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Hurricane Milton:  Sowing to the Wind; Reaping the Whirlwind

St. Lucie Co. FL Sheriff's Office Tornado Damage, CBS12 News, Oct. 9, 2024

Hurricane Milton
Spiritual Meaning

Hurricane MiltonTrack

October 16, 2024 (Day 290):  Hurricane Milton formed in the Bay of Campeche off Mexico, crossed the Gulf of Mexico, made landfall at Sarasota, and crossed Central Florida.  It quickly became a hurricane on October 6, 2024.  The barometric pressure fell precipitously, and it was soon upgraded to a Category 5 Hurricane.  It had a small eye of only 6-10 nautical miles in diameter.  It moved East over the  northern coast of the Yucatan, and turned Northeast toward Florida.  However, it soon encountered southwesterly shear of 30-35 kt. and entrained dry air, which quickly eroded its eye and weakened the storm to a 70-90 knot hurricane. 

Milton Over the Yucatan


The storm surge before the hurricane weakened caused heavy damage along the Southwest Florida coast from Ft. Myers North.  And heavy rainfall along with the storm surge backed up rivers and produced inland flooding.  And a swarm of tornadoes was spawned around Lake Okeechobee that stretched West into Collier County and North to Cocoa Beach.  Six people were killed when a tornado devastated the Spanish Lakes Country Club Village on Spanish Lakes Boulevard and other areas near Lakewood Park in northern Ft. Pierce.  The Village was a retirement community full of mobile (manufactured) homes.  The beautiful Methodist  Church was also heavily damaged by the tornado.  The St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office in Ft. Pierce was also hit by a tornado which mangled the large steel structure that housed its vehicles.

The tornadoes spawned as Hurricane Milton approached Florida illustrates the principle of Double Punishment of sowing to the wind (hurricane) and reaping the whirlwind (tornado).  God gave Florida double punishment (Rev 18:6).

Approaching Milton Spawns Tornadoes

Sowing to the Wind
Reaping the whirlwind (tornado)

The hype after Hurricane Milton reached Category 5 and refused to die led to dire predictions of catastrophe.  However, by the Grace of God, it wasn't as bad as feared.  The wind on the front end of the eye as gleaned from personal weather stations, was only 30-40 mph, although stronger winds were North and West of the large, expanded eye.  The storm surge in Tampa Bay was not as bad as predicted.  The water first ran out of the bay as the storm arrived and then came back as the wind shifted.  However, the storm surge in South Florida was significant and caused heavy damage to areas that had been flooded only two weeks before by Hurricane Helene.

Hurricane Milton Horse

Milton Category 5 Hurricane
Milton Cloud-Filled Eye 32 NM, 125 Kt.

Hurricane Milton appeared as a horse as it moved from the Yucatan northeast toward Florida.  The eye of the storm was at the horse's mouth.  The hurricane encountered 30-35 knots of southwesterly shear and dry air, which eroded the eye as the storm moved northeast off Florida.

Hurricane Milton Eye Erosion

10-9-24, 1046 EDT
10-9-24, 1456 EDT
10-9-24, 1616 EDT

Hurricane Milton made landfall at Sarasota.  The eye wall began coming ashore at 6 pm EDT (2200 GMT).  At landfall the eye of Milton expanded over  Sarasota.  The front (East) side of the storm only had 30-40 mph wind with higher gusts, but the back side was stronger.  The large eye moved across Central Florida and off the East Coast about 5:47 EDT on Oct. 10, 2024 over Cape Canaveral. 



Large Eye

As it moved into the Atlantic, it appeared as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah attacking the image of a horse.  A horse symbolizes war of the  Lord Jesus Christ against His enemies at the Second Advent.

Leaving Florida



Spiritual Meaning

A hurricane has an eye, which symbolizes Grace, which can be blessing or cursing.  A hurricane is a curse, like the thorn-in-the-flesh demon that God gave Paul.  A hurricane is Divine Punishment for rejection of the Grace message of the pastor by the local congregation, like rejection of the authority of Right Man by the Right Woman.  Thus, a hurricane can be due to the breakdown of Marriage Culture or rejection of God's Grace by the congregation.  In either case the hurricane may also be a symbol of the Prostitute of Babylon, who sits on many waters (Rev 17:1).

Similarly, a tornado symbolizes the breakdown of Marriage Culture by the uncircumcised male.  A tornado is also Divine Punishment.  A hurricane or tornado is Divine Punishment under the cycles of National Cursing.  Under the Cycles of National Cursing the pastor must stand in the gap to deliver the congregation and others in the nation from the wrath of God.

Hurricanes and tornadoes are produced by Elect Weather Angels under the authority of God.  Satan can also produce storms and tornadoes.

Hurricane Milton produced Judgments from the wind (Z-axis) and water (waves and flooding) (Y-axis).  It also caused tornadoes on the land (X-axis).  The production of tornadoes around Lake Okeechobee was Double Punishment,
- sowing to the wind and reaping the whirlwind.

Lake Okeechobee is the largest lake in Florida.  It symbolizes a female giant, like a queen or Prostitute of Babylon.  The tornadoes around Lake Okeechobee symbolized a gangbang (rape).

TracksHurricane Milton was the third hurricane to hit Florida this year.  It followed Hurricanes Debby and Helene.  All three hurricanes produced strong coastal flooding which devastated barrier islands and coastal communities.  The heavy rains of Hurricane Helene also produced inland flooding of rivers and creeks.  The flooding from all three hurricanes was associated with the Judgment of the Noahic Flood, which was followed by the Noahic Covenant in which  God promised never to destroy the entire Earth again with a flood.  The flood was the last resort to save the human race from Satan's attack on Marriage by having angels marrying women.  Although women can no longer marry angels, they can fall prey to demon influence and possession and become Prostitutes of Babylon.

The floods produced by the hurricanes in Florida this year were associated with the God of the Covenants planet in Aquarius.  Aquarius corresponds to Florida, and the God of the Covenants in Aquarius symbolizes the Noahic Covenant.  The hurricanes were the means of bringing the floods.  The reason for the harsh Judgments of the Florida hurricanes is because women and congregations are demonized under the power of the Prostitute of Babylon.

Milton became a hurricane on October 6.  The next day, October 7, was the anniversary of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.  This is the year (2024) for Satan's strategic attack on Israel.  Iran is leading the attack on Israel under the power of Satan to usher in a false millennium apart from fulfillment of the unconditional covenants to Israel.  And Florida has been associated with the Palestinians in Gaza.   

The Astrological Chart of landfall of Hurricane Milton contains even more signs of the rise of the Evil King (Antichrist) and his queen (Prostitute of Babylon), which will occur in the Tribulation.

Tropical Storm Milton formed West of the Yucatan and then moved East Southeast off the Northern side of the Yucatan as if pointing to it.  Hurricane Beryl previously struck the Yucatan from the East, where the Yucatan was like a memorial of the cross of Christ.  Beryl looked forward to the cross, and Milton looked back at it.  Beryl looked forward to the Judgment for sins, and Milton looked back at the cross for Rebound in the Church.

As Milton passed by the Yucatan in a slight southern jog, it used up enough time to cause landfall at Sarasota rather than Tampa Bay.  Hurricanes almost never hit Tampa because they don't generally approach it from the West moving East.  Sarasota received minimal damage from the hurricane.  Hitting Sarasota was a blessing in keeping much of the storm out of Tampa Bay.  Sarasota is in Sarasota County, which is Florida County #16, for Sanctification.  Sanctification is symbolized by the Laver in the Tabernacle.  It refers to sanctification at Salvation and after Salvation (Rebound).  Sanctification is also necessary for  Holy matrimony.  A hurricane on the water symbolizes an unsanctified female.

The derivation of the name Sarasota is not settled by the etymologists.   However, it is composed of "Sara" and "sota."  Sara is Hebrew for a rebellious female, while "Sarah" means princess.  And "sota" was a typical name in Florida associated with Hernando de Soto, the Spanish explorer and conquistador who explored Florida and the Southeastern US and Peru in the 1500's.  He was a Roman Catholic, but he was also an Evil King.  He was considered royalty and married Isabel de Bobadilla, a relative of Queen Isabella.  Isabel and Isabella are Spanish for Jezebel.  He died in 1542,where 42 is the number for Baal.  He set out in 1539 on his expedition to Florida that sailed from Cuba and landed in South Tampa Bay.  The route from Cuba to Tampa Bay is very similar to the path of Hurricane Milton to Sarasota.

Hurricane Milton made landfall in Sarasota on October 9 at 6 pm.  October is the 10th month, where 10 is for Laws of Establishment, and 9 is for the Plagues of Egypt.  The numbers 10 and 9 are contradictory.  The plagues were designed to destroy the Establishment in Egypt, which was ruled by an Evil King, Pharaoh.  This is a contrast between the Temporal and Spiritual life.  Jesus went to the cross because His Spiritual calling was in opposition to the Establishment (Roman and Jewish).  Other examples of the conflict of the Temporal and Spiritual include:  Daniel thrown into the lion's den and Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego thrown into the fiery furnace.  The Christian will encounter this kind of testing in the devil's world.

Hurricane Milton lived up to  the 10 and 9 conflict.  The front (East) eye wall was weak, but the back (West) eye wall was stronger.  Those who thought they dodged a bullet as they passed through the eye were surprised when they were hit in the back by the West side of the storm.  Furthermore, those who survived the wind unscathed were disconcerted to discover the electrical power was knocked out, and they had to suffer through living without electricity for days.  The days without power were due to the Judgment of Political Babylon just as the flooding.  The whole episode was a crisis that required decisive action and Divine support (Grace).

St. Lucie County, which was hard-hit by tornadoes that struck the Sheriff's Office and
Spanish Lakes Country Club Village was Florida County #24, for Satan's strategic attack on Israel, per the meaning of the year 2024.   Nearby Martin County, which was hit by multiple tornadoes, was Florida County #42, for Baal, the bear and Russia.  Baal is the is the enemy of marriage.

Hurricane Milton Landfall Chart

Hurricane MiltonThe Chart at the time of landfall of Hurricane Milton contains a Castle and a Wagon.  A Castle is the domain of a King, who rules over his loyal subjects, and a Wagon is the symbol of a woman in marriage.  As the counterpart of the King, she would be a Queen. 

Taken together with no other signs in the chart, the Castle and the Wagon symbolize the New Covenant to Israel, the promise of the Millennial reign of Christ, the King, and His Bride, the Church (Jer 31:22).  However, the Castle and Wagon are overturned in the chart.  This is a sign of cursing rather than the blessing of the Millennium.  The bad meaning in this case symbolizes the Evil King and Prostitute of Babylon in the Tribulation when the King will kill the Prostitute of Babylon and burn her.  The hurricane associated with the chart is a sign of cursing rather than blessing.  In the Tribulation Satan will try to set up a false millennium with a world-wide empire ruled by the Antichrist.  However, the Lord Jesus Christ will return at the Second Advent and kill the Antichrist and his followers.

After His return the Lord Jesus Christ will rule for a thousand years as King with His bride, the Church.  Satan and his demons will be locked up, and the people who inhabit the Earth will have a life of great blessing.
Jeremiah 31:22  New Covenant to Israel
How long will you wander in reversionism,
O faithless daughter?
For the LORD has created a new thing in the Earth –
A female will encompass a mighty man.
Before the holocaust of Israel in 586 BC the nation was in reversion.  The people were under the power of the Prostitute of Babylon as Astarte and worshiping her in the Phallic Cult (Jer 7:18).  Israel was like a faithless daughter who rejected the Bible Doctrine taught by Jeremiah, who stood in the gap for Israel like pastors were standing in the gap for the reversionists in Client Nation USA during Hurricane Milton.  The sex life of the people of Israel was under the power of the Prostitute of Babylon just as in the world today as symbolized by Hurricane Milton and the flooding it caused.

In the Millennium the people will be blessed in life.  It will be a "new thing."  Their marriages will be blessed, including their sex life, which will be presided over by Elect Angels rather than demons as it is today as symbolized by Hurricane Milton.  "A female will encompass a mighty man."  "Encompass" is the Hebrew sabab, meaning to encompass,  surround.  This refers to a female having intercourse.  "Mighty man" is the Hebrew geber, for a mighty man (Gen 6:4) or  hero, which refers to the Right Man, or husband.  A female encompassing a mighty man refers to sex and symbolizes marriage of the Lord and Israel at the Second Advent and corresponds to the New Covenant to Israel.  Later under the New Covenant to the Church, the Church replaces Israel as the Royal Family, and the Church will be the Bride of Christ in the Millennium (ref. Rev 19:7-8).

The Castle and the Wagon refer to The New Covenant to Israel, which is also called the Davidic Covenant as it was given to David.  However, the bad meaning of the Castle and the Wagon also refers to David.  It is the story of David and Bathsheba, where David assumed the role of the Evil King and Bathsheba the role of the Prostitute of Babylon.  Another example of the bad meaning is the story of Ahab and Jezebel.  The bad meaning applies to Hurricane Milton, since a hurricane is cursing and not blessing.

In the chart for Milton Aquarius is on the Ascendant with the God of the Covenants, for the Noahic Covenant, referring to the flooding brought by the hurricane.  The coastal communities of Southwest Florida were severely damaged and devastated.  It wasn't the wind that caused damage from the storm but the water.  Aquarius corresponds to Florida.  It has also been identified with Gaza, which is by the sea.

The Last Adam was in Capricornus, for an outcast, referring to those displaced by the hurricane.

The Moon was in Sagittarius, for an army, referring to not only an  army of angels but to the war of Israel against the terrorists. The war against Israel is an attempt of Satan to usher in a false millennium apart from the unconditional covenants to Israel.

The Morning Star was in Libra for the cataclysmic Judgment of the hurricane.

Virgo was on the Descendant, containing:
    Savior Planet - Rachel's children in suffering due to the hurricane.
    Sun - a bridegroom; the king in the castle.

The Red Planet was in Gemini, for deadly suffering in marriages due to the influence of the Prostitute of Babylon symbolized by the hurricane.  Gemini is related to the location of Israel and California.

The Mediator in Taurus pointed to those officials and workers who mediated between the hurricane and the people.  These  included public officials and pilots who flew through the eye of the hurricane to gather reconnaissance data for weather service analysts.  The Almighty God Planet was also in Taurus, for a giant, or Baal, in opposition to the Plan of God in suffering. 

The Redeemer Planet was in Pisces for the Levitical offering, referring to the giving to support hurricane relief efforts.


Hurricanes are Divine Punishment on the Client Nation for the breakdown of Marriage Culture and rejection of the Grace message of the pastor.  Hurricanes are not acts of nature.  They are ordered by God and produced to specifications by Weather Angels.  When hurricanes occur, the people are reaping Divine Punishment for what they have done.  They have rejected Right Man - Right Woman relationships, which can only be executed by rejecting the influence of the Prostitute of Babylon.  The devil is the unseen enemy.  Those who live under the influence of  the devil are rejecting the Spiritual Life from God and living for the devil.  They don't see the devil because they are spiritually  blind.  The only thing that God can do to get their attention is punish them.  When people don't respond to punishment, there is nothing left to do except take them out.

As Divine Punishment continues, it is doubled (intensified), and if that doesn't work, then death occurs.  Those who do not respond to the Grace of God will produce dead works and eventually fall like the trees in the storm.  They are like the green trees that symbolize their reversionism.  They will be broken, cut down, and hauled off to garbage pits to be burned.  Their homes will  be demolished and become piles of refuse (ash heaps).  Then they will die because they have continued to reject the Word of God.

As Hurricane Milton approached Florida, it spun off feeder bands of thunderheads which spawned tornadoes around Lake Okeechobee.  The hurricane and the tornadoes symbolized the principle of  Double Punishment of sowing to the wind and reaping the whirlwind.

There is a purpose in life, and it is to serve God or Satan.  Those who serve God will have Salvation and a New Life.  Those who serve Satan will seek happiness but never find it.  They will be ensnared by the pleasures of the devil's world.  They trusted Satan and not God.  In the end  they will die and be judged by their works.  Their works will not save them.

Florida has been through three hurricanes this year.  All three caused significant flooding that destroyed homes and property along the Gulf Coast.  The sign of the flooding was the God of the Covenants planet in Aquarius,where Aquarius corresponds to Florida.  The God of the Covenants in Aquarius stands for the Noahic Covenant where God promised never to destroy the human race again by a flood.  The Noahic Flood was because of Satan's attack on marriage when the Fallen Angels married women.  The Fallen Angels have been locked up in the dungeon of Hades, but Satan is still attacking marriage through the Prostitute of Babylon.

Hurricane Milton symbolized the Prostitute of Babylon sitting on many waters (Rev 17:1).  Hurricane Beryl pointed out the Yucatan Peninsula as a memorial of the cross, and Hurricane Milton looked back at the Yucatan from the other side and made a detour to fly by it as a Category 5 storm.  That was looking back at the cross in the Church Age and remembering it through the Sanctification of Salvation and Rebound.

Milton became a hurricane on October 6, the day before the anniversary of the October 7 terrorist attack on Israel.  The attack was from Hamas in Gaza and sponsored by Iran, which is being used by Satan to destroy Israel in order to usher in a millennium apart from fulfilling the unconditional covenants to Israel.  They think if there is no Israel,the unconditional covenants cannot be fulfilled and Satan will trump God.  Florida has been associated with the Palestinians in Gaza, and that is another reason for the devastation in Florida from hurricanes this year.  Satan is engaged in a war to wipe out Israel and bring in a false millennium.

The astrological chart at the time of the landfall of Milton in Sarasota contained a Castle and a Wagon for a King and Queen as a sign of Christ and His Bride, the Church, at the Second Advent when He will return to deliver Israel and fulfill the Davidic Covenant.  However, the Castle and Wagon in the chart were undermined as a sign of cursing and not the blessing of the Millennium.  Therefore, the Castle and Wagon were the sign of an Evil King and Prostitute of Babylon.  Examples include David and Bathsheba, Ahab and Jezebel, and Hernando de Soto and Isabel.

God in his Sovereignty picked Ahab and Jezebel to rule Israel as Divine Punishment to the nation that had rejected God.  Ahab and Jezebel served Satan, and God had them executed.  However, Israel would not Rebound and listen.  So God had to remove the Northern Kingdom.  Other nations are no exceptions.  They owe their freedom to God, and when they insist on serving Satan, they will be enslaved and killed.    


1.  Gershon Harrel, "Tornado destroys 10,000 square-foot sheriff's facility in St. Lucie County" CBS12, Ft. Pierce, FL, Oct. 9, 2024.
Blake Fontenay, "Hurricane Milton: Six dead following tornadoes in Spanish Lakes, Lakewood Park, Fort Pierce," TCPalm., Oct. 10, 2024.
3.  Nick Vivian, "Multiple deaths confirmed in Fort Pierce after tornado outbreak," CBS12, Ft. Pierce, FL, Oct. 10, 2024.
"Hernando de Soto," Wikipedia, Oct. 16, 2024.
Larry Wood, "Our Native Land," Dec. 18, 2011.

Released October 16, 2024 - Revised Oct. 17, 2024

Author:  Larry Wood