2024 Total
Solar Eclipse Surrounded by Sun Halo
Before and After Eclipse
Solar Eclipse Sun Haloes

Tony and Bev, Ocala, FL via WKMG

Maria Vrenko, Cleveland, OH via Fox
2024 Total
Solar Eclipse Surrounded by Sun Halo
Spiritual Meaning
Eclipse Charts
2024 Total Solar Eclipse Surrounded by Sun
April 8, 2024 (Day
99): The Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 was
surrounded before and after by Sun Haloes. The Sun Halo
was clearly visible in Cleveland, Ohio amd Ocala, Florida and
partially visible in Titusville, Florida. The light
cloud cover over much of the US likely produced other
Sun Haloes. A Sun Halo symbolizes the New Covenant
to the Church, which was purchased by the Blood
of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ predicted His
substitutionary death for the sins of the world before He went
to the cross and instituted the Eucharist to remember it (Matt
26:27, 28, Lk 22:19).
Thousands of people traveled from all over the country to get
into the path of totality and witness the eclipse. Many
places were covered with clouds, and other
places had a thin haze that produced a Sun Halo. Even
outside the path of totality, the eclipse was visible with the
naked eye (for Sun gazers) or telescopes with filters.
False teachers were everywhere and their flocks gathered round
in their goofy eclipse glasses.
The eclipse came over the islands of the "Three Mary's,"
making landfall in Mexico before crossing into Texas and the
United States. The path of the eclipse crossed the continental
United States. The "Three Mary's" (Las Tres Marķas)
were named for the three Mary's who watched the
Crucifixion of Christ (Jn 19:25). Watching a
crucifixion was a terrible experience. The
three Mary's endured it because they loved the
Lord. They witnessed the most awful event in
human history. They were sustained by their
Guardian Angels. Satan was also there along
with unbelievers that he brought to witness
the death of Christ. No one knew how bad it
would really be when God the Father poured out the
sins of the world on Jesus and Judged them.
Our sins and those of the entire human race were
poured out on Jesus Christ and Judged.
The Sun was darkened in an eclipse, and the Earth
shook from a powerful earthquake at the
Crucifixion, and ghosts walked out of the
graves. After Jesus finished bearing the
sins of the world, He died physically, was buried
in a tomb, and rose the third day with a new
Resurrection body. The Blood of Christ
redeemed mankind from the slave market of sin in
the devil's world and paid for the New Covenant to
the Church.
The Solar Eclipse and Sun Halo symbolized the Blood of Christ,
the Crucifixion, and the New Covenant to the Church. The
eclipse lasted about 2.5 hours from start to finish with
totality less than 4.6 minutes; yet, the cursing associated
with the eclipse lasted for the previous two weeks since the
Prenumbral Lunar Eclipse of March 25, 2024. A bridge
fell in Baltimore; a crane fell in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida;
and historic earthquakes struck Taiwan and New Jersey.
Former President Trump faced judgments in the courts, and
President Biden criticized Israel and faced the curse of
Abraham. There were also curses from Eclipse
Testing of the Right Man in Marriage Culture.
During a Solar Eclipse the sinful Right Woman is like a
millstone around the neck of her Right Man per the
examples of the wives of Adam, Job, Jacob, and Samson.

NASA Scientific Visualization Studio
The path of the Solar Eclipse of
April 8, 2024 crossed the path of the Solar Eclipse of
August 21, 2017 across the USA. The paths of the
two eclipses form the sign of a cross or a Mystic Rectangle in astrology, which
balances two sets of opposition and can be the sign of a
blessing or a curse. The crossed paths of the eclipses
symbolize the cursing in the Presidential Election between
President Biden and former President Trump. The crossed
paths of the eclipses are like crossed swords of the two
Presidential contenders, who are in a deadly struggle
for survival.
Spiritual Meaning
The Total
Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 symbolized the death, burial, and Resurrection of
Jesus Christ. The Sun symbolized Jesus Christ,
the Light of the world, and the darkened Sun
symbolized his death.
Matthew 26:27-28
27 And after taking a cup
and giving thanks, He gave it to them, saying, Drink from
it, all of you; 28 for this is My blood of the covenant,
which is poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of
The pouring out of the Blood
of Christ is a metaphor for His death on
the cross as a substitute for the sins of the world. Those
who accept the redemption solution will have their sins forgiven
at Salvation. The "covenant"
is the New Covenant to the Church. The Church
was sanctified by the Blood of Christ, intercalated
into human history, and called out to replace Israel
as the Bride of Christ. The New Covenant to the
Church was symbolized by the Sun Halo that
surrounded the Sun before and after the Solar
Eclipse of April 8.
congregation of believers symbolizes the marriage partner of the
Lord Jesus Christ. In the Church Age the Church
corresponds to the Lord's Right Woman. The Lord laid down
His life for His Right Woman, the Church, according to the
Marriage analogy.
Ephesians 5:25-26
25 Husbands, love your
wives, just as Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself
as a substitute for her; 26 that having purified her
He might sanctify her by the washing of water by the
communicated Word (Gospel)
The Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated His Love for His
Right Woman, the Church, by going to the cross and laying down
His life for her so she could be sanctified. Only by
getting rid of sin could there ever be a true love
relationship. Similarly, the Right Man must be willing to
die to sin and lay down his old life in order to love his Right
Woman in the New Spiritual life. The Right Man must bear
the burden of his own sinful nature and his right woman's as
symbolized by the Moon blocking the light of the Sun during an
The light and darkness of the Sun during a Solar Eclipse
symbolize Spiritual Light and spiritual darkness (death).
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is (spiritual)
death, but the free gift from God is Eternal Life in Christ
Jesus our Lord.
Sin results in spiritual death. Rebound
restores the Filling of the Holy Spirit and fellowship with God
and Right Man or Right Woman..
The Path of the Solar Eclipse
The path of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 crossed
over Mexico's Islas Marias as a
reminder of the Three Mary's who witnessed the
Crucifixion of Christ (Jn 19:25). This set the
stage for the Divine revelation that followed along
the path of the eclipse. The three Mary's
witnessed the Crucifixion of Christ, a morbid, gory
sight. They were drawn to the scene by the
Diaspora Archangel. They were not sightseers
or evil people drawn by Satan and his
henchmen. They were motivated by the Love for
Christ. The three Mary's, listed in order of
seniority, were Mary, the mother of the humanity of
Christ, Mary Clopas, an aunt, and Mary Magdalene,
the disciple of Christ who loved Bible
Doctrine. The number 3 (ref. year 2003)
stands for the Justice of the Holy Spirit who
sustained Jesus Christ on the cross but also
delivered the sins of the world to Him and Judged
Him for those sins.
The path of the eclipse crossed Texas, the
region of Reuben in the Client Nation Model.
It proceeded diagonally across the country and went
through Illinois,
Indiana, and Ohio in the region of
Naphtali. The connection of Texas
(Reuben) to the region of Naphtali
represents the adultery of Reuben
with Bilhah
since Naphtali was the son of Bilhah (Gen 35:22, 25).
Reuben was cursed and lost his firstborn status because of his
adultery with Bilhah (Gen 49:3, 4). Reuben lost his
inheritance of rulership of the family or tribe. Instead
of Reuben, Judah became the ruler of the Tribes of Israel.
The curse of Reuben corresponds to loss of
celebrity status or ruler authority because of feet of
clay. Celebrity status may also be destroyed by
iconoclasts. The curse of iconoclastic arrogance was
associated with the previous Solar Eclipse that crossed the
continental US on August 21, 2017. The second Solar
Eclipse to cross the continental US is the one on April 8,
2024. The paths of the two eclipses form a cross, and both
are associated with former President Trump. A cross
symbolizes a curse, but the cross through a rectangle can
symbolize a Mystic Rectangle in Astrology. A Mystic
Rectangle balances two sets of opposition. It can be
a blessing or a curse.
On the day of the Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024, Special
Prosecutor Jack Smith delivered a 66-page filing against former
President Trump regarding his Presidential Immunity
Appeal. The question before the court is whether Trump
should have immunity from prosecution for actions related to his
authority as President. The US Constitution covers this
and a beginner Bible student who knows Romans 13 should
understand, but judges and politicians are in a state of
confusion (Rom 13:1ff). They don't understand sovereignty
and authority. True authorities owe their appointments to
God, and they answer to God - not the Supreme Court, the will of
the people, or the wife.
Eclipse Charts
Solar Eclipse, April
8, 2024
chart of the Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 contains a Bow,
symbolizing the weapon of an archer. All of the planets
are on the Light side of the chart. The Sun and Moon are
in conjunction in eclipse in Midheaven in Pisces. The Sun
symbolizes the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Moon symbolizes the
congregation of believers, later called the Church.
The eclipse symbolizes Crucifixion and the death, burial, and
Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Savior Planet is also
nearby in Pisces, corresponding to the Church (Eph 5:23).
All the
planets on the Light side of the chart signifies a full
revelation, such as being lifted up for all to see.
However, the Sun's light is darkened during the eclipse.
The Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024
symbolized the death, burial, and Resurrection of
Jesus Christ. The eclipse was accompanied by Sun Haloes
for the New Covenant to the Church, which was foretold before
the Crucifixion and fulfilled in the Church Age that
followed. The Jews rejected Jesus Christ, and the Church
was called out to be the Bride of Christ and the new Royal
Family. Thus, the Solar Eclipse with the Sun Haloes was a
complete and succinct summary of the Spiritual life of believers
in the Church Age.
The Solar Eclipse crossed the continental United States, and
people in almost every part of the country witnessed the event
directly or indirectly. Thousands of people traveled to
get in the path of totality. Yet, in spite of all the hype
and lies of the false teachers, most were blind to the true
meaning of the eclipse. Such celestial events in the
Heavens are one of the ways people reach God
consciousness. Those who are positive and want to know God
will be given an opportunity to hear the Gospel and believe in
Jesus Christ for Salvation. Those who witness the wonder
of a Moon the right size to block the light of the Sun may
wonder if there really is a God of Creation. If they want
to know the Truth, God will reveal Himself through Jesus
Christ. The Holy Spirit will make the Gospel clear so the
person can believe in Jesus Christ.
The Solar Eclipse symbolized the curse of Jesus Christ for the
sins of the world. It also symbolized the curse of Adam
after the sin of his wife and his own curse after he
sinned. Adam and all of his descendants were cursed with
sin (Old Sin Natures) in their mortal bodies and were
doomed to die physically. Jesus Christ was descended form
a woman and born without the original sin of Adam.
Therefore, He was uniquely qualified to go to the cross and bear
the sins of the world. For the first three hours on the
cross, he suffered physically, but for the last three hours He
suffered spiritually under Judgment for our sins. When He
finished bearing the sins of the world, He dismissed
His human spirit and died physically. He was buried in a
tomb while his Spiritual Body was in Paradise, the location of
departed Old Testament saints. On the third day He
was resurrected by the work of the Father, the Holy Spirit, and
even Himself. He arose as the victor over sin and death
and Satan.
The Lord Jesus Christ in His death on the cross defeated sin and
death and opened the door for all to be saved by faith in
Christ. He alone is the Savior of the world, but each
person must decide to believe in Him and receive the gift of
everlasting (Spiritual) life. The door is open. The
gift is free, but each person must choose to believe in Jesus
Christ or reject Him and face the consequences of eternal
condemnation in spiritual death.

1. "Eclipses During 2024," Fred Espenak,
EclipseWise.com, Aug. 26, 2023.
2. Maria
Vrenko, "Timelapse video shows 2024 total solar eclipse," Bradford Betz, Fox News, Apr.
8, 2024.
3. "Total Solar Eclipse of 2024 Apr 08," Fred Espenak,
EclipseWise.com, Aug. 26, 2023.
4. "NASA Eclipse Web Site," Robert M. Candey,
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Aug. 27, 2016.
5. Tony and Bev, "PHOTOS: PinIt! viewers share solar eclipse
photos from Orlando, across the country," "Photo," Silver Spring Shores, WKMG,
Orlando, Apr. 8, 2024, 3:19/50 pm EDT.