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The Meaning of the Year 2025 - Sovereignty 


Webb Star Forming Region

The Meaning of the Year 2025 - Sovereignty
Sovereign Rule Over Creation
Signs of Sovereignty in 2025
Spring Lunar Eclipse Chart
Fall Lunar Eclipse Chart
Morning Star,  Almighty God Conjunction Chart

The Meaning of the Year 2025 - Sovereignty  

Link:  Doctrinal Definition - Sovereignty
January 1, 2024 (Day 1):  The meaning of the year 2025 is Sovereignty.   Sovereignty is an attribute of the essence of God.  God's Sovereignty is the source of all authority and power in Creation.  Sovereignty is God's superior, supreme, or almighty power and authority.  The Sovereignty of God is given to the Lord Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords.  He is King over the Temporal World and Lord over the Spiritual World.  He is Sovereign over all Creation, including Man and Angels.

Names for Sovereignty in scripture include:
  1. Almighty God - Hebrew, yD^v^ la@, ('El Shadda) (Genesis 17:1; Ruth 1:20)
  2. Most High God - Hebrew, /oyl+u# la@, ('El `Elejon)  (Gen. 14:18-20; Psa 47:2-4; 83:18; Dan 5:18, 21; Lk 1:32)
  3. Sovereign - Greek, dunavsth", (dunastes) (1 Timothy 6:15)
The greatest act of God's Sovereignty was Creation (Gen 1:1; Neh 9:6; Isa 42:5; Acts 17:24-26; Rev 4:11).  He created matter and energy along with Light to reveal His Creation.  Then He fashioned the matter and energy into elementary building blocks to create stars, planets, galaxies, black holes, and other heavenly bodies (Heb 1:10).  He turned on Light to reveal His Creation.  Then He created Angels to live in the celestial environment and control the processes of Creation (Ps 33:6; 103:20, 21).  He gave them the ability to think, act, live, love, communicate, and enjoy the beauty and wonder of His Creation (Job 38:7).  He also gave them free will.  He did not make them slaves.  They were free to live their lives and love God.

One of the angels, Satan, was the most beautiful, brilliant, and powerful (Ezek 28:3-6, 17).  He was chief, or sovereign, over the other angels.  However, Satan was not happy with his created life and wanted to be the supreme Sovereign instead of the Angel of the LORD (preincarnate Christ) (Isa 14:13, 14).  Satan's rejection of his creation was rebellion against God (Ezek 28:18).  Rejection of God's Sovereign Creation is evil.  Satan started a rebellion with one-third of the angels and made war with the other Elect Angels of God. 

Satan was captured and brought to Justice for violation of the Sovereignty of God.  He was found guilty and sentenced to the Lake of Fire along with the other fallen angels.  However, Satan appealed God's decision.  He admitted that God had the authority and power to judge him, but he claimed that God was not right - that God was unrighteous.  God accepted the appeal and man was created to resolve the issue.  So mankind is on the Earth to demonstrate the Righteousness of God.

God created modern man, beginning with Adam, with a body, soul, and spirit to be a witness for God in the Appeal Trial.  Satan was allowed to cross examine the witnesses.  Man sinned, and God offered the Redemption Solution.  Man could be saved if he would accept the work of the Redeemer who would come and pay for his sins.  Adam and Eve believed and were saved.  Jesus Christ came and paid for the sins of Adam and Eve and the whole human race so that all who wanted salvation could be saved from the Lake of Fire and live with God forever without fear of ever again falling into sin.

The nature of creation is that it is apart from God.  That means creatures (man and angels) can love God or reject Him.  Accepting God is a love relationship, but rejecting God is opposition to God, which God must condemn.  The Redemption Solution solves the sin question once and for all.  Those who choose the solution agree to be bondslaves to God and never again given the opportunity to sin.  God will love them forever and never allow them to be tempted to sin.  That is the story of Creation with the planets orbiting the Sun as opposed to a comet running off into the darkness of outer space.

So Satan admitted God is Sovereign, but Satan also said God was unrighteous.  Here we are in 2025 as witnesses in the Appeal Trial of Satan to demonstrate God's Righteousness in His Sovereignty (Rom 3:24, 25, 26).  

Sovereign Rule Over Creation

God rules over Creation from His throne in Heaven. 
The LORD has established His throne in the heavens;
And His kingdom rules over the Universe. (Psalm 103:19)
God is the Sovereign King over all Creation (Ps 47:2, 8).  The Universe and everything in it was created per God's Sovereign Design Specifications.  
Ephesians 1:11 Divine Design for Creation
In whom (Christ) also we have received a destiny, having been predestined according to the purpose of the Predetermined Design from the One (Father) implementing all specifications according to His Design Proposal.

As Christians we are in God's Creation, having been created per His Sovereign Design Specifications down to the hairs on our head (Matt 10:30).  We have a life and a destiny designed by God for His purpose. The details of our life are predetermined according to God's design.  This is not fatalism.  We still have volition.  We can make choices, but we will have the life that God ordained.  Ishmael was a wild ass of a man (Gen 16:11, 12), and Jonah was swallowed by a whale, and Nebuchadnezzar became like an animal for a while.  The design of God always came true.  We can try to understand God's will for us or fight it, but God's purpose will be done.  Reference for additional exegetical details (Fellowship Eph. 1:11 and Sovereignty).

The Sovereign power of God is available to the believer to implement Divine Design and fulfill the Will of God (ref. Eph 1:18, 19, Sovereign God, Col. 1:11).  The Sovereign power of God may be a get-out-of-jail-free card as in the case of Peter (Acts 12:6, 7) or resuscitation after a near death experience as in the case of Jonah or miraculous deliverance from danger as in the case of Daniel in the lion's den.  The power of Christ is available to the Church Age Believer to handle the straits and crises of life (2 Cor 12:9, 10).  When trials and tribulations arise, God has a solution (1 Cor 10:13).  Passing the test leads to promotion.  Asking for healing or removal of the test may mean flunking the test and loss of reward.  What God does not remove, He intends for us to endure.

Signs of Sovereignty in 2025

The year 2025 stands for Sovereignty, per the meaning of the number 25.  However, the number may not be the sign of the act of Sovereignty.  Divine Viewpoint must be used to perceive the Sovereign issues with Bible Doctrine.  God controls His Sovereign Creation.  He controls  human history, and His Sovereign acts should be apparent to Spiritually enlightened believers through the Filling of the Holy Spirit (1 Jn 1:7).  He gives Church Age Believers a New Spiritual Life from His Sovereign Design.  He gives life and takes it away at death (Job 1:21).  He decides the time, place, and manner of death (Job 14:5; Eccl 3:1, 2; Jn 7:30; Heb 9:27).

Former President Jimmy Carter died on December 29, 2024.  Carter was the Sovereign 39th President of the USA in 1977-81.  He died at age 100, for maximum Divine Good production.  He was a believer who tried to live the Christian life.  His death was a Sovereign act of God.  He died after a winter storm spawned tornadoes from Texas to Georgia.  The weather system appeared on the infrared satellite images as a locust centaur demon with the head of a horse and tail with a stinger like a scorpion.  These demons will come out in the Tribulation and attack men (Rev 9:3-11).  A National Day of Mourning has been declared for former President Carter on January 9, 2025.  So the beginning of the New Year with funerals and remembrances for the death of a Sovereign President will help us understand Sovereignty in the New Year.

There will be awesome signs of God's Sovereignty in the Heavens this year.  There will be two total Lunar Eclipses (Blood Moons), one in the Spring on March 14, for the Passover, and one in the Fall on September 7, for the Second Advent.  The Sun and Moon swap positions in Aquarius and Leo in the two eclipses.

There will also be a close conjunction of the Morning Star and Almighty God planets in Gemini on September 12.  The Morning Star symbolizes the Sovereign Authority of the head, and the Almighty God planet symbolizes the Sovereign power of the body.  The conjunction in Gemini symbolizes the Marriage of the Lamb when the Church rules with Christ in the Millennium.

Spring Lunar Eclipse Chart

Lunar EclipseIn the Chart of the Spring Lunar Eclipse of March 14, 2025, the Moon is in Midheaven n the sign of Leo, corresponding to the suffering of the Royal Family of God.  The Sun is at the Bottom of Heaven in Aquarius, corresponding to the Crucifixion.  A Stellium of five planets in Aquarius and Pisces creates a strong opposition to the Moon.  


Fall Lunar Eclipse Chart

Lunar EclipseIn the Chart of the Fall Lunar Eclipse the Moon is in Midheaven in Aquarius as the sign of the Church at the Second Advent when the Sun will be darkened and the Moon turned to blood (Joel 2:31).  The Sun is at the Bottom of Heaven in Leo.  The Sun is in conjunction with the Savior planet, for Christ as the Son of David and Lion of the Tribe of Judah at the Second Advent.  Note the signs of Aquarius and Leo are reverse in the Spring Chart and the Fall Chart, denoting the beginning and end of a sequence, such as a time period.

The Fall Lunar Eclipse Chart contains a Coffin and a Boomerang.  The Coffin is for burying the dead after the Armageddon War (Ezek 39:11, 12-13).  The Boomerang is for a crisis in timing, for the exact time of the Second Advent which is known only by God the Father.  Not even the Son knows the time (Mk 13:32).

Morning Star,  Almighty God Conjunction Chart

Conjunction ChartThe close conjunction of the Morning Star and Almighty God planets in Gemini on August 12, 2025 symbolizes the Marriage Feast of the Lamb in the Millennium (Rev 19:7, 8, 9). 


The meaning of the year 2025 is Sovereignty.  Sovereignty is an attribute of God's essence.  Divine Sovereignty is the ultimate, supreme, absolute source of all authority and power.  The greatest act of God's Sovereignty was Creation - the Creation of the Heavens and Earth and all that is in them, including the Universe and all life forms.  God designed Creation to strict specifications to handle every relationship and every contingency.  He has control over all He has created.  He created Angels to manage his Creation and live in it.  He gave the Angels free will to love Him or reject him.  Satan rejected the life that God created for him, and God sentenced him to the Lake of Fire.

Satan appealed God's decision and man was created to resolve the appeal and prove that God was Righteous in His condemnation of Satan.  Modern man was created to be a witness in Satan's Appeal Trial.  God provides a New Spiritual Life for all believers to enable them to deal with the problems of living as citizens of the devil's world.  Satan rules the world, but the power of God is available to believers from God's Grace.  The Sovereign design of God protects the believer living in the devil's world.  He will never leave nor forsake us (Heb 13:5).  Spiritual Warfare is the order of the day, but the battle is the Lord's, and He will give us the victory if we are willing to execute the New Spiritual Life in Christ Jesus.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the Sovereign King of kings and Lord of lords (1 Tim 6:15; Rev 17:14; 19:16).  God the Father gave Sovereignty to Christ and made the resurrected Christ the Sovereign King over all other kings of the Earth.  Christ is King over the Temporal World, and Lord over the Spiritual World (Ps 136:3).  He is Sovereign over Elect Angels and demons in the Spiritual World.  He is the High Priest of the Church and Lord over all priests of God.  All authority has been given to Him (Matt 28:18, 19).     


1.  Larry Wood, "Sovereignty" Sept. 11, 2001, Dec. 11, 2024.
"What is a state funeral and who will attend Jimmy Carter's?," BBC News, Dec. 31, 2024.
3.  Fred Espenak
, "Eclipses During 2025," Aug. 16, 2024.
"Close Approach of Venus and Jupiter on August 12" Veto Technology, Inc., Sky Tonight, Dec. 16, 2024.

Released January 1, 2025

Author:  Larry Wood