Trees of Life and Evil
Human Tree Analogy
Tree of Evil
Tree of Life
The analogy of the restoration of Israel corresponds to the transformation from living under the Tree of Evil to the new life under the Tree of Life. Israel will be regathered and given a new Spiritual life in the Millennium.
Ezekiel 36:24At the Second Advent Jews will be regathered from all over the Earth. Believers will go into the Millennium, and unbelievers will be cast into hell (Baptism of Fire, Matt 3:12; 13:30, 40).
I will take you out from the Gentile nations and gather you out from all lands and bring you into your own land.
Ezekiel 36:25Sprinkling with clean water corresponds to Rebound, which is symbolized by the Laver in the Tabernacle. The first step in restoring the Tree of Life in the soul is to Rebound (1 Jn 1:9). Sin makes the soul impure, or dirty, and Rebound is the sanctification process, which is like washing. The Jews who had been living in the world were unclean from sin and idols. Idols are the gods that Satan empowers. When we confess our sins, God purifies us from all unrighteousness.
Then I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and you will be clean; from all your uncleanness and from all your idols, I will purify you.
Ezekiel 36:26After Rebound, God will give the Jews a new heart. The heart refers to the right lobe of the soul. Love comes from the heart. They previously had a heart that was hardened toward God ("heart of stone"), but they will have a new heart of flesh that is human and responsive to the Love of God. They will also receive a new spirit, which refers to their new Spiritual life under the New Covenant to Israel in which they will have the Filling of the Holy Spirit for the first time.
I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your body and give you a heart of flesh.
Ezekiel 36:27"My Spirit" refers to the Holy Spirit. The Jews in the Millennium will have the Filling of the Holy Spirit. Their souls will be filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit under their new Spiritual life. With the Filling of the Holy Spirit, they will be empowered to execute their Spiritual life and obey God's statutes and ordinances. They will live under the Tree of Life and forsake the Tree of Evil.
I will put My Spirit within you, and I will cause you to walk in My statutes; and My ordinances you shall keep and observe.
Transformation Process
The transformation from living under the Tree of Evil to living under the Tree of Life begins at Salvation. The Tree of Life is received at Salvation. However, as soon as a person sins, he falls back into sin and life under the Tree of Evil. He has not lost the Tree of Life, but it is non-operational. The first step to restore the Tree of Life in the soul is to Rebound. That's simple. Sin destroys the function of the Tree of Life, and Rebound restores it.
Whereas Rebound restores the functionality of the Tree of Life, the tree also needs to grow and become strong in order to achieve its full potential. So, there is more to the transformation process than Rebound. The tree will need water, Light, and fresh air in addition to protection from enemies in order to survive and prosper.
Filling of Holy Spirit
The air that the Tree of Life breathes is the Holy Spirit, whereas, the air that the Tree of Evil breathes is evil spirits (Satan and his demons) (Eph 2:1-2). Therefore, the Filling of the Holy Spirit is required to sustain the Tree of Life. When the Filling of the Holy Spirit is lost, the functionality of the Tree of Life is also lost. The Filling of the Holy Spirit is provided through Rebound.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. (Romans 8:2)The "law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus" is the doctrine of the Filling of the Holy Spirit in the sphere of Christ Jesus, who is the head of the Body of Christ, the Church. The Filling of the Holy Spirit provides freedom from "the law of sin and death." Here "the law" refers to the Mosaic Law, which defined sin. Sin causes death. First there is spiritual death, which is followed by physical death (Gen 2:17; Jas 1:15). The Filling of the Holy Spirit frees, or protects, the soul from the power of the Old Sin Nature, which is in the body. The Filling of the Holy Spirit insures that the Tree of Life is operational and not the Tree of Evil. The Filling of the Holy Spirit protects from the roots of sin of the Tree of Evil.
Romans 8:5 Sin vs. SpiritualityThose who have sinned are under the control of flesh, which is the Old Sin Nature. They keep concentrating on the desires of the Old Sin Nature under the Tree of Evil. In contrast, those filled with the Holy Spirit concentrate on the things of the Holy Spirit and God under the Tree of Life.
For you see, those who are controlled by the flesh (OSN) keep concentrating on the things of the flesh (OSN), but those who are controlled by the Spirit keep concentrating on the things of the Spirit.
Romans 8:6 Death vs. LifeThe way of thinking of the Old Sin Nature is death. "Death" means spiritual death (loss of the Filling of the Holy Spirit), followed by the Sin Leading to Death (physical death). This is the thinking of the Tree of Evil. In contrast, the way of thinking of Holy Spirit is Life and Peace. "Life" refers to capacity for Spiritual Life. This is the Spiritual strength of the Tree of Life. And "Peace" (meaning peace and prosperity) refers to Spiritual Rapport with God.
For you see, the way of thinking of the flesh (OSN) is death, but the way of thinking of the Spirit is Life and Peace.
Thinking Transformation
Growth of the Tree of Life requires a transformation in thinking from conformity to the world to the new Spiritual life in Christ. Thoughts, presumptions, and assumptions can lock a person into conformity with the devil's world. Bad thoughts, assumptions, beliefs, fears, and worries destroy the function of the Tree of Life and call in the Tree of Evil. Therefore, the believer must be reprogrammed based on Divine viewpoint and reject worldly influence.
Romans 12:2"Stop being conformed to this world." The only way to do this is to learn Bible Doctrine and have the Holy Spirit point out areas of conformity with the world. The beginner should have no trouble identifying various sins and handling them with Rebound. Each step on the road to Spiritual Maturity the believer must avoid conforming to the world by executing the Spiritual life. The "renovation of your thinking" requires learning Bible Doctrine through the ministry of the local church. Bible instruction must be Grace oriented or it will be useless. The renovation of thinking is a paradigm shift from the thinking of spiritual death to Spiritual Life.
And stop being conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renovation of your thinking, that you may prove by testing what the will of God is, the Good, well-pleasing (to God), and complete (Spiritual Rapport).
God will test the believer who learns Bible Doctrine. "Prove by testing" is the translation of the Greek dokimazo, which means to prove by testing, assay; to acceptance test, qualification test, verify; validate (1 Pet 1:7). It refers to verification testing on the Stage of Life. Doctrine that is learned must be verified on the Stage of Life. This is application.
Obeying the will of God in testing will result in passing the test. This will, in turn, prove or demonstrate what the will of God was. God's will is Divine Good production, which comes only through Grace. God's will includes what is well-pleasing to Him. Complete obedience to God's will is Spiritual Rapport with Him. The believer in Spiritual Rapport is synchronized with the will of God.
Romans 12:3 Thinking Too Highly in Arrogance"Stop thinking too highly in arrogance" is Greek imperative of prohibition to stop doing something you are doing. "Thinking too highly in arrogance" is the translation of one word in the Greek. It is the Greek huperphroneo, from (huper, over) + (phroneo, think), meaning to think too highly of oneself, be haughty. This is over thinking, which is out of bounds high. The believer must stop being arrogant. The Arrogance Complex is symbolized by the leaves in the Tree of Evil.
For I say through the Grace which has been given to me to everyone who is among you, stop thinking too highly in arrogance, beyond what you ought to think, but think with Spiritual self-control because God has assigned to each one the standard of Faith.
In contrast, the believer should think with Spiritual self-control. "Spiritual self-control" is the Greek sophroneo, from (sos, sound) + (phroneo, think), meaning be of sound mind, sane; show self-control, which refers to being rational, thinking within the Spiritual control limits (2 Cor 5:13; Tit 2:5-6; 1 Pet 4:7). This means thinking inside the Divine Dynasphere; thinking with Spiritual integrity, Spiritual Self Esteem. It means staying inside the Spiritual Control Limits to avoid Legalism and Lawlessness.
"God has assigned to each one the standard of Faith." Each individual must use the standard of Faith (Eph 4:7).
Romans 13:14"Put on the Lord Jesus Christ" is the clothing analogy, where the clothes of the Lord Jesus Christ refer to the standard of Spiritual life of Jesus Christ in Hypostatic Union that He lived while on the Earth. We have the same Spiritual life that he tested and proved. "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ" is tantamount to clothing oneself with the Tree of Life, the Edification Complex of the Soul, or the new man (Gal 3:27; Eph 4:24; Col 3:10). In contrast, the believer must stop making provision for the Old Sin Nature and its lusts. This amounts to rejecting the Tree of Evil and being quick to Rebound after sinning.
But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and stop making provision for the flesh (OSN) in regard to its lusts.
New Creation
The Church Age Believer is a new kind of creation patterned after the Lord Jesus Christ in Hypostatic Union.
2 Corinthians 5:17 New Spiritual SpeciesAnyone who is in Christ applies to the Christian, or Church Age Believer. The Christian is said to be "a new kind of creation." This is the Greek kinos + ktisis, which means "a new Spiritual species." The Church Age Believer is a much more sophisticated Spiritual creation than believers of any past dispensation or any in the future. The Church Age Believer is indwelt by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is unique to the Church Age. It is a sign royal status as a member of the Royal Family of God. After Israel rejected Jesus Christ, the Church was called out to be His royal family.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new Spiritual species; behold, a new kind of things has come.
"A new kind of things has come." This is a little rough in the English, but it is what the Greek says. It refers to a new paradigm. Spirituality in the Church Age is a new paradigm. The Church Age Believer has new doctrine (the mystery doctrine of the Church), a new Spirituality that includes the Filling of the Holy Spirit, and a new Royal Family status.
Separation from the World
The Church Age Believer is commanded to separate from the world.
2 Corinthians 6:17 Separation from the WorldThe believer must separate from the world, Satan's Cosmic System with its sin, lust, human good, and evil. He must be consecrated to God. God is Holy and can have nothing to do with sin. The believer must also be Holy to have fellowship with Him. The roots of a tree, which are in the Earth but separate from it, symbolize separation from the world. The roots of the Tree of Life are apart from sin, whereas, the roots of the Tree of Evil symbolize sin.
"Therefore, come out from their midst, and be separate," says the Lord, "and stop touching the unclean thing, and I Myself will receive you."
1 John 2:15 Stop Loving the WorldThe believer must stop loving the world. The world is ruled by Satan, and it will not survive. The love of the world and the Love for the Father are mutually exclusive. The believer who loves the world or the things in the world is distracted from loving God the Father. "The things in the world" are details of life, which have no lasting value.
Stop loving the world and the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the Love for the Father is not in him.
1 John 2:16 Cosmic SystemThe believer should not love the world (or Cosmic System) because all that is in it is Satan's domain. It is not from the Father. The Cosmic System appeals to the lust of the flesh (OSN), lust of the eyes, and the arrogant pattern of life. These are parts of the Tree of Evil. The lust of the OSN and the eyes are roots, and arrogance is in the leaves.
Because all that is in the world (Cosmic System), the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the arrogant pattern of life, is not from the Father but is from the Cosmic System.
The New Spiritual Life
The Christian is commanded to live the new Spiritual life in contrast to the pre-Salvation life, which is lived in the energy of the flesh under the power of the Cosmic System.
Ephesians 4:17 Do Not Walk Like the GentilesThe Christian should no longer walk like the Gentiles. He should not live like the Gentiles, who are synonymous with lawlessness and unbelief. This means living in spiritual death after Salvation under the energy of the flesh (OSN). Those who are not filled with the Holy Spirit are overcome by the Cosmic System through the vacuum, or void, (Greek mataiotes) in their mind.
This, therefore, I explain and solemnly declare in the Lord that you no longer walk just as the Gentiles also walk in the vacuum of their mind.
Ephesians 4:22 Lay Aside the Old ManThe believer must "lay aside the old man." The "old man," or old self, refers to the former self as an unbeliever before receiving the new Spiritual life at Salvation. The Christian is to no longer live like an unbeliever. The "old man" is being seduced with the "lusts of deception" from the Old Sin Nature. The person under the energy of the flesh lusts for the things in the world. Living as the "old man" is tantamount to living under the power of the Old Sin Nature with the Tree of Evil.
that according to your former way of life, you lay aside the old man, which is being seduced with the lusts of deception,
Ephesians 4:23 Be Renewed"Be renewed" is the Greek ajnaneovw (ananeoo), meaning to become renewed (Rebound), reinvigorated (recovery of the Filling of the Holy Spirit), and refreshed (resumption of the Spiritual life). "By the Spirit" means that the Holy Spirit is the power for the Christian life, not the energy of the flesh. A Christian who is not filled with the Holy Spirit is not serving God. He is spiritually dead in the Cosmic System. Churches who do not worship in the Filling of the Holy Spirit are not worshipping God. They are no different from a heathen religion under the power of Satan and the Prostitute of Babylon. Note also that the Filling of the Holy Spirit is not achieved through the emotional aberrations of the Pentecostal holy rollers.
but that you may be renewed by the Spirit in the sphere of your thinking,
"In the sphere of your thinking" comes from the Greek nous, which means way of thinking. In the locative case it means "in the sphere of your thinking." The new Spiritual life requires new thinking. The new thinking is Bible Doctrine as opposed to sin and lust from the old self. Thinking is required to learn and apply Bible Doctrine. The Spiritual life is what you think. Spiritual warfare occurs in the soul of the believer in the sphere of the thinking.
Ephesians 4:24 Put on the New Man"Put on" is the Greek enduo, which means to dress or clothe. The new man is analogous to the clothing of the soul, which corresponds to the Tree of Life. The new man has been created at Salvation in Righteousness. "Righteousness" is the Greek dikaiosuvnh (dikaiosune), which means the Righteous of God that demands the Justice of God. The suffix, sune, raises the word to a higher power, like +R2. Thus, it is capacity Righteousness.
and put on the new man, which in accordance with God has been created in Righteousness (capacity-Righteousness) and Holiness of truth.
"Holiness" means set apart to God or sacred. "Holiness of truth" means the "new man" is set apart to God, or "Holy," in truth in contrast to a person in the Cosmic System, who would not be in truth. The new man was created in "Righteousness and Holiness of truth," based on the essence of God and separate from the world. The new believer must continue to have Righteousness and be separate from the world in order to function and foster the Tree of Life.
The parallel passage, which is quite similar, is Colossians 3:9-10.
Colossians 3:9-10Believers should stop lying to one another since lying is a sin of the old man from the Tree of Evil. Instead, the believer should put on the new man. The new man is being renewed into "epignosis knowledge" of Bible Doctrine. The Greek ejpivgnwsi" (epignosis), from (ejpiv, over) + (gnw'si", knowledge), means doctrinal knowledge in the right lobe transferred by faith. The new man is being renewed by becoming indoctrinated with Bible Doctrine in the right lobe of the soul, where it is available for application, verification, and Spiritual growth.
9 Stop lying to one another, since you have stripped off the old man with its evil deeds 10 and have put on the new man who is being renewed into epignosis knowledge according to the image of the One who created him.
"According to the image of the One who created him" – This refers to the image of Jesus Christ, the One who created man in the image of God (Gen 1:26-27; 2:7). Jesus Christ is the Creator (Jn 1:3; Col 1:16; Heb 1:10). "Image" is the Greek eijkwvn (eikon), meaning icon, image, or standard (Eph 4:13). The believer is being made into a new creation which is based on the standard of the Lord Jesus Christ in His human body in Hypostatic Union.
Ephesians 4:25 Speak the TruthLaying aside the lie means rejection of the lies and falsehood of the Cosmic System. Satan is "a liar and the father of lies" (Jn 8:44). Laying aside the lie means:
Therefore, having laid aside the lie, be speaking the truth, each one, with his friend because we are members of one another.
The Christian should speak the truth (Divine Viewpoint) "because we are members of one another." We are all members of the Body of Christ (Rom 12:5, 10; Jas 4:11, 5:9; Col 3:13; Matt 24:10). Lying damages other believers and hinders their Spiritual life. Lying bears witness for the devil in the Cosmic System. Lying makes one a cosmic evangelist who lures others into darkness.
Ephesians 4:26 Bitterness"Become angry" is the imperative of entreaty, which is not a command, but has the force of urgency or request. This could be stated, "If you become angry (and you do), stop sinning." "Be angry" assumes that there is a reactor factor that causes agitation. The person will have a desire to react. This is not righteous indignation. It is a command to Rebound to keep control. Sin takes the matter out of the Supreme Court of Heaven (Rom 12:19).
Become angry and stop sinning. Stop letting the Sun set on your provoked anger.
"Stop sinning" is the Greek imperative of prohibition, which means stop doing something your are doing. This is a quote from Psalm 4:4 in the Septuagint. Anger is a sin of bitterness, and the Problem Solving Device for anger is to Rebound.
"Stop letting the Sun set on your provoked anger." This is another imperative of prohibition to stop doing something you are doing. It means when your anger is provoked, Rebound. Don't let the Sun set without Rebound. Don't go a day without Rebound.
Ephesians 4:27Sin opens the door for the devil to infiltrate the soul and take the sinner captive. This is illustrated by the dark arrows from the Cosmic System connected to the roots of the Tree of Evil in the illustration.
And stop giving the devil an opportunity.
Ephesians 4:28 Perform Manual LaborThose who are stealing should stop, since criminality is not compatible with the Righteousness of God. Christians should earn their living by working with their own hands and doing a good job. Then they will receive honest wages and have something to share with the one who has need.
The one who is stealing must no longer be stealing, but rather labor, performing with his own hands good, in order that he may have something to share with the one having need.
Ephesians 4:29 Believer-Priest Communication"Stop letting any rotten word come out of your mouth." This is addressed to individual believer-priests as well as to pastors. "Rotten" is the Greek saprov" (sarpos), meaning decayed, rotten (used of spoiled fish). Rotten words are sin, human good, evil - dead works.
Stop letting any rotten word come out of your mouth, but whatever is Good for needed edification, in order that it may impart Grace to the hearers.
"But whatever is Good for needed edification" – This refers to Divine Good production by the believer-priest. Communication of divine viewpoint by the believer-priest fulfills a need that enables another to pass the test on the Stage of Life and be edified.
"In order that it may impart Grace to the hearers" - The believer-priest who communicates Divine viewpoint imparts Grace to the hearers by enabling them to verify doctrine on the Stage of Life and be edified.
Some cross references for this verse include Matt 10:32-33; 12:34-37; Eph 4:29; 5:4; 1 Tim 1:6; 6:4, 20; Col 2:4; 3:8; 4:6; 1 Pet 3:15; Prov 10:20, 21; 15:28; 25:11, 12; 27:17.
Ephesians 4:30 Grieving the Holy Spirit"Grieving the Holy Spirit" occurs when the believer is out of fellowship with God due to being in a state of sin.5 Although the Holy Spirit intercedes for the believer (Rom 8:26), the believer who refuses to Rebound defies the attempts of the Holy Spirit to sanctify him and bring him back into fellowship.
Furthermore, stop grieving the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed with reference to the Day of Redemption.
The Holy Spirit seals the believer. This means the believer is sealed as if with a signet ring with a bar code that identifies him as Royal Family of God. The believer is "sealed with reference to the Day of Redemption." The Day of Redemption is the Rapture, or Resurrection of the Church. The Holy Spirit puts his signature on the Christian at Salvation so that the mortal body of every believer will be redeemed at the Resurrection of the Church.
Ephesians 4:31 Bitterness ComplexThe sins of the Bitterness Complex, corresponding to the root of bitterness on the Tree of Evil, must be removed from the believer. "All bitterness" refers to all the variations of sins of the Bitterness Complex, which includes mental attitude sins, sins of the tongue, and overt sins. Bitterness is the opposite of love. The bitter person does not love. He does not love God or anyone else. Bitterness destroys the Filling of the Holy Spirit and turns the bitter person into the enemy of God and others. Since bitterness is totally incompatible with the Christian life, it must be stopped. It is handled by Rebound.
Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, quarreling, and slander be removed from you along with all malice.
Ephesians 4:32 Kind, Compassionate, ForgivingThe believer should be motivated by love and be kind, compassionate, and forgiving. Since God by means of the work of Christ on the Cross has forgiven us our sins, we should forgive others.
Rather become kind toward one another, compassionate, forgiving each other, just as God also by means of Christ has forgiven you.
The believer must develop new values for the new Spiritual life. The new values correspond to the roots of the Tree of Life.
Philippians 3:7 Rejecting Old ValuesThe old values of the soul correspond to the roots of the Tree of Evil and are incompatible with new Christian life.
But whatever things were gain to me, those things I now consider as loss for the sake of Christ.
Philippians 3:8Paul continues with the exclusive priorities of new values. The value of knowing Christ is so superior that he has suffered the loss of all things and considers them excrement in comparison.
More than that, I conclude all things to be loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for the sake of whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and conclude them excrement that I may gain Christ,
Philippians 3:13-14 Advancing to Spiritual RapportAs Paul was advancing to Spiritual Rapport, he stayed focused with his new values by which he evaluated himself. He was forgetting the past and constantly advancing to obtain the highest decoration of God's calling in Christ Jesus.
13 Brethren, I do not evaluate myself to have attained (completed Tree of Life); but one thing I do, forgetting what is behind (past failures) and constantly advancing toward the front, 14 I keep advancing toward the objective for the decoration of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Roots of Life
The roots of the Tree of Life absorb the water of Life. The water of Life nourishes the tree to support Eternal Life (Jn 4:14). The water of the Word is absorbed by the roots for the function of the new Spiritual life in Christ. The roots of the Tree of Life of the doctrinal believer are well watered. The roots of Job's Tree of Life never lacked water, and his branches were covered with dew (Job 29:19).
The Tree of Life of the doctrinal believer is like a tree with roots that extend to a stream.
Jeremiah 17:8 Tree of LifeThe Tree of Life is nourished by the water of the Word. The roots extend to a stream of Bible Doctrine. The tree is green in prosperity and adversity because doctrine handles both. And the tree never fails to bear fruit.
For he shall be like a tree being planted by the water,
And by a stream, he will send out roots;
Therefore, he will not fear when heat comes.
For his leaves are always green,
He does not worry in the year of drought,
And he never fails to bear fruit.
Roots stabilize a tree.
Proverbs 12:3Wickedness will not stabilize a man. However, the Root of Righteousness of the Tree of Life will not be moved.
A man is not established by wickedness,
But the root of the Righteous will not be moved.
Proverbs 12:12The wicked one wants the booty of evil-doers, but the root of the Righteous nourishes the Tree of Life, which produces good fruit of its own.
The wicked one desires the booty of evil-doers,
But the root of the Righteous yields fruit.
Tree of Life corresponds to the Edification Complex of the Soul, which
is a home for Christ.
Ephesians 3:17Christ is known in the heart through doctrine. "Doctrine" is the Greek pistis, which means faith or doctrine. The completed Edification Complex of the Soul is like the Tree of Life which is "firmly rooted." Since the roots symbolize separation from the world, "firmly rooted" refers to the Separation from the World phase of the Spiritual life. "Established" refers to the tree trunk supported by strong roots and corresponds to the Spiritual Growth phase of the Spiritual Life. "Established" means that the tree is prospering in a good environment with ample water, Sunlight, and air. The believer with a well established Tree of Life has reciprocal Love for the Lord Jesus Christ.
so that Christ may be at home in your hearts through doctrine, when you have become firmly rooted and established in the sphere of reciprocal Love,
Roots of Christ
Just as the roots are the foundation of the tree, Jesus Christ is the foundation of the Tree of Life and the Edification Complex of the Soul (1 Cor 3:11). The Tree of Life sprouts at Salvation when the believer is entered into union with Christ. The roots of the of the believer's Tree of Life are connected to Jesus Christ.
Proverbs 10:25 The Everlasting FoundationThe whirlwind or tornado blows the wicked person away, but the Righteous one has a Spiritual foundation, corresponding to Salvation in Jesus Christ.
When the whirlwind passes over, the wicked is no more;
But the Righteous has an everlasting foundation.
Matthew 7:24 Wise ManEveryone who listens to the words of Christ and executes them is like a wise man who built his house upon a rock. The rock provides a strong foundation, like the foundation of Christ.
Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and executes them, shall be like a wise man who built his house on a rock.
Matthew 7:25The house built upon a rock withstood a storm and torrents; yet, it did not fall (Luk 6:47, 48).
And the rain fell, and the torrents came, and the winds blew and beat against that house; and it did not fall, for it had been founded upon a rock.
Matthew 7:26-27 The Foolish ManEveryone who hears the words of Jesus but refuses to execute them is like the fool who built his house upon sand. When the storm and the torrents came, the house fell, and the fall was great. The house built upon sand did not have a good foundation. The rock symbolizes the foundation of Jesus Christ, and the sand symbolizes a foundation other than Christ, such as religion or human good. Thus, the fool without the foundation of Christ is an unbeliever (Luk 6:49).
26 Everyone who hears these words of Mine and is not executing them, shall be like a foolish man who built his house on sand.
27 The rain fell, and the torrents came, and the winds blew and beat against that house; and it fell; and its fall was great.
1 Corinthians 3:11 Foundation of ChristJesus Christ is the foundation of the Edification Complex of the Soul and the Tree of Life.
For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 3:12 Spiritual/Carnal ProductionThose believes who build on the foundation of Christ produce Divine Good, such as gold, silver, and precious stones. Those who do not build on the foundation of Christ produce dead works, such as wood, hay, and straw. By analogy, the Tree of Life is founded on Christ, and the Tree of Evil is not.
But if anyone builds upon the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw,
1 Corinthians 3:13 Fire TestingEveryone's production will be tested by fire. The Fire Testing will be on "that day," which refers to the day of the evaluation after the Rapture at the Review Throne of Christ. The analysis will be done by Fire Testing.1 "Fire Testing" will validate the quality of the production. "Validate" is the Greek dokimavzw (dokimazo), which means to be acceptance tested, qualification tested, validated.
Everyone's production will become evident; for that day will make it clear because it is revealed by Fire Testing, and Fire Testing will validate the quality of everyone's production.
1 Corinthians 3:14 RewardsProduction "which he has built upon it" refers to the Edification Complex of the Soul and the Tree of Life. Rewards will be received by believers in Resurrection bodies because of their Tree of Life. Production which endures Fire Testing includes Divine Good, symbolized by gold, silver, and precious stones, which are refined by fire.
If anyone's production which he has built upon it (the foundation of Christ) endures, he will receive a reward.
1 Corinthians 3:15 Loss of RewardDead works and human good will be burned up. Those whose production is burned up will suffer loss of their rewards, but they will still be saved. They will miss out on their rewards for all Eternity.
If anyone's production is burned up, he shall suffer loss (of reward), but he himself shall be saved; yet, even as through fire.
Colossians 2:7 Tree of LifeThe believer is rooted in Christ. The roots of the Tree of Life connect to Jesus Christ in contrast to the roots of the Tree of Evil, which connect to the Cosmic System. The roots are symbolized by the color orange, for separation. The roots separate the tree from the Earth, which symbolizes death.
Having been firmly rooted and constantly being built up in Him (Christ), and being established by faith (Bible Doctrine), even as you have been taught, overflowing with thanksgiving.
The doctrinal believer is "built up" in Christ. "Built up" refers to growing the Tree of Life or erecting the Edification Complex of the Soul. The trunk of the tree is symbolized by the color yellow, for life.
The doctrinal believer is "established by faith" (Bible Doctrine). Bible Doctrine, the water of the Word, is the means of growing the Tree of Life and erecting the ECS. Faith, corresponding to the X-axis of Righteousness, is symbolized by the color Blue, for the sky and the water of the Word. "As you have been taught" – the Colossians have been taught accurate Bible Doctrine. And they are "overflowing with thanksgiving." This corresponds to the leaves on the tree and the color green, for Happiness and prosperity.
Old Sin Nature
Categories of Sin
Arrogance Complex
Jealousy Complex
Worry/Fear Complex
Bitterness Complex
Self-Righteousness Complex
Love of Money
Since man is born with an Old Sin Nature, he grows up sinning. It is quite natural and becomes second nature to him. Before he reaches the age of accountability, he doesn't know that he is spiritually dead because of sin. He is not cognizant of sin unless he does something bad that brings retribution from his parents.
During the time before accountability, the child develops sin patterns and complexes. He may develop a bitter, angry, malicious disposition. Or he may have a fear, worry, shy complex. Or he may be full of pride and pretension, topped with self-righteous arrogance. He may learn to show out and crave approbation. If his parents do not intercede for him to deliver him from evil, Satan and his demons will exploit the situation to elicit even more bizarre behavior.
Soon the arrogance skills combine with sin patterns and complexes to harden the heart. Arrogance skills include self-denial, self-justification, and self-absorption. The child doesn't know he has a sin problem. He sins because he likes it. He is perfectly content with his evil behavior. Being oblivious to the meaning of sin, he becomes a law unto himself. He thinks it is acceptable to sin. Opportunities for unrestrained Lawlessness (in self-denial) are followed by defensive Legalism (in self-justification) and arrogant preoccupation (self-absorption). The sandwich of these sin patterns becomes Hardness of the Heart.3
Hardness of the Heart is not a sin that can be confessed. It is a complex of learned behavior and habit. Even if a person could confess Hardness of the Heart, he wouldn't because it would not be offensive to him. The person with Hardness of the Heart is his own worst enemy. Hardness of the Heart is like an iceberg. Most of it is hidden. Although there are clues that something is wrong, the real problem is hidden. For the adult the problem of Hardness of the Heart is in a whole new dimension from its beginnings in childhood. Hardness of the Heart not only hinders the Spiritual life, but it also behind most debilitating illnesses, both mental and physical.
A person may be locked in to a sin pattern by Hardness of the Heart. And Hardness of the Heart can stall out Spiritual advance. Doctrine doesn't get through to the person because the person is perfectly content with his problems. The same sins are repeated over and over.
Regardless of why sins were committed, they must be confessed (Rebound) in order to regain the Filling of the Holy Spirit and resume the Spiritual life. The Christian who sins falls under the power of the Old Sin Nature. This is called the power of the flesh, or carnality. The Christian is carnal until he Rebounds. In contrast to carnality, which is being temporarily out of fellowship, the Reversionist is one who turns from God and refuses to Rebound. The Reversionist is not just under the power of the Old Sin Nature, he is going down as he develops more and more capacity for evil.
Later during pregnancy when the fetus is capable of sustaining human life, God imputes human soul life to it. God decides the time. At the time human soul life is imputed, God also imputes the original sin of Adam and then judges the baby with real spiritual death. So, when the baby receives human life, it also receives spiritual death. When the baby is born, it is physically alive and spiritually dead (Jn 3:6). If the child should die before reaching accountability, it will automatically go to Heaven (2 Sam 12:23).
The unborn twins of Rebekah fought in the mother's womb (Gen 25:22). The Lord explained to Rebekah that the twins were fighting because they would become two separate nations (Gen 25:23). The twins were fighting because they were bitter. Bitterness is a sin. Sin comes from the Old Sin Nature, and sinning requires volition, which is part of the soul.
The baby (John the Baptist) in Elizabeth's womb "leaped for joy" (Luk 1:44). "Joy" is the Greek ajgallivasi" (agalliasis), for exultation or joy. Joy is a function of the soul. To simply leap could be attributed to reflex motility, but joy or happiness requires a soul. Elizabeth made this statement when she was filled with the Holy Spirit (Luk 1:41).
Having said all this, human soul-life in the womb is different from human life outside the womb. Human life on Earth is measured in the scripture from birth to death. It begins when God calls the baby out from the womb (Isa 49:1, 5). "Out from" is the Hebrew min, corresponding to the Greek ek, both of which mean out from, and not in (Is 44:2, 24; 46:3). The unborn baby in the womb is being prepared for life on the outside (Ps 139:15, 16; Jer 1:5), while the child on the outside is living the life that God has given. John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit "out from his mother's womb" (Greek ek + koilia), not inside. The Filling of the Holy Spirit requires Salvation. Salvation cannot be given to a child in the womb because the child cannot understand (hear, see, perceive) the Gospel.
The child is born with an Old Sin Nature, which is synonymous
with the Tree of Evil. The child does not receive a Tree of Life
until Salvation. The Old Sin Nature motivates sin from the area of
weakness (Matt 26:41; Heb 12:1) and human good from the area of strength
(Isa 64:6; 1 Cor 3:12-15). It has a lust pattern (Rom 13:14; Eph
2:3; 1 Jn 2:16-17) and affinity for evil (Prov 6:18; Rom 2:9; Heb 3:12).
It also has affinity for the Cosmic System. The affinity is called
in the Hebrew hebel (Eccl 1:2; Jer 2:5) and in the Greek mataiotes
(Eph 4:17; 2 Pet 2:18).
Sin is a big problem for the believer even though all sins were paid for on the Cross. Sin is rejection of the will of God, and it will bring Divine punishment, not for the sin but for disobedience to God (Heb 12:4-6). Sin also allows the Old Sin Nature to take over the soul, and it opens the door for Satan and his Cosmic System. Sin, whether from the roots or leaves of the tree, opens a vacuum in the soul which sucks in the Cosmic System and opens access for Satan and his demons (Eph 4:17-18, 26-27).
The polarization of sin leads to Legalism and Lawlessness, both of which are outside God's authority and in the Cosmic System under the power of Satan. Lawlessness is associated with the right side, immoral degeneracy, sexual sins, the spiritual side, grieving the Holy Spirit, and sins of worry and fear. And Legalism is associated with the left side, moral degeneracy, the temporal side, quenching the Holy Spirit, the love of money, and sins of bitterness and self-righteousness.3
Proverbs 16:18Conceit (Col 2:18)
Pride precedes destruction,
And before a fall, a lifestyle of arrogance.Proverbs 29:23
A person's pride will bring him low,
But the lifestyle of humility will obtain honor.
Colossians 2:18 False SpiritualityArrogance (Rom 12:3, uJperfronevw, (huperphroneo)) (Jas 3:14; 4:6) (fusiovw (phusioo), puffed up, 1 Cor 4:6, 18; 5:2; 8:1; 13:4)
Let no one deprive you of your reward, taking delight in mortification and the worship of angels, taking his stand on visions which he has seen, without basis, inflated with arrogance under the influence of the thinking of his OSN.
Romans 12:3 Thinking Too Highly in Arrogance"Thinking too highly in arrogance" is the Greek uJperfronevw (huperphroneo), from (huper, over) + (phroneo, think), meaning to think too highly of oneself, be haughty.
For I say through the Grace which has been given to me to everyone who is among you, stop thinking too highly in arrogance, beyond what you ought to think, but think with Spiritual self-control because God has assigned to each one the standard of Faith.
"Spiritual self-control" is the Greek swfronevw (sophroneo), from (sos, sound) + (phroneo, think) = be of sound mind, sane; show self-control; refers to being rational, thinking within the Spiritual control limits. (2 Cor 5:13; Tit 2:5-6; 1 Pet 4:7).
James 3:14"Arrogant" is the Greek katakaucavomai (katakauchaomai), meaning to be arrogant; boast against.
But if you have bitter jealousy and inordinate ambition in your heart, stop being arrogant and stop lying against the truth.
James 4:6"Arrogant" is the Greek uJperhvfano (huperephano), from (huper, over) + (phano, shine), 'outshine' = arrogant, haughty, proud (Luk 1:51)
Moreover, He gives greater Grace. Therefore it says, "God opposes the arrogant, but He gives Grace to the humble."
Presumption (Ex 21:14; Deut 1:43; 17:12-13; 18:20, 22; Esth 7:5; Psa 19:13; Acts 2:15; Rom 15:18; 1 Cor 8:2)
Pretension (Acts 5:36; 8:9; Jas 4:16; 1 Jn 2:16)
1 John 2:16"Arrogant" is the Greek ajlazoneiva (alazoneia), meaning pretension, arrogance in word and deed.
Because all that is in the Cosmic System, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the arrogant pattern of life, is not from the Father but is from the Cosmic System.
Illusions (Isa 30:10; 2 Cor 10:5)
Delusion (2 Thess 2:11; Heb 3:13)
Hebrews 3:13 Hardened by the Delusion of Sin"Delusion" is the Greek ajpavth (apate), meaning delusion; deception, deceitfulness; enticement.
But encourage one another every day as long as it is called, "Today," lest anyone from among you become hardened by the delusion of sin.
Unbelief (Hos 4:6; Acts 19:9; Heb 3:12, 19; Jude 5)
Sins of the Jealousy Complex include: Ambition, stress, distress, strife, impulsive, selfish, penurious, rebellious, avaricious, greedy, covetous, niggardly, stingy, miserly, grudge, vindictive, self-vindication, (Prov 6:34; 23:6-8; SOS 8:6; 1 Cor 3:3; Jas 3:14, 16).
Song of Solomon 8:6 Love Knocked Out by JealousyLove is as strong as death, but jealousy, which knocks out love, is as cruel as the grave.
Put me as a signet ring on your heart,
As a signet ring on your arm.
Because love is as strong as death;
Jealousy is as cruel as the grave;
Its (love's) flashes are flames of fire,
The flame of the LORD.
James 3:14 JealousyJealousy links with bitterness, and jealousy also produces inordinate ambition.
But if you have bitter jealousy and inordinate ambition in your heart, stop being arrogant and stop lying against the truth.
James 3:16Jealousy and inordinate ambition are sins that take a person into the Cosmic System where there is disorder and evil. Thus, the root of jealousy of the Tree of Evil links with the Cosmic System.
For you see, where jealousy and inordinate ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.
Sins of the Worry/Fear Complex include: Worry, fear, anxiety, dismay, depression, misery, vexation, mourning, sorrow, grief, sadness, lamentation, affliction, misery, despair, chagrin, humiliation, abasement, (Prov 10:24; Isa 41:10; Matt 6:25; 10:28, 31; Mk 6:49-50; Phil 4:6-7; 1 Pet 5:7; 1 Jn 4:18).
Isaiah 41:10
Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously gaze about, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you; yea, I will help you;
Surely, I will support you with My victorious right hand.
Philippians 4:6-7 Stop Worrying
6 Stop worrying about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, 7 and the Peace from God, which surpasses all understanding, will garrison your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
1 John 4:18 No Fear in Love
Fear does not exist in association with this Love, but mature Love casts out fear, because fear has punishment, and the one who fears has not been brought to completion in the sphere of Reciprocal Love.
The sins of the Bitterness Complex include: Bitterness, malice, maligning, hatred, abhorrence, animosity, anger, wrath, implacability, vilification, vituperation, pugnacious, pique, irritate, offend, harass, reproach, exacerbate, (Prov 5:4; Rom 3:14; Eph 4:31; Heb 12:15).
Sins of the Self-Righteousness Complex include:
Snobbishness (Psa 5:9; 12:2-3; Prov 2:16; 7:5, 21; 28:23; Isa 65:3, 5; Ezek 12:24; Luk 18:9, 11-12; Rom 16:18; Jas 2:1-4, 9; Jude 16)
Psalm 12:2 Double-Hearted Deceivers"Flattering" is the Hebrew ql*j*, (chalaq), meaning smooth; flattering (Prov 5:3; 26:28). "Flattering speech" refers to the smooth, deceitful language of a Self-Righteous snob. "Double heart" refers to a deceitful person with a Self-Righteous façade. A true heart produces love and harmony. "Double heart" refers to a false heart that is full of lies and deception and without love. It responds to emotional revolt of legalism and lawlessness. It turns away from God.
They proclaim falsehood one to another;
With flattering speech and a double heart, they speak.
Proverbs 2:16"Foreign prostitute" is the Hebrew yr!k=n*, (nakeri), meaning foreign woman; other than Right Woman, adulteress. Foreign women, such as the Canaanites or Babylonians often engaged in ritual prostitution in worshipping the gods. These women were under the demon power of the Prostitute of Babylon. The women were "smooth-talking" from their Self-Righteous façade as they tried to capture male attention.
To deliver you from the strange woman,
From the smooth-talking foreign prostitute;
Proverbs 7:5In the context, Bible Doctrine is what will protect from the "strange woman." "The strange woman" refers to a strange right woman (Hebrew 'ishah) – i. e. some else's Right Woman. The implication is a foreign woman, but it could include an adulteress or fornicator.
That they may guard you from the strange woman,
From the foreign prostitute who flatters with her words.
"Foreign prostitute" is again the Hebrew yr!k=n*, (nakeri), meaning prostitute; strange, foreign woman. She flatters with her words in order to seduce.
Proverbs 7:21The woman uses many persuasions to seduce. She uses seductive words to seduce a young man. "Seductive words" is the Hebrew ql#j@, (cheleq), meaning sexually suggestive or seductive words; from the root meaning slippery. Her persuasions and seductive words come from self-righteousness.
She seduces him by many persuasive words.
By the seductive words of her lips she seduces him.
Romans 16:18 Self-Righteous ApostatesApostates are slaves of their stomach, which corresponds to emotion associated with the X-axis of Ecumenical Babylon. They are slaves of the Cosmic System due to their apostasy.
For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own stomach (emotion); and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting.
The apostates use "smooth and flattering speech" to deceive the naïve. They are snobs. "Smooth" is the Greek crhstologiva (chrestologia), meaning smooth, plausible speech (Psa 55:21; Prov 5:3-4). "Flattering" is the Greek eujlogiva (eulogia), meaning false eloquence, flattery (Psa 5:9; Prov 26:28; 29:5; Ezek 12:24; Matt 26:25; Luk 20:20-21; 1 Thess 2:5). These religious snobs are not communicating under the power of the Holy Spirit but the Cosmic System with human viewpoint, lies, and deception (Ps 12:2; 41:6; 62:4; 116:11; Jer 9:4-5; Rom 3:4). This applies to pastors who teach apart from the Filling of the Holy Spirit.
Jude 16These apostate snobs complain and run down those they don't like and flatter those they do like in order to gain the advantage. They also speak bombastically due to their self-righteous illusions.
These are complainers, disgruntled malcontents going around according to their own lusts, and their mouth speaks bombastically, flattering people for the sake of advantage.
S/R Façade from Jealousy – S/R – Bitter split (Psa 28:3; 55:21; Prov 29:5)
Showy (Matt 6:1, 5, 16; 23:5; Luk 20:47; 2 Thess 2:4)
Picky (Matt 23:23-25; Luk 11:39)
Hypocrisy (Psa 62:4; Matt 23:13-30; Luk 12:1; 20:20-21)
Self-justification (Job 32:2; Matt 26:25; Luk 10:29; 16:15)
Self-absorption (Luk 20:46; 2 Tim 3:2)
Legalism (Rom 9:31-32; 10:2-3; Phil 3:9)
Bombastic (Prov 7:11; 9:13; 2 Pet 2:18; Jude 16)
Proverbs 7:11 Bombastic, Rebellious, Reacting Female"Bombastic is the Hebrew hm*h*, (hamah), meaning to be loud, bombastic. This is characteristic of self-righteous arrogance, which leaves illusions, or voids, on the cerebral cortex. In an attempt to be heard, the self-righteous woman oversteps the control limits and speaks too loudly. She lacks harmonious rapport in social relationships - with Right Man and society. And she lacks Spiritual Rapport with God.
She is bombastic and headstrong;
Her feet have no rest in her own house.
"Headstrong" is the Hebrew rr^s*, (sarar), meaning stubborn; headstrong. This woman has rejected the authority of God and Right Man. She is wanton, headstrong, and running in rebellion. "Her feet have no rest in her own house." This is an idiom for a Frantic Search for Happiness from her frustration.
2 Peter 2:18Bombastic apostates bellow like donkeys. They speak "words of vanity," where "vanity" is the Greek mataiotes, meaning emptiness or vacuum. The vacuum in the soul gives them illusions and causes them to speak bombastically while having a door opened into the Cosmic System. Bombastic false teachers lure immature believers into reversionism with them.
For you see, bellowing bombastic words of vanity, they entice by lusts of the flesh, by licentiousness, those who barely escape from those who live in error.
Reference (Matt 13:22; Luk 16:14; 1 Tim 3:3; 6:10).
The Love of Money is idolized as a god, Mammon (Matt 6:24; Luk 16:13).
Matthew 6:24"Mammon" is wealth (personified), as an object of worship and therefore a god, or idol; from Aramaic ÷/omm* (mamon). The Latin translation doubled the "m" erroneously. The contrast of God and mammon implies that mammon is in the Cosmic System.
Absolutely no one is able to serve two masters; for you see, either he will hate the one and love the other, or cling to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon!
Released October 4, 2012 - Revised Sept. 4, 2016
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