Major Earthquake Devastates Haiti
Haiti Earthquake Chart
Haiti Earthquake Chart Planets
The earthquake occurred on January 12, 2010, where 12 is for divine authority, and 10 is the Laws of Establishment and the 10th Judgment following the 9 plagues. Regarding authority, the quake struck the capital of Haiti, and collapsed the Presidential Palace. The earthquake occurred at 4:53/10 PM, where 53 is for a large fish or ship. At least two relief ships are being dispatched from the US. And 10 is for the Laws of Establishment, which corresponds to the meaning of the year 2010. The center of the quake was at 18 N., for a pillar, for maximum historical impact, and 72 W., for the criminal justice system. A prison was damaged, and the prisoners escaped.
The earthquake Chart, which was quite similar to the New Year's Chart, contains a Locomotive, a Coffin, and a Plow. The Locomotive symbolizes a strategic issue, which turns on the Pivot, which was the Red Planet in Cancer, for suffering from a safety breach. That is a description of the earthquake. The Coffin is for the dead. People were carrying coffins on their heads. The Plow symbolizes intensified suffering, like being plowed under. The point of the Plow was the Last Adam in Sagittarius, for the victim of an attack. This was the attack of the earthquake angel.
The Ascendant Sign was Gemini, which symbolizes a witness. There are many witness of the earthquake devastation. The Descendant Sign was Sagittarius. The the earthquake struck as the Sun was setting in Sagittarius. There were five planets, including the Sun and Moon, in Sagittarius, which indicates very strong influence from this sign in the Chart. The planets in Sagittarius symbolized the armies drawn to the disaster. The United Nations peace keeping forces in Haiti suffered casualties, and other nations are sending troops. There are also fire and rescue groups enroute. Midheaven was in Pisces, for a famous priest. The Archbishop of Haiti was killed in the earthquake.
There were three pairs of planets in the Chart, which symbolizes a flood. The Noahic Flood was the worst devastation in human history. And all of the planets except two (with one of them on the border) were on the Temporal side of the Chart.
Other planets in the Chart included, the Redeemer in Capricornus, for water in the desert. Water will be needed in the earthquake zone due to the widespread devastation. The Almighty God in Aquarius symbolizes a broadcaster. News broadcasters immediately descended on Haiti.
The earthquake struck as the God of the Covenants Planet reached the bottom of heaven, IC, in Virgo, which symbolizes a caretaker and a mortal human being going down to the grave. The Sun was setting in Sagittarius, which contained five planets. The planets in Sagittarius corresponded to armies of troops and rescuers that descended on Haiti after the earthquake. Coming only 12 days from New Year's 2010, the earthquake devastation corresponded to the meaning predicted in the 2010 New Year's Chart.
Haiti is in the middle of the chain of islands from the Virgin Islands to Cuba. The island chain symbolizes the beast rising from the sea in Revelation. Puerto Rica and the Virgin Islands symbolize the tail of the beast. The turtle of Hispaniola symbolizes the middle of the beast, and the horse's neck of Cuba symbolizes the head of the beast.
Released January 18, 2010 - Revised March 28, 2010
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