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Los Angeles Palisades Fire, Sign of the Second Advent


Palisades Fire, NBC News

Los Angeles Palisades Fire, Sign of the Second Advent
Spiritual Meaning

Palisades Chart

Los Angeles Palisades Fire, Sign of the Second Advent 

Fire MapJanuary 12, 2025 (Day 12):  A fire started in the Pacific Palisades community West of Los Angeles, California on January 7.  Fueled by dry brush and propelled by strong Santa Ana winds, the fire quickly exploded and destroyed entire neighborhoods and communities.  Because of the strong winds, fire fighters were unable to  control the blaze and it quickly razed thousands of homes and buildings.  Residents were forced to flee from the rapidly approaching Palisades Fire on short notice and with very few of their belongings.  The mass evacuation caused gridlock, and some residents left their cars and walked out as the embers rained down around them.

Pacific Palisades is populated by the million-dollar homes of Hollywood celebrities.  When some were allowed to return after the fire passed, they rummaged through the ashes for gold, silver, and pearls that survived the fire.

FireOther fires also popped up in Southern California, but the wide-spread devastation of the Palisades Fire was historic.  The fire razed all the homes and buildings in neighborhoods and entire communities.  Some buildings miraculously escaped, but they were rare exceptions.

The catastrophic event was obviously of Divine origin.  It was Fire Testing, but the scope of the devastation exceeded what would be expected for Los Angeles or the state of California.  And it was too big to be applied to a group or class of people.  The Judgment had to be attributed to a Sovereign decision of God, who controls human history.  This is the year for Sovereignty, and catastrophic Judgments are scheduled by God.

Spiritual Meaning

The Palisades Fire started on January 7, 2025 at 10:30 AM PST (1730 GMT).  It was the day the coffin of Former President Jimmy Carter was taken to Washington, DC prior to his funeral.  He was associated with violations of the Abrahamic Covenant, which could lead to Divine cursing, but not to the extent of the Palisades Fire.  California is in the location corresponding to Israel and Ephraim and Manasseh in the Client Nation Model. 

The Palisades Fire could be a forerunner or herald of the Baptism of Fire after the Second Advent when the Earth will be engulfed in fire prior to the Millennium.  Unbelievers will die in the fire and go to Hades, but believers will be delivered and go into the Millennium (Matt 3:11-12).  The Astrological Chart at the time of the beginning of the Palisades Fire contains three planets in parallel on the Ascendant.  Two of the planets are in Aquarius, corresponding to the blessing of the Millennium.  The three planets in parallel symbolize Divine Judgment of Cosmic, Political, and Ecumenical Babylon, corresponding to Fire Testing. 

Fire Testing is the analogy of refining gold or silver by smelting and removing the dross.  God similarly tests believers to burn up dead works and purify Divine Good production.  The scripture that applies to Fire Testing in California associated with the Palisades Fire is Isaiah 1:19-31 (ref. Fire Testing of Israel). 
Isaiah first prophesied of the Fire Testing that was about to come upon Israel prior to the Fifth Cycle of National Cursing.  The issue according to Isaiah was Bible Doctrine in the soul.
Isaiah 1
19 If you willingly hear and obey,
You will eat the good of the land;
20 But if you refuse and rebel,
You will be devoured by the sword.
The basis for blessing, eating the good of the land, was hearing and obeying the Word of the Lord.  Those who reject Bible Doctrine will be "devoured by the sword," i.e. destroyed by an invading army under the Fifth Cycle of National Cursing.
How has she become a whore, the faithful citadel!
She, full of right, lodged in righteousness -
But now murderers. (Isaiah 1:21)
Isaiah called Jerusalem "a whore," though it was once a "faithful citadel."  She was once full of "right" and "righteousness," but now full of "murderers."  The contrast between the whore and the murderer reflects the state of degeneracy in Israel.  The whore and the murderer represent the two characteristics of Satan in the Cosmic System.  One represents the Evil King and the other represents the Prostitute of Babylon.  
Your silver has become dross,
Your choice wine has been castrated with water. (Isaiah 1:22)
Silver represents Divine Good.  Dross represents the impurities from the process of refining silver.  The wine in Israel had been weakened with water and was poor quality.
Your rulers are rebellious,
And companions of thieves;
Everyone loves a bribe,
And hunts after rewards.
They do not defend the orphan,
Nor does the widow’s plea come before them. (Isaiah 1:23)
Israel's problems were everywhere.  The national leaders, the "rulers," were rebellious.  They were corrupt and took bribes.  The love of money is a root of all evil.  Reversionists have Satanic values.  If there is no salt in the land, the government, business, and institutions will be corrupt.
Therefore the LORD God of the Armies,
The Mighty One of Israel declares, “Ah, I relieve Myself on My adversaries,
And avenge Myself on My enemies. (Isaiah 1:24)
The Lord Jesus Christ was the Chief of the joint chiefs of staff of Israel.  He also commanded the armies of Elect Angels, who could easily defeat any adversary.  Reversionists make themselves the enemies of the Lord and are doomed.
Isaiah 1:25
I will turn My hand against you,
And will smelt away your dross as with lye,
And will remove all your lead.
The hand of God is a symbol of cursing, as slapping (Job 19:21; Jer. 6:9; Ezek. 25:13, 38:12; Psalm 81:14).  Lye refers to alkali (e.g. potash and soda), which have been used to accelerate the process of smelting in order to separate a metal from its ore.  Lead is separated from the ore in the process of making silver.
Isaiah 1:26
Then I will restore your judges as at the first,
And your counselors as at the beginning,
After that you will be called the city of Righteousness,
Faithful citadel.

After God finishes Fire Testing, Israel will have leaders with Divine Viewpoint and Edification Complexes of the Soul.  The city will be called Righteous and Faithful.  Los Angeles Palisades cannot be called Righteous, and its leaders don't come close.
Isaiah 1:27
Zion will be redeemed by Judgment
And those in her who repent (Rebound) by Righteousness.
Israel will be redeemed by God's Judgment, such as Fire Testing like the Palisades Fire.  And those who Rebound will have Righteousness.
Isaiah 1:28
But rebels and sinners shall be crushed together,
And those who forsake the LORD will be destroyed.

Reversionists who rebel against God and live in sin will be destroyed by God.
Isaiah 1:29
For you shall be ashamed of the oaks (terebinths) in which you delighted,
And you shall blush for the gardens which you have chosen.

They worshiped Baal in the Phallic Cult under the green trees (Isa 57:5), and they offered sacrifices and burned incense in gardens.  Sacrifices were to be offered in the Temple by priests under the Levitical Law.   The Palisades homes were surrounded by beautiful lawns and gardens with shade trees and shrubs all around that became tender for the fires.
Isaiah 1:30
For you shall be like an oak (terebinth) whose leaf withers
And like a garden that has no water.

California had been through droughts before the Palisades Fire.  Even the fire hydrants were dry.
Isaiah 1:31
The rich man will become tow,
And his work (an idol), a spark.
And both of them shall burn together
With none to extinguish them.

The inhabitants of Pacific Palisades were rich.  Tow is the refuse of flax which is removed by combing.  The work of the rich man was the idol which he made.  The idol was like a spark that ignited the tow (rich man).  For example, people can easily fall under the power of the Prostitute of Babylon and do her bidding.  God will severely punish those under the power of Satan and his demons, which amounts to idolatry (Col 3:5). 

Palisades Chart

Palesades ChartThe Palisades Fire was reported at 10:30 AM PST (1730 GMT).  The Chart at the time contains a Skull, a Plow, and a Yod.  The Skull is the sign of death (or destruction) at the hands of Satan, who has the power of death, with God's permission.  A Plow is the sign of intense suffering, like being plowed under.  And the Yod is for critical timing, for striking at precisely the right time.  The Yod points to the Savior Planet in Sagittarius, for the Lord as the Deliverer or Savior.  In this case the Lord delivered the people from death but destroyed their property.  The Savior Planet was near Midheaven, for a sensational event in history.

The Sun was in Sagittarius, for an Angelic Army.  The Army of Angels that God deployed to destroy Pacific Palisades included Fire Angels and Weather Angels. 

There were three planets on the Ascendant.  Two were in Aquarius, for the blessing of the Millennium.  The three planets in parallel are a sign of Cosmic, Political, and Ecumenical Babylon of Satan's Cosmic System under the Judgment of the Holly Spirit.  The implication is that this was Fire Testing, and the dead works of the people were being destroyed.  However, after the Second Advent the whole Earth will be burned in the Baptism of Fire.  All the buildings will be burned to make way for the new buildings of the Millennium.  Unbelievers will die in the fire and go to Hades, while believers will  be delivered and go into the Millennium
(Matt 3:11-12).  The planets on the Ascendant were:
  1. Morning Star in Aquarius - herald of Second Advent
  2. God of the Covenants in Aquarius - Covenant of Peace (Millennium, Ezek 34:25; 37:26)
  3. Redeemer in Pisces - offering
The Last Adam planet is in Capricornus, for an outcast.  The inhabitants of Pacific Palisades were cast out of their homes and from their communities.

The Moon was in Aries, for Jezebel, corresponding to her influence over the government and people.  The Mediator Planet was also in Aries, for Christ, the High Priest of the Church.

The Almighty God planet was in Taurus, for great prosperity, corresponding to the inhabitants of Pacific Palisades.

The Red Planet was in Cancer, for suffering from a safety breach, corresponding to the Palisades Fire.


The Palisades Fire flared up on January 7 and quickly exploded exponentially into a major fire that wiped out entire neighborhoods and communities in Pacific Palesades west of Los Angeles where Hollywood celebrities live in million-dollar homes.  The fire was fueled by dry brush from previous droughts and propelled by strong Santa Ana winds that overpowered fire fighting efforts.  The fire was Fire Testing sent by God by His Sovereign decision in the year for Sovereignty. 

The fire was much bigger than expected for personal Fire Testing.  It was a herald of the Baptism of Fire that will occur after the Second Advent when the whole Earth is burned to make way for the prosperity of the Millennium.  The Astrological Chart for the beginning of the fire had three planets in parallel on the Ascendant.  Two of the planets were in Aquarius, for the blessing of the Millennium.  The three planets symbolized Cosmic, Political, and Ecumenical Babylon, for the destruction of dead works by Fire Testing.  Fire Testing in the Spiritual Life is analogous to refining silver and gold by smelting and drawing off the dross.  In Fire Testing personal dead works are destroyed to leave room for Divine Good production (1 Cor 3:12-15).  The people's works were destroyed, but they came through the fire alive (1 Cor 3:15).

Even arrogant unbelievers recognized the Palisades Fire as historic and apocalyptic.  It was the kind of raging inferno that will cover the Earth in the Baptism of Fire after the Second Advent.  The fire, which was like a blow torch in California, contrasted with ice and snow that covered the Eastern US.  The contrast between hot and cold symbolized the Fire Testing of the Church at Laodicea.  There were many similarities except the unbelief in California was worse, and the extent of the cursing was much greater than for a congregation.  The fallout from the Divine Judgment affected the entire nation under the Cycles of National Cursing and became a warning of the coming Judgment of the Second Advent and Baptism of Fire to the rest of the world.  It was indeed apocalyptic.


1.  Larry Wood, "Sovereignty" Sept. 11, 2001, Dec. 11, 2024.
"FIRMS US/Canads," FIRMS, Jan. 12, 2025.
"Palisades Fire (2025)," Wikipedia, Jan. 12, 2025.
"Fire & Ash:  Devastation in L.A. Full Broadcast - NBC Dateline" Video, NBC News, Jan. 4, 2025.
5.  Larry Wood
"Fire Testing" Aug. 15, 1998.
Katie Davis, "Is this what caused LA fire?" The US Sun, Jan. 13, 2025.
Serene Khalifeh, Vicky Wong, "LA fires: How four days of devastation unfolded" BBC News, Jan. 11, 2025.

Released January 13, 2025 - Revised Jan. 19, 2025

Author:  Larry Wood