John Ramsey
Patsy Ramsey
Birth Chart of JonBenet
Death Chart
Birth Chart Planets
JonBenet's father was John Ramsey, former President and Chief Executive Officer of Access Graphics, a computer software company. Her mother was Patsy Ramsey, former Miss West Virginia 1977. Patsy Ramsey coached her daughter and helped her in becoming a child beauty queen.
On Christmas night in 1996, the Ramsey family returned from a Christmas party and put JonBenet to bed. She was last seen alive around 10 PM. According to the most likely scenario, she was abducted from her bed by an intruder. Markings on her body indicate that a stun gun could have been used. She was taken down stairs to the wine cellar and brutally abused. A garrote was used to choke her, and she was vaginally assaulted, perhaps with a finger or blunt object. A neighbor heard a child's scream about midnight. Her skull was fractured by a blow to the head at the time she was dying of asphyxiation.
A ransom note was left taped to the stair rail that led down to the kitchen. Patsey Ramsey found the note when she went down to the kitchen early in the morning. She called 911 at 5:25 AM. The note appears to have been written ahead of time. It was written on a note pad that was nearby and with a pen that was nearby. Some of the phrases in the ransom note indicate that it was written by a charlatan, who would have a double loop fingerprint on his right, dominant middle finger.
Initial searches of the home by the police failed to discover the body of JonBenet. However, a search later in the day by John Ramsey turned up the body covered with a white blanket in the wine cellar down stars. When he discovered the body at 1:05 PM, rigor mortis had set in. He pulled a piece of duct tape from her mouth and carried her body upstairs.
Subsequent investigation by police did not turn up any sign of forced entry. There was a broken basement window that might have served as an entry point, but John Ramsey said that he had broken the window one day when he locked himself out of the house. There was no security system activated, and many people could have had a key to the Ramsey home, since there were housekeepers and numerous laborers who had worked in the home on Patsy's many home improvements.
In order to understand a child, the parents must be understood. Therefore, the parents of JonBenet Ramsey will first be examined.
John Ramsey attended Michigan State University where he was president of his fraternity and a member of ROTC. There he married his first wife, Lucinda Lou Pasch, in 1966. He became a military pilot and served two years in the Philippines at Subic Bay during the Vietnam War. After a divorce from his first wife in 1977, he married Patricia Ann Paugh, 23, on Nov. 15, 1980 in Atlanta.
In 1991, after Ramsey's company, Access Graphics, was bought by Lockheed Martin and he was named President, he moved his family to Boulder, Colorado. In 1996 the company grossed over $1 billion, and John was named "Entrepreneur of the Year" in Boulder.
Shortly after John Ramsey's move to Boulder, his oldest daughter, Elizabeth Pasch Ramsey, was killed in a car accident in Chicago on January 8, 1992 at age 22. In 1993, Patsy Ramsey was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, but, after treatment, it went into remission. JonBenet was killed in 1996. Patsy Ramsey's cancer returned in 2002, and she died from it June 24, 2006.
Birth Chart
Ramsey's Birth Chart contains an almost perfectly shaped Castle.
A Castle symbolizes the domain of a king or noble. In John Ramsey's
chart, the Almighty God Planet in Leo was on the pinnacle of the Castle.
The Almighty God Planet in Leo symbolizes a king or the authority and power
of a ruler. The Sun Sign was Scorpius, which symbolizes Satan as
an angel of light. The Moon was in Pisces, which can symbolize the
Church. The Ascendant Sign was was the Redeemer Planet in Virgo,
for a husband redeemer, such as a wealthy head of the house. And
Midheaven in Gemini was in conjunction with the God of the Covenants Planet
in Taurus, which signifies a rich inheritance.
Sun Sign
John Ramsey's Sun Sign was Scorpius, which signifies Satan who pretends to be an angel of light. This is Satan pretending to be good. It corresponds to a person who conforms to the world. John Ramsey was described by close friends as a person who did everything right. However, human good does not constitute divine good in the eyes of God. Only a dedicated Christian disciple, founded in Bible Doctrine, could counter the influence of Satan as an angel of light. There are no indications that John Ramsey became that kind of Christian.
The Sun was in opposition to the Red Planet in Taurus, a symbol of plagues, or cursing. The opposition would mean plagues, or cursing, to offset the lie of Satan as an angel of light. The plagues, or cursing, can be seen in John Ramsey in the deaths of his family members.
Moon Sign
The Moon Sign was Pisces, which could mean the Church. It could also symbolize the role the Church needed to play in Ramsey's life. It could symbolize an indoctrinated group or team. And it could be related to the Right Woman. Since Patsy Ramsey was from West Virginia and she met John in Atlanta, she could qualify as Right Woman, since both West Virginia and Atlanta are in the region of Pisces. However, Patsy's Moon Sign of Scorpius does not point to John as Right Man. Since it is the sign of the Prostitute of Babylon, or Jezebel, in relation to John's Sun Sign of Scorpius, all this could mean a relationship like King Ahab and Jezebel.
The Castle
The Castle in John's chart contained the following planets:
The Last Adam in Cancer symbolizes scourging, which corresponds to severe divine punishment.
The Mediator Planet in Taurus symbolizes riches through a mediator. John Ramsey's wealth came with the help of others.
Patsy met John Ramsey in Atlanta. They were married on Nov. 15, 1980 in Atlanta when she was 23. Her father came to John's assistance to get his business in order (success through a mediator).
Patsy Ramsey was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in June 1993. She turned to God and doctors and had chemotherapy. Her minister, Rev. Rol Hoverstock, of St. John's Episcopal Church in Boulder, performed a healing service with the laying on of hands with a small group of friends at the Ramsey home Sept. 14, 1993. She credited that healing service and her own prayer for overcoming the cancer. She received news after surgery Dec. 26, 1993 that she was cancer free. Three years later on that day, JonBenet was murdered.
According to Patsy Ramsey, JonBenet once asked her how much she loved her. Patsy replied that she loved her, Burke and daddy more than anything else in the world. JonBenet replied, "You're not supposed to love anyone more than Jesus." This indicates that JonBenet made an application of Bible Doctrine, which means even at her age, she may have been a Christian.
Patsy Ramsey's cancer returned in February 2002, and she died from it June 24, 2006.
Birth Chart
Ramsey's Birth Chart (taken as 12 noon since the time is not known) contains
a Grand Trine and a Bucket with a focus of the Red Planet in Pisces.
The Grand Trine signifies blessing, stability, productivity, and talent
along with strength and power to face rigorous tests. The Bucket
signifies a person who is focused on goals. The focus of the Red
Planet in Pisces signifies a suffering saint. Patsy's suffering was
the focus of her life.
The Sun Sign was Sagittarius, which signifies a raiding band, or gang. The Moon Sign was Scorpius, which is the sign of the Prostitute of Babylon, or Jezebel. This sign was strengthened by two other planets in conjunction with the Moon.
Sun Sign
Patsy's Sun Sign was Sagittarius, which signifies a raiding band. A raiding band could symbolize a group of people marshaling their forces to achieve success in various endeavors. It could also be associated with terrorists or criminal gangs. JonBenet's ransom note alluded to a "foreign faction," which was probably a lie, but there may have been more than one person involved in a plot to kidnap her. Two sets of high tech boot prints were found in the dust of the wine cellar where JonBenet's body was found.
Moon Sign
The Moon Sign was Scorpius, which is the sign of the Prostitute of Babylon, or Jezebel. The Moon in Scorpius does not match John Ramsey as her Right Man. However, it does correspond to her association with John in his Castle like Jezebel as the wife of King Ahab.
Grand Trine
The Grand Trine corresponds to the blessing, productivity, and talent of Patsy. It also reveals her fortitude and stability in the face of her trials and tribulations, including her cancer, the death of JonBenet, and the media trial that she faced. The planets in the Grand Trine were:
The three points of the Grand Trine with the conjunction of three planets in Scorpius, point to the major parts of Patsy's life:
The Bucket indicates a person who focuses on goals. Patsy focused on the goal of winning beauty contests. Later, she devoted her attention to JonBenet's success. The focus of the Bucket, however, was the Red Planet in Pisces, which signifies a suffering saint. Shortly after moving to Colorado in November 1991, Patsy was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 1993. After the short period of JonBenet's fame from 1994-1996, Patsy's suffering returned until she died in 2006.
The Almighty God Planet in Virgo signifies a powerful woman, which fits the description of Patsy Ramsey. By her own admission, she enjoyed the limelight from her first triumphs as a beauty contestant in high school. However, Patsey was born in 1956, for dropping. Her woman power would go down.
The Last Adam in Leo signifies a person stripped of power standing before the footstool of the conquering king. This corresponds to the meaning of the number, 6, which was the age of JonBenet at her death.
The Sun Sign was Cancer, which symbolizes the spoils of victory. The Moon Sign was Capricornus, for a Gentile audience. Midheaven was also in Capricornus, for the glory of the world (or celebrity sex). The Ascendant Sign was Taurus, for world-class prosperity and success. And there were three planets in Sagittarius, which adds great power to the significance of that sign.
Sun Sign
The Sun Sign was Cancer, which symbolizes the spoils of victory. This applies to the great success of JonBenet in winning beauty contests. The Sun was in conjunction with the Bottom of Heaven, IC, in Cancer, which symbolizes suffering death. Thus, the spoils of victory (winning beauty contests) led to suffering death. Also in Cancer was the Almighty God Planet, which symbolizes booty. The Sun was in opposition to the Moon in Capricornus, for a Gentile audience. This means the spoils of victory were achieved in relation to a Gentile audience, such as those who watched the beauty contests. The opposition also means the person had to learn to balance the spoils on the one hand and the Gentile (worldly) audience on the other.
Moon Sign
The Moon Sign was Capricornus, which signifies a Gentile audience (those living in lawlessness under the power of the Old Sin Nature). Midheaven was nearby in Capricornus, for the glory of the world, which also came from JonBenet's Gentile audience and from Satan. JonBenet received public notoriety associated with the Gentile audience and became known around the world due to the media attention in reporting her death. The Moon was Full, which means JonBenet was not only a good responder, but she also received a good response from her Gentile audience.
Grand Cross
The Grand Cross is the most intense sign of suffering. It symbolizes suffering like execution by going to the cross. The Grand Cross has two pairs of oppositions. One arm of the Grand Cross had the Sun in Cancer in opposition to the Moon in Capricornus. This, as previously discussed, was exemplified by the spoils of victory from JonBenet's beauty contests in relation to the Gentile audience who watched.
The other arm of the Grand Cross had the Red Planet in Aries in opposition to the Last Adam in Libra. The Red Planet in Aries signifies the devil as a murderer, and the Last Adam in Libra signifies cursing, such as the Curse of Jezebel, Ichabod, or the Four Generation Curse.9 All of these may have applied to JonBenet. The Curse of Jezebel and the Four Generation Curse include the death of children. And the Curse of Ichabod could be associated with JonBenet as a war child, whose death would symbolize the death of the nation that does not wake up to the importance of Bible Doctrine. Then, the opposition of the Red Planet and the Last Adam would signify Satan, the murderer, who administered death to JonBenet in association with a curse.
The Kite symbolizes great blessing. It symbolizes capacity for life and operational flexibility like a person who flies above the problems of life with ease This points to JonBenet's great ability. The planets of the Kite were:
The Skull is a morbid sign for Satan who has the power of death. Satan (with God's permission) is allowed to administer the Sin Leading to Death. JonBenet's skull was fractured in her death. The horrible suffering of death of JonBenet was at the hand of the devil, who was the murderer from the beginning (Jn 8:44).
The three planets in Sagittarius amount to a Stellium, which adds power to the significance of the sign. Sagittarius symbolizes a raiding band, or criminal conspiracy. JonBenet was killed by one or more criminals who claimed to be a group. The planets in Sagittarius were:
The Morning Star in Gemini can signify a star. JonBenet was a star.
The Sun was in Sagittarius at the point of the Plow. This signifies intense suffering associated with a raiding band, which could be a criminal gang or terrorists. The Moon was in Gemini in conjunction with Midheaven, which signifies a famous family. The Ramsey family became notorious after the murder of JonBenet. The Ascendant Sign was Virgo, which contained the Red Planet, for a bloody child. All the planets except two were on the dark side of the chart, corresponding to night.
The Plow
The Plow resolved the opposition of the Red Planet in Virgo and God of the Covenants Planet in Pisces into the Sun in Sagittarius. The Red Planet in Virgo signifies a bloody child. The God of the Covenants in Pisces signifies mystery doctrine. The murder of JonBenet remains one of great unsolved mysteries. The writer of the ransom note also liked to weave mysteries. However, there is also the mystery of the spiritual meaning of the murder. That mystery can be understood with divine viewpoint from the mystery doctrine of the Church in the Bible (Bible Doctrine).
The relationship of the bloody child to the mystery doctrine from the Bible points to reasons for the murder. First, JonBenet was a war child under the Four Generation Curse and Curse of Jezebel. She died in Colorado, the region of the summits, during the time US foreign policy in sponsoring Israeli-Palestinian peace summits was violating the Abrahamic Covenant (Gen 12:3). The US was cursed for curing Israel. Secondly, the death of a child can be divine punishment because the mother is caught up in the apostasy of Jezebel, the Prostitute of Babylon. This occurred in the Church at Thyatira.
Revelation 2:20-23The resolution of the opposition of the bloody child and the mystery doctrine was the point of the Plow of the Sun in Sagittarius, for a raiding band, or criminal gang. The point of the Plow indicates intense suffering.
20 'But I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray, so that they practice prostitution and eat things sacrificed to idols. 21 And I gave her a period of time in order to change her mind (Rebound); however, she does not want to change her mind (Rebound) out from her prostitution. 22 Behold, I will throw her into a sick bed, and those committing adultery with her into great tribulation (severe suffering) unless they change their minds from her deeds (Rebound). 23 'And I will execute her children (followers) by the death penalty; and all the churches will know that I am He who analyzes the kidneys and the hearts; and I will give to every one of you according to your deeds.
There were two other planets in Sagittarius, which give further significance to the sign. The Savior Planet in Sagittarius symbolizes a deliverer. John Ramsey had the same sign in his Birth Chart, but he failed to deliver JonBenet. And the Almighty God Planet in Sagittarius symbolizes mighty warriors.
Mystic Rectangle
The Mystic Rectangle corresponds to the shape of a box or chest. Patsy Ramsey understood, after the fact, that the box for the lookalike doll that she gave JonBenet for Christmas was a premonition of a coffin. She said when she opened the box the doll's eyes were closed like a corpse in a coffin. There was also a suitcase (shaped like a Mystic Rectangle) under the window in the basement where JonBenet was killed.
The Mystic Rectangle balances two sets of oppositions. The first opposition was the Red Planet and the God of the Covenants, which was discussed under the Plow. The other opposition was the Moon in Gemini and the conjunction of the Almighty God Planet in Sagittarius and the Redeemer in Capricornus. Here the Moon in conjunction with Midheaven in Gemini symbolizes public notoriety of a family. This occurred after JonBenet's death. The planets in opposition relate to JonBenet's death. The Almighty God in Sagittarius symbolizes mighty warriors, who could be JonBenet's attackers. And the Redeemer in Capricornus signifies a wine cellar, which is where JonBenet's body was found. Nearby in Capricornus was also the Mediator Planet, which signifies worldly conflict (James 4:1-7). Conflict for the Christian occurs because of friendship with the world (Satan's Cosmic System). The Almighty God Planet was in conjunction with the Bottom of Heaven, IC, for violent death.
There were two planets in Scorpius. The Last Adam in Scorpius symbolizes a murder victim. And the Morning Star in Scorpius signifies Satan's fall leading to his doom.
John Ramsey, born on Dec. 7, was a war child. His Birth Chart contained a Castle for a king in the world of business. His Birth Sign was Scorpius, for Satan as an angel of light. He had problems with the devil that only Bible Doctrine could overcome. The Sun was in opposition to the Red Planet in Taurus, for plagues. His involvement in the Cosmic System would result in the cursing of plagues. His daughter, Elizabeth, was killed at age 22, for cursing. His wife, Patsy, had cancer and eventually died. And JonBenet was brutally murdered in one of the high-profile crimes of the century.
Patsy Ramsey was a suffering saint. The focus of the Bucket in her Birth Chart was the Red Planet in Pisces. Her Sun Sign was Sagittarius, which matched JonBenet's Death Sign. Her Moon Sign was Scorpius, for the Prostitute of Babylon, or Jezebel. The Moon was in conjunction with two other planets to add even more intensity to the significance of Jezebel. The punishment for Jezebel in the Church is sickness of the mother and the death of her children.
JonBenet's Birth Chart contained a Grand Cross, a Kite, and a Skull. The Grand Cross is the most powerful sign of suffering in a chart. It is like the suffering of the Cross. The Kite symbolized JonBenet's blessing and talent. Yet, the focus of the Kite was the Red Planet in Aries, for the devil as a murderer. And the Skull was a sinister sign of death at the hand of Satan, the murderer. Her Sun Sign was Cancer, for the spoils of victory. She was a great success in beauty pageants. And her Moon Sign was Capricornus in conjunction with Midheaven, which indicates the glory of the world from Gentile audiences, like the audiences at beauty pageants.
JonBenet's Death Chart contains a Plow and a Mystic Rectangle. The Plow symbolizes intense suffering, like being plowed under. The point of the Plow was the Sun in Sagittarius, for a raiding band, or criminal gang. The Mystic Rectangle is shaped like a box or chest. Patsy Ramsey saw in hindsight that the box for the doll that she gave JonBenet for Christmas symbolized a coffin for her daughter. The Death Chart further contains signs of a bloody child, a murder victim, a wine cellar, worldly conflict, and a famous family. All these signs came true in JonBenet's death.
JonBenet Ramsey was a third generation war child, who was born on August 6, the anniversary of the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima. She was under the Four Generation Curse. She moved to Colorado from Georgia in 1991. Colorado symbolizes the region of the summits, which symbolizes the summits that the US government was sponsoring with Israel and the Palestinians in the peace process. The peace process violated the Abrahamic Covenant. Violations of the Abrahamic Covenant are punished by cursing (Gen 12:3). JonBenet died on December 26, 1996, where 26 is for Political Babylon. US foreign policy between Israel and the Palestinians was in Political Babylon. Georgia symbolizes the land, which is one of the names of Israel as the Promised Land. And 1991 symbolizes a coup de grace (91). John Ramsey's problems began when he moved to Colorado in 1991. JonBenet's death came from a blow to the head and asphyxiation. Her skull was fractured in correlation to the Skull in her Birth Chart. And her violent murder was the work of Satan, the murderer from the beginning (Jn 8:44).
Released February 5, 2010 - Revised March 16, 2012
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