Hurricane Ian Curses Florida,
Following the paths of two previous
Devastating Hurricane
Ian Curses Florida
Spiritual Meaning
Hurricane Ian Curses Florida
September 28, 2022 (Day 272): Hurricane Ian barreled into the
Ft. Myers region of Florida with 130-knot winds and a
devastating storm surge on September 28, 2022. The eye
wall came ashore at Cape Coral in Lee County at 1:44 PM EDT
(1744 GMT). Floods of water welled up by the hurricane
rushed in from the sea across the beaches, into the canals, up
rivers, and into the streets. The bridge to Sanibel Island
was washed out, and homes were flooded and washed away. It
was predicted. It has happened before.
Hurricane Ian (meaning John) began in the Caribbean and was
named a tropical storm south of Haiti on September 23, It
was named a hurricane on September 25 when the pressure
dropped to 983 mb even though winds were estimated to be 51
knots by a reconnaissance aircraft. However, it crossed
the Western horse's neck of Cuba on September 27 with
90-knot wind and 960 mb pressure. During the afternoon a
Sun halo appeared over central Florida. As the path of the
approaching storm proved unpredictable, NASA rolled back Artemis
from the Launch Pad.
soothsayers went wild predicting the possible path and
destruction of the unpredictable storm. Government
officials ordered evacuations. The mayor of Tampa ordered
evacuation of 300,000 people - a number that just happened to be
the number of reserves that Russian President Putin had called
up for the war in Ukraine. Tampa wound up high and dry as
the approaching storm sucked the water out of the
bay. Then the Governor advised 2 million to leave the
Sarasota area. This corresponded to the refugees of the
Ukraine war and the hoards of immigrants across the US southern
After threatening the East Coast of Florida, the Panhandle, and
the central West Coast, Hurricane Ian headed strait for Ft.
Myers as a Major Hurricane. Yet the models could not agree
and diverged after 12 hours. Hurricane Ian made landfall
on September 28, where 28 is the number for a cosmic stronghold
(a storm). The strong wind and big storm surge were double
curses in the year of cursing, 2022.
making landfall, Hurricane Ian crossed the state of Florida
diagonally. As it moved inland, it weakened to a tropical
storm, although there were occasional strong gusts of hurricane
force in various parts of the huge wind field. As the
storm approached Titusville and the Artemis Launch Pad, it
slowed to a crawl, and the large center of circulation (like a
Low pressure area) remained over the area from 5 AM to 1:30
PM. It was calm, like being in the eye of a hurricane, and
it appeared that the storm was over. However, when this
center of circulation passed, the wind whipped up to 15 to 20
mph with gusts up to 30 mph.
Tropical Storm Ian exited Florida from Cape Canaveral and moved
into the Atlantic where it appeared to be falling to
pieces. It appeared as a hybrid with wind like a tropical
storm but without a warm core, like a Low pressure area.
However, it revived its tropical characteristics the next day,
September 30, and came ashore as a tropical storm (called a
hurricane by the weather service) north of Charleston, South
Carolina about 11:49 AM EDT. The storm surge up the South
Carolina coast caused large-scale damage.
A hurricane is Divine
punishment for rejection of the Grace message of the pastor by
the congregation as the Right Woman rejects the authority of the
Right Man in Marriage Culture. The eye of the hurricane
symbolizes Grace. God promises people a new life. If
they reject the new life and go on living the old life in
the world, He punishes them periodically to turn them
around. When people reject Divine punishment, they fall
deeper into reversionism and God increases the punishment until
they finally receive dying punishment and go to Heaven or Hell.
The unbeliever must find the new life at Salvation. After
Salvation the Christian must reject his old life of sin and find
his new life (Matt 10:39; 16:25). As a person lives his
life, he is producing Good and evil. The Good may be
Divine Good from Grace or human good. Evildoing is from
Satan and demons. God punishes dead works and evil.
Those people who reject Bible Doctrine and the Right Man - Right
Woman relationship will produce dead works. Dead works are
judged in Divine punishment, such as a hurricane. Good
works are blessed. Some houses survived the recent storm,
and others did not. The houses symbolized the Edification
Complex of the Soul or the Arrogance
Complex of the reversionist (1 Cor 3:11-13).
People under the influence of Satan and demons are Satan's
slaves and produce evil. Fornication, adultery, and
homosexuality are all evil. They all are the work of
demons who have enslaved people. They are also sins that
were paid for on the cross. The Christian can confess
these sins and move on with his new life. However, he
cannot get free of the demon except by Grace.
The demon will come back to tempt or harass until God removes
him (2 Cor 12:7-9). The demon that attacks Right Man -
Right Woman and Marriage is usually Baal. Baal is the
demon of the Prostitute of Babylon. The streams of water
in the streets from Hurricane Ian were the sign of the
Prostitute of Babylon and Baal (Prov 5:16). Baal is
usually in the lives of Christians until Spiritual Rapport,
which is long after Spiritual Maturity. Very few
Christians ever come close to Spiritual Maturity. This
means Baal is in the bedrooms of believers and unbelievers,
especially those who reject Rebound and
Bible Doctrine (Heb 13:4).
Hurricane Ian flooded the coast of Florida as a reminder of
God's judgment of the Noahic Flood because of Satan's
attack on Marriage. Before the Flood women and men came
under Satan's power as mighty men like Evil Kings and goddesses
like Prostitutes of Babylon. Demons married women.
The judgment that God ordered to wipe that off the face of
the Earth was the Flood. The flooding in Florida was due
to demon influence on men and women. The three rivers
around Ft. Myers symbolize women, and the Sanibel Island bridge
that collapsed symbolized the man. The Cape where the
Artemis rocket stood and where Tropical Ian exited symbolized
the female pudenda.
Three storms in recent years have followed almost the identical
same path as Hurricane Ian diagonally across the state from Ft.
Myers to Cape Canaveral. They were:
- Hurricane
Charley, 2004
- Tropical Depression
Alex, 2022
- Hurricane Ian, 2022
Hurricanes Charley and Ian
followed almost identical paths across the Caribbean and Cuba
and struck Sanibel Island, Florida. Charley had 125-kt.
wind and Ian had 130-kt. wind. Charley had a tight 5-mile
wide eye, and Ian had a large 34-mile wide eye. Charley
suddenly strengthened just before landfall, and Ian strengthened
continually as it approached Florida. Charley was dry with
no rain as it came through central Florida, and Ian was full of
rain and flooded everywhere.
Tropical Depression Alex fell to pieces as it approached Florida
from the Yucatan and did not become a Tropical Storm until it
crossed Florida and was in the Atlantic. Alex was a small
storm compared to Charley and Ian. It was analogous to the
little dog, while Ian was the big dog. This analogy
corresponds to Russia's recent call up of 150,000 reservists to
fight Ukraine. Russia corresponds to the big dog, and
Ukraine corresponds to the little dog.
The three storms also correspond to David's Divine
punishment. After David committed adultery with Bathsheba,
he suffered terrible Divine punishment. Then over some
years his children grew up and caused trouble. Amnon raped
Tamar (2 Sa 13:1-20), and Absalom had Amnon murdered (2 Sa
13:28-29). David was the king, and these were crimes that
were not judged. Absalom led a rebellion against David,
and David had to flee for his life (2 Sa 15). The Absalom
rebellion was Divine punishment because David had flunked the Four Generation
Curse by not enforcing the law against his criminal
children (Matt 10:34, 35, 36-38). In order to be promoted
to Spiritual Rapport David had to kill his son Absalom (which
was accomplished by his general, Joab. 2 Sa 18:14-15).
As David fled Jerusalem he had double cursing. Absalom had
taken his kingdom, and Shimei cursed David, called him names,
and threw rocks at him (2 Sam 16:5-13). Absalom was like
the big dog, and Shimei was like the little dog. Both were
Satan attacking David. This was Spiritual Warfare.
Thus the three storms correspond to David's Divine punishment.
- Hurricane Charley -
David's punishment for adultery with Bathsheba
- Tropical Depression
Alex - Shimei cursing David
- Hurricane Ian - Absalom
rebellion; cursing for failing the Four Generation Curse
In the
area around Ft. Myers three rivers empty into Charlotte Harbor,
the Peace River, the Myakka River to the North, and the
Caloosahatchee River in the South. The Peace River was the
dividing line between the European settlers and the hostile
Indians (Native Americans). The Caloosahatchee River was
named for the Calusa Indians (Native Americans), who were
warriors. They were hostile to other tribes and to the
Spanish settlers. Myakka is the name of the sandy, siltty
soil of much of Florida. The name was applied to natives
who lived off the land like Jacob compared to Esau (Gen
25:27). Rivers symbolize women. So the names of the
rivers correspond to three types of women, namely lovers,
aggressive (passionate, bitter, reactive), and carefree
(unfettered, footloose, romantic). Love in the woman of
peace could be good or bad, but it was harmony. The other
two women deviate from love, like the two wives of Lamech,
Adah and Zillah (Gen 4:19). Lamech rejected Right Man -
Right Woman and married two paramours. Adah means
ornament. She was beautiful and wore jewelry. Zillah
means shady. She was shady, or darkened. Adah was
lawless, running free, and Zillah dressed down and made herself
available to shady characters.
The path of Ian, which is very close to the paths of the other
two storms over Florida, is shown in the illustration. The
path begins near Sanibel Island in the Ft. Myers area, proceeds
diagonally through central Florida, and exits at Titusville and
Cape Canaveral. The path begins in Charlotte Harbor which
is fed by three rivers. This swampy area symbolizes the
female genitals, corresponding to passion. In the central
area are lakes, another symbol of the
female. The lake region corresponds to female breasts and
love. Cape Canaveral can be taken in two ways, either the
top or a sign of female pudenda. The top includes the
mouth, nose, and sinuses. The three parts of the path
correspond to the three rivers of the female for bonding to the
man, namely the genitals, breasts, and mouth.
Tropical Storm Ian Second
After crossing Florida,
Tropical Storm Ian struck South Carolina on September 30, where
South Carolina in the region of Leo corresponds to the
government, king, or evil king, and the military
establishment. Landfall North of Charleston symbolized the
conflict with Russian President Putin, who is at war in
Ukraine. In a ceremony on September 30 announcing
annexation of four Ukraine regions in the East, President Putin
condemned the West as "Satanic" because of its corrupt moral
values. He gave examples of attitudes toward homosexuality
and gender change operations. This was after he sponsored
a sham election in Eastern Ukraine, proclaimed it part of
Russia, and threatened to defend the territory with nuclear
weapons. Putin also blamed the West for blowing up the
Nord Stream pipelines. The ruptured pipelines spewing
natural gas in the sea correspond to the Redeemer Planet in
Aquarius as the symbol of a reversionist (Jude 1:13; Isa 57:20).
Ian weakened as it continued into North Carolina, where it
became a Low pressure area, and its remnants scattered into the
chart at the time of the landfall of Hurricane Ian contains a
Horse's Hoof and a Pole (opposition) or Catwalk. A Horse's
Hoof symbolizes being trampled by horses as happened to
Jezebel. The Horse's Hoof obviously also corresponded to
the tidal surge as Hurricane Ian barreled ashore. The Pole
is strong opposition. It is formed by two oppositions
between the Father and Sons Configuration in Midheaven and the
Redeemer and Almighty God Planets at the Bottom of Heaven.
The Pole could also be taken as a Catwalk. The
Catwalk symbolizes a transition, like a gang plank. One
explanation of the Catwalk is the Rapture of the Church.
Then the opposition would symbolize the Evaluation Throne of
Christ when the Church is evaluated in Heaven and dead works are
burned. Another explanation is that Hurricane Ian was
God's Judgment of dead works as a sample of what will occur when
our life's works will be judged at the Evaluation Throne of
The Father and Sons configuration in Virgo in Midheaven
symbolizes Christ the Glorious Bridegroom with His Church.
The Savior Planet and Morning Star symbolize sons of Light -
believers. Christ will be with His Bride at the Rapture,
or Resurrection, of the Church. The hurricane made
landfall in Lee County, which is Florida County #18, for the
Resurrection. It has been 18 years since Hurricane Charley
followed the same path as Ian across Florida. Since there
are 20 years in a generation, the number 18 is about a
generation. So, Hurricane Ian was also associated with the
Four Generation Curse. Those people who were not living
the new life were living the old life under the Four Generation
Curse. They were living with the same demons as
their parents. Like David, they were receiving installment
discipline before the final evaluation after the Resurrection.
The Moon was in Libra, for a congregation. The
congregation of the Church is supposed to be listening to the
Grace message of the pastor. Hurricanes are Divine
punishment for rejection (not obeying) the Grace message.
The only thing that counts is Grace. Divine Good is
produced through Grace. It is God's work. In the
building analogy Christ is the foundation and the building
contains gold, silver, and precious stones, which survive Fire Testing
(1 Cor 3:11-15). Buildings built on sand do not have a
good foundation. Only fools would build a house on sand
because the floods would wash it away (Matt 7:26-27)).
The storm surge of Hurricane Ian washed away buildings built on
sand by the beach on the flood plain. The foolish people
who erected their mobile homes on the beach were usually
Yankees, not native Floridians, who visit the beach but would
never live there.
Yankees is not meant to refer only to Northerners but to any
non-native person. They are called by many names, such as
gringo, alien, or foreigner. The Bible uses the word,
foreigner (Prov 5:20). Those people who reject God are
aliens and foreigners (Eph 2:19; Col 1:21). The
wrath of God judges those who are not members of God's
household (Rom 1:18). The hurricane was sent to punish
those who had rejected God. They had lived their life
apart from God.
The Last Adam was in Capricornus, for an outcast, corresponding
to the mass exodus of people in Florida leaving the designated
hurricane zone, which unfortunately changed daily. The
exodus from the Florida hurricane was due to be 300,000 from
Tampa, which corresponds to the 300,000 reservists that Putin
called up. So the judgment of God in the hurricane
produced similar exoduses (outcasts).
The God of the Covenants was in Capricornus in retrograde.
It had previously entered Florida as the sign of the Noahic
Covenant. Now it has gone back to Capricornus and produced
major flooding in Florida. Similarly, the Redeemer Planet
had moved out of Aquarius into Pisces, but it came back in
retrograde into Aquarius to symbolize being redeemed from the
sea, corresponding to the debris washed up from the sea from the
ruptured Nord Stream pipelines and the storm surge of Hurricane
The Almighty God Planet is in Pisces, for the monster whale,
which is a symbol of Baal. Baal is Satan as the spirit of
the Evil King and Prostitute of Babylon. Baal is the
spirit of the Antichrist and Russia and the enemy of Marriage,
Israel, and children. Baal in the lives of people was all
the reason that was needed for the wrath of God in the
The Bottom of Heaven was nearby in Pisces, for the death
of a priest. In the Church Age every believer is a priest;
so this could apply to almost anyone, even Queen Isabella, who
was called Saint Isabella, for whom Sanibel Island is named.
The Mediator Planet was in Aries, for an official, corresponding
to all the government leaders trying to direct the people during
the storm.
The Red Planet was in Taurus, for the Plagues of Egypt.
The storm was a plague upon the state and nation related to the
of National Cursing.
Hurricane Ian was a major hurricane that struck
Florida with fierce wind, rain, and a flooding storm surge.
Most of the damage and death was caused by the storm surge that
flooded the populated islands, lowlands, and flood plain along
the Gulf Coast. Ian struck at the mouths of three
rivers, filling them with sea water as a symbol of unsanctified
copulation (Jas 3:11; Jude 1:13). The storm struck on
September 28, 2022, for the cursing (22) of a cosmic
stronghold (28). It followed the diagonal path across the
state of two previous storms, Charley (2004) and Alex
(2022). The path had three parts, rivers, lakes, and
mouth, that symbolized three erogenous zones of a man and woman -
genitals, breasts, and mouths. The storm overhead was
produced by an Elect weather angel, but it symbolized copulation
under the power of Baal, which is idolatry (Col 3:5).
The hurricane was Divine punishment from God implemented by
weather angels. Satan and his demons were on hand as
soothsayers and liars to instill fear and confusion in
people. The storm was emergency, crisis judgment of people
for their dead works. Houses that washed away symbolized
lives without the foundation of Christ (Matt 7:26; 1 Cor
3:11). The houses were supposed to symbolize the Edification
Complex of the Soul, but they were the Arrogance Complex of
unbelievers (1 Jn 2:15, 16). The storm was God's judgment of
the works of people's lives. The works that were produced
under a lifestyle of arrogance were judged. Those who loved
God produced Divine Good from Grace, while those who loved Satan's
world produced dead works (1 Cor 3:12)). Production (works)
is the result of a person's life (his lifestyle). He either
lives for God and produces Divine Good or he lives for Satan and
produces dead works and evil.
Hurricane Ian began at the mouth of three rivers. There are
many lessons to be learned from the three rivers, which have
a long history associated with Florida from the time of the
Spanish settlers and the Indians (Natives). The Peace River
was the line of demarcation between the warlike tribes to the
South and the farmers (gatherers) to the North, who were
originally Natives but later Spanish.
The three rivers also symbolize going through a hurricane.
The storm comes from the South with its fury. After the eye
wall there is a brief period of peace (Peace River). Then
comes the other half of the Storm that exits to the North.
The little time of peace in the eye of Grace is quickly
forgotten. The people of Titusville spent over 8 hours in
the eye (actually expanded center of circulation) of Ian.
The storm actually stalled out over Titusville. Most people
thought the storm was over, but there was another side to
it. When this big bubble produced by the weather angel
passed, the wind whipped up out of the North.
Hurricane Ian was Divine cursing in 2022,the year of
cursing. Cursing comes in many forms. Those on Mt.
Ebal have one type, and those on Mt. Gerizim have another (Deut.
11:29; 27:12, 13). Cursing can be turned to blessing for
those on Mt. Gerizim (Deut 23:5). Cursing can be an
embarrassment, especially for self-righteous, arrogant
people. People who are not arrogant cannot be
embarrassed. Some people may be embarrassed because of the
behavior of loved ones. Parents may be embarrassed because
of their children or vice versa. People may be embarrassed
when the home team loses. Angels, who love us dearly, are
surely not pleased with our failures. Paul was embarrassed
by receiving the thorn-in-the-flesh demon (2 Cor 12:7, 8).
Jonah was embarrassed about being sent to Nineveh (Jonah 1:2, 3).
Hurricane Ian was an embarrassment. Nobody in Florida likes
a hurricane, just as women don't like to get pregnant. The
storm wrought havoc for some but disrupted the lives of the rest
of Floridians for a week. God was not embarrassed,
however. He had reason for giving us a bad assignment and
ordering our punishment. Even when others are receiving the
brunt of the punishment, it is not fun to watch. There is
empathy. Yet God wove into the public spectacle personal
and private punishment. When others are being
punished, our own failures are recalled. Words cannot
express the experience of trauma any more than words
can explain music or the taste of food. So there is a
private side to the storm that God and the angels
understand. It is not sinful, but it is very personal and
others would not understand. There is hidden
manna from God and angels in the experience. There was
always a silver lining, but being cursed in 2022 will surely
wind up in our personnel files. This will come up again at
the Evaluation Throne of Christ.
Hurricanes are Divine punishment of the congregation for rejection
of the Grace message of the pastor and for the Right Woman's
violation of the authority of her Right Man. The new
Spiritual Life must be found before it can be executed (Matt
10:39). We are living a life, but is it the new life or the
old one? This is not a one-shot decision at Salvation.
It must be discovered every day (Phil 2:12). That is
difficult. God has made us into something and we have to
figure out what that is. Why is it so difficult? The
answer is that we may lack knowledge of doctrine, but moreover
because we are not real. We are puppets on a string
manipulated by angels and demons. We are created beings and
God pulls the strings through angels and demons. He also
grinds down the rough edges. To be even more blunt, the
devil owns our life until we can be redeemed in Spiritual
Rapport. We were redeemed from Spiritual death at Salvation,
but we were not redeemed from the influence of the devil's
world. We are like actors playing the role we are given, and
we are expected to do that while maintaining our
Christian integrity (holiness). We can only receive what God
gives in Grace, and that is His decision (1 Cor 4:7).

1. Keith Griffith, "Monster Ian's path of destruction: "
DailyMail, Sept. 29, 2022.
2. "Ft. Myers Begins to Flood," video, DailyMail,
Sept. 29, 2022.
3. "Hurricane Ian storm surge pounds Myrtle Beach with
95% of Charleston homes 'at risk':," DailyMail, Sept. 30,
4. "Putin says U.S. created nuclear PRECEDENT by
bombing Japan and vows to 'smash' the 'satanic' West: ,"
DailyMail, Sept. 30, 2022.
5. "Peace River (Florida),"Wikipedia,
Feb. 11, 2022.
Released October 2, 2022