Scar Tissue in Reversionism


Reversionism is living in a state of carnality under the power of the Old Sin Nature and the Cosmic System.  For the unbeliever, reversionism is rejecting the gospel.  For the Christian, reversionism is failing to Rebound.  The Christian who fails to Rebound is quenching and grieving the Holy Spirit.  Moses used the Head and Tail Model to explain the two types of believers.  The believer who obeyed Bible Doctrine was called a head, while the carnal believer who refused to Rebound was called a tail.  In the Church Age, the Filling of the Holy Spirit controls the soul of the believer who is a head; while the Old Sin Nature controls the soul of the carnal believer, who is a tail.  When there is no Bible Doctrine in the thinking on the cerebral cortex, a vacuum will be opened up in the soul which will suck the soul into the Cosmic System.

Soul VacuumControl LimitsAs the vacuum in the soul opens up, the emotions will quickly revolt to fill the void.  As the emotional swings become wider, the soul will break outside the control limits.  In other words, it's OK to have emotion as long as it doesn't get out of control.  When a person agrees with lust and sins, then control is lost; and the soul will wind out of control.  The soul that is out of control has the characteristics of the tail with trends toward lawlessness (green line) and legalism (blue line).  The soul in legalism or lawlessness is grieving or quenching the Holy Spirit so long as the person refuses to Rebound.

Roads of LifeEmotional SwingsRejection of the grace solution puts the reversionist on a road that leads to the grave.  Along the way the reversionist will be disciplined more severely in Warning Discipline, Intensified Discipline, and the Sin that leads to death.  The stages of reversionism will be accompanied by hardness of the heart (scar tissue of the soul).  God hardens the heart as divine discipline.  Fornication, for example, will result in scar tissue of the soul and Intensified Discipline.  Homosexuality has another type of scar tissue in Intensified Discipline.  Psychosis is another type of scar tissue.

Quenching the Holy Spirit

The reversionist by neglecting Rebound lives in a perpetual state of grieving and quenching the Holy Spirit.  Grieving and quenching the Holy Spirit are not sins but states of sin that result from loss of the Filling of the Holy Spirit.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-19
16 Rejoice always; 17 pray continually; 18 in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 19 Stop quenching the Spirit;
These verses describe the believer-priest and ambassador for Christ.  As a priest, the believer represents himself before God and intercedes for others.  The priest must be aware of the events on the Stage of Life in order to execute the Spiritual Life.  When facing the trials and tribulations of the Spiritual Life, God's Happiness (+H) is always available to use as a Problem Solving Device.  It sustained Jesus Christ on the cross, and it will sustain the Christian in this life.  The function of the priesthood includes prayer.  The believer-priest should pray continually, which means often, as needed - not continuously.  The attitude toward the issues of life, both good and bad, should be thanksgiving.  The execution of the Plan of God depends upon God - not us.  Regarding the Spiritual Life of the priest, the command is:  "Stop quenching the Holy Spirit."  The word for quenching is the Greek sbevnnumi (sbennumi), which means to suppress or quench.  It is a present, active, imperative, which means stop doing it.  The Thessalonians were one of the better congregations.  Yet, they were commanded to stop quenching (suppressing) the Holy Spirit, which implies that they were guilty of doing it.

Quenching the Holy Spirit is related to the context.  It means suppressing the Holy Spirit in relation to the function of the priesthood.  Execution of the Spiritual Life demands application related to the stage of life, which requires prayer and thanksgiving.  The person who fails to Rebound cannot possibly fulfill these commands, and the result will be perpetual carnality and suppressing the Holy Spirit.  The Spiritual Life will be dead.  The Old Sin Nature will have dominance.  The command to stop quenching the Holy Spirit is given against the backdrop of the function of the priesthood of the ambassador for Christ.

The Spirit of Human Life

Abiding in the Holy Spirit
Space-Time Coordinate SystemThe royal ambassadorship and the priesthood of the believer are Spiritual service in relation to others.  Although prayer is private, thanksgiving and intercessory prayer are related to the Stage of Life.  Ambassadorship and the priesthood require discernment and analysis of the issues on the Stage of Life and application of pertinent doctrine.  These functions are directly or indirectly related to the public.  As such, they are related to the positive Y-Axis, the Love axis, of the Space-Time Coordinate System (ref. New Covenant Coordinate System).  When the function of the priesthood fails and there is no thanksgiving, the result is quenching (or suppressing) the Holy Spirit.

Quenching the Holy Spirit is represented by the Quenching Gate, which is a logical AND gate.  The Quenching Gate will block the power of the Holy Spirit from controlling the soul if the function of the priesthood fails.  For example, if there is no thanksgiving related to the Stage of Life, the Quenching Gate will block the Filling of the Holy Spirit.  Of course, there has already been a sin before the Filling of the Holy Spirit is lost.  There will also be further consequences.  When the Filling of the Holy Spirit is lost, the Old Sin Nature will pop up immediately and control the soul.  Since the soul controls the body, the cells of the body will also be controlled by the Old Sin Nature.  Thus, the soul and body will enslaved to the Cosmic System.

Soul Life energy is supplied to the soul from the Control Room in Heaven.  One of the Seven Spirits from the Lord in Heaven supplies soul life, which is human life.  Another one of the Seven Spirits supplies Spiritual Life to the believer.  The Spirits from the Lord in the Heavenly Control Room are modulated from the seven horns, which means that divine justice also comes down the Spiritual and soul life line connections to Heaven.  Divine justice superimposed on the Seven Spirits means that blessing and cursing come from the Lord.  The divine justice is also called Spiritual light.  This is how colors come to be associated with production.  Red is associated with the blood of Christ and human suffering.  Blue is associated with the Righteousness of God or self-righteousness of man.  Purple is associated with the Royal Messiah and the judgment of man for arrogant ambition (jealousy).

The Spirit of Human Life and the Spirit of Eternal Life come in the top of the head and exit the feet.  The Spirit of Human Life gives life to the soul and to every cell of the body.  The Spirit travels in straight lines from head to foot.  The Holy Spirit through the justice function divides the Spirit of Human Life into three major paths which enter the top of the head along the Y-axis.  These three connections are shown in the illustration.  The main connection is along the Z-axis through the top of the head, brain stem, and spinal column.  The front connection is through the frontal lobes and down through the front part of the body and legs.  The back connection is through the occipital lobe, cerebellum, and back side of the body and legs.

When a person is Filled with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Eternal Life controls the soul and body, and the Old Sin Nature is held in check.  Under the Filling of the Holy Spirit, Spiritual light flows freely through the soul and body.  However, the Spiritual light also supplies justice.  Thus, the free flow of light may yield a powerful dose of divine discipline instead of blessing.  When the free flow of Spiritual light through the body is restricted, a blemish, weakness, or sore spot may develop.  The affected area may also lose its rosy glow and appear dark.  Acupuncture may be used to reduce the pain in a weak area of the body by intersecting the line of Spiritual light going to that location.  Acupuncture may be treating the symptom, however, and ignoring the problem.

The only solution is the divine solution; the human solution is no solution.
The Quenching Gate allows the Spirit of Eternal Life (which is the Holy Spirit) to flow freely to control the soul and front part of the body.  The Quenching Gate will also block the Holy Spirit when the function of the priesthood of the believer fails.  The frontal lobes are required to think and apply Bible Doctrine.  When the frontal lobes cease to perform their spiritual function, the Holy Spirit is quenched in the life of the believer.  When the Quenching Gate blocks the function of the Spiritual Life, the recovery procedure of Rebound must be employed.  However, to keep the gate functioning, the Spiritual Life must be executed, which includes the function of the priesthood and ambassadorship.

Grieving the Holy Spirit

The Ephesians, who were Paul's most advanced congregation, received a command to stop grieving the Holy Spirit.
Furthermore, stop grieving the Holy Spirit, the God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. (Ephesians 4:30)
The word, grieving, is the Greek lupevw (lupeo), which means to vex, insult, squelch.  This is an anthropopathism to explain what being out of fellowship does to the Holy Spirit, Who is described as being vexed or grieved.  The Holy Spirit is not vexed or grieved, nor is He ever unhappy, but this is an explanation in human terms.  When the Filling of the Holy Spirit is lost, the believer is spiritually dead, and the Holy Spirit is grieved, or vexed, because the Spirit of grace has been insulted (in human terms).  In Ephesians 4:30 the Holy Spirit is called "the God" by a genitive of apposition in the Greek.  This adds gravity to the command, which again, is present active imperative and implies that the Ephesians are doing this and should stop.

The rest of the verse emphasizes the sealing ministry of the Holy Spirit.  Royal seals were used to seal documents.  An impression was made by a signet ring in hot wax.  Today we use bar codes.  The Holy Spirit is the seal, or bar code, that identifies the Christian.  When the Rapture comes (called "the day of redemption"), the Christian will get his resurrection body based upon the seal, or bar code of the Holy Spirit.  Only those with resurrection bodies will rise to meet the Lord in the air.  All those without the seal of the Holy Spirit will be left behind.  The last phrase, "sealed for the day of redemption," also indicates that the grieving of the Holy Spirit relates to the body as well as the soul.

The context of this verse is marriage.  Bitterness is the worst problem in marriage.  Bitterness is a sin, which will destroy the Filling of the Holy Spirit.  It is also a sign of rejection of the true love relationship with Right Man or Right Woman.  There are many forms of bitterness.

All bitterness, both anger and wrath, both clamor and slander, it must be removed from you along with all kakia (malice, malignity, and vice) (Ephesians 4:31).
Bitterness can escalate into anger and wrath, then into arguments, slander and gossip.  Bitterness can also be evil, which is called in the Greek kakiva(kakia), malice, malignity, and vice.
Ephesians 5:1-3
1 Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children; 2 and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you, and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma. 3 But do not let fornication or any impurity or greed even be named among you, as is proper among saints;
The passage continues with the command to walk in love, which is explained in terms of Christ's impersonal love for all mankind on the cross - i.e. the negative Y-axis.  Verse 3 contains the command to avoid fornication, which represents the violation of marriage.  The rest of chapter 5 is also about marriage.

Bitterness in Ephesians 4:31 is associated with rejection, or turning the back on someone - namely, the Right Man or Right Woman.  This is related to the negative Y-axis, as is walking in impersonal love in Ephesians 5:2.  Thus, the Grieving Gate is on the negative Y-axis.  Impersonal love requires resisting the temptation to be bitter.  Bitterness is a type of legalism.  Bitterness knocks out love.

The negative Y-axis is the back side as opposed to the front.  The front represents the public side; hence, the face to greet the world.  The back side represents the private, or intimate, side.  The back side represents the exclusive intimate relationship of love between Right Man and Right Woman.  It does not represent personal love, for that is the positive Y-axis.  Nor does it represent sex.  The genitals are under the control of the frontal lobes, which express personal love.  The Grieving Gate controls the back side of the body just as the Quenching Gate controls the front side.  The Grieving Gate is designed to expose any breakdown of love between Right Man and Right Woman.  When there is a love problem in the Right Man - Right Woman relationship, the Grieving Gate will block the control of the Holy Spirit over the soul and body.

You husbands likewise, live with your wives according to knowledge (Bible Doctrine), as with a weaker vessel, since she is a woman; and grant her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered. (1 Peter 3:7)
When there is a problem with the love life of Right Man - Right Woman, prayers will be hindered.  The prayer life will fail because prayers require the Filling of the Holy Spirit, which will be non-existent when the Holy Spirit is being grieved.  Prayers do not use the front or back connections to the Control Room in Heaven.  They go up the middle connection.  However, either the front or back gates can shut down the Filling of the Holy Spirit and nullify the prayer life.

Two Options

Scar TissueFilling of the Holy Spirit

There are only two options available:  (1) the Filling of the Holy Spirit or (2) loss of the Filling of the Holy Spirit.  The person who is Filled with the Holy Spirit is not quenching or grieving the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit has complete control over body, soul, and human spirit.  The person without the Filling of the Holy Spirit is in the darkness of the Cosmic System under the power of Satan and demons as well as the scar tissue of the soul.  Now, the person on the right and the person on the left are the same person.  The picture on the right merely illustrates how the person appears under the Filling of the Holy Spirit, while the picture on the right shows the effect of loss of the Filling of the Holy Spirit.  The recovery procedure for loss of the Filling of the Holy Spirit is Rebound (1 John 1:9).

It is very important to grasp this concept.  A person is either spiritual or not spiritual (i.e. carnal).  Either the Holy Spirit controls the life or the Old Sin Nature controls the life, but not both at the same time.  Either God is in control or Satan is in control of a person.  The human is inferior to both and must choose which one to obey.  The one who does not obey God has by default chosen Satan as his ruler and power source.

Bad Values

Bad Values
Scar tissue of the soul does not just affect the thinking of the cerebral cortex.  The hardened heart affects all the compartments of the Right Lobe, which includes the values.  When the Filling of the Holy Spirit is lost and the Spiritual Light from God is blocked by scar tissue in the thinking, corresponding bad values agree with the thoughts.  The lust pattern kicks in to amplify the desire, and the absence of truth on the cerebral cortex sucks the soul into the Cosmic System.  The right side is attracted to lawlessness and lasciviousness, which is illustrated in green, while the left side is attracted to legalism, which is shown in blue.  Legalism and lawlessness are outside the control limits of the soul.  The control limits can also be broken from the front and back where the front represents lawlessness and the back represents legalism.

Bad values lie in wait to take over the soul as soon as the Filling of the Holy Spirit is lost.  The edification of the soul is described as a building (Greek oijkodomhv, (oikodome)) (Ephesians 4:11-12). The building with its floors and rooms from Spiritual Growth will be referred to as the Edification Complex of the Soul (ECS).  The ECS is like a dam, and bad values are alternate paths around the dam.  Bad values create a war in the soul with the ECS as Paul described:

Romans 7:22-23, NAS
22 For I joyfully concur with the law of God in the inner man, 23 but I see a different law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind, and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members.
The person with bad values desires to do evil.  Bad values will be waiting to provide temptation until good values replace them in the Edification Complex of the Soul.  The healing process that is required is removal of scar tissue of the soul with its bad values.  Only God can switch in good values to replace bad values.  The switch is tantamount to a promotion, or receiving more grace.  Not even metabolization of Bible Doctrine will switch out the bad values.  Receiving scar tissue of the soul is like being convicted and sentenced.  The scar tissue of the soul will only be removed when the sentence is fulfilled.  When David committed adultery with Bathsheba and murdered her husband, he was given a sentence that included intensified discipline with scar tissue of the soul.  He had to ride out his sentence.  Living with scar tissue is suffering with a problem.  The problem includes bad values, which desire to do evil as soon as the Filling of the Holy Spirit is lost.  When the person with scar tissue runs to do evil, he will be severely disciplined by God.

Metabolization of Bible Doctrine will be hindered by scar tissue of the soul.  Scar tissue of the soul will make Spiritual Growth more difficult.  However, metabolization of Bible Doctrine must not be neglected because it is necessary to sustain the Spiritual Life even when scar tissue of the soul poses an additional problem.

Control Limits

Control Limits
The soul under the control of the Filling of the Holy Spirit has Spiritual Light from the Heavenly Control Room.  This is the Spirit of Eternal Life in contrast to the Spirit of Human Life which gives life to the soul at birth.  The Spiritual Light in the illustration is over and beyond the light production of the Spirit of Human Life, which is for believer and unbeliever.  Everyone who is alive has the Spirit of Human life in the soul and body, but that light can be darkened through judgment.  The Lord Jesus Christ referred to the light in people as being darkness:
“But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! (Matthew 6:23, NAS)
"The light that is in you" refers to the Spirit of Human Life.  But this light is darkened (called "darkness") due to God's judgment upon a person who is in the Cosmic System and, therefore, spiritually dead.  When the eye does not see the Stage of Life, the Holy Spirit will be Quenched and the person will reside in spiritual darkness.

The Spiritual Light goes into the human spirit and soul and proceeds through the body.  The Light in the soul covers the body, and thus the body also is full of light.

“The lamp of the body is the eye; if therefore your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. (Matthew 6:22, NAS)
The boundaries of the Spiritual Light are shown in the illustration as redlines. The color, red, is the lower boundary of visible light, and red represents sin.  But the question might arise, is the Spiritual Light limited to certain areas of the body?  The answer is no, but there are limits of the believer's capacity.  A person who goes beyond his capacity will sin.  And God cannot give us more power than we can handle; so there are limits.  There are limits due to human weakness, and God will not give us what we cannot handle.  So, the Spirit of God lights the playing field, and darkens the area that is out-of-bounds.  The playing field (in bounds) is marked on the illustration as surrounded by a redline boundary.   The extent of the redline boundary is determined by the Capacity for Life and Love of the ECS.  When a person tries to operate outside his or her capacity, Spiritual control will be lost and the person will fall into lawlessness (green) or legalism (blue).  The green and blue are like the colors of exit signs along the road of life.  From the vantage point of the light, the exit signs are seen in green and blue.  However, when they are taken, the result will be sin and darkness.  This is like eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden.  For example, when a person cannot resist a lascivious attraction, the Filling of the Holy Spirit will be lost and the person will enter into sin in the area of lawless/lasciviousness.  If the person does not Rebound, he or she will be in the state of carnality of Quenching the Holy Spirit.  In the state of carnality of Quenching the Holy Spirit, the person is outside the control limits of the Spiritual Life, which is like being out of bounds.
Control limits are the bounds of the playing field of the Spiritual Life.
The illustration is two dimensional with legalism on the left and lawlessness on the right.  However, there are control limits on every axis, X, Y, Z, and Time.  Therefore, the right side of the illustration represents the positive X, Y, Z, and Time axes; while the left side represents the corresponding negative X, Y, Z, and Time axes.  The concept of negative time simply means dragging behind or falling short.  It does not mean that time goes backward.  Regardless of which axis the control limit was violated, Quenching the Holy Spirit represents the failure of the Priesthood (lack of Spiritual Rapport) while Grieving the Holy Spirit represents a failure of impersonal love (lack of harmonious rapport) for Right Man or Right Woman.

Spiritual Growth

Soul Wilderness
Spiritual growth is the expansion of the Edification Complex of the Soul through metabolization of Bible Doctrine.  As Bible Doctrine is metabolized, the Holy Spirit will add new rooms, furnishings, and knowledge pathways to the ECS.  However, before the ECS can be expanded, the ground must be cleared just as the woods must be cleared before building or farming.  The soul outside the ECS is like unclaimed wilderness or new ground that must be cleared of trees, stumps, and roots.  The illustration of the Soul Wilderness shows the wilderness and the clearing upon which the ECS is erected.  The clearing process involves removing worldliness (trees), stumps (bad values), and roots (subconscious garbage).  In the Tabernacle the priests trimmed the wicks of the lamps everyday to symbolize that the burnings (production) of yesterday are no good for today.  The charred wicks are analogous to the wilderness that must be cleared prior to additions to the ECS.

The clearing of the wilderness of the soul is accomplished by special Testing, which is over and beyond the normal Verification Testing of the Metabolization Process.  For example, a bad tree may be revealed by the Holy Spirit through incompatibility with Bible Doctrine.  The bad fruit may be noticed.  The believer must choose to obey Bible Doctrine and reject the bad fruit.  Then the Holy Spirit may reveal the entire tree, which must be chopped down through separation and cutting the ties with the past.  The large intestine performs this function in the human body.  Progress cannot occur until the ties with the past are cut.  After the tree has been removed, the stump, which represents bad values remains.  The bad values will wage war with the ECS every time the filling of the Holy Spirit is lost.  The stump may remain to Grieve or Quench the Holy Spirit through many test cycles.  Each time the believer fails and chooses the bad value stump, the recovery procedure (Rebound) must be applied to regain the Spiritual Life.  After the believer demonstrates enough times his willingness to reject the stump (endurance testing), the Lord will give promotion (more grace) and the Holy Spirit will remove the stump.  Even after the stump is removed, there may be lingering problems from roots, which have to be individually rooted out.  Roots are like garbage in the subconscious.  Denial is an example.  Denial means a blind spot, but the Holy Spirit will reveal the blind spot so the denial can be rooted out.

After the ground is prepared, Spiritual Growth can occur through the normal process of Metabolization of Bible Doctrine.  The Bible Doctrine must be learned and verified before it becomes a permanent part of the ECS.  Spiritual Growth means expansion of the ECS along the X (Faith), Y (Love), Z (Authority, Hope), and Time (Spiritual Rapport) axes.  Expansion of the ECS will mean more capacity for life (Z), love (Y), faith (X), and harmonious rapport (Time) as well as conformity to the metrics of Christ, Authority (Z), Love (Y), Righteousness (X), and Spiritual Rapport (Time).

Spiritual Growth Exodus GenerationSpiritual Growth is analogous to the journey of the Exodus Generation through the wilderness.  The Spiritual Life begins at Salvation, which is Step 1.  In the Exodus, Salvation was represented by crossing the Red Sea.  Step 2 corresponds to the wilderness wanderings, which requires separating from the world (clearing the wilderness) and erection of the ECS through metabolization of Bible Doctrine.  Those who did not complete Step 2 died the sin unto death in the wilderness.  Step 3 is Spiritual Warfare, which is symbolized by crossing the Jordan to fight in the Promised Land.  Spiritual Warfare is taking up a defensive position on the FLOT (Forward Line of Troops) line against Satan and his demons.  Step 4 is Spiritual Maturity, which is analogous to building and planting in the Promised Land.

Effects of Scar Tissue on the Heart

Compartments of the Heart

The heart is the term for the right lobe of the soul in the Word of God.  The right lobe is a complex center for understanding, reasoning, vocabulary, memory, sensory perception, motor control, analysis, viewpoint, conscience, and personal identity.  Scar tissue of the soul, hardness of the heart, can affect all areas of the heart and produce a multitude of problems in the spiritual, soulish, and physical realms.  Hardness of the heart is divine discipline, which is a spiritual problem.  However, since the spirit controls the soul and, in some ways, the body also, spiritual problems from scar tissue can also cause soulish and physical problems.  Sexual dysfunction begins with a spiritual problem; then becomes a soulish problem; and eventuates in a physical problem.  Mental illness begins with a spiritual problem and proceeds to cause soulish and behavioral problems.  Thus, spiritual problems lead to soulish problems which may affect the body.

Scar tissue of the heart affects the ability of the heart (right lobe) to function.  The heart is responsible for capacity for life and love.  It is a delicately balanced mechanism which is designed to be in tune with God and the environment.  When anything hinders the operation of the heart, a variety of problems may ripple through various parts of the soul and body and translate into many different failure modes.  Before there is a psychosomatic problem, scar tissue of the soul has already been a problem.  Neither medicine nor psychiatry can treat scar tissue.  Scar tissue is a spiritual problem based upon the relationship with God.  The only cure for scar tissue must come from the spiritual life.

Spirituality Versus Scar Tissue of the Soul

Scar tissue of the soul is a divine judgment from God (Exodus 4:21; Deuteronomy 2:30; Lamentations 3:65; Isaiah 6:10; John 12:40).  It is intensified discipline, but it is not a phase of reversionism.  A mature believer can have scar tissue of the soul, especially in areas of ignorance.  Scar tissue of the soul is a hindrance to Spiritual Rapport.  Ignorance of Bible Doctrine leads to scar tissue of the soul (Ephesians 4:18).

Scar tissue of the soul is part of the carnal soul as opposed to the Edification Complex of the Soul.  Scar tissue is the hardness that opposes the part of the soul that the Holy Spirit controls.  Now the soul is either under the control of the Holy Spirit or the Old Sin Nature, but not both at the same time.  So a person is never 50% spiritual or 50% carnal.  However, the Holy Spirit does not produce divine good from the thorn bushes of carnality and scar tissue of the soul.  When the Holy Spirit controls the soul, divine good is produced based upon the grace capacity associated with the maturity level.  For example, a person in Spiritual Warfare will produce divine good associated with Spiritual Warfare, but will not produce the crowns associated with the advanced stages of Spiritual Maturity in the fullness of blessing of Christ.  Whereas, there are not degrees of spirituality, there are levels of maturity and capacity for grace blessing.

Scar tissue of the soul is not part of divine good production.  It lies outside grace capacity and in the wilderness of the soul like cacti in the desert..  As soon as the Filling of the Holy Spirit is lost, the Old Sin Nature under the influence of scar tissue of the soul takes over.  Scar tissue, thus, helps lead the opposition in carnality.  However, scar tissue does not oppose the Filling of the Holy Spirit while the Spirit controls the soul.  The divine solution to carnality is Rebound.

Scar tissue of the soul is like alcohol that causes drunkenness.  Alcohol dulls the brain, which, in turn, drives the soul out of control.  Drunkenness causes emotional problems as well as problems with the ability to think and make judgments.  Drunkenness affects the various compartments of the heart.  Drunkenness is a sin.

Stop getting drunk with wine by which is debauchery, but keep on being filled with the Spirit, (Ephesians 5:18)
Suppose a drunken person decides to Rebound.  What would happen?  If a drunken person confessed his sins, he could be filled with the Holy Spirit perhaps for an instant before his mind wandered out of control again.  The alcohol in the brain would render the drunk dysfunctional until it wore off.  Alcohol in the brain of the drunk drives the soul beyond the control limits.  The drunk is thinking out of bounds.  And from the state of inebriation, confessing sins will not undo the effects of alcohol on the brain and soul.  Prolonged use of alcohol has the effect of dulling the brain even more, which is like scar tissue of the soul.

A person who is drunk may be able to perform some functions but be unable to perform others.  He may be able to walk and talk but not drive a car.  Alcohol makes the person sluggish and dulls the reflexes.  Scar tissue of the soul does to the Spiritual Life what alcohol does to the body.  It limits and constrains the Spiritual Life.  The Holy Spirit is not limited but the capacity of the human is.  A person with scar tissue may experience a slow down in various parts of the soul, such as the ability to learn, think, recall or reason.  Other problems due to scar tissue may impair sensory or motor skills or strength.

Rebound does not inhibit the effects of alcohol on the brain, nor does Rebound inhibit the effects of scar tissue of the soul.  The drunk will have limitations until the effects of the alcohol wear off, and the person with scar tissue of the soul will have limitations in the Spiritual Life until the scar tissue is removed.  Both require time and suffering to overcome.

Problems of Scar Tissue of the Soul

Divine discipline originates with God.  It includes both physical and psychological problems.  Such problems are usually associated with scar tissue of the soul.  Scar tissue of the soul leads to many common medical problems.  The cycles of discipline of a nation coupled with discipline for grieving and quenching the Holy Spirit lead to many illnesses.  Bodily illnesses are usually associated with scar tissue of the soul.  Many problems are documented in scripture which are the result of scar tissue of the soul.  They include:
  1. The cycles of discipline of a nation:  The Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart (Exodus 10:20).
  2. Negative volition toward divine authority (Isaiah 63:17).
  3. Ears and Eyes:  Hearing, listening, seeing, perception (John 12:40)
  4. Divorce (Matthew 19:8)
  5. Learning disability (Ephesians 4:18)
  6. Insensitivity (Jeremiah 3:3; 6:15)
  7. Fear psychosis and paranoia (Mark 6:47-52)
  8. Inability to apply doctrine (Mark 6:47-52)
  9. Denial (Mark 8:14-17)
  10. Shame (Isaiah 47:3, 65:13; Jeremiah 2:36, 3:25, 13:26; Hosea 4:7; Philippians 3:19)
  11. Nakedness (Deuteronomy 28:48; Revelation 3:18, 16:15)
  12. Split personality (James 1:8, 4:8)
  13. Demon induced illness (2 Corinthians 12:7) - some migraine headaches.
  14. Psychosomatic problems (Romans 7:24; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10) - headaches, stiff neck, pain in neck, shoulder, back, knee, feet, tendonitis, gastrointestinal irritation, repetitive stress injuries, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, pain in hand, wrist, arm, carpal tunnel syndrome, circulatory disorders, heart disorders, allergies, skin disorders, psychological disorders, vertigo, chronic fatigue syndrome.1,2

Scar Tissue in the Cycles of Discipline

The Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart in order to make an example of the the Egyptian Empire (Exodus 7:3).  When Pharaoh continued to refuse the release of the Exodus generation, the Lord systematically destroyed the land of Egypt through the Nine Plagues followed by the sin unto death.  All this was part of the Plan of God so that all the world could be evangelized.  People all over the world heard about the destruction of the Egyptian Empire and the crossing of the Red Sea.  When Rahab in Jericho heard about it, she believed in the Lord and was saved (Joshua 2:10-11).  The national discipline upon Egypt was due to the scar tissue of the soul of Ramses III, the Pharaoh.

The cycles of discipline of the Client Nation are given in  Leviticus 26:14-45 and Deuteronomy 28:15-68.  These cycles cause the accumulation of scar tissue of the soul that gets worse with each succeeding generation as the nation goes down.  Many medical, social, and economic problems are listed as the curses of the cycles of discipline.  These curses are caused by rejection of Bible Doctrine and the resulting scar tissue of the soul.  So scar tissue of the soul lies at the root of medical and social problems.  Many of these problems are enumerated in the preceding section.

Problems with the Eyes and Ears

The eyes and ears are two parts of the body and soul that suffer from scar tissue (John 12:40).  Scar tissue of the soul is a divine sentence that renders the eyes and ears ineffective in discerning the spiritual issues on the Stage of Life.  The only recovery from scar tissue requires accurate application of Bible Doctrine to experience, but scar tissue hinders analysis and application on the Stage of Life.  The eyes represent the Y-axis and seeing the Stage of Life.  The ears represent the X-axis and faith-application to combat the problems on the Stage of Life.  The person with scar tissue will be hopelessly stuck in interlocking arrogance if he cannot see clearly and use the correct faith-application.

The eyes and ears are first physical.  They eyes are located in the front along the Y-axis, and the ears are located on the sides of the head along the X-axis.  Physical problems with the eyes and ears may be caused from the stress that originates due to scar tissue of the soul.  Secondly, the eyes and ears represent soul functions.  The eyes represent the viewpoint of the heart, the right lobe of the soul.  The viewpoint is the conclusion, or sum total of analysis, of the soul.  Viewpoint is analogous to the display screen of a computer or television.  It is what a person sees with his soul.  The soul with scar tissue will be hindered in drawing accurate conclusions, which will cause the viewpoint to be blurred or distracted.  The ears represent the perception of academic information, or learning - i.e. the ability to hear and understand.

In the spiritual realm, the eyes and ears represent the perception and application of Bible Doctrine.  The eyes and ears of the soul are used in the metabolization of Bible Doctrine.

The Origin of Physical and Psychological ProblemsSuffering

Suffering originates with God (Hebrews 12:5-13).  Physical and soulish problems are first due to the discipline of God.  Of course, it is possible to lose heart, enter the Cosmic System, sow to the wind and reap the whirlwind under the law of volitional responsibility.  However, the believer who is filled with the Holy Spirit will not be under the control of scar tissue of the soul, although he will be at the mercy of God.  The believer in the Filling of the Holy Spirit faces the discipline of God, whereas, the person who is not filled with the Holy Spirit is subject to the influence of scar tissue of the soul.  Scar tissue is waiting at the door to influence the believer who strays from the Filling of the Holy Spirit.  This doesn't mean that the believer who is Filled with the Holy Spirit does not suffer the same problems due to the discipline of God that others in the world face from scar tissue (1 Peter 5:9).  On the contrary the discipline of God is likely to be more severe (Hebrews 12:6).

Scar tissue of the soul can be handled in the Spiritual Life, and it need not prevent a positive believer from attaining Spiritual Maturity.  Scar tissue of the soul is a limitation imposed by the discipline of God.  The Spiritual Life can be executed within the limitation of scar tissue of the soul, and the Problem Solving Devices can be deployed to handle the problems that arise due to personal limitations from scar tissue of the soul.

There as no testing overtaken you but such as is common to mankind, but God is faithful who will not permit you to be tested beyond your capability, but He will with the testing also provide the solution so that you will be able to bear up under it (1 Corinthians 10:13)

The Conscience and Shame

The conscience is the part of the heart that discerns right from wrong.  When it is hardened from scar tissue, it becomes insensitive.  The women of Jeremiah's day were insensitive to divine discipline through the weather and lacked the sensitivity to be ashamed.
"Therefore the showers have been withheld,
And there has been no spring rain.
Yet you had a whore’s forehead;
You refused to be ashamed. (Jeremiah 3:3)
When the rains did not come, the women didn't make the connection that it was the divine discipline of the cycles of discipline.  That is like today's weather forecaster, who is oblivious to the Lord's control of the weather.  The women had a "whore's forehead," which means they engaged in sexual promiscuity without a wrinkle in their foreheads because they had no shame.  They were oblivious to their sins against Marriage Culture.  They were in Blackout of the Soul, which means their frontal lobes were darkened.  The frontal lobes control the genitals in sex.  Fornication blacks out the frontal lobes.  The frontal lobes contain the logic for analyzing the Stage of Life; but when the conscience lacks good norms and standards, there is nothing to compare bad behavior against.  Consequently, the women were not ashamed of their bad behavior, and they refused to Rebound.

The women of Judah had scar tissue of the soul.  Their hearts, including their consciences, were hardened.  Consequently, they were insensitive to shame.  Their scar tissue (as previously illustrated) made them insensitive to the Right Man and full of lust for the paramour.

“Were they ashamed because of the abomination they have done?
They were not even ashamed at all;
They did not even know how to blush.
Therefore they shall fall among those who fall;
At the time that I punish them,
They shall be cast down,” says the Lord. (Jeremiah 6:15, NAS)
The people were not ashamed at all.  They "did not even know how to blush."  Blushing is a sign of emotional revolt of the soul from worry-embarrassment.  But a person with a hardened heart may be so insensitive that he or she is not embarrassed and doesn't blush.  Worry-embarrassment is a sin, but the arrogant insensitivity that fails to detect the sin is far worse.  Scar tissue of the soul makes a person insensitive to shame.

The Church Age counterparts of the Jews of Judah before the Fifth Cycle of Discipline were the members of the Church at Laodicea who also lacked shame.  They did not recognize their own nakedness (Revelation 3:18).  A person has to be very insensitive to not be aware of his own nakedness.  The Laodiceans were naked in the soul, i.e. their souls were not clothed with the Edification Complex of the Soul, which is the robe of Righteousness.  Those without Edification Complexes will be naked and ashamed before the Review Tribunal of Christ (also called the Judgment Seat of Christ).  Scar tissue of the soul makes a person insensitive to the nakedness of the soul without the Edification Complex.

Recovery from Scar Tissue of the Soul

Dealing with People with Scar Tissue

Scar tissue has been around throughout history.  It is a common problem.  Our Lord dealt with it in those he tried to teach, and through his teaching the recovery process can be learned.  When teaching people with scar tissue, our Lord taught them in parables.  After teaching the Parable of the Sower, which is about metabolization of Bible Doctrine, his disciples asked him why he had taught in parables.  His answer was because his audience had scar tissue of the soul.  He quoted Isaiah 6:9-10 in Matthew 13:14-15.  Since most people with scar tissue aren't going to learn Bible Doctrine anyway, He taught them with symbolic stories, or parables, to illustrate the Spiritual principles.  The parables served two purposes:  (1)  They hid the true doctrine from those who would never learn it anyway, and (2)  they required analysis to understand just like the application of Bible Doctrine that would be required to handle the testing associated with scar tissue of the soul.

Scar tissue of the soul is a judicial sentence imposed by the Supreme Court of Heaven upon a disobedient person.  Scar tissue cannot be removed by metabolization of Bible Doctrine.  It can only be removed by fulfilling the requirements of the judicial sentence, i.e. serving the time.  Every day with scar tissue of the soul will be discipline and punishment from God.  The scar tissue was given because of disobedience.  Learning new doctrine will not lighten the sentence.  The sentence for the original problem must be fulfilled.  Whereas, metabolization of Bible Doctrine on a daily basis is required to maintain the Spiritual Life, metabolization is not the means of removing scar tissue of the soul.  Once a person gets scar tissue, the major issue is no longer learning the right thing to do, it is paying for acts of disobedience.

Fulfilling a sentence of scar tissue is analogous to a criminal being sentenced to prison by a judge.  After sentencing the criminal must serve his time.  If he violates the conditions of incarceration, he may receive additional punishment. The same holds for those who have been punished with scar tissue of the soul.  If they violate the conditions of their sentence, they may be given additional punishment or scar tissue.

The Recovery Process

The recovery process from scar tissue of the soul was taught by our Lord in Matthew 13:14-15.  Recovery is complicated by the problems that characterize scar tissue.  For example, consider the extreme case of a person with schizophrenia.  Such a person may have a mind racing out of control (Time-axis problem, outside the control limits), hear voices (X-axis problem), be confused (Blackout of the Soul), lack love for others with anti-social behavior (Y-axis problem), and be unable to learn and recall (scar tissue of the soul).  The person has characteristics like a drunk where Rebound has no value because the soul is out of control.  Though this is the extreme case, scar tissue of the soul does these types of things to the soul.  The person with scar tissue of the soul is his own worst enemy; and what's more, he doesn't understand his own problem.
"And in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says,
'You will keep on hearing, but will not understand;
And you will keep on seeing, but will not perceive; (Matthew 13:14)
People with scar tissue of the soul may see the Stage of Life but not be able to understand what it means spiritually.  Although they have heard doctrine taught, they are unable to make application.  They keep on hearing Bible Doctrine taught, but they do not understand how to apply it to the Stage of Life.  Thus, scar tissue of the soul hinders the metabolization of Bible Doctrine and the execution of the Spiritual Life.  The only solution and hope of recovery is to do it God's way.  The divine recovery procedure must be explicitly obeyed; otherwise, there will be no recovery from scar tissue.
For the heart of this people has become insensitive,
And with their ears they are hard of hearing,
And they have closed their eyes
Lest they should see with their eyes,
And hear with their ears,
And understand with their heart and return,
And I should heal them.' (Matthew 13:15)
Note the sequence of going down in the first three lines, which mention problems with the heart - ears - eyes.  The recovery sequence follows in the next three lines with the eyes - ears - heart.  Notice that the recovery sequence is reversed.  This is Biblical symbolism for the beginning and end of a process (or procedure).  The first sequence is the problem, and the last sequence is the solution; for it says, "and I should heal them," which refers to recovery from scar tissue of the soul.

The recovery process for scar tissue of the soul involves the eyes - ears - heart.  The eyes refer to observing the Stage of Life.  The eyes are in the front of the head along the Y-axis.  The Holy Spirit with the angels will perform a play on the Stage of Life, which must be observed daily and perceived spiritually in order to recover from scar tissue.  After seeing the play, doctrine that was heard with the ears must be applied to solve the spiritual problem on the Stage of Life.  The ears represent the X-axis.  The X-axis refers to Bible Doctrine, i.e. one of the Problem Solving Devices must be applied to the problem on the Stage of Life.  Then, the heart must be kept under control while God solves the problem.  This requires submission to divine authority, humility, and endurance to pass categorical testing.  The heart includes the Z-axis.  The heart can only be held together by means of the Filling of the Holy Spirit.

Alignment of the X, Y, Z, and Time axes with God is required for Spiritual Rapport, which is the divine solution to scar tissue of the soul.  The phrase, "and return," means to return to God.  Returning to God refers to being in Spiritual Rapport.  Spiritual Rapport requires Rebound and the alignment of the X, Y, Z, and Time axes with God.  When the believer can pass the tests on the Stage of Life by keeping the X, Y, Z, and Time axes aligned with God, then he can be healed of his scar tissue.  So, recovery from scar tissue of the soul requires observing the Stage of Life (Y-axis), applying the doctrinal solution (X-axis), keeping the heart under the authority of God (Z-axis), and returning to Spiritual Rapport with God.

For example:  The Stage of Life contains an attractive female paramour.  The eyes (Y-axis) are used to observe the scene.  The question is asked, "Is she my Right Woman?"  The answer is no; therefore, doctrine (X-axis) communicates, "Forget her."  Then the heart must be held together to stand up against any further problems that may arise over the issue as well as to understand the counseling of the Holy Spirit in the matter.  The next day another variation of the same test may arise.  Only when the days of the sentence of scar tissue are fulfilled will there be healing and grace promotion.

The alignment of the X, Y, Z, and Time axes also symbolizes the advance in the grace of God.  Only by keeping all the axes aligned with God's Plan can the believer stay on course under the grace of God and advance to maturity.  The believer who drifts off course from grace will be like a ship that drifts off course and runs aground.

You have become estranged from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by the Law; you have run aground from grace. (Galatians 5:4)
The word for running aground is the Greek ejkpivptw (ekpipto), which means to drift off course or run aground.  Those who run aground cease to advance in the Spiritual Life.  They will invite intensified discipline from God, since they are His children.  If they do not Rebound and realign their axes with the grace of God, they will eventually die the sin that ends in death.  Then they will go to Heaven with Eternal Life but without their rewards.

Scar tissue of the soul makes it more difficult to stay on course.  In addition to ignorance, which makes navigation in grace difficult, scar tissue of the soul may add the additional lure of lust and lasciviousness or legalism to go astray.

Ephesians 4:18-19
18 And they have been darkened in their way of thinking, and they have been alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance which is in them, because of the scar tissue in their heart. 19 Who, because they have become callused, they have given themselves over to licentiousness resulting in the practice of every kind of immorality with insatiable lust
The believer with scar tissue of the soul is alienated from the life of God and easily tempted by lust to go astray from grace.  Scar tissue of the soul is an added burden to those who are trying to advance in the Spiritual Life.  Only by diligence in keeping the X, Y, Z, and Time axes aligned with the grace of God can the believer advance to Spiritual Rapport and avoid drifting off course and running aground.


Many of the types of sickness are associated with scar tissue of the soul.  Sickness is the final stage of a sequence of problems which the person with scar tissue failed to see.  Sickness is tantamount to running aground.  Had the course been corrected earlier, in many cases the sickness could have been avoided.  When stress is invited into the soul, it will proceed into the body.  Stress in the body makes it susceptible to disease.  The common cold or flu can be avoided until stress weakens the immune system.  Sickness is just one of the forms of suffering from the discipline of God.  In addition to medical suffering, God's discipline may include, suffering in marriage, social life, details of life, laws of establishment, natural disasters, and the job.

The person who is sick or in some other suffering does not need a miracle.  God's Problem Solving Devices are quite adequate to handle any form of suffering in this life.  The sick person needs to Rebound and get his axes realigned with the grace of God.  There are Problem Solving Devices and grace provision for suffering as well as prosperity.  The spiritual life determines the soulish and physical well being.  The source of suffering for the believer is God, and the solution begins with the spiritual life.  Medication for the body may soothe the symptoms, but only correcting the spiritual issue will solve the problem.  In many cases correcting the spiritual problem will lead to immediate relief of physical symptoms.  In other cases, God will continue the physical suffering until the sentence is completed.  Feeling is not the issue.  Spirituality is not a matter of feeling.  Scar tissue of the soul aggravates the suffering and the recovery.

The spiritual solution requires the Filling of the Holy Spirit.  Great power is added when the believer will stop grieving and quenching the Holy Spirit.  All the power of God is available in the spiritual life, but it is hindered by grieving and quenching the Holy Spirit.  Scar tissue of the soul aggravates the problem when the Old Sin Nature takes over the soul, which happens when a sin is committed.  The soul under the power of the Old Sin Nature and scar tissue is the enemy of the grace solution.  It is best to avoid human good remedies and be vigilant to apply the Problem Solving Devices as problems arise rather than allowing them to accumulate and running aground.  Scar tissue of the soul aggravates suffering when the Filling of the Holy Spirit is lost.  When suffering comes, Rebound, realign the grace axes, and deploy the Problem Solving Devices.  God's discipline causes suffering, and only the spiritual solution can end it.  Suffering is a spiritual problem that demands a spiritual solution.

Paul's Thorn in the Flesh

Before Paul reached Spiritual Maturity, he faced Stress Testing from a demon.
For this reason, because of the extraordinary quality of revelations, that I should not be exalted, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, an angel from Satan, that he might buffet me. (2 Corinthians 12:7)
There has been much speculation about the nature of Paul's thorn in the flesh by the uninformed.  The word, thorn, is the Greek skovloy (skolops), which means a thorn.  The thorn in the flesh was a demon from Satan with the power to buffet Paul.  Buffet is the Greek, kolafivzw (kolaphizo), which means literally to strike with the fist or buffet.  Buffet is a more general term for a blow from any source, e.g. the wind and the waves.  The demon attacked Paul's body and felt like a thorn in his flesh, which can be very painful in certain locations that receive pressure, such as the feet or hands.  Plantar fasciitis fits Paul's description precisely.  It is pain in the flesh of the foot that has no physical or medical cause.  From Paul's description, it begins when God delivers a person into suffering by removing His protection from some area and allows Satan to administer punishment.  Satan dispatches a demon to exploit the person's spiritual weakness.  The person has Scar Tissue of the Soul, which allows Satan access, with God's permission.

In the case of plantar fasciitis, the location of the pain is the clue to the person's problem.  Pain in the ball of the foot (the front part) is due to arrogance.  This was Paul's problem, which he said was "that I should not be exalted."  Pain in the center is a problem with where the person is standing, like being out of the geographic will of God.  Pain in the heel is the classic Satanic attack (Gen 3:15) that attempts to knock the person over backwards so that he cannot stand (Heb 10:39).  However, since God, Satan, a demon, and scar tissue of the soul are all involved, the root cause of the pain may not be easy to determine.  One thing is certain.  It is not a physical problem, and it is not in the foot, even though the foot hurts.  Further, the demon is not the problem.  That's why Paul called it a thorn in the flesh, even though the "messenger from Satan" (the demon) was exacerbating the problem.  In the case of plantar fasciitis, the pain can actually be caused by relationships with other people who are in the Cosmic System.3

When Paul's problem would not abate, it became a source of stress.  The outside pressure of adversity was converted to stress in the body.  Having just had a mountain-top Spiritual experience and being a very strong and gifted believer, Paul prayed to God to remove the problem, which appeared to be the demon.  Paul had the gift of healing and normally the demon would have been sent away immediately.  However, Paul had to learn an important lesson about the Church Age.  Prayer is not a Problem Solving Device, and the demon counterattack was God's idea.

Concerning this thorn in the flesh I implored the Lord three times that it might go away from me. (2 Corinthians 12:8)
Paul asked the Lord three times to take away the demon.  This showed that Paul had begun to be preoccupied with his problem while God was purposefully not answering Paul's prayer.  This is typical of a person who is preoccupied with the problem rather than the solution.  Preoccupation with the problem is due to illusions, for example, from arrogance, worry, fear, self-righteousness, or bitterness.  Preoccupation with an illusion will lead to the vacuum in the soul from mataiotes.  Since the conscious mind cannot grasp the truth, garbage will fall into the subconscious.
Preoccupation with the problem produces garbage in the subconscious.
When Paul failed to get relief from his first prayer, his heart was hardened.  He was already suffering from Scar Tissue of the Soul.  He repeated the prayer even though God heard him the first time.  God heard him in eternity past.  It was God who designed this scene on the Stage of Life to remove Paul's scar tissue of the soul.  Paul would have to grow out of this problem.  He would have to grow in Grace.  In the mean time, Paul would have to learn how to use Problem Solving Devices to handle stress.
Then He replied to me with results that continue, "My Grace is sufficient for you (G/O).  For you see, Power is brought to completion in weakness."  Most gladly, therefore, I will rather glory in my weaknesses that the power of Christ my reside in me.. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
After Paul's third prayer, God answered with results that continue, i. e. the principle was valid and continues to be valid.  God continued to answer, "My grace is sufficient for you."  This means Paul should have been using the Problem Solving Device of Grace Orientation.  The problem was beyond Paul's control, and it was a problem that was to be endured.  Even after Paul applied the Problem Solving Device, the Scar Tissue of the Soul and the demon were still there; but Paul endured the pain, the suffering, and the demon and refused to be stressed out.  What God does not remove, He expects us to endure.  Application of a Problem Solving Device does not mean an instantaneous solution.  Paul understood.  He knew that his weakness was an opportunity for the Grace of God.  Application of the Problem Solving Device of Grace Orientation would lead to the eventual solution.  "Most gladly therefore" is Happiness from God.  Paul understood that God is responsible for the problem of Scar Tissue of the Soul and the demon, and God will take care of the problem in due time.  The Greek here is much stronger than the English.  "I will rather" means that the divine solution of Grace Orientation is the exclusive solution.  The human solution is no solution.

"That the power of Christ may reside in me" is different from the rest of the verse, which was about the Power of God and the Grace of God.  The word, "reside," means to dwell in a tent, or tabernacle.  This brings to bear all the Problem Solving Devices of the Tabernacle, not just Grace Orientation.  Christ is symbolized by all the items in the Tabernacle, and each represents a Problem Solving Device (ref. Problem Solving Devices in the Tabernacle).  The power of Christ is a special power that Jesus Christ personally gives to believers who are in fellowship with Him.  The power of Christ is the power of the Almighty God.  If the power of Christ resides in the believer, nothing is more powerful, not Satan, his demons, or the Cosmic System.  The power of Christ is the ultimate power from the Creator of the Universe.  The power of Christ is the strength and capacity for Life and Love to handle any problem in life.  The power of Christ is available to the believer who is in fellowship with Christ.

Furthermore, the Grace solution means that the other solutions to demons in the scripture have been superseded by Church Age doctrine.  With the completion of the canon of scripture, many temporary gifts ceased.  Paul previously had the power of exorcism.  He could cast out demons.  But that power had ceased.  Exorcism was no longer valid.  And prayer would not work.  The other technique was to "resist the devil" (James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8-9), which is still valid, but it was ineffective in Paul's case.  Not even Paul's Guardian Angel was able to deal with Paul's demon because God sent the demon and only God in His Grace could remove it.

Paul was one of the few people in history who caught on to Grace Orientation for dealing with scar tissue of the soul and demons.  Those who recommend anything other than Church Age doctrine from the epistles for dealing with demons are deceived.  The woods are full of worldly proposals for removing demons.  Among the false solutions are pleading the blood, invoking the name of Jesus, exorcism, commanding the demons, binding Satan, talking to demons, or quoting scripture.  Using a crucifix, holy water, or a paper Bible are equally ludicrous.  These things are not sacred.  These methods simply play into the hands of the demons, who thrive on attention.  The one practicing these things is the dupe.  If a person can be frightened, angered, or intimidated by the demon, he has already lost the battle.  There are two methods for Christians to deal with demons:  (1) Resist the devil, and (2) Grace Orientation.  The unbeliever needs the Gospel - not exorcism.  See Mystery Babylon the Great, Solution to Demon Attacks for more details.

Therefore, I find contentment in weaknesses, in insults, in distresses, in persecutions, in straits for Christ's sake; for you see, when I am weak, then am I strong. (2 Corinthians 12:10)
Paul saw that all the stresses in his life were Stress Tests, which were opportunities for God's Grace.  The stresses included weaknesses, insults, distresses, persecutions, and straits (reference Christian Hand).  Each one of the stresses was associated with a finger of the hand just as the stresses that come from Scar Tissue of the Soul.  These problems produced pressure on the outside, which had the potential of becoming stress in the soul if Paul failed to apply the correct Problem Solving Device.  The Stress Tests, which were designed to heal and promote Paul, could be passed through application of doctrine.  Both the problems and the solutions were part of Divine Design.  Therefore, Paul need not worry.  He didn't need a faith healer.  He didn't need Divine intervention.  He simply needed to apply the correct Problem Solving Device and relax.  God would do the rest.

Psychosomatic Problems

Psychosomatic PainThe Stress Test from Paul's thorn-in-the-flesh is almost identical to a multitude of stress induced pains that plague people everywhere.  Stiff necks, back aches, and feet aches are typical stress induced pains in the flesh.1,2  Although the physical pain is in the flesh of the body, the cause is in the soul, hence, the name, psychosomatic.  The sequence of events that produces the physical pain is shown in the illustration.  Problems in life which are not handled create pressure.  The pressure on the outside becomes stress in the soul as it infiltrates through the hole of Scar Tissue.  Scar Tissue, or hardness of the heart, is incapable of constructive thought on the cerebral cortex.  It is an open door (mataiotes) into which is sucked the Cosmic System.  In the absence of truth on the cerebral cortex, garbage accumulates in the subconscious.  The garbage in the subconscious interferes with other bodily functions, such as blood circulation.  An area that is deprived of adequate blood and oxygen may react with pain.  This can be illustrated by biting the tips of the little fingers, then hooking them together and pulling.

The pressures of life are normal, but inviting stress into the soul is optional.  Pressure can be kept outside the soul by the use of Problem Solving Devices.  Inviting stress into the soul is an act of personal volition.  Stress in the soul is a self-inflicted problem.  The Scar Tissue of the Soul opens the door for stress, which produces garbage in the subconscious.  As this process continues unchecked, it gets worse.  More pressure produces more stress, more garbage in the subconscious, and more pain.  As the pain increases, the person becomes preoccupied with alleviating the pain.  This is concentrating on the problem, which intensifies the problem.  Scar Tissue builds; stress builds; garbage in the subconscious builds; and pain builds.  If the cycle is not broken, a hang-up can lead to a syndrome, which can eventuate in psychosis or neurosis, such as the split personality (double-souled) believer (James 1:8).

There are many problems that produce garbage in the subconscious.  Stress and guilt are among the most destructive.  Garbage in the subconscious becomes an involuntary repudiation or denial, a non-conscious process which resists and rejects unacceptable feelings, flaws, memories, strivings, hostilities, aggressions, inferiorities, sins, and failures, which, if acknowledged, would be incompatible with a person's personal estimate of himself, including his self-esteem or self-respect.  Garbage in the subconscious is like a drain or sewer.  The solution does not lie in digging up the garbage.  The solution is to stop the process at its source, which is the Scar Tissue of the Soul.

The solution to a psychosomatic problem does not involve treating the pain in the body.  Even when the pain is temporarily alleviated, it will return another day. Treating the pain will even aggravate the problem, since a psychosomatic problem will be intensified by thinking about the problem.   The solution is to stop thinking about the problem.  To alleviate the pain, stop thinking about it.  And to alleviate the problem completely, stop inviting stress into the soul.  For example, a person may be worried or afraid of something.  Simply, acknowledging the worry or fear will usually interrupt the whole chain reaction and alleviate the pain.  Laughter is a good weapon to break up stress in the soul, since laughter is associated with Happiness, which is a Problem Solving Device in a different part of the soul (Proverbs 17:22).
To handle a stress related pain due to garbage in the subconscious, follow these steps:

  1. Stop and look for the major source of stress.
  2. Acknowledge your problem to yourself and Rebound, if necessary.
  3. Apply one of the Ten Problem Solving Devices to handle the source of the stress.
  4. Stop thinking about the pain.
  5. Keep moving!  Don't look back, and don't be afraid the pain will return.
The headache is a common illustration of stress induced pain.  Although hundreds of specific causes have been identified for headaches, in general, the headaches fit the definition of a psychosomatic problem.  The illustration shows a common scenario that leads to a headache.  A person walks into the darkness of the Cosmic System into the domain of Satan.  The person in the Cosmic System has an authority problem, which God will punish.  A haunting problem creates pressure while God Judges the person for obeying Satan.  Scar Tissue of the Soul opens a vacuum in the soul into which is sucked stress that leads to garbage in the subconscious.  The garbage in the subconscious reacts to the stress to produce tension to prepare for fight or flight.  The blood circulation is altered accordingly.  Too little or too much blood can cause pain.
Grace Blessing
The person with a headache is in stark contrast to the Grace Blessing of the person who applied the appropriate Problem Solving Device at the first sign of pressure.  The Problem Solving Device nips the headache in the bud and enables the Christian to ride out the problem in tranquility and Happiness.  The soul with Grace Blessing has Faith, Hope, and Love in contrast to stress and pain.

Many of the aches and pains of everyday life are psychosomatic.  They are due to stress in the soul and garbage in the subconscious.  They can happen to Apostles, like Paul, or even mature believers.  They can be a little tricky to diagnose since the pain may have no apparent relation to the source of the stress in the soul.  Pain is punishment from God, but figuring out the reason for the pain is often difficult because the punishment usually comes after all else has failed.  Punishment is a painful way to learn, but many will learn in no other way.

Psychosomatic problems include:  headaches, stiff neck, pain in neck, shoulder, back, knee, feet, tendonitis, gastrointestinal irritation, repetitive stress injuries, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, pain in hand, wrist, arm, carpal tunnel syndrome, circulatory disorders, heart disorders, allergies, skin disorders, psychological disorders, vertigo, chronic fatigue syndrome.1,2

The Spiritual Solution

The lesson from Paul's thorn in the flesh is that the Divine solution is the only solution; the human solution is no solution.  Even when pain is alleviated by understanding the psychosomatic (soulish) cause, the problem isn't solved until the Spiritual solution is accomplished.  There are, thus, three levels of problem solving:
  1. Physical
  2. Soulish or psychological
  3. Spiritual
Medical doctors and therapists work with the physical paradigm.  They see pain in the body as physical.  They never think of back pain as psychosomatic.  Psychiatrists and psychologists recognize the soul and its relation to the body.  They may be very helpful with treating psychosomatic problems associated with garbage in the subconscious.  However, they are blind to influence of the Spiritual realm.  Pastors teach Christians about the Spiritual realm to enable them to solve their own problems and understand Divine viewpoint.  Until the Christian understands the Spiritual meaning of an infirmity, he has not succeeded in the sight of God.  The reason for God's punishment is Spiritual.  Soulish and physical fixes alone are insufficient.  The human solution is no solution; the divine solution is the only solution.

Body Systems

The body systems have Spiritual meaning.  These include:

  1. Skeletal (Bones) - structure, hardness, and death
  2. Flesh - humanity
  3. Respiratory - Spirit
  4. Digestive - Metabolization of Doctrine
  5. Circulatory - communication, transportation
  6. Skin - intimacy
  7. Sensory - perception
  8. Muscles - control, power
  9. Immune - protection, security
  10. Reproductive - sexual recreation and procreation
Body Members

The body members, or parts, have Spiritual meaning.  The right side of the body represents the Spiritual and the left side represents the temporal.  The Spiritual meaning of individual parts include:

  1. Head - authority
  2. Hair - covering
  3. Joints - pastor-teachers
  4. Neck - head control (direction); stiff - hardness of heart; broken - coup de grace
  5. Shoulders - support
  6. Arms - strength
  7. Hands - service
  8. Fingers - skill, dexterity, counting; fingernails - emotional covering
  9. Breasts - love
  10. Heart - right lobe
  11. Belly - body love; womb; political/social relationship
  12. Ribs - protection of love; flanking attack
  13. Back - work - capacity for lifting, carrying; back side - counterattack; broken back - hors de combat
  14. Hip - bitterness; rejection, opposition
  15. Legs - standing, walking, running, agility
  16. Knees - pastor-teacher; stength/weakness for advance, walking, running
  17. Feet - tactical advance, walking; foundation, capacity to stand (e.g. in battle)
  18. Heel - vulnerability to Satanic counterattack; falling back
  19. Balls of feet - lifting up, as in arrogance
  20. Arches of feet - walking on, running over, stomping; victor over enemy
  21. Toes - maneuverability, balance
  22. Face - front, presence
  23. Butt - unseemly part
  24. Eyes - grace; light, lamp; viewpoint
  25. Nose - snout, proboscis - horning in; snorting - anger; inhale - Spirituality; Cosmic Babylon
  26. Mouth - eating; communicating - Political Babylon
  27. Ears - hearing, listening; Ecumenical Babylon
  28. Tongue - language, speech; wagging - gossip
  29. Teeth - biting, chewing, grinding; bitterness; upper - Right Man; lower - Right Woman
  30. Kidneys - reins; adrenals, emotion
  31. Stomach - capacity for holding, withstanding
  32. Liver - purification; injury - death of the prodigal or adulterer
  33. Gall bladder - bitterness; anger
  34. Genitals - sexuality; shame
Grace Blessing

Understanding the Spiritual solution qualifies the Christian for Grace blessing, promotion, and eternal rewards.  Blessing includes Faith, Hope, Love, and Happiness.  Scar Tissue of the Soul leads to related stress problems that rob the individual of Capacity for Life, Love, and Happiness.  Chronic fatigue, depression, and loss of love for God and the Right Man or Right Woman will be immediately overcome with Grace Blessing from the divine solution.  Problems of inadequate sexual response, insensitivity, and dysfunction due to garbage in the subconscious will also be alleviated.  Grace blessing will bring a new exhilaration like Paul had when he could glory in his weaknesses and stress tests because he saw these tests not as problems but opportunities for greater Grace.

Removal of Scar Tissue of the Soul will lead to Spiritual Rapport, which is the ultimate Love relationship with God in this life.  With scar tissue removed, the individual will no longer be occupied with the problem.

Stop worrying about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God, (Philippians 4:6)
With the problem solved, the Christian will be free to have the peace of God that passes all understanding and enjoy the relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall garrison your hearts and your thinking by means Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)
With Scar Tissue of the Soul removed, the Christian will experience the personal Love of Christ and have the capacity to receive the fulness of blessing from God.
and get to know the love of Christ which goes beyond academic knowledge, that you may be filled resulting in all the fulness of blessing from God. (Ephesians 3:19)


1.  "The Mind/Body Approach: What is RSI?" Harvard RSI Action, April 2000.
2.  John Sarno.  "Harvard-Radcliffe RSI Action Group Dr. John Sarno information session,"
3.  Larry Wood.  Emotion, Cosmic System Counterattack, Sept. 26, 2011.

Released September 7, 1999 - Revised Sept. 25, 2013

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Author: Larry Wood