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The Changing of the Guard in the Heavens

Planets suddenly move in and out of Aquarius

The Changing of the Guard in the Heavens
Spiritual Meaning

The Changing of the Guard in the Heavens

May 20, 2022 (Day 140):  Three planets reached the cusps of Aquarius in a three day period this week.  The cusp is the midpoint between two signs.  Planets near the cusp may be under the influence of the signs on either side.  Although the exact location of the cusp is not known, the model for astrology places the signs of the Zodiac every 30 degrees.  This model has proven to be very reliable even though the actual constellations are varying sizes.  However, what just happened on the cusps of Aquarius is mind boggling.
May 18, 2022:  The Red Planet moved out of Aquarius into Pisces, where it will be until June 28.
May 19, 2022:  The God of the Covenants planet entered Aquarius from Capricornus.  It will be there until 2025.
May 20, 2022:  The Redeemer planet moved out of Aquarius into Pisces, where it will be until 2036. 
Two of these changes were long-term.  The God of the Covenants will be in Aquarius until 2025, and the Redeemer will be in Pisces until 2036.  Yet, both planets reached the cusps between two different signs on two successive days.  The meaning of the days is:
May 18, Day 138 - dying in the wilderness
May 19, Day 139 - sin leading to death
May 20, Day 140 - Passover
This sequence corresponds to dying in the wilderness for those who reject Bible Doctrine and crossing over the Jordan to conquer the Promised Land for those who advance to Spiritual Maturity.


The weather on the ground also corroborated the changing of the planets in the heavens associated with Aquarius.  On May 19 five tornadoes struck the St. Louis, Missouri area along with tornadoes in Illinois.  The storm system that produced the tornadoes also brought flash flooding.   The roof was blown off the Belleville Baptist Church across the river in Illinois.  After the storm passed, a rainbow appeared over Belleville.  A rainbow symbolizes the end  of Judgment after the flood.  May 19 was the  day the God of the Covenants entered Aquarius, for the Noahic Covenant, and that day there was flooding in the St. Louis and Belleville area and a rainbow after the storm.

Flooding Belleville
St. Louis Flooding
Belleville Rainbow

Tornadoes On May 20 a tornado struck the small town of Gaylord, Michigan in the northern part of the state.  Two people were killed and 44 injured.  There was also widespread damage in the town, and mobile home parks were devastated.  Gaylord is an English name from Old French, meaning high-spirited, boisterous, which are signs of angelic or demonic influence.  The small town of Gaylord is the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese for the 21 most northern counties of the lower peninsula of Michigan.  It is the smallest settlement for an active cathedral in the US.  The population of Gaylord in 2020 was 4,286.  The coordinates of the tornado in Gaylord were 45.03 N, 84.78 W, where the numbers mean:  45 - victory over the stronghold; 84 - weakness  of the  church.

USAMichigan is in the region of Virgo, the Virgin, and Naphtali, the doe and symbol of peace.  On May 20, the day of the tornado, the  Redeemer planet left Aquarius and entered Pisces.  The Redeemer in Pisces means giving, income tax, tithing.  The next day after the tornado Consumers Energy offered meals to residents of Gaylord from 4 to 7 PM.  President Biden signed a bill to give Ukraine $39.8 billion in aid the next day, May 21, in South Korea.

Spiritual Meaning

First, the movement of the three planets in and out of Aquarius on three successive days is one of the miraculous sequences that God has orchestrated in the heavens.  One planet will be in its new home until 2025 and another until 2036.  These planets are on the cusp, which is halfway between two signs, under influence from both.  As time passes the planets will take on the characteristics associated with their new home.  It is like the dawn, which is a gray area between night and day.  Precise measurements are not all that helpful.  It is similar to waking up each day or being born. 

The changing of the guard of three planets in and around Aquarius was a miracle of God.  This illustrates the precision of God's control over Creation.  He allowed us to witness this miraculous event. 

Second, we know that these planets in their new homes will begin to have new meanings.  The past can be forgotten, and the future adopted.  The events of May 18-20 were preceded by a Solar and Lunar Eclipse.  The eclipses are incorporated into the following summary:

Apr. 30, 2022:  Solar Eclipse in Aries (Issachar) at Sunset, for Judgment of husband.
May 16, 2022:  Lunar Eclipse in Scorpius (Simeon), for Judgment of wife Prostitute of Babylon.
May 18, 2022:  Red Planet into Pisces (Levi), for Blood of Christ, bloody prophets, priests, believers, martyrs, unclean priests.
May 19, 2022:  God of the Covenants into Aquarius (Zebulun), for Noahic Covenant, Gospel, Covenant of Peace (Millennium).
May 20, 2022:  Redeemer planet into Pisces (Levi), for giving, tithes, tax. 
The eclipses add the perspective of Marriage Culture to the events in the heavens.  On April 30 there was a partial Solar Eclipse in  South America in the sign of Aries.  In a total Solar Eclipse a ring of light symbolizes the marriage covenant, which is still intact in the man, although the woman is in darkness.  In a  partial Solar Eclipse the man is wounded by the darkness of the woman, but he still has some light.  The partial Solar Eclipse was in Aries at Sunset, corresponding to the end of the Temporal marriage (or Right Man - Right Woman) relationship.  This was illustrated by the suicide of Naomi Judd on April 30.

TornadoesA total Lunar Eclipse occurred on May 16 in North and South America.  During the eclipse, the Moon moved from Libra into Scorpius, the sign of Simeon criminality.  The Moon in Simeon at maximum eclipse symbolized a famous Prostitute of Babylon.  In a Lunar Eclipse the woman is in darkness under the power  of Satan and sin without the  light of Right Man.  The Lunar Eclipse of May 16 was preceded (on May 15) by two tornadoes, one in Illinois in the region of Virgo, the woman, and the other in Florida in the region of Aquarius, corresponding to Zebulun, the man.  The two tornadoes symbolized the unsanctified Right Man - Right Woman relationship - the breakdown of Marriage Culture associated with the uncircumcised male.   Note that Aquarius entered the picture.

On May 18 the Red Planet left Aquarius and entered Pisces where it symbolizes the
Blood of Christ, bloody prophets, priests, believers, martyrs, unclean priests.  It symbolizes suffering associated with the priesthood in the Spiritual World.  Pisces is associated with Levi, who was the criminal partner  of his brother Simeon.  Jacob withdrew their inheritance and cursed them to be scattered and dispersed (Gen 49:7).  In the USA Simeon is associated with  Louisiana and Levi with Kentucky and the Southeastern US except Florida.
On May 19 the God of the Covenants planet entered Aquarius, symbolizing the Noahic Covenant, the Gospel, and the Covenant  of  Peace  (Millennium).  The Noahic Covenant refers to God's dealings with Noah, beginning with His command to build the Ark and continuing after the  Flood by placing a memorial rainbow in the sky.  The Flood was the greatest Judgment in human history, and nothing will be worse, not even the Tribulation.  Aquarius, the water bearer, is associated with too much or too little water.  Water is necessary for life, but it must be in balance in the right amount.  The right balance will occur in the Millennium and the Earth will be green (Isa 35:1, 2).

On May 19 the tornadoes and weather curses on the ground fulfilled the signs in the heavens.  There were tornadoes in St. Louis, Missouri and Illinois along with flooding.  And there was even a rainbow after the storm.  The storm system crossed the Mississippi River as a symbol of crossing the Jordan River to enter the Promised Land.  Missouri symbolizes the Brazen Altar in the Tabernacle in the Client Nation Model.  The Altar was the symbol of Judgment, corresponding to the Judgment of the cross.  The Noahic Flood also symbolized the Judgment for the sins of the world, as did the cross.

On May 20 the Redeemer planet left Aquarius and entered Pisces where it means giving, tithes, and tax.  However, giving does not always involve money, and it can take many forms.  For example, Grace is the free gift of God.  Giving with strings attached is not Grace.

On May 20 two tornadoes were reported in the US.  An EF-3 tornado severely damaged Gaylord, Michigan, and a brief EF-0 tornado occurred in Hazlet Township, New Jersey.  Gaylord became a city in 1922, and this year was to be its 100th anniversary.  The number 22 is for cursing, and 100 is for maximum Divine Good production.  The city was  named for Augustine Smith Gaylord, a local railroad attorney and later an attorney in the US Department of Interior who was sent to Montana and the Dakotas by President Grant to negotiate a treaty with the Indians (Native Americans).  He died upon returning from the trip at age 46, the number for pregnancy.

This is a reminder of US history during the time White settlers from Europe fought the Indians and settled the USA.  This was like the conquest of the Promised Land by Jews.  The destruction of the town of Gaylord also symbolized the destruction of the cities of  Ukraine in the current war with Russia.  The boundaries of nations is the Sovereign decision of God.

After the tornado devastated Gaylord,  C
onsumers Energy offered meals to residents from 4 to 7 PM, and  President Biden signed a bill to give Ukraine $39.8 billion in aid.  These were examples of giving per the meaning of the Redeemer planet in Pisces.


Solar EclipseThe chart of the partial Solar Eclipse on April 30, 2022 contains a Bow on the Temporal side of the chart.  A Bow is the weapon of an archer.  All the planets are within 120 degrees, corresponding to a strong, offensive concentration of force.  The eclipse occurred at Sunset in Aries.  The Sun and Moon in Aries symbolize the husband and wife in marriage or the Right Man - Right Woman relationship.

Aquarius is highlighted in blue because two planets are near the cusp.  They are less than a degree from the dividing point between two signs.  The God of the Covenants planet is entering Aquarius, and the Redeemer planet is leaving.  The God of the Covenants is coming from Capricornus, where it symbolized the Antichrist, and it is going into Aquarius, for the Noahic Covenant, the Gospel, and the Covenant of Peace (Millennium).  The Redeemer planet is coming from Aquarius, for being redeemed from Sheol or the Sea, and it is going into Pisces, for giving, tithes, and tax.

The Red Planet is in Aquarius, for the curse of Ecumenical Babylon, a false teacher, soothsayer, or bloody water.  Bloody water could relate to a birth.  On May 2, two days after the eclipse, a preliminary draft of a US Supreme Court decision to overturn the Roe vs. Wade decision was leaked, resulting in a public outcry.  This is all the curse of Ecumenical Babylon, which is the lie of Satan and false teachers.  

Lunar EclipseThe chart of the Lunar Eclipse on May 16, 2022 contains a Bowl and a Plow on the Spiritual side of the chart.  This corresponds to the shape of a pregnant woman who is about to give birth.  The Bowl symbolizes a bowl of  blessing or cursing.  In its orientation it is about to tip over and pour out.  The  Plow is for  intense suffering, like being plowed under.  The Plow points to the God of the Covenants on the Ascendant on the cusp of  Capricornus and Aquarius, for the Antichrist or the Noahic Covenant.

The Moon at maximum eclipse was barely in Scorpius on the cusp.  In conjunction with Midheaven it symbolized a famous Prostitute of Babylon,  like Jezebel or the one in Revelation.  The Sun at the Bottom of Heaven was on the cusp of Taurus, for the death of royalty.  Taurus corresponds to the location of Moscow.

Aquarius is highlighted in blue because two planets are on its cusps.  The God of the Covenants is entering Aquarius from Capricornus, and the Redeemer is leaving Aquarius to enter Pisces, for giving,  tithes, and tax.  


According to our model of the heavens, on three successive days planets entered and exited Aquarius.  They crossed the cusp, which is the dividing line between two signs.  Only God knows the precise location of the cusp, but the fact that three planets crossed the cusps based on our calculations is miraculous.  This illustrates the infinitesimal precision of God's control over the heavens and all creation.

Each of the planets will have a new home with a new meaning.  This is like the changing of the guard.  The new meanings will be applicable for months and years.  The planets in their new signs are:
Red Planet in Pisces until June 28, 2022
God of the Covenants in Aquarius until 2025
Redeemer planet in Pisces until 2036
The partial Solar Eclipse on April 30, and the total Lunar Eclipse on May 16 set the stage for the new period in history.  The Solar Eclipse occurred at Sundown, for something ending in the Temporal world.  The Sun and Moon were in Aries, for the husband and wife, or Right Man - Right Woman, in Marriage Culture.

The Lunar Eclipse on May16 contained the image of a pregnant woman about to give birth.  The eclipse was the sign of a woman in darkness enslaved to Satan's Cosmic System.  The Moon was in Scorpius, for the Prostitute of Babylon in the region of Simeon, the criminal.  A Plow pointed to the God of the Covenants on the Ascendant on the cusp of Aquarius, for the Noahic Covenant, associated with the Flood. 

On May 18 the Red Planet entered Pisces in the region of Levi, for the
Blood of Christ, bloody prophets, priests, and believers.  Simeon and Levi were brothers in crime who lost their inheritance and were cursed by Jacob to be scattered and dispersed. 

On May 19, 2022 the God of the Covenants entered Aquarius, for the Noahic Covenant, the Gospel, and the
Covenant of Peace (Millennium).   The Noahic Covenant was God's covenant of Grace with Noah for building the Ark and deliverance through the Flood.  And it was condemnation, Judgment, and death for those who rejected Salvation.  Water is necessary for life, and the proper balance must be maintained for health and well-being for man and the environment.  Water is associated with the sign of Aquarius.

Coupled with the God of the Covenants entering Aquarius on May 19, five tornadoes struck the area around St. Louis, Missouri along with storms and flash floods.  The roof was taken off the Belleville, Illinois Baptist Church, and after the storm a rainbow appeared, corresponding to the rainbow that God placed in the sky as part of the Noahic Covenant.

On May 20, 2022 the Redeemer planet entered Pisces in the region of Levi, for giving, tithes, and tax.  Giving can take many forms.  Grace is the free gift of God, and God provides blessings from the riches of His glory (Rom 9:23; Eph 3:16; Phil 4:19; Col 1:27).

A tornado struck Gaylord, Michigan on May 20 and destroyed much of the town.  Gaylord was named for an attorney who was sent to Montana and the Dakotas by President Grant to negotiate a treaty with the Indians.  The Indians, like the Canaanites, lived on the land, but God gave it to new settlers.  This is the story of Joshua and the Army of Israel crossing the Jordan and conquering the Promised Land.  The story also applies to Christians as evidenced by the meaning of the three days:

May 18, Day 138 - dying in the wilderness
May 19, Day 139 - sin leading to death
May 20, Day 140 - Passover
Those who reject Bible Doctrine will die in the wilderness as the Exodus generation did (Heb 3:17, 18-19).   Those who learn and obey Bible Doctrine will advance to Spiritual Maturity, pass over the Jordan River, and conquer the Promised Land. 


1.  Larry Wood, "The Meaning of 2000" Jan. 1, 2000.
Tracy Hinson, "5 tornadoes damage neighborhoods in St. Louis and Franklin counties Thursday," KSDK,, May 20, 2022.
3.  Travis Cummings, "Storm damages Belleville church, other damage in Metro East," KSDK,, May 19, 2022.
4.  Robert Townsend, "Storm leaves drivers stuck on I-55, floods streets and basements in south St. Louis," KSDK,, May 19, 2022.
5.  Christine MacDonald, Lily Altavena, Tess Ware, "Gaylord tornado death toll increases to 2, injury count remains at 44," Detroit Free Press, May 21, 2022.
6.  "Gaylord, Michigan," Wikipedia, May 21, 2022.
7.  Stephen M. Lepore, "One dead and more than 40 injured after tornado tore through Michigan...," Daily Mail, May 20, 2022.
8.  "Residents in south St. Louis working to clear the messes left behind by flood waters," KSDK News, YouTube, May 21, 2022.

Released May 22, 2022 - Revised May 23, 2022

Author:  Larry Wood