovereign President of Client Nation USA.  God richly blessed Carter.  Yet, helping the poor and downtrodden could not solve the Spiritual problem of a nation dying in the wilderness and headed for death.
  The Divine solution is the only solution.  The human solution is no solution.

Now the coffin of Former President Jimmy Carter lies in the US  Capitol, and people are saluting him and paying their respects.  Guards surround his coffin,  but a Spiritual conflict surrounds his remains.  Satan and his demons are fighting to claim him, but Michael and his Angels are defending him (Jude 1:9).

New Year's Funeral Anachronism

The arrival of Former President Jimmy Carter in Washington, DC on January 7 was an anachronism and a bad omen.  The New Year celebration is supposed to be "out with the old" and "in with the new."  Death is the end of the road, and life (birth) is the beginning.  However, Former President Carter arrived in Washington as the Sun was setting in the January cold.  Carter's trip to Washington was delayed by a snow storm that covered Washington.  In contrast Los Angeles, California was burning with the Palisades Fire, which was burning the million-dollar homes of Hollywood celebrities.  The snow and fire in Washington and California were a contrast between the cold and the hot, Heaven and Hell.  And the arrival of the wooden coffin of Carter was in stark contrast to the ash heaps of houses of the rich and famous in Los Angeles.  The Angels guarding Carter's coffin were different from the Fire Angels burning California.

The contrast of opposites began on New Year's day with the terrorist attack in New Orleans in a White Ford pickup and the soldier suicide in the exploding Tesla outside the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas.  
Matthew Livelsberger drove the Tesla truck from Colorado Springs to Las Vegas to die in a blaze of glory.  Colorado symbolizes a High Place and the Holy of Holies in the Client Nation Model, and Nevada symbolizes the garbage pit (like Hades).  Livelsberger died on New Year's morning under Satanic isolation as the symbol of death to the new.  Both Livelsberger and the ISIS terrorist convert in New Orleans were destroyed by Satan as the Prostitute of Babylon through women.  Their love lives were under the power of the Prostitute of Babylon.  The enemy was invisible, and they were helpless to fight it without Bible Doctrine.

The morning before the coffin of Former President Carter left Georgia, there was a 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Buddhist land of Tibet near the base of Mount Everest, the highest place on Earth.  The earthquake reduced building to rubble and killed over a hundred people.  The high mountains symbolize the Sovereignty of God in contrast to valleys of death.

Birth Chart

Birth ChartJimmy Carter was born at 7 AM CST on October 1, 1924, Day 275 in Plains, Georgia, which was on Central Time until 1941.  The number 24 is for strategy and Archangels, and 75 is for the Promised Land and the New Spiritual Life.  Both 24 and 75 are Sovereign provisions of God.

The Birth Chart of Carter contains a Kite, a Plow, and a Catwalk.  The Kite is for the blessing of the cross.  The Plow is for intense suffering, like being plowed under.  And the Catwalk is a bridge across a chasm or gulf.  The Kite turned on the Mediator Planet in Aquarius, for an ambassador, teacher, or boatman.  Carter was all three.  The Plow pointed to the Almighty God Planet in Scorpius, for the victory of the cross over Satan.  This happened when Carter miraculously recovered from Cancer with the help of immunotherapy at age 90.  The cancer was from Satan, but it could have also been from
the Four Generation Curse, since some of his ancestors died of cancer.  However, Carter was also exposed to high levels of radiation earlier in his Naval career. 

The Catwalk was between Aquarius and Leo.  Aquarius has the Mediator Planet for Carter's success as an ambassador, teacher, and naval officer.  It also has the Red Planet for Carter's failure in Ecumenical Babylon, including the Camp David Accords, which was Satanic.  Leo is associated with Carter's service as Sovereign President of the US.  Leo contains the conjunction of the Redeemer Planet and the Morning Star on the cusp of Cancer.
1.  Redeemer Planet - Captives, Government redeemer - Iranian terrorists took Americans hostage; also Carter used his government power as a peace maker, won the Nobel Peace Prize, and tried to help the downtrodden.
2.  Morning Star - Harvester and Sovereign; Carter harvested peanuts and the souls of men through personal evangelism, and he became the Sovereign US President.
The Sun sign was Virgo with the Sun near the Ascendant, for a bridegroom.  Carter considered his wife the greatest blessing in his life (not withstanding his Spiritual blessings).  The Moon was about to rise in Libra, for an election.  Carter was elected President of the USA.  Also in Libra was the God of the Covenants, for an inheritance of the riches of glory, corresponding to God's escrow blessings for Former President Carter.

Aries was on the Descendant, corresponding to Egypt, which is a type of the world.

Midheaven was in Cancer on the cusp of Gemini, where Cancer is associated with captives and a government redeemer and Gemini with the Last Adam planet is associated with family.  Family includes Spiritual family.

Death Chart

DeathThe Death Chart of Former President Jimmy Carter is taken to be 3 PM EST (2000 GMT).  The Chart contains a Wagon and a Plow.  The Wagon corresponds to the caisson that carried Carter's coffin.  The Plow is a sign of suffering, like being plowed under.  The Plow points to the God of the Covenants planet in Aquarius, which symbolizes the Noahic Covenant.  The Noahic Covenant followed Satan's attack on Marriage that led to the Flood.

The Red Planet is in Cancer, for weakened health.  Carter was frail from sickness.  He was under hospice care since February 2023.  The Bottom of Heaven was nearby, for death.

The Mediator Planet was rising from the Ascendant in Aries, for Christ, the High Priest of the Church,  the Sovereign over the Spiritual World.

The Savior Planet was near the Descendant in Scorpius, for a Satanic attack on life.  Satan has the power of death with God's permission.  Satan was waiting to claim Carter, but Michael was there to protect him.

It was near the New Moon in Sagittarius, for an Angelic Army to escort Carter to Heaven, and a regular army to escort his body to the grave.


The meaning of the year 2025 is Sovereignty.  Last year, 2024, was for strategy and Archangels.  Satan's strategy is to destroy Israel to prevent fulfillment of the unconditional covenants to Israel.  God promised Israel a land with national boundaries.  That land will be delivered in the Millennium per the Palestinian Covenant.  To help us understand the meaning of God's Sovereignty this year, Former President, Jimmy Carter, has been brought to Washington, DC for his funeral.

The coffin of Former President Carter arrived in Washington on a caisson on January 7.  God determines the time, place, and manner of death in His Sovereignty.  Carter died at the end of last year on December 29.  A National Day of Mourning has been declared for January 9 for Carter's funeral.  Carter was a Christian.  He is now in Heaven in a Spiritual body, but his old Temporal body is lying in state in the US Capitol rotunda.  His coffin is surrounded by military guards and by Angels and demons, who are contending over his body as to who will claim it - God or Satan.

What is God trying to teach us about Sovereignty by bringing up Jimmy Carter at the beginning of the year?  To begin the New Year with the funeral of a former Sovereign head of state is not a good sign.  God obviously picked Carter in His Sovereign Design and made him President.  Carter was elected Governor of Georgia, but he was mostly unknown in national politics until the Iowa Caucus.  The Angels of God introduced Carter to the people and gave him rapport with them.  He was a southerner, who won the South and most of the Eastern US to become the 39th President.  But who would want to be the 39th President, since 39 is for the Sin Leading to Death?

Carter didn't die in office as President, however.  The people in the nation were dying in the wilderness and headed for the Sin Leading to Death.  The same thing happened to Moses and the Exodus Generation and to Isaiah and Jeremiah and the kings of Israel and Judah.  The Sovereign leader of the nation does not determine the rise and fall of the nation. Moses was a great leader, but the Exodus Generation died the Sin Leading to Death in the Wilderness without entering the Promised Land.  See Sin Unto Death and Hebrews 3 and 4 (e.g., Heb 3:8-11).

If Moses could not deliver the Exodus Generation, President Carter certainly could not deliver the USA.  The Christian who loves his country will hear and obey the Word of the Lord.  Christians with Bible Doctrine are the salt of the land (Matt 5:13) - not the politicians in Washington.  There is no indication that Carter ever advanced to Spiritual Maturity in spite of drawing big crowds for Sunday School.  Yet God blessed Jimmy Carter in many marvelous ways.  As noted in his Birth Chart the sign of the God of the Covenants in Libra indicates Escrow Blessings of the riches of glory that God bestows on Church Age Believers (ref. Eph. 1:18, 19).

In spite of Carter's good intentions inflation rose and there was an energy crisis.  Dependence on foreign oil left the US vulnerable to high prices for oil that resulted in long lines for gasoline and lack of fuel for electric generators that left people with inadequate heating and cooling.  The politicians blamed it all on Carter, and he was soundly defeated in the next election by Reagan.

Former President Carter was from Georgia, which symbolizes the land in the Client Nation Model.  The land corresponds to the Promised Land and the land of Israel.  Carter was pro-Semitic and got along well with the leaders of Israel.  He therefore, qualified for blessing under the Abrahamic Covenant (Gen 12:3).  However, some of his policies, such as the Camp David Accords, were not in Israel's best interests according to the Bible.    


1.  Larry Wood, "Sovereignty" Sept. 11, 2001, Dec. 11, 2024.
"Jimmy Carter funeral LIVE: Former president honored in Washington, D.C.," AP Live, YouTube, Jan. 7, 2025.
"Camp David Accords," Wikipedia, Jan. 1, 2025.
"Presidency of Jimmy Carter" Wikipedia, Jan. 4, 2025.
"Carter to Arrive in Washington on Tuesday for a Pomp-Filled Farewell" DNYUZ, Jan. 7, 2025.

Released January 8, 2025

Author:  Larry Wood