1. Circumcision is cutting
away the foreskin of the penis.
2. Physical circumcision is symbolic of the circumcision
of the heart, which is removal of scar
tissue of the soul.
3. Abraham and his household (males only) were
circumcised under the Abrahamic Covenant when he was 99.
4. The Mosaic Law required circumcision, which
was performed on the 8th day after birth.
5. Circumcision is not required under the New Covenant
to the Church.
1. Circumcision
was a sign of ratification of the Abrahamic
Covenant (Gen 17:10-11).
2. Circumcision was required
for procreation of the child of the promise (Gen 17:12-13).
It was a sign of sanctification
of the Right Man – Right Woman
relationship in Marriage Culture for procreation of the child of the promise
(Gal 4:28).
The child of the promise was set apart from the children of the world (Gen
21:12; Rom 9:7; Heb 11:18).
All male Hebrew descendants of Abraham were required to be circumcised
in addition to the servants of Abraham and later the foreigners who lived
in the camp of Israel (Gen 17:12-13).
3. Circumcision set the Hebrews
apart among the nations as respecting Marriage
Culture based upon the Right Man – Right Woman relationship with children
of the promise.
4. Gentiles did not practice
circumcision (Judg 14:3; 1 Sam 17:26; Eph 2:11).
5. Physical circumcision
is not a requirement in the Church Age (1 Cor 7:19; Gal 5:6). False
teachers in the early Church caused controversy by requiring keeping the
Law, including circumcision (Acts 15:1; Phil 3:2).
Circumcision of
1. Circumcision was required
for Abraham as ratification of the Abrahamic
Covenant (Gen. 17:9-27).
The Covenant included the promise of posterity for Abraham (Gen 17:4-5).
Abraham was required to be circumcised prior to the conception of Isaac.
2. Circumcision was suffering
prior to Abraham's promotion to Spiritual Maturity.
Similarly, Joshua required circumcision of the army of Israel prior to
the conquest of the Promised Land (Josh 5:2-8).
The Promised Land symbolizes Spiritual Maturity.
Spiritual Maturity is Experiential
Sanctification of the believer in relation to the Lord Jesus Christ
in the Marriage analogy of Christ and the Church (2 Cor 11:2; Eph 5:25-32).
Spiritual Maturity symbolizes sanctification of the RM-RW relationship.
3. Physical circumcision
represented sanctification of procreation.
The genitals after The Fall
were responsible for passing down the Old
Sin Nature (OSN) from Adam.
Therefore, the genitals needed to be sanctified prior to procreation.
Abraham was sexually dead, and God would have to perform a miracle to restore
sexual life (ref. Rom
4:19; Heb 11:12).
4. Abraham's circumcision
represented circumcision of the heart, which is the removal of scar tissue
of the soul (foreskin of the heart).
Abraham had separated from the world years before when he left Ur and Haran.
Abraham's circumcision represented removal of all dead works that would
interfere with God's Grace provision to him.
5. The circumcision of Abraham
occurred just prior to the second harem experience in which Sarah was taken
into the harem of Abimelech, Evil King of Gerar (Gen 20).
6. Circumcision was required
for all the male descendants of Abraham (Gen 17:9-13).
7. Failure to circumcise
could result in the Sin Leading
to Death, as it did with Moses (Ex 4:24-26).
1. Circumcision symbolized sanctification
of the Right Man - Right Woman relationship.
2. The sanctified phallus of the male was dedicated
to his Right Woman.
3. The children of the RM-RW relationship were
sanctified (Gal 4:23, 30).
4. The children were recipients of Divine blessing
as children of the promise (Gen 17:16).
5. Church Age Believers are children of the promise
(Gal 3:29; 4:28).
6. The RM-RW relationship symbolized sanctification
of the believer as the Right Woman of the Lord in Israel and the Lord Jesus
Christ in the Church (2 Cor 11:2).
7. Circumcision symbolized circumcision of the
heart (Deut 10:16; 30:6; Jer 4:4; Rom 2:29).
a. Circumcision of the
heart is removal of scar tissue of the soul.
b. Scar tissue of the
soul is symbolized by hardness of
the heart (Rom 11:25), being stiff-necked (Ex 32:9; Jer 7:26; Acts
7:51), and callused (Eph 4:18-19).
c. Removal of scar tissue
of the soul provides security from the Cosmic System and slavery to Satan.
8. Uncircumcised ears symbolize unwillingness to
listen to the teaching of Bible Doctrine (Jer 6:10; Acts 7:51).
1. Circumcision was required
for celebration of the Passover
(Ex 12:43-45).
2. Israel was the Right Woman
of the Lord, and the firstborn of Israel were sanctified to Him (Ex 13:2).
3. The Passover was an institution
for the nation of Israel (Ex 12:2), and all the males in Israel must be
4. The circumcised firstborn
of Israel were passed over, but the uncircumcised firstborn of Egypt were
killed the night of the Passover
(Ex 12:29; 13:15).
of the Heart
1. Circumcision of the heart
(Jer 4:4; Deut 10:16; 30:6; Jer. 9:25, 26; Rom 2:28, 29) is the removal
of scar tissue of the soul from the right lobe of the soul.
2. Scar tissue of the soul
is the result of failure to handle the spiritual problems of life.
When Rebound is rejected, scar
tissue builds in the soul.
Use of defense mechanisms, e.g. dissociation, denial, repression, causes
scar tissue.
Sexual sins cause scar tissue.
3. Scar tissue of the soul
causes various psychological and physical maladies
and slavery to Satan (1 Jn 2:11; Eph 2:1-3; 2 Tim 2:26; 3:6-7). Carnality
and dead works result from scar tissue of the soul (Rom 6:12-13; 13:12;
Gal 5:19-21).
4. God hardens the heart
and produces scar tissue of the soul in Divine Judgment (Ex 7:3; 1 Sam
6:6; Rom 1:24, 26, 28; Eph 4:19).
5. Circumcision of the heart
is performed by executing the New Spiritual life (Experiential Sanctification).
God supplies tests on the Stage of Life which must be passed by application
of Bible Doctrine (Ps 34:4, 19; 1 Cor 10:13; 2 Cor 12:8-9, 10; 1 Pet 1:6-7;
2 Pet 2:9).
When the tests are passed, circumcision of the heart is performed by the
Holy Spirit (Rom 2:29), after which God supplies more Grace and promotes
the believer (Job 17:9; Psa 37:34; Jas 4:6).
Failing the tests can lead to demotion (Jas 4:6).
6. Circumcision of the heart
Dying to the old dead works (Rom. 6:6; 7:24; Gal. 5:24; Phil 3:8; Col.
Separation from the world (Gal.
2:20; 6:14; 2 Thess 3:6; 1 Pet 4:3, 4; 1 Jn 2:15-16).
New production of the new life in Christ Jesus (Gal 2:20; Col 2:11).
Use of the Redemption
solution (Heb 9:14; 10:22).
A new sanctified conscience (1 Tim 1:5, 19; Heb 13:18; 1 Pet 3:16, 21).
f. Spiritual
Self-Esteem (Phil 3:3).
7. The circumcised heart
is the seat of love (1 Tim. 1:5; 2 Tim. 2:22).
8. The circumcised heart
houses the Edification
Complex of the Soul with:
a. Intimacy
Room (Prov. 31:17)
Cup of Love (Rom. 5:5)
c. Sexual
Fountain of Youth (Heb. 11:11-12; Rom. 4:19; 6:13)