Death of Rose Tani
Birth Chart
Birth Chart Planets
receiving a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) in 1984, Tani worked for Hughes Aircraft Corporation in
El Segundo, California in the Space and Communications group. He
returned to MIT in 1986 and received a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering
in 1988. In 1988, Tani worked for Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC)
in Dulles, Virginia, where he eventually became launch operations manager
on the Pegasus program. He was selected as an astronaut candidate
by NASA in April 1996. He flew on STS-108 December 5-17, 2001 aboard
Endeavour as a Mission Specialist on a trip to the Space Station.
During the mission, he completed a four-hour space walk (Extra-Vehicular
Activity, (EVA)).
returned to the Space Station aboard Discovery (STS-120) (launched October
23, 2007) as a member of the Expedition 16 Space Station crew. During
the time Discovery was docked with the Space Station, Tani had two female
commanders, STS-120 Commander Pamela Melroy and Expedition 16 Commander
Peggy A. Whitson. Tani performed one EVA with the STS-120 crew, and
four more EVA's aboard the space station. He was originally scheduled
to return to Earth aboard STS-122 in December; however, the mission was
delayed due to a fuel
sensor problem and wasn't launched until February 7, 2008. While
he was on the Space Station, his 90-year old mother was killed when her
car was struck by a train on December 19, 2007.4 Tani
finally returned to Earth on STS-122 on February 20, 2008, two months later,
on his mother's birthday. The picture of the Expedition 16 crew has
Commander Peggy Whitson (top) and L-R: Daniel Tani, Russian cosmonaut
Yuri Malenchenko, and European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Leopold Eyharts.
Tani is married to the Jane Egan of Cork, Ireland and has two daughters.
Tani died on Dec. 19, which stands for the tribe of Dan (related to her
son Daniel) and the federal judiciary. Kennedy Space Center, where
STS-122 was sitting on the launch pad, is Florida County #19. Rose
was born in the sign of Aquarius,
which corresponds to Florida. She had a stellium in Capricornus,
which corresponds to Texas, where NASA Mission Control relayed the death
message to her son in orbit. A stellium adds extra power to the influence
of the sign.
chart of the planets over Lombard at 3:00 PM at the time of Rose's death
contains a Star of David, which is the most propitious sign of blessing
in such a chart. Granted, the Star of David, is a little askew, but
it is close enough to see how it relates to the other events of the day.
The Star of David is a reminder of the double blessing of Israel, which
came through the Abrahamic Covenant and the birth of Isaac. Death
is God's victory. He alone decides, the time, manner, and place of
death for everyone. The death of a person carries a message from
God. In this case, the message was the sign of the Star of David
and a reminder through a 90-year old woman of the birth of Isaac, which
fulfilled God's promise to Abraham.
Rose Tani became famous in her death because her son, Daniel Tani, a NASA astronaut, was aboard the Space Station. Daniel Tani's birth chart has a five-pointed star (a pentagram), which symbolizes a giant, such as Baal. A star is also the sign of sudden brilliance that comes in out of the blue. Daniel became a celebrity of sorts when his mother died. She was 90, for the new order (race) of Israel. Sarah was 90 when Isaac, the son of the promise of the Abrahamic Covenant, was born. Rose gave birth to Daniel at age 44, and his father died when Daniel was 4. Rose died in Lombard, Illinois, which is at 41 N., for happiness, and 88 W., for blessing. Isaac, means laughter (happiness). Rose was driving a 1998 Honda, where 98 means the glory has departed. A rose symbolizes a prostitute, like the Prostitute of Babylon.
A train wreck symbolizes a strategic failure. The strategic failure here was the Annapolis Peace Conference of November 27, 2007, in which Israel, the Palestinians and their sponsors committed to achieving a peace deal with a new Palestinian State within a year. The peace deal was to be concluded before President George W. Bush left office. The tragic death of Rose Tani in a collision with a train bound for California was God's answer of cursing to those who rejected the Abrahamic Covenant, which deeded the Promised Land to Israel, not the Palestinians.
Tani's Sun Sign was Capricornus, for Gentile glory. Tani represented the US, a Gentile nation, as an astronaut. The Moon Sign was Cancer, for the security, or safety, of a group. The Moon Sign can also apply to the Right Woman. Tani's wife is from Cork, Ireland, which corresponds to Cancer on the Zodiac Map. The Moon was in conjunction with the Mediator Planet, which was barely in Leo on the cusp of Cancer, for a ruler-integrator. Tani exhibited his ability as a ruler-integrator as launch operations manager on the Pegasus program.
The Ascendant Sign and Midheaven cannot be determined since the time of birth is not known.
A Star (pentagram) symbolizes a giant, such as Baal. Baal can inspire the Evil King or Prostitute of Babylon. Whereas Baal influences the lives of almost everyone regularly, he is especially powerful in the life of a person with a Star in the Birth Chart. Baal is the enemy of Marriage, children, and Israel. Tani was raised by his mother, who was named Rose, a name that symbolizes a prostitute, like the Prostitute of Babylon. She went to an apostate church, which would have been subject to the Prostitute of Babylon. Her death symbolized the attack of Baal through the Palestinians upon Israel. During the STS-120 mission, Daniel Tani served under two female commanders, who could also symbolize the Prostitute of Babylon.
Tani was also associated with the Columbia disaster, which occurred on his birthday in 2003. He had been designated by Columbia astronaut William McCool to take care of his family if anything happened. There were many powerful signs of the Prostitute of Babylon associated with the disaster. And Tani had signs in his Birth Chart corresponding to such a disaster. These signs included the three signs at points of the Star that involved bloody witnesses, Fire Testing, and the Baptism of Fire.
The five points of the Star define main issues of the person's life. For Tani, they were:
The Kite symbolizes operational stability, as a person who soars above the problems of life like an astronaut. Tani exhibited this in the work he performed during EVA's as well as in his composure after his mother's death while he was aboard the Space Station.
Three of the points of the Kite correspond to points of
the Star which have already been discussed. The fourth point was
the Savior Planet in Aquarius, which symbolizes a spokesman. Tani
was a spokesman for NASA on orbit as he participated in interviews and
read a poem that he had composed as well as in presentations after he returned
to Earth. The tip phalanges of Tani's fingers are longer than normal,
which is the sign of an exhibitionist, like an entertainer or musician
who performs for an audience. As Tani was perched high above the
Earth during EVA's, he was performing for a world-wide audience.
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The Star (pentagram) symbolizes Baal, who is revealed through the Evil King and Prostitute of Babylon. The Star symbolizes sudden brilliance in the life, especially in the spiritual realm. The Columbia disaster was on Tani's birthday. He had been designated by Columbia astronaut William McCool to take care of his family if anything happened. There were many evidences of the Prostitute of Babylon ruling NASA in the Columbia disaster. Tani was under two female commanders, who symbolized the function of the Prostitute of Babylon, during the overlap of the STS-120 and Expedition 16 missions.
Tani's mother was killed at age 90 while he was on the International Space Station. The circumstances of her death symbolized the strategic failure of the Annapolis peace conference, which established the goal of the conclusion of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process with a Palestinian State within a year. Tani returned to Earth after a two-month delay on his mother's birthday. He and his mother gained notoriety because of her tragic death while he was in space. Baal is the enemy of Israel and the god of the Palestinians. And the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is the work of the Prostitute of Babylon.
Tani had three signs in his Chart of the judgments of blood and fire. The Red Planet in Gemini symbolized bloody witnesses. The Redeemer Planet in Libra symbolized Fire Testing, and the God of the Covenants in Sagittarius symbolized the Baptism of Fire. All these signs combined in the Columbia disaster, which symbolized the Second Advent, Fire Testing, and bloody judgment. Tani didn't have a direct hand in this, but he had a spiritual connection per the Star in his Birth Chart. Thus, the far reaching spiritual relationships of a person with a Star in his Birth Chart can be seen in the life of Daniel Tani, the ultimate astronaut.
Released June 2008
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