Hand of the Christian
Gate - Way of Salvation
Lines of the Palm
Mounts of the Fingers
Door - Grace Orientation
Fingers of Christian
Finger 1 - Christian Light
Finger 2 - Christian Priest
Finger 3 - Royal Family of God
Finger 4 - Spiritual Maturity
Finger 5 - The Thumb - Salvation
Christian Growth
The Lord Jesus Christ is the image of God (Colossians 1:15). The Christian is to be conformed to the image of Christ.
For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to conform to the image of His Son, for Him to be the first-born among many brethren; (Romans 8:29)The Lord Jesus Christ is the standard of excellence for the Christian. The hand of Jesus Christ had the same shape with the same number of fingers and major lines in the palm as the Christian.
The Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated the Spiritual Life completely for the Christian. He did not use His divine power as Deity, but veiled it and executed the Spiritual Life in the Hypostatic Union from His perfect Humanity (Philippians 2:6-7). Thus, the symbolism in the hand of Christ bears a remarkable similarity to the symbolism in the hand of the Christian. However, spiritual symbolism must not be confused with reality. A crow represents evil, but a crow is not evil. Similarly, the line around the thumb represents God the Father, but it is not God the Father. It is a line in the physical hand of a human being. It is flesh that will perish.
The value of the Spiritual symbolism of the hand of the Christian does not lie in anything physical, whether related to the body or to a person's life. What the hand symbolizes Spiritually is merely a generic teaching aid. The symbolism is generic and not specific to an individual. It cannot be used to determine anything specific in the life of an individual. The value lies in helping a person understand the Spiritual Life. The hand is part of the image of Christ. An image is not the reality, but a representation of the reality. In this case, the reality is Spiritual and not physical. So the hand symbolizes pertinent aspects of the Spiritual Life. The hand is like a table of contents into the Spiritual Life. Everyone carries the table of contents around with him as a reminder of the reality, which is the Spiritual Life demonstrated by the Lord Jesus Christ.
As outlined by the Tabernacle, the three parts of the hand correspond to the Outer Court, Holy Place, and Holy of Holies. The palm of the hand corresponds to the Outer Court, which symbolizes Salvation and Rebound. The palm represents the imputation of human life, which for everyone means the Hope of Salvation. The fingers correspond to the Holy Place, which represents the Spiritual Life. The fingers of the Christian represent the Hope of executing the unique Spiritual Life of all history and receiving blessings in time. The tip of the middle finger corresponds to the Holy of Holies, which represents Heaven. The tip of the middle finger of the Christian represents the Hope of having Eternal Life in a Resurrection Body and receiving rewards in Eternity.
The symbolism of the hand in the Tabernacle was generic and rudimentary. The fulfillment of that symbolism in the life of Christ as told in the New Testament is the reality, which completes the picture. What the Old Testament predicted, the Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled. From the New Testament scriptures, the individual phalanges of the fingers can be related to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the Christian. For example, in the Tabernacle, the Lord Jesus Christ was the Light. In the New Testament He becomes the glory of the Star of Bethlehem and the Morning Star. And His Light shines as the Good Shepherd, who lays down His life on the Cross for the sheep. The Christian becomes a son, or child, of Light. The pastor is analogous to a shepherd. The Christian has Salvation because of the Cross. And the pastor who is faithful in teaching Bible Doctrine will receive the Crown of Glory.
Four lines of the palm, which converge at the symbolic Gate, correspond to the 4 posts in the Gate and represent four strategic paths associated with Salvation. The first path is the Line of the Father. No one can be saved unless the Father draws him (John 6:44, 65; Jeremiah 31:3). The second path is the Line of the Spirit (or destiny), which represents Jesus Christ the promised Messiah (Isaiah 9:6). Christ had a royal destiny, and Christians share His destiny. The third line is the Line of the Soul, or success, which represents Christ the King in His Millennial reign (Isaiah 9:7). The fourth line is the Line of the Body, which represents the perfect humanity of Jesus Christ in hypostatic union, who was qualified to bear the sins of the world (Isaiah 53:7; John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18-19; Revelation 5:11-13).
But you, O man of God, flee from these things; and keep on pursuing capacity-righteousness, the Spiritual Life, faith (metabolized doctrine), virtue-love, perseverance, kindness. (1 Timothy 6:11)The six virtues in this verse correspond to the six lines in the palm of the hand.
Father | Righteousness | dikaiosuvnh
dikaiosune |
Capacity-Righteousness; Righteousness raised to a higher power; Righteousness of God that demands the Justice of God |
Holy Spirit | Spiritual Life | eujsevbeia
eusebeia |
The Christian Life |
Son | Faith | pivsti"
pistis |
Metabolized Bible Doctrine from obedience to the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ; obeying Bible Doctrine |
Destiny |
Virtue-Love | ajgavph
agape |
True measure of a Relaxed Mental Attitude corresponding to a fully functional stream of consciousness that points to the middle finger |
Success |
Perseverance | uJpomonhv
hupomone |
Endurance to pass the tests of the Justice of God for promotion in the Spiritual Life |
Body | Kindness | prau>pavqeia
praupatheia |
Kindness, consideration, and thoughtfulness of others based upon humility and meekness |
The next verse recalls the relationship to Salvation associated with the thumb. Paul points out the necessity of executing the Spiritual Life because of Eternal Life, which is symbolized by the Line of Light.
Fight the good fight of faith; take an interest in eternal life to which you were called, and you made a good witness in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12)
Phalange 1: Phalange 1 of the forefinger represents the Christian as the Son of Light (Luke 16:8; John 12:36; Eph. 5:8; 1 Thess. 5:5). Light is the glow, or glory, of the divine presence of Eternal Life. The Light of God is invisible unless He chooses to make it visible.
Phalange 2: Phalange 2 represents the pastor-teacher as the Shepherd (Acts 20:28; Eph. 4:11; 1 Pet 5:2-3) who leads the sheep. The testing for the Shepherd and the sheep is the Cross. However, the believer's testing associated with the Cross in no way compares with that of the Lord Jesus Christ in suffering for the sins of the world. The Christian must first orient to the authority of the Christian Life associated with Salvation as symbolized by the Cross (Matt. 16:24; Rom. 12:1; Gal. 6:14). The testing of the Cross also corresponds to Eclipse Testing for the Right Man who must withstand the counterattacks from darkness with the armor of the Light (Romans 13:12) and lay down his life for his Right Woman (Ephesians 5:25-26).
Phalange 3: Phalange 3 represents the Crown of Glory for the pastor-teacher who is faithful in teaching Bible Doctrine (1 Peter 5:4; Phil. 4:1; 1 Thess 2:19). The highest reward for chivalry in the Christian life, the Order of the Morning Star (Revelation 2:28), is also associated with Phalange 3.
Phalange 1: The 1st phalange of the middle finger represents the Christian as the Son of God (Matt. 5:9, 45; Luk. 6:35; 20:36; Rom. 8:14, 19; 9:26; Gal. 3:26; Heb. 12:5, 7) or believers as the children of God (Rom. 8:16, 17, 21; 9:8; Phil 2:15; 1 Jn 3:1-2, 10; 5:1-2).
Phalange 2: The 2nd phalange of the middle finger represents the Christian as the Saint, which means sanctified one or holy one, (Rom. 1:7; 1 Cor. 1:2; Phil. 1:1; Col. 1:12; 1 Thess. 3:13). Holy means consecrated to God. Sanctified means set apart. A saint is a person who is set apart, or consecrated, to God. God's holiness is the combination of His absolute Righteousness and perfect Justice. Holiness means integrity.5 It means completely without flaw or defect. Thus, it requires that all of the whole have integrity and be without defect. Holiness, or divine integrity, is thus, a description of Christ, our all and in all, and it is a description of the highest stage of Christian maturity.
The testing of the saint was symbolized by the Flood, which was the most extensive, devastating Judgment upon the world. Noah and his family were Old Testament saints, who survived the Flood. Water is associated with sanctification, and the ultimate symbol of sanctification was the deliverance of Noah and his family from the Flood. The sins of the world were covered by the flood waters. Similarly, the Mercy Seat, the covering of the Ark of the Covenant, was covered in the blood of Christ. The blood of Christ covered the sins of the entire world. After the Flood, a rainbow was placed in the sky as a testimony of the completion of the Judgment. The rainbow was covered with red light, the symbol of the covering of the blood on the Mercy Seat. The seven colors in the rainbow represent the completion of a category. The middle finger represents integration, or the completion of a category. It represents the consolidation of the thinking of all the compartments in the stream of consciousness.
The Flood, which was the worst Judgment in history until the Cross, is analogous to stress testing. The words for stress in the Greek are qli'yi" (thlipsis, often translated tribulation) and stenocwriva (stenochoria) (Rom 2:9; Rom 5:3-5; 8:35; 1 Cor 7:28; 2 Cor 6:3; 12:10; 1 Thess 3:7; Ja 1:27). Paul used stenochoria to refer to stress testing associated with the middle finger when he rattled off the tests of the middle phalanges on the hand.
Therefore, I find contentment in weaknesses (Finger 4), in insults (Finger 1), in distresses (Finger 3), in persecutions (Thumb), in straits (Finger 2) for Christ's sake, for you see, when I am weak, then am I strong. (2 Corinthians 12:10)
1 Light | Insults | u{bri"
hubris |
Insult, scorn, contempt, often accompanied by violence, rape, or mistreatment3 | Ego - arrogance, ambition, rebellion, exhibition, darkness |
2 All | Straits | stenocwriva
stenochoria |
Strait; stress | Whole - Integration, integrity, complete self, management |
3 Justice | Distresses | ajnavgkh
anagke |
Pressure, distress, necessity, compulsion, oppression6 | Injustice, jealousy, legalistic, lawless, role |
4 Self | Weaknesses | ajsqevneia
astheneia |
Bodily weakness, frailty | Identify, self-righteous, weak, personality, self-pity |
5 Thumb Volition | Persecutions | diwgmov"
diogmos |
Persecution | Self-will, dictatorial, tyranny |
Paul's description of his suffering in Spiritual Autonomy included 5 types, which match the testing associated with the 5 fingers. "Straits" is the physical meaning of the Greek, stenochoria, which means stress in the figurative meaning. The testing of the first finger was insults, which is treating a person with dishonor. Only an arrogant person can be insulted. But the Greek, hubris, may include violence and mistreatment, such as the sentence imposed by a judge. The testing of the third finger included distresses and pressures, which often arise from necessities, compulsion, or oppression. This was judgment associated with the third finger. The testing of the little finger included physical suffering, weakness, and frailty of the body. And the testing of the thumb included persecution.
In more general terms, personal problems, like those from Scar Tissue of the Soul, are related to the types of thinking associated with the five fingers. The forefinger is the finger of light. Problems associated with the finger include ego problems, arrogance, ambition, rebellion, and darkness. The middle finger represents the all in all, or complete, consolidated self. Problems associated with it include problems with management, integration, integrity, and one's total self, or self-fulfillment. The ring finger is associated with justice. Problems associated with it include injustice, jealousy, legalism, lawlessness, and one's role, or self-vindication. The little finger is associated with the self, or basic identify. Problems associated with it include self-righteousness, personality problems, weakness, communication problems, sexual problems, and self-pity. The thumb represents the volition. Problems associated with the thumb include self-will, excessive dominance, being dictatorial, and tyranny.
Phalange 3: The 3rd phalange of the middle finger represents the Crown of Life for Christians who have overcome the ultimate capacity for life tests with Bible Doctrine (James 1:12; Rev. 2:10; 3:11). The 3rd phalange includes the maturity of the believer-priest, who becomes a fully functional part of the holy temple in the Lord (Ephesians 2:21-22), has occupation with Christ, and reaches Spiritual Rapport with God.
The believer-priest is in the Church, or system, over which Christ is the High Priest. The believer-priest is made complete by his relationship with Christ, the High Priest.
and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority; (Colossians 2:10, NAS)This is the meaning of the middle finger of the Christian as all and in all. The ultimate relationship with Christ our all and in all is called Spiritual Rapport. Spiritual Rapport requires circumcision of the heart, which is the removal of scar tissue from the soul.
and in Him you were also circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, in the removal of the body of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ; (Colossians 2:11, NAS)Spiritual Rapport, which is the highest relationship with God in this life, is symbolized by the 3rd phalange of the middle finger. The believer in Spiritual Rapport has occupation with Christ.
Phalange 1: The 1st phalange of the third, ring, finger represents the Christian as a member of the Royal Family of God (Acts 14:22; 1 Cor. 4:8; Col. 1:13; 4:11; 1 Thess. 2:12; 2 Thess. 1:5; Heb. 12:28; Ja. 2:5; 1 Pet. 2:9; 2 Pet. 1:11; Rev. 1:6, 9; 5:10). The Lord Jesus Christ is the King of the Jews, who will sit on the Throne of David; and Christians will rule and reign with Him (2 Timothy 2:12; Rev. 2:26-27; 3:21).
However, the Cross had to come before the crown, and the Lord will not ascend the throne of David until the Millennium. When He was crucified, a sign on the Cross proclaimed Him to be the "King of the Jews" (Matthew 27:37). Kings must be born in the royal line to qualify to become king. However, kings do not rule until the death of their fathers. In the meantime, they undergo rigorous training to prepare them to handle the responsibilities of ruling. Christians, who will rule with Christ in the Millennium, must have extensive training.
Phalange 2: The 2nd phalange represents the Christian as the Servant (Acts 2:18; Rom. 6:18, 22; 1 Cor. 4:1; 9:19; 2 Cor. 11:23; Eph. 6:6; Col 1:7; 4:7, 12; 1 Tim 4:6; 1 Pet 2:16). The Lord Jesus Christ said the one who "wishes to become great among you shall be your servant" (Matthew 20:25-28; Mark 10:42-45). Thus, the training for Christian's royal status to rule and reign with Christ requires becoming a servant. That also happened in the life of Joseph, who was sold into slavery before becoming Prime Minister of Egypt. The apostles even referred to themselves as bond-servants.
Fire Testing tests the metal of the servant.
1 Peter 1:6-7Fire Testing is designed to refine silver and gold, which represents Bible Doctrine in the soul (Revelation 3:18). Silver symbolizes judgment, and is, therefore, associated with the third finger, the finger for Justice and Judgment.
6 In which you have great Happiness (+H), although now for a little while, if perhaps it is necessary, you have become sorrowful in many different kinds of tests 7 In order that the verification of your doctrine, which is more precious than gold that perishes, even though validated through fire, may be discovered to result in the praise, glory, and honor at the time of the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Phalange 3: The 3rd phalange represents the Crown of Righteousness (2 Timothy 4:8) for Christians who have capacity for Righteousness and Justice to rule and reign with Christ. The word, Righteousness, in this verse is the Greek dikaiosuvnh (dikaiosune), which means capacity-Righteousness; Righteousness raised to a higher power; the Righteousness (+R, or R2) of God that demands the Justice of God. The association with Justice qualifies the Crown of Righteousness to be associated with the third finger.
Philippians 2:3-4Humility from the Mount of Humility keeps the thinking in check. The consolidated thinking of the stream of consciousness is represented by the middle finger. Ambition and empty conceit associated with the first finger can combine with jealousy from the third finger. The influence of the Mount of Humility on the thinking associated with the little finger counterbalances the motivation from jealous-ambition or empty conceit that would drive the thinking outside the control limits.
3 Do nothing from jealous-ambition or empty conceit, but with the thinking of humility let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; 4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.
Phalange 1: The 1st phalange of the little finger represents the Christian as a baby, who was is under the care of its mother. The relationship between the mother who nurtures and cares for the child represents the personal love of the baby believer for God the Father, who provides Logistical Grace support and security. The mother symbolizes God the Father who gives birth to the believer, feeds, and protects him (Isaiah 46:3; Ezekiel 34:27-28).
The baby represents the new-born Christian (1 Cor. 3:1; 14:20; Heb. 5:13; 1 Pet. 2:2). Christians who have not reached maturity are called children (1 Jn. 2:1, 12, 13, 28; 4:4; 2 Cor. 6:13; Eph. 4:14; 1 Thess. 2:7; 1 Pet. 1:14). Christian women who respect God and the Right Man are called the children of Sarah (1 Peter 3:6). Children are marked by the child lines under the little finger.
The little finger is associated with the Table of Shewbread, where the 12 loaves represented the human bodies of the 12 Tribes of Israel, whom the Lord created and nurtured. Twelve is the number for the authority of the Lord over all His creation. The bread symbolizes Logistical Grace. The giving of bread in Logistical Grace corresponds to the Lord's authority over creation whereby the rain is sent to grow crops for bread (Deuteronomy 11:13-17; Ezekiel 34:26).
The Lord Jesus Christ was the Bread of Life, which is a metaphor for Bible Doctrine (John 6:47-51). The Lord Jesus Christ grew to Spiritual Maturity through the daily metabolization of Bible Doctrine, and believers must do the same (Jeremiah 15:16; 1 Peter 2:2; 1 Corinthians 11:24).
The 1st phalange of the little finger also corresponds to Spiritual Self-Esteem, which is the first phase of the adult Spiritual Life. Spiritual Self-Esteem is a phase of the Spiritual Life. It has nothing to do with human self-esteem. Spiritual Self-Esteem is the use of metabolized Bible Doctrine in all circumstances of life, including suffering for blessing. In the testing of this phase, God makes the believer weak in order to demonstrate the sufficiency of His Grace from His Sovereign Design. Spiritual Self-Esteem is characterized by personal Love for God, but that Love will be tested.
Paul was given a thorn in the flesh, a demon, to torment him, (2 Corinthians 12:7). Paul prayed three times for the Lord to take it away, but the Lord answered, "My Grace (has been and still) is sufficient for you" (2 Corinthians 12:8-9a).
And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for the power is achieved with weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses in order that the power of Christ may reside in me. (2 Corinthians 12:9)Paul's boasting in his weakness is a demonstration of Spiritual Self-Esteem, which is associated with the little finger. Paul has confidence that Bible Doctrine is sufficient to handle any trial or exigency of life. Paul's suffering was Providential Preventative Suffering, which is suffering for blessing. It is one of the forms of testing in Spiritual Self-Esteem to qualify for promotion to the next phase of Spiritual adulthood.
Phalange 2: The 2nd phalange of the little finger represents the Christian as Sheep under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Shepherd and the pastor-teacher as the under shepherd (Rom. 8:36; Heb. 13:20; 1 Pet. 2:25).
The 2nd phalange, which symbolized the sheep, also represented the testing that the sheep must pass. The Lord Jesus Christ suffered in all ways as the Christian; yet, He was without sin. Through every test, the Lord Jesus Christ did not sin. He was impeccable. Furthermore, He was silent (Isaiah 53:7; Acts 8:32). He did not react to the insults of others. The Lamb could not be used as a sacrifice for sin if it had a spot, which represented sin.
The 1st phalange of the little finger represents dependence and personal love, while the 2nd phalange represents independence, and impersonal love. Just a the tree must grow up and stand on its own, the Christian must learn to stands on his own two feet. To teach dependence, the Lord provides everything. To teach independence, the Lord takes away parts of His support. Only by mastering both relationships of personal and impersonal love can the Christian advance to Spiritual Maturity. The first two phalanges of the other fingers correspond to the same principle.
From this the great lesson emerges:
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away.The LORD gives everything like the mother to teach dependence and personal love. The LORD takes away some provision to teach independence and impersonal love.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:20b)
The 2nd phalange also corresponds to the second phase of the Adult Spiritual Life, which is called Spiritual Autonomy. Spiritual Autonomy is the cognitive independence derived from freedom to utilize Bible Doctrine to solve any problem and pass any test in the Spiritual Life. Spiritual Autonomy requires impersonal love for all mankind.
Impersonal love differs from personal love. In personal love, the subject expresses love for the object based upon the attraction of the object. There is no merit in personal love. A weak person can love as powerfully as a strong person. In contrast, impersonal love is unconditional and emphasizes the virtue of the subject rather than rapport with the object. The power of impersonal love is based upon the strength of the subject, not the object. God's love toward mankind is impersonal. Man's reciprocal love for God is personal. When a weak person says, "I love you," the love is no stronger than the subject.
Spiritual Autonomy is tested in many ways, which include people testing, thought testing, system testing, and disaster testing.
Therefore, I find contentment in weaknesses (Finger 4), in insults (Finger 1), in distresses (Finger 3), in persecutions (Thumb), in straits (Finger 2) for Christ's sake, for you see, when I am weak, then am I strong. (see ref. 2 Corinthians 12:10)The five types of suffering that Paul rattled off began with "weaknesses," which is the Greek ajsqevneia (astheneia), meaning bodily weakness, frailty. This is symbolized by the Line of Health that points to the little finger.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away.The Lord did not help Paul with the thorn demon by prayer. Prayer is not a Problem Solving Device. The demon was removed through Grace, that is, the solution was programmed into the Sovereign Design of God. Paul needed to learn to go through the Door of Grace - not stand outside and cry for help. As He advanced from Spiritual Self-Esteem to Spiritual Autonomy, he had to add impersonal love to handle the multitude of tests (Acts 24:16; 1 Peter 2:19). He had to learn to use the Problem Solving Device of impersonal love as demonstrated by the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Pet. 2:21-23).
Blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:20b)
The failure of any test associated with any finger can lead to stress in the soul, which is often translated, tribulation or straits. The Thessalonian Christians faced tribulation (1 Thessalonians 3:3-7), where "afflictions" is the Greek qli'yi" (thlipsis), which means tribulation. The stress in the soul can cause physical suffering for the body if it is not handled.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away.Phalange 3: The 3rd phalange of the little finger represents Spiritual Maturity, which is the third phase of the Adult Spiritual Life (1 Corinthians 14:20; Hebrews 5:14; 6:1).
Blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:20b)
until we all attain the objective because of the system from doctrine, even by means of the epignosis-knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fulness of Christ. (Ephesians 4:13)The mature man represents Spiritual Maturity. The Lord Jesus Christ reached Spiritual Maturity by about the age of 12 and continued to advance Spiritually and to handle suffering and testing until he had fulfilled every facet of the Spiritual Life. Spiritual Maturity is not the final objective but the beginning of the third phase of the Adult Spiritual Life. There are other objectives of the Christian Life as demonstrated by the other fingers. The third phase qualifies a person for production in Spiritual Maturity.
The 3rd phalange of the little finger doesn't have a crown because it symbolizes the hair of the woman, which is given to her for a covering and is her glory (1 Corinthians 11:15). It would be incompatible with humility to have a crown; so the Lord has covered the head of the woman with hair instead.
Since the first phalange of the thumb is actually the Masculine Mount, it will not be discussed separately.
Middle Phalange:
The 2nd, or middle, phalange of the thumb represents the Christian Disciple, who is indoctrinated in Bible Doctrine (John 13:35; 15:8-11; Mk. 9:31; Acts 18:23). Disciple means a serious student.
The 2nd, or middle, phalange of the thumb is normally associated with rational thinking, logic, and control. The thinking of Jesus Christ was so based upon Bible Doctrine that He was called the Word. Since the spiritual controls the physical, only those who know the spiritual can understand the events of this life. Confusion reigns in the unbeliever. Only the true doctrinal believer can think with sanity and objectivity.
The testing associated with the middle phalange of the thumb is persecution, which is one of the tests of Spiritual Autonomy mentioned by Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:10. Christian Disciples can expect persecution (Matt. 10:24-39; 2 Tim. 3:12). The Lord provides security, and He takes it away to test the Disciple.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away.Tip Phalange:
Blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:20b)
The tip phalange of the thumb represents the Salvation of the Christian. It represents the volition with which a person chooses to accept or reject Salvation. The Christian uses his volition to choose the way of Salvation (Acts 16:17; Rom. 1:16; Eph. 1:13; 6:17; Philippians 2:12; 1 Tim. 6:12; Titus 1:2). The thumb is required to have a strong grip on a sword. This symbolizes Christian in Spiritual Warfare.
When the child grows strong through the daily metabolization of Bible Doctrine, experiential sanctification will lead to separation for the world. This is the hallmark of a believer who is serious about the Christian Life and is willing to obey the teachings of Bible Doctrine. The believer who separates from the world will then be dealt with by God the Father as a son. This is the Adolescent Stage, which corresponds to the second phalange of the finger and includes testing. The adolescent believer will learn to obey Bible Doctrine in every area of life. He will learn to recognize Logistical Grace provision and rely upon it exclusively. He will be tested in food, clothing, and shelter. If he will not obey God in these things, he will go no further.
The adolescent who obeys God in Logistical Grace provision will qualify for Spiritual Warfare, which includes crossing the Jordan and conquering. The adolescent believer who obeys orders will receive Escrow Blessings by advancing to the high ground of the Christian Life. The adolescent, who persists in the daily metabolization of Bible Doctrine, will be tested daily and given the opportunity to conquer the demon strongholds of Ecumenical, Political, and Cosmic Babylon. He will conquer as a Christian soldier and demonstrate obedience to Bible Doctrine in his life. With each victory, he will be given more grace.
The adolescent believer must pass the testing of the second phalanges of all the fingers. He must face persecution, the insults and slander associated with the Cross, the flood, fire testing, and suffering. When the adolescent believer passes all the tests, he will be sent to the Cross to prove whether he will be faithful to death. He goes to the Cross by using the same paradigm that he has used since becoming a Christian. That paradigm will not take him to the Adult Stage, but when he proves his willingness to be faithful to death, the Lord will promote him into the Adult Stage. The final advance is no-man's land.
The believer who obeys Bible Doctrine will arrive in the Adult Stage by the skin of his teeth. The Adult Stage is not the final mountain top experience, but the beginning of the adult Christian life, which is what the Christian was called to be. The Adult Stage is like the third phalange of the finger or the leaves of a tree. It is a place of production. The difference between the Adult Stage and the Adolescent Stage is that the Adult believer produces fruit rather than being tested every day. Production is only possible as the believer continues to execute the Christian Life through the daily metabolization of Bible Doctrine. In the Adult Stage the believer's Spiritual Gifts will become operational; the Problem Solving Devices will be used to handle any problem of life; and the believer will become a source of God's blessings for others. There will be superabundant Happiness and success.
Testing continues into the adult Christian Life. The testing will be associated with all the fingers and will include tests of personal and impersonal Love. The confidence in dependence upon Bible Doctrine will be demonstrated, and the invincibility of independence will be demonstrated.
The Adult Stage, however, is not the ultimate objective of the Christian Life. There is yet another level to attain. For the few who qualify, there are additional rewards and crowns. The problem that prevents receiving a crown is scar tissue of the soul. Scar tissue was removed to advance into the Adult Stage, but there is yet more that must be removed before promotion to the final stage of the Fulness of Blessing from God. Evidence Testing is used to prove the integrity of those who will be promoted to the highest stage. The testing of Job was Evidence Testing. Job was already a mature believer and was very successful, but he had not achieved the highest stage available in the Old Testament. In Evidence Testing, Satan is allowed to cross examine the believer. The believer who will stick with Bible Doctrine through the testing will be able to pass the testing, however. Persistent use of Bible Doctrine in Evidence Testing removes the final layer of scar tissue of the soul (hardness of the heart), which hinders Spiritual Rapport.
Lord promotes the Christian who passes Evidence Testing. The promotion
is like a coronation ceremony. The believer will receive a crown.
The promotion occurs in this life, but the actual crown is not awarded
until the Revue Tribunal of Christ. The believer will know, however,
that he has received the crown (2 Timothy 4:8).
The crown qualifies the believer to rule and reign with Christ in the Millennium.
The promotion is described as the day dawning and the Morning Star arising
in the heart (2 Peter 1:19). The believer
who is promoted into the final stage of maturity will become the all and
in all. He will measure up to the full standard that Christ established
for him when he was called at Salvation (Ephesians
4:13), and he will receive the fulness of Christ who fills all and
in all (Ephesians 1:23). His soul will
be full of light like the full Moon. Darkness from scar tissue will
be removed.. The scar tissue that prevented him from having Spiritual
Rapport will be removed, and he will be full of light. Thus, the
highest stage may be called the Stage of the Fulness of Blessing.
The day dawning and the Morning Star arising is a new paradigm. It is a metaphor for the beginning of the Millennium, which is the dawning of a new day (Psalm 46:5). In the Millennium the believer with a crown will rule and reign with Christ. In this life the believer who reaches the final stage of the Fulness of Blessing (Romans 15:29) has a soul full of light and without the darkness of scar tissue.
Released July 13, 2002 - Revised Sept. 23, 2013
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