Minneapolis Bridge Collapse
Bridge Collapse Chart
Bridge Collapse Chart Planets
The investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) concluded that the collapse was likely due to a design error in thickness of gusset plates, and the extra weight of construction equipment on the bridge also contributed. Sixteen gusset plates were only one-half inch thick instead of one inch required for safety. The failure of the gusset plates at the U-10 node brought down the entire bridge.
The Chart contained a Yod, a Plow, a Coffin, and a Bridge. The Yod, which symbolizes a crisis in timing, pointed to the Savior in Gemini, for Marriage. Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates sat beside each other in their meetings to symbolize the witness of Marriage. The bridge over the river also symbolizes Marriage. The Plow is a symbol of intense suffering. The Plow was pointed at the Red Planet in Taurus, which symbolizes a plague or a blow. The bridge collapse was due to a blow from God. The Coffin is used for burial of those who died. The bottom of heaven, IC, was in Aries to symbolize death of a leader. The Coffin could also symbolize a Carafe, a bottle of cursing.
The Bridge Configuration (an upside down Stage) is the sign of a bridge over a river valley. The Bridge was cut by the Plow, Yod, and Coffin to symbolize problems associated with it.
The Sun was in Cancer, for an architect or skilled labor. The reason for the bridge collapse was attributed to the designer, or architect, of the bridge, and a contributing factor was the heavy equipment on bridge as laborers performed maintenance on it.
The Moon Sign was Aquarius, which symbolizes the woman as well as the congregation of motorists on the bridge when it collapsed during rush hour.
Midheaven was in Libra, which symbolizes threshing. The collapse of the bridge was like threshing to separate the wheat from the chaff. The people in the cars were like wheat in the husk. Midheaven in Scorpius also symbolizes Fire Testing. Although there was no fire in the bridge collapse, the separating of the steel bridge frame corresponds to refining and Fire Testing.
The Plow resolved the opposition of the Redeemer in Capricornus, for water in the desert, and the God of the Covenants in Leo, for the powers of a ruler, into the third planet at the point of the Plow. The Red Planet in Taurus at the point of the Plow symbolized a plague or blow. The bridge was knocked down by a blow from God or an angel. An Elect Angel was passing overhead at the time because a giant staff appeared on the satellite weather map. A staff is a rod for smiting. As the staff passed over, the bridge fell.
The opposition of the Redeemer in Capricornus and the God of the Covenants in Leo corresponds to the meeting of the Secretaries of State and Defense with the Saudi King to try to stop the flow of insurgents into Iraq from Saudi Arabia. The Redeemer in Capricornus symbolizes water in the desert. Saudi Arabia is a desert. The US Secretaries of State and Defense were trying to change Saudi policy, or powers, toward insurgents headed to Iraq. Also in Leo was the Morning Star, for a king, which corresponds to the US President, who sent his representatives to visit the Saudi King. Leo corresponds to the location of Washington, DC.
The Almighty God Planet in Scorpius symbolized Satan as the world ruler. The US visit to the anti-Semitic Saudi King was influenced by Satan.
The Bridge Collapse Chart contains a Yod, a Plow, a Coffin, and a Bridge Configuration. The St. Louis ABB Shooting Chart in 2010 was strikingly similar with a Plow and a Coffin and the same Ascendant Sign in Sagittarius. The Last Adam in Sagittarius on the Ascendant symbolizes an enemy attack. US Secretaries Rice and Gates met with the Saudi King over attacks in Iraq of insurgents from Saudi Arabia. Sagittarius corresponds to the location of Saudi Arabia. The Yod symbolized the precise timing of the I-35W Bridge collapse. It pointed to the Savior in Gemini, which symbolizes Marriage. The underlying symbolism of the bridge collapse was the breakdown of Marriage culture with the bridge symbolizing the husband and the river underneath symbolizing the wife. Gemini, the Twins, symbolizes the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul as well as Israel. The bridge collapse was on Day 213, for the double blessing of Israel (13).
In their meeting with the Saudi's Rice and Gates sat side-by-side, the sign of a witness in Marriage. The two bridges over the Mississippi between the twin cities, Minneapolis and St. Paul, also represent a witness and correspond to Rice and Gates on their Middle East tour. The mission patch for the NASA STS-118 mission launched six days after the bridge collapse on August 8, 2007 also has a pair of wagon tracks that represent the two bridges over the Mississippi.
Over the I-35W bridge at the time of the collapse was the image of a staff, which symbolizes the rod of God. The rod of God represents punishment. The year, 2007, stands for Categorical Punishment. The bridge was built in July 1967, which was 40 years before the collapse, where 40 stands for maximum divine punishment. The bridge collapsed at the worst time, during rush hour, with bumper-to-bumper traffic and on top of a passing train. The collapse on the train and the blocking of the river symbolize the strategic failure of the Rice-Gates mission. Those who go down to Egypt will be cursed (Isaiah 31:1), and those who curse Israel will be cursed (Genesis 12:3).
Released January 27, 2010 - Revised March 6, 2015
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