Birth Chart
Death Chart
Birth Chart Planets
Upon graduation from high school, Graham enrolled in Bob Jones College in Cleveland, Tennessee. He lasted only a semester. Bob Jones, Sr. told him that he would never amount to anything. So he transferred to the Florida Bible Institute in Tampa, Florida in January 1937. There he played golf, went canoeing, and dated a classmate, Emily Cavanaugh. However, she refused to marry him. He said that he was called to preach on the 18th green of the Temple Terrace Golf and Country Club. He paddled a canoe to an island in the middle of the Hillsborough River, where he practiced his sermons. He was ordained a Southern Baptist in February 1939 in East Palatka, Florida. He graduated in 1940 with a Bachelor of Theology degree.
In 1940, Graham won a scholarship to Wheaton College in Illinois. There he met Ruth Bell, the daughter of missionaries to China. He graduated with a degree in anthropology, in 1943, and married Ruth on August 13, 1943. After graduation, he became pastor of the Village Church in Western Springs, Illinois, a Southern Baptist Church near Wheaton, where he served from 1943-44. In 1944, he applied for military chaplain but came down with the mumps and spent three months recuperating. While in Florida recuperating in 1945, he was hired as the first full-time evangelist for Youth for Christ International, which held revivals around the country. In 1946 he became vice president of Youth for Christ. In 1947 at age 30, he became President of Northwestern College in St. Paul, Minnesota and served until 1952. In 1950, he founded the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association with headquarters in Minneapolis.
In 1949, a successful crusade in Los Angeles caught the attention of newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst, who instructed his papers to "puff Graham." Graham gained national attention. During his New York City crusade in 1957, he filled Madison Square Garden for four months.
Graham flew to Paris in 1952 and met with Dwight
Eisenhower to convince him to run for President. He met
and prayed with every U.S. president from Dwight Eisenhower to
George W. Bush. On May 25, 1954, he met with Prime
Minister Winston S. Churchill. On May 22, 1955, he
preached before Queen Elizabeth II of England. In 1956 he
met with Chiang Kai-shek and his wife. He met with
President Reagan at the White House February 5, 1981 (ref.
photo). He met with President George H. W. Bush on January
17, 1991 before the start of the Gulf War.
Graham assembled an efficient team to organize and conduct his crusades. Willis Haymaker, who had worked with Billy Sunday, organized the rallies. George Beverly Shea was soloist, and Tedd Smith was pianist. Cliff Barrows was master of ceremonies and choir director. Associate evangelist Grady Wilson was Graham's former boyhood friend. Most of Graham's team stayed with him for forty years.
Graham's crusade in New York on May 15, 1957 required a budget of nearly $1 million. President Eisenhower asked Billy to stop by the White House on the way to New York. To support the crusade 2,000 ushers and 4,000 counselors were ready along with a choir of 1,500. There was massive advertising with billboards, bumper stickers, and media announcements. Ten churches had prayer meetings the evening before the crusade began. There 8,000 prayer groups in the nation and 1,845 in 52 foreign countries ready to pray for the crusade.
According to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in over 55 years of ministry, Billy Graham preached the Gospel to over 215 million people in over 185 countries. However, if radio and television audiences are included, then estimates of listeners exceed 2.2 billion. He was certainly the most popular evangelist of the 20th century.
Graham's Sun Sign was Libra, which symbolizes a person with a strong sense of justice or awareness of judgment. Graham was driven to reach the world with the Gospel message in order to alleviate God's Judgment upon them. The Moon was in Sagittarius, the sign of a Christian army. The Ascendant sign was Pisces, which symbolizes a priest. And Midheaven was in Sagittarius in conjunction with the Moon and the Red Planet to indicate a notorious Christian army and its suffering. The Christian army was the great gatherings of Christians for Graham's crusades.
Also noteworthy in Graham's Birth Chart was the grouping of all planets except one on the right, Temporal side of the chart. This reveals how Graham's message resonated so strongly with the values of the people in the world. He could tell a story about anything, and people would be spellbound. Granted, he had the gift of evangelism to hold an audience's attention, but he was also in tune with the temporal values of mankind. Consequently, people appreciated his stories on any subject. The only ones subject to react were knowledgeable Christians due to Graham's lack of understanding of theology and the Christian life.
Sun Sign
Billy Graham's Sun Sign was Libra, the Scales, which symbolize justice and business. Graham was driven to reach world for Christ to prevent their Eternal Judgment. In order to reach the masses, he required a large cash flow with organization like a business. He conducted crusades with the organization of a large corporation. Also in Libra was the Morning Star, which symbolizes decisive judgment, like a person ruling with a rod of iron. This adds more power to the sign of justice in Graham's Sun Sign. In addition, the Teeter-Totter in many ways also acts like a giant pair of scales. So, Graham's sense of balance and justice came not only from the sign of Libra, but also from the Teeter-Totter.
Moon Sign
The Moon was in Sagittarius, the sign of a Christian army. The Christian army was the large audience of Christians that Graham attracted to his crusades. The large gatherings garnered notoriety and wide-spread press coverage as indicated by the conjunction of the Moon with Midheaven and the Red Planet in Sagittarius. The Red Planet in Sagittarius symbolizes a bloody army, which applies to both suffering Christians as well as the world's great armies. Graham conducted evangelistic meetings in South Korea during the Korean War and visited military hospitals.
The Teeter-Totter with all the planets on two sides of a chart indicates a powerful attempt to balance two sides of life. Many issues have two sides, and the person with a Teeter-Totter tries to bring the two sides into balance rather than taking sides. This explains Graham working with all denominations and even Jews in evangelistic meetings. It is also a good example of why he would travel to Paris to meet with General Eisenhower to try to convince him to run for President in order to deal with the threat of North Korea.
The person with a Teeter-Totter is preoccupied with both sides of an issue and appears to be standing over the fulcrum of the Teeter-Totter to control the balance like the powerful angel with one foot on land and the other on the sea (Revelation 10:1-2). The person with a Teeter-Totter is often fearless in his preoccupation with balance. Billy Graham even sought support from the President of the United States on many occasions to alter the balance of power. In spite of violation of the separation of Church and state, Graham was driven to meetings with government officials in an attempt to maintain balance in his own giant Teeter-Totter.
Mystic Rectangle
A Mystic Rectangle balances two sets of opposition. When this balance is mastered, the person with a Mystic Rectangle has great operational stability. Over a period of 55 years Billy Graham was almost constantly on the move. He traveled all over the world conducting massive evangelistic campaigns. The mindset required for a secular corporate Chief Executive Officer doing this would be overwhelming, but for a Christian with spiritual attacks from the Cosmic System, it would be a far greater challenge. How he kept up his schedule all those years is certainly a testimony to the Grace of God. However, it was also rooted in Graham's Mystic Rectangle.
The oppositions in the Mystic Rectangle were the Last Adam in Gemini, for a Christian family, and the Moon in conjunction with the Red Planet in Sagittarius, for a Christian army and the suffering of a bloody army. The balance here was between the army of Christians who attended Grahams crusades and the Christian family on Earth and in Heaven. Graham wanted everyone to become a member of the true Christian family. His whole Chart turned on the Last Adam in Gemini, for the Christian family.
The other opposition was the God of the Covenants in Leo, for the government, and the Mediator Planet in Aquarius, for an ambassador. This symbolized the balance between Church and state, where the ambassador was Graham as an ambassador for Christ as a function of his priesthood. Graham's meetings with government officials may have appeared to be the sign of a famous Christian, but it was also a clear sign of lack of separation of Church and state. When the Church is Spiritual and the state is temporal, they have distinct and separate roles. However, under the power of the Prostitute of Babylon, the functions of the two merge in the Cosmic System. Granted, when Graham met with government officials, he was trying to balance the opposition in his own Birth Chart, but, according to the Bible that balance required separation.
A Pulpit is a raised platform from which Billy Graham delivered his many evangelistic messages.
A Plow resolves the opposition of two planets into a third at the point of the Plow. The result is intense suffering, like being plowed under. The planets in opposition were the God of the Covenants in Leo, for the government, and the Mediator Planet in Aquarius, for an ambassador, as discussed in the previous paragraph. The point of the Plow was the Savior Planet in Scorpius, which symbolizes Satan's attack on the believer. This indicates that Graham's problem with the separation of Church and state was Satan's attack to destroy him. This is how Satan stopped the Spiritual advance of Billy Graham. In spite of his apparent success in evangelism, Billy Graham was prevented from Spiritual growth due to this Satanic attack.
Gemini contained the Last Adam and the Almighty God Planets. The Last Adam in Gemini is the sign of the Christian family. The Last Adam could be considered the Pivot in Billy's chart, since it constitutes the long reach (like a Locomotive configuration) from the Mediator Planet in Aquarius, which is 120 degrees away. Billy's chart turned on the Last Adam in Gemini, which symbolized the Christian family. Billy was preoccupied with the Christian family. With his priorities on the Christian family, his own family was left with his wife to raise during most of the year.
The Almighty God Planet in Gemini is the sign of a Marriage Feast, which symbolizes great happiness, blessing, and celebration. The life of Billy Graham included great blessing. There was great celebration for every person who was saved and invited to the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. Not only do people rejoice when a lost person is saved, but the angels in Heaven also rejoice.
The Redeemer Planet in Cancer is the sign of a
treasury. In order to conduct his great crusades, Billy
Graham required large sums of money. His treasury always
contained the funds necessary to conduct the massive crusades.
Billy Graham's Birth Chart indicates that his work and methodology were rooted in divine design. That does not mean that God will give him high marks in Heaven because he who is least in Heaven is greater, and only God can be the Judge anyway. Billy's deeds certainly match the configurations in his Birth Chart. He was a famous evangelist, who stood in a pulpit to deliver his sermons, as symbolized by the Pulpit in his Birth Chart. He had a strong sense of justice from his Birth Sign of Libra and the Teeter-Totter with an inscribed Mystic Rectangle. His affinity to the government and even his failure to maintain the separation of Church and state were all in his chart. The point of the Plow aimed at the Savior Planet in Scorpius indicates that Satan even pushed Billy in that direction. Of course, like everyone, Billy had free will to choose Satan's plan or God's.
Billy's chart with all the planets except one on
the Temporal side, was certainly worldly. That is one
reason why he could tell a story and hold people's
attention. Billy's values were just like others in the
world. Only his own decision to be spiritually transformed
could change that, and Billy never took the time to learn the
doctrine he needed to advance to Spiritual Maturity. He
had the gift of Evangelist, which operates outside the local
church. He performed great service, but that is no excuse
for failure to grow up Spiritually. Billy had a Birth
Chart and a Bible. Only he could bring the two together in
harmony in his life, and in the end, only God can judge the
The Death Chart of Billy Graham was a Bowl being
poured out on the Spiritual side of the Chart (2 Tim 4:6).
His Death Chart mirrored his Birth Chart. The Red Planet
for suffering was in conjunction with Midheaven in both Charts
for different reasons. The Red Planet in the Birth Chart
was associated with World War I, and the Red Planet in his Death
Chart was associated with Satanic attacks on Graham's
health. His Death Chart contained the miraculous sign of a
double witness on the Ascendant in Aquarius, corresponding to
the meaning of "Amen, Amen" or "Truly, Truly" (Acts 1:8).
Billy Graham witnessed all over the world for Jesus Christ, and
he continued to have respect from the public after his death.
Released February 5, 2010 - Revised Feb. 22,
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