Father and Sons
Grand Cross
Grand Trine
High Place
Horse's Hoof
Mystic Rectangle
Star of David
Star (Pentagram)
Further insight into configurations can be gleaned from the Lord's confirmation of the Abrahamic Covenant when Abraham reached Spiritual Rapport. Abraham went up to a mountain (later called Moriah) to sacrifice his only son to God, per divine command, but the Angel of the Lord intervened and provided a ram (Aries) to sacrifice instead of the son. After Abraham offered the ram, the scripture says:
So Abraham called the name of that place, The LORD sees (provides), as it is said to this day, "On the mountain where the LORD appears." (Geneis 22:14)"The mountain where the LORD appears" was later called Moriah, from the Niphal, jera'eh, meaning to appear. Now, a mountain is shaped like a large triangle and corresponds to the Grand Trine. Mountains are very stable and seldom move. The knife that Abraham used to slay the ram is symbolized by the Yod or Boomerang.
Then the Lord said:
Indeed, I will greatly bless you, and I will greatly multiply your descendants as the stars of the Heavens and the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies. (Genesis 22:17)"I will greatly bless you" is symbolized by a green tree, which corresponds to a Kite. And Abraham's descendants would be multiplied "as the stars of the Heavens." This is an astrological reference that also corresponds to a Kite, which flies into the sky, or the Heavens. Next, Abraham's descendants will be as numerous as the sand "on the seashore." Here, the sea is symbolized by a Bowl with its rim as the beach. Thus, Abraham was promised a Bowl of descendants as big as the sea. The word for "shore" of the sea in the Hebrew is feminine. The Bowl corresponds to the female in Marriage Culture.5 Furthermore, Abraham's descendants would "possess the gate of their enemies." This refers to city gates, which are on land and refer to city gates. Gate is masculine in the Hebrew and corresponds to the male in Marriage Culture. The Mystic Rectangle corresponds to the land and moving over land, which is a masculine analogy.
The left and right hemispheres of the astrological chart also correspond to gender. The left (east) is spiritual and corresponds to the female, and the right (west) is temporal and corresponds to the male. In the Teeter-Totter configuration, the planets are in two groups on opposite sides of the chart. The two sides may be the left and right hemispheres. Such a Teeter-Totter is symbolized by a powerful angel who claims the land and sea with one foot on the land and the other on the sea (Rev. 10:1-2).
In most cases the accepted astrological nomenclature for the configurations will be used. However, in some cases, such as the Plow and the Bow, where the existing terminology is inadequate, more descriptive names will be used. And, it is always possible for additional configurations to exist in a chart other than the basic ones defined here. Care must always be taken to interpret any configuration with divine viewpoint, which requires basing the definition on scripture.
The question of accuracy arises. How close to a perfect square, rectangle, or triangle must the configuration be? The technical term for an angle in a configuration is called an Aspect and the allowed variation is called the orb. The allowed orb is a judgment call. An orb within 2 degrees is considered accurate and not subject to argument. However, orbs up to 5 degrees may be acceptable for configuration angles of 60 degrees or over; whereas, only a 3 degree variation might be allowed for configuration angles of 30 degrees. A configuration may still have influence even when it is not perfectly formed.
Configurations are groupings of actual planets, of which there are ten, including the Sun and the Moon. Configurations do not include Midheaven, the Ascendant, asteroids, or other heavenly bodies.
The Boomerang provides much needed balance and control to the Yod. Since the time for critical action, B, is defined, there is much more opportunity for success. Whereas, the Yod requires estimating the right time for action, the Boomerang includes that time (B) and leaves less chance of missed opportunity or lack of harmony in response to the crisis.
As with the Yod, the faster planet in the Boomerang must be the apex planet D.
Examples: Osama bin Laden, Covenant Signs in the Sky, Bruce Ivins, Tim Russert Death.
A person with a Bow configuration in the Birth Chart would go in one direction with great fortitude, strength, and power. The person would focus his activities in a very narrow band. The person would be be irresistible. But the person would have a huge blind spot on the back side of the chart for 240 degrees. Consequently, the person would be ineffective in integration. The person would be good with differentials and poor with integrals. This could mean good at shooting holes in things but poor at putting things together.
Examples: WW II Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima, George W. Bush, Robert Gates, Ehud Olmert, Britney Spears, Mick Jagger.
A Bowl in the Birth Chart could signify having all of one's eggs in one basket and a charmer. The Bowl like the Bow points in one direction and signifies offense. However, the Bowl lacks the concentrated strength of the Bow. The Bowl signifies a person headed in one direction on a mission. The Bowl, in addition to being an active, driving force, can also be a passive, holding power. The Bowl turns on the Pivot, which is the first planet encountered moving across the open space counterclockwise. The Pivot is the most significant planet in the chart. And, with the Bowl, the other half of the chart is a big blindspot. A person with a Bowl would be like half a person and would need assistance from others to get things done.
Note, timing can be very important for a Bowl. Since a Bowl can fit on one side of a chart, the time of the chart can alter the meaning of the Bowl. A Bowl that is overturned has a different meaning from one that is upright. And a Bowl on the Spiritual or Temporal or on the Light and Dark sides of the chart can have different meanings.
Examples: Charles Darwin, Goldie Hawn, Challenger Disaster, Desi Arnaz, Michael McLendon, Katie Holmes.
A Bowl can symbolize a woman, and a Bowl with a Plow in it can symbolize judgment, sex, or rape (Judg 14:18).
Examples: Christa McAuliffe, Oliver Stone, Kenneth Starr, Tony Snow, Woodrow Wilson, Noah Joakim,
The focus
of the Bucket corresponds to an eye. An eye is the symbol
of Grace if it is clear, and the sign of cursing if it is
darkened or obstructed.
Matthew 6:22 Spiritual Eye"The lamp of the body is the eye." The lamp corresponds to the planet at the focus of a Bucket, or Eye Configuration. One planet at the focus corresponds to an eye with a single focus (a sharp, clear image). There may also be 2 or 3 planets taken together as the eye, or focus. Two planets would be a pair, corresponding to a partnership, as the focus. Three planets would be interpreted in terms of the grouping.
The lamp of the body is the eye. If, therefore, your eye is in single focus (clear), your whole body will be full of light.
The whole body being full of light corresponds to the light in the spiritual body. This is analogous to enlightenment in the thinking. Light is the domain of God.
Matthew 6:23 Evil EyeThe focus of the eye could be evil. For example, the focus of the Moon in Scorpius would symbolize preoccupation with Jezebel. The reversionist focuses on darkness rather than light and evil rather than good (Jn 3:19). Darkness is the domain of Satan. The focus symbolizes preoccupation with darkness in the reversionist. For example three planets in parallel in the eye could symbolize Cosmic, Political, and Ecumenical Babylon of Satan's Cosmic System.
But if your eye is unhealthy (bad, evil), your whole body will be dark. If, therefore, the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness.
Examples: Alexander Bell, Charles G. Finney, Lewis Sperry Chafer, Albert Einstein, Jacqueline Onassis, Marlyn Monroe, John W. Young, George H. Hodel, Jr., Barbaro
Examples: Absinthe Murders, Transit of Morning Star 2004.
Examples: John Bennet Ramsey, Henry Ford, Doris Day, Roy Rogers, R. B. Thieme, Jr., Walter Schirra, Jr., Richard Scobee, Lucille Ball, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Scooter Libby, Paul Wolfowitz, Patrick Fitzgerald, Ft. Hood Shooting.
The Catwalk is a bridge over a chasm or something like Jacob's ladder (Genesis 28:12) that connects Heaven and Earth. It also symbolizes the path from Heaven to Earth (like a vapor trail) of Christ's return. Isaiah's description of the pathway across the Red Sea illustrates a Catwalk (Isaiah 51:10).
Examples: Lucille Ball Wedding, Covenant Signs in the Sky, NASA STS-1 Launch.
Examples: Shooting at St. Louis ABB
Power, Major
Earthquake Devastates Haiti.
Examples: Tripartite Pact,
Dale Evans.
The precise meaning of the Father and Sons configuration depends upon the Sign in which the three planets appear and the pattern. The pattern in the illustration with the Sun apart and the two planets in conjunction symbolizes the father with twins or two witnesses. The Sun in the middle between the two planets symbolizes the father with children. Refer to the table of The Meaning of the Father and Sons Configuration for details. This configuration is different from the others in that the meaning of the planets in the configuration may be different from the individual planets considered separately. The meaning is sequence dependent.
When Joseph dreamed that the Sun, the Moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to him, Jacob interpreted the dream as meaning his father, mother, and eleven brothers would bow down to him (Gen 37:9-11). Thus, the Sun can symbolize the father. The word for star in the Hebrew, kokab, is used for both stars and planets (Gen 1:16; Nu 24:17; Judg 5:20; Job 3:9; 38:7; Psa 147:4; 148:3; Isa 47:13). Therefore, planets can symbolize brothers.
The Sun symbolizes the Lord Jesus Christ as the Light of the World and Glory of the Father. The Savior Planet and Morning Star follow the Sun like children and are never separated over 60 degrees from it. The Savior Planet symbolizes Jesus Christ as the Firstborn Son of God in Hypostatic Union. And the Morning Star symbolizes Jesus Christ in Resurrection Body who will inherit the Throne of David in the Millennium. The Birth Chart of Jesus Christ actually contains the Sun, Savior, Morning Star, and Last Adam in Virgo.
Examples: Jesus Christ, Adolph Hitler, Albert Einstein, Lee Harvey Oswald, Osama bin Laden, Ellen G. White, Herman Cain, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi.
Examples: WW II Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki, Willie Mays, Desi Arnaz, Mimi Rogers, Anna Nicole Smith, UF-AL Football.
The Grand Cross is a reminder of the Cross of Christ.
And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even the Death of the Cross. (Philippians 2:8)Examples: Charles Manson, Woody Allen, Al Capone, Osama bin Laden, JonBenet Ramsey, Hurricane Felix, Valerie Plame, Ft. Hood Shooting.that I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, having become like Him with reference to His death; (Philippians 3:10)
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. (Matthew 16:24)
Those with a Grand Trine in the Birth Chart truly operate on a higher plane. They have the power and stability to handle the pressures of life with ease. They have blessing and talent and potential for great productivity. They are the recipients of Grace, and "to whom much has been given, much shall be required" (Luke 12:48). They are like the house built upon the rock that withstood the flood (Matthew 7:24-25).
The equilateral triangle of the Grand Trine symbolizes the Trinity. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three personalities, but one in essence. They all share the same essence with its Love and Integrity in Holiness. They are all involved in Divine Production. By analogy, fire is produced by combining the elements of fuel, air, and heat, which may be illustrated by the Fire Triangle.1 The triangle may symbolize great productivity, or it may symbolize Fire Testing, which is intensive suffering (1 Peter 1:7). The Grand Trine symbolizes the power to withstand Fire Testing.
Examples: Battle of Trenton, Declaration of Independence.
Groups of two or more planets may stand apart, regardless of whether they are in conjunction or in the same sign (a Stellium). Two planets that stand apart are called a pair, which is the sign of a witness or partnership. Multiple pairs in a chart is the sign of a Flood because the animals entered the Ark two by two (Genesis 6:19-20).
Practically, about the only way three or more planets could stand apart would be in the same sign (see Stellium); otherwise, the planets would be part of one of the other named configurations. For groups of three or more that stand apart, the planets must be more or less evenly spaced; otherwise, the group would break down into smaller groups. For example, a pair in conjunction plus one does not constitute a group of three. A group of three could be called a triplet, which symbolizes the Justice of the Holy Spirit. A group of four could signify weakness, but more likely would signify strength in weakness (1 Corinthians 1:27; 2 Corinthians 12:10). A group of five would signify grace or a giant.
Examples: Walt Disney (pair).
The Temple Mount was the high place of Jerusalem, and Mount Olympus was the high place of the gods of Greece.
A champion or trophy may be placed upon a pedestal as a symbol of highest glory. A Plow or Horn through a High Place configuration symbolizes an iconoclast, who breaks an idol or trophy.
Examples: Jason B. Dalton, Transit Savior Planet, 2016.
Examples: Muhammad Ali, Robert Crippen, Battle of Issus
Examples: Solar Eclipse of
Nov. 3, 2013, Super Typhoon Haiyan, Florida Mass
Shooting, Don
Spirit, Nikolas Cruz.
"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; (John 3:14)The Kite also symbolizes a bird flying between Heaven and Earth bearing the sign of the Cross. The Kite, however, does not refer to the Judgment of the Cross but to the grace blessing that followed. The individual with a Kite in the Birth Chart has capacity for life and the ability to soar above the problems of life and fly like a bird while others are stuck on the ground under the circumstances of life. People with a Kite have more stability, greater flexibility, more happiness and productivity, and an easier walk through life than others."And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people to Myself." (John 12:32)
The Kite is formed from the Grand Trine with a planet (B) on one side. Planet B is the center of opposition to planet D, which becomes the focus, or most important planet in the configuration. The opposing planet B is like a reference point which establishes direction pointing to the focus. Thus, the Kite becomes a Grand Trine with a focus. The Kite enables all the power of the Grand Trine to be harnessed with direction and focus along the B to D center line of opposition. The power of the Kite is focused in planet D. The Kite in the Birth Chart adds a sense of purpose and direction to the Grand Trine. The person with a Grand Trine only in the Birth Chart would lack the awareness of purpose and direction. However, as is the case will all configurations, the individual volition must be applied to use them. Everyone is free to use or reject his potential.
Examples: Robert E. Lee, Cyrus I. Scofield, Josef Stalin, Covenant Signs in the Sky, Tim Russert.
The Locomotive chart turns on one planet, the pivot, which is at the end of the empty space going counterclockwise. The pivot is the most important planet in the chart. It is seen by looking far ahead across the empty space from the planet at the beginning of the empty space. The person with a Locomotive in the Birth Chart is a visionary who is looking ahead and aware of the turn off that he must take to arrive at his destination. He is highly motivated. The pivot planet motivates him. He recognizes problems and proceeds to solve them. He has initiative, industriousness, and perseverance. And he leaves his own special mark on all his accomplishments.
Examples: Sir Isaac Newton, Lucille Ball Wedding, Mimi Rogers, Jimmy Carter, Eric Clapton, Ringo Starr, UF-AL Football, Haiti Earthquake.
When this configuration in the Birth Chart is mastered, it is a source of great operational stability. For example, the person might be able to guide a boat through the rapids or drive a race car through an obstacle course. The person would be adept at managing the conflicts of the two crossbars, where the two ends of each crossbar would have to be played against the middle, or balanced. This is the kind of configuration that is able to navigate the storms of life with poise and composure.
Examples: Henry Ford, Ronald Reagan, Brigitte Bardot, Lucille Ball Death, Dale Evans, John McCain.
Multiple planets in opposition strengthen the effect
of the configuration. The result is like a Pole that is
thicker and stronger than a single opposition. Priests
carried the Ark of the Covenant in the wilderness with poles
(Exodus 25:13-15). Poles were used for pitching tents and
suspending curtains. Poles were used for suspending
animals to be butchered, and poles were used for carrying
carcasses. A shepherd's staff is a Pole.
Examples: NASA Apollo 1 Fire, L. Ron Hubbard.
The Plow is a sign of suffering in anyone's life. It is like being plowed under (Psalm 129:3; Micah 3:12).
For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines,
He scourges every son whom He receives. (Hebrews 12:6)
The suffering can be intense, like the cross, as Paul said, "I have been crucified with Christ" (Gal. 2:20a). It can symbolize the national devastation (Jeremiah 26:18; Micah 3:2), bondage, and hard labor (Hosea 10:11).
Plowing is a metaphor that applies to life. Just as plowing is preparation for planting, it symbolizes preparing for a job, project, or activity of life. Plowing symbolized cultivating Righteousness for the edification of the soul.
Sow for yourselves to Righteousness;Israel was advised to grow crops of Righteousness so it could reap God's Gracious Love instead of His wrath. The people were told to plow virgin soil, which means new ground, or land that had not been cultivated (Jeremiah 4:3). They should begin doing something different, i. e. executing the Spiritual Life. Instead, they were cultivating (plowing) evil.
Reap according to Gracious Love;
Plow for yourselves virgin (new) soil;
For it is time to seek the LORD,
Until He comes and rains Righteousness upon you. (Hosea 10:12)
You have plowed wickedness;So the Plow can symbolize cultivating reversionism, including wickedness, crime, and lying.
You have reaped crime;
You have eaten the fruit of lying,
Because you have trusted in your way,
In the multitude of your mighty soldiers. (Hosea 10:13)
The Plow even symbolizes sex. Samson used plowing as a metaphor for sex (Judges 14:18). When the Plow points to the Moon, it can symbolize suffering from a sexual relationship.
The Plow in geography corresponds to a street corner. The building on a corner lot is part of a Plow and is a stronghold.
Examples: Roy Rogers, Albert Einstein, Doris Day, Ronald Reagan, Brigitte Bardot, Muhammad Ali,
Tim Russert,
John McCain, Nidal
Hasan, Tom Cruise.
Greek a[mbwn (ambron); bh~ma (bema) (Rom 14:10; 2 Cor
Hebrew lD*g=m! (migedal),
(Neh 8:4)
Examples: Billy Graham, Isaac Newton, Valerie Plame, R. B. Thieme, Jr. Berachah Church.
The skull of Jezebel was left by the dogs after her violent death (2 Ki 9:35). And King Abimelech was killed when a woman dropped an upper mill stone on his head and crushed his skull (Judg 9:53). In a metaphor of Solomon, the skull is symbolized by a "golden bowl," and when it is broken, it means death (Ecclesiastes 12:6).
Remember Him before the silver cord (of soul life) is cut loose, and the golden bowl (skull) is broken, and the water-jar (the heart) by the fountain is broken in pieces, and the windlass (the lungs) in the well is crushed, (Ecclesiastes 12:6)In death, the soul has left the body, and only the empty shell (or bowl) of the skull remains. The heart ceases to pump, and the lungs collapse.
Examples: D-Day, John F. Kennedy Assassination, JonBenet Ramsey, Apollo 11, Sharon Tate Death, Anna Nicole Smith.
The Sling symbolically swings around the Center planet, which is opposite all the other planets. The Center planet then becomes the most significant planet in the chart. For a person with a Sling in the Birth Chart, the Center planet will be the center of attention in the person's life. The person will have great power in the spiritual realm because of the Sling. However, the power will be very concentrated. Since most of the chart is empty, there are large areas of blindspots. The person will need trusted helpers to deal with the blindspots.
Examples: Sigmund Freud, John F. Kennedy, Nancy Reagan, Robert Dole, Sunita Williams, Walt Disney (center with two planets), Esteban Santiago, Kinston AL Shootings, Nidal Hasan.
1 Corinthians 4:9Here the Greek qevatron (theatron) means an actor in the theater or star on the stage.
For, I think, that God has exhibited us apostles last of all as men condemned to death; because we have become stars on the World Stage to angels and to mankind.
Threshing refers to crushing Judgment (Jer 51:33; Mic 4:12-13). The one doing the threshing has the upper hand in judgment.
Isaiah 21:10 Israel ThreshedThe nation of Israel is the threshed one. It was crushed by Divine Judgment from Babylon to destroy the chaff and redeem the remnant. Later, Babylon was threshed in its Fall. The Chart of the Fall of Babylon contains a Threshing Floor.
O my threshed one, and child of my threshing floor!
What I have heard from the LORD of the Armies, the God of Israel, I have declared to you.
Examples: Fall of Babylon, Osama bin Laden, Susan Boyle, Minnesota Bridge Collapse, Battle of Lexington and Concord, Tom Cruise, Brigitte Bardot, Lewis Sperry Chafer
The Star of David has characteristics like the Pentagram Star. The Star of David configuration, however, is like a superstar, or nova. It surpasses the Pentagram Star. The Star of David, like the Pentagram is an unstable configuration. It is like the spokes of a wheel without a rim, which would give a bumpy ride and be full of contradictions. Or it could be like a person stepping from piling to piling of a washed out pier. The person would always be concentrating on the next step and forgetting the previous one. This could give the appearance of being absent-minded. Further, those people in the past would easily be forgotten along the way. Thus, the person might appear to be neglecting relationships or previous commitments. The six points of the star are in six signs, which further define the main issues of the person's life.
The Star of David is a sign of great blessing. The person with a Star of David in the Birth Chart would have special blessing from God. He would be the recipient of special grace. God would be looking out for him. And he would have great balance because of God's protection. It would be a good guess that Solomon had such a sign. Having said all this, just because a person has the Star of David does not mean the person would use his gifts. He would have talents and blessing available, but he might not be motivated to take advantage of them. Many of the blessings, however, would be unconditional and not related to personal volition at all.
The Star of David with its six points corresponds to the Seraph with its six wings. Seraphs are throne angels like Michael, Gabriel, and Satan. Because the person with the Star of David configuration is associated with such high-level company, he could be subject to more sophisticated attacks from Satan. Brilliant minds would likely have more problems with Satan than the inept. To be blunt, those with a Star of David would tend to be smart asses, while others would be like dumb asses. Smart asses would generally have many more problems than dumb asses.
NASA has found the Star of David on the God of the Covenants Planet.3
Examples: Saddam Hussein, Robert Crippen, Graham, William R., Tiger Woods, Nepal Earthquake
Miraculous and out of this world may be used to describe a person with a Star in the Birth Chart. The person will have influence over events like the Super Bowl, World Series, national championships, or wars. Look for correlations between the person and major events. However, the person with the Star may appear on the surface to be somewhat normal and not have any special talents. The relationships of the person with the Star to world events is spiritual. They can be recognized by divine viewpoint.
The Star is an unstable configuration. Think of it as the spokes of a wheel without a rim. The person with a Star will have a bumpy ride and be full of contradictions. The only hope of stability for the person appears to be in Marriage to Right Man or Right Woman. Until that happens, the Lord Jesus Christ must be the symbolic husband. The five points of the star are in five signs, which further define the main issues of the person's life.
Perfectly formed Stars are quite rare, but even imperfect Stars still have all the characteristics of a Star. Orbs of 7 or 8 degrees should be allowed. Even when one of the angles is off by up to 15 degrees, it is still a Star. When the Star is skewed, however, its power is diminished. So, as a rule of thumb, don't discount a Star too quickly just because some of the angles deviate from the allowed orb.
Examples: L. Ron Hubbard, Tony Curtis, Daniel Tani, Big Brown (race horse), Watson Marriage, Donald Santini
Examples: Sigmund Freud, Louis Pasteur, Ted Bundy, Dwight L. Moody, Robert Dole, Dean Martin, Mick Jagger, Lucille Ball Marriage, Death, Lance Armstrong.
When planets appear opposite each other, both ends must be brought into balance by the individual. Otherwise, the person would be fighting himself. So, the person with a Teeter-Totter in the Birth Chart could be pictured as the fulcrum in the center of the Teeter-Totter. The person would be symbolically standing straddle of the fulcrum with one foot on each side of the teeter-totter and trying to balance it.
The Birth Chart with the sign of the teeter-totter corresponds to the meaning of Revelation 10:1-2.
Revelation 10:1-2This angel is also described in Revelation 5:2. He is one of the 24 Kings of Arms who sit around the Throne of God in Heaven. These Kings are leaders of the angelic armies of God. The angel stood with one foot on the sea and the other foot on land. This is the sign of a fulcrum and a balancing act. The foot on the land represents authority over those believing Jews who live in the land of Israel, the Client Nation. The foot on the sea represents authority over those people in the world, since the sea is a symbol of the world. So, the angel has conquered both during the Tribulation. This is a powerful angel, and the Teeter-Totter configuration is a powerful symbol.
1 And I saw another angel, powerful one, coming down out of heaven, clothed with a cloud; and the rainbow was upon his head, and his face was like the Sun, and his feet like pillars of fire; 2 and he had in his hand a little book which was open. And he placed his right foot on the sea and his left on the land;
The person with a Teeter-Totter sees the issues of life from two sides. This is like the Double Loop fingerprint in handreading.4 While others conform to one group or another, the person with a Teeter-Totter will usually not take sides, except temporarily. The person will try to sit on the fence above the fray and play two sides against the middle. The person may try to balance the demands of each group or go back and forth. The Teeter-Totter may operate like Libra, the Scales, which serves to differentiate (judge) between two things or balance (integrate or mediate) them. Thus, the person may try to act as judge or referee on the one hand or mediator or facilitator on the other hand. However, even when judging, the person will still be seeking balance to overcome the injustice. The person may also just be a spectator of the two sides.
The person with a Teeter-Totter is prone to problems. In the first place, dividing life into two camps is not always good. It may create conflict. Of course, the person with the Teeter-Totter is all too ready to deal with the the conflict. Since a house divided against itself cannot stand (Matthew 12:25), the person with the Teeter-Totter will expend enormous amounts of energy trying to keep the house from falling. On the other hand, the person may be very good at a jobs that require dealing with two sides of issues. For example, Stefi Graf, who has a Teeter-Totter, was one of the world's greatest tennis players.
The other big problem with the Teeter-Totter is the sides that are bare. In the illustration that would be toward the top and bottom of the chart. The person with the Teeter-Totter would be geared for left-right action and would recognize the boundaries of legalism (left) and lawlessness (right) or temporal (left) and spiritual (right). However, the front to back orientation would be a blind spot, and the person would have problems there. Front symbolizes the public side, and back symbolizes the private side. Front symbolizes personal love, and back symbolizes impersonal love. The person could have some strange aberrations dealing with personal and impersonal relationships. The person wouldn't know where the assumed fulcrum was for front/back relationships. The presumption of using the same Teeter-Totter for relationships on other sides of the chart, would lead to some strange quirks, like illusions about privacy.
Examples: Boris Yeltsin, Stefi Graf.
The trumpets in Israel were made of silver, a symbol of judgment, and of rams' horns. As musical instruments, trumpets were used in the orchestra or band for celebration (1 Chron 13:8). As a herald, trumpets were used as a signaling device in the camp and on the battlefield. A pair of two silver trumpets (blown by two priests) were used by the Levites to signal the congregation of Israel for holy convocations, general assembly, war deployment, and armies in battle (Nu 10:1-10). The Trumpets were blown for the Feast of Trumpets to symbolize the ingathering of Israel from the four corners of the Earth at the Second Advent (Lev. 23:23-25; Isa 27:13; Matt 24:31). Trumpets of rams' horns were blown to herald the judgment of Jericho (Josh 6:4-20). The army of Gideon blew 300 trumpets to herald the judgment of the army of the Midianites and the Amalekites (Judges 7:22). In the Tribulation, Trumpets will herald seven judgments upon mankind (Rev 8:1, 6). The trumpet heralded the New Moon and Full Moon (Psa 81:3). The trumpet was used to signal alarm (Nu 10:5-6; Neh 4:18-20; Jer 4:5; Ezek 33:3; Joel 2:1). A long blast of the trumpet was also used to herald the year of Jubilee (Lev 25:9).6
A human herald with a voice like a trumpet may also signal alarm by broadcasting a message (Isa 58:1). Thus, a Trumpet may also symbolize a human herald and broadcasting or announcing. A herald may announce the birth of a child (Jer 20:15; Luk 1:13) or conception (Job 3:3; Matt 1:20; Luk 1:31).
Examples: Lucille Ball, Bruce Ivins, Tim Russert, Valerie Plame.
The Wagon is also a symbol of capacity, including capacity for blessing or suffering. It may symbolize capacity for life of a woman, or it may symbolize carrying a heavy burden (Amos 2:13). It may also symbolize a battle wagon or chariot (Ezek 23:24; 26:10).
Examples: Brigitte Bardot, Dale Evans
Examples: Al Capone, Buzz Aldrin, Joan Rivers, Bizarre South Carolina Earthquake, Nikolas Cruz.
A true Yod requires that planet C be faster moving than planets A or B. Thus, the Moon, which is the fastest moving planet could planet A or B, and the Last Adam could never be planet C.
Examples: Walter Schirra, Jr., Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bigitte Bardot, Lucille Ball Death.
Released February 5, 2010 - Revised December 9,
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