The Changing of the Guard in the Heavens
Spiritual Meaning
May 18, 2022: The Red Planet moved out of Aquarius into Pisces, where it will be until June 28.Two of these changes were long-term. The God of the Covenants will be in Aquarius until 2025, and the Redeemer will be in Pisces until 2036. Yet, both planets reached the cusps between two different signs on two successive days. The meaning of the days is:
May 19, 2022: The God of the Covenants planet entered Aquarius from Capricornus. It will be there until 2025.
May 20, 2022: The Redeemer planet moved out of Aquarius into Pisces, where it will be until 2036.
May 18, Day 138 - dying in the wildernessThis sequence corresponds to dying in the wilderness for those who reject Bible Doctrine and crossing over the Jordan to conquer the Promised Land for those who advance to Spiritual Maturity.
May 19, Day 139 - sin leading to death
May 20, Day 140 - Passover
Apr. 30, 2022: Solar Eclipse in Aries (Issachar) at Sunset, for Judgment of husband.The eclipses add the perspective of Marriage Culture to the events in the heavens. On April 30 there was a partial Solar Eclipse in South America in the sign of Aries. In a total Solar Eclipse a ring of light symbolizes the marriage covenant, which is still intact in the man, although the woman is in darkness. In a partial Solar Eclipse the man is wounded by the darkness of the woman, but he still has some light. The partial Solar Eclipse was in Aries at Sunset, corresponding to the end of the Temporal marriage (or Right Man - Right Woman) relationship. This was illustrated by the suicide of Naomi Judd on April 30.
May 16, 2022: Lunar Eclipse in Scorpius (Simeon), for Judgment of wife Prostitute of Babylon.
May 18, 2022: Red Planet into Pisces (Levi), for Blood of Christ, bloody prophets, priests, believers, martyrs, unclean priests.
May 19, 2022: God of the Covenants into Aquarius (Zebulun), for Noahic Covenant, Gospel, Covenant of Peace (Millennium).
May 20, 2022: Redeemer planet into Pisces (Levi), for giving, tithes, tax.
Red Planet in Pisces until June 28, 2022The partial Solar Eclipse on April 30, and the total Lunar Eclipse on May 16 set the stage for the new period in history. The Solar Eclipse occurred at Sundown, for something ending in the Temporal world. The Sun and Moon were in Aries, for the husband and wife, or Right Man - Right Woman, in Marriage Culture.
God of the Covenants in Aquarius until 2025
Redeemer planet in Pisces until 2036
May 18, Day 138 - dying in the wildernessThose who reject Bible Doctrine will die in the wilderness as the Exodus generation did (Heb 3:17, 18-19). Those who learn and obey Bible Doctrine will advance to Spiritual Maturity, pass over the Jordan River, and conquer the Promised Land.
May 19, Day 139 - sin leading to death
May 20, Day 140 - Passover
Released May 22, 2022 - Revised May 23, 2022