The Year 2016
Positional Sanctification
Experiential Sanctification
Separation from the World
Bible Doctrine
Grace Orientation
Holy Matrimony
Tabernacle Pattern
Cleaning House
Sanctifying the Food
Sanctifying the Family
Ambassadors for Christ
Sanctifying the Nation
Environmental Sanctification
What It All Means
Man's sin is incompatible with Divine Integrity. God is Holy and can only separate from sin. In order for man to come into God's presence and have fellowship with Him, a way must be provided that does not compromise Divine Integrity. That way must first solve the problem of man's sin and then his human good, which is incompatible with Divine Righteousness.
The solution was provided by the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was undiminished Deity and true humanity combined in Hypostatic Union. Jesus Christ was uniquely qualified to satisfy the Righteous requirements of an Holy God and the needs of mankind. He was sanctified and sinless and able to suffer the Judgment of God for the sins of the world. He suffered the Judgment for the sins of the world as our substitute. He offered Himself in our stead. He satisfied all of the requirements of a Righteous God in our behalf in order that we might have the Righteousness of God in Him.
Through His work on the cross, He satisfied all of God's demands as our substitute and became our Sanctification. Because of the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, we can be sanctified to God. Having purified us from our sins, we can believe in Him and be washed from all unrighteousness. When we believe in Jesus Christ, we are saved forever. We are entered into union with Christ in Heaven, and God the Father accepts us into His Royal Family.
Nothing that we can do on Earth will alter our Positional Sanctification in Heaven. We are saved and positionally sanctified, and nothing can change that. When we die, we will go to Heaven because we are positionally sanctified. We are called saints, meaning sanctified ones (1 Cor 1:2).
In the meantime every day on Earth we take a bath. We wash all over at least once a day. Washing all over symbolizes Positional Sanctification. Afterward, we wash our hands when they get dirty and before meals. We don't bathe all over because we are already clean. We just wash our hands because they are dirty.
We have a New Spiritual life after Salvation. We are members of an Holy Priesthood and a Royal Family. The Lord's command to us is "You shall be Holy because I am Holy" (Lev 11:45). To be Holy we must be sanctified. When we sin, we must follow the Rebound recovery procedure to be experientially sanctified. When we Rebound, we are purified from all unrighteousness and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Under the power of the filling of the Holy Spirit, we can reject our old life of sin (Retroactive Positional Truth - we died when Christ died (Rom 6:6; ref. Gal 2:20) and live the New Spiritual life in Grace.
2 Corinthians 6:17 Separation from the WorldChristians are commanded to separate from world, including worldly friends and the Cosmic System (Jas 4:4; 1 Jn 2:15-16). The Lord will welcome the sanctified believer into fellowship with Him. "Stop touching the unclean thing" in the context refers to marrying an unbeliever (who is unclean, unsanctified) and practicing idolatry with temple prostitutes (2 Cor 6:14-16).
"Therefore, come out from their midst, and be separate," says the Lord, "and stop touching the unclean thing, and I Myself will receive you."
Staying out of the Cosmic System requires avoiding sin, but it also requires resisting the devil (Jas 4:7).
James 4:8 Consecration to God
Come near to God, and He will draw near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-souled.
"Wash your hands, you sinners" is a command to Rebound.
"Purify your hearts, you double-souled." Double-souled believers are carnal believers or reversionists for whom Bible Doctrine is not first priority. They are the "enemies of the cross" (Phil 3:18). They vacillate between Grace and Christian degeneracy and between Divine and human solutions. They are "lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God" (2 Ti 3:4). The double-souled condition includes Scar Tissue of the Soul (Hardness of the Heart), which can only be removed through application of Bible Doctrine.
"Purify your hearts" is a command to correct the "double-souled" condition, which includes reversionism and garbage in the subconscious. This is a command to begin recovery of the Spiritual life through the daily metabolization of Bible Doctrine. That requires listening to the right pastor and obeying the Holy Spirit. Unless the motivation changes to the love for Christ, there will be no consecration, no sanctification, and no recovery.
John 17:17 Sanctification by the WordBefore going to the cross, Jesus prayed for His disciples to be sanctified by means of Bible Doctrine. "Doctrine" is the Greek aletheia, for truth, referring to doctrine. The Word is doctrine. Believing Bible Doctrine sanctifies the believer.
"Sanctify them by means of doctrine; Your Word is doctrine.
The unleavened bread on the Table of Shewbread in the Holy Place symbolized the Word. It was called consecrated bread (1 Sam 21:4, 6; Matt 12:4).
Hebrews 4:16The believer in the Divine Dynasphere has access to the Throne of Grace where the Lord Jesus Christ sits on the Throne of God. When Divine help is needed, the Lord is ready and willing to supply our needs and come to our rescue in Grace. Those who are not serving the Lord in the filling of the Holy Spirit are antichrists.
Let us therefore come boldly to the Throne of Grace, that we may receive mercy and find Grace to help in time of need.
The Right Man – Right Woman relationship is also sanctified. The Right Woman is sanctified by Right Man (ref. Eph 5:25-26). Unsanctified activities in Marriage or the Right Man – Right Woman relationship include sin, social and sexual unfaithfulness (Matt 5:28; Mk 7:21; 2 Pet 2:14), idolatry, drugs, witchcraft, criminality, abuse, and demon influence, as with the Prostitute of Babylon (2 Cor 6:14-17; Rev 2:20).
Sanctification is separation from the world and consecration to God. The foremost expression of sanctification in the human race is sanctification in the Right Man – Right Woman relationship. Satan will do everything to destroy that relationship, and God will do everything to protect it. Since Right Man and Right Woman are a corporate system, what happens to one, happens to the other. If one is sanctified, the other is sanctified. If one is unsanctified, the other pays for it, as Christ paid for our sins on the cross. If one lacks the Spiritual strength to bear up under pressure from the other, he goes to the grave. However, if he has doctrine and is willing to lay down his life, he will live. Such is the nature of Eclipse Testing.
The Tabernacle was the dwelling of a Holy God on the Earth. The Tabernacle was a sacred place, and violation of the Tabernacle regulations meant instant death. Surrounding the Tabernacle was a wall of linen, which symbolized sanctification. The outside symbolized separation from the world, and the inside symbolized consecration to God. Inside the Tabernacle was Spiritual Life and outside was spiritual death. Thus, sanctification is separation of the living from the dead.
The dietary restrictions of the Mosaic Law do not apply to the Church (Acts 11:7-9; Col 2:20-21).
Believers with doctrine will be sanctified from family members who reject Grace and reside in the Cosmic System (ref. Matt 10:35-37).
Sanctification requires boundaries (Ex 19:12, 23). Just as the Spiritual life must be sanctified from the Cosmic System, the immune system sanctifies human life. When it fails, the person dies.
The Feast of Unleavened Bread symbolized sanctification of the nation of Israel when it left Egypt. For 7 days the people ate unleavened bread from the 15th until the 21st day of the first month (Lev 23:6-8; Nu 28:17-25; Deut 16:3-8).
Sanctification includes:
Hezekiah restored Temple worship with sacrifices and offerings. In the 2nd month he re-instituted the Passover and invited all the tribes of Israel to attend, although most of them laughed him to scorn (2 Chron 30). He also destroyed the idols and high places in the land (2 Ki. 18:4; 2 Ch 31:1).
Hezekiah also broke the yoke of slavery to the Assyrians. When Sennacherib invaded Judah, Hezekiah prayed to God, and the Lord destroyed the Assyrian Army of 185,000 overnight (2 Ki 19:32–36).
The two kidneys symbolize sanctification of the Right Man – Right Woman relationship (ref. Eph 5:25-26) and Marriage (holy matrimony, forsaking all others) (1 Cor 7:4) and partnership with the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor 6:17; 2 Cor 11:2-3).
The two kidneys symbolize the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil (Gen 2:17) and the conscience (Rom 2:15; 1 Pet 3:21) – consecration to Good and separation from evil (Ex 19:10, 14). The kidneys symbolize the conscience, which has the ability to discriminate between a Good love relationship and an evil one.
Testing the kidneys and heart is not only a test of love but of discernment in the rejection of evil (Ps 97:10; Jer 17:10; Amos 5:15; Rom 8:27; 12:9; Rev 2:23).
Weather systems are the movement of water vapor to accomplish sanctification. The weather angels (Rev 7:1) manage the weather to sanctify the environment. They bring rain, wind, thunder, lightning, and storms to sanctify Good and destroy evil.
Jan – Apr 8 SkullThe sign of the Skull, corresponding to Satan's doom, will continue from last year along with the floods for the first quarter. June 1 will have a Grand Cross. The Skull will return in October. Then an overturned Bowl, for pouring out of cursing, will appear in November and December.
Jun 1 – Grand Cross
Oct. - Skull
Nov – Dec overturned Bowl
Next sanctified believers learned to recognize sin in the world around them. In order to be faithful to their Love for God, they must separate from the world. The pleasure of the moment is not worth the displeasure of God. They must choose between a love relationship with the world and their Love for the Lord.
None of the major Christian denominations teach the first or second steps of sanctification correctly. Only the Bible Doctrine crowd know the doctrine. Therefore, if Christians are to continue to advance, they must turn to those who teach the truth. The perversion of the doctrine of sanctification by John Wesley opened the door for the apostasy of the Holiness movement.
The third step of true believers is sanctification from the Cosmic System, which begins with Spiritual Warfare. The fourth step is passing the testing of suffering while waiting for promotion to Spiritual Maturity. The fifth step is passing the test of prosperity and being content to live by Grace in separation from the world. The sixth step is passing Evidence Testing, which is sanctification from Satan. The seventh step is living in fellowship with Christ as a vessel of honor awaiting the ultimate sanctification of the Resurrection.
It will be the best of times for those who are willing to live a life of sanctification, and it will be the worst of times for the unsanctified apostates, unbelievers, and reversionists. Those who are sanctified will see it clearly, but the unsanctified will be clueless. Unsanctified lovers will go for paramours. Apostates will prey upon the sheep. Dogs will bark at strangers. Politicians will pour out empty promises. Fathers will leave their bastard children, and mothers will fail to sanctify their children from Satan.
Only by being sanctified can a believer have true love and freedom. It is impossible to love the Lord or anyone else without being sanctified. The person without integrity has no capacity for love. Spiritual freedom only comes under the authority of God, and true love does not exist without freedom. Sanctified believers can have a true love relationship with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ along with freedom from the devil's world. Marriages can succeed only by sanctification, which is Spiritual. Those who reject the New Spiritual life in Christ are doomed to spiritual death, slavery, and the ash heaps of history.
Released January 1, 2016