The rise of Israel to power in the 1967 Six-Day War set the stage for the Tribulation and War of Armageddon. The war was heralded by hundreds of UFO sightings, terror from the giant Mothman demon, and a host of demon attacks prior to the collapse of the Silver Bridge in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. The bridge collapse after 39 years was followed by the collapse of the I-35W Mississippi River bridge in Minneapolis. Both bridges had a life of 39 years, and both bridges collapsed at the same time, 5:05 PM. The bridges made of steel and concrete symbolized the breaking of the feet of clay of the image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream, pointing to the destruction of the Revived Roman Empire at the Second Advent.
The Rise of Israel and Fall of Bridges
West Virginia UFO's and Demons
Fall of the Silver Bridge
Minneapolis Bridge Collapse
Revived Roman Empire
Spiritual and Temporal Failure
Revelations about Angels
Silver Bridge Collapse Chart Planets
In the week that followed they were suddenly plagued by strange sounds around the trailer late at night. Beeps and loud garbled noises like a speeded-up phonograph record. They could not locate the source of the sounds outside or inside the trailer.4Full of fear they left and moved into the basement apartment of Linda's parents, the McDaniels.
Genesis 6:4The Nephilim were half-angel and half-man hybrids. They were destroyed in the Flood and don't exist anymore in spite of what demon-possessed people say (2 Pet 2:4, 5; Jude 1:6). The UFO's and Mothman demon in West Virginia were heralds of a major event in world history - the June 5-10, 1967 Israeli Six-Day War that marked the rise of Israel in preparation for the Tribulation. Satan and his demons were trying to destroy Israel with Egypt and its allies. The US was the ally of Israel and therefore the enemy of Satan. The demons were putting on a show of force in West Virginia, but they were defeated by the Grace of God in His unconditional promises to Israel. Egypt and its allies, Syria and Jordan, were defeated.
The Nephilim (giants) were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men (heroes) who from ancient times were the men of renown.
President Johnson delivered a Christmas greeting and lit the tree at roughly 5:56 p.m. In his address he spoke about scientific breakthroughs, the tragedy of war, and hope for peace. He remembered those fighting abroad and the 500,000 Americans celebrating Christmas without a beloved son or husband.10After the President threw the switch and lit the Christmas tree, there was no power blackout. Then as the crowd was cheering, there was a special announcement on television:
"We interrupt this program," he announced flatly, "for a special bulletin. A bridge laden with rush-hour traffic has just collapsed at Gallipolis, Ohio. Further details as soon as they are available."4That was the collapse of the Silver Bridge at Point Pleasant that had occurred at 5:05 PM EST. Keel was livid because he realized he had been played by his demon. He had been told of an electrical blackout, but not about the bridge because the demons knew he would warn people. Actually it was the Elect Angels who destroyed the bridge and took people to their death. The demons apparently knew but were not allowed to reveal what would happen. So the demons put their own spin on it and linked the catastrophe to the lighting of the Christmas tree at the same time news of the bridge collapse would be broadcast. A Christmas tree is the symbol of Phallic Reversionism (Ps 37:35).
Released Dec. 1, 2017 - Revised March 12,
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