
Positional Sanctification
Experiential Sanctification
Sanctification in the Tabernacle
Colors of Sanctification
Right Man – Right Woman and Marriage
Ultimate Sanctification
Other Types of Sanctification


1.  Sanctification, meaning set apart, is used in the Bible for separation from the world and consecration to God.
2.  Sanctification begins at Salvation with Positional Sanctification and continues after Salvation with Experiential Sanctification and eventually Ultimate Sanctification.
     a.  Positional Sanctification occurs through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit at Salvation when the Holy Spirit enters a believer into union with Christ (Mk 1:8; Acts 1:5; 1 Cor 6:11; Heb 10:10; 1 Pet 1:2).
     b.  Experiential Sanctification occurs when a person uses the Grace solution to his personal sins with Rebound to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Rom 6:19).
     c.  Ultimate Sanctification occurs when a person receives his resurrection body.
3.  Sanctification is the process of becoming Holy like God (Lev 19:2; 1 Pet 1:16).
4.  Saint means sanctified one, referring to a believer in Christ (Ps 116:15; 1 Cor 1:2).
5.  The symbol of Sanctification is the Laver of the Tabernacle where sins were washed away (Ps 51:2).
6.  The ritual of baptism symbolizes the washing of regeneration at Salvation (Acts 22:16; Titus 3:5).
7.  The number for sanctification is 16, for the number of days required to sanctify the Temple in the days of Hezekiah (2 Chron 29:17).

Positional Sanctification

1,  Positional Sanctification, or Positional Truth, is entrance into union with Christ in Heaven (Col 1:13).
2.  Positional Sanctification occurs through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit whereby the Holy Spirit enters the believer into union with Christ (Rom 15:16; 1 Cor 6:11; 12:13; Titus 3:5; Heb 10:22; 1 Pet 3:21).
     a.  Positional Sanctification is a Spiritual union that begins at Salvation and lasts forever.
     b.  Positional Sanctification is unconditional, depends on the power of God, and cannot be lost (Jn 10:28).
     c.  No matter what sin a person commits after Salvation, his status of Positional Sanctification remains and he will be saved forever.
     d.  Nothing that man can do can nullify the work of God in Salvation (1 Pet 1:5).
     e.  Positional Sanctification is an irrevocable absolute.  It is guaranteed by the Immutability and Omnipotence of God (Jn 1:29).
     f.  Positional Sanctification is the basis for eternal security (Rom. 8:1, 38-39)
3.  Positional Sanctification of the Thessalonians.
2 Thessalonians 2:13
But we are always obliged to give thanks to God for you, brethren, beloved by the Lord, because God has chosen you the first-fruits for Salvation by the sanctification of the Spirit (Baptism of HS) and by belief of the truth (Gospel).
    a.  Paul is obliged to give thanks for the Thessalonian Christians because God had chosen them first-fruits for Salvation.  They were elected based on the foreknowledge of God.  "First-fruits" is the word in the best manuscripts.  It is used by Paul to refer to the first believers in an area (Rom 16:5, 1 Cor 16:15).
    b.  They received Salvation "by the sanctification of the Spirit."  This means Positional Sanctification by means of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
    c.  They were saved "by belief of the truth (Gospel)."  They heard the Gospel and believed in Jesus Christ.
4.  Positional Sanctification by the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
1 Peter 1:2
Chosen ones according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by the sanctification of the Spirit leading to obedience and by the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ:  May Grace and Peace be yours in the fullest measure.
    a.  Peter's message about Positional Sanctification is almost identical to Paul's (2 Thess 2:13).
    b.  "Chosen ones" comes from the previous verse.  These are the elect "according to the foreknowledge of God."
    c.  They were saved "by the sanctification of the Spirit."  These are the same words as 2 Thessalonians 2:13 for Positional Sanctification by the Baptism of the Holy Spirit at Salvation.
    d.  "Leading to obedience" of the Gospel – they were saved by obeying the Gospel message.
    e.  "Bythe sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ" – refers to purification from sins at Salvation by the Redemption solution, resulting in forgiveness.
    f.  Peter's wish for them is "Grace and Peace."
         - Grace is God's Grace provision.
         - Peace is Reconciliation to God and tranquility of soul from the fruit of the Spirit.
5.  Old Testament believers received Positional Sanctification at Salvation just as New Testament believers.
     a.  Old Testament believers, however, believed in the Lord (Ex 4:5; Rom 4:3; Gal 3:6; Jas 2:23).
     b.  The Lord was the Son of God and appeared as an Angel (Gen 16:7-11; 22:11, 15; 24:7; Ex 3:2; Num 22:22-35; Ps 34:7).
     c.  The Holy Spirit entered Old Testament believers (Jews and Gentiles) into union with the Lord at Salvation even though they were not baptized with the Holy Spirit (Acts 19:2-6).
6.  The Lord Jesus Christ is the Head, or Cornerstone, of both Old and New Testament congregations of believers (Eph 2:13-22).
7.  Positional Sanctification is a state of being completely without sin.
     a.  Positional Sanctification is possible because sins were paid for through the Redemption solution.
     b.  Positional Sanctification is a state of Holiness totally apart from sin.
8.  Positional Sanctification is only possible through Grace.  Nothing that man can do can achieve Holy, or Positional, Sanctification.  Only God can provide Positional Sanctification (Ex 31:13).
9.  Those who have Positional Sanctification are called saints, meaning sanctified ones (Psa 16:3; 1 Cor 1:2; Col 1:12).

Experiential Sanctification

1.  The Church Age Believer is called to be a Holy Priest (1 Pet 2:5).  Being Holy means being sanctified.
2.  Experiential Sanctification is the process of being sanctified after Salvation (Rom 6:22).  It includes separation from the world and sin (2 Cor 6:17), leaving the old life of sin behind and executing the New Spiritual life: advancing to Spiritual Maturity (Eph 4:13) and Spiritual Rapport (Eph 3:19) in Love (Eph 4:3; Col 3:14).
3.  Believers who sin after Salvation lose the filling of the Holy Spirit and fellowship with God.
     a.  They do not lose their Salvation since they are still Positionally Sanctified.
     b.  However, their sins separate them from fellowship with God.
4.  Rebound is the recovery procedure to restore the filling of the Holy Spirit and fellowship with God (1 Jn 1:9).
5.  The pressure to sin comes from the enemies of the Christian life:  the world, the flesh (Old Sin Nature), and the devil.
     a.  The world includes the people in the world.  People have Old Sin Natures and are magnets for demons.
     b.  The Old Sin Nature is passed down from Adam.  It causes the desire to sin and takes over the soul.
     e.  The devil is the author of sin and world ruler who employs a vast army of demons and presides over a Cosmic System to enslave the souls of men.
6.  A person who sins is the slave to sin (Jn 8:34; Rom 6:6, 16-20).
7.  Therefore, Experiential Sanctification requires overcoming the world, the flesh, and the devil.  This is the process of Spiritual Growth and the edification of the soul after Salvation.
Divine Dynasphere     a.  The filling of the Holy Spirit provides power over the Old Sin Nature (Rom 8:2).
     b.  Separation from the world is required to be consecrated to God (2 Cor 6:17).
     c.  Satan and his demons must be defeated in Spiritual Warfare (1 Pet 5:8, 9; 1 Jn 2:13, 14; 4:4; 5:18, 19).
    d.  The Divine Dynasphere4 provides power over the Cosmic System.
8.  Experiential Sanctification is accomplished by God in Grace (Tit 2:11; Heb 13:9; Jas 4:6).
     a.  God determines the testing and punishment required (1 Cor 10:13; Heb 12:6, 7; 1 Pet 5:6).
     b.  Each saint must live his own New Spiritual life and reap what he sows (Rom 6:4; Gal 6:9; Eph 4:23-24; Col 3:10).
     c.  We are not the master of our fate or captain of our soul.  Our lives are shaped daily by angels, demons, people, events, and unseen spiritual forces (e.g. biorhythms) over which we have no control.  Our destiny is in the hands of God (1 Cor 15:10; Rom 12:3).
9.  Experiential Sanctification must be accomplished along the X, Y, Z, and Time axes of the Spiritual life (1 Cor 13:13; 1 Thess 5:23).
     a.  X-axis sanctification – through faith, learning and obeying Bible Doctrine (Jn 15:3; 17:17; Rom 1:17; 2 Cor 5:7; 1 Tim 1:19; 2 Tim 3:16, 17; Heb 4:12).
     b.  Y-axis sanctification – Love of the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ but rejecting the love of the world (Matt 22:37; 2 Cor 5:14; Eph 3:19; 1 Pet 3:15; 1 Jn 2:10, 15; 3:10; 1 Jn 4:20-21).
     c.  Z-axis sanctification – obedience to Divine Authority and the Holy Spirit (Deut 10:20; 2 Cor 7:1; Gal 5:16; 1 Jn 3:24).
     d.  Time-axis sanctification – wait for the Lord; God's time is the right time (Isa 40:31; 1 Pet 5:6).
10.  Sanctification is required to produce Divine Good (2 Tim 2:21).
11.  Food is sanctified through prayer (1 Tim 4:4-5).  Manna was sanctified (Ex 16:31).  The dietary restrictions of the Mosaic Law do not apply to the Church (Acts 11:7-9; Col 2:20-21).
12.  The problems that prevent sanctification include:  Sin, carnality, reversionism, hardness of the heart, quenching and grieving the Holy Spirit.5
     a.  Thus, sanctification requires a pure heart (Prov 20:9; Jer 4:14; 2 Cor 11:2-3; Phil 1:17; 1 Tim 4:12; 5:2; Tit 2:5; Jas 3:17; 4:8; 1 Pet 1:22; 3:2; 1 Jn 3:3).
     b.  Recovery from reversionism requires execution of the Spiritual life through learning and applying Bible Doctrine (Heb 12:13; Jas 4:8).

Sanctification in the Tabernacle

Tabernacle1.  The Tabernacle of Israel was God's dwelling place on the Earth (Ex 25:8; 29:44-46).
2.  The Tabernacle was the symbol of sanctification.
3.  The wall of linen around the Tabernacle symbolized sanctification – i.e. separation from the world and consecration to God.  Those who came into the Tabernacle left the world behind.  They approached a Brazen Altar for sacrifice and then saw a Laver.
4.  White linen is the color of sanctification.
Tabernacle Plan5.  The Laver was the symbol of sanctification.
     a.  The High Priest and the Levitical Priests were washed all over once at the Laver to symbolize Positional Sanctification in Salvation (Ex 29:4).
     b.  The Levitical Priests were sanctified (Lev 21:8).  They washed their hands and feet at the Laver to symbolize Experiential Sanctification (Ex 30:19, 21).  The hands symbolized service, and the feet symbolized the walk (including carrying the Gospel).
     c.  The Laver was positioned after the Brazen Altar to symbolize cleansing after the Redemption solution.
          - The Brazen Altar symbolized the Redemption solution (Eph 1:7; 1 Pet 1:18-19; 1 Jn 1:7).
          - The Laver symbolized the washing of regeneration (Tit 3:5; Heb 10:10, 14, 29; 13:12).
6.  The Laver corresponds to the Redeemer Planet.
7.  Beyond the Laver the Door of Grace Orientation symbolized entrance into priestly service.
     a.  After washing his hands and feet at the Laver, the priest could enter the Holy Place to serve the Lord.
     b.  Entrance into the Holy Place symbolized separation from apostasy to perform sanctified service to the Lord.
8.  The sanctified priest ministered in the Holy Place.
     a.  Table of Shewbread – unleavened bread symbolized sanctified Bible Doctrine.
     b.  Golden Lampstand – walking in the Light was separation from the darkness of the world.
     c.  Altar of Incense – sanctified Spirituality, offering prayers to God under His authority in separation from the Cosmic System.

Colors of Sanctification

Rainbow1.  The color of sanctification is white (Ex 27:9; Rev 15:6; 19:8, 14).
2.  White is the color of light before it is divided into the seven colors of the rainbow.
3.  God is Light (1 Jn 1:5), and the seven colors symbolize aspects of His essence.
    a.  The light of the Sun is white.
    b.  The Sun sanctifies the day.
    c.  God sanctified the seventh day of Creation (Gen 2:3).
4.  White is also the color for love and peace, and the other colors can also symbolize sin and reversionism.3Scar Tissue of the SoulTherefore white over another color can symbolize Capacity for Love with respect to the other color, corresponding to sanctification.
     a.  The Gate of the Tabernacle contained white linen over blue, purple, and scarlet.
     b.  White over red symbolizes sanctification with respect to sin, suffering, worry.
     c.  White over blue symbolizes sanctification with respect to self-righteousness.
     d.  White over purple symbolizes sanctification with respect to jealousy.
     e.  White over yellow symbolizes capacity for love with respect to capacity for life, or grace or peace.
5.  The white color of a lamb without spot or blemish symbolized the impeccable humanity of Jesus Christ, who was qualified to bear the sins of the world (1 Pet 1:19).
6.  A spot of any color except white symbolizes sin and is therefore unsanctified.
7.  A color or pattern over white symbolizes slavery.  For example, black over white symbolizes slavery of darkness or death.  Red over white symbolizes slavery to sin and suffering.  Plaid over white symbolizes the slavery of judgment, or captivity.3

Right Man – Right Woman and Marriage

1.  Marriage and the Right Man – Right Woman relationship are sanctified, sacred, and holy (Gen 2:24; Matt 19:5; Mark 10:7, 8; 1 Cor 6:16; Eph 5:31; 1 Thess 4:4).  Christians are expected to maintain the standards of the Word of God in these relationships.
2.  Marriage is for one man and one woman only.  Homosexual marriages are illicit, degenerate, and unsanctified according to the Bible (Rom 1:26-27).
3.  Sex is for marriage only.  Sex outside of marriage is sinful and unsanctified (Ex 20:14; Heb 13:4).
4.   The unbeliever is sanctified by the believer spouse in Marriage (1 Cor 7:4).
5.  Right Man and Right Woman are a corporate system.  They are inseparably united until death (ref. 1 Cor. 11:11).
     a.  They have authority over each other's bodies (1 Cor 7:4).
     b.  The Right Woman is sanctified by Right Man (ref. Eph 5:25-26).
6.  Unsanctified activities in marriage include sin, social and sexual unfaithfulness (Matt 5:28; Mk 7:21-23; 2 Pet 2:14), idolatry, drugs, witchcraft, criminality, abuse, and demon influence, as with the Prostitute of Babylon (2 Cor 6:14-17; Rev 2:20).

Ultimate Sanctification

1.  Ultimate Sanctification is receiving a Resurrection Body (1 Cor 15:20; 1 Thess 5:23; Tit 2:13; 1 Jn 3:2).
1 Thessalonians 5:23 Ultimate Sanctification
Now may the God of Peace (Reconciliation) Himself sanctify you completely; and ultimately may your spirit and soul and body be preserved blamelessly at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The God of Peace reconciled us to Himself through the work of Christ for Salvation.  At Salvation we were sanctified Positionally, but complete sanctification also requires Experiential and Ultimate Sanctification.

Complete sanctification requires sanctification of:

  1. Spirit – filling of the Holy Spirit (Z-axis)
  2. Soul – reciprocal Love for God and Jesus Christ (Y-axis)
  3. Body – obedience of faith and rejection of the OSN (X-axis)
A new resurrection body will be received at the Rapture.
2.  Order of Resurrection:
  1. Jesus Christ (Matt 28:5-6; Acts 2:24, 31-34; 1 Cor 6:14; Eph 1:20; 2:6)
  2. Rapture of the Church (Jn 14:1-3; 1 Cor 15:51-57; Phil 3:20-21; Col 3:4; 1 Thess 4:13-18; 1 Jn 3:1-2)
  3. Second Advent – Old Testament saints and Tribulation martyrs (Isa 26:19; 27:12-13; 66:14; Dan 12:2; Hos 13:14; Lk 20:37-38; Jn 5:28-29; 11:24; 1 Cor 15:21).
  4. End of the Millennium – Millennial saints.
3.  Resurrection is also called Ultimate Redemption (Eph 1:14; 4:30; Rom 8:23).
4.  Believers should look forward with confidence to receiving a resurrection body like Christ's (ref. 1 Jn 3:3).
5.  The believer in resurrection body will be clothed with glory (ref. 1 Pet 1:8) with a robe of Righteousness (Isa 61:10; Rev 19:8).


1.  The kidneys as purifiers of water in the body symbolize sanctification.  They are associated with the Solar Plexus pressure point in the spiritual body.
2.  The two kidneys symbolize a witness.
3.  The two kidneys symbolize sanctification of the Right Man – Right Woman relationship (ref. Eph 5:25-26) and Marriage (holy matrimony, forsaking all others) (1 Cor 7:4) and partnership with the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor 6:17; 2 Cor 11:2-3).
4.  The two kidneys symbolize the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil (Gen 2:17) and the conscience (Rom 2:15; 1 Pet 3:21) – consecration to Good and separation from evil (Ex 19:10, 14).
    a.  The fat of the kidneys was used in the sandwich placed in the hands of Aaron and the Levitical Priests in the ordination ceremony (Lev 8:25-27).
    b.  Consecration to Good includes dedication (Lev 8:10-15, 30; Num 6:11, 12; Deut 15:19), devotion (Acts 2:42; Rom 12:10; 1 Cor 7:5, 35; 1 Tim 5:10), and ordination (Lev 8:29; Ex 29:26, 27).
    c.  Separation from evil includes separation from the world (Jas 4:4; 1 Jn 2:15) and rejection of adultery and idolatry (Ex 20:14; Matt 6:24; 1 Cor 6:15-16).
5.  Testing the kidneys and heart is not only a test of love but of discernment in the rejection of evil (Ps 97:10; Jer 17:10; Amos 5:15; Rom 8:27; 12:9; Rev 2:23).
6.  Divine punishment may target the kidneys for failure to be sanctified.

Other Types of Sanctification

1.  The Client Nation is sanctified (Ezek 37:28).
2.  The pastor and prophet are consecrated and ordained (Jer 1:5; Is 49:1, 5; Lk 1:15; 1 Tim 4:14; 5:22; 2 Tim 1:6; Heb 6:2); and priests (Ex 28:41; 29:9, 29, 35; Lev 8:33; 16:32).
3.  Families and children are sanctified by believers (1 Cor 7:14; ref. Matt. 10:35-37).
4.  Citizens and animals are sanctified (Deut 15:19; 26:19).
5.  Ambassadors for Christ are sanctified to witness for Christ (2 Cor 5:20; ref. Matt 10:32).


1.  Larry Wood.  Redemption, May 14, 2014.
2.  Larry Wood.  Fellowship with God, July 29, 2014.
3.  Larry Wood.  Colors in Scripture, Oct. 3, 2011.
4.  Larry Wood.  The Divine Dynasphere, Aug. 31, 2015.
5.  Larry Wood.  Scar Tissue of the Soul, May 3, 2015.

Author:  Larry Wood,   Released Dec. 20, 2015 - Revised Feb. 19, 2016

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