October 14 (Day 287, Donkey): Spiritual fatigue is spiritual weakness
caused by attacks from Satan and his demons. Spiritual
fatigue is one of the problems in the Spiritual World. When
a person falls into the Cosmic System, demon influence on the
Spiritual Body disrupts Capacity for Life and interferes with
normal soul (psychological) and physical function.
Spiritual fatigue causes people to be weak, enervated,
anxious, and without endurance. This can lead to mental and
physical infirmities. For example, the sinus problems and
fatigue associated with a virus like the common cold or COVID-19
are not simply physical but are exacerbated by demons in the
Spiritual World. The strange symptoms such as problems with
taste, smell, weakness, fatigue, depression, and anxiety are all
signs of demon influence. Almost all infirmities are
associated with demon influence from the Cosmic System. Even
though God starts Divine Punishment, Satan and his demons quickly
spot the weakened individual and attack. The Doctrine of
Spiritual Fatigue is short and simple but one of the most
important doctrines of the Spiritual World.
Doctrine of the
Spiritual World
October 21 (Day 294, Footstool): The Spiritual World is the domain of
God, angels, and demons in contrast to the Temporal World of
creation and time. The realm of God and spirits is a completely
new perspective. It's not just a paradigm shift, but a
whole new world. It is a foreign subject to the writers of
theology, who with few exceptions are not even
filled with the Holy Spirit. The
Spiritual World is the realm of spirits that are making things
happen. God controls creation, and the angels and demons manage
it. They run the lives of people, who are usually
clueless. They drive human history per the Plan of God and
manage all relationships whether romantic or antagonistic.
Angels and demons are running the show for God and people are
the dupes. Understanding the Spiritual World is a new
level of spirituality and revelation. It is truly the
thinking required for Spiritual Rapport with God. The Doctrine of the
Spiritual World is a brief summary of the Spiritual World.