Rare Florida
Rare Florida
Spiritual Meaning
Florida Earthquake Chart
Florida Earthquake
February 7, 2024 (Day 38): A rare Florida earthquake struck
off the East coast of Florida 100 miles (163 km) East of Cape
Canaveral on February 7, 2024. Weak to light tremors were
felt along the Florida East coast. The earthquake of
magnitude 4.0 struck at 10:48/07 PM EST
(0348/07 GMT). There was no damage reported.
The earthquake came 9 hours after a US drone strike killed a
senior commander in the Kataib Hezbollah responsible for
planning attacks on US forces in Iraq. Abu Baqir al-Saadi and two of his
bodyguards were killed in Baghdad at 1830 GMT. The attack
on February 7 was on Day 38, for dying in the wilderness.
Less than three hours after the Florida earthquake the SpaceX
launch of the PACE satellite at 1:33 AM EST shook the rafters of
houses along the Space Coast as the powerful engines roared
upward toward a polar orbit. Later in the morning after
the earthquake the US Supreme Court heard arguments related to
taking former President Trump off the Presidential ballot in
Colorado. The SpaceX launch and the Supreme Court
arguments were on February 8, Day 39, for the sin leading to
death. These two events on Day 39 symbolize dead on
Spiritual Meaning
The rare Florida earthquake
was another demonstration of Judgment by Archangels per the meaning of the year
2024, for Archangels and strategy. The earthquake
was the work of the Land Archangel and his supporting
Angels. The earthquake was the Judgment of
Ecumenical Babylon of Satan's kingdom. Satan has
strategically attacked Israel with terrorists and politicians to
take over the Promised Land, which the Lord gave to
Abraham. This is a world problem in which the Lord has
allocated national boundaries that date back to the Tower of Babel.
The terrorist attacks on Israel are attacks on the division of the land (1 Chron 1:19).
The War Between the States was an attack on the division of the
land of God's ordained boundaries. And the attack on the
US southern border from floods of immigrants is an attack on the
division of the land. The Supreme Court arguments over the
Colorado Presidential ballot were related to who would rule the
former slave states after the War Between the States. This
was also about the division of the land. The US Government
is currently violating the Abrahamic
Covenant by imposing sanctions on Israeli settlers and
asking Israel to give away part of the Promised Land to the
Palestinians (ref. Two-State Solution).
The earthquake was Judgment of Ecumenical Babylon related to
Satanic influence in the land (nation). This influence is
related to the US immigration policy, foreign policy toward
Israel, and the case before the Supreme Court to keep Former
President Trump off the Colorado ballot. All of these
include Satanic influence of Ecumenical Babylon.
The Satanic influence in trying to keep Trump off the Colorado
ballot is in the interpretation of the written law and the US
Constitution. Satan's interpretation is in Ecumenical
Babylon. The Truth requires getting rid of Satan's
influence. This requires the salt of the land from the
Church (Matt 5:13). Satan was speaking in the US Supreme
Court case from Colorado (C-SPAN). His arguments were brilliant
The earthquake off the coast of Florida was the Judgment of
Ecumenical Babylon. After the earthquake the SpaceX launch
of the PACE satellite rattled the homes much worse than the
earthquake. Not only did the land shake, but the heavens
shook as an illustration of the earthquakes associated with the
First and Second Advents of Christ. Note, this was
explained in 2023 regarding Turkey's two
groups of earthquakes:
The two groups of Turkey
earthquakes on Feb. 6 and 20 symbolize the shaking
of Earth and Heaven in the two Advents of Jesus Christ as the High Priest of the New
Covenant to the Church (Hag 2:6, 7; Heb 12:26,
27). Earthquakes occurred during the First
Advent of Christ that woke the dead (Matt 27:51-52,
53, 54; 28:2; Isa 26:19). Earthquakes
will also herald the Second Advent (Rev 6:12; 8:5;
11:13; 16:18), and Heaven will be shaken in the
Tribulation prior to the Second Advent (Rev 11:19).
The significance of the
earthquake related to Florida is that Florida in Aquarius and by
the sea has been associated with the Palestinians in
Gaza. Gaza became a terrorist stronghold of
Hamas. Israel was cursed by Gaza for violating the
Abrahamic Covenant. Now Florida has received the Judgment
of Ecumenical Babylon in the earthquake because of Satanic
influence in the nation.
Earthquake Chart
The Chart at the time of the
Florida earthquake contains a Bow, for the concentrated attack
from an archer's bow. The Bow corresponds to the drone
attack that killed Hezbollah leader Abu Baqir al-Saadi in Baghdad. The
Bow symbolized the shot from the US missile that killed him.
The Sun was in Capricornus, for Gentile glory. The Gentile
terrorists are fighting Israel in the Middle East. The
Moon was in Sagittarius in conjunction with the Bottom of Heaven
beside the Morning Star, for the death of an army leader,
corresponding to the death of Abu Baqir
All of the planets except the Morning Star were on the
Temporal side of the Chart. The Morning Star was
barely on the Spiritual side of the Chart in
Sagittarius, for the leader of an army, corresponding to
Baqir al-Saadi.
The Chart is a two-dimensional model.
The X-axis runs left and right with the
Spiritual on the left side of the Chart, and
the Temporal side on the right. This
is opposite of the left (Temporal) side and
right (Spiritual) side of the human
body. The Y-axis of the Chart runs top
to bottom with the top side in the Light and
the bottom side in Darkness. The red
arrows symbolize the influence of Ecumenical
Babylon, and the black arrows symbolize the
influence of Darkness.
Aquarius, corresponding to Florida, received
the earthquake and was under the
influence of Ecumenical Babylon and
Darkness. Pisces, which was
beside Aquarius, was also in Darkness and
under the influence of Ecumenical Babylon
(but no earthquake). Pisces was the
region related to the Colorado case against
Former President Trump. Above the
Descendant was Aries in the Light. The
planets in Aries symbolized public officials
and commanders in the Light. Aries was
associated with New York in the North, and
Aquarius was associated with Florida in the
South. This corresponds to Israel and
Gaza, and to the North and South in the War
Between the States. The 14th Amendment
was passed to keep the Southern
Confederates from holding public
office. History is repeating itself in
the US and Israel.
The earthquake occurred off the coast of
Florida in the region of Aquarius. The
God of the Covenants planet was in Aquarius,
for the Noahic Covenant, corresponding to
the Noahic Flood and the floods of refugees
from the world's wars, the flood of
immigrants across the US southern border,
the recent California floods, and the flood
of voters in the US Presidential
election. The terrorist attacks on
Israel and the immigration problems in the
US are both problems with the division of
the land. Such problems date back to
the Tower of Babel.
The arguments before the US Supreme Court
related to Colorado keeping Trump off the
ballot are also associated with the division
of the land, dating back to the War Between
the States related to the 14th
Amendment. This is associated with the
meaning of Pisces on the Descendant, where
Pisces corresponds to the Criminal Justice
System. The Supreme Court arguments
were about whether the laws of the land were
being correctly applied. The Colorado
Supreme Court assumed that Trump was guilty
of insurrection, which was not the
case. The earthquake was the Judgment
of Ecumenical Babylon (related to the
law and the land).
The Redeemer planet was in Pisces, for a
Levitical offering judged on the Altar or
the redemption of the Church. This
means where there is no salt in the land
there is not sanity (or blessing).
There is only confusion, which was the case
in the US Supreme Court debate over whether
Trump should be allowed on the Colorado
There were only two planets on the Light
side of the Chart. All others were in
Darkness. The two planets in the Light
- Mediator -
the Lord Jesus Christ as the High Priest
of the Church or a public
official. The Supreme Court case
was about the election of the President,
a public official.
- Almighty
God - a commander.
Note also that the Florida
Earthquake Chart is almost identical to the Colorado train
wreck Chart of January 29, 2024. The main difference
is the position of the Moon, which was rising on the Ascendant
in the Colorado Chart.
The rare Florida earthquake occurred 100 miles East
of Florida in the Atlantic and only weak and light tremors were
felt along the Florida coast. The earthquake was at night at
10:48/07 PM EST after a drone strike that killed a terrorist in
Iraq, before a powerful SpaceX launch that rattled the homes, and
before the case for keeping Former President Trump off the
Colorado ballot was presented to the US Supreme Court. The
earthquake was the Judgment of Ecumenical Babylon by the Land
Archangel due to US influence by Satan related to the division of
the land. The Satanic attack upon the US resulted in God's
Judgment of the earthquake for being under Satanic influence.
Satan is attacking Israel with terrorists to destroy the Abrahamic
Covenant, which deeded the Promised Land to Israel - not the
Palestinians.. And Satan is attacking the US strategically
because it is the Client Nation to God. This is Spiritual
Warfare, which is playing out on the World Stage in the Temporal
World in many evil and confusing ways.

1. Orla Guerin, Hugo Bachega, "US drone strike kills Iran-backed militia leader
in Baghdad" BBC News, Feb. 8, 2024.
2. Melissa Quinn, Stefan Becket, "Supreme Court skeptical of ruling Trump ineligible
for 2024 ballot in Colorado case," CBS News, Feb. 8, 2024.
3. "M 4.0 - 163 km E of Cape Canaveral, Florida ,"
USGS, Feb. 8, 2024.
4. William Harwood, "SpaceX launches billion-dollar environmental
research satellite for NASA" Spaceflight Now, Feb. 8,
5. "Supreme Ct. Hears Case on Fmr. Pres. Trump's
Colorado Ballot Eligibility," C-SPAN, Feb. 8, 2024.
Released Feb. 9 2024