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Hurricane Helene, Repeat of Idalia Curse

Followed Path through Florida and Georgia

Keaton Beach
Keaton Beach, FL, NBC News, Sept. 28, 2024

Hurricane Helene
Spiritual Meaning

Hurricane HeleneTrack

Links:  Video (BBC News) | Asheville, NC (Citizen Times)
September 26, 2024 (Day 270):  Hurricane Helene came ashore on Florida's Gulf Coast south of Perry on September 26, 2024 about 10:30 PM EDT (0230 GMT).  According to the Weather Service Reconnaissance Report, it had winds of 108 knots and 943 mb pressure.  It made landfall in basically the same spot and followed the same path through Perry as Hurricane Idalia on August 30, 2023 (Day 242). Hurricane Helene was accompanied by an estimated 10 foot storm surge that flooded coastal areas from south of Tampa.  Salt water from flooding caused fires in lithium-ion batteries in Electric Vehicles.  So fire departments were fighting fires in flooded areas.


Moving with a fast forward speed of 26 mph, Hurricane Helene quickly crossed into Georgia where strong winds inflicted damage in Valdosta.  Large pine trees were broken and fell on houses and power lines.  Tropical Storm Helene veered East into South and North Carolina, causing more flooding.  Flash flooding from Helene covered metropolitan Atlanta in one of the city's worst disasters.  Helene moved into Eastern Tennessee and caused more heavy flooding.  By 2 pm EDT on September 27, Helene was downgraded to a Tropical Depression as it moved through Tennessee into Kentucky.

Tropical Storm Helene was named on September 24, 2024 in the Caribbean south of Cuba.  It was named a hurricane the next day as it moved  through the strait between the Western tip of Cuba and the Yucatan.  Later at 11 PM EDT Tropical Storm Isaac was named in the Northern Atlantic.  The weather models predicted the coming of Hurricane Helen long before it even became a Tropical Depression.  By the time it was finally named a Tropical Storm it was already a foregone conclusion.  The models agreed; the weather service soothsayers agreed, and their  bold predictions were coming true.  However, in spite of the best laid plans of mice and men, there were idiosyncrasies. 

LandfallEye Perry

First, the storm took a jog to the left toward the Yucatan Peninsula.  After it crossed the Gulf, it moved to the right, missing Tallahassee and went straight over Perry.  Then it swung to the East after hitting Valdosta.  As Helene crossed the Gulf, the barometric pressure kept falling, and the wind speed increased after lagging a while for no apparent reason.  One weather forecaster even suggested it might have been due to a double eyewall, which it didn't have.  The eye of the hurricane was ragged and open from different directions.  The eye never became round and solid, although it had an eyewall.  Then at landfall the personal ground weather stations in the eyewall were measuring a maximum wind speed of 68 mph gusting to 73 mph.  The National Weather Service said the wind speed was 130 mph, which is a difference of  60 mph.  And Perry had minimal wind damage in spite of being directly in the eyewall as in Idalia.  Idalia produced  heavy damage in Perry, although it was a minimal hurricane while Helene was a major hurricane.  There was also minimal wind damage from Helene in most other areas, although there was major flood damage.

As Hurricane Helene crossed the Gulf on the way to Florida, it appeared as a horse, the symbol of war and a male phallic reversionist.  The  horse image appeared from the first day the storm was named.  The horse always appeared as old and ragged, like an old gray horse or mule.  Horses are common on infrared weather images.  However, they do not appear as old and ragged.  This one was like an image or statue of a horse, like the Trojan horse of Helen of Troy.  
On the night of September 25 after Helene was upgraded to a hurricane, it appeared as a two-faced image of a horse and a hyena.  Hyenas symbolize terrorists.

Two-Faced Horse/Hyena

IsaacThe horse images of Hurricane Helene could also be perceived as an Angel doing homage.  On September 26 at 10:30 GMT the images of both Hurricane Helene and Tropical Storm Isaac were bowed in homage.  Isaac was the son and heir of Abraham.  Their relationship was in some way similar to President and Vice President.

House Fires in Helene Floodwaters in Pinellas County, FL

Spiritual Meaning

Hurricane Helene followed its predecessor, Hurricane Idalia of 2023.  Both made landfall at basically the same spot and crossed into Georgia along the same path.  After crossing Georgia Idalia went out to sea, but Helene doubled back through the borders of South and North Carolina and Tennessee.  Both storms flooded the Gulf Coast from Tampa to Apalachicola.  Helene brought more rain and flooding to metropolitan areas due to flash floods. Some communities like Perry, Florida were spared, and others like Valdosta, Georgia were hard hit. 

Hurricane Idalia was Divine Judgment for Satan's attack on former President Trump through the Prostitute of Babylon in the Georgia Presidential Election Interference case (ref. Spiritual Meaning of Idalia).  Trump was the anointed authority from God in 2020, and the Georgia election-meddling case against him indicates no respect for God's appointee.  Idalia struck before Trump spent the last year in court fighting evil charges against him.  So Idalia's wrath was a prophecy of the break down of the criminal justice system in this nation due to influence from the Prostitute of Babylon.

Now another hurricane has come in the footsteps of Hurricane Idalia, and based upon what we have learned from Hurricane Idalia, we can see that something far worse is coming.  What's worse than Jezebel taking you to court?  What's worse than King Ahab ruling the nation?  Jezebel ruling.  She was the Vice President under Ahab.  That was the meaning of Tropical Storm Isaac popping up as Hurricane Helene was approaching landfall.  And that was the meaning behind some of the idiosyncrasies of Helene.

Perry was heavily damaged by weakened Hurricane Idalia.  However, it had minimal damage from Hurricane Helene, which was reported by the weather service to be 60 mph stronger than what was actually measured on the ground.  The Weather Angel obviously protected Perry from major wind damage.  The government of  Perry ordered mandatory evacuations for both Hurricanes Idalia and Helene, but many of the people disobeyed, and proved the government and the weather service soothsayers wrong.  Government leaders and deputy sheriffs should usually be obeyed.  However, there are laws of man and laws of nature's God.  Dying from a hurricane is either an act of God or stupidity, but it is not under the jurisdiction of the laws of man.  Death is a Sovereign decision of God.  The President is also a Sovereign choice of God - not Satan or the people, although God may honor their wish.  It was God who decided to send Ahab to his death and leave Jezebel in charge.  And it was God who decided to send Jehu to kill Jezebel along with her family in a purge.

The doctrine that applies to the two hurricanes is the Doctrine of Double Punishment - sowing to the wind and reaping the whirlwind.

Hurricane Helene Landfall Chart

Hurricane HeleneThe Chart at the time of landfall of Hurricane Helene contains a Kite, a Mystic Rectangle, and a Plow.  The Kite symbolized rising above the problems of life.  The Kite turned on the Morning Star in Libra, for cataclysmic judgment of a hurricane.  The Mystic Rectangle balances two sets of opposition:
    - The Moon in Cancer. for family safety, vs. the Last Adam in Capricornus, for an outcast (or cast away)
    - The Sun and Savior Planet in Virgo, for the bridegroom and suffering of Rachel's children vs. the Redeemer in Pisces, for priestly offerings to God.
The Mystic Rectangle also symbolized vehicles of emergency responders.

The Plow, for intense suffering, cut through the Kite and Mystic Rectangle.  The Red Planet was at the point of the plow, for deadly suffering of witnesses.  This applied to victims of the storm and to victims in Israel's war against Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists.

The Mediator in Taurus was rising on the Ascendant, corresponding to those officials and workers who mediated between the hurricane and the people.  These  included public officials and pilots who flew through the eye of the hurricane to gather reconnaissance data for weather service analysts.  The Almighty God Planet was also in Taurus, for a giant, or Baal, in opposition to the Plan of God in suffering. 

The God of the Covenants was in Aquarius, for the floods caused by Hurricane Helene.


Hurricane Helene made landfall in the same location and followed the same path across Florida and into Georgia as its predecessor Hurricane Idalia in 2023.  The Gulf Coast flooding was basically the same also.  However, in spite of the best weather models and analysis, they were all off in the end.  That is not too surprising, but they appeared to be doing so well before it slipped away and fell apart in the end.  The storm surge was bad as expected, but the wind speed was off by 60 mph in Perry.  What happened?

The same things happened with Helene as Idalia.  This won't be corrected any time soon because history goes the way God wishes.  He controls history.  Weather predictions have always been ripe for soothsayers from the meteorologists in the weather service to the bombastic news casters, who are in lock-step with the professional soothsayers.   The problem is that the weather is not just Temporal.  It is Spiritual.  It is controlled by Weather Angels under the Authority of God.  These Weather Angels watched over Perry and clobbered parts of Valdosta.  They can help in miraculous ways, but they also kill thousands of people daily.

When we studied Hurricane Idalia last year, we didn't know the terrible suffering that it foretold.  We didn't know why Florida and Georgia had to be hit.  Georgia symbolizes The Land (Promised Land) and Law Enforcement, such as the Sheriff's Office, over the land.  The Land corresponds to Israel, which was attacked by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023.  The Prostitute of Babylon (of Satan) in Georgia tried to prosecute former President Trump for election interference.  And other cases tied him up in courts all year.

Now Hurricane Helene has flooded the Gulf coast of Florida along with Georgia and the border states of North and South Carolina and Tennessee.  The flooding is a sign of the Prostitute of Babylon, who sits on many waters (Rev 17:1).  Satan attacked Israel through Jezebel, the Prostitute of Babylon.  Satan rules the world through the Evil King and Prostitute of Babylon.  Like Jezebel, the Prostitute of Babylon has destroyed Churches, families, schools, businesses, and government institutions.  The only freedom from the power of the Prostitute of Babylon lies in the Filling of the Holy Spirit and Divine Dynasphere.  Only Christians with faith can stand against the Prostitute of Babylon and preserve human and national freedom.


1.  "Helene aftermath: Fallen trees cause power outages" WOGX Fox 51News, Sept. 27, 2024.
"Video shows extensive damage to Florida roofs, docks and boats in Helene aftermath," NBC News, Sept. 28, 2024.
3.  Rachel Looker, "Hurricane Helene leaves 'biblical devastation' in North Carolina," BBC News, Washington, Sept. 29, 2024.
Nadine Yousif, "At least 63 dead as Helene pummels south-east US," BBC News, Sept. 29, 2024.
Larry Wood, "Our Native Land," Dec. 18, 2011.

Released September 29, 2024 - Revised September 30, 2024

Author:  Larry Wood