Attempted Trump Assassination

Trump Shooting
ABC News, July 16, 2024
Attempted Trump Assassination
Spiritual Meaning

Trump Shooting Chart
Thomas Matthew Crooks Birth Chart


Trump Shooting Chart Planets

Attempted Trump Assassination

Links:  ABC News, Wikipedia
July 13, 2024 (Day 195):  Former President Donald Trump was the victim of an assassination attempt at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024.  Shortly after he began speaking, he called attention to an immigration chart.  As he turned his head to the right to point out the chart, a bullet from an AR-15 whizzed by his head and clipped the top of his right ear.  Trump immediately ducked down and Secret Service agents piled all over him to protect him.

The shooter, who was on the roof of a building about 400 feet (122 meters) away, was quickly shot and killed by a Secret Service sniper.  The shooter was Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20.  He fired eight shots.  In addition to Trump's ear injury, one person was killed and two were critically injured.

The Secret Service agents who piled on Trump landed with such force that Trump's shoes were knocked off.  Then they formed a human shield around him and hauled him off shoeless.  Trump was taken to a hospital, and the doctor noted that the shot that struck Trump's ear came within ¼ inch of killing him.  It was a close brush with death.  Satan took Trump to death's door, but a Guardian Angel preserved his life.  The Angels left their calling cards to give us clues of what they were doing.  The key to understanding the Spiritual meaning lies in the configuration of the Heavenly Bodies overhead.

Spiritual  Meaning

Trump's right ear was injured, and the blood ran down his face.  The ear injury was an Angelic sign.  It was a marker, like the marker of an animal ear or the marker of a slave.  Ears are pierced and rings are inserted to mark a slave as belonging to a master (Ex 21:6; Deut 15:17; Jn 18:10).  Under the Mosaic Law a master could do anything he desired to a slave without legal consequences.

The doctor put a rectangular bandage on Trump's ear, where a rectangle is a sign of a remedy or healing.  The white bandage symbolized Sanctification.  Satan pierced Trump's ear just as Satan pierced the hands, feet, and side of Jesus Christ.  However, a Guardian Angel protected Trump's life.  Satan was trying to kill Trump or proclaim him a slave, but God intervened with His Angels.

The pile of Secret Service agents on Trump symbolized a gangbang, which in this case was a fight, and not a rape.  When Trump was being carried away, he raised his fist and shouted, "Fight! Fight!"  The gangbang was symbolized by the sign of a Horse's Hoof in the Astrology Chart at the time.

Trump ShoeTrump's shoes6 were left behind as an angelic calling card.  Being barefoot may be associated with a person in bed or a corpse.  In this case it symbolizes a corpse.  Satan strikes the feet (Gen 3:15), and he was trying to kill Trump.

The Secret Service agents wore dark sunglasses as a sign that they were seeing in the darkness to catch crooks.  They have to catch people who are full of demons and Satanic darkness.  Those who catch crooks must fight the crooks in their own domain (Matt 6:23; Lk 11:34).


Trump Loop
Source: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images via CNN
The towel used by the Secret Service for wiping the blood from Trump's face contained a tiny white loop near Trump's collar, the angelic sign of a criminal.  A yellow loop is often used today for a hostage, who is held by a criminal.  The criminal was not Trump, but Crooks.

The rally was held at Butler Farm Show Grounds.  Three buildings in parallel and three sets of bleachers were behind the podium where Trump spoke.  The three buildings and three sets of bleachers symbolized Cosmic, Political, and Ecumenical Babylon of Satan's Cosmic System.  Satan owned the venue.  It was his domain.  Trump walked into a trap.  Satan was waiting for him.

Buildings, brothels, churches, prisons, hospitals, landmarks, roads, farms, trees, are the production of Good and evil.  Each has a purpose and reason for being.  Every building will  live up to its Divine purpose from generation to generation.  The Butler Farm Show Grounds was a mere 6 miles from an attempted assassination of George Washington in 1753 when he was 21 and a major in the British Army.  He traveled through Pennsylvania to Fort Le Boeuf near Erie.  He carried
a letter from the Governor of Virginia and met with French troops to try to prevent the French and Indian War.  The French rejected his offer.  On his way back to Virginia he met an Indian guide who offered to help him through the wilderness.  However, the Indian, who was allied with the French, loaded his musket and shot at Washington, narrowly missing him.8  The location of the shooting was 6 miles from the site of the attempted assassination of former President Trump.

The person who attempted to assassinate former President Trump was Thomas Matthew Crooks, who was 20 years old, where 20 is the number of years in a generation.  Trump was 78, which amounts to almost four generations.  So, Crooks was under the Four Generation Curse.  The chart at the time of the shooting contained a Family Configuration on the Descendant, corresponding to the Four Generation Curse.  Crooks was the third or fourth generation.  He wore braces on his teeth, which is the sign of a wild child, born from a non-Right Man – Right Woman relationship.  Crooks could have been delivered by believing in Christ, but he chose to believe in Satan, who then controlled him.
Crooks, ABC News, July 17, 2024

Under the power of Satan, Crooks was able to exploit one of the security failures of Law Enforcement.  The roof of a building had been left unguarded.  He climbed up on the roof and only failed to kill Trump by the Grace of God.

So, the assassination attempt on former President Trump was the work of Satan, with God's permission, similar to what happened to Job and George Washington.  Satan was after Trump in his recent trials, and Satan was after Trump in the assassination attempt.  The Crooks' attack was the rejection of Bible Doctrine by the fourth generation of the Four Generation Curse.


Trump Shooting Chart

Trump ShootingThe Chart at the time of the attempted assassination of former President Trump contains a Horse's Hoof, the sign of being trampled by a horse, like Jezebel being trampled by Jehu's horse (2 Ki 9:33).  The Horse's Hoof was aligned precisely along the East-West axis. 

The Ascendant was in Scorpius, for Simeon criminality.  The attempted shooting of Trump was criminality under the power of Satan.  The Descendant was in Taurus.  The Almighty God planet had just set.  It was part of a Family Configuration, for the Four Generation Curse:
  1. Almighty God – symbolic of the assassin as a Giant.
  2. Mediator – success through a mediator.  Washington tried to be a mediator to prevent war between the British and French.  The Guardian Angels who saved the lives of Washington and Trump were mediators between those men and their attempted assassins.
  3. Red Planet – Plagues that destroyed Egypt.
The Moon was in Virgo on the East side of the Horse's Hoof, corresponding to the Secret Service or civil servants.  At the bottom of the East side was the Last Adam in Capricornus, for the mystery of lawlessness (2 Thess 2:7).

Two planets were in Cancer, which is associated with security:
  1. Savior – Lord protector, who saved Trump's life.
  2. Morning Star – herald of alarm, for panic when the shots rang out.
The Sun was in Gemini, for a glorious marriage, symbolizing the relationship between the Presidential candidate and his audience at the political rally.

The Redeemer was near the Bottom of Heaven in Pisces, for a Levitical offering.  This is associated with the High Place in the chart of Thomas Crooks.  The Bottom of Heaven in Pisces is for the death of a priest, corresponding to the death of Christ and to the death of Crooks.

The God of the Covenants was in Aquarius, for the Noahic Covenant.

Thomas Matthew Crooks Birth Chart

CrooksThe Birth Chart of Thomas Crooks, who attempted to assassinate former President Trump is based on an assumed location of Bethel, Pennsylvania and time of 12 PM.  The Chart contains a High Place and a Teeter-Totter.  A priest offers sacrifices from a High Place.  A person with a Teeter-Totter divides the world into two camps, which may be two armies or Democrats and Republicans.  The person with the Teeter-Totter, however, tries to balance or control both sides, like a person on a skate board or surf board.  The person with a High Place and a Teeter-Totter may divide the world into God and man and then act as intercessor or judge, jury, and executioner.

The attempt to bring opposing sides into balance with a Teeter-Totter can lead to a very eccentric person.  For example, Crooks was recognized as odd by his classmates, who mocked him or picked on him.  He handled the conflict with humor, by laughing.  Others may have retaliated forcefully.  People with psychiatric problems may be divorced from reality and have a goofy smile.  Crooks' classmates noted that his strange behavior included wearing camouflage to school and wearing a surgical mask long after the Covid crisis had passed.

Add Satan to the aberrant possibilities of Crooks, and it created a real problem.  Crooks bought an assault rifle from his father, made bombs, and implemented a plan that outsmarted the premier branches of law enforcement, including the Secret Service and state police, and almost succeeded in the assassination of the former President of the US.

The Birth Chart of Crooks is like a combination lock.  God help the FBI if it thinks it can come up with his motive.

Also in Crooks' Chart are four pairs of planets, symbolizing a flood.  And there is a strong opposition through the High Place as a part of the Teeter-Totter.  The strong opposition is between the Savior and Almighty God planets in Leo versus the Mediator and Red Planet conjunction in Aquarius.  Leo corresponds to Washington, DC and government, and Aquarius corresponds to evangelism and the blessings of Millennial Peace.  The planets in Leo were:
  1. Savior – Lion of Judah
  2. Almighty God – Sovereign
The planets in Aquarius were:
  1. Mediator – mediator of disputes
  2. Red Planet – martyr.  Crooks was willing to die and become an iconoclast to break the image of Donald Trump.
The Sun was in Virgo, for the glory of Resurrection clothing.  However, Crooks glorified camouflage in a public place, which is an anachronism.  He wore camouflage to school.  Also in Virgo was the Morning Star, for a son of light.  His light appears to be from Satan, however.

The Moon was in Gemini, for a family or a class.  Crooks had just graduated from a community college and was headed to Robert Morris University.  The God of the Covenants was also in Gemini, for witnesses.

The Last Adam was in Scorpius, for the man of lawlessness, who will arise as the Antichrist in the Tribulation.

The Redeemer planet was in Capricornus, for being redeemed by blood.


Former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024.  A bullet pierced the top of his right ear and came within ¼ inch of killing him.  This was the work of Satan, the murderer.  The wound to the ear was the sign of slavery to Satan, who is the ruler of the world.  However, God intervened and delivered Trump through a Guardian Angel who interceded.  Trump turned his head at just the right angle at the right time, and the bullet miraculously missed his skull. 

Satan is allowed to attack people and scare them or even kill them with God's permission.  He attacked Job and his family, and he attacked George Washington in an assassination attempt in 1753 just 6 miles from where Trump was attacked.  Satan still claims the
Butler Farm Show Grounds after all these years.  It has not been redeemed from the devil's world.  Christians receive Positional Sanctification at Salvation, but they are left in the devil's world (Jn 17:15-16).  Satan is their ruler, but they are set apart by means of Bible Doctrine (Jn 17:17).  They can survive the devil's world by the Grace of God (2 Cor 12:9).

Christians are saved and have Divine operating assets, but Satan claims them as slaves because they live in his world.  Satan fights Christians.  He pierced Jesus Christ, and he incited a mob to stone Paul to death, but Paul survived.  Even though Christians are saved, Satan still has access to them and power over them.  They must be redeemed (bought back) from the devil's world (1 Cor 6:20).  They must conquer the devil's world to take back their possessions.  They can only win by the Grace of God.  Their works will be Divine Good production or dead works.  Divine Good is the work of God through Grace.  Dead works are human good and evil produced by Satan.
  Good works are rewarded, and dead works are condemned by God.

The Astrological Chart at the time of the attempted assassination contains a Horse's Hoof , for being trampled by a horse, corresponding to the scene of the Secret Service agents piling on Trump to protect him.  However, it looked more like a gangbang.  Trump's shoes were removed to symbolize a fight and death, since corpses don't wear shoes.

The Chart also contained a Family Configuration on the Descendant, as sign of the Four Generation Curse.  The shooter, Thomas Crooks, was 20, for the number of years in a generation.  He rejected the Redemption Solution, which could have delivered him from the curse. The Birth Chart of Crooks contained a High Place and a Teeter-Totter along with strong opposition.  He would be inclined to divide the world into two opposing camps and could have become very frustrated trying to balance the opposition.  Anyway, Satan took him to do his bidding.  Satan used Crooks to outsmart and outmaneuver Law Enforcement and almost kill former President Trump, for whom he had no respect, like many other enemies of Trump.  Their hatred of Trump from iconoclastic arrogance is Satanic.

Trump Shooting Chart Planets

Sun Gemini
Glorious marriage
Moon Virgo Secret Service
Savior Cancer Lord protector
Morning Star Cancer Herald of alarm
Red Planet Taurus Plagues
Almighty God Taurus Giant
Ring Planet Aquarius Noahic Covenant
Mediator Taurus Success through a mediator
Redeemer Pisces
Levitical Offering
Last Adam Capricornus Mystery of lawlessness



1.  Emmanuelle Saliba, Jessie DiMartino, "Secret Service spotted Trump rally shooter on roof 20 minutes before gunfire erupted," ABC News, July 17, 2024.
2.  "New video shows Trump shooter climbing onto the roof at rally," ABC News, July 16, 2024.
3.  Jeremy Herb, "Trump safe, two dead after assassination attempt at Pennsylvania rally ," CNN, July 14, 2024.
4.  "Attempted assassination of Donald Trump," Wikipedia, July 26, 2024.
5.  Renee Rigdon, "Minute-by-minute: Visual timeline of the Trump assassination attempt  ," CNN, July 18, 2024.
"Donald Trump's shoe left on stage after assassination attempt ," X Post, NEXTA, Nexta TV, July 14, 2024.
7.  Graeme Baker, "Trump shooting: The plan and the botched security ," BBC News, July 27, 2024.
8.  Christine Rousselle, "Trump assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania, has chilling ties to George Washington, first president ," Fox News, July 27, 2024.
9.  "Thomas Matthew Crooks," Wikipedia, July 27, 2024.

Released July 28, 2024 - Revised Aug. 21, 2024

Author: Larry Wood
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