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Fellowship with God |
Christian Soldier
Waiting for Help, Blessing
Waiting for Promotion
Demotion from the Lord
The test of discipleship is not intelligence, academic achievement, or public relations skill, but battle courage, willingness to die for freedom. Soldiers die for temporal freedom, and disciples die for Spiritual freedom. Jesus didn't choose His disciples for their looks or their ability but for their loyalty. The test of loyalty would be the courage to die for their Savior.
As Jesus grew in popularity, others offered to be His disciples.
Luke 9:57As Jesus was traveling on foot along the road with his disciples, another man offered to be His disciple and follow Him anywhere. Jesus explained the hardships of being a true disciple.
As they were traveling along the road, someone said to Him, "I will follow You wherever You go."
Luke 9:58Jesus explained that disciples don't have a home. Even animals have a place to stay, but not disciples. They are like nomads, who sleep outdoors. This hardship was enough to scare off most candidates without ever getting to the true test of battle courage.
And Jesus said to him, "The foxes have holes and the birds of the sky have roosts, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head."
Luke 9:59Then Jesus turned to another man and asked him to follow as a disciple. But that man had an excuse based upon his personal priorities. He was willing to follow, but first he wanted permission to bury his father. This didn't mean that his father had died, but that he wanted to care for his dying father until he passed, and then he would follow Jesus.
And He said to another, "Follow Me." But he said, "Lord, permit me first before going to bury my father."
Luke 9:60Jesus knew that the man's father was spiritually dead. He was either an unbeliever or a reversionistic believer. Jesus told him, "Leave the dead to bury their own dead." He meant, "Leave the spiritually dead to bury their own dead." In other words, let the father's spiritually dead friends care for him and bury him.
But He said to him, "Leave the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, after going away, proclaim everywhere the Kingdom of God."
Luke 9:61Another man was willing to follow, but he first wanted to go back home to say good-bye.
Another also said, "I will follow You, Lord; but first permit me to say good-bye to those in my home."
Luke 9:62Jesus rejected this man also. He compared him to a person who put his hand on the plow and then looked back. This indicates having second-thoughts, or doubts, about starting the new project or going the new way in life. Those who lack the objectivity to make decisions and stick with them, will fall away when the going gets rough.
But Jesus said to him, "No one, after putting his hand on the plow and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God."
So, being a disciple requires the right priorities. The disciple must be willing to pay the price of being a soldier. He must be willing to give up his temporal life in order to have a Spiritual life. He must be willing to suffer hardship and be loyal to the point of death. His dedication must be unequivocal. The disciples of Jesus were like the signers of the US Declaration of Independence. They paid for it with their lives. The signers suffered for temporal freedom, and the disciples suffered for Spiritual freedom.
Paul explained the priorities of being a Christian soldier to Timothy.
2 Timothy 2:3Paul encouraged Timothy to suffer hardship like a good soldier. In this case, however, the soldier was serving Jesus Christ. "Hardship" includes the suffering and testing in the Christian life.
Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 2:4A soldier on active duty does not become entangled in the affairs of civilian life. He gives up his civilian life in order to serve in the military. He gives up his personal freedom to protect the freedom of others.
No soldier in military service becomes entangled in the affairs of civilian life in order that he may please the one who enlisted him.
In this analogy, the Christian soldier must have a different set of priorities than his unbeliever counterpart. The Christian soldier restricts his own personal freedom in order to serve the one who enlisted him. The one who enlisted him is Jesus Christ. In order to have rapport with Jesus Christ, the Christian soldier must give up his rapport with the world. He must avoid activities which have no Spiritual benefit. And he must avoid being taken captive in the Cosmic System. The Christian is a soldier who engages in Spiritual Warfare. In order to be free to fight the Lord's battles, he must align his priorities with God's will for his life.
Athletic Analogy
The athletic analogy is similar to the analogy of the Christian soldier.
2 Timothy 2:5Before entering Roman athletic contests, the athletes were all required to train according to the same rules. They competed naked. They lived in the same barracks, ate the same food, and exercised together with the same coaches. They were not allowed to take a vacation, go home for a visit, or date. If they violated the training rules, they were disqualified from entering the athletic games. An athlete could not be crowned the winner in an athletic contest unless he followed the training rules.
And if anyone competes in an athletic contest, he is not crowned the winner unless he trains according to the rules.
Like an athlete, a Christian must live the Spiritual life according to the rules. The rules are Bible Doctrine. The Christian must eat at the training table (1 Tim 4:6). He must have fresh air, which is analogous to the prayer life. And He must exercise, which is analogous to living the Spiritual life (1 Tim 4:7, 8). He must compete in contests, which are analogous to Spiritual Warfare (1 Cor 9:25). And he must practice proper hygiene, which is analogous to sanctification.
Athletic analogies of the Christian life include running (Rom 9:16; 1 Cor 9:24; Gal 2:2, 5:7; Phil 2:16; Heb 12:1), fighting (1 Cor 15:32; 2 Tim 4:7), boxing (1 Cor 9:26), exercise (1 Cor 9:27; 1 Tim 4:8), and winning the crown (1 Cor 9:25; 2 Tim 2:5).
Paul wrote to the Corinthians that in light of the current historical crisis, it would be best not to get married (1 Cor 7:26). It would be much easier for a single person to execute the Spiritual life. Because of the critical requirements of the Spiritual life, even Christians who were married should give their priority to the Spiritual life.
1 Corinthians 7:29"Brethren" means this is addressed to believers. "The time has been shortened." This means the time that is left is short. It is like the last quarter of a ball game. There is not much time left. "Time" refers to the time of human history. The time is short because it is the Church Age, which will end abruptly with the Rapture. Then after seven years of Tribulation, the Jewish Age will end with the Second Advent. Paul wrote this is 57 AD, about 1,956 years ago; but since there is no prophecy in the Church Age, it could end any day. That was true in Paul's day, and it is true today. The time is even shorter today. Satan is getting in his last punches because the end is approaching.
But I mean this, brethren, the time has been shortened, so that from now on both those having wives should be as though not having wives;
Since the remaining time is short "those having wives should be as though not having wives." This means even married people must give priority to their Spiritual life over their marriage relationship. The Spiritual life requires much time and concentration. This is not a prohibition of Marriage, but it means that Marriage and family must be neglected in order to be devoted to the Spiritual life. The priority has to be the strategic advance to Spiritual Maturity and Spiritual Rapport. Fellowship with God is the priority, not whether you have a big house with a swimming pool, a large family, entertain the relatives, and throw big parties. Kiss (keep it simple stupid)!
Marriage will sap the time that would be better spent executing the Spiritual life. If two people do get married, they should execute the Spiritual life together. This is impossible unless they are Right Man – Right Woman and have learned Bible Doctrine. Marriage will result in tribulation in the flesh (1 Cor 7:28). It is filled with problems and distractions (1 Cor 7:33, 34).
In addition to Marriage, normal activities of life must be set aside in order to execute the Christian life.
1 Corinthians 7:30Living in this vale of tears will result in weeping. But Christians must even forego that luxury. Like soldiers in combat, they must set aside their emotion and concentrate objectively on the task at hand. Put the problem in the Lord's hands and move on.
and those who are weeping, as though they are not weeping; and those who are rejoicing, as though they are not rejoicing; and those who are buying, as though they are not possessing;
Similarly, those who are rejoicing must set aside their celebration in order to concentrate on the Spiritual life. This is not a prohibition against being Happy, but it is a notice not to waste time celebrating.
And those who are buying should behave as though not having the purchased products. This is not a prohibition against business, but it is a reflection of priorities in shopping. The Spiritual life is not based on the details of life. Shopping can be a waste of time, and materialistic possessions are not of Spiritual value.
1 Corinthians 7:31"Those using the world" refers to the activities of life and making use of the details of life. For example, this includes going to work, school, the store, the park, the beach, the library, a ball game, or a movie. It includes reading, doing the laundry, keeping house, growing flowers, sewing, mowing the lawn, or cooking a meal. Now, all of these things take time. If the Spiritual life is the priority, then the Holy Spirit will set the priorities. That will mean giving up many of the activities of life, even eating from time to time, in order to concentrate on the Spiritual life.
and those using the world, as though they are not making full use of it; for the present form of this world is passing away.
"The present form of this world is passing away." We are flesh and bones in a world of wood, metal, and concrete. All this will be destroyed. The body will die and decompose. The world will be destroyed by fire and rebuilt for the Millennium. We will receive Resurrection bodies. And after a brief thousand years we will live in a new Heavenly abode with God for all Eternity.
Life is short. It is fraught will trial and tribulation, suffering and shame. But having passed, the glory of Eternity will be based on the Grace that was ours in the dirt of Planet Earth. Do not squander the opportunity, but use the time. The seed that dies will grow. The trials of the present will translate into the blessings of Eternity. The dirt and dust, labor and heartache, will become the beauty and Love of future glory. Today's true love will be magnified into surpassing Love in the presence of our wonderful Lord and Savior when we will bask in the glory of God forever. Love lives and lasts forever.
1 Corinthians 7:32-34 Problems of MarriageMarriage causes anxiety. The single person is free to concentrate on the Lord and live the Spiritual life, but the married person is concerned about the things of the world and how to please the spouse. "The virgin" refers to a young woman of marriageable age. And "the unmarried woman" is one who is unmarried for any reason, whether a widow, divorcee, or old maid. At best, Marriage is a distraction from the Spiritual life. It symbolizes the Love relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not the source of happiness, though happy people may be married. It is supposed to be a love relationship between two people, but even that will be difficult to maintain in this life.
32 But I want you to be free from anxiety. The unmarried one cares about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord,
33 but the married one is concerned about the things of the world, how he may please his wife,
34 and he is distracted. And the unmarried woman and the virgin, are concerned about the things of the Lord, that she may be set apart to God in both body and human spirit; but one who is married is concerned about the things of the world, how she may please her husband.
1 Corinthians 7:35Paul has given this advice about Marriage for the benefit of Christians, who face the challenges of the Spiritual life. The advice not to get married is not to put a noose around the necks of Christians. Not getting married does not mean the end of one's life, though it may seem so at the time. It is to promote "what is noble," being a member of the Royal Family of God. And it is a way to be devoted to the Lord without the distraction of Marriage.
But I am saying this for your own benefit; not to put a noose around your neck, but to promote what is noble and that you may be devoted to the Lord without distraction.
Psalm 27:14Since success in battle depends on the Lord, it is important to wait for Him. "Wait eagerly" is the Hebrew hw*q* (qavah), which means to wait or look eagerly for. The Lord's warrior must be courageous and have a strong heart that does not waver in fear. The Lord's help is necessary for victory, and it is imperative to wait for His help in time of trouble (Ps 25:3; 40:1; 62:5; 130:5; Prov 20:22).
Wait eagerly for the LORD;
Be courageous and let your heart be strong;
Yes, wait for the LORD.
Psalm 33:18The "eye of the Lord" symbolizes Grace. Those who fear the Lord respect His authority. They are candidates for Grace because their Z-axes are aligned with Him. "Confidently expect" is the Hebrew lj^y* (jachal), which means to wait for, confidently expect, or hope. Those who are candidates for Grace confidently expect "His Gracious Love," which is the source of Divine blessing. "Gracious Love" is the Hebrew ds#j# (chesed), which means Gracious Love or unfailing Love. Those who confidently expect His Gracious Love have Spiritual Rapport with the Lord.
Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him,
On those who confidently expect His Gracious Love,
Psalm 33:19Those who fear the Lord and wait expectantly for His Grace, trust Him to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine.
That He may deliver their soul from death
And keep them alive in famine.
Psalm 33:20"Waits confidently" is the Hebrew hk*j* (chakah) (Isa. 8:17; 30:18). This is a stronger word for waiting to synchronize with the Lord. The Lord is "our help and our shield." He provides help in the crisis and provides a shield of protection to deliver from the enemy.
Our soul waits confidently for the LORD;
He is our help and our shield.
Isaiah 30:18 The Lord Waits to Be Gracious"Waits" is again the Hebrew hk*j* (chakah) (Psa 33:20; Isa. 8:17). The Lord is waiting to be gracious. He is delaying His blessing until the right time. He has rapport with the believer to give him what he needs. He doesn't send blessing at the wrong time when it would be of no value. He waits to bless. His blessing may require capacity for it before He will deliver it.
Therefore, the LORD waits to be gracious to you;
Therefore, He waits on high to have mercy on you,
For the LORD is a God of Justice;
Happy are all those who wait confidently for Him.
The Lord also waits to have mercy. He gives mercy at the right time to the person who is in need of mercy.
"The Lord is a God of Justice." He has absolute Righteousness and perfect Justice in His essence. He does not compromise His Justice or play favorites. What the Righteousness of God demands, the Justice of God Judges. Therefore, it is important to be on the right side of the God's Justice.
"Happy are all those who wait confidently for Him." "Happy" is the Hebrew rv#a# ('esher), which means happy; the happiness of blessing. This is God's Happiness, which He shares with believers. This Happiness belongs to all those who wait confidently for the Lord. "Wait confidently" is the Hebrew hk*j* (chakah). The one who is waiting confidently for the Lord can be Happy because he is in harmony with the Lord, who is waiting to be gracious and to bless at the right time. Waiting for the Lord means the person is executing the Spiritual life.
Isaiah 40:31 New Strength"Those who wait for the Lord" are executing the Spiritual life. They are using Faith-Rest. They have put their problems in the Lord's hands, and they are waiting for Him to solve them. When the Lord gives them Grace, they "will gain new strength." They will be renewed, restored, and reinvigorated. They will have more Capacity for Life from the power of the Holy Spirit.
But those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength.
They will mount up with wings (pinions) like eagles;
They will run and not be weary;
They will walk and not faint.
Those who trust the Lord will soar like eagles (Ex 19:4; Deut 32:11). They will rise above the problems of life rather than being stuck under the circumstances. They will be able to handle the problems of life with ease, dexterity, and skill. This corresponds to the Kite configuration in astrology.2
"They will run and not be weary." Weariness is often due to worry. The believer who trusts the Lord will not be worried about his problems. Therefore, he will be able to run without being tired or fatigued.
"He will walk and not faint." Walking corresponds to operating in life, or living the Spiritual life day by day. The person who trusts the Lord will be able to execute the Spiritual life without fainting in his soul. "Fainting" symbolizes Emotional Revolt of the Soul, which is characteristic of lack of Capacity for Life and carnality.
Galatians 6:9Christians should not become discouraged in producing Divine Good. Producing Divine Good refers to executing the Spiritual life. Divine Good must be produced in Grace. This means God does the work. This should be easy, but many Christians grow tired of waiting for the Lord to provide. They become disillusioned and discouraged and want to give up on Bible Doctrine.
Let us not become discouraged in producing Divine Good, for in due time we will reap if we do not faint.
"In due time we will reap if we do not faint." "Due time" is God's time. He decides when we will reap. Reaping is a metaphor for harvesting Divine Good production. We will be able to reap blessing from God if we "do not faint." Fainting refers to fainting in the soul, which is another metaphor for Emotional Revolt of the Soul. Emotional Revolt of the Soul is a sign of failing the test from lack of faith and Capacity for Life. It is a sign of carnality and weakness.
God swore to Abraham that He would make him a great nation (Gen 12:2; Heb 6:13, 14), but when he was 99 years old, he still did not have an heir. However, Abraham patiently waited and in hope against hope he believed the Lord (Rom 4:18). Even though he was sexually dead and Sarah was past the menopause, God performed a miracle, and Abraham had a son when he was 100 years old (Rom 4:19; Gen 21:5; Heb 6:15).
God keeps His promises to bless. He waited until Abraham reached Spiritual Maturity before He blessed him with a son. In so doing Isaac was born with the Spiritual heritage from a father in Spiritual Maturity. Solomon received the same kind of blessing. Such children receive the blessing of the inheritance that it took their parents a lifetime to receive. They receive the blessings associated with Spiritual Maturity, which they are unable to squander for a lifetime.
Psalm 37:34"Wait eagerly" is the Hebrew hw*q* (qavah), which means to wait or look eagerly for. The believer is commanded to wait eagerly for the Lord in anticipation of His Grace. Waiting does not mean sitting in one spot, but following the Lord's path. This refers to walking, which is advancing strategically and tactically on the road of life. It is executing the Spiritual life.
Wait eagerly for the LORD; follow His path; and He will promote you to take possession of the Land. When the wicked are cut off, you will see it.
The believer who obeys the Lord in his life will be promoted "to take possession of the Land." "Promote" is the Hebrew <Wr (rum), which means to promote; to exalt; raise. "Take possession" is the Hebrew vr^y* (jarash), which means to take possession of; inherit. The Army of Israel had to conquer the Promised Land in order to receive their inheritance in it. They had to possess their possessions in the Promised Land. This corresponds to the Christian in Spiritual Warfare conquering the enemy and being promoted to Spiritual Maturity to receive the inheritance. Living in the Promised Land corresponds to Spiritual Maturity.
"When the wicked are cut off, you will see it." The wicked are reversionists. They were the enemies of David, the writer of this Psalm. The wicked oppose the Righteous (Psa 37:12). "Cut off" is the Hebrew tr^K* (karath), which means to be cut off (by the death penalty, Gen. 17:14; Lev 7:20, 21, 25, 27; 19:8; Nu 9:13). When the Lord cuts off the wicked, the Righteous believer will see it. The Lord will reveal it to him. Here "cuts off" refers to dying the Sin Leading to Death. So, the Lord promotes the Righteous believer, and He cuts off the reversionist with the Sin Leading to Death.
Luke 14:11"Exalt" is the Greek uJyovw (hupsoo), which means to exalt or promote. Those who exalt themselves are full of arrogant or selfish ambition, which was the sin of Satan (Isa 14:14). They have rejected the Grace of God. Their ambition indicates a timing problem. They are not waiting for the Lord to promote them. Consequently, they will be humbled (Jas 4:6).
For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be promoted.
In contrast, the believer who humbles himself under God's authority, will be promoted. The Lord will promote him in Grace (Matt 23:12; Lk 18:14). "Promoted" is again the Greek uJyovw (hupsoo), which means here to promote. When the Lord promotes the believer, there is Spiritual Rapport between them.
James 4:10"Humble yourselves" is the Greek tapeinovw (tapeinoo), aorist passive imperative, which means to become humble. This is authority orientation, which is Z-axis alignment, beginning with Rebound. The ingressive aorist views the action from the standpoint of its initiation. The passive voice with reflexive middle connotation expresses turning around on your conduct, which is in contrast to your prior conduct. "Humble yourselves" includes listening to Bible teaching and metabolizing doctrine (Matt 11:29-30).
Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will promote you.
Humility is the basis for Grace Orientation, and Grace Orientation is the basis for promotion. "In the sight of the Lord" is synonymous with 'in the presence of the Lord' or 'in fellowship with the Lord.' In this state of humility the Lord will promote you in Grace.
1 Peter 5:6 Grace Promotion"Allow yourselves to be humbled" is again the Greek tapeinovw (tapeinoo), aorist passive imperative. In the passive voice, the subject permits himself "to be humbled under the mighty hand of God." The "hand of God" is a symbol of Divine discipline. God disciplines all believers, especially young pastor-teachers, to whom this is addressed (1 Pet 5:1; Heb 12:5-11). Accepting God's discipline in suffering is a test of Grace Orientation. The young pastor-teacher sits under the ministry of the pastor-teacher of the local church and grows Spiritually by metabolizing Bible Doctrine.
Allow yourselves, therefore, to be humbled under the mighty hand of God that He may promote y'all at the proper time.
"That He may promote y'all at the proper time" – the young pastor-teacher along with all others who learn Bible Doctrine under the mighty hand of God will be promoted at the proper time. "At the proper time" is the Greek preposition ejn (en) + kairov", (kairos), which means a point in time; the right, proper, favorable time. The prepositional phrase means "in due time" or "at the proper time." God's time is the right time. The believer must wait for God's time to be promoted in Grace. When he is promoted, he will be in rapport with God and in harmony with mankind.
1 Peter 5:7 Faith-RestThis verse expresses an additional circumstance associated with waiting for promotion in the previous verse. "Casting" is the Greek ejpirrivptw (epirripto), from (ejpiv, upon) + (rivptw, throw) = to throw on, cast off; throw upon the ground (someone). The believer should throw his anxieties on God and leave them there. This is Faith-Rest (Psa 55:22). This is an aorist participle. In the Greek the action of the aorist participle always precedes the action of the main verb. The main verb is "humble yourselves" in the previous verse. Therefore, verse 7 should actually appear before verse 6 in translation to bring out the meaning from the Greek.
casting all your anxieties on Him because He cares for y'all.
"Anxieties" is the Greek mevrimna (merimna), meaning anxiety, worry, care. The verb form of the word appears in Matt 6:25-34 and Luk 10:41. Anxieties, worries, and cares are mental attitude sins. They must be confessed, but the underlying cause of the worry or anxiety should be put in the Lord's hands for Him to solve (Phil 4:6-7).
"Because He cares for y'all" – God Loves us and has our best interests at heart. "Cares" is the Greek mevlw (melo), which means to care about someone; be concerned about (Jn 10:13; 12:6).
This verse expresses the manner or attendant circumstance for humbling oneself under the hand of God. Under the hand of God means there will be punishment. When anxieties arise because of the punishment and adversity, then Faith-Rest must be used to leave the anxiety with God. If this is not done, sins of worry, fear, or anxiety will thwart the Spiritual life.
Based upon consideration of the aorist participle in the Greek these two verses should be translated in the following order.
1 Peter 5:7, 6
7 by casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for y'all,
6 Allow yourselves, therefore, to be humbled under the mighty hand of God that He may promote y'all at the proper time.
1 Peter 5:10 Grace Promotion"After you have suffered for a little while" – qualification for promotion includes suffering. Passing the suffering tests, qualifies the believer for greater blessing in Time, such as Escrow Blessing. Promotion comes from God, who called us into His Eternal Glory in Christ. We were called to receive an inheritance in Christ. We cannot receive our inheritance until we are mature enough to handle it.
And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all Grace, who has called you into His Eternal Glory in Christ Jesus, shall Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.
We must pass the suffering tests to qualify for promotion and receive our inheritance. After passing the suffering tests, then God will "Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you." This is promotion, which compensates for any injustices encountered in suffering. God will:
Psalm 75:6Three directions are listed that do not bring promotion: the East (place of rising), the West (place of setting), and the desert (South). This suggests that God's home is in the northern part of the heavens.
For not from the East (the rising), and not from the West (the setting),
And not from the desert (South), comes promotion.
Psalm 75:7God is the Sovereign Judge, who demotes one and promotes another. He decides whom to promote and whom to demote. Whereas, He is Sovereign over all, He also allows Satan to promote and demote in keeping with His Sovereign Design. God promotes and demotes people and nations.
But it is God who Judges;
He demotes one and promotes another.
Deuteronomy 32:35 Vengeance Belongs to the LORDThe Lord decides when to demote and destroy people and nations. Vengeance belongs to Him. Those who obey Him will qualify for blessing, but those who continue to reject Him will be liable for demotion and destruction. He has reserved retribution for the "time their foot shall slip." The slipping or shaking of the foot is a figure representing the commencement of a fall, or of stumbling (Jer 23:12; Ps 38:16; 94:18). Their destruction will come upon them suddenly at the appointed time.
Vengeance is Mine, and retribution for the time their foot shall slip. For the day of their destruction is near, and that which is prepared for them comes hastily.
In The Magnificat Mary recognized the Lord's Sovereign power to promote and demote.
Luke 1:52The Lord brings down the high and mighty rulers from their thrones (Job 34:24; Psa 107:40). And the Lord promotes the humble. "The humble" are those who respect the Lord's Divine authority.
He has brought down rulers from their thrones,
And has promoted the humble.
James 1:9 Poor Person"The brother" is a believer in Jesus Christ. Even though he is poor, he should glory in his high status as a member of the Royal Family of God. This was a promotion that he received at the moment of Salvation.
Moreover, let the brother of low position glory in his high position.
James 1:10 Rich PersonIn contrast to the poor believer, the rich person, who is full of worldly glory, will be demoted and therefore, humiliated. Riches are of no value for the Spiritual life. Like the flower that springs up in the grass, the rich man will soon wither and die.
And let the rich person glory in his humiliation, because as the flower of the grass he will pass away.
James 1:11Like the flower that wilts in the Sun's scorching heat, the rich person will fade away, lose his possessions, and go to his grave. He will have nothing in the Lake of Fire, but the poor Christian will have great riches in glory.
For as the Sun rises with scorching heat and withers the grass, and its flower falls off, and the beauty of its appearance is destroyed, so also the rich person in his undertakings will fade away.
James 4:9 Demotion in ReversionismThe reversionist will be demoted in three phases.
Be miserable, and mourn, and weep. Let your laughter be turned into grief, and your joy into depression.
"And mourn" (Isa 61:2; Matt 5:4; 9:15; Mk 16:10; Luk 6:25; Rev 18:15, 19) is Intensified Discipline. Mourning is from disaster. Disaster is a wakeup call. There is still time to Rebound and return to God.
"And weep (or cry)" (Mk 14:72; Lk 7:38; Jn 11:31, 33; 20:11, 13, 15; Ac 9:39; 21:13) is the Sin Leading to Death. This is Dying Discipline, which is reserved for the reversionist who has rejected every opportunity to Rebound. This person is totally hardened and negative. Since there is nothing left that the Lord can offer the person, he will be removed from this life as a loser.
"Let your laughter be turned into grief." This is superficial laughter of the Reversionist, not Divine Happiness. He should have grief because of his problems, but he is laughing. He is divorced from reality.
"And your joy into depression" – instead of having joy, he should be depressed because of his abject failure in the Spiritual life (Psa 43:5).
In Hannah's Song of Thanksgiving, she said,
1 Samuel 2:4The Lord disarms war heroes, but He girds the feeble with strength. This is demotion and promotion.
The bows of heroes are shattered,
But the feeble gird themselves with strength.
1 Samuel 2:6The Lord both kills and gives life. He sends people to the grave, which in the Old Testament meant going into the heart of the Earth to Paradise or Hades. Saints were not allowed into Heaven until Jesus died on the Cross. The Lord also has the power to Resurrect.
The LORD kills and makes alive;
He brings down to Sheol and raises up.
1 Samuel 2:7 Demotion and PromotionThe Lord has the power to demote and to promote. He can make a person poor or rich.
The LORD makes poor and makes rich;
He demotes; He also promotes.
1 Samuel 2:8The Lord promotes the poor and needy to sit with nobles (Psa 113:7, 8; Eccl 4:13-14). He causes them to inherit a seat of honor. Since He owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psa 50:10), the very pillars of the Earth, and all the world, He can give a rich inheritance to anyone.
He raises the poor from the dust,
He lifts the needy from the ash heap
To make them sit with nobles,
And He causes them to inherit a seat of honor;
For the pillars of the Earth are the LORD's,
And He set the world on them.
The Lord illustrates His Sovereign power to promote and demote with the trees of the forest.
Ezekiel 17:24 Promotion and Demotion of TreesThe Lord has the power to make a low tree high or a high tree low. A cedar tree in the context symbolizes the nation of Israel. The Lord can also cause a green tree to dry up or make a dry tree flourish. This refers to the power to give success or prosperity. However, a green tree that flourishes can also symbolize a reversionist (Psa 37:35; Jer 2:20). Just as the Lord has power over trees, He has the power to promote or demote the nation of Israel.
All the trees of the field will know that I, the LORD, bring low the high tree, make high the low tree, dry up the green tree and make the dry tree flourish. I, the LORD, have decreed, and I will perform it.
Like all sins, stress begins with arrogance (or pride),
which rejects the authority of God. The arrogant person has no humility
and therefore, rejects the commands of God. Arrogance then links
to jealousy, which produces strife. Expressions of strife include
bitterness, anger, quarreling, and contentiousness.
Proverbs 28:25"Arrogant" is the Hebrew bj^r* (rachab), which means inflated, i.e. proud. This is a fat-headed person, or one who is puffed up with pride. He thinks too highly of himself and therefore, "stirs up strife." His arrogance links to jealousy to produce strife. He is unwilling to wait for the Lord to provide in Grace.
An arrogant soul stirs up strife,
But he who trusts in the LORD will prosper.
In contrast, the believer "who trusts in the Lord will prosper." Trust means to have faith. The Lord provides in Grace for those who live by faith. This person who trusts in the Lord will prosper Spiritually. His prosperity comes from the Lord.
Strife is part of the jealousy complex of sins. Any of the sins associated with jealousy knock out love and destroy harmony.
Proverbs 17:1It would be better to have a dry crust of bread where there is peace and quiet than to have a house full of feasting and strife. Producing a large feast may be motivated by jealous ambition, and with jealousy comes strife. Jealousy and strife are sins of carnality (Rom 13:13; 1 Cor 3:3; 2 Cor 12:20; Tit 3:9).
Better a dry crust with peace and quiet
Than a house full of feasting and strife.
Envy is also part of the jealousy complex of sins. While Paul was incarcerated in Rome, false teachers motivated by envy and jealousy attacked his ministry by proclaiming false doctrine.
Philippians 1:15Paul was followed by Judaizers who sought to teach Spirituality by keeping the Law. They were motivated by envy and jealousy of Paul. They were legalists, who added works to Grace. On the other hand, others were preaching Christ from good will. They had good motivation.
Certain ones, on the one hand, are preaching Christ even because of envy and strife, but certain ones also because of good will.
Philippians 1:16-17The latter proclaimed Christ from the source of Love for Him. They knew that Paul defended the Gospel of Grace. However, the former ones proclaimed Christ motivated by selfish ambition, which comes from jealousy and was the sin of the devil (Isa 14:14). The Prostitute of Babylon empowered them. They presumed to arouse distress in Paul during his incarceration in Rome.
16 the latter do it out from the source of Love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the Gospel;
17 the former proclaim Christ out from selfish ambition, not from pure motives, since they presume to arouse in me distress in my incarceration.
Those who believe false doctrine may become envious and full of discord and strife.
1 Timothy 6:3-5 False DoctrineThose who do not believe sound doctrine, as taught by Paul, become puffed up with arrogance. They get into disputes about doctrines, since they do not have Love. From arrogance they get into envy, which causes discord and abusive speech. And there is constant friction with others who are apostate and are motivated by the love of money.
3 If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not concur with sound doctrine, those doctrines of our Lord Jesus Christ, even the doctrine pertaining to the Spiritual life,
4 He has become puffed up with arrogance, understanding nothing; but he has a morbid obsession about controversies and disputes about words, from which come envy (or jealousy), discord, abusive speech, evil speculations,
5 and constant friction between men of corrupted thinking and deprived of the Truth, who presume the Spiritual life to be a means of gain.
The sin of jealousy links to bitterness, which can be expressed as anger, quarreling, and contentiousness.
Proverbs 10:12Hatred comes from the sin of bitterness. The one who is full of bitterness and hatred stirs up strife. This is discord. However, love comes from a pure heart. It comes from the Integrity Envelope, which blocks out sins. The one who has love does not have sin. Therefore, love covers all transgressions. As long as a person has love, there will be harmony and sin will be kept away.
Hatred stirs up strife,
But love covers all transgressions.
Bitterness is the opposite of love. Where there is bitterness, there is no love. And where there is love, there is no bitterness. A bitter wife cannot love her husband or her children. Bitterness destroys all possibility of love. Bitterness and love do not coexist. Bitter people do not have love. They are miserable and try to destroy their enemies. Terrorists are motivated by bitterness. They hate and destroy. They use and abuse, but they do not love.
Bitterness leads to anger, which is another mental attitude sin.
Proverbs 15:18A hot-tempered man is motivated by anger. He stirs up strife, which escalates a conflict. In contrast, a person who is slow to anger, keeps himself under control and calms contention. He de-escalates strife and controversy.
A hot-tempered man stirs up strife,
But one who is slow to anger calms contention.
Proverbs 29:22Anger leads to stirring up strife. The hot-tempered man is driven by anger. He is frustrated and multiplies transgressions. He is a chain sinner.
An angry man stirs up strife,
And a hot-tempered man abounds in transgression.
Proverbs 30:33Just as churning milk produces butter and pressing the nose brings blood, stirring up anger produces strife. Anger stirs up strife. And strife divides and produces discord.
For churning milk brings forth butter;
And pressing the nose brings forth blood;
So stirring up anger brings forth strife.
Bitterness can lead to the sin of the tongue of quarreling.
Proverbs 17:14Letting out water symbolizes breaking a water dam. Once the dam is breached, the water pours out. This is analogous to the beginning of strife. Once it breaks out, it cannot easily be stopped. It floods out of control. Therefore, a person should abandon a quarrel before it breaks out. Otherwise, once it starts, it will be like a breached dam that releases a flood. It takes two to tango. So, if one stops, there will be no quarrel.
Just as letting out water is like the beginning of strife,
So abandon the quarrel before it breaks out.
Proverbs 20:3It is an honor for a man to stay far removed from strife. However, every fool will be stupid enough to enter into a quarrel. Quarreling is a sin of the tongue, which brings double discipline. Not only is the person judged for the sin of the tongue, but he is also judged for the accusations he makes toward another (Matt 7:1-2).
Keeping away from strife is an honor for the man,
But every fool will quarrel.
Jealousy leads to bitterness, which in turn may lead to contention, dissension, and strife.
Proverbs 26:21Black coal is the fuel that is added to burning coal just as wood is added to a fire. The Hebrew words here are for coal, not charcoal, as often translated. Like fuel to the fire, the contentious man kindles strife.
Like black coal to burning coal and wood to fire,
So is a contentious man to kindle strife.
Proverbs 6:34The previous two verses describe the disgrace of a man who commits adultery (Prov 6:32-33). This verse describes the husband of the adulteress. He is called "a strong man," which is the Hebrew rb#G# (geber), for a strong or mighty man as opposed to women and children. The husband is enraged with jealousy. Jealousy is impulsive, vehement, and unforgiving. Consequently, the jealous man will not have mercy or spare in the day of vengeance.
For jealousy enrages a strong man,
And he will not spare in the day of vengeance.
Song of Solomon 8:6The signet-ring of the Shulammite woman represents her Marriage covenant with her Shepherd Lover. The ring when worn as a bracelet represents an even stronger bond.
Put me as a signet-ring on your heart,
As a signet-ring on your arm.
Because love is as strong as death;
Jealousy is as cruel as the grave;
Its (love's) flashes are flames of fire,
The flame of the LORD.
"Because love is as strong as death" – the Marriage covenant is till death parts.
"Jealousy is as cruel as the grave" – jealousy destroys love even though the bond of love is very strong. Jealousy is the enemy of lovers.
Love's flashes are like flames of fire. It burns strongly. Love is the "flame of the Lord." The Lord gives the love relationship between Right Man and Right Woman in Marriage.
James 3:14 JealousyJealousy links with bitterness, and jealousy produces selfish ambition, which was the sin of Satan (Isa 14:14). Jealousy comes from arrogance, and arrogance is rejection of Bible Doctrine, which is "the truth." The arrogant person holds to his own lies in opposition to Bible Doctrine.
But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, stop being arrogant and stop lying against the truth.
James 3:15 Ties to Death, OSN, and DemonsThis is not wisdom from Heaven, but is earthly, soulish, demonic.
This pseudo wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, soulish, demonic.
James 3:16 Cosmic System InfluenceJealousy is a sin which knocks out love and delivers a person into the Cosmic System. With jealousy there is disorder, which means right relationships are destroyed, and harmony is lost. Jealousy destroys harmony. With jealousy and selfish ambition, there is also every evil thing. Evil is the policy of Satan.
For you see, where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.
Regardless of its cause, anxiety is a sin of weakness that must be quieted. It destroys fellowship and rapport with God. As a sin, anxiety can be confessed. The filling of the Holy Spirit is the best solution to anxiety. However, as a sign of weakness, more Capacity for Life may be needed. For this, Faith-Rest can be used. The problem can be put in God's hands, and promises can be claimed to receive more strength and power from God. One such promise is the one given to Israel in time of need.
Isaiah 41:10Fear is a sin from the worry complex. If not handled with Rebound, it can lead to anxiety. The believer is commanded not to fear. This requires Rebound and Faith-Rest. The promise given is that "I (the Lord) am with you." If the Lord is protecting the believer, there is no reason to be afraid (Rom 8:31).
Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously gaze about, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you; yea, I will help you;
Surely, I will support you with My victorious right hand.
"Do not anxiously gaze about you." Anxiety is a sign of underlying fear and lack of faith. Anxiety is a sin that must also be handled by Rebound and Faith-Rest. The promise given is "for I am your God." God is all powerful. He is the God of Israel, whereas Israel's enemies have rejected Him. The point is that the believers in Israel can count on their God to protect them.
More promises are given. "I will strengthen you." The person who is weak from fear and anxiety needs strength. God will supply strength to the believer through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Church Age Believer has even more strength than the believers in Israel because the CAB has the filling of the Holy Spirit.
"I will help you." God is always available to help the believer. Outside help is available from God. He can handle any problem, so there is no need to be anxious (Jer 32:17, 27; Matt 19:26). Leave the problem with God and let Him help.
"Surely, I will support you with My victorious right hand." God will support the believer with His victorious right hand. The right hand is the strong hand. "Victorious" is the Hebrew qd#x# (tsedeq), which normally means righteous, but this is an idiom in which it should be translated, "victorious." God will win the victory over all enemies for the believer and the nation. The "victory belongs to the Lord" (Prov 21:31). "The battle is the Lord's" (1 Sam 17:47).
Matthew 6:25 Solution to AnxietyKnowing that anxiety over the necessities of life was a common problem that hindered the Spiritual life, Jesus gave instructions for solving the problem. "For this reason I communicate" means the reason Jesus is giving these instructions is to solve the problem with worry and anxiety.
For this reason I communicate to you, "Stop worrying about your life, what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor for your body, regarding what you shall wear. Is not life more than food and the body clothing?"
"Stop worrying about your life." "Stop worrying" is the imperative of prohibition of the Greek merimnavw (merimnao), which means to have anxiety, be anxious, be (unduly) concerned. The imperative of prohibition means 'stop doing something you are doing.' They were worrying. Worry is a sin that must be confessed in order to maintain fellowship with God. Worry or anxiety in any form destroys the Spiritual life. The person who is anxious cannot learn or metabolize Bible Doctrine. Therefore, Jesus was commanding the people to "stop worrying."
The believers were not to worry about their life. Ultimately, life and death are Sovereign decisions of God. He gives life, and He alone takes it away. Death is His decision. Until He decides, nothing can take us out. And when He decides, nothing can keep us here.
The basic concerns about life were "what you shall eat, or what you shall drink." Additionally, they were concerned for their body about what they would wear. These were concerns about the physical, or temporal, life rather than the Spiritual. "Is not life more than food and the body clothing?" The Spiritual life is more important than the physical necessities of life. God knows this, and He knows our needs. Therefore, God will take care of the necessities of life with Logistical Grace so that we can concentrate on living the Spiritual life.
Even beginners should know about God's Logistical Grace provision of food (Ex. 16:13, 31, 35; Num. 11:31; Ps. 78:26-28; 105:40).3 He fed the children of Israel with manna for forty years in the wilderness. Logistical Grace guarantees that God will supply food, clothing, and shelter. The birds don't have to grow crops. Yet God the Father feeds them. Jesus asks, "Are you not worth much more than they?" (Matt 6:26).
Matthew 6:27Being anxious cannot add a single hour to one's life. "Hour" is actually "cubit," which is basic measure of length. This is an idiom. "Add a single cubit to his life span " means "add a single hour (or day) to his life."
But which among you by being anxious can add a single hour to his life?
Matthew 6:28-29 ClothingTo demonstrate Logistical Grace provision of clothing, Jesus pointed to the beauty of the lilies. They didn't work or spin to make clothes for themselves. Yet, even Solomon in all his glory was not adorned like them. If God clothes the grass of the field with lilies, will He not do much more for believers? Worrying about clothes is a sign of "little faith" (Matt 6:30).
28 And why are you anxious concerning clothing? Notice the lilies of the field how they grow; they do not work hard, nor do they spin.
29 Yet, I tell you, that not even Solomon in all his glory adorned himself like one of these.
Matthew 6:31-32Don't be anxious about food and clothing like Gentile unbelievers, who strive for such things. Our heavenly Father knows that we need these things, and He will provide them in Logistical Grace.
31 Do not be anxious, therefore, saying, "What shall we eat?" or "What shall we drink?" or "With what shall we clothe ourselves?"
32 For the Gentiles strive for all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.
Matthew 6:33Worrying about food, clothing, and shelter is a sign of wrong priorities. The priority for the believer should be the Spiritual life, not the temporal. The first priority should be seeking God's Kingdom and God's Righteousness. When the first priority is the Spiritual life, then God will supply everything we need for the temporal life in Logistical Grace.
But keep seeking first His Kingdom and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Philippians 4:6 Stop Worrying"Stop worrying" is another Greek imperative of prohibition, meaning 'stop doing something you are doing." Worrying must be stopped because it is a sin. It destroys fellowship and rapport with God. This is a command to handle the source of the worry or anxiety. The solution begins with Rebound and continues with deployment of the appropriate Problem Solving Device.
Stop worrying about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God
After the appropriate Problem Solving Device is deployed, the believer can resume his Spiritual life. Prayer, which is mentioned next is part of the Spiritual life, but it is not a Problem Solving Device. Prayer and supplication are used by the believer-priest to orient to the Grace of God and synchronize with Him. Prayer and supplication are used to insure that the believer-priest is on the same page as God. Prayer requests represent common goals with God. "Supplication" is the Greek devhsi" (deesis), meaning entreaty; supplication; intensive prayer; special entreaty for special needs.
Prayer and supplication should be offered "with thanksgiving." When we understand God's Plan, we can be thankful for it and for all the help that He is willing to give us. We can even be thankful for our problems because we know that He causes all things to work together for Good (Rom 8:28; 1 Thess 5:18).
Philippians 4:7 Spiritual RapportAfter the believer stops worrying and enters into fellowship with God, he will receive "Peace from God." This Peace is tranquility of soul and harmony with God from the production of the Holy Spirit (John 14:27; 16:33; 20:19; Rom 8:6; 2 Cor 13:11; Col. 3:15; Gal 5:22) (Psa 29:11; Isa 26:3; 57:19-21; Jer 33:6). It is fellowship with God in Spiritual Rapport.
and the Peace from God, which surpasses all understanding, will garrison your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
The Peace from God "surpasses all understanding." Peace from God is Spiritual, which is beyond the thinking of the soul. The Peace "will garrison your hearts and your minds." "Garrison" is the Greek frourevw (phroureo), which means to guard, garrison, protect, keep (2 Cor 11:32; Gal 3:23; 1 Pet 1:5). The Peace from God guards the heart and mind of the soul from infiltration of sin from the Old Sin Nature and the Cosmic System. It preserves the believer in fellowship with God through the power of the Holy Spirit inside the Divine Dynasphere.
The heart is the feminine, subjective, right lobe of the soul. Functions of the heart include: Love, Light, Happiness, timing, imagination, creativity, understanding, wisdom, subjective thinking, and association with good and bad emotion. God's Peace and protection of the Divine Dynasphere cover the heart and protect its function from enemies (the world, the flesh, and the devil).
The mind is the masculine, objective, left lobe of the soul. Functions of the mind include: Thinking, logic, mental attitude, Faith, rationality, and association with authority and legality. God's Peace and protection inside the Divine Dynasphere cover the mentality and protect its function from enemies (the world, the flesh, and the devil).
God's Peace and protection sustain the believer-priest in executing the Spiritual life, including Spiritual Warfare. This is not a promise of instant healing, promotion, maturity, miracles, or defeat of enemies. God's Grace will solve the believer's problems in due time (2 Cor 12:9-10; Gal 6:9).
God's Peace and protection is "in Christ Jesus." This is actually "in the sphere of Christ Jesus," since it is the Greek locative of sphere. This is fellowship with Jesus Christ by means of the Holy Spirit. It is harmonious rapport with Christ.
All of our anxieties should be put in the Lord's hands in Faith Rest as previously explained (ref. 1 Pet 5:7). Anxieties are sins that destroy the filling of the Holy Spirit and rob the believer of rapport with God. They upset the believer's timing in relation to God.
Author: Larry Wood, Released - September 12, 2013 - Revised Sept. 18, 2013
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