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Hurricane Beryl, Storm of the Ages that Died and Rose the Third Day

Linked to Satan's Fall, Extinction of Dinosaurs, the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Sign of Jonah


Hurricane Beryl
Spiritual Meaning

Hurricane Beryl

July 5, 2024 (Day 187):  Hurricane Beryl was one of the very great storms of history.  Everything about it was awesome.  It followed a Divine Plan that inspired men and angels.  It conveyed the noble simplicity of Creation, the hidden agenda of God, and tied geology to the revelation of history of the ages.  It revealed Good and evil, Heaven and Hell, the despair of catastrophe and the contentment of tranquility.  It revealed Satan's sin, and its impact on Creation and God's solution in the Gospel, the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.  And it contrasted the loving Right Woman to the rebellious female.

Hurricane BerylBeryl is a feminine name corresponding to the leek-green gemstone (Hebrew shoham, Ex 28:20) that symbolized the Tribe of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) in Israel.5  From the time Beryl formed in the Atlantic, it headed straight toward the Yucatan peninsula, and the hurricane models soon came to that conclusion.  This happened per  the meaning of the year 2024, for Archangels and strategy.  Unfortunately, a small island, Carriacou, was in Beryl's strategic path.3,4 

Carriacou is in the Windward Islands of Grenada (Grenadines).  Grenada is the Moorish name of a city in Spain.  There is evidence that the etymology of the name means pomegranate, from its reddish color.  The word, grenade, came to be used for a fragmentation munition packed with gunpowder.  Thus, it was reasonable to name a kingdom of small islands, Grenada.  Carriacou is one of those islands.  It is only 7 miles long and 2 miles wide. 

GuineaThe cocked neck on the image of the hurricane corresponds to the guinea fowl.  The male can strut like a rooster, and the female is monogamous except in mating season when she takes on multiple partners as the sign of an adulteress.

The asteroid that struck the region of the Yucatan 66 million years ago was only 6 miles in diameter.  It exploded with such force that it set the world on fire which blocked Sunlight with sulfur and soot and resulted in a decade of winter that killed the dinosaurs and 75% of all life.1  The location of the asteroid crater is at the bottom of the ocean under the town of Chicxulub Pueblo on the Yucatan northeast coast.  Incidentally, the Mayan name Chicxulub means "the tail of the devil."6  The asteroid struck the Earth as a sign of Satan's fall (Isa 14:12).  Satan as the chief angel was over life on the Earth, and Satan's sin resulted in God's Judgment of the life forms that he watched over.  Satan's sin was arrogant ambition.  He wanted to rule in the place of the Lord Jesus Christ (Isa 14:13, 14).

Creation EarthSatan sinned by rejecting God's Plan for his life.  Consequently, God brought Satan to trial.  Prehistoric man was created to be witnesses in the trial.  Satan and the angels who followed him were found guilty and sentenced to the Lake of Fire (Matt 25:41; Rev 20:10).  However, before the sentence could be executed, Satan appealed the decision and God granted the appeal.  The new species of modern man (Adam) was created to be a witness in the Appeal Trial. Then Eve and her descendants became additional witnesses.  Modern man had a human spirit and lived on the Earth along with prehistoric homo sapiens until prehistoric man became extinct. When modern man sinned, the Lord Jesus Christ became a man and paid for their sins on the cross.  That was the Divine solution to the problem of sin in the human race.

Trumpeter SwanThe corner of the Yucatan corresponds to the trumpeter swan on the water.  The swan in flight makes the sign of the cross and is symbolized by the constellation Cygnus in the Star Gospel.  Thus, hurricane Beryl's destination of the Yucatan was a sign of Jesus Christ paying for the sins of the world on the cross.

Hurricane BerylBeryl ran over the small island of Carriacou on the way to the Yucatan.  At the time Beryl had a 16 nautical mile eye and could not make landfall on the 6-mile long island (ref. CNN animation7).  Beryl was listed as a Category 4 hurricane at the time.  It took the roofs off most buildings on Carriacou and destroyed many others.  Surrounding islands of the Grenadines were heavily damaged, and boats sank in Barbados.  This symbolized the explosion of a grenade, corresponding to the explosion produced by the asteroid that struck the Yucatan 66 million years ago and destroyed 75% of life on Earth.

The island of Carriacou and the Grenadines of the Windward Islands symbolize the tail of the Beast of Revelation.  The islands of the Caribbean form the geographical configuration of the Beast rising from the sea (Rev 13:1).  The Beast symbolizes Satan as the Antichrist and the Evil King.  Satan as the Evil King sent Jesus Christ to the cross.

After crossing the Windward Islands Hurricane Beryl was soon upgraded to a Category 5 Hurricane.  It had a symmetrical appearance with a round, clear eye.  An eye symbolizes Grace, but a hurricane is cursing for rejecting Grace.  A hurricane symbolizes rejection of the Grace message of the pastor by the congregation like the rebellious female who rejects the authority of her Right Man (husband).

TrackAfter crossing Carriacou on July 1 shortly after 11 AM EDT, Beryl continued to strengthen and was upgraded for a short time to Category 5.  Then it weakened and passed south of Cuba and south of Kingston, Jamaica.  The eye was near the southern coast of Jamaica, but it never came ashore.  Thus, Jamaica escaped the brunt of the storm.

As Beryl continued toward the Yucatan, it passed south of Grand Cayman, and was weakened by shear.  It reached the Yucatan as a minimal hurricane.  It made landfall near Tulum and the island of Cozumel on July 5, 2024 beginning about 0949 GMT with the eye completely open to the South.  The tourists, expecting a major hurricane, had already gone.  After making landfall, Beryl quickly weakened to a Tropical Storm and then essentially fell apart.  Pictures of landfall of Beryl from radar and satellite are shown.


AngelAs Tropical Storm Beryl moved across the Yucatan, the satellite image revealed an Angel bowing down in homage to the death of Jesus Christ on the cross.  As the Tropical Storm moved across the Yucatan toward
Chicxulub Pueblo, the town over the crater, the storm weakened more and fell apart, signifying the death of Jesus Christ after He had finished paying for the sins of the whole world.  This was the price of Satan's sin transmitted into the human race.

The remnants of Tropical Storm Beryl crossed the Yucatan and moved into the Gulf of Mexico approximately 2130 GMT on July 5.  It was in the Gulf of Mexico for three days and three nights July 6-8.  The storm soon regained Tropical Storm force in the Gulf.  On July 6 the Angel of Beryl appeared as a man with outstretched left arm.  The round head of the image is Beryl and the body of the image is the surrounding cloud formations.  The image was formed by a Weather Angel, likely the Weather Archangel.  The image symbolizes an Angel and a man.  The man is Jonah and also Jesus Christ (Matt 12:40; Jonah 1:17).

The image on the left is from a satellite that detects atmospheric dust. In the Gulf Beryl was surrounded by dry air and southwesterly  wind shear.  The dry air produced what appeared to be halos around the head of the  image.  The image on the left symbolizes a dead body - "dust to dust" (Gen 3:19; Job 10:9; Ps 90:3; Eccl 3:20).  The picture on the right was taken an hour later by an infrared satellite.  It shows a dead man, face down.  The man is Jesus Christ in his death.

Jesus Death

On July 7 Beryl had moved northwest and appeared off the coast of Texas as a man pleading.  The left image below represents Jonah thrown overboard into the sea.  The image of Beryl on the right below shows the gaunt face of a dead man.  It symbolizes Jonah in the maw of the whale.

Jonah in Sea Jonah in Whale

The image of a whale appeared near the Texas coast at 1100 GMT (0600 CDT) through 1331 GMT (0831 GMT).

Beryl Whale
Beryl Whale

Houson FloodingBeryl regained minimal hurricane strength just before landfall at Matagorda Bay, Texas.  It had a ragged eye wall open on the South.  The eye expanded as the storm moved over land, and the storm quickly weakened to Tropical Storm force.  However, there were some strong gusts of 98 mph recorded and a tornado. 

The left image below shows Beryl at landfall, and the right image shows Beryl as it moved North by Houston.  Houston was on the East side of  the storm - the messy side.  The eastern eye wall and strong feeder bands lashed Houston with strong wind and heavy rain from the slow-moving storm.  The rain of 7 inches all over the Houston area coupled with the storm surge that blocked water from running off produced a typical Houston flood.  The winds were strong enough to uproot some trees, and five people were killed by falling trees.  However, the bigger problem was loss of electrical power from tree limbs.  Millions of people had to suffer through the summer heat long after the storm was gone.

Beryl Landfall
Beryl Houston

Angel AscendingAs the remnants of Tropical Storm Beryl exited Texas to the North, it appeared as an Angel ascending, corresponding to the Ascension of Christ to Heaven (Acts 1:9, 10, 11).  As the remnants of Beryl moved through Arkansas, Missouri, and the Great Lakes, it appeared in the clouds as a horse.


The weather is produced by Weather Archangels per the Plan of God as the backdrop for human history.  A crisis in history is accompanied by significant events in the weather.  Hurricane Beryl occurred in relation to a significant event in the Angelic Conflict 66 million years ago when an asteroid exploded in the Yucatan region and destroyed the dinosaurs and 75% of all life on the Earth.  The historical events at the time of Hurricane Beryl were also quite significant.  Two major events shook up the US Presidential race, the Presidential debate debacle of June 27 and the US Supreme Court ruling on Presidential  immunity.


6-27 US Presidential debate debacle
6-28 Tropical Storm Beryl named
6-29 (181) Hurricane Beryl
6-30 Beryl intensifies; 10 NM eye
7-1 Beryl overran Carriacou Island; US Supreme Court Presidential Immunity ruling
7-3 Beryl off S. coast of  Jamaica
7-4 Beryl S. of Grand Cayman
7-5 Beryl landfall Yucatan
7-6 Beryl, landmark hurricane, a ghost in the Gulf 3 days and 3 nights.
7-8 Beryl landfall Texas; floods Houston; ascends into the clouds.
7-9 Suffering after Beryl and after Presidential debate.

Spiritual Meaning

Hurricane Beryl in 2024 AD symbolized the fall of Satan and God's redemption solution for the ages.  The wages of sin is death, and the redemption solution required the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Satan was the highest ranking angel.  He was overseer of the Throne Room (Control Room) in Heaven (Ezek 28:14), but he sinned and rebelled against God (Ezek 28:15ff).  He rejected God's Plan for his life.  He wanted to rule in the place of the Angel of the Lord, the preincarnate Christ (Isa 14:14).  Consequently, he was cast out of Heaven to the Earth along with one-third of the angels (Isa 14:12; Ezek 28:16, 17; Rev 12:4).  There was war in Heaven between the Angels of God and Satan and his demons (Rev 12:7).  Satan was tried in the Supreme Court of Heaven,  found guilty, and sentenced to the Lake of Fire (Isa 14:15; Ezek 28:18; Matt 25:41; Rev 20:10).

Satan's fall was symbolized by an asteroid that struck the Yucatan region 66 million years ago.  The asteroid, which was about 6 miles wide, became a fireball that exploded, set the world on fire, and made a crater over 112 miles in diameter.  The dinosaurs were killed along with 75% of life on the Earth.  The vegetation and animals were contaminated by the sin of Satan, who ruled over them.

Satan's trial required the creation of witnesses.  The Homo Sapiens species of prehistoric man was created as witnesses.  Satan was found guilty and sentenced to the Lake of Fire along with his demons, but Satan appealed the decision, and God granted the appeal.  Modern  man (Adam) with a body, soul, and spirit was created as a witness.  After Adam sinned additional witnesses were procreated from Adam and Eve.  During the long appeal trial, prehistoric man died out.

Adam's wife sinned after Satan tempted her.  She was completely deceived.  It was like Hurricane Beryl at Category 4 overrunning Carriacou Island.  Adam willfully sinned, knowing what he was doing.  Therefore, the sins of the human race are passed down through the males from Adam. 

God's redemption solution for mankind left under sin from Satan required the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the  cross to redeem mankind from the wages of sin.  When Jesus Christ died on the cross, God imputed the sins of mankind to Jesus Christ and judged them.  Jesus Christ took the sins of the world upon Himself and died spiritually as a substitute for mankind.  The door of Salvation was open to all who would believe in Christ.  Those who rejected the free gift of Salvation would remain under condemnation to Hades.

Hurricane Beryl's landfall on the Yucatan symbolized the Crucifixion of Christ.  The Yucatan is shaped at a vertical right angle, like a corner, corresponding to a Trumpeter Swan swimming.  The swan in flight symbolizes the cross, corresponding to the Constellation Cygnus.

After the death of Christ, He was buried in a tomb.  His physical body spent three days and three nights in the tomb before He was resurrected with a new body.  This corresponded to the story of Jonah, who spent three days and three nights in the maw of a whale before he was puked up and resuscitated (Jonah 1:17; Matt 12:40). 
After Hurricane Beryl struck the Yucatan, its remnants emerged over the Gulf of Mexico, and it appeared with the body of a man like Jonah and a ghostly face like Jonah in the maw of the whale.

Beryl regained minimal hurricane strength and came ashore in Texas after three days and three nights in the Gulf.  It moved North with Houston on its right, the messy side.  Houston got 7 inches of rain.  The storm surge prevented the water from draining into the Gulf, and the city was flooded.  The streams of water in the streets symbolized Baal and the Prostitute of Babylon sitting on many waters (Prov 5:16; Rev 17:1ff).
  Hurricane Beryl streaming across the Caribbean Sea also symbolized the Prostitute of Babylon sitting on many waters.  Satan as the Evil King sent Jesus Christ to the cross as symbolized by the Yucatan, and Satan as the Prostitute of Babylon attacked the Church in Houston.

As a weakened Tropical Storm Beryl moved over northeastern Texas, the likeness of another angel appeared in it as it was absorbed into the clouds, symbolizing the Ascension of Christ
to Heaven (Acts 1:9, 10, 11).  The remnants of Beryl were in the clouds that moved into the Great Lakes, the northeastern states, and out over the Atlantic. Even though the storm was gone, the people of Houston continued to suffer in the summer heat without electrical power.  The suffering was Divine punishment for the attack of Baal and the Prostitute of Babylon upon Marriage and the Church. 


Hurricane Beryl in 2024 AD was one for the ages.  It was associated with the asteroid that hit the Yucatan region 66 million years ago and killed the dinosaurs and 75% of life forms on the Earth.  The asteroid symbolized Satan's fall from Heaven after he sinned by rejecting God's Plan for  his life and seeking to rule over Creation in the place of the Angel of the Lord, the preincarnate Lord Jesus Christ.  The redemption solution to Satan's sin required the creation of prehistoric man, then modern man, Adam, Eve and their descendants, as witnesses to condemn Satan and demonstrate the Righteousness of God.

God's redemption solution after Satan's sin was illustrated by Hurricane Beryl heading straight across the Caribbean Sea for the Yucatan.  The geography of the Caribbean symbolized the beast (Satan, the Evil King) rising from the sea (Rev. 13:1), and Hurricane Beryl symbolized the Prostitute of Babylon sitting on many waters.  The Yucatan symbolized the cross.  Satan sent Jesus Christ to the cross, and God imputed to Jesus Christ the sins of the world and judged them.  That provided the redemption solution for all who would accept the work of Christ as a substitute for their sins.  The door of Salvation is open to all who will believe in Christ.  Those who do not believe will remain under condemnation to the Lake of Fire prepared for Satan and his demons.

Hurricane Beryl hit the Yucatan and died like Jesus Christ on the cross.  The remnants of Beryl reformed in the Gulf of Mexico and spent three days and three nights there just as the body of Jesus spent three days and three nights in the tomb, like Jonah in the maw of the whale.  Hurricane Beryl revived to minimal hurricane strength and made landfall in Texas as a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ after three days and nights.  Beryl moved by Houston and flooded the city.  The streams of water in the streets symbolized Baal and the Prostitute of Babylon, who tempt people to reject Marriage Culture.  God creates a Right Woman for a Right Man, but when they are under the power  of Satan, they reject God's New Spiritual Life and become slaves to Satan, who rejected God's Plan for his life.  Houston was a large and prosperous city, but Tropical Storm Beryl left it without electrical power in the summer heat.  Every limb that fell can be attributed to the Weather Angel.

The remnants of Beryl continued North from Houston and ascended into the clouds above simulating the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ in Resurrection body to Heaven.

There was a Divine pattern in Hurricane Beryl that went back 66 million years, 64 million years before any people existed on the Earth.  We could see God's Plan for the ages of mankind on the Earth, but we are clueless about what the angels must have learned about the 64 million years before man from the production of Hurricane Beryl in human history.

Salvation is free.  It is received through faith in Jesus Christ, who paid for the sins of the world.  "Believe on the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved" (Acts 16:31).  There is Salvation in no other name under Heaven (Acts 4:12).


1.  Jake Parks, "Asteroid dust found at Chicxulub Crater confirms cause of dinosaurs’ extinction" Astronomy, Nov. 21, 2023.
"Grenade," Online Etymology Dictionary, Douglas Harper, 2001-2024.
3.  "Carriacou: “Land of Reefs” or “Land of Ramiers”?," Heritage Research Group, May 3, 2020.
"Carriacou," Wikipedia, July 7, 2024.
5.  Larry Wood,
"Our Native Land," Dec. 18, 2011.
"Chicxulub Crater," Wikipedia, Nov. 23, 2007 (old version of page).
7.  Mary Gilbert, Elizabeth Wolfe
, "Beryl strengthens into the earliest Category 5 Atlantic hurricane on record after devastating Windward Islands," CNN, July 1, 2024.
Charly Edsitty, "Driver pulled out to safety after getting stuck in high water on West Little York," ABC13 KTRK, Houston, TX, July 8, 2024.
"Guineafowl," Wikipedia, July 8, 2024.

Released July 13, 2024

Author:  Larry Wood