Great Tennis Player
Birth Chart
Birth Chart Planets
Steffi was born on born June 14, 1969, Day 165 in Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, West Germany. The number 14 is for the passover, 69 is for running the course, and 65 is for going down. Germany is in the region of Dan in Europe. She was introduced to tennis by her father at age 3. She was a very ambitious child who was driven to master tennis. She was practicing on a court at age 4 and played in her first tournament at age 5. She turned professional at age 13. She was very tightly managed by her father, Peter Graf, who was a nationally ranked tennis player and a tennis coach. In 1984 at age 15 she represented West Germany at the Olympic tennis demonstration tournament in Los Angeles and won even though she was the youngest entrant. In 1987 she was ranked number one in the world.
The planets in the Birth Chart of Steffi Graf fall on opposite sides of the chart to form a Teeter-Totter. A Teeter-Totter resembles the layout of a tennis court. In tennis the ball goes back and forth, which corresponds to the actions of a person with a Teeter-Totter in the Birth Chart.
Steffi's Ascendant sign was Gemini, the Twins, which can symbolize a partnership. In Steffi's case, the partnership was with her father, who was her first coach and later her manager. He planned her schedule, traveled with her, controlled her social life, hired her coaches, and managed her millions of dollars of finances. The powerful influence of her father is also seen in the sign of Aries, where the Morning Star symbolizes a coach, and the God of the Covenants Planet symbolizes an authority relationship.
Steffi's Sun sign was Taurus, the Bull, and symbol of highest glory, great success, and prosperity. Her Moon sign was also Taurus. This was a symbol of the Hall of Fame, which she achieved in tennis. The Savior Planet in Taurus symbolized a champion. The Sun, Moon, and Savior Planet in Taurus gave great significance to the influence of that sign, namely, world-class glory and prosperity. The planets in Taurus also symbolized great power. Steffi's forehand was the the strongest in women's tennis and her most formidable weapon.
Triple Conjunction
There was a conjunction of the Last Adam, the Almighty God, and the Mediator on the cusp of Leo and Virgo. The Last Adam in Leo symbolizes a captive standing before the footstool of the conquering king. This can also symbolize a witness standing before kings. Steffi's domination of women's tennis did symbolize operation footstool and bring her the admiration of kings. However, this sign also relates to her trial along with her father for failing to pay all of her income taxes.
The Almighty God Planet in Virgo, the Virgin, symbolizes a powerful woman, which obviously describes Steffi. The Mediator Planet in Virgo further symbolizes Steffi's ability to see both sides of an issue as symbolized by the Tetter-Totter. When she and her father were on trial for tax evasion, she avoided prison by testifying that her father handled all her finances. She was in effect the one in the middle (mediator) between the prosecutors and her father, and she mediated a solution to her predicament.
Pair in Scorpius
The Redeemer and Red Planet were in Scorpius, the Scorpion,
and symbol of the evil one. The pair of planets is the sign of a
witness, as in court. This was the dark side of Steffi, The
Redeemer in Scorpius symbolizes a racketeer, a person who loves money and
avoids paying taxes. "The love of money is a root of all evil" (1
Timothy 6:10a). The Red Planet in Scorpius symbolizes bloody violence
and crimes. This stems from influence of Satan, the murderer and
inspirer of crimes. Not only did Steffi almost go to prison over
tax evasion, but she was penalized points in matches for her father coaching
her during the matches, which is a violation of tennis rules. He
would speak to her in German or give her signs from the crowd.
Released September 1, 2008
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