Shadow Moon Eclipse

Shadow Moon Eclipse 
Spiritual Meaning
Eclipse Chart

Shadow Moon Eclipse

Links:  Partial Lunar Eclipse Description | Diagram | Video |
September l 8, 2024 (Day 262):  The Partial Lunar Eclipse of September 18, 2024 was a very weak eclipse with the Moon mostly in the light penumbra shadow.  The Moon was partially in the dark umbra shadow for only 1 hour 3 minutes and 40 seconds (63 minutes and 40 seconds).  Only a small patch of the Moon was in darkness of the umbra shadow.    The eclipse was visible over North and South America, Europe, and Africa.  Greatest eclipse was slightly off the coast of Brazil in the Atlantic at 0244/14 UT1 the morning of September 18.  The Moon was on the cusp of Pisces, for the Church.  The Lunar Eclipse will be followed in two weeks by an Annular Solar Eclipse.3

During the Lunar Eclipse the Moon was veiled in a very light shadow.  The normal white light of the Full Moon was darkened with a grayish tint.  The darkness was the sign of sin and loss of sanctification.  Sin results in spiritual death.  If the sin is not handled with Rebound, Divine Discipline follows.  The darkened Moon in the shadow symbolized the Church in sin. 

The Moon in the shadow of the eclipse was the Lord Jesus Christ speaking to the Church as He did to the seven churches of Revelation.  Yes, He speaks through the planets.  The message to the church at Sardis describes the problem illustrated by the shadow Moon eclipse. 

Spiritual Meaning

The Partial Lunar Eclipse was almost completely in the light shadow of the penumbra with only a small area reaching the umbra for a relatively short time of about an hour.  The light shadow of the Moon during eclipse was the sign of sin and loss of sanctification.  The Moon was on the cusp of Pisces, for the Church.  It had just left Aquarius where it also symbolized the Church in a different aspect.  The Church in sin is spiritually dead (Rom 6:23) and out of fellowship with God.  The church at Sardis had the same problem, and the Lord Jesus Christ told them they needed to Rebound.
Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard, and keep it and change your mind (Rebound).  If, therefore, you will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you. (Revelation 3:3)
The church at Sardis was living in sin and not executing the New Spiritual Life in Christ.  They were asleep on the job.  The Filling of the Holy Spirit is a state of wakefulness.  The soul that is not under the control of the Holy Spirit is like being asleep.  Sleep is in the hypnagogic state where a person is subject to the Spiritual World with Angels and demons.  The Filling of the Holy Spirit in contrast is being under the control of the Holy Spirit and not subject to other spirits unless God allows them to influence.

The Lord warned the church at Sardis that if they did not Rebound, He would come upon them like a thief in the night.  This is a strong warning of Divine Discipline, like sowing to the wind and reaping the whirlwind.  The punishment may come directly or indirectly from the Lord.  He may send people or Satan to administer the punishment.  The options were Rebound or face Divine Punishment.    

The Astrology chart of the Lunar Eclipse connects the Moon in Midheaven to the Sun at the Bottom of Heaven with a Catwalk.  A Catwalk is a bridge across a chasm or gulf.  It can connect Heaven and Earth, like Jacob's ladder (Gen. 28:12).  The Bottom of Heaven symbolizes Sheol, death, or the grave - a place of "darkness and deep shadow" (Job 10:21).  The Catwalk connecting Midheaven to the Bottom of heaven is like the tunnel of a near-death experience in the Spiritual World.  The Catwalk connecting the Moon in eclipse to the Bottom of Heaven symbolizes sin, resulting in spiritual death.

The Partial Lunar Eclipse is a graphic illustration of the Church which is out of fellowship with God. Most churches in the world do not even teach Rebound, and Christians do not have the Filling of the Holy Spirit.  Churches that do not teach Rebound are apostate, and Christians who do not practice Rebound are in Reversionism. 

So, the Lunar Eclipse was a very strong statement from the Lord Jesus Christ that the Church has a bad problem with sin in spiritual death, and there is a warning of severe punishment ahead if there is no Rebound.  

Eclipse Chart

Partial Lunar Eclipse, September 18, 2024

Lunar Eclipse ChartThe chart at the time of maximum eclipse of the Moon at 0244/14 UT1 on September 18 contains a Kite, a Plow, a High Place, a Catwalk, and a Stage.  A Kite is for the blessing of the cross.  The Kite is aligned vertically between Midheaven and the Bottom of Heaven.  The Catwalk is for a bridge or transition across a gulf, such as between Heaven and Earth.  The Catwalk connects the eclipsed Moon in Midheaven to the Sun at the Bottom of Heaven.  This symbolizes the wages of sin, which is spiritual  death (Rom 6:23).

A Plow is for intense suffering, like being plowed under.  The point of the Plow is the Almighty God Planet on the Ascendant in Taurus, for a giant or Baal.  This symbolizes Spiritual Warfare in which the Giant must be defeated.  Two days prior during the attempted assassination of former President Trump on September 15 the mirror image of the Almighty God Planet was on the Descendant at the point of the Plow.  That was an attack of a Giant in the Temporal World.  The Giant in the Lunar Eclipse chart is on the Spiritual side of the chart and symbolizes a spiritual giant, or Baal. 

A High Place is for a priest to offer sacrifices to God or Satan.  Every believer in the Church is a priest.  The sign of Pisces symbolizes a priest.  The Moon was in Pisces in the eclipse.  Christian believer-priests intercede for themselves and others in the Spiritual  life. 

A Stage is the place where people carry out the activities of life.

The Moon was in Midheaven in conjunction with the Redeemer Planet in Pisces.  The Moon in eclipse was in the shadow of Earth as the symbol of the Church in sin.  The Redeemer Planet in Pisces symbolized the offering for sin under the Law and the intercession and Rebound of believer-priests in the Church.

The God of the Covenants was in Aquarius, for the Noahic Covenant.  The God of the Covenants was in a Family coniguration with the Moon and Redeemer Planet. 

The Sun was on the cusp of Virgo, for Christ as the Bridegroom of the Church.  The Morning Star was also in Virgo, for sons of light - believers.

The Savior Planet was in Leo, for the Lord Jesus Christ as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah at the Second Advent.

The Last Adam was in Capricornus, for an outcast.

The Mediator Plant was in Taurus, for success through a mediator.


 The Partial Lunar Eclipse was a weak eclipse with the Moon largely in the penumbra shadow of the Earth with only a small patch in umbra darkness.  The shadow on the Moon was a sign of sin, loss of sanctification, and spiritual death.  The Moon on the cusp of Pisces symbolized the Church.  A Catwalk joined the Moon in Midheaven to the Sun at the Bottom of Heaven.  This configuration symbolized the result of the Moon in sin, which is Spiritual Death. 

The church at Sardis had the same problem.  They were in sin but had not Rebounded.  The Lord Jesus Christ told them to Rebound.  If they didn't He would come to them like a thief in the night when they were least expecting it.  He would punish them not for their sin, but for not being filled with the Holy Spirit, being out of fellowship with God, and failing to live the Spiritual Life .  Their sins were paid for on the cross and would not be judged again, but their sins were not forgiven.  They were a sign of failing to live the Christian life and rebellion against God like Satan.

Rebound is necessary for Christians because it leads to the filling of the Holy Spirit, which is the power of the new Spiritual  Life in Christ Jesus.  If a Christian rebounds, God will forgive his sins and restore him to fellowship (1 Jn 1:9) so he can receive Grace.


1.  "Eclipses During 2024," Fred Espenak,, Aug. 26, 2023.
Marcy Curran, "Partial lunar eclipse September 17-18, 2024," EarthSky, Sept. 17, 2024.
3.  "Partial Lunar Eclipse of 2024 Sep 18," Fred Espenak,
4.  "LIVE Stream: Partial Lunar Eclipse September 17-18, 2024," Time and Date, Sept. 18, 2024.

Author:  Larry Wood,   Released - Sept. 18, 2024

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