The Archangels of
the Iowa Caucus
The Archangels of the
Iowa Caucus
Spiritual Meaning
Cottonwood Tornado and Iowa Caucus Charts
The Archangels of
the Iowa Caucus
January 15, 2024 (Day 15): Former President Donald Trump won
the Iowa Caucus for the Republican nomination for President by a
landslide. The caucus on January 15, 2024 was called after
only 31 minutes by the Associated Press (AP). Trump got
51% of the votes. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis got 21%,
and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley received 19%. The
caucus began at 7 PM CST (0100 GMT) in the cold of the dead of
winter with temperatures around -6 degrees Fahrenheit.
When President Trump arrived at his hotel, he remarked that the
weather was "brutal."
The weather was a gift of the Weather Archangel, who played a
key role in heralding the caucus. Only a few hours before
two tornadoes crossed Interstate 95 in
Florida in the two counties North of former President Trump's
Mar-a-Lago Palm Beach estate. The Weather Angels left
calling cards to identify the tornadoes as heralds of the Iowa
Caucus. Earlier, on January 9, 2024 a huge winter storm spawned
tornadoes in Florida, Alabama, Georgia, South and North
Carolina. A tornado began in Graceville, Florida, crossed the state line
into Alabama, and killed an 81-year-old woman named Paschal in Cottonwood, Alabama. Paschal means
Passover, and 81 is for a Grace counterattack of Jezebel.
The Archangel of Death did not pass over her house
trailer. The Astrological Charts of the Cottonwood tornado
and the Iowa Caucus contain Bowls that are mirror images of each other on the
Spiritual and Temporal sides of the charts. The Florida
tornadoes on the day of the Iowa Caucus were in counties
with numbers that were mirror images of each other.
SPC Storm Reports for Jan. 9 and Jan. 15,
Former President Trump
received 51% of the vote in Iowa, where 51 is for
arrogance. Whose arrogance? Everyone is
arrogant. People were out to stop Trump both inside the
Republican Party and outside. The never-Trumpers are
out to stop him by any means possible, including using the
courts. Trump was the victim of Iconoclastic
Arrogance, in which people create an image of worship, and
then turn on it when they discover its feet of clay in order to
destroy the image they have created. Satan is behind
Iconoclastic Arrogance. So, to attribute the arrogance to
Trump would result in slavery to the devil.
Spiritual Meaning
The Trump victory in the Iowa
Caucus was due to the Archangels as a demonstration of the meaning of the year
2024, for Archangels and strategy. The Weather
Archangel provided the cold, winter weather in Iowa, for the
state that wanted to be first in the US Presidential race.
A huge storm in the Eastern US on January 9, 2024 provided clues
of what was coming. A tornado began in Graceville,
Florida, crossed the state line, and killed Charlotte Paschal,
81, in Cottonwood, AL. That day Trump lawyers were arguing
his case for Presidential immunity before the US Court of
Appeals in Washington, DC. Presidents have the highest
executive authority in the country per the Constitution.
They cannot be prosecuted for their actions in office.
They can only be impeached and removed from office by
Congress. Yet Trump is being charged with all kinds
of crimes, and the courts don't seem to understand.
So, what does this have to do with the Cottonwood tornado.
Alabama is in the region of Pisces (Levi), corresponding to Law
Enforcement associated with the state (such as state police or
highway patrol). The three judges of the Appeals Court had
no jurisdiction over former President Trump for his actions
while President. The judges (three in parallel) symbolized
the counterattack of Cosmic, Political, and Ecumenical
Babylon. They were outside their authority and outside the
Grace of God. The tornado produced by the Weather Angel
began in Graceville as a sign of Grace, but it crossed into
Alabama in the region of Pisces (Levi) for the Criminal Justice
System. In Alabama the tornado that destroyed Cottonwood
singled out the woman in the trailer about four miles out
of town, rolled her trailer, and killed her. She was 81,
for a Grace counterattack of Jezebel. Shocking though it
may be, this woman had ties to the service of the nation
associated with the Appeals Court hearing Trump's appeal.
The woman was Charlotte Paschal, where Paschal means
Passover. The Archangel of Death did not pass over her
trailer. She was not protected by the Blood of
Christ. She died in the wilderness, and her trailer was
made an ash heap. The Birth Chart of Charlotte Paschal
contains a Wagon, for the trailer in which she died on January
9, where 9 is for the Plagues of Egypt.
On January 15 before the Iowa Caucus started, the cold front
that froze Iowa was coming through Florida. Two tornadoes
were spawned that crossed Interstate 95, which is a strategic
highway linking Florida to the northern states. The number
95 is for a hero, or winner, symbolizing Trump's strategic
victory in Iowa. Three of the counties in which I-95 runs up Florida's
East coast are Palm Beach (bottom) (home of Mar-a-Lago), Martin (middle), and St. Lucie (top). The first tornado
crossed I-95 in Martin County #42 at 4:44 pm EST. The
second torndo hit a few miles North in St. Lucie County #24 at
5:37 pm EST. Note the county numbers 42, for Baal, and 24,
for Archangels and strategy. The numbers 42 and 24
symbolize the beginning and end of a sequence. The
sequence corresponds to running the course of a race track, or
completing the course. The Weather Angel did this to get
our attention.
The two Florida tornadoes were heralds of the Iowa Caucus,which
would begin at 7 pm CST about 3 hours later. The two
tornadoes both crossed I-95, the strategic highway, symbolizing
attacks seeking to cut off Trump's race for President. The
first tornado symbolized Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and the
second tornado symbolized Nikki Haley. These were Satanic
counterattacks opposing Trump, who was protected by a Guardian
Archangel (Watcher).
The Astrological Charts of the Cottonwood tornado and the Iowa
Caucus both contain Bowls that are mirror images of each other
on the Spiritual and Temporal sides of the charts.
This corresponds to the mirror images of the Florida
county numbers where the tornadoes struck. What begins on
the Spiritual side of the chart is fulfilled on the Temporal
side. Thus, the storm of January 9 was a herald of the
storm of January 15 (Iowa Caucus). The January 9 storm was
associated with the Presidential authority of Trump, and the
Iowa Caucus was the fulfillment of that authority in the
Temporal World by winning the Iowa Caucus for President.
Former President Trump had 51% of the vote in Iowa, where 51 is
for arrogance. Arrogance is something the Guardian
Archangel will have to handle. Here it is taken to mean
that Trump was the victim of Iconoclastic Arrogance, in which
the iconoclasts were trying to destroy his image. This is
like the curse of Ishmael in which everyone's hand is against
him, and his hand is against everyone (ref. Gen. 16:12).
Former President Trump
had support from most demographic groups, who shared his
establishment values. He had Spiritual support from the
evangelicals, who prayed for him. The secular groups
wished for his success, and the evangelicals prayed. This
indicates the presence of the Prayer Archangel. From the
illustration of Client Nation USA, Iowa is in the region of the
Merarites, who were the metallurgists for the Tabernacle.
They built the Brazen Altar and made the pots, pans, and
censers. Coals from the Brazen Altar were used in the
censers to burn incense,which symbolized the prayer life.
The Prayer Archangel adds incense and prays with the people on
Earth before the Father.
The Diaspora Archangel was also active during the Iowa
Caucus. He and his staff gathered the voters, brought them
to the meeting places in the cold, and influenced them to vote
for Trump according to the Will of God. The people still
had their volition, but they were already in spiritual harmony
with the Angels. Trump was also brought in by the Diaspora
Archangel. Everyone knows Trump is no angel, but, like Nebuchadnezzar
and Jehu,
he was raised up for the life that God prepared for him.
and Iowa Caucus Charts

Cottonwood Tornado

Iowa Caucus
The charts for the Cottonwood, Alabama tornado of January 9,
2024 and the Iowa Caucus of January 15, 2024 are mirror images
of each other. A Bowl in the Cottonwood chart is on the
Spiritual side of the chart, and the Bowl in the chart of the
Iowa Caucus is on the Temporal side. The Cottonwood chart
dealt with the Spiritual issues of the Presidential authority of
former President Trump, and the Iowa Caucus chart dealt with the
Temporal result of Trump winning the Iowa Caucus on the
strategic path to become President.
The story of the Iowa Caucus of 2024 illustrates the
meaning of the year 2024, for Archangels and strategy. The
angels are invisible, but they leave their calling cards behind to
make us aware of their presence. The demons are always
seeking attention, but the Elect Angels do their jobs without
fanfare. However, their presence can often be deduced during
significant events in human history. All of the angels work
together under the Archangels to accomplish the Will of God.
The weather, people, and the stars above all move in harmony with
God's Plan for human history. The Spiritual perspective is
in a different world from the Temporal perspective. We are
all brainwashed by Temporal, worldly beliefs, and it is nearly
impossible to even imagine the magnificence of the Spiritual
It is doubtful that the people in Graceville, Florida and
Cottonwood, Alabama realized that Angelic celebrities came to
visit them on January 9, 2024. They were, nevertheless, part
of a major operation in US history. There was war between
the Elect Angels and Satan and his demons over the future of
Client Nation USA, which has suffered greatly from Satan's attack
on the Church that has left the nation without the salt of the
land. Because the salt from the Church is gone, Satan has
taken over government institutions, schools, businesses, and
marriages. Satan is the enemy, and the Angels of God are
calling on Christians to stand against the forces of evil.
We're not in the Millennium but in the heat of battle and often
confused about the war that rages around us.
The people of Iowa turned out in the dead of Winter to fulfill
their patriotic duty to vote for the Republican Presidential
nominee. Yet the election was called in 31 minutes before
very few had even cast their vote. They were clueless that
God and His Angels rule over the government of the USA. The
name of the next President is already written in the records of
Heaven along with the Divine Plan for every human life. We
will be what God created us to be. We can accept it and
learn about the wonder of it all, or we can serve the devil and
die in the wilderness. This isn't Heaven, but it is
nevertheless the awesome creation of God with myriads of Angels
that is miraculous beyond belief. History is woven together
by the Angels; yet, God has given us significant roles to play in
his magnificent Plan for our lives.

1. Steve Peoples,
Thomas Beaumont, Hannah Fingerhut, "Trump notches a commanding win in the Iowa
caucuses as DeSantis edges Haley for second place" AP, Jan.
16, 2024.
2. "Surprise Tornado Strikes Near I-95 In Florida,"
Weather Channel, Jan. 17, 2024.
3. Caroline Linton, "Iowa caucus 2024 results and highlights: Key
updates from the Trump victory," CBS News, Jan. 17, 2024.
4. "Charlotte Elizabeth Paschal," Obituary, Sunset
Memorial Park, Jan. 15, 2024.
5. Robert Smith, "Family members reflect on the life of Cottonwood
woman killed in apparent tornado; hopes for tighter regulations
on mobile homes," WDHN, ABC News, Jan. 10, 2024.
6. SPC Storm Reports: Jan. 9, 2024; Jan. 15, 2024.
7. Larry Wood, "The
Meaning of the Year 2024 - Archangels, Strategy",
Jan. 1, 2024.
Released Jan. 18, 2024