Meaning of Planets in Signs

Sun, Moon
Savior, Morning Star, Red Planet
Almighty God, Covenants, Mediator
Redeemer, Last Adam
Midheaven, IC
Father and Sons Configuration
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Meaning of Planets in Signs

Aquarius Glorious gospel (Isa 52:7; 2 Cor 4:6; 1 Tim 1:11); divine inspiration (2 Tim 3:16) Congregation of believers, Church
(application) Antichrist (2 Cor 4:4) Disciples or adherents of ideologies (e.g. socialists, communists), citizens
Aries Face of Christ (Rev 1:16) Female leader, usurper of authority (Ge 3:16), Jezebel (1Ki 21:7-11)
. Face of Moses (Ex 34:35), husband, leader's glory Wife (1 Cor 11:7)
Cancer Christ holding the 7 stars (Rev 1:16); Lord keeper, guard (Psa 91:4-6; 121:5-8); skilled labor (Ex 28:6; 31:1-6; 1 Chron 28:11-21; 29:5) Family security (1 Pet 2:5); Virginity (SOS 4:12); Lord keeper, guard by night (Psa 91:4-6; 121:5-8)
. Security for pastors (Isa 54:17; 2 Pet 2:5); assembly line worker; artist, entertainer, architect, craftsman Security for congregation or a group; prisoners
Capricornus Light to the Gentiles (Lk 2:32); glory and praise of the Gentiles (Rom 15:9-12; Col 1:27) Fulness of the Gentiles (Jn 10:16; Rom 11:25); Enlightened believers (Eph 5:8; 2 Pet 1:19)
. Gentile glory (Isa 66:12) Gentile congregation, audience (Rom 16:4), cult
Gemini Marriage of the Lamb (Rev 19:7-8); Resurrection (Matt 17:2-3; Mk 9:2-4) Wedding guests (Psa 45:9; Mt 22:10; 25:10); Marriage of Right Man - Right Woman (Isa 49:18; 61:10); Double blessing (Ephraim and Manasseh)
. Glorious marriage (Psa 45) Wedding party (Judg 14:10; Jer 33:11); family, tribe, household
Leo King of glory (Psa 24:7; Mt 19:28); glory at Second Advent (Mt 16:27-28; Lk 21:27) Queen's glory; Government, ruling family, party, tribe (e.g. Judah (Ge 49:10))
. Glory of King Solomon (Mt 6:29) Politician (1 Sa 15:2-6)
Libra Millennial Throne of David (Psa 89:35-37) Marriage legality (Gen 2:24) & justice (Ex 20:14; Heb 13:4); Church ruling with Christ (Rev 3:21); Judgment of the woman (Gen 3:16), tribe, nation, congregation (Ge 49:16; Psa 50:4; Heb 10:30)
. Sovereign power and authority; magnate Jury; An election, voting; market
Pisces Heavenly glory (Psa 19:1; 57:5; 97:6); Heavenly Jerusalem for the Church (Heb 12:22-24; Rev 21:23) Congregation of believers (positionally sanctified)
. Divine glory (Psa 108:5; 113:4; Isa 44:23; Acts 7:55) Church
Sagittarius Angelic army (Lk 2:9, 13), business enterprise (Ezek 16:29; 27:3; Rev 18:3), chief conspirator Christian Army (Rev 19:14)
. Christians with armor of Light (Rom 13:12) An army, company (Ge 28:3; 32:2, 7; SOS 6:13), muster, soldiers; business customers, conspiracy
Scorpius Christ Light in darkness (Jn 1:4; 2 Pet 1:19); Satan, angel of light (2 Cor 11:14) Synagogue of Satan (Rev 2:9; 3:9); Jezebel (1 Ki 21:25; Rev 2:20)
. False apostles (2 Cor 11:13) Prostitute of Babylon
Taurus Glory of the Millennial King (Isa 24:23; Mt 16:27-28); King's royal majesty (Psa 45:3) Glory of Church Bride (Rev 19:8); Queen's royal splendor (Psa 45:9-15)
. Highest glory (Lk 19:38) Royal court; powerful or prosperous group
Virgo Christ, Bridegroom (Psa 19:4-6); Clothing of Israel as mother of Christ (Rev 12:1) Glory of woman (1 Cor 11:7, 15); Woman's retinue, attendants, maids (Ge 16:1; 35:8; Psa 45:14)
. Believer's Resurrection clothing (1 Pet 1:8) Domestic servants, seamstresses, nurses, cooks; civil servants


Meaning of Planets in Signs

Morning Star
Red Planet
Aquarius Gospel (water) of Christ, Son of God (Jn 3:5, 16; Acts 16:31; Eph 5:26); Salvation from Flood (1 Pet 3:20), Baptism HS (1 Pet 3:21) Herald of Christ (Mt 3:3; Luk 2: 9-14; Jn 1:19-27), of 2nd Advent (Mal 4:5, Elijah); revelation, exposing mystery, feet of clay (Eph 3:9), Gospel (Eph 6:19), Christ (Col 1:26-27; 2:2); parable (Ps 78:2; Ezek 24:3; Matt 13:13) Bloody water (Ex 7:19; Rev 8:8; 11:6); martyrs (Acts 7:57-59; Rev 6:9-10); suffering of the Flood (2 Pet 2:5)
(application) News bearer (Prov 15:30; Isa 52:7; Rom 10:15), reporter; spokesman, plumber A forerunner, an agent, true/false prophet, ship's captain, inspector Martyr, curse of Ecumenical Babylon, false teachers (2 Pet 2:3, 18-19), soothsayer
Aries Good Shepherd (Jn 10:11), Deliverer (Psa 41:1) Lord of the Armies (Isa 44:6; Rev 19:11-16), Order of Morning Star (Rev 2:26-28), elder; herald of leaders, war deployment (Nu 10:4, 9) Blood of Christ (Heb 9:12-14), Abraham type of Christ (Ge 22:13)
. Deliverer, shepherd, pastor Military leaders (Jer 51:40), coach Devil, father of murderers (Jn 8:44); bloody leader, dictatorial
Cancer Eternal Security (Jn 10:28; Heb 7:25), Rock of Salvation (Deut 32:15; Psa 89:26; Heb 5:9); Lord protector (Gal 5:18;  2 Thess 3:3);  healer (Ex 15:26; Psa 30:2; 107:20) Lord Protector (Isa 31:5; Psa 17:7); Triumphal procession (Eph 4:8); Taker of spoils (Ge 49:27); Herald of alarm (Nu 10:5-6; Ezek 33:3) Suffering from security, safety breach; captive (2 Ki 24:14)
. Healer, restorer, repairman, craftsman, engineer, builder, locksmith Guard, guardian (Jn 17:12; 1 Pet 2:25), reaper, harvester Suffering, sickness, weakened health; prisoner
Capricornus Savior of Gentiles, from sins (Eph 2:12-13) Lord destroyer of Gentile enemies of Israel (Isa 14:9; Ezek 34:17); Greek empire (Dan 8:5) Unlimited atonement, expiation; Suffering:  in the flesh, from sin, evil, adultery, enemy of God (Jas 4:4; 1 Pet 3:18; 4:1, 15; 2 Pet 2:7-8)
. Rescuer (Gal 1:4) A Gentile king; military leader (Jer 50:8) Reconciliation, satisfaction, agreement; criminal suffering; reversionism (2 Pet 2:13, 22)
Gemini Faithful Witness (Rev 1:5), Saving, sanctifying spouse (1 Cor 7:16; Eph 5:26; 1 Pet 3:1), Marriage (Eph 5:23) Husband authority in Marriage (Eph 5:23-24); Resurrection (Matt 17:2-3; Mk 9:2-4); two witnesses (Rev. 11:3-7); Herald of full assembly (Nu 10:3) Bloody bridegroom (Ex 4:25), witnesses (Rev. 11:3-7; 17:6) 
. Helpmate Husband authority, leader in Marriage; Resurrection clothing (1 Pet 1:8), body like a star (1 Cor 15:41-42) Deadly suffering of witnesses, in marriages (Eph 5:25)
Leo Son of David, Lion of Judah, Branch (Isa 11:1; Jer 23:5); Lord Deliverer (Psa 33:16-19; Prov 21:31) Lord King of kings in Millennium (Ezek 34:24); Herald of the king (2 Ki 11:14) Bloody King (Rev 19:13), government (2 Sa 21:1; Zeph 3:1-4); roaring lion (Eze 22:25; 1 Pet 5:8), lion den, mouth (Dan 6:16; 2 Ti 4:17)
. Royal son Royal glory, fanfare; sovereign Tyrant (Prov 28:15)
Libra Saved from Judgment (Jn 3:18; 5:24; Rom 8:1-2); birth (Lk 2:7; Job 38:29); musician (Psa 68:25); dancer (1 Sa 18:6; Psa 30:11; Jer 31:13) Lord judging with rod of iron (Psa 2:9; Rev 2:27); orchestra director (1 Chron 25:1-6); herald of judgment (Judg 7:22), thunder, lightning Bloody judgment (Rev 14:20); suffering from love of money (1 Tim 6:9-10), wrath of God (Col 3:6)
. Delivered, rescued (Psa 107:19; 116:6) Cataclysmic judgment, trumpet (Rev 8:1, 6), flute, musical instrument; drum major; lead singer, dancer Mass execution; mass murder
Pisces Savior of congregation of believers (Heb 7:25); Evangelist (Matt 4:19); Positional Sanctification; singer, choir (Job 38:7), musician (1 Chron 25) Christ High Priest (Heb 3:1; 4:14-16; 9:11, 24, 28), Throne of Grace; choir director (Psa 4:1), music of praise (Psa 150:3-4); herald of holy assembly (Nu 10:7) Blood of Christ, priest (Heb 9:12); Bloody prophets, priests, believers, martyrs (Rev 6:9-10; 17:6); unclean priests (Eze 22:26)
. The church (Eph 5:23), Spiritual Life of the saved (Gal 2:20); profession, promoter of team spirit Unique Spiritual Life of the Body of Christ in the Age of Grace; concert, facilitator, paradigm Suffering saint; injured team member
Sagittarius Savior of Israel (1 Chron 16:35; Isa 49:6-7) Lord with His armies at Second Advent (Rev 19:11-16); war signal (Judg 7:22) Bloody city (Na 3:1), army (Rev 14:20), plague (1 Chron 21:14-15); holocaust (Jer 21:10); fire arrow (Psa 7:13; Zech 9:14; Eph 6:16), Conspiracy against Christ 
. Deliverer Commanders with their armies; leaders of battles Bloodbath; criminal gang (Hos 6:9); fire; suffering in or from a group; gunshot, missile
Scorpius Savior from sins (of author of sin); Satan's attack of the Son (Ge 3:15); Christian rescued from Satan (Gal 1:4;  2 Thess 3:3), sickness (Lk 10:19)
Satan cast down to Earth (Isa 14:12); Evil king; Satan's attack on Second Advent; Herald of Satan, a demon Satan murderer (Jn 8:44), bloody crimes, violence (Isa 59:7; Ezek 7:23; Hos 4:2), footprints (Hos 6:8), hands (Isa 59:3; Eze 23:37)
. Satanic attack on believer (Eph 6:11-12), his life (Job 1:12), health (Job 2:4-8; Deut 28:60)
Satan's fall, leading to his doom; His attempt to rule the world without Israel in a false Millennium Murder, violence, bloodshed; suffering from Satan
Taurus Only Savior of the world (Isa 45:21-24; Jn 4:42; 1 Tim 4:10), Champion (Isa 19:20; Jer 20:11); prosperous son (Ge 49:20) Lord mighty victor at Second Advent (Isa 34:2-8); Feast of Trumpets, ingathering of Israel (Lev 23:23-25) Blood at Second Advent (Isa 34:2-8; Heb 10:13-14); Death of Sennacherib's army (Isa 37:36)
. Hero (2 Sa 23:8), champion (1 Sa 17:4) Conqueror of the world, an empire, great riches (Na 2:9) Destruction of Egypt, the world, the plagues (Ex 9:14; Rev 6:4), world war
Virgo Virgin birth of Savior (Isa 7:14; Matt 1:25); birth of children (Gen 4:1; Job 14:1); Rachel's children (Jer 31:15; Matt 2:18) Christ 1st Advent (Nu 24:17; Mt 2:2); Son of David; Israel as mother of Christ (Rev 12:1); child, star (Gen 22:17); herald of birth (Jer 20:15) Bloody son; Israel in Tribulation like a woman in labor (Rev 12:1); suffering from adultery (1 Cor 6:18) 
. Mother and child, Right Woman Sons of Light, believers (Mt 5:14; Jn 12:36) Bloody son, son of Molech (2 Ki 23:10; Jer 32:35)


Meaning of Planets in Signs

Almighty God 
God of the Covenants
Aquarius Worldwide evangelism (Isa 11:9); big harvest (Lk 10:2; Jn 4:35); luxury (Jer 51:13); flood, tsunami, promiscuity, Prostitute of Babylon (Rev 17:1) Noahic Cov. (Gen 6:17); Gospel; design specifications (Ex 25:40); Covenant of Peace (Nu 25:11-13; Is 54:10; Ezek 34:25; 37:26) Christ, Mediator of Salvation (1 Tim 2:5); ambassador (1 Cor 5:20); prophet (Isa 43:27, Mal 3:1, 4:5, Jn 1:19-27, Rev. 11:3-7); singer, musician (1 Chron 25:1), actor; tower (Gen 11:4); Resurrection (1 Cor 15:52; 1 Thess 4:17)
(application) Big harvest or catch (Lk 10:2; Jn 21:11), broadcaster; world-wide communication, distinction Bearer of good news Representative, professor, teacher, bridge, linchpin, weather forecaster, boatman, boater, swimmer; aquatic animal; fireman; tornado; transition, landfall, launch
Aries Lord of Armies at Second Advent (Rev 19:11-16) Abrahamic Covenant Christ, High Priest of New Covenant to the Church (Heb 9:11)
.. Commander, captain, CEO, quarterback Authority relationship, leader, policy, loyalty (Matt 4:19; 16:24); diplomat Sponsor, author, initiator,  founder, originator, official, director
Cancer Fortress, stronghold (2 Sa 22:3; Psa 18:2; Prov 18:10; Jer 15:20); booty, bounty (Ge 45:22), feast (Ge 43:34; Rv 3:20); captives of mighty (Isa 49:24-25) Tribulation Part 1 (Evangelism); Eternal inheritance, reward (Lk 6:23; Col 3:24; Heb 9:15; 10:36); Laws of Establishment Reconciliation of Jews, Gentiles in Christ (Eph 2:14-16); envoy (2 Chron 32:31)
. Fortress, prison, stronghold, booty, captives; aristocracy, gentry, dining; baron Laws, rules, regulations, ordinances of security, safety, property; guard, law enforcement; inheritance Mortar between brick, ligaments; spectators; negotiator; interpreter (Ge 40:8; 42:23)
Capricornus Victory of the Cross (Col 2:15; Eph. 1:20-21, 4:8); Victory over world (1 Jn 5:4) Gentile vessels of mercy (Rom 9:23-26); Tribulation Part 2 (Great Trib.) Mediator of sin, spiritual adultery, worldly conflict (Jn 17:13-21; Heb 12:15; Jas 4:1-7); Christ Cornerstone (Eph 2:12-21); Expiation (Lev 16:10); land transition, travel, wilderness wandering (Nu 32:13); cowboy, horseman, trucker
. Greek, Gentile empire (Dan 8:21) Gentiles, sin, lawlessness, Antichrist, satyr Mediator of persecution (Prov 16:7; Matt 5:11-12; Rom 12:14)
Gemini Marriage Feast of Christ (Millennium) (Mt 25:10; Lk 12:37); Witness of water, blood (1 Jn 5:6); Patriarch (Gen 12:2; 46:3) Marriage Culture; Edenic Covenant (Gen 2:16, 22-24); Church, Lord's Right Woman (Rom 9:24-26); Impersonal love (Rom 12:17; Jas 4:11-12) Mediator of marriage disputes (Ge 3:11-13); Witness in Heaven (Job 16:19); guardian angel (Mt 18:10)
.. Marriage feast (Gen 29:21-22; Judg 14:10; SOS 5:1), feasting Marriage Culture,  vows & rules, partnerships, witnesses, deposition, warrant; witnesses/verification of covenant Rachel (Ge 30:1, 22); Hannah (1 Sa 1:5-20, 17, Eli mediator); liaison, lawyer, umpire
Leo King (Psa 89:27, 35-37), Sovereign (Psa 103:19; 1 Tim 6:15), Most High (Ge 14:19; Psa 97:9) Gospel Age Covenant; Royal Law (Lev 19:18; Jas 2:8); Fulfillment of covenants at Second Advent Mediator of Supreme Court of Heaven (Heb 1:3; Rev 3:21); Lord, Priest from Tribe of Judah (Heb 7:14); spy (Nu 13:17)
.. Ruler, nobility Charter, constitution, powers of rulers, government, military leaders Royal priesthood (1 Pet 2:9); government mediator (Pilate, Mt 27:17-25), ruler-integrator (1 Chron 18:14-17; ch. 23-27)
Libra Supreme Court of Heaven (Ps 110:1); Judge of all (Heb 12:23; Mt 7:1-2); Judge, iron rod (Rev 2:27); Commerce (Rev 6:5) Mosaic (Law); Escrow blessings (Rom 9:23; Eph 1:3; Col 1:27); treasurer (Jn 12:6; 13:29) Mediator God & Man, New Covenant (1 Ti 2:5; Heb 9:15); arbitrator (1 Sa 2:25; Job 9:32-33; Psa 75:7; Matt 25:32), court official (Acts 8:27)
. Supreme Court; Antichrist judge (Isa 14:14); justice, business; tycoon Law, jurisprudence, judges, justice; economy, business; business law, contracts; balance, measurement, calculation, differential, pilot Lawyer, arbitrator; balance, integrator, scholar, integrity; chemistry, pharmacy
Pisces Lord of all (Rom 10:12; Rev 5:11-13); Lord of lords (1 Ti 6:15; Rev 19:16); Advocate (Rm 8:34; 1 Jn 2:1); Spiritual power, blessing (Eph 1:18; 3:16) New Covenant to Church (Church Age Doctrine); Spiritual Life (Zech 4:6; 1 Cor 2:12) Christ Intercessor (Rom 8:34; Heb 7:24-25; 9:24), priest, Throne of Grace (Heb 4:16), prophet/pastor (2 Ki 20:1, 5)
. Monster whale Mystery Doctrine of Church (Col 1:27), cults, the occult, witchcraft, mysticism, gnosticism; secrets (Eph 5:11-12). Priest; Balaam, witch, medium (1 Sa 28:8); priest of Baal (2 Ki 10:19; 11:18)
Sagittarius Lord destroyer of armies (2 Sa 22:48; Rev 19:11-16), mighty warriors (2 Sa 23:8) Second Advent/Baptism of Fire Treaty, truce (Josh 9:15; 1 Sa 24:6-7; 26:23; 1 Ki 15:19); Lord Mediator ending plague (1 Chron 21:16)
. Conquering army; mighty army, warriors Rules of engagement, doctrine of war, battle plan Mediation to save people (Num 16:22; 1 Chron 21:16); physician
Scorpius Victory of Cross, over Satanic induced illness (Lk 10:19; 8:27, 29)
Final Judgment (Matt 25:41; Rev 20:7, 11-15) Tempter, swindler, accuser (Zech 3:1; Rev 12:10); Judas, betrayer
. Satan, Ruler of the world (Jn 12:31) Liar, doctrines of demons, false prophet, enemy, apostate A fraud, cheat, deceiver, beguiler; gossip; charlatan; drugs
Taurus Great prosperity, possessions, owning the world, fat of the land (Psa 50:10, 12; Isa 30:23-24) Millennium Mediator of New Covenant to Israel (Heb 8:8), royal official (Jn 4:46)
. Ruler of world, empire;
Baal, a giant
Rich inheritance; Promised Land Riches, prosperity, success through a mediator, consultant, reference
Virgo Christ, Bridegroom of Israel & Church (Is 54:5-8; 62:4, 5; Hos 2:19; 2 Cor 11:2; 1 Pet 2:9); power over peace (Rev 6:4) Adamic Covenant (Gen 3:15-16, 20); Church & Israel betrothed to Christ (Is 54:5-8; 62:4, 5; Hos 2:19; 2 Cor 11:2; 1 Pet 2:9) Christ Mediator of Marriage (Ge 2:22); Abigail (1 Sa 25:23-35); midwife (Gen 35:17)
. World peace & prosperity (Millennium); powerful woman (SOS 6:4, 10), woman ruler (Judg 4:4), woman war-god Caretaker, teaching, discipline of children Match maker; peace negotiator, peace maker (Mt 5:9; Col 3:15) 


Meaning of Planets in Signs

Last Adam
Aquarius Good news of purchase from slavery of sin (Matt 20:28; Rom 3:24; Eph 1:7); Heavenly rest (Rev 21:4); Redeemed from the sea, flood (Lam 3:53-58), pit (Job 33:22-28; Psa 103:4), Sheol (Psa 49:15; Hos 13:14) Made alive in Christ (1 Cor 15:22), Son of Man, H/U (Jn 3:16), First-born Son, Israel (Ex 4:22)
(application) Service of a redeemer, guarantor; giving refreshment, hospitality (Prov 25:13; Rom 15:32; 2 Tim 1:16; Philem 7); inn (Lk 10:34), pub, restaurant (Mk 14:14), grocery store Reviving, saving (Lk 9:56); mystery (Judg 14:12-19; Ps 49:4; Prov 1:6; Ezek 17:2; Eph 6:19)
Aries Redeemer Leader (Ex 15:13; Deut 9:26) Impeccable Christ (Heb 4:15; 7:26)
. Entrepreneur, Chief Executive Leader with no guile (Jn 1:47), high integrity, blameless
Cancer Eternal redemption (Heb 9:12); captives (Jer 50:33-34); spoils (Ge 49:27; 1 Sa 30:26); city of refuge (Num 35:12); treasury (Mk 12:41) Scourging, punishment (Isa 53:5; Mt 27:26)
. Bank, treasury, trustee, depositary; foster home; reservation, nursery Suffering (Mk 13:9; Acts 27:24)
Capricornus Redeemed by blood, atonement (Rom 3:24-25; Eph 1:7; 1 Jn 2:2); water in desert (Isa 43:20), Massah (Ex 17:1-7); wealth of the Gentiles (Isa 60:5; 61:6) Sin bearer (Isa 53:4, 11-12; 2 Cor 5:21; Heb 7:27; 1 Pet 2:24); desert tempting (Mt 4:1), thirst (Jn 19:28)
. Oasis, well, cistern; sex (Gen 30:38) Outcast (Lev 16:10, 21-22; Heb 13:11-13); mystery of lawlessness (2 Thess 2:7)
Gemini Husband redeemer of wife (Ru 3:13; Eph 5:25); wife redeemer (1 Sa 25:18, 27), redeemer attorney (Prov 23:11: Jer 50:34); husband breadwinner (Ge 3:19; 1 Ti 5:8), bondsman (Job 17:3); double blessing Son of Man; Family, Church family; Christ's trials
. Marriage blessing, prosperity, riches; attorney Procreation, family; Put on trial
Leo Lord, King Redeemer (Deut 7:8; Isa 44:6; 43:1-3, 14) Christ before footstool of Herod, Pilate; Son of David; Second Advent (Mt 16:27-28)
. David redeemed from enemies (Saul, Absalom) (1 Ki 1:29); government redeemer Standing before Kings (Mk 13:9); man before footstool of King
Libra Purchased from slavery, sin (Deut 32:6; Psa 74:2; 1 Pet 1:18), from lawless deeds (Tit 2:14); blood avenger (Nu 35:19); refining, threshing (Isa 1:25; Jer 6:29); Fire Testing (1 Cor 3:13; 1 Pet 1:7; Rev 3:18) Judged for sins (Isa 53); Cursed by the Law (Gal 3:13); Justification of Life (Rom 5:14-19); Judged by Four Generation Curse (Ex 20:5)
. Ransom (Job 6:23; Jer 15:21; Mt 20:28), liberator (Jer 31:11; 50:34); fine (Ex 21:30-32); buyer, seller, mathematics; metallurgy, alchemy Proxy, substitute (Mt 20:28)
Pisces Tithes, giving (Heb 7:1-10), Grace giving (2 Cor 9:6-15), generosity (2 Cor 9:11), freewill (2 Cor 9:7); for Jerusalem (Neh 7:70-72), giving worldly possessions (Neh 7:72); tax for Levites (Num 3:44-51); offering (Gen 4:3-5; 8:20), Levitical (Lev 1:2f; Deut 12:6); Christ (Eph 5:2; 2 Cor 9:15)
Intercession on the Cross (Lk 23:34; Heb 7:26-28); mystery of Spiritual life (1 Tim 3:16), of Christ (Eph 3:4; Col 2:2), of the Church (Eph 5:32)
. Tax (Ex 30:12); strange fire (Nu 3:4)
Forgiving (Eph 4:32), intercessors (Mt 5:44)
Sagittarius Christ Redeemer at Second Advent (Isa 34:2-8), regathering of Israel (Isa 35:10; 43:3-7; Zech 10:8) Christ facing the conspiracy (Matt 26:55)
. Financing, supplying, quartering an army (1 Sa 25:27); redeemed from war, famine, enemy (Job 5:20; 6:23); band of robbers or prostitute's customers (Jer 5:7) Enemy attack of believer (Psa 3:6; 27:2-3), Satanic attack (1 Pet 5:8); Spiritual Warfare (Eph 6:11-12)
Scorpius Satan's power and influence over mankind (Eph 2:1-3); Redemption from the devil's world (Eph 1:14), from Satan's power over life and health (Luk 10:18-19; 1 Cor 6:20; 7:23; 1 Pet 1:18-19)
Victory over death (1 Cor 15:54-57; 2 Tim 1:10; Heb 2:14); man of lawlessness (2 Thess 2:3); mystery Babylon (Rev 17:5, 7)
. Payoff of a criminal (Judas, Matt 26:15); loot (Josh 7:21); lover of money, Balaam; racketeer, prostitute, bribe, tip Victim of Satan, the murderer, e.g. in sin unto death (1 Cor 5:5)
Taurus Mighty One of Jacob at Second Advent (Isa 49:26) Christ in rich man's tomb (Isa 53:9; Matt 27:57-60), Kenosis, Ox offering for Redemption
. Redeemed by great power with super abundant blessing, prosperity Hidden wealth, prosperity, rank (Jas 1:9), power, strength (1 Cor 1:27; 2 Cor 12:10)
Virgo Lord, Husband Redeemer (Isa 54:5-8), Lord Right Man (2 Cor 11:2); widow's redeemer (Ru 3:13), redeemer of virgin Israel (Am 5:2) Born of a virgin (Isa 7:14; Matt 1:23), therefore sinless; Love of/for God (Isa 46:3; Jn 6:32-33, 51; Rom 8:32; Eph 5:2; 1 Jn 4:19); family love, reunion (Isa 60:4)
. Dowry (Gen 29:20; 34:12; Ex 22:17; Deut 22:29; 1 Sa 18:25); Redeemer son (Ru 4:14); prostitute Mortal human body (1 Cor 15:53); mother's love for child; nursing (Isa 66:12)


Meaning of Midheaven and Bottom of Heaven in Signs

Midheaven, MC
Bottom of Heaven, IC
Aquarius Glorious, sensational, or notorious good news (Matt 28:8; Luk 2:10) Obituary; inglorious death (Judg 9:53; Matt 16:6); bad news, lost (1 Sam 4:12-13); Jonah (Jon 2:2-3, Psa 69:15, 124:4-5, Lam 3:53-54)
Aries Glorious, famous, or notorious leader (Gen 41:40-45; 42:6) Death or the grave of a leader (Gen 25:8-10; 49:33)
Cancer Famous treasure, spoils, bank, treasury;
Notorious prisoners, captives (1 Sa 21:10-11), refuge; feast
Suffering death (Phil 2:8; Heb 2:9; 1 Pet 3:17); swallowed by the earth, Sheol (Num 16:30; Isa 5:14); Suffering (Mk 13:9; Acts 27:24)
Capricornus Glory of the world (Acts 12:21-23; 1 Jn 2:16), the Gentiles; famous oasis, well; celebrity sex Dying in sins, spiritual and temporal death (Gen 2:17; Jn 8:24; Eph 2:1-2)
Gemini Glorious marriage (Psa 45), famous witness; notorious double blessing (Gen 49:22-26; 1 Ki 10:14-22) Death of a spouse, family member, children; Rachel weeping (Jer 31:15; Matt 2:18)
Leo Glorious or great king or government redeemer (1 Ki 10:23; Psa 24) King's death (1 Sa 31:4-6); Christ before footstool of Herod, Pilate; death of a nation (Ezek 31:17)
Libra Glorious, famous, notorious liberation (Psa 86:13), liberator, judge, businessman, buyer, seller, refining, threshing, Fire Testing, musician Judgment of death, capital punishment, execution (1 Sa 15:33; 2 Pet 2:6)
Pisces Famous priest, giver, philanthropist; festival (2 Chron 30:21) Death or the grave of a priest, singer (1 Sa 4:18; Heb 7:23); Intercession on the Cross (Lk 23:34; Heb 7:26-28)
Sagittarius Famous, notorious raiding band (Gen 14:14-16), army, band of robbers, prostitute's customers Doom of an army (Ex 14:28; Isa 37:36); mass grave; victim of an army or gang, death in battle (1 Sam 4:10-11); Christ facing the conspiracy (Matt 26:55)
Scorpius Victory over death, final judgment; Christian rescued from Satan; Satan's beauty (Ezek 28:12); notorious criminal, thief (Matt 27:16), racketeer, prostitute, bribe, victim of Satan, fraud, liar, deceiver Satan with power of death; death of the wicked, evil one, Jezebel (2 Ki 9:33-37); violent death; going down to Sheol, Hades; Victim of Satan, the murderer, e.g. in sin unto death (1 Cor 5:5)
Taurus Royal glory, fanfare (Dan 3:5; 4:30); super abundant blessing, prosperity Death or the grave of royalty; Christ in rich man's tomb (Isa 53:9; Matt 27:57-60); buried treasure
Virgo Glorious, famous, notorious virgin, woman, widow's redeemer (Ruth 4:13-17), husband, dowry Virgin, woman, mortal human going down to Sheol (Job 7:9; Psa 18:5; 89:48), the grave, Hades (Gen 23:19; 35:19)


Meaning of Father and Sons Configuration

Savior, Morning Star
Aquarius Glorious Gospel (Isa 52:7; 2 Cor 4:6; 1 Tim 1:11), blessings (Psa 78:23-29; Mal 3:10; Rom 9:23; Eph 1:3, 18; 3:16; Phil 4:19; Col 1:27); Antichrist (2 Cor 4:4) Witnesses (Jesus, John the Baptist) (Lk 24:48; Acts 1:8, 22; 2:32; 3:15; 4:33; 5:32; 10:39, 41; 13:31; 1 Pet 5:1), saved (Eph 2:8-9; 1 Pet 3:20), baptized (1 Pet 3:21), saints (Psa 16:3; 34:9; Rom 1:7; 1 Cor 1:2; 1 Thess 3:13), disciples (Jn 2:11), Church (Matt 16:18; Eph 3:10; Heb 12:23)
Aries Shepherd (Psa 23:1-6; Isa 40:11; Jer 31:10; Ezek 34:12-16, 23, 31; Mic 5:4; John 10:11, 14-16; 1 Pet 5:2), leader, CEO; Evil shepherd (Jer 23:1; 50:6; Ezek 34:1-10)  Sheep (Psa 95:7; 100:3; Ezek 34:30-31)
Cancer Lord Keeper (Psa 91:4-6; 121:5-8), Protector (Gal 5:18; 2 Thess 3:3), Healer (Psa 30:2; 107:20; Matt 10:1, 8; 14:14), breadwinner (Ge 3:19; 1 Ti 5:8), guard
Receivers, inheritors ((Lk 6:23; Eph 1:11, 18; Col 3:24; Heb 9:15; 10:36), patients (Dan 8:27; Matt 4:23; 9:12; 1 Cor 11:30; Jas 5:14-15; Rev 2:22), prisoners
Capricornus Gentile glory, Victory of the Cross (Col 2:15; Eph. 1:20-21, 4:8); Victory over world (1 Jn 5:4); Man of Lawlessness (2 Thess 2:3) Gentiles (Eph 2:2-3, 11; 4:17; 1 Thess 4:5; 1 Pet 4:3), lawless ones (Rom 4:7; 6:19; 1 Tim 1:9; 1 Jn 3:4), Gentile vessels of mercy (Rom 9:23-26; Eph 3:6)
Gemini Husband (Isa 54:5; 2 Cor 11:2), Bridegroom (Psa 19:4-5; Isa 61:10; 62:5) Twins (Jacob & Esau (Gen 25:24-34), Ephraim & Manasseh (Gen 48:5-20)), children of the promise (Rom 9:8; Gal 3:29; 4:28), double blessing (Gen 49:22-26; Deut 21:17; 1 Ki 10:14-22; Isa 61:7)
Leo Lord King of kings in Millennium (Ezek 34:24); King of glory (Psa 24:7; Mt 19:28), Glory at Second Advent (Mt 16:27-28; Lk 21:27); Royal sons (Rom 8:15; 1 Pet 2:9; Rev 1:6; 5:8)
Libra Sovereign (Eph 1:19-23; 1 Tim 6:15; Jude 25), Millennial Throne of David (Psa 89:35-37); Divine blessings (Rom 9:23; Eph 1:3; Col 1:27) Free men (Jn 8:32; Rom 6:18; 8:2, 22), liberated ones, redeemed (Mk 10:45; Gal 3:13; 4:5; Tit 2:14; 1 Pet 1:18)
Pisces Lord of all (Rom 10:12; Rev 5:11-13); Lord of lords (1 Ti 6:15; Rev 19:16); Advocate (Rom 8:34; 1 Jn 2:1); Heavenly Glory (Psa 19:1; 57:5; 97:6; Heb 12:22-24; Rev 21:23), Divine glory (Psa 108:5; 113:4; Isa 44:23; Acts 7:55), Spiritual power & blessing (Eph 1:18; 3:16) Priesthood, High Priest (Heb 3:1; 4:14-16; 9:11, 24, 28), Priest (1 Pet 2:5, 9; Rev 1:6; 5:8)), Church (Eph 5:23; Col 1:18)
Sagittarius Lord of the Armies (Josh 5:14; 1 Sam 4:4; Psa 46:7; Prov 30:31; Rev 19:11-16), Angelic army (Lk 2:9, 13);  business enterprise, corporation (Ezek 16:29; 27:3; Rev 18:3), chief conspirator Soldiers (2 Sa 23:8; Rev 19:14), customers (Ezek 27:12), conspirators
Scorpius Christ Light in darkness (Jn 1:4; 2 Pet 1:19), Satan, angel of light (2 Cor 11:14), world ruler (Jn 12:31), father of murder and lies (Jn 8:44) Children of the devil (Matt 13:38; John 8:44; 17:12; Acts 13:10; Rom 9:8; 1 Jn 3:10), sons of murder and lies (Jn 8:44)
Taurus Lord mighty victor at Second Advent (Isa 34:2-8); Glory of the Millennial King (Isa 24:23; Mt 16:27-28); King's royal majesty (Psa 45:3) Prosperous sons (Ge 49:20), guests for feast (Isa 25:6)
Virgo Christ Bridegroom (Psa 19:4-6); Clothing of Israel as mother of Christ (Rev 12:1) Sons of Light (Mt 5:14; Jn 12:36), Virgin birth of Savior (Isa 7:14; Matt 1:25); birth of children (Gen 4:1; Job 14:1); Rachel's children (Jer 31:15; Matt 2:18)
Christ 1st Advent (Nu 24:17; Mt 2:2); Son of David; child, star (Gen 22:17); herald of birth (Jer 20:15)



1.  Larry Wood.  Christ in the Solar System.
2.  Larry Wood.  The Ages.

Released February 27, 2010 - Revised Jan. 11, 2025

Author: Larry Wood
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