Fellowship with God

Fellowship with Christ

The Christian's Fellowship with Christ
X-Axis Fellowship
Y-Axis Fellowship
Z-Axis Fellowship
Time Axis

X-Axis Fellowship

New Spiritual Species
Abiding in Faith, Doctrine
Abiding in Sanctification

New Spiritual Species

At the moment of Salvation, the Christian is Spiritually transformed into an entirely new kind of creation, a new spiritual species.  In addition to receiving the Righteousness of God and Eternal Life, he receives spirituality like that of Jesus Christ in Hypostatic Union.  He is baptized with the Holy Spirit.  He is entered into union with Christ.  He is indwelt by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  He is filled with the Holy Spirit.  And he becomes a member of the Royal Family of God.
2 Corinthians 5:17 New Spiritual Species
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new Spiritual species; the old paradigm (state of things) has passed away; behold, a new paradigm (kind of things) has come.
"If anyone is in Christ" refers to the Christian, who is positionally in union with Christ.  The Christian is a "new Spiritual species."  This is the Greek kainov" (kainos), meaning new in kind, + ktivsi" (ktisis), meaning creation, = a new kind of creation, or new Spiritual species.  The Christian is an entirely new class of Spiritual species.  He is like Jesus Christ in Hypostatic Union.

"The old paradigm has passed away."  "Old paradigm" is the Greek ajrcai'o" (archaios), which means what is old, the old state of things, antiquated.  The "old paradigm" is the old life of spiritual death before Salvation.  "A new paradigm has come."  "New paradigm" is the Greek kainov" (kainos), meaning new in kind.  The "new paradigm" is the new Spiritual life in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:2).   Salvation is always a paradigm shift, but for the Christian it is even more remarkable.  For the Christian the paradigm of the new Spiritual life is like Christ's Spiritual life in Hypostatic Union.

Ephesians 4:24 The New Self
and put on the new man, which according to God has been created in  Righteousness and Holiness of truth.
"The new man" is the same as the "new Spiritual species."  "New" is the Greek kainov" (kainos), meaning new in kind.  The new kind of man is the Christian with his new Spiritual life.  The Christian is to put on the new man according to the analogy of wearing the new clothes rather than the old.  He is to live in the new paradigm – the new Spiritual life in Christ Jesus.

The new man has been created according to the design of God.  "Created" refers to Spiritual regeneration at Salvation.  God gives the new man His Righteousness, which is the Greek dikaiosuvnh (dikaiosune), which means Righteousness (of God), Righteousness raised to a higher power, the Righteousness of God that demands the Justice of God.  "Holiness" means set apart to God.  "Holiness of truth" means the "new man" is set apart to God as Holy in truth in contrast to a person in the Cosmic System, who would not be in truth.

The Christian should lay aside the "old man" (Col 3:9) and put on the "new man."

Colossians 3:10 New Spiritual Man
and have put on the new man, who is being renewed into epignosis knowledge, according to the prototype of his Creator.
"New man" comes from a different word.  "New" is the Greek nevo" (neos), which means new in the sense of the beginning of something new, or young in contrast to old or aged.  It stresses the beginning of the new life, or new paradigm, in distinction from the former, old person and old life, before Salvation.

The new man "is being renewed into epignosis knowledge."  The Greek ejpivgnwsi" (epignosis) means knowledge in the right lobe of the soul, understanding of doctrine.  This is doctrine in the right lobe, which is available for application.  When it is verified through testing, it becomes doctrine in the Edification Complex of the Soul.  Doctrine sustains the Spiritual life.  It renews, refreshes, and reinvigorates.

The "new man" is "according to the prototype of his Creator."  "Prototype" is the Greek eijkwvn (eikon), which means icon, image, or standard (Eph 4:13).  Man was created in the image of God (Gen 1:26-27; 2:7).  He was trichotomous with a body, soul, and spirit.  The Christian at Salvation is created according to the prototype of his Creator, who is Jesus Christ in Hypostatic Union.  The Lord Jesus Christ was the first to use the Spiritual life that Christians have.  He proved the prototype so Christians could have the operational type.  The Christian grows to Spiritual Maturity through metabolization of Bible Doctrine based on the standard of the Lord Jesus Christ in Hypostatic Union (Eph 4:13).


Fellowship ChristThe first strategic objective of the Christian life is Spiritual Maturity.  This is accomplished by edification through metabolization of Bible Doctrine.  The Edification Complex of the Soul must be erected.  The Lord Jesus Christ leads the Christian every step of the way to Spiritual Maturity and beyond.
Romans 8:29 Predestined to Be Like Christ
For whom He (God) foreknew, He also predestined to conform to the image of His Son, for Him to be the first-born among many brethren;
God the Father, who knows the end from the beginning, foreknew in Eternity past all who would become Christians.  He did not predestinate them to become Christians.  He gave them a volition, so they could decide for themselves.  Those whom the Father foreknew would become Christians, He predestined to conform to the image of His Son.  God does not override the volition, but Christians are supposed to execute the Spiritual life to conform to the standard of Jesus Christ in Hypostatic Union.

"Image" is the Greek eijkwvn (eikon), which means icon, image, standard (Eph 4:13), or prototype (Col 3:10).  To conform to the image of Christ means to execute the Spiritual life that Christ executed in its prototype form and to reach the standard of Spiritual Maturity as measured by the maturity of Christ in Hypostatic Union.

Christians who fulfill the objectives of the Spiritual life will be like Christ.  They will also be resurrected like Christ, so that the Lord Jesus Christ will be first, and the Christians who follow will be His brethren.

1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we see through a mirror obscurely, but then, face to face (with Christ); now I know in part, but then I will understand Spiritually just as I also have been Spiritually understood (by Christ).
Paul compares perception of doctrine to looking in a mirror.  The mirror in the soul is Bible Doctrine in the ECS whereby we perceive Christ (2 Cor 3:18; Jas 1:23).  At the time Paul wrote this, the canon of scripture was not yet complete, and he had not yet reached Spiritual Maturity.  Therefore, his perception of doctrine and his fellowship with Christ were like seeing an obscure image in a mirror.  However, Paul knew that he would be able to see Jesus Christ clearly face to face and understand doctrine clearly when he went to Heaven.

Paul recognized that his knowledge was fragmentary.  But when he went to Heaven, he would understand Spiritually.  This is the Greek ejpiginwvskw (epignosko), which means to understand Spiritually, which is over and beyond knowledge.  He will understand doctrinal mysteries just as Christ has understood him in this life.

This verse is also a comparison between knowledge of doctrine before and after the completion of the canon of scripture.  Before the completion of the canon of scripture, the knowledge of doctrine was fragmentary, but with the completion of the canon, the knowledge would be complete for this life.  Temporary Spiritual gifts (like knowledge, tongues, and healing) took up the slack before the completion of the canon of scripture, and those gifts were phased out when the canon was completed.

1 Corinthians 13:8
Virtue-Love is never phased out; but if prophecies, they shall be discontinued; if tongues, they shall be terminated; if knowledge, it will be discontinued.
The temporary Spiritual gifts of prophecy, tongues, knowledge, and healing would be discontinued.  Paul lost the gift of healing and couldn't even heal his friend, Epaphroditus (Phil 2:25-27).  He couldn't cast out demons any more (2 Cor 12:7-10).  The Grace of God with the completed canon of scripture is sufficient for all our needs.

Pastor-Teachers are provided by the Grace of God to teach Bible Doctrine for the edification of the local congregation (Eph 4:11).

Ephesians 4:12 ECS
for the equipping of the saints for the work of Christian service, for the edification of the Body of Christ;
The gift of Pastor-Teacher is provided to equip Christians for service.  The Pastor communicates Bible Doctrine "for the edification of the Body of Christ."  "Edification" is the Greek oijkodomhv (oikodome), from  (oi\ko", house) + (devmw, to build) = edifying, edification, building up.  Thus, edification is a building, or Edification Complex of the Soul.  The "Body of Christ" is the Church.  Here the Body of Christ refers to individual members of the Church.
Ephesians 4:13
until we all attain to harmony with the Faith (Bible Doctrine), and of the epignosis-knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man (Spiritual Maturity), to the measure of the standard of the fulness of Christ (Spiritual Rapport).
The objective of learning Bible Doctrine is to attain "harmony with the Faith."  "Harmony" is the Greek eJnovth" (enotes), which means unity, unison, and refers to harmony in music (Eph 4:3; Col 3:14).  To attain harmony with the Faith (Bible Doctrine) the pastor must have accurate knowledge of Theology.  He must be Grace oriented and prepared to teach from the original languages.

The next objective is Spiritual Maturity, which includes epignosis-knowledge of the Son of God.  Reaching Spiritual Maturity requires the daily metabolization of Bible Doctrine as taught by the Right Pastor.

The next objective is Spiritual Rapport, which is called "the measure of the standard of the fulness of Christ."  The standard for Spiritual Rapport is the prototype Spiritual life of Jesus Christ in Hypostatic Union.  Jesus Christ demonstrated Spiritual Rapport, and the Christian is supposed to be like Him.

Fellowship with Jesus Christ improves as the soul is edified.  Spiritual Rapport is the ultimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in this life.  Spiritual Rapport is harmony with Christ.  Christ reveals Himself personally to the believer in Spiritual Rapport.  And the believer in Spiritual Rapport lives for the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is preoccupied with Christ.  They are partners.


Another way to achieve fellowship with Jesus Christ is through perception.  Although Jesus Christ cannot be seen or heard, He can be perceived.  His role in the events of history can be deduced.  When we observe the events, we perceive that He was behind them.  For example, when weather angels reveal themselves, we know that He ordered them.  Things don't just happen.  They come from the Design of God the Father, and they are specified by the Lord Jesus Christ.  Understanding Christ's role in events is a way of perceiving Him and having fellowship with Him.  If we are aware of what He is doing, we are in fellowship with Him.

Jesus Christ is the Mediator between God and man (1 Tim 2:5).  We met Him at Salvation when he brought us to God (1 Pet 3:18).  He continues to mediate our relationship with God throughout the Christian life (2 Thess 3:5).  When we sin, He intercedes for us (Rom 8:34).  When we are attacked, He protects us (2 Thess 3:3).  He commands the angels who minister to us.  When Satan tempts or demons attack, He authorizes it (Job 1:8, 12; 2:3, 6).  When we are sick, He orders it.  When we have success, He provides it.

The Lord Jesus Christ directs God's Design for lives.  He leads us to the Right Pastor, and He enables us to learn Bible Doctrine.  He decides when we will be tested and whether we passed the test.  He knows our every thought and draws us to Himself and God the Father through the Holy Spirit.  He knows our life purpose, and He directs our teaching and punishment to ensure that we succeed.  We were called to be kings and priests (Rev 1:6; 5:10), and that is a tall order.

The Lord Jesus Christ is also the mediator of the Right Man – Right Woman relationship.  He prepares the Right Woman for the Right Man and brings her to him (Gen 2:22).  He mediates and referees every aspect of the relationship (Gen 3:11-13).  When Sarah was taken by Pharaoh in Egypt (Gen 12:15, 17-19), He told Sarah to obey her husband (1 Pet 3:6).  When Sarah and Abraham had a disagreement over what to do with the cocky Ishmael and his arrogant mother, He told Abraham to listen to Sarah (Gen 21:12).  Nothing escapes the Lord's notice in the Right Man – Right Woman relationship.  Doctrine is right, and He enforces it.

Perception is knowledge obtained by the mind.  It is mental awareness or recognition.  Spiritual perception is knowledge obtained by the spirit.  The Holy Spirit teaches the human spirit.  The unbeliever, who is without a human spirit, cannot perceive the things of God.  However, the unbeliever can perceive spirits by means of his soul.  Perception of God and His truth is only available to the believer.  Perception of Jesus Christ only comes through the Holy Spirit.  When the unbeliever is given the Gospel, the Holy Spirit must enable him to perceive Jesus Christ in order to accept or reject Him as Savior.

2 Corinthians 4:18
while we are not contemplating the things that are seen, but the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
In explaining Divine viewpoint to the Corinthians, Paul described it as not contemplating the things that are visible but the things that are invisible.  "Contemplating" is the Greek skopevw (skopeo), meaning to behold, contemplate, notice, consider, examine.  He meant not paying attention to the things that are visible because the things that are visible are temporal, and the things that are invisible are eternal.  The things that are Spiritual are invisible.  The Spiritual determines the temporal.  The things on the Stage of Life have Spiritual meaning because God produces them.

Spiritual perception comes by decoding what is seen by means of Bible Doctrine.  Since God produced the things on the Stage of Life, they have Divine meaning.  They are produced by the Spirit and can be understood by application of Bible Doctrine.  Whether Good or evil is produced, the true meaning can be perceived, or decoded, with Bible Doctrine.

We don't see Jesus, but we do perceive Him.  One of the analogies of perception is looking into the mirror in the soul.

2 Corinthians 3:18 Divine Glory in Us
But we all with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the Glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory (of the Lord) (G1) to glory (in the CAB) (G2), just as from the source of the Lord, the Spirit.
The context of this verse is about the veil that Moses wore so the children of Israel would not see the fading glory after he had been in the presence of the Lord (ref. 2 Cor 3:17).  The veil was compared to Hardness of the Heart of the Jews when they rejected Jesus Christ.  Christians are like Moses with unveiled face meeting the Lord face to face.  Christians behold "as in a mirror the Glory of the Lord."  This is the mirror in the soul, corresponding to the Edification Complex of the Soul, whereby the Christian perceives Christ.

Just as a mirror enables a person to see a reflection, Bible Doctrine in the soul enables a person to perceive Christ.  As the Christian perceives Christ through application of Bible Doctrine, he is transformed into the image of Christ in the mirror.  This is Spiritual growth.  The Christian growth analogy is expressed in terms of ratio and proportion:

 The Glory (of the Lord) (G1) is to glory (in the CAB) (G2),
 Just as from the source of the Lord, the Spirit.
 Or, G1 : G2 = Lord : Spirit
The Glory of the Lord is to the glory of the Church Age Believer (CAB) as the Lord is to the Spirit.  The Lord Jesus Christ has Glory from Light in His Resurrection Body.  When He comes into fellowship with the Christian, the Christian reflects His glory.  The Spirit is the agent of the Lord (ref. 2 Cor 3:17).  The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Lord (Jn 15:26; 16:7).  So, the Glory of the Lord compared to the glory of the Christian is just as the Spirit proceeding from the Lord.

So, Christians can perceive the Lord Jesus Christ through Bible Doctrine in the soul.  Bible Doctrine in the ECS forms a mirror in the soul.  The mirror in the soul is analogous to a display device.  However, the mirror is not for visual perception but for Spiritual perception.

Hebrews 12:2 Model of Jesus, Our High Priest and King
Be looking away to Jesus, the author and finisher of our doctrine, who because of the Happiness set before Him, endured the cross, disregarding the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God.
"Be looking away" is the Greek ajforavw, (aphorao), from (ajpov, away from) + (@oravw, look) = to view with undivided attention.  This does not mean to look with the eyes.  It is a metaphor for perception.  We should be concentrating on Jesus in order to perceive Him.  Jesus is the name for the humanity of Christ, who went to the Cross.  "Be looking away to Jesus" means to take notice of Jesus in His exalted position of High Priest of the Church and King.  This is a mental model.  It does not refer to visualization.  The believer-priest needs to know where he stands in relation to his High Priest.  Jesus set the example for us.

"Author" is the Greek ajrchgov" (archegos), meaning originator, founder.  Jesus authored the New Covenant to the Church.  "Finisher" is the Greek teleiwthv" (teleiotes), meaning perfecter, completer, finisher (hapax legomenon).  Jesus completed our doctrine with the completion of the Book of Revelation.  "Doctrine" is the Greek pivsti" (pistis), meaning faith or doctrine (what is believed).

Happiness is the Happiness of God.  Jesus Christ kept His future Happiness in mind to endure the suffering of the Cross.  And He disregarded the shame of bearing the sins of the world.  When He ascended to Heaven, He was seated "at the right hand of the Throne of God" (Psa 110:1; Heb 1:3; 10:12-13).  The right side is the position of honor.  After the Cross, God the Father promoted Jesus Christ to King of kings and Lord of lords.  He became High Priest to the Church and the King (Ruler over Creation).

Thus, the perspective of the Christian's fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ means He is in Heaven in a Resurrection Body.  He is the High Priest of the Church and King of the Royal Family.  He rules over all Creation at the right hand of the Father.  The believer-priest serves Christ the High Priest and obeys the authority of the King in Spiritual Warfare (Operation Footstool).

Philippians 3:10
that I (Paul) may get to know Him (Christ), and the power of His Resurrection, and the participation in His sufferings, having become like Him in His death;
After Paul reached Spiritual Maturity (Phil 3:15), his desire was to reach Spiritual Rapport.  He wanted to "get to know" Christ.  "Get to know" is the Greek ginwvskw (ginosko), meaning to know, come to know.  It is an ingressive aorist tense, which emphasizes the beginning of the action; entrance into a state or condition, hence, entrance into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Paul also wanted to get to know "the power of His Resurrection."  This means:

  1. The power of Christ's Resurrection makes Him Sovereign Ruler over all Creation (1 Tim 6:15; Heb 1:13).
  2. The Resurrected Christ is the victor in the Angelic Conflict (Heb 10:12; Rev 5:5).
  3. The Resurrected Christ is the Head of the Body of the Royal Family of God and the firstborn from the dead (Col 1:18).
  4. The believer-priest has the power of God (Eph 3:16; Phil 4:13; Col 1:11).
  5. The Resurrected believer is destined to have the power of Christ (Phil 3:21).
Paul also wants to come to know "the participation in His sufferings."  The believer who represents Christ on the Earth will share in His sufferings (Jn 15:18; 17:14; Acts 9:15-16; Rom 8:17; 2 Cor 1:5, 7; Col 1:24; 2 Tim 2:12; 1 Pet 4:13; 1 Jn 3:13).  Suffering is part of the testing for Spiritual Rapport.

"Having become like Him in His death" – This refers to Retroactive Positional Truth (Rom 6:3; Gal 2:20).  The believer's sins were Judged on the Cross.  Therefore, he died when Christ died.  After Jesus Christ died spiritually as a substitute for sin, He died physically.  Then He was resurrected.  The death of the believer is the death of the body of sin, which will be followed by the Resurrection (Phil 3:11; Rom 8:17; 6:5-7; 2 Cor 4:17).  Promotion to Spiritual Rapport is analogous to the Resurrection.

Abiding in Faith, Doctrine

Fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ comes through abiding in Bible Doctrine.  The Lord is His Word.  Those who abide in the Word, also abide in Him.  The commandments of the Word define the boundaries of sin and evil.  Violation of the Word is sin, and the Lord will not have fellowship with sin.  Therefore, the prerequisite for fellowship with the Lord is obedience to Bible Doctrine.
2 Corinthians 13:5 Test Yourselves
Be testing yourselves to determine  if you are in the doctrine (faith); keep validating yourselves! Or do you yourselves not know that Jesus Christ is in you – unless, of course, you flunked the test?
The believer needs to evaluate himself to determine if he is abiding in doctrine.  "Be testing" is the Greek peiravzw (peirazo), which means to try, make trial of, put to the test, to discover what kind of a person someone is.  The believer is to test himself to determine if he is obeying Bible Doctrine.  "In the sphere of the doctrine (faith)" comes from the preposition en (in) + pistis (faith) in the locative of sphere.  This means walking in doctrine, having Divine viewpoint with X, Y, Z axes aligned.  Of course this can only be done in the filling of the Holy Spirit.

"Keep validating yourselves!"  "Keep validating" is the Greek dokimavzw (dokimazo), which means to be acceptance tested, qualification tested, verified; validated (1 Pet 1:7).  This means validating the results of your Spiritual advance to determine if you have fully succeeded without errors.  It means maintaining your Spiritual integrity in Grace – making sure your Integrity Envelope is intact.

"Or do you yourselves not understand spiritually?"  "Understand spiritually"  is the Greek ejpiginwvskw (epiginosko), which means to understand Spiritually.  What must be understood is "that Jesus Christ is in the sphere of you."  This is the Greek ejn (en) + suv (su), locative = "in the sphere of you all."  Bible Doctrine in the soul is the thinking of Christ.  "The word of God is living and active" (Heb 4:12).  Therefore, the believer who is walking in doctrine is in Spiritual Rapport with Christ, and Christ is, in effect, in him.  So Christ is in the believer by means of doctrine in the soul and the ministry of the Holy Spirit, who is the agent of Christ.  This does not refer to the indwelling of Christ.  There is no fellowship with the indwelling of Christ.

"Unless, of course, you flunked the test?"  This is the alternative to fellowship with Christ.  Those who tested themselves and discovered that they were not abiding in doctrine failed the test and are not in fellowship with Jesus Christ.

2 Timothy 1:13 Hold to Sound Doctrine
Keep holding to the standard of sound doctrine, which you have heard from me, in Faith and Love, which are in the sphere of Christ Jesus.
Paul exhorts Timothy to "keep holding to the standard of sound doctrine."  He must continue to believe and teach accurate Bible Doctrine.  "Sound doctrine" is what he learned from Paul, who taught "in Faith (X-axis alignment) and Love (Y-axis alignment)."  Faith and Love are "in the sphere of Christ Jesus."   "In the sphere of Christ Jesus" means fellowship with Christ.  When Paul taught Bible Doctrine in Faith and Love, Jesus Christ was there in fellowship (Matt 18:20; 28:20).
James 1:25
But one who looks intently at the perfect Law of Freedom, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an active doer, this one will be Happy in his production.
The person "who looks intently at the perfect Law of Freedom" refers to the serious student of Bible Doctrine.  The "Law of Freedom" is the Church Age doctrine in contrast to the Mosaic Law, which enslaves.  "Freedom" refers to Spiritual freedom.  The person who learns Bible Doctrine and abides by it is not one who forgets what he heard, but one who does what is required.  This one who obeys Bible Doctrine will be Happy.  "Happy" is the Greek makavrio" (makarios), which means happy from God's Grace or blessing.  This is God's Happiness, which He gives in Grace to the obedient disciple.  The alternative would be for God to curse a person's work and give him grief.
1 John 2:3 Knowing Jesus Christ
And, by this we know that we have come to know Him (Christ), if we keep His commandments.
Knowing Jesus Christ requires keeping His commandments.  Keeping His commandments refers to executing Bible Doctrine.
1 John 2:4 Not Knowing
The one who says, "I have come to know Him," and is not keeping His commandments, is a liar, and the truth (doctrine) is not in this one.
If a person claims to know Jesus Christ and does not keep His commandments, he is a liar and does not know Bible Doctrine.
1 John 2:5 Reciprocal Love for God
But whoever keeps His Word (doctrine), truly in this case the Love for God has been brought to completion.  By this we know that we are in fellowship with Him.
The one who keeps the Word also Loves God and also knows that he is in fellowship with Him.  "Him" refers to Jesus Christ, but it includes God the Father.  Keeping the Word ensures fellowship with the Father and the Son.  "In fellowship with Him" is the translation of the Greek en + autos in the instrumental of association.
1 John 2:6 Walking as Christ Walked
The one who says that he abides in fellowship with Him (Christ), just as that One (Christ) walked, ought also to walk himself in the same manner.
Walking refers to executing the Spiritual life.   The Church Age Believer has the same Spiritual life that Jesus Christ had in Hypostatic Union.  Therefore, he should execute the Spiritual life just as Christ did.
1 John 2:24
As for you, what you have heard from the beginning must abide in you. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you also will abide in fellowship with the Son and with the Father.
"What you have heard from the beginning" refers to the Bible Doctrine that Jesus Christ taught when He was on Earth.  John says that doctrine "must abide in you."  This is a third person imperative, which is stronger than a second person imperative and means it must abide in you.  If the doctrine abides in believers, they will "abide in fellowship with the Son and with the Father."  Here again, "in fellowship with" is en + huios (Son) and pater (Father) in the instrumental of association.  Thus, abiding in Bible Doctrine results in fellowship with both God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
1 John 3:24 Fellowship with Christ
The one who keeps His commandments abides in fellowship with Him (Christ) and He (Christ) in fellowship with him.  And by this we know that He (Christ) is abiding in fellowship with us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.
The Christian who obeys Bible Doctrine resides in fellowship with Christ (ref. previous explanation of this verse).  Christ is also in fellowship with him.  Thus, the relationship is full duplex.  The way we know Christ is in fellowship with us is by the Holy Spirit, who is the agent of Christ.
Revelation 3:20 Knocking at the Door Discipline
'Behold, I (Christ) stand at the door and continue knocking; if anyone listens to My voice and opens the door, I will enter face-to-face with him, and I will dine with him, and he with Me.
Knocking at the door refers to Intensive Discipline of the reversionist. Listening to the voice of Christ is a metaphor.  Jesus Christ is in Heaven.  He wants to have fellowship with a believer who is in reversionism.  To get the believer's attention, the Lord is punishing him severely.  "Opens the door" refers to Rebound (Psa. 32:5, 1 Jn 1:9).  When the person Rebounds, Christ enter into fellowship with him face to face.  The fellowship is through the Holy Spirit, but the believer is aware of being face to face with Christ.  In other words, he is having a relationship with the person of Christ, not just a sense of His presence.

"And I will dine with him."  This refers to fellowship through the Word (Bible Doctrine, Faith) (Psa 23:5; 16:5-11; 119:11, 105).  During the meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ, the believer will understand the Lord's unspoken communication by recalling Bible Doctrine.  The Holy Spirit will reveal the Lord's will by bringing scripture to mind.

"And he with Me" – the believer in fellowship will respond to Jesus Christ with reciprocal Faith, Hope, and Love.  He will align his X, Y, Z and Time axes to establish harmonious rapport with Christ.

Abiding in Sanctification

The Tabernacle with its Brazen Altar was consecrated to God along with the Levitical Priesthood (Ex 29:44).  Because the Tabernacle had been set apart to God and the people had been purified through the offerings for sin, God could dwell among them (Ex 29:45, 46).  The Lord Jesus Christ, who was the Lamb without spot and without blemish, offered Himself for the sins of the world (Heb 9:13, 14).  The sacrifice of Jesus Christ for sins made it possible for the believer-priest in the Church Age to have fellowship with Him.
2 Corinthians 6:16
And what agreement has the temple of God with idols?  For you see, we are the temple of the Living God, just as God has said, "I will dwell in them and walk among them; and I will be their God, and they will be My people."
Just as the Tabernacle was consecrated to God, the body of the Church Age Believer is the Temple of God and is consecrated to Him.  The believer's body is indwelt by the Holy Spirit to form a temple for the indwelling of the Father and the Son.  The soul of the CAB is filled with the Holy Spirit.  The believer who is sanctified is free from sin.  Sanctification after Salvation is through Rebound, which restores the filling of the Holy Spirit.  The believer-priest who is filled with the Holy Spirit is able to have fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  Fellowship with Jesus Christ requires abiding in sanctification and the filling of the Holy Spirit.

Those who sin are spiritual adulteresses (Jas 4:4).  They have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ, their Right Man.  They have consequently become the slaves of the devil and the enemy of God.  There can be no fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ when a person is abiding in sin.  True Love is not possible in a state of sin.

1 John 3:3 Resurrection Hope Purifies
And everyone who has this hope upon Him (Christ) purifies himself, just as that One (Jesus) is pure.
"This hope" is the hope, or confidence, of receiving a Resurrection body like Christ's (Rom 15:12).  The believer who looks forward to the Resurrection is a believer whose priorities are strategically aligned with God.  He realizes that his rewards in Resurrection body will be based upon executing the Spiritual life in Time.

The one who confidently expects the Resurrection "purifies himself."  This means he Rebounds and executes the Spiritual life.  In the filling of the Holy Spirit, his body is like the Resurrection body, which is without an Old Sin Nature.  He is pure from sin just as Jesus Christ is pure.  The believer must be pure in order to have fellowship with Jesus Christ, who is pure (1 Jn 3:5).

James 4:8
Come near to God, and He will draw near to you.  Wash your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-souled.
"Come near to God" means entering into fellowship with God.  The first step is "wash your hands."  This is a metaphor for Rebound.  The second step is "purify your hearts."  This is addressed to the "double-souled," which is the Greek divyuco" (dipsuchos), from (div",  double) + (vyuvch, soul) = double-souled; split personality.  This refers to the carnal or reversionistic believer, who is in and out of fellowship.  Characteristics of double-souled believers include:
  1. Double-souled Christians are the "enemies of the cross" (Phil 3:18)
  2. They vacillate between grace and Christian degeneracy.
  3. They vacillate between Divine and human solutions.
  4. They are "lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God" (2 Ti 3:4).
  5. If unchecked, the person can become a Christian psychotic or neurotic.
  6. If Bible Doctrine is not the number one priority, the person is double-souled.
  7. The double-souled condition includes Scar Tissue of the Soul (Hardness of the Heart), which can only be removed through application of Bible Doctrine (Heb 12:11).3
"Purify your hearts" is a command to correct the "double-souled" condition, which includes reversionism and garbage in the subconscious.  This is a command to begin epistemological rehabilitation through the daily metabolization of Bible Doctrine.  Unless the motivation changes to the love of Christ, there will be no recovery.   "Purify your hearts" requires alignment of the X, Y, Z, and Time axes of the Spiritual life.
1 John 3:6 Not Sinning in Fellowship with Christ
All who are abiding in fellowship with Him (Christ) are not sinning.  All who are sinning do not see Him neither do they know Him.
Those who are abiding in fellowship with Christ are not sinning.  "In fellowship with Him" is the Greek en + autos in the instrumental of association.  Believers who are in fellowship with Christ are inside the Divine Dynasphere, where they cannot sin.  In order to sin, they must first reject the Lord Jesus Christ and His work on the Cross.  Then they must choose to sin.

In contrast, all who are sinning do not see or know Christ.  "See" is a metaphor, which means to experience, notice, or recognize.  Those who are sinning are like unbelievers.  They do not recognize Jesus Christ.  Neither do they know Christ.  People get to know others through fellowship.  However, since those in sin have no fellowship with Christ, they do not know Him either.  Seeing and knowing describe fellowship with Jesus Christ, which does not exist for those in sin.

1 John 3:9 FHS Prevents Sin
Everyone who is born out from the source of God does not commit sin because His seed abides in him, and he is not able to sin, because He has been born out from the source of God.
The Apostle John is differentiating between the New (born again) man and old self after Salvation.  Those who are born out from God are filled with the Holy Spirit.  They do not commit sin "because His seed abides" in them.  "His seed" refers to the Holy Spirit.    The believer who is filled with the Holy Spirit is not able to sin.  He is in the Divine Dynasphere under the power of God, and God does not sin.  In order to sin the person must reject God and the filling of the Holy Spirit and then choose to sin.  He must step outside the Divine Dynasphere and then use his volition to sin.

Y-Axis Fellowship

Abiding in Love
Reciprocal Love
Christ, Our Light

Abiding in Love

Paul prayed for the Ephesian church that they would be strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit and they would have reciprocal Love for Jesus Christ (Eph 3:14-15, 16).
Ephesians 3:17 Reciprocal Love
so that Christ may be at home in your hearts through doctrine, when you have become firmly rooted and established in the sphere of reciprocal Love,
Paul prayed that "Christ may be at home in your hearts."  "Be at home" is the Greek katoikevw (katoikeo), which means to live, dwell, reside.  Christ can be at home in the heart (right lobe of the soul) through doctrine.  Christ has a special place in the heart of the believer.  This place corresponds to a room in the Edification Complex of the Soul.  The fellowship between the believer and Jesus Christ is like having Christ at home in the ECS.  Jesus Christ is known and experienced through Bible Doctrine.  The believer uses Bible Doctrine to discern the specific member of the Godhead with whom he is in fellowship.  For example, issues of Sovereign Design, such as numbers and the positions of the planets, are associated with the Father.  Issues involving the priesthood and the Church are related to Jesus Christ.  And revelation, enlightenment, leading, and guiding involve the Holy Spirit.

"Firmly rooted and established" is the tree analogy of Spiritual growth.  "Firmly rooted" refers to the 'separation from the world' phase of the Spiritual life.1   "Established" refers to the tree trunk supported by strong roots from the Spiritual Growth phase of Spiritual life.  "Reciprocal Love" is the believer's response to the Love of Christ.  Reciprocal Love is the Divine Love for Christ produced in the soul of the believer by the Holy Spirit.  The believer who has matured through Spiritual Growth is able to sustain his love relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 3:18 Box Analogy
may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth,
When the Ephesians have grown Spiritually, Paul's prayer is that they will be able to "comprehend."  "Comprehend" is the Greek katalambavnw (katalambano), meaning to grasp, find, understand.  This refers to Spiritual understanding about God's Design.

What they need to comprehend is "the breadth and length and height and depth."  This is a box analogy,  which refers to the Ark of the Covenant, a symbol of Christ our all and in all.  The Ark also symbolizes our Love relationship with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Ark corresponds to the Integrity Envelope and ECS.

Box Analogy
 1.  The box analogy is like a cup that is filled with all the Love of Christ.
 2.  The box analogy symbolizes the standard of "the fulness of Christ" in Spiritual Maturity and Spiritual Rapport (Eph 4:13).
 3.  The box analogy corresponds to the view of the heavens, where:
      a.  Breadth and length - rectangular surface measure on the Earth, i. e. N-S (breadth), E-W (length).
      b.  Height - the height of Heaven (Midheaven)
      c.  Depth - the depth of the Earth or Sea (Bottom of Heaven)
Ephesians 3:19 Love of Christ
and get to know the Love of Christ which goes beyond human knowledge, that you may be filled resulting in all the fulness from God.
After maturing Spiritually, Paul's prayer is that the Ephesians will get to know the Love of Christ.  "Get to know" is reciprocal Love, which responds to the "Love of Christ."  This Love is beyond academic knowledge.  It goes beyond left lobe knowledge (gnosis) because it is right lobe response.  This Love is on a higher plane than human love.  It is out of this world.  It is above and beyond experiences known to man (Rom 8:35, 39).

Getting to know the Love of Christ requires the ECS, the home for Christ in the soul.  The ECS has a foundation (like roots of separation from world) and superstructure (like a tree established through Spiritual Growth).  Getting to know the Love of Christ requires the filling of the Holy Spirit and Grace Orientation, which includes waiting on the Lord, after which the Holy Spirit will pour out the Love for Christ in the heart (Rom 5:5).

"That you may be filled resulting in all the fulness from God" – this refers to Spiritual Rapport (Eph 4:13).  Spiritual Rapport with God includes harmonious rapport with the Lord Jesus Christ.  This is also called the fullness of Christ's blessing (Ro 15:29).

John 13:34
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
Jesus commanded His disciples that they should love one another.  Just as He had loved them, they were to love others (Jn 15:12).  Jesus loved them with Divine Love, and they were supposed to love their fellow believers with Divine Love.  The Love for others depends upon the capacity of the subject, not the attractiveness of the object.  They must Love others with impersonal Love.
John 13:35
By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
Jesus explained that His disciples would be known because of their love for one another.  This Love is Divine impersonal Love.  Those who Love Jesus Christ will also love their fellow believers and all mankind.
1 John 3:23
This is His (the Father's) commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He (Christ) gave the commandment to us.
The Father commanded that we "believe in the name of His Son."  Believing in the name of the Son means believing in the person of the Son (Jn 6:29).  Salvation is by believing "in the name" of Jesus Christ  (John 1:12; 2:23; 3:18).  This means believing in Jesus Christ.

The Father also commanded that we "love one another."  Jesus Christ gave the same commandment (Jn 13:34; 15:12).  In addition to loving the Father and the Son, the believer must have impersonal Love for all mankind, which is the Royal Law (Jas 2:8).


Jesus used the analogy of the vine to teach his disciples about their relationship with Him (Jn 15:1).
John 15:4 Fruit Bearing
Abide in Me and I in you.  Just as the branch is not able to bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, so, neither can you unless you abide in the sphere of Me.
"Abide in Me."  This is an imperative of command.  It is a command to abide in fellowship with Christ.  "In Me" is the Greek en + ego in the locative of sphere, meaning "in the sphere of Me."  This metaphor for the branches abiding in the vine means the disciples should abide in fellowship with Christ.  Jesus spoke this to His disciples while He was still on Earth in Hypostatic Union.  Although He was speaking from His humanity, the disciples were being commanded to abide in fellowship with His Deity.

"And I in you" – this means that Christ will also abide in fellowship with the disciples.  "In you" is the Greek en + humeis in the locative of sphere, meaning "in the sphere of you."  Jesus Christ lives in the ECS of the believer (Eph 3:17).  If the disciples abide in fellowship with Christ, He will also abide in fellowship with them through the Holy Spirit.  However, this presents a problem, since the disciples do not have the Enduement of the Holy Spirit.  They could have had the Holy Spirit if they had asked, but they had not asked.

Fellowship with the Lord was taught in Israel by the Tabernacle.  In the Tabernacle, fellowship began with the Brazen Altar for unbelievers and the Laver, symbolizing Rebound, for believers.  The Ark of the Covenant symbolized Christ, our all and in all.  The ministry of the Levitical priests in the Holy Place symbolized fellowship with Christ.

However, Jesus introduced a new analogy, the vine and the branches.  Just as the branch cannot bear fruit unless it abides in the vine, neither could the disciples bear fruit unless they abided in fellowship with Christ.  Per the Tabernacle analogy, fruit bearing requires entering the Door of Grace Orientation and abiding in the Holy Place.  The believer who abides in fellowship with Jesus Christ, will produce fruit.  The fruit will be produced in Grace by the Holy Spirit.  The believer does not work to produce fruit.  It is a gift from the Grace of God.   Fruit is not earned or deserved through Christian service.

John 15:5 Fruit Production Only Through Christ
I am the vine; you are the branches.  The one who abides in Me and I in him, this one bears much fruit, for apart from Me you are not able to produce anything.
In the analogy, Jesus is the vine and His disciples are the branches.  "The one who abides in Me" – this means the one who abides in fellowship with Christ.  Fellowship is with the Deity of Christ in Hypostatic Union.  "And I in him" – this means that Christ is also in fellowship with the believer.  Those who remain in fellowship with Christ will bear "much fruit."   "Fruit" is Divine Good production.  "Apart from Me you are not able to produce anything" – this means Christ is necessary for Divine Good production in the believer.  Christ is God, and there is no way to receive God's Grace apart from Christ.  Christ must specify all of the Divine Good which the believer receives.
John 15:6 Sin Leading to Death
If anyone is not abiding in Me, he is thrown out as a branch and dries up; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.
Those who do not abide in fellowship with Christ are thrown out and dry up like dead branches.  "Thrown out" does not mean they lost their Salvation, but they chose to reject Christ and go into reversionism, and the Lord let them.  The problem is not lack of fruit bearing, but lack of fellowship with Christ.  Branches that are cut off, dry up because their supply of water is cut off.  This corresponds to the Sin Leading to Death.  Dead branches are thrown in the fire and burned.  Being burned symbolizes the burning of dead works at the Evaluation Throne of Christ for the Church Age Believer (1 Cor 3:12-15).
John 15:7 Prayer
If you abide in Me, and My communicated doctrine abides in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you.
Two criteria for answered prayer are given in this verse.  First, the believer must abide in fellowship with Christ.  The one who is not in fellowship with Christ will not have his prayers answered.  We pray in the name of Christ.  Rebound is necessary to insure fellowship with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Second, communicated doctrine must abide in the believer.  "Communicated doctrine" is the Greek rJh'ma (rhema), meaning communicated words or doctrine.  This is the doctrine that Christ has communicated to His disciples.  In the Church it is doctrine communicated by the pastor-teacher.  The person who is disobedient to communicated doctrine cannot expect to have his prayers answered.
John 15:8 Bearing Fruit
In this is My Father glorified that you bear much fruit and prove to be My disciples.
God the Father is glorified when the believer produces much fruit.  "Fruit" is a metaphor for Divine Good production.  Production of much Divine Good is proof of being a disciple of Christ.  "Disciple" is the Greek maqhthv" (mathetes), meaning disciple, pupil, indoctrinated one.  Disciples are serious students of Bible Doctrine.
John 15:9 Love of the Father and Christ
Just as the Father has loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My Love.
"Just as the Father has loved Me."  This refers to fellowship between the Father and the Son.  The Father loved the Son in Hypostatic Union.   The Father always loved the Son in His Deity.  However, this is the Father loving the Son in His humanity.  Jesus Christ had the same Spiritual life as the Church Age Believer.

"I also have loved you."  This is the Divine Love of Christ for His disciples, which is the same as the Father's Love for Christ.  "Abide in My Love."  This is a command for the believer to respond to the Love of Christ.  It requires Y-axis alignment and an Integrity Envelope (ECS) per the next verse.

John 15:10 Abiding in Love
If you keep My commandments, you will remain in the sphere of My Love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and remain in the sphere of His Love.
The believer who abides in the sphere of Christ's Love must keep His commandments.  Disobedience to Christ is rejection of Him, which knocks out love.  Jesus Christ set the example of abiding in the Father's Love by keeping the Father's commandments.  There is no way to maintain a love relationship with the Father and the Son without obeying Bible Doctrine.  Rejection of Bible Doctrine is sin, and God will not have fellowship with sin.

Jesus Christ in Hypostatic Union set the example of fellowship with the Father.   He kept the Father's commandments, which was X-axis alignment, and He remained in the Father's Love, which was Y-axis alignment of the Spiritual life.

John 15:11 Happiness Completed
These things I have spoken to (taught) you, in order that My Happiness may be in you, and that your Happiness might be complete (fulfilled).
Jesus Christ taught His disciples the doctrine of abiding in fellowship with Him in order for them to share His Happiness.  Being in fellowship with Christ means sharing His Divine Happiness.  God has never been unhappy, and Jesus Christ in Hypostatic Union shared the Happiness of God.  This Happiness was shared with the disciples who were in fellowship with Christ.  The Happiness which came from Christ and God the Father was available to the disciples.  The Happiness in their souls was possessed by them.  It was called "your Happiness."  Christ wanted the disciples be Happy to the fullest.  This is the meaning of "that your Happiness may be complete," or fulfilled.
John 15:12
This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.
Jesus Christ commanded His disciples to love one another just as He had loved them from His humanity in Hypostatic Union.  This is a command to have Divine impersonal love for others.  When the believer has Divine Love for God in his heart, he can also Love others.  Impersonal love is based upon the capacity of the subject, not the attractiveness of the object.  It is thus impersonal because it does not depend on the attractiveness of the object.
John 15:13-14
13  Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life on behalf of his friends.
14  You are My friends if you do what I command you.
The ultimate test of love is to lay down one's life for his friends.  The test of personal love, or friendship, with Jesus Christ is to do what He has commanded.  Friend is the Greek fivlo" (philos), which means friend and refers to a personal love relationship.  Of course, personal love has boundaries.  Personal love breaks down when a person goes out of bounds and sins.
John 15:15
No longer do I call you slaves, because the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, because all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.
Even though Jesus was the Master over His disciples, He called them friends because they were allowed to have personal fellowship with Him.  The slave master does not tell his slaves what he is doing, but Jesus told His disciples all that the Father had told Him in His humanity.  Jesus was both open and full of Love for his disciples.  They could enjoy a personal Love relationship with Him.  The relationship between Jesus and the disciples advanced from an authority (Z-axis) relationship to a personal Love (Y-axis) relationship.

Just as Jesus taught His disciples, the Church Age Believer knows that he abides in fellowship with Christ because he keeps His commandments.  This was previously explained (ref. 1 Jn 2:4-6; 3:24).

1 John 2:28 Fellowship at the Rapture
And now, my children, stay in fellowship with Him (Christ), that if He should appear, we may have confidence and not shrink in shame from Him at His coming.
The Church Age Believer should stay in fellowship with Christ.  "In fellowship with Him" is the Greek preposition en (in) + autos (Him) in the instrumental of association.  The believer should stay in fellowship with Christ in case the Rapture occurs.  This is the doctrine of the immanency of the Rapture.  It may occur at any time.  There is no prophecy left to be fulfilled before it occurs.

If the Rapture should occur, the believer in fellowship with Christ would have confidence and not shrink back in shame.  Having shame is the oxymoron for shame in a Resurrection Body in the person who has squandered his Christian life and can expect to have his dead works burned and not receive any rewards.  In contrast, the believer who has lived his life in fellowship with Christ will have confidence at the Rapture because he looks forward to receiving his rewards.

Reciprocal Love

Even though Jesus Christ is in Heaven in a Resurrection Body, He loves the Christian on Earth through the Holy Spirit.  The believer who is filled with the Holy Spirit can experience the love of Christ in his heart.  He can also respond to the love of Christ with reciprocal love.  Jesus explained this to his disciples while He was on Earth (ref. Jn 15:9-10).  The believer knows that he is abiding in reciprocal love for the Father and the Son if He keeps the commandments (ref. 1 Jn 2:5).
1 John 4:19 Divine Love in Us
We love, because He (God) first loved us.
"We love" refers to Divine Love in us, not human love.  The Love that we have is God's Love.  The work of Christ on the Cross made it possible for God to give His Love to Christians (1 Jn 4:10).  The believer who has God's Love is able to respond to God with that Love (reciprocal Love) and to Love other people.  The believer with God's Divine Love must have the capacity for love in order to operate within the bounds of the ECS (or Integrity Envelope).  Otherwise, he will be in a state of carnality where Divine Love is non-operational.

"Because He (God) first loved us" – God loved us first.  God loved us in Eternity past before we loved Him in Time.  This is Antecedent Grace.  In real time this is like walking into a room that is filled with the Love of God.  When we walk into the room, we receive God's Love, and we are then able to Love with the Divine Love that we have from God.  We can have reciprocal Love for God, and we can Love others.  When we enter the sphere of God's Love, we are able to respond to that Love and to Love others with Divine Love.

God's Love for us has opened the door for us to have fellowship with Him and His Son (John 3:16; Rom 5:8; 1 John 4:9).  His Love is always available to us.  The believer must receive this Love in Grace.

2 Corinthians 5:14 Reciprocal Love for Christ
For you see, the Love for Christ motivates us; having reached this conclusion:  that One died as a substitute for all; therefore, all died.
"Love for Christ" is our reciprocal Love for Jesus Christ.  "Motivates" is the Greek sunevcw (sunecho), from (sun, together) + (echo, hold), meaning to press together; stress; urge; motivate; to be occupied with, absorbed in.  The Love for Christ motivates the Christian to execute the Spiritual life.  Those who love Jesus Christ will respect Him and respond to Him with worship and praise.  They will submit to His authority, learn Bible Doctrine, and obey it.  They will endure testing and advance to Spiritual Maturity.  Those who do not love Jesus Christ will fall for cheap substitutes.

Jesus Christ died as a substitute for all mankind.  He paid for the sins of the entire world, not just believers.  The believer who appreciates what Christ did for him realizes that he died when Christ died (Rom 6:6; Gal 2:20; 5:24).  Because he loves Christ, he is motivated to leave his old life behind and live the new life in Christ Jesus (Rom 6:4; 8:2; 2 Cor 5:17; Eph 4:22-24; Phil 3:7, 8, 13; Col 3:9-10).

As the believer grows Spiritually, the Lord Jesus Christ will be established as a permanent resident in the ECS (ref Eph 3:17).  He will be revealed through the Holy Spirit, who is the agent of Christ.   The awareness of the Love of Christ in the heart of the Christian is a real-time experience that is beyond academic knowledge (ref. Eph 3:19).  The Holy Spirit pours out the Love for Christ in the heart (ref. Rom 5:5).  This is all Grace.  It is not something the believer can do for himself.

Paul offered a prayer of thanksgiving for the Thessalonians for their execution of the Spiritual life.

1 Thessalonians 1:3
unceasingly remembering your work of faith (X-axis) and labor of love (Y-axis) and endurance of hope (Z-axis) in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father,
Paul recognized the alignment of the Thessalonians along three axes:
  1. Faith (X-axis)
  2. Love (Y-axis)
  3. Hope (Z-axis)
1 Peter 1:8 Love for Christ
Although you have never seen Him, you Love Him; and though you are not visibly seeing Him now, yet believing, you exult with Happiness inexpressible and clothed with glory.
Although Peter had seen Jesus Christ, his congregation had not.  Neither have we.  Since the end of the Apostolic Period at the beginning of the Church Age, no one has seen Jesus Christ.  Those who claim to see or hear Him are liars.  Even though Peter's congregation had never seen Jesus, they loved Him with reciprocal Love (Y-axis alignment).  Even though they were not seeing Him visibly they continued believing in Him.  They knew Jesus Christ through faith, X-axis alignment.  They knew Him and enjoyed personal fellowship with Him.

Peter's congregation exulted with Divine Happiness inexpressible.  They shared Christ's Happiness.  And they were "clothed with glory."  This is a metaphor for Resurrection clothing, which they will receive at the Rapture.  They will have a uniform of glory with their rewards.  Their uniform of glory will reflect the glory of Jesus Christ in Resurrection Body.

So, even though we do not see or hear Jesus Christ, we can enjoy fellowship with Him.  Even though He is in Heaven, we can experience His Love and Love Him.  We can share His Happiness and reflect His glory.  He is at the right hand of the Father in a glorious Resurrection Body.  We can know Him and understand His will through faith, but He doesn't speak to us.  He doesn't have to speak because all that we need for this life is recorded in the Word of God.

Fellowship with Jesus Christ is being in His presence through the Holy Spirit, who reveals Him.  Jesus Christ is a silent but real witness.  He doesn't appear or speak, but He is always present (Heb 13:5).  That does not mean that He is a genie for our beckoning call.  We are to live by faith.  Doctrine solves our problems.  During times of testing, Christ is not going to intervene and remove the test because that would nullify the test and deprive us of our reward.  He gives us our assignments, and watches over us as we complete them.  By faith we know that He gave the assignment and that He is waiting for us to complete it.  When our work is finished on this Earth, He will take us home to be with Him forever.

Our life on Earth is an opportunity to live for Christ and demonstrate the sufficiency of His Grace through faith in every trial and exigency of life.  Our Love for Christ is demonstrated by handling the difficulties of this life according to the Word of God.  Our testing is an opportunity to demonstrate the Righteousness of God.  The Lord Jesus Christ, who suffered for us, goes with us and supports us, but for now He must stand apart from us.  By so doing, He affords us the opportunity to follow His example and demonstrate the sufficiency of the Father's Design for us.  Our life apart from the person of Jesus Christ with only fellowship through the Holy Spirit, is necessary for now to fulfill the Father's Design to call out and test the Royal Family.  Those who demonstrate their Love for Christ through the hardships of this life will receive Eternal rewards and an inheritance reserved in Heaven that never fades away (1 Pet 1:4).

Christ, Our LightTabernacle Plan

The Golden Lampstand in the Tabernacle symbolized Christ, our Light.  The Golden Lampstand with its seven lamps was the only source of light in the Holy Place.  Jesus Christ as the Light was the glory of God.  He was the Light of the World and the Light of Eternal Life (Jn 8:12; 1:4).   The light from the olive oil lamps of the Golden Lampstand symbolized the production of the Holy Spirit.  The Lord Jesus Christ embodies the Light of God, who dwells in unapproachable Light (1 Tim 6:16; Heb 1:3; Jas 1:17).

The Lord Jesus Christ is the Light of Eternal Life (Jn 1:4) and the Light for the path of the believer (Psa 119:105).  He is the source for the revelation of God (Jn 1:18; 14:9).  He is the true Light, who enlightens every man (Jn 1:9).  He is the Light of God in contrast to Satan, who is clothed in darkness.  Believers are the sons of Light (Lk 16:8; Jn 12:36; Eph 5:8; 1 Thess 5:5).  Light symbolizes God, and darkness symbolizes Satan.  Since God is Light (1 Jn 1:5), fellowship with God is only possible in the Light (1 Jn 1:6-7)).

The Great Light of the First Advent

Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea, but He grew up in Nazareth (Lk 4:16).  Nazareth was west of the Sea of Galilee in the region of Zebulun, which was between the Mediterranean and the Sea of Galilee.

Genesis 49:13 Zebulun
Zebulun shall dwell toward the seashore;
And himself toward the coast of ships,
His side toward Sidon.
Zebulun was on the road to the Mediterranean Sea.  However, Zebulun's blessing did not come from geographical location, but from the Grace of God.  Thus, Zebulun was associated with the sea and the Sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, which symbolizes the Good News of the Gospel.

Jesus began his Earthly ministry when John was imprisoned (Matt 4:12).  He taught in the synagogues of Galilee (Lk 4:14-15).  He came to Nazareth on the Sabbath and read a passage from Isaiah that prophesied His coming as the Messiah (Lk 4:16-21).  The people were amazed at the message of Grace that had been delivered to them; however, they remembered Jesus as Joseph's Son and questioned His authority (Lk 4:22).  As was the custom, Jesus had stood to read the scripture and then sat down to discuss it.  Jesus realized that the people wanted a King and a Healer but not a Savior.  He pointed out that a prophet is not welcome in his hometown (Lk 4:23, 24).  Then He gave two examples of how the Lord sent prophets to Gentiles and not the Jews (Lk 4:25-27).  This aroused the racial hatred of the Jews for the Gentiles, and they drove Jesus out of town to a cliff in order to thrown Him down (Lk 4:28, 29).  But Jesus walked into the crowd and eluded them (Lk 4:30).

Jesus then moved to Capernaum on the northern end of the Sea of Galilee (Matt 4:13; Lk 4:31).  Capernaum is in the region of Naphtali, which is symbolized by a doe, corresponding to peace, and the sign of Virgo, the Virgin.  Jesus' move to Capernaum in Galilee fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah (Isa 9:1, 2; Matt 4:14).

Matthew 4:15-16
15  "The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali,
By the highway by the sea (of Galilee), beyond (East of) the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles –
16  The people who were sitting in darkness saw a great Light,
And those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death,
Upon them the Light dawned."
Galilee was the region of northern Palestine surrounded on three sides by Gentiles.  During the time of the Maccabees, the Jews of the region withdrew south.  Later, Jews moved back, but there was strong prejudice against the Gentiles in the region.  "The highway by the sea" ran along the western shore of the Sea of Galilee.  The land "beyond the Jordan" refers to the eastern side of the Jordan River.

"The people who were sitting in darkness saw a great Light."  The people were living in the darkness of the Cosmic System when they "saw a great Light."  The Light was Jesus Christ, the Light of the world, who promised Eternal Life to all who would believe in Him.  As the Light, Jesus was the embodiment of the Gospel.

Those in Galilee were living in the shadow of death.  They were spiritually dead and headed for the Sin Leading to Death.  "Upon them the Light dawned."  The Light refers to Jesus Christ, and the dawn refers to the First Advent.  The ministry of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was centered in Galilee in the First Advent.  Jesus Christ was the Light of Eternal Life to those who would believe in Him.

Matthew 4:17
From that time Jesus began to preach and say, "Change your mind (about Me), for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand."
The message of Jesus was the same as John the Baptist.  First, it was necessary to change the mind about Jesus Christ.  The Greek metanoevw (metanoeo) means to change the mind, not to repent.  Unbelievers need to change their mind about Jesus Christ.  They need to believe in Him for Salvation.

Second, the message of Jesus was "the Kingdom of heaven is at hand."  The Messianic Kingdom (Millennium) was near at hand for the Jewish Age.  The Jewish Age would end shortly when the Church Age began at Pentecost.  Then there would be seven years of the Jewish Age which would be completed before the arrival of the Kingdom.  Of course, they did not know at the time that the Church Age would be intercalated in human history, and the Jewish Age would be put on hold for over 2,000 years before it would be resumed following the Rapture.

Light of Israel in the Millennium

When the Lord Jesus Christ returns at the Second Advent, He will bring Light to Client Nation Israel.

Isaiah 60:1 Light in Client Nation Israel
Arise, shine; for your Light has come,
And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
The beginning of the Millennial Kingdom will be like the rising of a planet or the dawn of a new day.  Client Nation Israel will be the Light of the World because the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ has risen upon Israel.
Isaiah 60:2 Second Advent
For behold, darkness will cover the Earth
And thick darkness the peoples;
But the Lord will rise upon you,
And His glory will appear upon you.
The Tribulation will be a time of darkness on the Earth, and the Great Tribulation will be thick darkness upon the people.  But the Lord will return at the Second Advent.  He will rise upon Israel, and His glory will appear to Client Nation Israel.
Isaiah 60:3
Nations will come to your light,
And kings to the brightness of your rising.
During the Millennium, nations will come to the light of Client Nation Israel where the Lord Jesus Christ will rule and reign in great glory from the Throne of David.  Kings will come to serve Israel as it rises to glory.

The Light of the Eternal State

The Light of God will illuminate the New Earth of the Eternal State.2

Revelation 21:23 Light of God and the Lamb
And the city (the Heavenly Jerusalem) has no need of the Sun nor of the Moon to shine upon it; for you see, the glory of God illuminated it, and its lamp is the Lamb.
The Heavenly Jerusalem of the Eternal State will be illuminated by the glory of God for its primary lighting.  And the Lord Jesus Christ (the Lamb) will be the lamp to provide the secondary lighting.  There will be no need for the Sun or the Moon because there will not be any night (Rev 21:25; 22:5).
Isaiah 60:19
No longer will you have the Sun for light by day,
Nor for brightness will the Moon give you light;
But you will have the LORD for an everlasting light,
And your God for your glory.
20 "Your Sun will no longer set,
Nor will your Moon wane;
For you will have the LORD for an everlasting light,
And the days of your mourning will be ended.
In the Eternal State the Lord Jesus Christ will be the everlasting Light, and the Glory of God will illuminate the New Earth.  There will no longer be any mourning.

Fellowship with Christ, the Light

Fellowship with Jesus Christ as the Light begins at Salvation.  The one who receives Eternal Life also receives Light.

John 1:4
In Him (Christ) was Eternal Life, and the Eternal Life was the Light of men.
The one who possesses Eternal Life is a son of Light (Jn 12:36), and the one who is in fellowship with God is abiding in the Light (1 Jn 1:7).  At Salvation the believer leaves the kingdom of darkness and enters the Light of God (Acts 26:18; 1 Pet 2:9).  Just as olive oil was the fuel for the lamps of the Golden Lampstand, the filling of the Holy Spirit is required to stay in the Light after Salvation.  The believer who walks in the Light, lets his Light shine and becomes the Light of the world (Matt 5:14-16).

Just as the Levitical priests ministered by the light of the Golden Lampstand in the Holy Place, the believer must walk in the Light (Jn 12:35; Eph 5:8).  Fellowship with Jesus Christ, the Light of the world, is abiding in the Light.  The one who is in fellowship with Christ is in the Light because in Him there is no darkness just as there is none in the Father (1 Jn 1:5).

John 1:9 The True Light
There was the true Light, which coming into the world, enlightens every person.
Jesus Christ is the true Light, who enlightens every believer.  Jesus Christ enlightens through His Word, which is revealed by the Holy Spirit.  The Word corresponds to the olive oil fuel of the lamps of the Golden Lampstand.  When the oil is burned, it gives out light.  When the Word is metabolized by the Holy Spirit in the soul of the believer, it provides enlightenment.  The metaphor for enlightenment is "seeing the light."  In addition to enlightenment, the Holy Spirit provides revelation of Jesus Christ to the believer.  Enlightenment and revelation are Spiritual functions for recognizing the Light, which is also Spiritual.
John 12:35 Light vs. Darkness
Therefore, Jesus said to them (the crowd), "For a little while longer the Light is with you.  Walk while you have the Light in order that the darkness may not overtake you.  The one who walks in darkness does not know where he is going."
Shortly before He went to the Cross, Jesus tried to explain to a crowd what was about to happen.  "For a little while longer the Light is with you."  Jesus, who called Himself "the Light," was saying that He would be with them for only a little while longer.  Then He told them to "walk while you have the Light."  This means they should spend their time executing the Spiritual life while He was among them.  This would include availing themselves of Christ's teaching before He departed.

The reason for walking in Light was "in order that the darkness may not overtake you."  This refers to a Satanic counterattack in which Satan is trying to destroy the flock.  In contrast to walking in the Light of the Word is walking in darkness.  The one who walks in darkness is is the reversionist, who has rejected the teaching of Christ.  The reversionist is not advancing in the Spiritual life.  He does not know where he is going.  Following Christ, the Light, provides direction in the Spiritual life, but rejection of Christ leaves a person in the dark.

John 12:46
I have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness.
Jesus came into the world as Light to evangelize the world.  Everyone who believes in Jesus Christ will be saved and will not remain in the darkness of the Cosmic System.
John 12:47
If anyone hears My communicated Words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come in order to judge the world, but in order that I might save the world.
Those who hear the communicated Words (doctrine) of Jesus and do not obey them would not be judged at that time.  "Communicated Words" is the Greek rJh'ma (rhema), meaning communicated words or doctrine.  This is the doctrine that Jesus has taught, including the Gospel.  It was not the purpose of Jesus to judge the world in the First Advent but to provide Salvation.
John 12:48
The one who rejects Me and does not receive My communicated Words, has one who judges him; the Word which I spoke, that will judge him on the last day.
The one who rejects Jesus Christ and His communicated doctrine is the unbeliever.  Unbelievers will be judged on the last day at the Great White Throne.  They will not be judged for their sins, but for rejecting Jesus Christ as Savior.  They will also be judged for their works.  This amounts to being judged by the Word (Rev 20:11, 12).  Their works will not amount to Righteousness as defined by the Word of God.

The Mirror in the Soul

As previously explained (ref. 2 Cor 3:18), Bible Doctrine in the soul is analogous to a mirror that reflects the Glory of the Lord.

2 Corinthians 3:18 Divine Glory in Us
But we all with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the Glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory (of the Lord) (G1) to glory (in the CAB) (G2), just as from the source of the Lord, the Spirit.
Just as a mirror only works in the light, the mirror in the soul only works in the Spiritual Light.  The mirror in the soul allows the believer to behold the Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.   The mirror analogy is the model of fellowship with Jesus Christ.  The believer is able to recognize the presence of Jesus Christ with His Light and Glory.  This is possible by the revelation of the Holy Spirit.  The believer perceives the revelation by application of doctrine from his ECS.  The revelation is Spiritual.  No light is visible.  Angels and demons can make themselves visible to the soul, but the Lord Jesus Christ will not make Himself visible until the Rapture.

The believer who abides in fellowship with Christ, the Light, will himself be enlightened.  He will be transformed Spiritually into the image (standard) of Jesus Christ.  The image of Christ in the mirror symbolizes the standard to which the Christian is to be conformed.   The transformation will not take place instantaneously, but will occur through the process of Spiritual growth.  Nevertheless, this verse teaches that the believer who is in fellowship with Christ, the Light, will also reflect the glory of Christ.

Walking in the Light

Job 29:3; Psa 18:28; 27:1; 36:9; Isa 2:5; 60:1-2, 19-20; Mic 7:8

Job longed for the days when God was blessing him.

Job 29:2-3
2  Oh that I were as in months gone by,
As in the days when God watched over me;
3  When His lamp shone upon my head,
By His Light I walked through darkness;
God the Father previously watched over Job.  "His lamp" corresponds to the Lord as the Golden Lampstand in the Tabernacle.  "His lamp" shone upon Job's head  to light his life and his path.  This was the Divine Light of Life and guiding Light.  By the Light of God, Job was able to walk through the darkness of the Comic System.  He could see with Divine viewpoint to navigate the Spiritual life.

Walking in the Light is symbolized by the Levitical priests operating in the Holy Place.  Entering the Holy Place required:

  1. Salvation (Brazen Altar)
  2. Sanctification, Rebound (Laver)
  3. Grace Orientation (Door)
Operating inside the Holy Place included:
  1. X-axis – Bible Doctrine (Table of Shewbread)
  2. Y-axis – Light (Golden Lampstand)
  3. Z-axis – Prayer, Spirituality (Altar of Incense)
Thus, walking in the Light is a metaphor for the believer executing the Spiritual life in the Light of God and the Lord Jesus Christ (Isa 2:5).  Walking in the Light requires Divine viewpoint.  Divine viewpoint is seeing what God sees.  It is seeing the Spiritual, not the Temporal (2 Cor 4:18).  It includes recognizing God's Grace provision, knowing His will, and understanding the meaning of the events on the Stage of Life.  Walking in the Light is living the New Spiritual life and maintaining fellowship with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  It requires enlightenment, revelation, leading, and guiding by the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:16, 25).
Psalm 36:9
For with You (God) is the fountain of Life;
In Your Light we see Light.
God is the source of the fountain of Eternal Life.  In His Light we are able to see Light.  This means first that God is the source of all Light.  All of Creation reveals the Light of God.  The darkness of Satan opposes the Light of God.  Divine Light in the believer enables him to see Divine Light in Creation.  With the Divine perspective he is able to perceive the work of God in the world around him.  He can recognize God's production on the Stage of Life.

The believer with Divine Light can navigate by means of Light.  He has strategic and tactical objectives.  Strategic objectives include advancing to Spiritual Maturity and Spiritual Rapport.  Tactical objectives include the daily decisions of where to go and what to do.

Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a Light to my path.
Bible Doctrine is like a lamp to the feet for tactical advance and a Light to the path for strategic advance.

Divine Design in life includes Light and revelation from God.  Numbers and colors are deterministic.  They can be decoded from their Biblical definitions to reveal Divine viewpoint.  The Stage of Life portrays daily production from God.  It has a Spiritual meaning.  God reveals Himself to the believer through the events of life.  And the Holy Spirit fills the soul of the Christian to provide personal enlightenment and guidance.  He provides awareness of Light and darkness in the soul.

Psalm 18:28
For You (LORD) light my lamp;
The LORD my God illumines my darkness.
The Lord lights the lamp of the believer.  This is a metaphor for providing Divine Light to the believer so that he can see by Divine viewpoint.  This Divine Light illuminates darkness in life.  This refers to enlightenment of the believer so he can recognize the Spiritual issues by Divine viewpoint.
Psalm 27:1
The LORD is my Light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the defense of my life;
Of whom shall I be afraid?
The Lord is the source of Light for the believer.  The Lord will provide all the enlightenment that is needed.  The Lord provides Salvation, which includes not only Eternal Life but deliverance from enemies.  Therefore, the Lord defends the believer from all enemies.  There is no need to be afraid.  Fear is a sin.

Thus, Divine Light from the Lord Jesus Christ enables a believer to have Divine viewpoint.  Since he has Salvation, the Lord is his deliverer.  Therefore, he does not need to be afraid.  Fear is a sin which knocks out the Spiritual life.  The strength to avoid fear comes from thinking, Divine enlightenment.

Micah 7:8
Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy.
Though I fall I will rise again;
Though I dwell in the darkness, the LORD is a Light for me.
Even if the enemy succeeds against the believer, that victory will not last.  The believer who falls will rise again.  As long as he is still alive, God has a purpose for his life.  He can Rebound and keep moving.  Although he falls, he will rise again.  Even in death, he will be resurrected.  When he dwells in the darkness of the world, the Lord will provide Divine Light to enable him to execute the Divine Design for his life.



1.  Larry Wood.  Trees of Life and Evil in the Soul, Oct. 1, 2012.
2.  Larry Wood.  Prophecy of Peace on Earth, "Eternal State," Feb. 5, 2008.
3.  Larry Wood.  Scar Tissue of the Soul, Sept. 25, 2013.

Author:  Larry Wood,   Released - September 12, 2013 - Revised Oct. 27, 2013

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