Detail Definitions
Emotion of Apostates
Craving for Riches
Fear and Trembling
Fainting from an Empty Stomach
Hebrew beten (/f#B#) (Job 15:2; Prov 13:25; 18:8; 22:18; 26:22; gossip: Prov 18:8; 26:22; fear, Hab 3:16)The stomach is often called the "belly." It is the Hebrew beten and the Greek koilia. The stomach is the holding bin for food, which is analogous to doctrine. What is swallowed represents what is possessed. The X-axis, which is associated with the stomach, also corresponds to Righteousness.
Greek koilia (koiliva) (Rom 16:18; Phil 3:19)
The Righteous has enough to eat to satisfy his soul,"The Righteous" refers to a believer. The Righteous have an appetite for Bible Doctrine and are satisfied (Matt 5:6). The souls of those who hunger for Bible Doctrine will be satisfied. However, the appetite of the wicked is not satisfied, and he is left craving (Prov 10:3).
But the stomach of the wicked suffers want. (Proverbs 13:25)
Food in the stomach corresponds to doctrine in the soul (Job 32:18-19; Ezek 3:3; Psa 119:103; Jer 15:16; Rev 10:9-10). The soul thirsts for God (Psa 42:2; 63:1). Emotional response to Bible Doctrine in the soul is pleasant (beten, Prov 22:18; Jer 15:16).
Appetite for gossip is a bad emotion (Prov 18:8; 26:22).
The words of a gossip are like dainty morsels;Gossip is sinful food. Gossip is a sin of the tongue. Gossiping is like greedily eating sweets.
They go down into the inner chambers of the stomach. (Prov 18:8)
For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetite (stomach); and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting. (Romans 16:18)Apostates are not slaves of Christ (Z-axis), but they are slaves of their own appetite. "Appetite" is the Greek koilia, meaning stomach (X-axis). Apostates reject God's Logistical Grace provision of daily bread. Instead, they respond to the emotion of Ecumenical Babylon. The are "always learning but never able to come to the epignosis-knowledge of doctrine" (2 Ti 3:7). Apostates do not know Bible Doctrine. Instead, they use "smooth and flattering speech" to "deceive the hearts (Y-axis) of the unsuspecting." The believer is commanded to separate from apostates, who reject Bible Doctrine (Rom 16:17).
Apostates "are the enemies of the Cross of Christ" (Phil 3:18). They make a god of their appetite for false doctrine.
whose (apostates) end is destruction; whose god is their appetite (stomach) and glory is in their shame; whose thinking is about earthly things. (Philippians 3:19)Their "end is destruction," which is the Sin Leading to Death (Time-axis). Their "god is their appetite" (Greek koilia, stomach) (X-axis). This is a form of idolatry. They are under the power of the Prostitute of Babylon. Their "glory is their shame." Glory is Light production, how they let their light shine (Y-axis) (Matt 5:16; Jn 3:19). Their works are shameful (Prov 13:18; 1 Jn 2:28; Jude 13; Rev 3:18).
Their "thinking is about earthly things." They do not have Spiritual thinking, but human viewpoint (2 Cor 4:18; 1 Jn 2:15) and produce human good and dead works (1 Cor 3:12; Heb 6:1; 9:14; Jas 2:17, 20, 26) rather than divine good (Eph 2:10; Col 1:10). They are slaves (Rom 6:6, 12; Gal 4:9; Titus 3:3) rather than transformed (Rom 12:2) and free (Jn 8:32-36; Rom 6:22; Gal 4:7).
An apostate is a bag of wind (Job 15:2).
Does a wise man answer with windy knowledge?A "wise man" is one who has Bible Doctrine. "Windy knowledge" is empty and worthless knowledge (Job 6:26; 16:3; Hos 12:1). The east wind is wind from the desert, hot air. Filling the stomach with the east wind means learning empty, false doctrine that is useless.
And fill his stomach (beten) with the east wind? (Job 15:2)
The godless ones in Emotional Revolt of the Soul prepare plots of deception from their belly (beten) (Job 15:35). Their plots are X-axis counterattacks.
Esau sold his birthright to satisfy the craving of his appetite for a mess of pottage (Gen 25:29-34). Feeling famished is an emotional response to hunger and thirst. The apostate chooses the pleasure of the moment and ignores the consequences for Eternity.
Job 20:20, 23The "love of money" is really monetary lust (1 Tim 3:3; 6:9-10). Those who want to get rich will fall into Monetary Reversionism, which brings much suffering and slavery to Satan. Money is the coin of the realm in the devil's world. Bible Doctrine is the basis of exchange in the Kingdom of God. A person must choose between God and Satan. "You cannot serve God and Mammon" (Matt 6:24; Luk 16:13).
20 Because he did not know rest in his belly,
He will not be able to save himself with what he desires.
23 It shall come to pass, in order to fill his belly,
God will send into him His burning anger,
And will cause it to rain upon him into his (very) bowels.
God causes the extortioner to vomit up the riches from his stomach (Job 20:15).
He swallows riches,Obtaining riches is like swallowing them into the stomach. People can have insatiable desire for them. However, riches are the coin of the realm in the devil's world. They do not have intrinsic value in the Kingdom of God, where Bible Doctrine is the valuable possession.
But will vomit them up.
God will cast them out of his stomach. (Job 20:15)
I heard, then my belly trembled; at the sound, my lips stuttered; rottenness enters into my bones, and in my lower parts (knees and feet), I tremble, so that I must wait quietly for the day of tribulation, for the nation who will invade us to rise up. (Habakkuk 3:16)"I heard" refers to the report heard from God of the approaching invasion of the Chaldeans from Babylon. He was afraid, and the alarm swept through his belly and bones. His stomach trembled in fear. His lips stuttered before crying out. Rottenness entered his bones, which was a metaphor for a totally debilitating situation (Prov. 12:4; 14:30). His "lower parts" (knees and feet) trembled. He had to quietly wait for the invasion. During this time, he applied Faith-Rest and realized that the Lord would deliver him as He would deliver Israel at the Second Advent.
Habakkuk's emotional response of fear and trembling was to Bible Doctrine. It was from a report that he heard from God. It was divine viewpoint. However, that does not condone the fear. Habakkuk had to put his trust in God with Faith-Rest in order to overcome his fear and have God's Happiness (Hab 3:17-19).
News of the destruction of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar also brought a similar emotional response from Ezekiel, who was a hostage in Babylon at the time. The Lord sent the prophet Ezekiel to act out his emotions in a sermon about the approaching invasion.
And you, son of man, groan! With breaking of the loins and with bitter pain groan before their eyes! (Ezekiel 21:6)Ezekiel was to groan in bitter pain sufficient to break the hips (loins), the strongest part of the body.
And when they say to you, "Why do you groan?" say, "Because of the news that it is coming, every heart will melt, all hands will be feeble, every spirit will faint, and all knees will turn into water. Behold, it comes, and it will happen," says the Lord God. (Ezekiel 21:7)When the people asked why Ezekiel groaned, he was to tell them it was because of the news of the coming destruction of Judah by the Chaldeans. "Every heart will melt" describes Emotional Revolt of the Soul in which the Heart breaks down from emotion, namely fear (Na 2:10; 2 Sam 17:10; Dt 20:8; Jos 2:11; 5:1; 7:5; Is 13:7; 19:1; Ezek 21:7). "All hands will be feeble." The people will not have the strength (Capacity for Life) to fight and work. Weak people who are sitting around on their hands and without leadership are easily conquered.
"Every spirit will faint." This is an idiom for the breakdown of the spirit of life energy. The people will also lose their patriotic and team spirit. "Knees will turn into water." This is a metaphor for weak-kneed people, who cannot stand and are consequently rendered hors de combat (out of the combat, or battle).
Fear cannot be stomached. The stomach may have butterflies, or be queasy; or there can be vomiting. Just as a weak stomach cannot keep food down, the emotion of fear and worry will rise up.
My eyes fade with tears; My bowels are boiling; My liver is poured out on the ground, because of the destruction of the daughter of my people; Because the young child and suckling babe faint in the streets of the city. (Lamentations 2:11)Children fainted from hunger and thirst during the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BC by the Chaldean Army.
Fainting from an empty stomach symbolizes Emotional Revolt of the Soul. Jeremiah had an outpouring of emotion in his soul when he saw the destruction of Jerusalem. His eyes continued to be full of tears. His bowels were boiling (Lam 1:20). His emotional upheaval is described as boiling bowels, which is gas that is worse than watery bowels. And his liver (gall, Job 16:13; 20:25) was poured out on the ground, which was a symbol of dying.
Musical Analogy of Pity
Inward Parts
Bowels in Emotional Revolt of the Soul
Waste Removal
The emotions of the Y-axis include the bowels (intestines), the womb, entrails (inward parts), and the liver.
"My beloved extended his hand through the opening, and my feelings (intestines) were agitated for him. (Song of Solomon 5:4)Feelings is the Hebrew me`eh ( hu#m@), for intestines. The Shulamite woman is dreaming of her Right Man. He is very real in the dream. Her bowels are agitated for him. This is the Right Woman's response to Right Man. She is having an intimate response in her emotion and feeling for him. She wants to be intimate with him.
The Greek, splagchnon (splavgcnon), for intestine, is used for the emotion of affection (Phil 1:8). This is the appreciator of love in the soul (2 Cor 7:15; Philemon 12, 20).
Whom I sent back to you, the same one, that is, I have sent my
own tender affections. (Philem 12)
Yes, brother, let me profit from you in the Lord. Refresh my deep affections in Christ. (Philem 20)This emotion also stimulates Happiness in the soul.
For I have come to have much happiness and encouragement over your love because the affections of the saints have been refreshed through you, brother. (Philem 7)Other combinations with splagchnon include:
But whoever has the world's goods, and sees his brother having need and shuts off his compassion from him, how can the Love from God be abiding in him? (1 Jn 3:17)The Greek, eu[splagcno", (eusplagchnon) means compassionate.
Greek eu[splagcno" (eusplagchnos), (eu[ (eu), well) + (splavgcnon (splagchnon), compassion) = compassionate (Eph 4:32; 1 Pet 3:8)
Rather become kind one toward another, compassionate, forgiving each other, just as God also by means of Christ has forgiven you (Eph 4:32)To sum it all up, let all be of one mind, sympathetic, loving the brethren, compassionate, and humble (1 Pet 3:8)
Look down from heaven, and see from Your holy and glorious habitation;In the crisis, David remembered the Lord's compassion (Hebrew, rachamim (<m!j^r*)), Greek, oijktirmov" (oiktirmos) (Psa 25:6; 40:11).
Where are Your zeal and Your mighty deeds?
The sound of Your affection and Your compassion are restrained toward me. (Isa 63:15)
Remember, O Lord, Your compassion and Your Gracious Love,The Lord's love for the Northern Kingdom is described as affection (Hebrew, me`eh ( hu#m@)) and pity (or mercy) (Hebrew, rachamim (<m!j^r*)).
For they have been from of old. (Psalm 25:6)
"Is Ephraim My dear son?The Lord was very compassionate (Greek, poluvsplagcno" (polusplagchnos)) and merciful (Greek, oijktivrmwn (oiktirmon)) toward Job (Jas 5:11), where, poluvsplagcno" (poluv", much) + (splavgcnon, compassion) = very compassionate (Jas 5:11).
Is he a delightful child?
For as often as I speak against him,
I certainly still remember him;
Therefore, My affections yearn for him;
I will surely have pity on him," declares the Lord. (Jer 31:20)
Therefore, my bowels moan toward Moab like a lyreThe internal organs of the body, which symbolically produce the emotions, are analogous to the strings of a lyre (musical instrument), and the heart (right lobe) is the sounding board. The emotion may cause the heart to wail like a flute (Jer 48:36), as those playing a funeral dirge (Matt 9:23).
And my guts for Kir-Heres. (Isaiah 16:11)
Similarly, in anthropopathisms the Lord's pity was aroused for Ephraim (Jer 31:20) and the sound of His affection and compassion were restrained.
My bowels! My bowels! I writhe in pain!Jeremiah was in anguish when he understood that the Chaldeans were about to invade the land. His emotion billowed up and caused him great consternation as if he were writhing in pain. His heart began to palpitate, which means beat loudly in the Hebrew. He had no peace in his soul because it had heard the sound of the trumpet used for signaling troops. His soul was responding to the alarm of war. Jerusalem was about to be destroyed.
The walls of my heart - My heart palpitates within me!
I have no peace
Because you hear the sound of the trumpet, my soul,
The alarm of war. (Jeremiah 4:19)
After the Chaldeans destroyed Jerusalem, Jeremiah described the scene in Lamentations. He described his distress in terms of his bowels and heart (Lam 1:20).
Behold, O LORD, for I am in distress! My bowels are boiling;When Jeremiah saw the carnage in the streets of Jerusalem, his soul was in distress. His bowels were boiling. The Hebrew word for boiling is chamar, meaning to ferment or to boil or foam up. This is worse than watery bowels. It is like erupting gas in the bowels. His heart was overturned in his midst, i.e. within him. Midst is the Hebrew qereb, for inward parts (thought, emotion) or entrails. His heart being over turned within him is used here for heart-felt pain, like being brokenhearted.
My heart is overturned in my midst, because I have been very rebellious;
In the street the sword bereaves (of children);
In the house it is like death. (Lamentations 1:20)
When Jeremiah said "because I have been very rebellious," he was not taking the blame for the calamity but referring to Jerusalem and it inhabitants in the first person. In the streets the children had been killed by the sword, and in the house there was only bereavement for death.
They devise crimes. They are ready with a cunningly devised plot;The Hebrew qereb is also used for those with arrogant ambition, who are enslaved to the details of life (Psa 49:11). It is used for emotional response to the LORD in worship (Psa 103:1). This does not mean emotion that is out of control, as in the holy rollers, but emotion that is under control of Bible Doctrine in the Heart.
for the inward part of a man and the heart are deep. (Psalm 64:6)
The Hebrew qereb is also used for Isaiah's sympathy for Moab because of its approaching gut-wrenching destruction.
Therefore, my bowels moan toward Moab like a lyre"Guts" is the Hebrew qereb. Kir-Heres, meaning wall (or city) of potsherds, was one of the two chief strongholds of Moab.
And my guts for Kir-Heres. (Isaiah 16:11)
Bitterness, which is associated with gall (Acts 8:23) and with the intestines (Heb 12:15), is a sign of ERS. Hebrews 12:15 describes a root of bitterness which defiles. This is based upon the analogy in the ancient world of emptying chamber pots into the streets. If a person happened to be passing by at the time, he could be covered with excrement.
The liver symbolizes lust that leads to pain of the sin unto death. The sin unto death of an adulterer is described as an arrow piercing his liver (Prov 7:23).
Proverbs 7:22-23The Hebrew word for liver (kabed) came from the Arabic kebid probably because the liver was regarded as the organ for feeling sorrowful and painful emotions, since sensual love was reflected in the liver.1
22 He goes after her all at once.
As an ox to the slaughter, he goes.
Or one in leg irons to the bondage of a fool.
23 Until an arrow pierces his liver,
As a sparrow hastens to a trap,
And he does not know that his life is at stake.
The pouring out of the liver or gall represents the sin unto death (Lam 2:11; Job 16:13; 20:25).
My eyes fade with tears; My bowels are boiling;Upon seeing the destruction of Jerusalem, Jeremiah was filled with emotional turmoil. His eyes grew dim from crying. His bowels were boiling. And his liver was poured out on the ground, a metaphor for dying.
My liver is poured out on the ground, because of the destruction of the daughter of my people;
Because the young child and suckling babe faint in the streets of the city. (Lamentations 2:11)
Pouring out the intestines on the ground represents the sin unto death (2 Sa 20:10; Acts 1:18).
The emotions linked to legalism (e.g. arrogance, jealousy, self-righteousness, and bitterness) and lawlessness (worry) may cause the bowels to be out of control. Legalism may be associated with constipation and lawlessness with diarrhea. When the digestive system fails to digest the food that is eaten, bodily discomfort, sickness, and a host of bad emotions may result.
Adrenals and Emotional Suffering
Kidney Navigation System
Happy Responder
Negative Responder
Kidneys and Divine Discipline
Kidney Stones
Kidneys (Hebrew kilejah (hy*l=K!)); the kidneys include the adrenal glands, (Job 16:13; 19:27; Psalm 7:9; 16:7; 26:2-3; 73:21-22; Proverbs 23:16; Jer. 11:20; 12:2; 17:10; 20:12; Lamentations 3:13)The kidneys are the major symbolical seat of the emotions of the soul. The kidneys are on the back side of the body aligned with the Z-axis. They produce hormones (e.g. adrenaline) to give the body a sudden burst of energy for fright and flight. The two kidneys, also called reins, communicate with the head through the emotions.Greek nephros (nefrov") (Rev. 2:23)
The Lord is the source of the kidneys (Psa 139:13). "The reins are made specially prominent in order to mark the seat of the tenderest, most secret emotions, as the work of Him who trieth the heart and the reins."2
Empty and void, she is devastated! The heart has melted , trembling knees, labor pains in all loins, and all of their faces grow pale. (Nahum 2:10)See Fear and Trembling.
Emotional suffering is a problem that must be faced in the Christian life. It must not be allowed to fester and wreck the Spiritual life. Christians are different from the world. They can expect to be punished severely and to suffer for Christ. "Whom the Lord Loves, He punishes" (Heb 12:6a). In the face of suffering, the Christian cannot afford to succumb to the emotional sins of fear, worry, anxiety, or bitterness. The sins will only pump up the emotions and exacerbate the problem. Although it should be easy enough to Rebound to solve sin problems, many times the emotional sins are symptoms of lack of Capacity for Life. Emotional Revolt of the Soul indicates lack of Capacity for Life.
Job faced severe suffering because the Lord wanted to promote him to Spiritual Rapport. To be promoted, he must pass the testing administered by Satan. Job lost everything during the testing. His suffering was very severe. During the suffering, he added emotional suffering of his own doing.
"His arrows surround me.Even though Satan was administering the punishment, Job recognized God as behind it. The arrows from God were being shot at him from all sides. His kidneys were split open, which means he was in Emotional Revolt of the Soul. And his gall was poured out on the ground, which means he was facing death.
Without mercy He splits my kidneys open;
He pours out my gall on the ground. (Job 16:13)
Whom I myself shall behold,It was so bad, that Job was looking forward to seeing the Lord in the Resurrection. He said his kidneys were destroyed, which indicates severe emotional suffering. He needed to keep his focus on the Lord through the crisis and not be distracted by his personal suffering.
And whom my eyes shall see and not another (a stranger).
Though my kidneys be destroyed within me. (Job 19:27)
In Emotional Revolt of the Soul, the soul becomes irrational and stupid.
Psalm 73:21-22The tendency to be bitter about one's suffering must be overcome. Bitterness is a sin that will arouse the adrenal glands to pump up the emotion. Pierced in the kidneys indicates Emotional Revolt of the Soul. The believer in ERS is stupid and without understanding because he cannot apply doctrine. Emotion has no thought content. The person in ERS is like an animal. He is not thinking divine viewpoint like God.
21 If my heart were embittered,
If I were Pierced in my kidneys,
22 Then I would be stupid and without understanding (ignorant);
A beast I would be compared to You.
Paul had a positive attitude about his emotional suffering for the Colossian church, whom he loved.
I now rejoice in my sufferings on your behalf, and I fill up what is lacking from the afflictions of Christ in my flesh on behalf of His Body, which is the Church. (Colossians 1:24)Paul was Happy in the suffering. He was using the Problem Solving Device of Divine Happiness to handle his personal suffering. He considered it a privilege to "fill up what is lacking from the afflictions of Christ." Christ has already suffered on the Cross and before, but Paul had received additional afflictions due to his relationship with the risen Christ. For example, Jesus Christ did not meet the Corinthians and suffer because of it, but Paul was filling in for Christ and receiving emotional suffering from the Corinthians. The afflictions were in Paul's flesh, which means in his body. This refers to emotional suffering.
Divine Happiness is a Problem Solving Device for handling emotional suffering.
1 Peter 4:13-14
13 But in so far as you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on being Happy, in order that also at the revelation of His glory you may be Happy with exultation.
14 If you are reproached for the person of Christ, Happiness belongs to you because the Spirit of Glory rests upon you.
I will bless the LORD, who has given me counsel;At night when he was out with the sheep or bivouacked with the army, David would apply Bible Doctrine to the problems of the day. God the Holy Spirit would provide counsel and correction through David's kidneys. This was more than just a happy response or appreciation for God in the soul. Like the reins of a horse, the kidneys could signal the need to stop, change course, avoid danger, or suffer from punishment. The signals from the kidneys include:
Moreover, my kidneys correct me in the night times. (Psalm 16:7)
And my kidneys will rejoice,
When your lips speak what is right. (Proverbs 23:16)
You have planted them, they have also taken root;When Bible Doctrine is rejected either from failure to listen or failure to heed, only bad emotional response will come from the kidneys.
They grow, they have even produced fruit.
Thou art near in their mouth
But far from their kidneys. (Jeremiah 12:2)
"I the LORD, analyze the Heart,The LORD analyzes the Heart (right lobe). "Analyze" is the Hebrew chaqar, meaning to search; examine thoroughly; investigate. It refers to testing by analysis. The LORD analyzes the Heart and validates the kidneys. "Validate" is the Hebrew bachan, meaning to perform a qualification test, acceptance test; validate; proof test.
I validate the kidneys.
Even to give to mankind according to his ways,
According to the fruit of his deeds." (Jeremiah 17:10)
But, O Lord of Armies, who judges righteously,
Who validates the kidneys and the Heart,
Let me see Your vengeance on them,
For to You have I committed my cause. (Jeremiah 11:20)O Lord of the Armies, Who validates the righteous,
Who sees the kidneys and the Heart;
Let me see Your vengeance on them;
For to You I have committed my cause. (Jeremiah 20:12)O let the evil of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous;
You are He who validates the hearts and reins, a just God. (Psalm 7:9)
Psalm 26:2-3 Fire Testing
2 Validate me, LORD, and test me;
Smelt my kidneys and my Heart.
3 For Thy Gracious Love is before my eyes,
And I have walked in Thy truth (Bible Doctrine).
In Psalm 26:2 David requested the Lord to smelt his
kidneys and Heart in Fire Testing to validate his doctrine. Smelt
is the Hebrew tsarap, meaning to smelt or melt down. It refers
to Fire Testing; to melt down and separate the dross (Ps. 12:6; 66:10).
The Lord continues to test the kidneys and the Heart in the Church Age.
'And I will execute her children (followers) by the death penalty; and all the churches will know that I am He who analyzes the kidneys and the Hearts; and I will give to every one of you according to your deeds. (Revelation 2:23)The followers of Jezebel who fail the test will be subject to execution under the sin leading to death.
He made the arrows of His quiverJeremiah described to his emotional suffering following the fall of Jerusalem as having the Lord's arrows pierce his kidneys. This was a mortal wound. It was used as a metaphor for severe emotional suffering and Emotional Revolt of the Soul (Job 16:13; Psa 73:22). Job's emotional suffering was like having his kidneys split open, which is a metaphor for ERS.
To enter into my kidneys. (Lamentations 3:13)
"His arrows surround me.
Without mercy He splits my kidneys open;
He pours out my gall on the ground. (Job 16:13)
The root cause of weakened kidneys and kidney stones is spiritual. The kidneys symbolize sanctification, which is separation from the world and consecration to God. The kidneys also symbolize the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Gen 2:17), corresponding to the conscience (Rom 2:15; 1 Pet 3:21) – consecration to Good and separation from evil (Ex 19:10, 14).
Spiritual growth requires consecration to God through the filling of the Holy Spirit, executing the New Spiritual life in Christ, and producing Divine Good. It also requires separation from the world. When that does not happen, God may order Divine punishment. The punishment begins with warnings. If a person does not respond to sanctify himself, then intensified punishment, such as kidney stones, may follow.
Kidney stones correspond to non-standard stone weights used to make fraudulent measurements with a balance.
Proverbs 20:10The first line of the verse is actually a Hebrew idiom, "Stone and stone, ephah and ephah." "Stone and stone" means diverse stones. Stones were used as weights for scales (Prov 11:1; 16:11). Non-standard weights for scales were substituted in order to deceive. Similarly, an ephah was a grain measure. "Ephah and ephah" is an idiom for diverse measures, which were also used to defraud.
Differing weights and differing measures,
Both of them are abominable to the LORD.
Weakened kidneys correspond to deceptive stones for balances. Tampering with balances is "an abomination to the Lord," which indicates intensified Divine punishment, corresponding to not being sanctified. This is strong language (used in other places in conjunction with idols) to indicate the Lord's abhorrence for unequal weights and measures, which were obviously designed to defraud.
Proverbs 20:23"Differing weights" is the same idiom as Proverbs 20:10. "Deceptive balances" were another way to defraud (Am 8:5). One way to defraud is by differing weights, and another way is by deceptive (e.g. falsely calibrated) balances (with good weights). Deceptive balances were not good.
Differing weights are an abomination to the LORD,
And deceptive balances are not good.
Weakened kidneys that produce kidney stones correspond to deceptive stones and deceptive balances. The person who rejects sanctification is like a deceptive stone or deceptive balance. He is pretending to execute the Spiritual life, but his conscience cannot discern Good and evil. Consequently, he does not produce Divine Good and separate from evil.
Kidney stones are fallout from dead works corresponding to human good. Human good is symbolized by wrinkles (ref. Eph 5:27). Human good is not sin, but it is human works contrary to the Grace of God. Those who produce dead works may appear to be good and not sinful or evil. However, their human good is deceptive and a counterfeit for Grace production. Divine Good production must be free from sin or dead works (ref. Heb 9:14; ref. 1 Pet 1:19; 2 Pet 3:14).
Weakened kidneys and kidney stones are the result of Divine punishment that follows the Law of Volitional Responsibility. Under the Law of Volitional Responsibility a person reaps what he sows, but God adds to that Divine punishment (ref. Hos 8:7). Weakened kidneys and kidney stones are not due to a sin but to production of dead works. The stones are fallout from dead works.
Divine punishment weakens the Solar Plexus pressure point which opens the door for the Cosmic System. The person will no longer have the capacity for life to do as he wishes in the Cosmic System but will be subject to slavery to Satan and his demons (ref. 2 Tim 2:26). These demons must be defeated to have spiritual freedom and Divine Happiness. Instead they weigh a person down with an added burden and cause misery associated with God's demotion (ref. Jas 4:9).
Demons do not directly cause kidney stones, but they contribute to the problem and sap the strength. Demon attacks upset the balance of the Solar Plexus pressure point. This added burden coupled with Divine punishment may be enough to cause stress that weakens the kidneys. Separation from the world and defeat of Baal in Spiritual Warfare strengthens the spiritual body and weakens the power of demons in the life. However, a person under slavery to a demon will be out of balance due to the extra spiritual load. The resulting stress can eventually cause physical infirmity. The problem is lack of sanctification. In the tug of war between God and Satan, Satan has gained the upper hand (Rom 6:20, 21). The solution is to Rebound and recover by executing the Spiritual life (Experiential Sanctification, Rom 6:22).
Time Axis
Sounding Board and Interpreter of Emotion
Illusions of Love May Wound the Heart
Heart; right lobe, Hebrew leb (bl#). The right lobe is the sounding board and interpreter of the emotions (refreshment, Gen 18:5; love, Deut 6:5, Judg 16:15; happiness, 1 Sa 2:1; comfort, Isa 40:2; sadness, Neh 2:2; heartbroken, Psa 34:18; contempt, 2 Sa 6:16, Prov 5:12; envy, Prov 23:17; anger, Prov 19:3; pride, 2 Chron 26:16; confidence, Psa 27:3; Prov 31:11; sorrow and grief, Prov 13:12; 14:13; lamentation, Isa 15:5, Lam 2:19, Hos 7:14; despair, Eccl 2:20; stubborn and rebellious, Jer 5:23) (fear: Gen 42:28; Deut 28:65; 1 Sa 4:13; 17:32; 28:5; Psa 40:12; Isa 35:4; Josh 14:8; Jer 4:9). The physical heart beats to the rhythm of the emotions of the right lobe (1 Sa 25:37, death; Psa 38:10, palpitation). Good emotion heals the body and bad emotion destroys it (Psa 16:9; 84:3; Prov 12:18; 14:30).The heart as the inner, middle, or central part, Hebrew lebab (bb*l#) (bitterness, Psa 73:21; happiness, Psa 104:15; heartbroken, Psa 109:16)
To unheart; to wound the heart through violent affection, Hebrew labab (bb^l*) subdue/capture the heart (SOS 4:9); deprive of understanding or judgment (Job 11:12)
Double-hearted - refers to a deceitful person with a self-righteous facade; the end result is a split personality (Psa 12:2), corresponding to the Greek dipsuchos (divyuco") (double-souled, Jas 1:8, 4:8).
My heart palpitates; my strength fails me;The right lobe has rhythm which corresponds to the emotion. Love ranges from tranquility (Prov 14:30) to ecstatics (Psalm 16:9; 84:2), and includes vibrant, stimulating, and healthy emotions in the body.
And the light of my eyes, even this, is gone from me. (Psalm 38:10)
A tranquil heart is life to the body,A tranquil heart is like a clear, calm water-mirror, which is not agitated by emotion - not by a ripple of affection or a wave of passion. A tranquil heart produces good emotion and good health.
But passion is rottenness to the bones. (Proverbs 14:30)
My soul longs and even faints for the courts of the Lord;In the face of death, David's Heart had superabundant Happiness.
My Heart and my flesh sing for joy toward the living God. (Psalm 84:2)
Therefore, my Heart has super Happiness and my glory rejoices;In the crisis David's Heart (right lobe) had God's Happiness. Here the Hebrew samach, means to have superabundant Happiness. The greatest Happiness comes to believers in historical disaster because the Lord delivers. David's glory rejoiced. His glory is his Spiritual Light, his Light production, how he expresses himself to the world, as symbolized by his forefinger (Matt 5:16). His glory rejoiced. Rejoice is the Hebrew gil, which means to leap for joy, to exult. The exultation involves the emotion and the body. The emotion amplifies the exultation in the body. Because David trusted the Lord, he concluded that his body (flesh) would dwell in security. He would be kept safe and sound from his enemies. He had healthy emotions from the stability of Bible Doctrine even in the crisis.
My body also dwells in security. (Psalm 16:25)
My soul longs, and even faints, for the courts of the Lord;David's soul longed to be in "the courts of the Lord," that is, in the Temple. His Heart (right lobe) and his flesh (body) sang for joy to God. The Spiritual Happiness in his Heart from God was amplified by the emotions of his body. In Spiritual Rapport, David sang praises to God from his body (Eph 5:19; Col 3:16).
My Heart and my flesh sing for joy toward the living God. (Psalm 84:2)
Spiritual Rapport with God garrisons the Heart (right lobe) and the mind (mentality) with peace (Phil 4:7).
And the Peace from God, which passes all understanding, will garrison your Hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)Peace from God is the production of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22). Peace means tranquility of soul. It means the soul is under control, and there is no Emotional Revolt of the Soul.
False teachers, who react to God, have emotions in the Heart (right lobe) like stormy waves of the sea (Jude 13; Isa 57:20).
Stormy waves of the sea, foaming up their own shameful deeds; wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever. (Jude 13)False teachers in Lawlessness or Legalism have no Bible Doctrine to stabilize their emotions. Their emotions billow up like waves in a stormy sea. Their emotional binges do not glorify God, but are shameful. They are "wandering stars," which refers to comets. Comets symbolize reversionists. They wander off in darkness without the Light of God.
- Emotion is detected and interpreted as feeling.Emotion associated with love and happiness is understood and communicated by the Heart. Emotion can be associated with Spiritual as well as temporal love and happiness. For example, Reciprocal Love for God may be expressed in songs of Praise.
- Emotion is added to mental, verbal, and overt expressions.
- Emotion is determined to be good or bad (conscience).
- Emotion is controlled.
- Emotion is remembered.
The Heart also processes bad emotion from the Old Sin Nature in Emotional Revolt of the Soul. Bad emotion may be associated with mental attitude sins, sins of the tongue, and overt sins. Bitterness, worry, and frustration from bad emotion may be expressed from the Heart.
The feelings of the appetite are processed by the Heart. Refreshments are described in the Hebrew as refreshing, or sustaining, the Heart. The Hebrew phrase sa`ad (du^s*) + leb (bl#) means "sustain the Heart" (Gen 18:5; Judg 19:5; Psalm 104:15). It is often translated "sustain yourself," which fails to bring out the function of the Heart in responding to the emotions of hunger and satiation.
Wine to make merry the heart of man;Alcohol is initially a stimulant to the emotions of the Heart (Judg 19:9; Psa 104:15), but it soon becomes a depressant.
To make his face shining from oil;
And bread to refresh the Heart of mankind. (Psalm 104:15)
You have captivated my heart (labab), my sister-bride;In this verse, the Hebrew labab (bb^l*), means to unheart; to wound the heart through violent affection; subdue/capture the heart.3 Failure to handle pseudo love can lead to lovesickness.
You have wounded by heart (labab) with a single glance of your eyes,
With a single strand of your necklace. (SOS 4:9)
The Heart of the unbeliever is deprived of understanding or judgment (Job 11:12).The unbeliever is without spiritual understanding because he was born spiritually dead and never accepted Salvation. He is like a wild ass, i.e. stupid and without understanding. There is no chance of an unbeliever having spiritual understanding, just as there is no chance of a wild ass becoming a man.
But before an empty-headed man gains understanding,
A wild ass would become a man. (Job 11:12)
A broken love life is called a broken heart (Psa 34:18; 109:16). This is not a bad description, since the breakdown of the Heart (right lobe) leads to Emotional Revolt of the Soul.
Divine Design
Prerequisites for Good Sex
Emotions of the Sexual Life
Good Emotion for Sexuality
Bad Emotion for Sexuality
Sex was God's gift for Marriage only, and sexuality, sexual life, is given to every member of the human race. Perfect sex existed in the Garden before man sinned. Perfect sexual bonding was one of the primary activities of life. The ultimate ecstasy was achieved by Adam and his wife during sex. Adam and his wife had harmonious rapport. Sin destroyed the harmony between Adam and his wife (Gen. 3:12-13).
God established the boundaries for sex in Marriage, and He established the boundaries for the sexual life. God punishes those who violate the boundaries of sex and the sexual life (Heb 12:5-6; 13:4). Sex involves strong emotion. It requires an agitated emotional high.
The Filling of the Holy Spirit in the Church Age provides the power to overcome the OSN and set us free from sin (Rom 6:17-18, 22; 8:2). Thus, the Church Age Believer has the potential of returning to Garden and having harmonious rapport in Marriage. There is a Spiritual solution to the problem that prevents good sex.
Just as sex is for adults, the Spiritual solution, or good sex, is for Spiritual adults, i.e. mature believers. Good sex requires control of the soul by true love - not the lower brain centers for processing emotions. A completed Edification Complex of the Soul (ECS) is needed to provide the Capacity for Life and Love to go back to the Garden. Couples who are willing to execute the Spiritual Life and pass the tests for compatibility and Spiritual Rapport will be qualified to receive the Grace blessing of harmonious rapport for good sex in Marriage.5
God manages all phases of the sexual life. He creates Right Man and Right Woman and prepares them for Marriage. He sets the bounds and provides the capacity for the sexual life. And He takes up the slack for those who are single. Those who are single are happier than those who are married (1 Cor 7:26-28).
Good sex is possible for those who will execute the Spiritual Life. It begins with learning to obey the Spiritual mandates for the sexual life before Marriage. This requires capacity for handling the emotions associated with the X, Y, Z, and Time axes. A breakdown on any axis means loss of Spiritual integrity and emotional problems that will hinder good sex. God will provide the Right Woman for the Right Man at the right time. Those with completed ECS's will have the capacity for true love, harmonious rapport, and good sex. All others will have big trouble.
Good sex involves the entire body - not just the genitals. The skin and body are associated with sensuous response, and the viscera are associated with emotion.
Quenching and grieving the Holy Spirit must be avoided in order to have good emotions. Good emotions exist inside the Spiritual Control Limits (ref. Scar Tissue of the Soul6). Bad emotions exist in Legalism and Lawlessness. A dried up prude does not have capacity for sexual life. A wild ass does not have capacity for sexual life. Bad emotion can cause problems in mental and physical health. Good emotions in sex only exist between one man and one woman in Marriage. Sex outside of Marriage is sin. Good emotions in the sexual life, sexuality, like those in the Garden can only be attained by advance in the Spiritual Life.
Marriage is holy, sanctified. The union of two people is consecrated to God and all others are excluded (Matt 19:5-6). Sex is the consummation of the marriage. Sex is for Marriage only; sex outside Marriage is a sin (Heb 13:4). The sanctification of Marriage provides the privacy required for the intimacy of Marriage. Privacy is necessary for sex as well as social intercourse. The divine institution of Marriage satisfies the X-axis legal requirement of the Righteousness of God for sex.
The emotions of sex include:
Sanctification means consecrated to God and separated from the world (1 Thess 4:7; Rom 6:19). The phases of sanctification include: (1) Positional at Salvation, (2) Experiential after Salvation, and (3) Ultimate at the Rapture. Sanctification for the Christian requires the Filling of the Holy Spirit and separation from the world (Eph 4:17; 5:18). Only sanctified believers can have a pure relationship in the sexual life (1 Cor 7:39; 7:12-16). An unsanctified believer is spiritually dead and unable to have a pure relationship in the sexual life. An unsanctified person will pollute others.
When God brings the Right Woman to the Right Man, social faithfulness (forsaking all others) is required even before sex is consummated. For the single person sexual life requires remaining a pure virgin, i. e. no sex. The love relationship with Christ takes up the slack (2 Cor 11:2).
Filling of Holy Spirit
Note: The Filling of the Holy Spirit is not an emotion, but it provides the covering and control of the soul necessary for good emotion. The FHS protects from the Old Sin Nature and the infiltration of the Cosmic System. The FHS is achieved through Rebound.
The Y-axis functions of the bowels include: Affection, attraction, compassion, appreciation, attachment, sensitivity, Light. Affection is an emotional expression of love symbolized by the bowels (Y-axis). Affection is characteristic of good emotion in the sexual life. Affection is only valid when it is anchored by the integrity of the ECS. The Y-axis must be aligned in the Spiritual Life. Affection is both active and passive. It is not only an active expression; it is a sensitive response.
The emotion of attraction stimulates love relationships; appreciation fosters them; passion drives them; and compassion tempers them. The emotion of attachment promotes bonding in love.
The ranges of Y-axis emotion are: serenity (Heb 12:14) to passion; cold to hot (Jer 2:24, animal in heat; Rev 3:15-16); dark to light (Matt 6:22-23; Luk 11:34). Note: Light refers to Spiritual Light, which is the production of God, while dark refers to the domain of Satan.
Truth is an X-axis function associated with the stomach (Jer 15:16; Ezek 3:3; Rev 10:9-10). Good relationships and good emotion must be founded in truth (Jn 17:17, 19). Truth includes Bible Doctrine and Righteousness. A right thing must be done in a right way.
Integrity, Capacity for Life and Love
Spiritual Capacity for Life and Love is provided by the Edification Complex of the Soul (ECS).4 The foundation of the ECS is laid at Salvation; the basic structure is completed at Spiritual Maturity; and the final structure is completed in Spiritual Rapport. The ECS provides power for Capacity for Life in the left lobe, which is symbolized by the Right Man, and Capacity for Love in the right lobe, which is symbolized by the Right Woman.
The ECS is the covering for the emotion to keep it under control. The ECS has X, Y, Z, and Time axes.5 The ECS, also called the Integrity Envelope, must remain intact to function; otherwise, the soul will be overrun by the OSN and bad emotion. The intact ECS produces Love (1 Cor 13:13). Soul Capacity for Life and Love will be required to control the strong emotions of sexuality.
Sex involves another person; therefore, sensitivity is required. A person with sexual life has contact with other people, which also demands sensitivity for them.
Happiness means sharing the Happiness of God. Happiness is the production of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22). This is Divine Good production which must be operational to have a good relationship with another person. Capacity for Happiness will also be needed to handle the roller coaster ride of emotion of sexuality.
Harmonious Rapport
Harmonious rapport is a function of the Time axis in which Right Man and Right Woman are synchronized to operate together. God provides harmonious rapport in Grace.
Sin knocks out love and enslaves a person to the OSN and the Cosmic System (Jn 8:34; Rom 6:6, 16). The emotions of sexuality will then link to sins to become emotional sins. Sexuality will no longer be controlled by love but will be driven by the sinful desires of carnality and Reversionism - Pride, Jealousy, Self-Righteousness, Worry, Bitterness (1 Cor 13:4).
The Greek porneia (porneiva) may be translated fornication (1 Cor 6:13, 18; Gal 5:19; Col 3:5) or prostitution (Jer 3:2; Hos 6:10; Rev 2:21; 14:8; 17:2; 18:3; 19:2). Fornication is sex outside the sanctity of Marriage. Prostitution usually refers to ritual prostitution of the Prostitute of Babylon.7
To deliver you from the strange woman,Fornication is a sin against the body (1 Cor 6:18). The emotions will backfire in carnality, Emotional Revolt of the Soul, and Reverse Process Reversionism. Fornication will lead to intensified punishment from God and the sin unto death. Judgment includes heart attacks and liver failure.
From the smooth-talking foreign prostitute; (Proverbs 2:16)For the lips of the strange woman distill (drip) honey,
And smoother than oil is her tongue; (Prov 5:3)
But in the end she is bitter as wormwood,Adultery
Sharp as a two-edged sword. (Proverbs 5:4)
Adultery violates the sanctity of Marriage (Ex 20:14). God personally judges adultery and the sexual sins (Jn 8:3-11; Heb 13:4; Rev 2:22). Adultery leads to intensified punishment and the sin unto death (Prov 6:32; 7:22-23).
For because of a prostitute one is brought down to a roll (bread),Adultery violates Marriage Culture and destroys the environment and the nation (Jer 3:9; 23:10; Hos 4:3).
But another man's wife lies in wait (stalks) a precious soul. (Prov 6:26)
Sex lust is an emotional sin of mental adultery (Matt 5:28). Lust is from the OSN (Rom 13:14) and can link to sin. Lust can link to jealousy and become insatiable (Greek pleonexia (pleonexiva) (Eph 4:19).
Who, because they have become callused have given themselves over to licentiousness, resulting in the practice of every kind of immorality with insatiable lust. (Ephesians 4:19)The lust of the eye (1 Jn 2:16) may feed bad emotions associated with attraction as symbolized by the bowels (Y-axis). The emotions may be associated with a multitude of sexual problems, including voyeurism (2 Sa 11:2), fetishes, hangups, perversions (1 Ki 11:2, 4; Gal 5:19), and addictions (2 Sa 11:4; 13:4).
Power lust associated with the emotions symbolized by the kidneys (Z-axis) may also lead to a variety of sexual problems, including abuse (Ezek 22:11), harassment (1 Sa 1:6), stalking (Job 24:15; Prov 6:26, Hebrew tsur (rWx)), exploitation (Rev 2:20), domination (Eccl 7:26; Jer 40:1), seduction (Ex 22:16; Deut 22:28-29; Judg 16:5; 1 Ki 21:25; Prov 7:21; 2 Ti 3:6), rape (Gen 34:2; Judg 20:5; 2 Sam 13:14; Jer 3:2; Lam 5:11; Zech 14:2), and sadism/masochism.
Lust for money and sex lead to prostitution, which is evil (Deut 23:18; Josh 2:1; Jer 5:7; 2 Pet 2:15). One party may desire the money and the other may desire sex. The business deal of prostitution is outside the bounds of the business establishment and the Divine Institution of Marriage.
Lasciviousness and licentiousness are sins from illicit sexual desires. Lasciviousness is the Hebrew nebalah (hl*b*n=) and Greek aischune (aijscuvnh). Licentiousness is the Greek aselgeia (ajsevlgeia).
The Hebrew nebalah (hl*b*n=) describes degenerate behavior that is licentious, shameful, vulgar, and churlish. It is also degenerate sexual behavior such as rape and homosexuality.
"Do not commit this shameful licentiousness (nebalah)!" (Judges 19:23)."Stormy waves of the sea, foaming up their own shameful deeds (aischune (aijscuvnh))" (Jude 13)
Positional Sanctification is necessary to be free from sin and the Cosmic System. Believers should not marry unbelievers (1 Cor 7:39; 7:12-16).
Experiential Sanctification requires the Filling of the Holy Spirit through Rebound (1 Jn 1:9). Believers should not fornicate (1 Cor 6:18); fornicate with prostitutes (1 Cor 6:15); should not engage in abnormal sexual behavior (Greek akatharsia (ajkaqarsiva), 1 Thess 4:7; Rom 6:19; Col 3:5); and should not love the world (Jas 4:1-4; 1 Jn 2:15-16). Only the Christian who is separated from the world is capable of having a sanctified relationship with another person. Sex outside of Marriage is a sin.
Darkness refers to the darkness of the Cosmic System (Acts 26:18; Col 1:13), which infiltrates the human soul and body. Blackout of the Soul leads to lust and sexual sins. Sexual sins include:
Walking in the Light is a Problem Solving Device associated with the Golden Lampstand in the Tabernacle.
The woman is the reflected glory of her Right Man; however, when the man is in darkness, the woman who responds to him will also be in darkness. The darkness will produce bad emotion. Harmony in the Right Man - Right Woman relationship will not exist. Divine punishment will follow (Heb 13:4). And hormones from bad emotion will exacerbate the problem.
Spiritual Death
The result of sin is spiritual death (Jas 1:15). Just as spiritual death is the enemy of Spiritual Life, spiritual death is the enemy of sexual life (1 Ti 5:6; Rev 3:1). Sex with a person in spiritual death is doomed. Sexual life and spiritual death are incompatible. Spiritual death produces a host of bad emotions and is without capacity for good emotion (Titus 3:3). Sex with a person in spiritual death is destructive on the road to the sin leading to death (Prov 7:22-23). Spiritual death brings God's cursing rather than blessing.
Lies and illusions
Lies, which are devoid of truth and objectivity, leave empty spots on the cerebral cortex. Emptiness from lies and illusions in the heart and mind are magnets for bad emotion. Lies knock out the X-axis associated with the stomach and lead to Emotional Revolt of the Soul and Reverse Process Reversionism.
Lies are the basis for many of the perversions and illusions in the sexual life (Rom 1:18, 24-25; 2:8). The lies inspire the lusts and emotional highs of illicit sexual behavior. The adrenaline rush from the kidneys inspires the thrill seeker to seek greater heights on the emotional roller coaster. Phallic Reversionists of Israel had sexual thirst (stomach function, X-axis) and panted for air (kidney function, Z-axis) in their lust like a wild donkey in heat (bowel function, Y-axis) (Jer 2:24-25).
Psychiatric problems may also result from lies that
feed bad emotion.
Lustful Passion
Passion is the Greek, thumos (qumov") and pathos (pavqo"), which refer to a strong emotional desire for something external to oneself (Y-axis). Passion may include extreme sensitivity, uncontrollable excitement, and inordinate desire. It is often applied to love (affection) or anger, but may be associated many other desires, e.g. jealousy, wrath, ambition, fear, or a passion for drink. The Greek, pathos (pavqo"), may refer to the emotion of suffering. However, in the Bible the word is only used for sexual lusts and vices.
Lustful passion is loss of sanctification along the Y-axis (pathos (pavqo"), 1 Thess 4:5; Col 3:5). Homosexuality is a degrading passion (pathos (pavqo"), Rom 1:26). The passionate prostitution of the Prostitute of Babylon is symbolized by wine, which arouses passionate emotions of a high followed by depression (Rev 14:8, 18:3, thumos (qumov")).
The adjective, sensual, refers to gratification of bodily sensory organs and is not in itself a sin. It may refer to the appetites and passions of the body and to exciting or gratifying sexuality. However, the noun, sensuality, refers to indulging the desires of the flesh; carnal pleasures; wantonness; insolent luxuriousness; voluptuousness; and excessively sexually hot, sultry.
The Greek, strenos (strh'no") means sensuality or luxury (Rev 18:3, 7, 9).
"For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her prostitution; and the kings of the earth have committed prostitution with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich from the power of her extravagance." (Rev 18:3)The Greek, katastreniao (katastrhniavw), from (katav, against) + (strhniavw, become wanton), means to become wanton against; to feel the impulses of sexual desire; to feel sensual impulses against (1 Ti 5:11)
But refuse to put younger widows on the list, for you see, when they feel sensual desires in disregard of Christ, they want to get married (1 Ti 5:11)Sensuality and Phallic Reversionism are symbolized by a green tree (Deut 12:2; Psa 37:35; Jer 2:20; 3:6, 13).
The Greek, spatalao (spatalavw) means to live luxuriously or voluptuously, in indulgence (1 Ti 5:6; Jas 5:5).
Lack of Capacity for Life and Love
Spiritual Capacity for Life and Love is provided by the Edification Complex of the Soul (ECS). The ECS is a command post in the soul to protect it from the world, the flesh, and the devil. The ECS has X, Y, Z, and Time axes (Mk 12:30). The ECS, also called the Integrity Envelope, must remain intact to function; otherwise, the soul will be overrun by the OSN, the emotion, the world, and the Cosmic System. The intact ECS produces Love (1 Cor 13:13).
Weakness and failure of the ECS means loss of power for protection in the Spiritual Life resulting in control by the OSN, carnality, Reversionism, and bad emotion.
Examples of problems from lack of Capacity for Life and Love:
The ultimate Love and Happiness for mankind occurs in Spiritual Rapport, which is harmony with God. Rapport with God requires responding to the Grace of God. Response to God's Grace requires submission to His Authority and response to His Love. Spiritual Rapport includes the highest state of good emotion.
Those males and females who are not responding to God's Grace are reacting. If unchecked by Rebound and deployment of the Problem Solving Devices, reaction leads to rebellion against God and His Grace (Neh 9:26; Lam 1:18, 20; 3:42; Dan 9:5). In rebellion, harmony with Right Man - Right Woman is also lost. Rebellion, also known as Reversionism, includes slavery to Satan's Cosmic System with its Evil King and Prostitute of Babylon. Reaction and Rebellion include a host of bad emotions. Nimrod, the first Evil King, rebelled against God and conquered other people. He founded Babylon where the Tower of Babel was built in an attempt to dominate the world.
While the Evil King of Babylon tried to conquer the world, the High Priestess of Babylon (also known as the Prostitute of Babylon) sought to rule over all that was conquered through civil government. The Prostitute of Babylon, like the Evil King, was empowered by Satan, the ruler of the world. She engaged in ritual prostitution in worship of Satan. Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab, became the great example of the Prostitute of Babylon.
The Northern and Southern Kingdoms of Israel were portrayed in Ezekiel 23 as reacting and rebellious women who rejected God and Marriage Culture. They became the Prostitute of Babylon and worshipped Satan in the Phallic Cult before they were destroyed.
And they practiced prostitution in Egypt. They practiced prostitution in their youth. There their breasts were squeezed erotically; and there were fondled the teats of their virginity. (Ezekiel 23:3)The reacting women lusted after the Assyrian officers and officials (Ezek 23:9, 12) and engaged in prostitution with them (Ezekiel 23:11).
The women of the Southern Kingdom lusted after the pornographic images of Chaldean men painted on a wall (Ezek 23:14-16), engaged in prostitution with them (Ezek 23:17), burned in her lust for their phalluses like a nymphomaniac (Ezek 23:20), and longed for the lewdness of prostitution (Ezek 23:21). Periods of unrestrained licentiousness were followed by the cursing of divine punishment, including depression, estrangement, bitterness, derision, sorrow, devastation, spiritual death, and finally dying discipline (Ezek 23:10, 17, 24-26, 32-33).
The reacting women of the Southern Kingdom of Judah were also described by Isaiah (Isa 3:16-26) as arrogant and seductive with fashionable hairdos, jewelry, and clothing. Israel rebelled against the Lord (Isa 1:20, 23; 57:4; Jer 4:17; 5:23); therefore, in the Fifth Cycle of Discipline the men were killed and the women raped (Lam 5:11, Hebrew `anah (hn*u*), rape/humble; Zech 14:2, Hebrew shagel (@lg@v*), rape/violate).
Jezebel was the great symbol of the Prostitute of Babylon. She usurped her husband, the King's, authority (1 Ki 21:8-10); killed the prophets of the Lord (1 Ki 18:4), and tried to kill Elijah (1 Ki 19:2); and led 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah (1 Ki 18:19).
In the Church Age, the Prostitute of Babylon (called Jezebel) infiltrated the Church of Thyatira. She posed as a pastor-teacher and led Christians into prostitution and idolatry (Rev 2:20). The Lord ordered her and her followers to repent or face severe punishment (Rev 2:21-22). She would be cast into a sick-bed; those committing adultery with her would receive intensified suffering; and her followers (children) would be executed (Rev 2:22-23). Jezebel and her followers were in Emotional Revolt of the Soul involving the emotion associated with the kidneys (Rev 2:23).
False teachers like Jezebel are inspired by the lies of the spirit of antichrist (1 Jn 2:18-22; 2 Jn 7). Like Balaam, they entice followers by sexual lusts associated with the Prostitute of Babylon (2 Pet 2:15-19; Jude 11-13; 2 Ti 3:6-7).
The adulteress in Reverse Process Reversionism reacts to God and her Right Man. She may prey upon teen boys, who are preoccupied with sex (Prov 7:7).
And I saw among the naive,She may dress like a whore with a secret heart (Prov 7:10).
I discerned among the youths,
A young man lacking sense, (Proverbs 7:7)
Behold, a woman coming to meet him,She may be bombastic and headstrong (Prov 7:11).
In the garb of a whore and with a secret heart. (Proverbs 7:10)
She is bombastic and headstrong;She may lurk in the yard, in the plaza (shopping center), and at every corner (Prov 7:12).
Her feet have no rest in her own house. (Proverbs 7:11)
At one time before her door, at another in the plaza,And she may use flattery to seduce (Prov 7:21).
And again at every corner she is on the lookout. (Proverbs 7:12)
She seduces him by many persuasive words.Bad emotion from wanton pleasure leaves a reacting woman spiritually dead (1 Ti 5:6).
By the seductive words of her lips she seduces him. (Proverbs 7:21)
But she who lives in wanton pleasure is dead while she lives. (1 Timothy 5:6)Reacting women, who reject the Spiritual Life, may fill in the void with a social life in which they become gossipy, meddlesome, and discuss things not proper to mention (e.g. activism) (1 Ti 5:13).
And at the same time they also learn to be idle, going around from house to house, and not merely idle, but also gossipy and meddlesome, discussing things not proper to mention. (1 Timothy 5:13)
Released January 11, 2011 - Revised Oct. 19, 2016
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