Cognitive Model
Extra Interphalangeal Creases
Finger Length
Finger Shape
Thin Fingers
Thick Fingers
The Joints
The Hand Metaphor
Spiritual Solution
This simple analogy is the basis for understanding personality from the fingers. Fingers come in all sizes and shapes. Some are long and thin and others are short and fat. The size and shape of the fingers match the thought processes in the brain. Fat, or thick, fingers represent strength and power, which is usually associated with the physical, while thin fingers represent weakness, which may be coupled with an overriding intellectual influence. The same thing applied to the mounts of the palm.
There are 27 bones in the hand,
the number for a horn. The fingers are shaped like horns. There are
37 muscles attached to the bones, where 37 is the number for a warrior.
Blessed be the Lord, my rock,The hands represent strategy and the fingers tactics. And there are 15 phalanges of the fingers, the number for a covering. The hand may be used to cover (Job 29:9). The phalanges are numbered from bottom to top.
Who trains my hands for war,
And my fingers for battle; (Psalm 144:1, NAS)
The three phalanges of the fingers may be viewed as representing Values-Process-Input/Output per the Cognitive Model of hands. The extra creases symbolize additional steps taken to complete one of these three functions. The type of extra step is determined by the finger and phalange on which the extra crease appears. For example an extra crease on the base phalange of the little finger could indicate a person that would pay special attention to methodology, standards, or policy in business, science, communication, or personal identity. People with extra creases take extra pains to do a more thorough job.
Extra Crease on First Phalange
An extra crease on the first (base) phalange means an extra step in fundamental values. This includes (depending upon the finger) special attention on methodology, norms and standards, philosophy, policy, foundation, base, beginning, source. The person could be concerned about blood line, pedigree, or ancestry. The person would be more concerned about policy and standards than with design or implementation.
Extra Crease on Middle Phalange
The middle phalange represents the Process function of the brain, which includes logic, comparison, categorization, combination, as well as understanding and other functions of the frontal lobes. Extra steps in any of these functions would generally mean a more complete analysis or thought process. This could mean more detailed procedures.
result of the extra processing might be aimed at producing a better, bigger,
or stronger product. For example, adding more rivets would make the
product stronger. Compared to other people, the person with extra
creases would always be providing more, and hopefully the more would also
be better. Such people take extra care to do a more thorough job.
The extra creases may also symbolize building bridges (such as the arch
bridge in the illustration), where the extra crease is like the middle
piling that bridges the gap. The extra crease may help the person
bridge the gap between diverse ethnic groups. The person with the
crease could behave like one group while around them, and yet be able to
do the same with a totally different group.
Extra Crease on Tip Phalange
The tip phalange is associated with input/output. An extra crease on the tip phalange (depending upon the finger) would mean special attention to fabrication, construction, implementation, product quality, empirical analysis, verification, validation. This would be a hands-on person.
Defiled Hands and Fingers
The hands and fingers record the cognitive processes because God created them to do so. If ordinary thought patterns are recorded, how much more are the records of trauma. The common metaphor for murder in Israel was blood on the hands because before the invention of the handgun, the knife or sword was the preferred sidearm of the criminal (Gen. 4:11; Isa 59:3; Prov. 6:17; Ezek 23:37, 45).
For your hands are defiled (spotted) with blood,Isaiah uses the metaphor of blood on the hands for a murderer. He says that the hands of the criminals are "defiled with blood." The word, "defiled," in the Hebrew is la^G*(ga'al), which means spotted in the literal, physical sense, and defiled in the figurative sense.3 The same word is used for stains of blood on the clothes (Isaiah 63:3). And he says the fingers are defiled "with iniquity." The word, "iniquity," is the Hebrew /ou*(`aon), which means iniquity or guilt. Iniquity is the defilement and guilt from sinful deeds. It covers not just murder, but the multitude of sins of the people and criminals. These sins run the gamut from bitterness to battery, embezzlement to strong arm robbery, promiscuity to rape.
And your fingers with iniquity;
Your lips speak lies,
Your tongue murmurs wickedness. (Isaiah 59:3)
Iniquity defiles the fingers. Granted this is a poetic metaphor, but it is also the inspired Word of God as spoken through Isaiah, the most scholarly prophet in Israel. Bold and blatant, traumatic iniquity and guilt are recorded in the fingers. Arrogant ambition is reflected in the first finger as well as the arrogant denial and projection of guilt and shame. Social ills are reflected in the middle finger, conspiracy and monetary reversionism in the third finger, sexual abuse in the little finger, and dictatorial belligerence in the thumb, to name a few. The fingers reflect iniquity, criminality, and psychiatric abnormality. The hands perform good and evil. David said that his hands did not show evil intentions toward King Saul (1 Samuel 26:18). Acts of violence are in the palms (Isaiah 59:6). When understood to be literally true under the Doctrine of Inspiration of Scripture, these verses, then, become the basis for the study of Psychodiagnostic Chriology.4
"Your lips speak lies." Criminals are liars. The base phalanges of the fingers reveal liars. Arrogance is believing lies. And the tongue "murmurs wickedness." The word, "murmur," is the Hebrew hg*h* (hagah), which is an onomatopoetic word for the chirpings and mutterings of necromancers and wizards (Isaiah 8:19). In the Septuagint it is the Greek meletavw (meletao), which "combines the two meanings of 'thought' (meditation or reflection), and of a light low 'expression,' half inward half outward."3
Short Fingers
Short fingers have traits like the first phalange. They are characterized by a length that is near the palm, which corresponds to the first phalange. Therefore, short fingers represent people whose thought processes are strongly controlled by their personal values. A person with short, fat fingers would be interested in satisfying the desires of the body, e.g. immediate physical and materialistic desires. Such people may be practical. However, the short fingers also give rise to subjectivity, since the body has no brains. The subjectivity may be expressed as prejudice on the bad side, or creativity, critical insight, and creative analysis or extrapolation of the meaning of acquired data on the good side.
Einstein had very short fingers. His fingers were normal thickness and certainly not thin. And he had the characteristics of people with sort fingers. He did not do well in school. He flunked algebra. He was a slow learner. He did not understand quickly. He had problems remembering. He used a check for a book marker, and then lost the book. However, his little finger on his left hand was exceptionally long. The little finger signifies the self and includes intellect, analytical ability, and talent for science. Einstein was a genius in the field of theoretical physics. The lines on his palm also extended into the feminine mount, which indicate right lobe thinking and intuition.2
Medium Length (Normal) Fingers
Medium length, or normal, fingers have traits like the second phalange. They are characterized by a length that is beyond short but not long, which corresponds to the middle phalange. The middle phalange corresponds to internal processing of the soul. The person with normal length fingers seeks to gratify the soul rather than the body or spirit. There are three levels of thinking that correspond to the three phalanges, physical (body), figurative (soulish), and spiritual. The second phalange corresponds to figurative, or soulish, thinking. For example, love is a soulish expression. Sex is a bodily expression. Lovers will have medium, or normal length fingers, whereas, those interested exclusively in sexual gratification would have short fingers.
Long Fingers
Long fingers have traits like the third phalange. They are characterized by reaching the farthest from the palm, which corresponds to the third phalange. The third phalange corresponds to the thinking of the cerebral cortex, which is the highest form of spiritual thinking. This may be the world's best kept secret. The cerebral cortex is nearest the atmosphere, which is a gas and represents the spiritual state. Solids represent the body, and liquids represent the soul. The cerebral cortex is nearest the first heaven, which is the earth's atmosphere, a gas. What is not commonly known, however, is that man is not an original thinker. Granted he has a volition, but his decisions will be under the power of either the Spirit of God or the Cosmic System of Satan. Man's thoughts are not original. They are empowered by God or the Cosmic System, Light or darkness.
Long fingers characterize those who think spiritually. However, the catch is that spiritual thinking is either associated with God or the Cosmic System. Spiritual thinking, per se, may be good or evil. Spiritual thinking is not just religious dogma or doctrine of demons, it is also happiness and joy. Happiness is a higher level of thinking beyond the soul. However, even happiness may come from God or the Cosmic System. The Happiness from God is fulfilling and eternal, but the happiness from the Cosmic System is fleeting and destructive. The displeasure of God is not worth pleasure of the moment.
The Conic Finger in contrast, represents a viewpoint that sees only one part of the whole. In the illustration, the viewpoint of the person with the conic finger sees only the fruit of the tree and is oblivious to the tree. Such as person may see the trees and not the forest. It extreme cases the conic perspective represents splitting, like the immature thinking of a child who is delighted to go out to play, but never considers that it might end. It is also characteristic of a fetish in which the whole is perceived in terms of one part.
The Spatulate Finger
identifies obsessiveness, or the inability to let go. The focus of
a person with a spatulate finger is magnified. The illustration (left)
shows the viewpoint of a person with the spatulate finger as a magnified
tree, as if it were viewed through a convex lens. Such people cannot
simply reach a conclusion and accept it. They must go over and over
it again and again. They cannot turn it loose.
Scar Tissue of the Soul
distortions in viewpoint of the conic and spatulate finger correspond to
the influence of Scar
Tissue of the Soul. The conic finger corresponds to the
distorted viewpoint of lawlessness as shown in green, while the spatulate
finger corresponds to the distortion of legalism as shown in blue.
The relaxed mental attitude of Love corresponds to the square finger.
The soul with Love is able to analyze data from the various compartments
of the soul in objectivity without distortion. To make a judgment
data will have to be considered from the Stage of Life, doctrinal storage,
conscience, and logic. Scar tissue creates blind spots, which lead
to distorted conclusions about reality.
Mary and Martha
Mary and Martha were two sisters with opposite shaped fingers. Mary undoubtedly had pointed fingers. She pursued her own interests without taking responsibility for the big picture. Her sister, Martha, in contrast had spatulate fingers. She was obsessed with managing the household and preparing a dinner party for the Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 10:38-42). She was as preoccupied with household chores as Mary was with the dinner guest, who was the Lord Jesus Christ. Both women loved the Lord, but they also had scar tissue of the soul. Mary tended toward lawlessness, while Martha was legalistic. When Mary wasn't doing her part, as usual, Martha complained to the Lord. The Lord defended Mary not because it is right to neglect responsibilities, but because the only solution to scar tissue of the soul is the Spiritual Life.
There are many principles from this story. One is that even people with scar tissue can be occupied with Christ. Another is that a person with scar tissue of the soul can still execute the Spiritual Life. The Filling of the Holy Spirit and occupation with Christ overcomes scar tissue temporarily. However, scar tissue of the soul must eventually be removed in order to achieve Spiritual Rapport and the fullness of blessing from God. In the meantime, there is equal opportunity for every believer, which includes the one with conic fingers and the one with spatulate fingers.
Pharaoh is an example of a person with spatulate fingers and scar tissue of the soul. The Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart, and Pharaoh would not let Israel go (Exodus 13:15; Romans 9:17).
For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and of Love and sound judgment. (2 Timothy 1:7)The believer must have the courage to advance to the high ground in Spiritual Warfare (Hebrews 10:39). The believer who squanders his Spiritual Life will be ashamed a the Judgment Tribunal of Christ (1 John 2:28).
Samson had powerful hands with thick fingers. He was very strong and powerful. He ripped a lion in two with his bare hands, but he also had the humility not to brag about it (Judges 14:5-6). He killed a thousand men with the jawbone of a donkey (Judges 15:15-16).
but that you may be renewed by the Spirit in the sphere of your thinking (Ephesians 4:23)The renewal of the thinking with Bible Doctrine is required to bring the new believer into conformity with the standard of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Colossians 3:9-10Thus, the Christian Life is a new discipline. Changing old habits and thought patterns is not easy. Bible Doctrine must be inculcated.
9 Stop lying to one another, since you have stripped off the old man with its evil deeds 10 and have put on the new man who is being renewed into epignosis knowledge according to the image of the One who created him.
Proverbs 7:2-3Binding Bible Doctrine on the fingers does not refer to the practice of religious Jews after the captivity of wearing phylacteries, which were amulets. Binding Bible Doctrine on the fingers refers to the fulfillment of Bible Doctrine with the fingers in deeds and action.5 Bible Doctrine in the heart is the basis for response to the Love of God.
2 Keep my commandments and live,
And my doctrine as the pupil of your eye
3 Bind them on your fingers;
Write them on the tablet of your heart.
Obeying Bible Doctrine is easier said than done. It requires discipline (1 Corinthians 9:26-27). The undisciplined with be punished from God (Hebrews 12:6). The pastor-teacher is expected to teach the truth. He has a Spiritual gift to assist him. God gives him more, and more is expected of him. When he fails, he gets double discipline. Those who try to usurp his authority get his punishment, which is double. Double punishment is more than most people can handle. It will show up in the knuckles of the fingers, since the joints symbolize the pastor. The knuckles may be inflamed, knotted, prominent, bony, or smooth.
Bony Fingers
When the joints of the fingers protrude, the fingers may appear to be bony. The bony appearance is due to thinness in the waist between the joints. Thin waists of bony fingers are due to intellectual override of the message of the pastor. Such people develop their own counterfeit religion, or philosophy. Philosophy means the love of wisdom, but when the love is for worldly wisdom, the fingers show it. This is commonly referred to as the philosopher's hand. Philosophy is not the problem. Worldly philosophy is the problem. The Scribes, Pharisees, and Gnostics were examples of this condition in the Bible.
People with bony fingers stop to make calculations or do analysis before making decisions. The knuckles are like hurdles, dams, or road blocks that must be overcome before settling upon a decision.
Smooth Knuckles
Smooth knuckles are characteristic of babies, whose thinking is fluid, emotional, and unrestrained. The thinking of babies is unrestrained by discipline. They do not use rational thought and logic. They are spontaneous, quick-thinking, fluid, impulsive, and intuitive. When smooth knuckles occur in an adult, it represents the thinking of a child. It may also be a sign of emotional revolt of the soul in which the emotion floods the soul rather than remain subordinate to the mind.
Knotty Knuckles
Heavy, pronounced, or knotty knuckles represent responsiveness that is the opposite of babies. They represent people who are striving for control against the double discipline of a pastor-teacher. They have rejected the pastor and the discipline of the Christian life and have received the double punishment of the pastor. Such people may try to reduce life to a set of formulas and attempt to follow them meticulously. This is, of course, legalism. It is a substitute for Bible Doctrine, which only the pastor can teach accurately. Leaders of religious cults may have knotty knuckles.
Milder cases of prominent, but not overly pronounced knuckles are a sign of perseverance. Pastors must persevere though punishment to learn the truth, and believers must persevere through testing.
Philippians 3:13-14Perseverance is usually considered a good quality; however, it is not good if the objective is wrong. Perseverance in wrongdoing only makes the mistakes perfect. When the pronounced knuckles of perseverance are coupled with spatulate fingers and narrow waists at the base phalanges of the middle and ring fingers, it is a sign of the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder.4
13 Brethren, I do not evaluate myself to have attained (the high ground); but one thing I do, forgetting what is behind (sin, failure, and punishment) and constantly advancing toward the front, 14 I keep advancing toward the objective for the decoration of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Red Knuckles
Red knuckles are the sign of childhood abuse.4 Red is the color for suffering, and prominent knuckles represent perseverance. The child has persevered through severe abuse.
The word, grasp, is used in the physical sense for taking something between the thumb and fingers (Job 16:12; Prov 30:28, 31:19); but it is also used an act of volition (Ecclesiastes 7:18) and comprehension (Ephesians 3:18).
that you may utilize the power to grasp the idea with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, (Ephesians 3:18)The Greek katalambavnw (katalambano) means to grasp or seize. But in the middle voice, as it is here, the concept of grasping oneself takes on the higher meaning of comprehending. The word is grasp, but the meaning is comprehend. The flavor of the verse is lost if the word is translated comprehend; so it is translated, "grasp the idea." Paul is thinking with his hands. He is on a physical track, for he continues "what is the breadth and length and height and depth." These are physical dimensions. Paul in occupation with Christ is describing Christ our all and in all as represented by the Ark of the Covenant, the rectangular box in the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle. The box had width, length, and height. Since the Lord was now in Heaven, Paul added depth.
However, the dimensions length, width, height, and depth also apply to the hands. The hands are the physical representation of cognitive processes. And the hands record the relationship to the Sovereign Design as represented by the lines of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit compared with the lines of the Body, Soul, and Spirit. The purpose of this life is to accept the gift of Salvation and to be conformed to the image of Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6; Romans 8:29). The Spirit is invisible and will not be seen in the hands or elsewhere, but a person's thoughts and actions along the way will show up in the hands and fingers.
Drooping Hands
Drooping hands and feeble knees are used to describe the weak, reversionistic believer who has not been strengthened through the Spiritual Life.
Therefore, restore the drooping hands and the feeble knees (Hebrews 12:12)Restoration of the Spiritual Life is accomplished through Rebound and the daily metabolization of Bible Doctrine.
it should be possible to bend the fingers back a little, fingers that bend
backward like rubber or even exhibit double jointedness demonstrate inability
to resist outside influence. Personal identity demands that an individual
be different from others. Yet, the person with a little finger that
bends back like rubber has self-identity problems. The elasticity
of each finger determines a person's inherent resistance to outside influence
associated with that finger. An overly elastic finger
is analogous to being bent over backward. Breaking the back is a
symbol of taking a person out of the combat.
The distance a finger can be bent back without offering resistance is a measure of flexibility. A baby's fingers are very elastic, which demonstrates potential for being shaped. This is a good trait in a baby, who must respond to adult guidance. However, too much elasticity can be a problem for an adult because along with the flexibility comes the potential for being influenced. A mild degree of flexibility is a sign of adaptability, but too much elasticity is analogous to a chameleon.
that offer so much resistance are the opposite extreme. Repression
is marked by rigidity and stiffness in the entire hand, especially in the
fingers. Repression is rejection of an unpleasant
experience by stuffing it into the subconscious. It is a defense
mechanism that avoids Rebound
or use of the Problem Solving Devices. Repression differs from denial
in that denial is a blind spot where the problem isn't seen. Repression
sees the problem and tries to keep it down. Repression is a defense
mechanism of Reversionism. Reversionism is the life style of rejection
of God through failure to Rebound and subsequent carnality.
Signs of repression run the gamut from fingers that are stiff to the hand that is shaped like a claw. Such a person has exhausted the possibilities of repression and arrived in a hopeless situation.4 The person is hanging by a thread. The individual finger will further define the specific type of repression. The claw shaped hand is indicative of hardness of the heart, or scar tissue of the soul.
Meaning of Fingers
The Tabernacle Model of the Fingers
Finger 1 - Forefinger
Finger 2 - Middle Finger
Finger 3 - Ring Finger
Finger 4 - Little Finger
Finger 5 - Thumb
. | Finger |
1 | Forefinger | Light, ego, persona, one, individual, 1st person (I) |
2 | Middle Finger | All in all, system, group, integration, together, component |
3 | Ring Finger | Justice, vindication, role identity, criticism, arts, beauty |
4 | Little Finger | Self, little person of soul, weakness, intellect, wit, science, business, doctor, lawyer, communication, security |
5 | Thumb | Volition, will, control, strength |
Finger 2, the middle finger, is associated with the Ark of the Covenant, which symbolizes Christ, our all and in all (Ephesians 1:23; Colossians 3:11). The Ark of the Covenant symbolizes the dwelling place of Christ in the right lobe of the believer (Ephesians 3:17-19). It also symbolizes the compartment of the stream of consciousness that pulls all the resources of self together for perception and production. The fingernail, which covers the finger, represents the Mercy Seat, which represents Christ, our propitiation (Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:2). Propitiation means satisfaction. God the Father was satisfied with the sacrifice of Christ on our behalf.
Finger 3, the ring finger, is associated with the Altar of Incense, which represents Christ, our Intercessor. Incense from the Altar was heated by coals from the Brazen Altar and rose toward Heaven, which represented prayer. The incense rose through the air. The air is represented by the number, 3, for Justice. This is derived from the three states of matter, solid (1), liquid (2), and gas (3). The function of an Intercessor is also judicial like that of a lawyer. The Lord Jesus Christ is our defense attorney (1 John 2:1). Thus, Finger 3 represents justice.
Finger 4, the little finger, is associated with the Table of Shewbread, which represents Christ, the bread of life. Bread is food, which sustains human life. There were 12 loaves of bread on the Table of Shewbread. The 12 loaves represented the 12 Tribes of Israel. God created the 12 sons of Jacob. Each was given a unique personal identity, or self. Similarly, Jesus Christ was given a human body with a unique personality, His self. The little finger, thus, represents the self.
The thumb is associated with the Brazen Altar and the Laver. The tip phalange is associated with the Brazen Altar, which represents Christ, our sacrifice for Salvation. And the second phalange is associated with the Laver, which represents Christ, our Sanctification. The tip phalange of the thumb represents the volition, which decides for Salvation. And the second phalange represents the logic to Rebound.
Death and life are in the power (hand) of the tongue,The volition decides for death or Eternal Life. After the person decides to remain in a state of Spiritual death or to choose Eternal Life, the tongue has the power to communicate that decision. The word that is translated, "power," is literally hand in the original Hebrew. The "hand of the tongue" is a metaphor like giving someone a helping hand. Those who love Eternal Life will enjoy the fruits, or blessings, of their decision.
And those who love it will eat its fruit. (Proverbs 18:21)
Father Authority Relationship
The child first has a love relationship with the mother that is inseparable. The baby loves and responds to its mother before it has an identity of its own. The mother supplies its needs and nurtures it (1 Thessalonians 2:7). As the child matures, it begins to recognize its own identity. Its first relationship beyond the mother is with the father. After the child is weaned by the age of four, the relationship with the father takes over (Philippians 2:22; 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12). The child is now a separate identity under the authority of the father. The father demonstrates his love for the child by discipline.
He who spares his rod hates his son,The responsibility for discipline of the child belongs to the father. The discipline must always be administered in love, which means the parent is under control. The child must be taught to obey and must learn that punishment follows disobedience. This is a proactive approach to discipline.
But he who loves him disciplines him diligently. (Proverbs 13:24)
Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child;The punishment administered by the father will be remembered for the rest of the child's life and will shape his destiny. The child who learned to obey authority will become an adult who respects authority. The child who rejects authority will die the sin unto death. The child who respects parental authority will one day respect God's authority.
The rod of discipline will remove it far from him. (Proverbs 22:15, NAS)
Proverbs 23:13-14Spanking is not child abuse. Not spanking is child abuse. Children who are not disciplined by the father will grow up to be a rebellious ass.
13 Do not hold back discipline from a child,
Although you beat him with a rod, he will not die.
14 You shall beat him with the rod,
And deliver his soul from Sheol.
The rod and verbal reproof impart wisdom,The exercise of authority is not all punishment. It requires training. Children must be taught to deal with their environment in the city and the country. Chores and the work ethic can be instilled at an early age. A little boy who shines his father's Army boots or business shoes, will grow up to respect the uniform and the job. A little girl who cooks and sews will grow up to respect the Logistical Grace provision for her family.
But a child who gets his own way brings shame to his mother. (Proverbs 29:15)
The child who respects its father, will grow up to respect authority. The father who disciplines his children will deliver their souls from the sin unto death. When the child matures, it will, in turn, respect the parents. Enforced humility will become genuine humility. The "I" of the child must first be expressed in obedience to the father's authority. The person who obeys authority will respect others as he expresses his ego.
David respected the authority of his father when he was given the job of shepherd. He spent most of his time alone in the field where he protected his flock from a lion and a bear. When his father sent him on an errand to take food to his brothers in the army, he obeyed. And when he discovered loud-mouthed Goliath, he recognized the need for his light to shine, and he recognized the source of the light was the Sovereign Design of God. He said, "The battle is the Lord's" (1 Samuel 17:47). He expressed his ego in obedience to the Laws of Establishment and killed the giant.
Shape and Authority
is bounded by lawlessness on one side and legalism on the other.
Love only exists within the bounds of true authority as shown in the illustration
of scar tissue of the soul. A pointed forefinger symbolizes lawlessness
and a spatulate finger symbolizes legalism. Rebound
will, of course, solve both problems. Lawlessness and legalism are
expressions of the authority relationship in the first finger and related
to justice in the third finger. The parent must have authority in
order to enforce it. Lawlessness and legalism are outside the bounds
of true authority. Children are usually chips off the old block.
Children of lawless parents will likely become lawless, and children of
legalistic parents will likely become legalistic. However, upon reaching
the age of accountability, there is equal opportunity for any person to
stabilize his life and reach Spiritual maturity.
The children of Israel in the wilderness were the ultimate examples of lawlessness. This was very likely revealed in pointed forefingers. The Pharisees, however, were the ultimate legalists. They likely had spatulate forefingers.
Pointing with the Forefinger
The forefinger is naturally used for pointing, which may be good or bad. It may be used for pointing out another person for arrest or punishment, very much like tattling (Proverbs 6:13; Isaiah 58:9b).
If you remove from your midst the yoke,The yoke symbolizes slavery. The "pointing of the finger" refers to the use of the index finger to signal harm or destruction toward another. Pointing at another person is also a sign of domination and brow-beating. And it is the sign of a dictator. Dictators enslave (Cosmic Babylon, Z-axis), point the forefinger (Political Babylon, Y-axis), and speak evil (Ecumenical Babylon, X-axis). Nimrod became the first king, or dictator. He hunted men and exercised dominion over them as a dictator (Genesis 10:9-10). This was an expression of the ego of his forefinger. A pointing index finger may be the sign of a dictator.
The pointing of the finger, and speaking evil, (Isa 58:9b)
The forefinger that bends back like rubber is a sign of an overbearing father. It is analogous to being bent over backward. Breaking the back is a symbol of taking a person out of the combat. The forefinger that bends over backward like rubber is a sign of retreating from Spiritual Warfare and failing to take the high ground (Hebrews 10:38-39).
The forefinger that is stiff, or rigid, is a sign of repression in resistance to authority. Repression is rejection of an unpleasant experience by stuffing it into the subconscious. It may be due to failure to Rebound or failure to use the Problem Solving Devices. Repression differs from denial in that denial is a blind spot where the problem isn't seen. Repression sees the problem and tries to keep it down.
A forefinger that is clawed, or bent forward, represents an extreme case of repression. Such a person has exhausted the possibilities of repression and arrived in a hopeless situation regarding authority.4 The person is hanging by a thread or trying to hang onto the coat tails of authority.
or Bowed Forefinger
When the forefinger, which is normally used for pointing,
is bowed or bent at an angle, the pointer no longer points straight.
Both are caused by failure to handle stress. A bowed forefinger represents
the stress from a crooked authority in life, which is usually the father.
The finger tries to move to the left or right to get some wiggle room against
the overbearing burden of the primary authority in life. The bowed
forefinger also represents the characteristic of a child who cannot wait
but wants things now.4 It is a characteristic of
prodigal son (Luke
15:11-32). (see also Arch
fingerprint on the thumb).
When the tip phalange of the forefinger is bent at an
angle, it is a sign of denial and projection.4 This means
the individual denies he has a problem and then projects that problem onto
someone else. Denial causes guilt to accumulate in the subconscious.
When the guilt comes out, it may come out as something totally different
from the original problem. Guilt is a vicious sin because of the
psychological damage it can do. Guilt was paid for on the Cross,
and it should be handled with Rebound.
When Rebound is not used, the guilty person will become the victim of his
own guilt, which he cannot handle. The bent forefinger indicates
that a person is pointing in the wrong direction, which corresponds to
projection. In projection, a person blames someone else for his problem.
The congregation of Israel in the wilderness was full of denial and projection.
They rejected the authority of Moses. They hated him and wanted to
murder him, but they said that Moses wanted to kill them (Exodus
Long Forefinger
A long forefinger identifies the persona person,4 the person who puts on a mask to face the world. Like the actor of Greek drama, he presents his mask to the world. It may be a happy face, a sad face, or glamour makeover. This may be carried over into the latest fashion or a fad. The dress may be part of the mask. Persona people include Jezebel, who was careful to put on her makeup and paint her eyes before going out to meet Jehu (2 Kings 9:30-31) and the fashion-conscious women of Jerusalem who went out meet the invading Chaldean soldiers decked out in their latest fashion (Isaiah 3:16-24).
The long forefinger may also be related to overt religious expression, especially the ceremony of religion. Examples are those who toot a horn so others can see them giving (Matthew 6:1-4), and those who pray for public recognition (Matthew 6:5-8).
A long forefinger may represent a leader. But a long forefinger on a woman can be a liability if she is inclined to usurp the authority of her husband.
Short Forefinger
A short forefinger in the male may be the sign of masculinity, especially when the ratio of the length of the forefinger to the ring finger is small. A short finger represents gravitation toward the physical. Strong masculine, physical desires may be expressed in sexuality.
The short forefinger may also be a sign of rejection by peer groups.4 Peers usually reject a person because of some real or imagined stigma. Peers shun such people because association with them would invite rejection by the same peers. Criticism by peers may be very traumatic and forever change social perceptions.
Samson fits the description of a person with a short forefinger. He was very masculine, sexual, and was rejected by his peers (Judges 16:1-4; 14:12-20).
Forefinger Phalanges
The individual phalanges of the forefinger may be disproportionately
thick or thin. The shapes of the individual phalanges correspond
to the hierarchy of cognitive processes in the Cognitive
Phalange |
3- I/O Production | Slavery, obsequious, incommunicado | Shining light, disciplined, impersonal love, socially dynamic, poise | Dictatorial, domination, tyranny |
2- Internal Processing | Perception of weakness, powerlessness, and inadequacy | Light perception, respect for authority | Power perception and recognition |
1- Values, Beliefs | Timid, shy, cowardly, fear, blind I | Life, ego, authoritative, subordinate | Bold, power-lust, egotistical |
Forefinger - Normal Phalanges
In the normal forefinger, the 1st (base) phalange projects the life that God created and shapes. For example, God loved Jacob, but He hated Esau (Romans 9:13; Malachi 1:2-3). This is an anthropopathism, which is language of accommodation to explain God's actions in human terms. God doesn't hate anyone. God hardened Esau's heart and he turned out one way, and He had mercy on Jacob and he turned out another way. Without compromised volition, Esau turned out one way and Jacob another. Each expressed his motivation for life as created by God, and each was very motivated to express the Light that God gave him. The 1st (base) phalange represents belief in the person that the Lord created from God's Sovereign Design.
The belief in the individual's own life will motivate self-expression. Self-expression in the life of Esau was different from Jacob. But each lived his own life. The basis for the self-expression of the life that God created is symbolized by the first phalange of the first finger. The ego motivates self-expression, but God's Sovereign design precedes the ego. What a person projects to the outside world is not based upon the ego but upon the individual life created from the Sovereign Design of God. Life does not begin with, "I." "I will" can only happen if God permits. God is one step ahead of "I" opening the doors and providing the opportunities. God does not compromise the volition, but Sovereignty precedes volition.
In addition to life, the 1st phalange of the 1st finger includes the ego. And the expression in the normal finger is based upon the values of authority, which are both active and passive. In the active sense, the expression will be authoritative. In the passive sense, it will be subordinate to true authority. In obedience to authority a person sets aside his own authority to obey another as demonstrated by the Lord Jesus Christ.
“Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.” (Luke 22:42)The 2nd (middle) phalange of the forefinger represents perception of the light of life. In other words, a person must be able to perceive the significance of the light in his life before responding or reacting. Those who fail to perceive the issues will not be able to act appropriately. The middle phalange also represents the recognition and respect for true authority. These are all internal processing functions.
The 3rd (tip) phalange of the forefinger represents light production on the Stage of Life. This is the person expressing himself to be what God created. For example, it represents Jacob being Jacob and Esau being Esau. It represents the expression of the persona and the active or passive expression of the ego in relation to authority. The person with a normal tip phalange of the forefinger will be disciplined - not advancing out of bounds in either legalism or lawlessness. The person will have poise like the Spiritual expression of impersonal love for all mankind. The person will be socially dynamic and not afraid or intrusive.
Forefinger - Thin Phalanges
A forefinger with a thin 1st phalange represents a person who is timid, shy, cowardly, and ruled by fear. This was Timothy's problem, who let the women in the Church give him ulcers. When the very bottom of the 1st phalange has a narrow waist, it indicates the "Blind I," or vacant persona.4 Such people are unable to visualize how their image is perceived by other people. This becomes a pressing concern. They are hypersensitive and overly concerned about what others think of them.
A thin 2nd phalange represents the perception of weakness, powerlessness, and inadequacy. This was characteristic of Gideon, who kept putting out fleeces (Judges 6:11-15, 36-40).
A thin 3rd phalange represents slavery, obsequiousness, and incommunicado. The person bows to the pressures of the world rather than standing up to them. Or the person is seriously unable to communicate with the world.
Forefinger - Thick Phalanges
A forefinger with a thick 1st phalange represents a person who is overly bold, full of power lust, and egotistical. Egotistical means the ego has run away into the sin of pride.
A thick 2nd phalange represents power perception and recognition. This type perceives the world in terms of power and, consequently, sees the use of power as the solution.
A thick 3rd phalange represents a dictator, domination, and tyranny. Examples include Goliath, Nebuchadnezzar, and Sennacherib.
The middle finger represents the systemic perspective that includes the integration of the thoughts from the various compartments of the soul as well as the consolidation of information from the environment. The middle finger, which is located in the middle of the hand symbolically combines the inputs from the various parts into a single, integrated whole. Individual components of the soul may differentiate or subtract to make decisions, but the systemic perspective integrates and consolidates to arrive at a viewpoint.
The systemic perspective must not only factor in personal values and abilities but the thinking of other people in the social environment. The system includes the environment. So the systemic perspective represented by the middle finger must consider external factors in the environment, which may include the group, components, material, and procedures associated with some occupation. The systemic perspective is how the person sees himself in relation to others in society or other components of the system. The manager and the student have different viewpoints of the system. The manager is concerned with controlling people while the student must master all the subjects of an academic discipline.
Shape of Middle Finger
A square shaped middle finger represents decision making based wholly on rational thought directed toward concrete, practical goals. A spatulate middle finger may represent the obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. It may also represent an obsessive relation to anything that threatens the person's all in all, or self fulfillment.
A pointed middle finger represents tunnel vision or lack of thoroughness.
A middle finger that bends back excessively like rubber represents the Exploration Deficit Syndrome.4 This is exemplified as a strong rebelliousness in youth, which may include illicit sex or sublimation with alcohol or drugs. Or it may be expressed in adventurous travels. Where the rebelliousness is repressed, the person would suffer a deep sense of estrangement. This person would feel that he was not an integral part of the environment even though it contained everything needed.
Short Middle Finger
A short middle finger represents a less intensified systemic perspective. The perspective of the system would be uncertain, unclear, or fragmented.
Long Middle Finger
An overly long middle finger represents an intensified systemic perspective. This type would align himself with whatever becomes the focus of his attention. He would, further, consolidate his energy and resources to accomplish the objective.
Bent or Bowed Middle Finger
bowed middle finger indicates a history of exposure to double messages.
For example, the mother may tell the child to go out to play but not to
get its clothes dirty. This is like reaching for an object in a pool,
only to discovery that it is not where it appeared to be. The viewpoint
is distorted by refraction of light. Similarly, the viewpoint of
the mind can be distorted by double messages.
Leaning Middle Finger
middle finger that is straight but leans over toward the forefinger represents
primary denial whereby a person avoids thinking about earlier trauma in
life.4 The result is that the person may circumvent his
internal world with its creative thought processes. Instead the person
may focus his attention on the world external to himself. Primary
denial is a defense mechanism of a person who failed to use the Problem
Solving Devices.
Middle Finger Phalanges
The middle finger phalanges, which may be too thick or
thin, are summarized as follows:
Phalange |
3- I/O Production | Hermit, tunnel vision, confusion, codependency | All in all, complete, team player, disciple, focused, aligned | Showy, social engineer, politician, self-centered, seeking significance |
2- Internal Processing | Perception of inadequacy, no true sense of self | Systemic perspective, social environmental awareness | Hypersensitive to separation or apartness, manic-depressive |
1- Values, Beliefs | Insufficiency, inadequacy | Belonging, completion, fulfillment, fitting in, thorough, social and environmental values | Overly serious, heavy, striving for significance |
Middle Finger - Normal Phalanges
A normal sized 1st phalange of the middle finger represents a person who has a sense of belonging and fitting in. It represents a person who seeks fulfillment in his life and who wants to be complete and accomplish all outstanding tasks. The person wants to be thorough. And the person has good values in social life and regarding all things in his environment in general.
A normal sized 2nd phalange represents a person who has systemic perspective and who has social and environmental awareness.
A normal sized 3rd phalange represents a person who is all in all. The person is able to muster the resources of the stream of consciousness to fulfill his destiny. The person completes required tasks. He is a team player, but he can also be a disciple who is focused on his studies. And he is a person who is aligned with the vision and goals of his group.
Middle Finger - Thin Phalanges
A thin 1st phalange of the middle finger represents a person who is overcome by a sense of insufficiency and inadequacy.
A thin 2nd phalange represents the perception of inadequacy and no true sense of self.
A thin 3rd phalange represents a hermit or a person with tunnel vision who cannot see the big picture and is in a state of confusion. The person's boundaries may be eroded in codependency, and the person may be internally autistic, self-absorbed and isolated.
Middle Finger - Thick Phalanges
A thick 1st phalange of the middle finger is the sign of a person who is overly serious and heavy. The person attaches too much gravity to the situation. This may motivate a person who is always striving for significance.
A thick 2nd phalange represents a person who is hypersensitive to separation or apartness. Thick, swollen 2nd phalanges of the ring and middle fingers represents the manic-depressive personality disorder.4 These types have a personality dichotomy in which the internal processing function produces extremes in two totally different directions. The person's wide emotional swings break the control limits and the person becomes unstable and out of control.
A thick 3rd phalange represents a person who is overly showy, a social engineer, or a politician in the bad sense - not a statesman. The person may be self-centered and actively engaged in seeking significance.
Released June 28, 2002 - Revised Sept. 23, 2013
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