Birth of Christ, Transits of the Morning Star
Conclusions on Meaning of Transits
Transits of Morning Star from Adam
Transit of Savior Planet, 2003
Transit of Morning Star, 60 AD
Transit of Morning Star, 2004
Transit of Morning Star, 2012
Transit of Savior Planet, 2016
Transit of Savior Planet, 2019
Prediction of New Era 2012-2117
Transits of the Sun as seen from Earth are only possible with the two inner planets, the Savior and Morning Star. A transit occurs when the planet passes between the Earth and Sun while crossing the Earth's orbital plane (the Ecliptic). Transits may occur on opposite sides of the orbital plane. In recent times, transits of the Savior Planet occur in early November and early May, while transits of the Morning Star occur in early June and early December. Thus, transits of the Savior Planet occur in the signs of Libra and Aries, and transits of the Morning Star occur in Scorpius and Taurus.
The occurrence of transits in Libra and Aries are an important clue to their meaning. Libra symbolizes the scales of justice and judgment, while Aries, the Ram, symbolizes a shepherd, leader, and authority. These two signs are the contrast of opposites, like Jacob and Esau, Cain and Abel, man and woman. They also correspond to the Military (Libra) and Civilian (Aries) Establishments.
The transits of the Morning Star in Scorpius and Taurus are also a contrast of opposites. During the time of the Birth of Christ, the transits were in Sagittarius and Gemini. Scorpius symbolizes the evil one, and Taurus symbolizes prosperity and feasting in the Promised Land and Millennium. This corresponds to the son of the bondwoman (Ishmael) persecuting the son of the free (Isaac). It also corresponds to Christ's punishment on the Cross in contrast to His rule in the Millennium. Similarly, Sagittarius symbolizes war, and Gemini symbolizes Marriage and the double blessing – i. e. war and peace, corresponding to the Military and Civilian Establishments. This also corresponds to Christ's return on the white horse at the Second Advent in contrast to His rule in the Millennium.
The startling conclusion is that the story of Jacob and Esau has been interwoven into human history. Jacob was a shepherd and man of peace. Esau was a hunter, who was prepared to kill his brother at one time. Jacob and Esau were twins, corresponding to Gemini and even to Adam and Eve, the parents of Cain and Abel. Right Man and Right Woman are the contrast of opposites, like Libra and Aries, that determine the course of human history.
Two of the clocks of history are the clocks of
the transits of the Savior Planet and the Morning Star.
The ticks of the Savior Planet occur in November at intervals of
7, 13, or 33 years while May transits recur only at 13 or 33
of War, Hague Peace Conf.
Wars (1912-13)
I, Russian Comm. Revolution (1917-18)
Hitler Mein Kamph (1925)
Mkt. Crash (1929)
Peace Pact (1939)
War (1950-53)
Sputnik launched Oct. 4
Israel Six Day War
Kent State Riots
Yom Kippur War (Oct. 6-25)
Challenger Disaster
First Iraq War
Trade Center bombed
attacks Serbia
Columbia Disaster
Iraq War, R. B.
Thieme, Jr. RIF
Hussein Executed
God's vengeance (Rom
Many of the transits of the Savior Planet in the Twentieth Century were associated with the conflict of war, corresponding to enmity between Esau and Jacob. That is not surprising since it was the century of world war.
Transits of the Morning Star recur in a 243-year cycle at intervals of 8, 121.5, 8, and 105.5 years. The Morning Star period of rotation is 243 Earth days (retrograde), where the number 243 stands for fulfillment (43). The pattern is:
Dec. JuneScorpius Taurus
1639 -
1769 -
1882 -
2012 -
A cycle of 243 years can be measured in December
from 1639 to 1882 or in Scorpius from 1769 to 2012.
The postulate is that the shorter ticks of the transits of the Savior Planet correspond to the tactical advance of current events of history, and the longer ticks of the transits of the Morning Star correspond to eras of history.
The pattern of the transits of the Morning Star
may be further illustrated.
The transits separated by eight years represent the boundaries of an era, and the 100 plus years between the boundaries represent the era. The separation of the boundaries by 2 days, corresponding to 3 days and 3 nights, counting from one, symbolizes the Crucifixion with death, burial, and Resurrection. The pattern of death, burial, and Resurrection of the Cross parlays into crop cycles, life cycles, national cycles of rise and fall, and the Tribulation and Second Advent followed by the Millennium.Transits of the Morning Star (1631 – 2012)
Dec. JuneScorpius Taurus
1631 ___________
1639 ___________
American Colonial Era
( ERA )1761 ___________
1769 ___________
American Revolution
( ERA )
War 1812, War Between the States
1874 ___________
1882 ___________
Era of World War
( ERA )
Wars: Sp. Am., WW I, II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq;
Communist Revolutions in Russia, China
2004 ___________
2012 ___________
The era between 1631 and 1769 was the American Colonial Era. The next era after 1769 included the Declaration of Independence, the American Revolution, and the War of 1812. The era ended with the War Between the States (1861-65), which did not technically end until the end of Reconstruction when the Northern troops withdrew from the South in 1877. Note that 1877 is between the eight year boundary at the end of the era. Thus, the War Between the States and the peace that followed corresponded to the Tribulation and Second Advent followed by Millennial peace. However, the peace did not include prosperity in the South for the Whites or the Blacks.
The last era which ended in 2012 was the Era of World War. Jesus prophesied, "There will be wars and rumors of war until I come" (Second Advent) (Matt 24:6). World war corresponds to the world War of Armageddon, which precedes the Second Advent.
Assuming the Birth of Christ to be September 11, 3 BC (-0002), means it would lie nearly half way between the transits of the Morning Star in the years -0062 and 0060.
Note that four single transits (in green) of the Morning Star occurred before and after the time of the Birth of Christ. These single transits were not the normal double transits separated by eight years. The four transits in BC and AD were bounded by double transits separated by 8 years (in black). Furthermore, beginning with the last single transit, the signs of the transits in November and May shifted from Sagittarius and Gemini to Scorpius and Taurus.Transits of Morning Star
Date Sign (UT)
-0548 Nov 22 Sagit 00:54
-0540 Nov 19 Sagit 13:53 Fall of Babylon (-538)
-0426 May 22 Gemi 18:41 Malachi Prophecy (-431)
-0305 Nov 23 Sagit 00:30
-0183 May 22 Gemi 23:04 Antiochus IV Epiphanes King of Seleucid Empire (-175)
-0062 Nov 23 Sagit 00:16 Rome Conquers Jerusalem
(-60 Before Birth Christ)
------- Birth Christ -0002 Sept 11, 16:40 GMT ------------
(62 After Birth Christ)
0060 May 23 Gemi 03:23 Times of Gentiles Begin (70 AD)
0181 Nov 22 Sagit 23:39 End of Pax Romana
0303 May 24 Gemi 07:28 Constantine Great rule (312-337)
0424 Nov 22 Scorp 23:05 Patrick return to Ireland (432)
0546 May 24 Tauru 11:31
0554 May 22 Tauru 04:51 Scotland Client Nation (563)
Note that both the Birth and Crucifixion of Christ occurred within groups of three transits of the Savior Planet (in green) in October in the sign of Libra.Transits of Savior Planet
Date Sign (TDT)
-0039 Oct 16 Libra 02:38:48
-0029 Apr 18 Aries 07:17:38
-0026 Oct 18 20:12:13
-0013 Oct 21 13:40:29
----Birth of Christ -0002 Sept 11 ------
-0000 Oct 23 07:08:38
0004 Apr 15 06:14:29
0007 Oct 17 07:26:50
0017 Apr 18 14:07:08
0020 Oct 19 01:00:14
----Crucifixion of Christ 0030 Apr 6 ----
0033 Oct 21 18:27:24
0046 Oct 24 11:55:09
0050 Apr 16 12:56:11
0053 Oct 17 12:12:48
0063 Apr 19 20:54:42
0066 Oct 20 05:44:18
From the transits of the Savior Planet and Morning Star, it can be deduced that neither were meant to pinpoint the Birth or Crucifixion of Christ. However, there are clues in both that something unusual is happening in history.
Transits of the Morning Star usually occur in pairs separated by eight years minus 2 days, which corresponds to 3 days and 3 nights, counting from one. Thus, the double transits of the Morning Star symbolize the Cross with the death, burial, and Resurrection. The period between the transits, which is over 100 years, symbolizes an era. The symbol of the Cross is parlayed into history in life cycles with death and burial followed by resurrection. The Tribulation at the end of the Jewish Age corresponds to death and burial. It will end at the Second Advent when the enemies of Israel will be killed, Israel will be delivered, and the Old Testament saints will be resurrected. The Millennium with 1,000 years of peace and prosperity will follow.
The transits of the Morning Star, like the transits of the Savior Planet, occur in two different months with signs in opposition. The transits of the Savior Planet occur in Libra and Aries, and the transits of the Morning Star currently occur in Scorpius and Taurus, although they were previously in Sagittarius and Gemini. All these oppositions are contrasts of opposites, like Jacob and Esau or Right Man and Right Woman. The oppositions must be brought into balance (rapport); otherwise, wars and disasters will occur. So, the message of the signs in opposition is that God has woven this contrast into every aspect of human history, both near term and long term. Signs in opposition are on opposite sides of the Astrology Chart. Therefore, oppositions in Charts must take into account the contrasts that God has woven into human history.
The transits of the Morning Star symbolize the Second Advent with the destruction of the world followed by the Millennium. However, they also call attention to the symbolism of the Cross parlayed into every aspect of human history from the Garden to the end of time. To study history without considering the transits of the Savior Planet and Morning Star, will lead to failure to recognize Divine Viewpoint.
During the timeframe of 5575 BC - 5495 BC, the pairs of transits of the Morning Star occurred on the cusp of Cancer (for feasting or spoils and captives) and Capricornus (sin). Then they moved into Sagittarius and Gemini until 303 AD. Since then, they have been occurring in Scorpius and Taurus.
-4185 Nov 17 10:41
-4177 Nov 15 00:28
(Mazoretic Text, -4108)
-4079 May
19 05:04 Gemini
-3942 Nov
17 10:09
-3836 May
19 08:13 (Longest
Transit, 8 hr 9 min 48 sec)
-3699 Nov
17 09:19
-3593 May
20 10:58
-3456 Nov
17 08:33
-3350 May
20 14:12
-3213 Nov
18 07:45
-3107 May
20 17:16
-3099 May
18 10:06
-2970 Nov
18 06:44
-2864 May
20 20:34
-2856 May
18 13:35
-2727 Nov
18 05:58
-2621 May
21 23:48
-2613 May
19 16:42
-2484 Nov
18 04:43
-2378 May
22 03:01
-2370 May
19 20:03
-2241 Nov
19 03:48
Born (-2160)
-2135 Nov
22 06:16
-2127 May
19 23:22
left Ur (-2085)
of Isaac (-2060)
of Jacob (-2000)
-1998 Nov 18
-1892 May 21
21:42 Joseph Age 17
-1884 May 19
in Egypt (-1870), Joseph died (-1799)
-1763 Nov 20 0:56
-1755 Nov 18 14:17
-1649 May
23 2:32
-1641 May 20
-1520 Nov 20
1:17 Birth of Moses
-1512 Nov 18 14:23
-1406 May
23 7:18 Israel in
Promised Land
-1398 May
20 0:23
-1277 Nov 22 1:18
-1269 Nov 19 14:35
-1163 May 23
-1155 May
21 5:19
-1034 Nov 22 1:30
-1026 Nov 19 14:33
King Saul (-1019)
Divided Kingdom (-925)
-0920 May 23
-0912 May
21 9:50
-0791 Nov 22 1:13
-0783 Nov 19 14:28
Kingdom Falls (-720)
Invasion (-700)
-0669 May
22 14:25
Falls (-585)
-0548 Nov
22 00:54
-0540 Nov
19 13:53
of Babylon (-538)
Malachi Prophecy (-431)
-0426 May 22
-0305 Nov
23 00:30
-0183 May 22
IV Epiphanes King of Seleucid Empire (-175)
-0062 Nov
23 00:16 Rome Conquers Jerusalem
Before Birth Christ)
------- Birth
Christ -0002 Sept 11, 16:40 GMT ------------
After Birth Christ)
Fulness of the Gentiles (30 AD)
0060 May 23
of Gentiles Begin (70 AD)
Romana (96-192 AD)
0181 Nov
22 23:39 Sagittarius
of Pax Romana (192 AD)
of Roman Empire (242)
0303 May 24
07:28 Gemini
Great rule (312-337)
0424 Nov
22 23:05 Scorpius
return to Ireland (432)
of Roman Empire Ends (476)
0546 May 24
0554 May 22
Client Nation (563)
0667 Nov 23
invade N. Africa (670)
Empire Lisbon to China
0789 May 24
0797 May
22 8:24
1st Holy Roman Emperor (800)
0910 Nov 23
Conquer, Colonize
1032 May 24
1040 May 22
Church Split (1054)
1153 Nov 23
Khan Invades China, Russia
1275 May 25
1283 May 23
in Italy (1325)
translates Latin Bible (1382)
(Mongol) Conquest (1370-1405)
1396 Nov 23
Discovers America (1492)
1518 May
26 1:57
Protestant Reformation, Switzerland Client Nation (1517)
1526 May 23
1631 Dec
07 5:19 American Colonial Era
1639 Dec 04 18:26
1761 Jun
06 5:19
1769 Jun 03
1812, War Between the States
1874 Dec 09
4:07 Reconstruction Ends (1877)
1882 Dec 06 17:06
of World War
Sp. Am., WW I, II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq;
Revolutions in Russia, China
2004 Jun
08 8:20
Fall of King of South
2012 Jun
06 1:30
Era of Restoration, Reconciliation, Blessing,
2117 Dec 11 2:48
See explanation for R. B. Thieme, Jr..
Transit of Morning Star, 60 AD
In 60
AD the Chart for the transit of the Morning Star over Jerusalem
contained a Star of David, a Grand Cross, and a Catwalk.
The Star of David symbolizes the prosperity and blessing of
Jerusalem, especially the spiritual heritage. The Star of
David is the most propitious sign in a chart. However, the
Grand Cross over it was the sign of the most intense
suffering. Jerusalem was about to be destroyed by the
Roman Army in 70 AD, and it would be trodden down until the
times of the Gentiles were fulfilled (Luk 21:24). A
Catwalk symbolizes a bridge over a chasm, corresponding to the
Roman siege works and to Jerusalem's status at the bottom of the
valley, or trampled under foot. The Catwalk connects the
transit of the Sun in Gemini to Sagittarius with the Red Planet,
for a bloody city in 70 AD.
The Sun and Morning Star were in Gemini to symbolize the Lord's return at the Second Advent and to the Marriage of the Lamb in the Millennium. This is also a Father and Sons configuration with the Morning Star and Savior Planet in Gemini. The sons correspond to Jacob and Esau, where the Lord loved Jacob but hated Esau. Jacob corresponds to the faithful in Jerusalem and Esau to the unfaithful. In 60 AD, Jerusalem was full of unbelievers like Esau. The fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD symbolized the Second Advent when Jerusalem would be devastated before the Lord's return.
The Moon was in Leo, for a politician. The Jews had gambled on the political solution rather than trusting in the Lord, and they lost. At the Second Advent those who trust in the Lord will be delivered by the Lord of the Armies of Israel, the Lord Jesus Christ.
The transit of the
Morning Star in 2004 contained a Plow and a Carafe. The
transit was the first of two separated by eight years marking
the end of the Era of World War. A Plow symbolizes intense
suffering, like being plowed under. The point of the Plow
was the Savior Planet in Taurus, for a prosperous son. A
Carafe is a bottle or wineskin, which holds a liquid to be
drunk. The liquid can represent blessing or cursing (Jer
25:15). The Plow through the Carafe symbolizes the
suffering awaiting those who drink. The implication
includes prosperity that does not last and outright cursing.
The transit of the Morning Star across the Sun was in Taurus, corresponding to the Lord at the Second Advent and the Marriage of the Lamb n the Millennium. The Savior Planet and Morning Star with the Sun in Taurus were part of a Father and Sons Configuration. The sons were prosperous, but the prosperity might not last.
The Last Adam was in Scorpius, for the victim of a Satanic attack. And in Aquarius, corresponding to Florida, was the Mediator Planet, for landfall, such as from a hurricane, and the Moon, for the Church. This scene came to pass shortly with the hurricanes in 2004 that devastated Florida and and the luxurious beach resorts. A hurricane symbolizes a congregation that rejects the Grace message of the pastor like the rebellious female who rejects the authority of her husband. Florida drank the bottle of cursing. The spout of the bottle includes the Red Planet in Gemini, for a bloody bridegroom, and the God of the Covenants in Gemini, for Marriage, along with its rules and vows. Thus the cursing was associated with the breakdown of Marriage Culture.
The Redeemer Planet was in Capricornus, corresponding to the wealth of the Gentiles in Texas.
The Chart for the
transit of the Morning Star in 2012 contains a Grand
Trine. The transit in 2012 marks the end of the Era of
World War and the beginning of a new era. A Grand Trine
symbolizes great stability along with blessing, productivity,
and harmony. It symbolizes the ability of the winner
believer to overcome momentum tests. The year, 2012, in
contrast to 2004 of the previous transit, yields a clue to the
meaning. Since 2012 stands for authority and 2004 for
weakness, it can be deduced that 2012 is the justification or
deliverance of the faithful who were weak from being oppressed
by the powerful ones in 2004. For example, those who were
faithful to death would be given a crown of life.
The Sun and Morning Star were in Taurus, for the Lord at the Second Advent and the Marriage of the Lamb in the Millennium. The Almighty God in Taurus symbolizes great prosperity, like the Millennium that follows the War of Armageddon.
However, the Moon is in conjunction with the Last Adam in Sagittarius, which symbolizes an enemy attack of an army. And the Red Planet in Leo symbolizes a bloody king, or tyrant. The God of the Covenants in Virgo symbolizes a caretaker, such as emergency responders. Thus, it appears that the vindication of the faithful in 2012 will include a great slaughter of the unfaithful. This will also happen at the Second Advent.
Transit of Savior Planet, 2016
The transit of the Savior Planet in 2016 occurs on May
9, 2016, Day 130 at 1457/25 UTC, where the numbers mean 9 – Plagues of Egypt,
130 – double blessing; 2016
– sanctification.
The transit contains a Kite and a High Place with a Plow. A Kite is the symbol of the blessings of the Cross. The Kite turns on the Almighty God Planet in Leo, for a ruler or king, corresponding to the US Presidential election this year. A High Place is a raised altar for offering sacrifices to God or idols. The Plow through the High Place symbolizes an iconoclast. On the world stage the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which is currently in a war against Syria and Iraq, is notorious for destroying the historic images of the ancient world.
The Kite in relation to the High Place and Plow can symbolize the opposition of the blessing of the Cross on the right side of history against Satan's sponsorship of gods and iconoclasts on the wrong side of history. The Kite, High Place, and Plow can also symbolize the US air strikes on ISIS.
In addition to ISIS as an iconoclast, North
Korea's Kim Jong-un is currently being hailed by his people like
a god. He is presiding over his first Worker's Party
Congress where he is consolidating his power and posturing like
a god that Satan has established. He is flexing his
military arms, including nuclear weapons, like an
iconoclast. His nuclear arms symbolize final judgment
corresponding to the God of the Covenants Planet at the point of
the Plow in Scorpius.
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The Sun is in Aries for the transit of the Savior Planet. The Savior Planet, Morning Star, and Sun form a Father and Sons Configuration for a pastor and his sheep. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep (Jn 10:11). An hour after the transit of the Savior Planet was complete at 1838 UTC the image of a sheep appeared over the US. Then a lamb appeared with many eyes, corresponding to the Lamb of God that appears as a Lamb that was slain having 7 eyes (Rev 5:6).6 Recall that a transit of the Savior Planet across the Sun symbolizes the First Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ ending in His glorification, or going to be with the Father. Furthermore, the Church with the Lamb as the Head is fighting Satan as he installs, empowers, and controls world leaders with God's permission.
The Moon is in Gemini, for a family or
household. It can also symbolize a wedding party or festal
gathering. It can symbolize a convention or congress, like
the political conventions this year in the United States or the
current Worker's Party Congress in North Korea.
Transit of Savior Planet, 2019
The Table which follows is a summary of the
meaning of the positions of the last three planets for the new
Year |
2012 | Sagittarius - War, enemy attack | Aquarius - Redeemed from war | Pisces - Priest |
2022 | Capricornus - Outcast | Pisces - Tax | Aries - Author, founder |
2027 | . | . | Taurus - Prosperity thru Mediator |
2032 | . | . | Gemini - Rachel |
2042 | Aquarius - Reviving | Aries - CEO | Cancer - Reconciliation |
2052 | . | Taurus - Great Blessing | Virgo - Peace negotiator |
2062 | . | . | Libra - New Covenant |
2072 | Pisces - Forgiving | Gemini - Marriage Blessing | Sagittarius - Treaty |
2082 | . | Cancer - Treasury | Capricornus - Worldly conflict |
2092 | Aries - Integrity | Leo - Government Redeemer | Aquarius - Prophet |
2102 | .. | .. | Aries - Author, founder |
2112 | .. | Virgo - Redeemer of Virgin Israel | Taurus - Prosperity thru Mediator |
. | . |
. |
. | Restoration | Blessing, Prosperity | Reconciliation |
Released December 31, 2011 - Revised November
11, 2019
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