Signs of Second Advent and Angelic Conflict in 2025 Daytona 500

Sign of Archangel Michael Opening the Path of Victory


William Byron, Winner Daytona 500, TSN

Signs of Second Advent and Angelic Conflict in 2025 Daytona 500
Spiritual Meaning


Signs of Second Advent and Angelic Conflict in 2025 Daytona 500 

February 16, 2025 (Day 47):  The Daytona 500, called "The Great American Race," is the premiere and most prestigious race of the stock car racing season.  It is a great sports contest, like the Roman circus, Greek Olympics, and American World Series or Super Bowl.  It is historic, and it is also Spiritual.  The 2025 Daytona 500 had some significant Spiritual revelations.  It was yet another Daytona 500 interrupted by rain and punctuated by multi-vehicle crashes.  Yet the Sovereign Design of God and the conflict between Satan and Elect Angels came out of the shadows into the Light.SPC Storms

The start time of the 2025 Daytona 500 was moved up an hour to 1:30 PM EST (1830 GMT) on February 16 because of the threat of rain from an approaching cold front.  The weather system that appeared as an elephant had crossed the Mississippi River and brought tornadoes, high winds, and rain in the Southern US , snow in the Northern states, and flooding in Kentucky.  The Daytona 500 had to be stopped on the eleventh lap when the rain reached the Florida race track.  After restarting, the race was delayed again because of rain, and was finally completed under the lights at 9:38 pm.

ElephantThe weather elephant (shown after it crossed the Mississippi) was a sign of the Judgment of Baal, the enemy of children, marriage, and Israel.

President Trump visited the Daytona 500 Speedway before the race began.  He brought his granddaughter.  He also took a lap around the track in his Presidential Limousine as the crowd cheered.  The Limousine is called the Beast, which corresponds to the Beast that the Prostitute of Babylon rides in Revelation.

The winner of the race was William Byron, 27, in car number 24, a red Chevrolet.  He also won last year, 2024, and became the fifth person to win back-to-back Dayton 500's.  Byron was able to win after a wreck took out the six cars ahead of him.  He was left with an open path to the finish line.  The wreck had the characteristic pattern of the Archangel Michael.  Byron was in starry-eyed shock (top photo) and still under the influence of the angel after the race as he realized that he only won by the hand of God.

The pictures of the crash that delivered Byron will be explained later.
Angel Blocking


Spiritual Meaning

SwordThe 2025 Daytona 500 was delayed by rain from a weather elephant that had crossed the Mississippi River.  The weather front crossing the Mississippi under the control of the Weather Archangel was a sign of the Second Advent, when the Lord will return, circle the globe, and destroy the enemies of Israel.  The Daytona International Speedway (race track) symbolizes the course of life.  Running the race symbolizes running the course of life.  God determines the winners and losers in His Sovereignty.  The year 2025 stands for Sovereignty.

As the weather elephant reached Daytona Beach, its trunk morphed into a two-edged sword (ref. weather image).  The Lord will kill His enemies at the Second Advent with the sword from His mouth (Rev 2:16, ref. Church at Pergamum).  The sword is a spiritual weapon.  It is illustrated as a physical sword.  It is shown in the weather image over Daytona Beach.

The sign of the sword from His mouth is a reference to the Church at Pergamum, where Satan's throne was.  Satan's throne was the Altar of Zeus in Pergamum.  The Altar of Zeus had 24 steps, where 24 is a sign of Satan's strategic attack on Israel.  A model of the Altar of Zeus was constructed at Zeppelin Field in Nuremberg as the Tribune for Hitler's Nazi rallies.  The Tribune stands before a large parade ground, correspondidng to parade grounds, sports fields, or even the Daytona International Speedway.  The weather angel who drew the picture of the "sword of His mouth" in the sky over Daytona Beach knew his history, and the message to the Church at Pergamum was a message from the Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ which also applies to us.  

The Presidential visit to the Daytona 500 is also significant because Trump is promising peace and working to resolve the world's problems with an economic approach rather than the military.  He can't succeed as long as Satan is on the Earth, but his viewpoint indicates influence from Elect Angels instead of Satan.  Solomon used the Peace Paradigm for ruling after David had conquered the enemies of Israel.  Florida is also in Aquarius, which is associated with the Millennium.  And Florida is associated with Gaza, which has been destroyed by Israeli bombing.  President Trump is also trying to solve the Gaza problem.

William Byron won the 2025 Daytona 500.  He won by the Sovereign Design of God because God made him a winner - not because of his ability or skill (Eccl 9:11).  An Elect Angel (obviously Michael) was controlling the race and Byron's thinking.  Byron's testimony is recorded.  He was at least 6 cars back before Michael caused the wreck and opened the way for Byron to win.  Byron said he was intent on staying in the right lane.  The right lane is Cosmic Babylon that runs uphill to a wall.  The middle is Political Babylon, and the left lane is Ecumenical Babylon that runs down into the green infield.  So Byron was stuck in a strait under Satan's power of Babylon.  Byron was playing defense and waiting for God to deliver him.  God sent an angel and bailed Byron out and made him a winner.  This is similar to how the Church will support Jesus Christ when it returns at the Second Advent.  The Army of the Church will support the Lord Jesus Christ, who will kill His enemies with the sword of His mouth. 

Byron was in tune with the Angel from God (Michael).  Byron was also under the influence of Satan, the ruler of the world.  Byron's thoughts were coming from the Angel, like a Guardian Angel, who leads people out of danger.  President Trump's thoughts are also coming from Angels and demons, like the thoughts of all people in the devil's world.  Trump won the Presidential race and became a winner.  Byron was the winner of the Daytona 500 because of the Sovereign decision of God.  However, there is no indication that either Byron or President Trump are filled with the Holy Spirit, even though they are Christians.  The message to the Church at Pergamum was that they needed to Rebound to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Rev 2:16).  Worldly Christians are the pawns of the devil.


Charts Daytona 500, Presidential Inauguration

Daytona Chart
Daytona 500 Chart
Presidential Inauguration Chart

The Chart at the time of winning the Daytona 500 race at 9:38 pm EST (0038 GMT) was the mirror image of the Presidential Inauguration Chart on January 20, 2025.  Both were Buckets aligned on the East-West, Spiritual-Temporal sides of the charts.  They were mirror images of each other - one looking forward and the other looking back.  The two charts were both about races - the US Presidential Race and the Daytona 500 Race.  President Trump won the Presidential race and William Byron won the Daytona 500 race.  Both charts focused on the Moon in Virgo, for a woman's domestic servants, corresponding to civil servants in one chart and the Hendrick Motorsports racing team in the other chart.  The arc of the planets in the Presidential Chart symbolized the Capitol rotunda, and the arc of the Bucket in the Daytona 500 Chart symbolized the Daytona Speedway, race track, and grandstands.

The Daytona 500 Chart had the Moon on the Spiritual side of the Chart near the Ascendant and all the other planets on the Temporal side of the chart with the Red Planet being on the cusp.  The Moon near the Ascendant symbolized the focus of the racing team rising.  The victory belonged to the team - not just the driver.  The race car driver was just another member of the team.  What's more, the team of Elect Angels also influenced the Earthly team. 

ByronThe Red Planet was in Midheaven in Gemini, having risen from the Bottom of Heaven in the Presidential Inauguration Chart.  The Red Planet in Midheaven symbolized the bloody bridegroom in resurrection glory.  This was symbolic of Christ at the Second Advent and Byron becoming the winner of his second Daytona 500 dressed in his red suit in his red car.  It was symbolized by Byron standing on the roof of his car as on a throne or pedestal in celebration of his victory. 

After winning the race, William Byron was interviewed by a woman reporter with a sweet voice as symbolized by the conjunction of the Sun and Savior Planet in Aquarius.  Aquarius corresponds to the location of Florida and Gaza.  Another woman reporter interviewed President Trump before the Daytona 500 race.

The Last Adam was in Capricornus, for an outcast and corresponding to the crash that removed others from the race to open a path for Byron's victory.

Byron was in car 24, where 24 is the number of his racing team.  The number 24 stands for strategy and Satan's strategic attack on Israel.  Byron's Birth Chart with a Bow (not shown) is the sign of exclusive, strategic focus on one thing - running the race.

The Almighty God Planet was in Taurus for ruling an empire, corresponding to the dominance of the race winner in racing history.

The Mediator Planet was in Aries, for the founder of the Hendrick Motorsports racing team.  The victory was a team effort.

Three planets had descended:

    1.  Morning Star in Pisces - herald (diaspora angel) of race assembly - calling spectators and crews to the race.
    2.  Redeemer Planet in Pisces - an offering, including drivers, cars, and prices of admission (including tax).
    3.  God of the Covenants in Aquarius - a flood, corresponding to rain from the Weather Archangel.


The 2025 Daytona 500 race was part of God's Sovereign Design of human history.  As such, it had meaning for man and angels.  The race symbolized running the course of life.  It symbolized events of the Second Advent when the Lord will return and destroy the enemies of Israel.  This was revealed by the weather elephant that brought rain and stopped the race.  The weather elephant had previously crossed the Mississippi River as a sign the Lord's return to Israel at the Second Advent in the Armageddon War.  The race was stopped in Daytona Beach on the eleventh lap, where 11 symbolizes a witness.  There were many witnesses of the race in the grandstands.  In the Lord's return every eye will see Him because He will orbit the globe.  There will be two special witnesses in the Tribulation prior to the Lord's return.  They will be Moses and Elijah, resuscitated.

As the trunk of the weather elephant crossed over Daytona Beach, it morphed into a two-edged sword coming out of the mouth, corresponding to the sword from the mouth of the Lord with which He will slay His enemies at the Second Advent.  That sword is associated with the Lord's warning to the Church of Pergamum where Satan's throne was.  The Christians of Pergamum had experience fighting Satan because they lived where his throne was.  The throne was known as the Altar of Zeus.  The message from the Lord was that the Christians in the Church in Pergamum needed to Rebound to retain the filling of the Holy Spirit.  That same message was applicable to the hundreds of worldly Christians associated with the car racing business as fans and supporters.  Rebound is not taught in the Churches, and when it is taught, it is not used.  There is no way to resist Satan apart from the filling of the Holy Spirit.

The Daytona 500 was a contest between Satan and his demons versus God and His Angels.  Man was under the influence of both sides.  The winner of the Daytona 500 race was William Byron, who was specially created by God to compete in this race.  Byron was a Christian caught in the middle between Satan and the Angel Michael.  In the Spiritual World Michael was actually running Byron's life, and Satan also had access..  Byron was in the middle with Satan and Michael fighting over him.  Michael wrecked the cars around Byron and allowed him to win the race.  Byron knew that he did not win from his own ability.  It was a Sovereign decision of God which Byron thought to be Grace.  Grace is the free gift of God.  It is usually for Blessing.  Sovereignty is based on Authority and power.  It may be for Judgment without regard for Blessing.

Byron also won the 2024 Daytona 500.  That made him a star (or celebrity).  Then he won the 2025 Daytona 500, and that was historic.  He was wearing white for the 2024 race, for Sanctification.  He was wearing red and driving a red car in 2025, where red is for suffering.  The Red Planet was in conjunction with Midheaven in Gemini, for a bloody bridegroom in Resurrection (or on a throne).  He acted this out by standing on the roof of his race car in celebration after the race.  He had great suffering and great blessing.  What does all this mean?  His testimony had meaning to himself and meaning to spectators, who also saw what happened.  He also had a testimony before Angels, and he will have a testimony before God and the Church at the Evaluation Throne of Christ.

God also had a purpose in creating the works of the Daytona 500.  God's purpose is not to be revealed to us, but part of it is to demonstrate His Righteousness in Satan's Appeal Trial.

President Trump also attended the Daytona 500.  He was interviewed by a woman news reporter.  He mentioned his plan for a prosperous period that he was trying to bring about in US history.  He is using a peace paradigm like Solomon, which indicates that he is also under influence from Elect Angels.  Trump has just won a Presidential race, which is also symbolized by racing and the course of  life.  He is trying to solve the problem with the Palestinians in Gaza.  Florida has been associated with the Palestinians in Gaza. 


1.  "WILLIAM BYRON WINS THE 2025 DAYTONA 500!"  TSN, Feb. 16, 2025.
John Ackerman, "William Byron secures back-to-back Daytona 500 wins as he leans on 'grace of God'," Sports Spectrum, Feb. 17, 2025.
3.  LarryWood, "Prophecy of Peace on Earth," Sept. 23, 2013.

Released February 19, 2025 - Revised Feb. 20, 2025

Author:  Larry Wood