General Description
Chart Details
Ruling Planets
A sample chart of the Landfall of Tropical Storm Barry in Tampa, Florida is shown. The signs and planets are highlighted with illustrations to assist the beginner. The symbols for the signs and planets are usually plotted by computer programs. So, it will be necessary to memorize the meanings of the symbols. Notice the horizontal line that runs through the middle of the chart labeled ASC. It means Ascendant and points to the sign rising above the horizon at the time associated with the chart. The chart begins at the location labeled Ascendant. The order of the signs in the chart run counterclockwise. In a Birth Chart, the Ascendant is the sign of the zodiac that was rising over the horizon at the exact time of birth. It reveals how others perceive the individual. Now, the Ascendant is not the real person, but how that person perceives and reacts in the world as well as how others see the person. At the Second Advent the glory of the Lord will be revealed from the East, the place of rising of the Sun (the Ascendant) (Isa 59:19), and the Lord will stay on the Earth in His glory.
Opposite the Ascendant is the Descendant Sign, the place of setting (Psa 50:1). The Descendant Sign is the sign that is setting, or going down, in the West.
Near the top of the chart, Midheaven is labeled
as MC
(Latin Medium Coeli). Midheaven corresponds to
highest heaven
or highest glory, like the Sun at noon. God's Throne and
his glory
is above the heavens (Psa 113:4, 5). This symbolizes being
Midheaven. God's glory is above the highest glory of
The life of the doctrinal believer is symbolized
by the Sun rising at the Ascendant at birth, advancing to
Midheaven in maximum glory, and descending to the Descendant in
Dying Grace.
Proverbs 4:18
But the path of the Righteous is like the light of dawn
That shines brighter and brighter until the noonday.
The Righteous is the doctrinal believer who has a
little light at the dawn of his Spiritual life at
Salvation. His light grows like the Sun advancing to
Midheaven at noonday. "Noon" is the Hebrew kun,
which means fixed, steady, referring to noon, when the Sun seems to stand still in the
sky without moving at its highest point in its course in
the sky. This is when the Sun is directly
overhead, at its zenith, in Midheaven. Midheaven
symbolizes glorification of God to the maximum at
Spiritual Rapport (Job 11:17; Eph 3:19).
The opposite of Midheaven is called IC (Latin Imum
Coeli, for "bottom of heaven" or "bottom of the world")
(not printed
on the chart). IC may refer to Sheol, the grave, or Hades,
the opposite
of Heaven (Job 10:21; 26:6; 38:17; Matt 16:18). IC
corresponds to
devouring or swallowing as symbols of death, going to the grave,
or Sheol
(Nu 16:34; Psa 21:9; 27:2; 52:4; Prov 1:12; Jer 15:3).
Just as swallowing
symbolizes the grave, words that come up from the throat can
words from the grave (death) (Psa 5:9).
Unlike the Righteous believer who walks in the
Spiritual light, the unbeliever and the reversionistic believer
walk in darkness as symbolized by the Sun after it sets on the
Descendant and enters twilight, then the evening night darkness,
and goes down to the Bottom of Heaven (IC) at midnight (Prov
4:19; 7:9). The unbeliever and reversionistic believer go
down to the grave (IC) under dying discipline of the Sin Leading to Death.
Paul's general description of four dimensions of a Christian's Spiritual understanding applies to a person standing on the Earth and looking into the heavens. This is the description of an astrology chart. Paul prays that the Christian:
may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, (Ephesians 3:18)The phrase is left without an object in a discussion of the Love of Christ for rhetorical effect. The four dimensions could apply to the Ark of the Covenant, which symbolizes Christ our all and in all, as well as God's Love. It could refer to the Integrity Envelope or Edification Complex of the Soul. It could refer to the standard of the Spiritual Maturity or Spiritual Rapport of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:13), but it also refers to an astrology chart, which reveals God's creation.
"Breadth and length" represent surface dimension of a plot on the Earth, where breadth could be the North-South dimension and length could be the East-West dimension. This is similar to a Mystic Rectangle. "Height" refers to Midheaven (MC), and "depth" refers to the bottom of the world (IC).
Other markings can be plotted on astrology charts such as lunar nodes and other heavenly bodies, such as asteroids. However, these extra complications are usually not very helpful, especially for beginners. So they will not be included in our discussion.
The secret of reading a chart is to find and understand the configurations in it. The legitimate question is how close to the angles of the geometric shapes have to be. For example, how close would the angles of the right triangle have to be to 45 and 90 degrees? The technical term for an angle in a configuration is called an Aspect and the allowed variation is called the orb. The allowed orb is a judgment call. An orb within 2 degrees is considered accurate and not subject to argument. However, orbs up to 5 degrees may be acceptable for configuration angles of 60 degrees or over; whereas, only a 3 degree variation might be allowed for configuration angles of 30 degrees. A configuration may still have influence even when it is not perfectly formed.
The Cusp
There is also an orb of influence associated with the beginning and end of signs. The signs of the zodiac do not cover exactly 30 degrees each. On the border between two signs, called the cusp, both signs have influence. The rule of thumb is that the orb of influence between signs begins about 2 degrees from the border. Within 1 degree is definitely on the cusp, which is an indeterminate location where it is really impossible to predict what the influence would be. The two adjacent sign may add, subtract, multiply, divide. Who knows? So care must be taken not to draw irrational conclusions when planets are on the cusp.
Planets within 2 or 3 degrees of each other are
said to
be in conjunction. However, the orb of influence could
stretch out
to 5 or 6 degrees. Planets in conjunction combine to
produce a powerful
The right bottom of the chart shows the beginning locations of each planet, beginning with the Sun and Moon. The Sun is located at 16 degrees 47 minutes into Taurus. Note, this assumes counterclockwise movement. Going counterclockwise around the chart, Taurus begins at 0 degrees and ends at 30 degrees. The Ascendant begins at 19 degrees 50 minutes into Gemini. And Midheaven is 8 degrees 36 minutes into Pisces.
Retrograde Motion
Sometimes planets appear to be going backward in the sky. This is called retrograde motion, as designated by the R to the right of the planet's sign on the right side of the main chart. Although retrograde planets are not really going backward, they appear to do so because of the motion of the Earth. Nevertheless, retrograde motion can be a sign of the person going backward, which is called reversionism. In the chart of Tropical Storm Barry, the Almighty, Redeemer, and Last Adam planets are in retrograde.
The problems of reversionism associated with retrograde motion are not the last word. These problems can be overcome by the Grace of God. Overcoming reversionism is a common problem of most believers born into the devil's world. The exception would be someone like Solomon who received blessing because of the Spiritual Maturity of his father. When God gives a person such problems at birth, He also provides the Grace solution. Being aware of the specific planets that could pose problems of reversionism might help. Having a planet in retrograde is not a prediction of failure but an indication of a problem area that must be overcome.
The chart begins on the left at the Ascendant,
the place
of rising. Moving around the chart clockwise, the place of
is on the right opposite the Ascendant. It is usually
called the
Descendant. At the top of the chart is Midheaven, which is
MC. MC is Latin for Medium Coeli, meaning the
middle of the
skies. Midheaven at the moment of birth is the point where
the Ecliptic
crosses the meridian of the location of birth. This is the
that symbolizes maximum glory. This point corresponds to a
greatest glory. A planet in conjunction with Midheaven is
often the
sign of fame, sensation, or notoriety. The opposite of
is called IC (Latin Imum Coeli, for "bottom of heaven"
or "bottom
of the world") (Isaiah 7:11). IC may refer to Hades, the
of Heaven, or to Sheol, the grave.
The left (eastern) hemisphere of the chart is the
side. This corresponds to the meaning of east and to the
right side
of a person. The right (western) hemisphere of the chart
is the temporal
side. Thus, the spiritual and temporal designations are
not unique
to astrology. They correspond to typical definitions of
east and
west or right and left. The word, spiritual, is general
and may refer
to the realm beyond the physical, which includes the Spirit of
God, the
Cosmic System, the soul, imagination, the arts, entertainment,
The right (western) hemisphere, in contrast, covers authority,
laws of
establishment, work, physical relationships, social life, and
even personal
and impersonal love relationships.
The application of the definitions of the hemispheres helps to explain charts in which a majority of planets are grouped in one hemisphere. When 7 or more planets fall in one hemisphere, then the meaning of that hemisphere becomes significant. Although the influence of the hemisphere may be seen from 6 planets in the hemisphere, 7 or 8 planets in the hemisphere makes a much stronger case. There are also cases in which all the planets fall in a single quadrant (half a hemisphere). In these cases, the meaning is derived from combining the meanings of the two hemispheres in the quadrant. This is more complicated, but once the meanings of the hemispheres are firmly understood, it should be possible to grasp the meanings of the quadrants.
Released February 5, 2010 - Revised March 31,
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