From Abused Teen to Prime Minister of Egypt

Abused Teen

Who was Joseph? He was Dinah's half-brother, the son of Jacob and Rachel (his beautiful favorite wife). From Dinah's rambunctious past along with that of her redneck brothers, Joseph was the first child of Rachel and the only son of Jacob who turned out right. Joseph listened to the Bible Doctrine taught by his father Jacob; and, unlike his brothers and sisters, he believed it deep in his heart and lived by it. By the time Jacob was a teen, the doctrine in his soul was already yielding benefits. As a teen he was appointed by his father to Assistant Manager of the family estate, which was not trivial, since they were a very wealthy family. The estate of Jacob probably included hundreds of cowboys and thousands of head of cattle and sheep.

Being a favorite son who was destined to be promoted at any time to receive the rights of the Firstborn under the laws of primogeniture, Joseph was not very popular with his lazy, crude brothers, who were cruel to animals as well as people. Under the law of primogeniture, the firstborn inherits the family estate; and the others get nothing. When the head of the family died, the firstborn would take all and the other siblings would have to leave - "go west young man." That's how the west in our nations history became the "wild west." The first born inherited the family estates and stayed in the east while the others had to go else where - west.

Jacob was a good manager. He got rich (which in those days was measured in terms of livestock) by figuring out some basic genetics. He learned that the color of animals was based upon genetics, so he controlled the breeding of the animals to produce spotted ones (Gen 30:31-43). He became very prosperous doing this (Gen. 30:43), and took almost the entire market share from Laban. So Jacob began to send Joseph out as a teen to do his metrics.

He would send Joseph out where his brothers were pasturing their herds and flocks and bring back an assessment of the situation. Jacob wanted to be sure that his flocks (his bankroll) was still intact, and one could never be completely sure with his trifling sons. When Joseph returned and laid it on the line to Jacob about how the estate had deteriorated, then his brothers were angry at him because they felt they had been slighted.

Now, lest this situation be misunderstood, this did not mean that Joseph has brought back a personnel evaluation of his brothers because everyone knew their level of incompetence. He was probably very objective and simply pointed out things such as: Selection of pasture, number in the herd, neglect of animals during birthing, proximity of water, protection of the herd from predators. From the true metrics, Jacob would have a true perspective of the state of his business enterprise (his estate).

However, guilt produces hypersensitive individuals; and Joseph's brothers were full of it. So they were afraid that Joseph would make them look bad.

What if he sees their dirty underwear? What if he finds out what they were doing last night? Joseph was not concerned about their night life; he was concerned about the job being done during the day. Snobs are so afraid of exposure, they will go to extremes to whitewash the truth. They plan their deception before the inspector arrives, and continue with damage control after the visit. They tremble at the thought of metrics when they should welcome the opportunity to report their success. Those who win by glitter and gloss live in fear of loss; but those who live within their means and do not overstep their ability are happy and content.
A good hitter welcomes a fast ball,
While a cowardly kid backs off.
He dreads a screwball coming -
(If only he had a mirror);
Or awaiting a twisting slider,
He watches the final strike.
Life is not a game of ball,
But in both the weak strike out!
Yet a strikeout is not a fatal loss.

Now Joseph's redneck brothers did just what you would expect cowards to do. They formed a gang. People join gangs because they are afraid to face life alone. They lack the confidence and composure from internal strength so they hide in the shadow of others. The horse personality is like this - always a follower, never a leader. Gangs help weak people avoid responsibility for their actions. The gang can get away with murder, and that is exactly what Joseph's gang of brothers contemplated.

They denied their own problems. They did not take responsibility for their own failures. When denial enters the subconscious, it comes out as something else. In the case of the redneck gang of brothers, it came out as bitterness. The brothers were guilty; therefore, they were afraid. The Bible teaches that guilt and fear are sins. They should be confessed as such per 1 John 1:9. The sins were paid for on the cross. To entertain them means the believer is out of fellowship with God. Denial of fear and guilt enter the subconscious and come out as something else.

In the case of the redneck brother gang, the guilt in the subconscious came out as bitterness and hatred. This hatred was projected onto Joseph. He was perceived as the problem. He was the scapegoat. They didn't see their own problems. They saw Joseph as the problem, and they hated him. So they plotted to murder him.

However, Reuben (the oldest) convinced them not to kill Joseph but to throw him into a pit instead and leave him to die. Reuben planned to secretly rescue him. However, along came a caravan headed for Egypt; so they seized the opportunity to sell Joseph as a slave. They dipped Joseph's long-sleeved robe (symbolic of nobility) in animal blood, took it to their father, and pretended Joseph had been killed by a wild animal. Meanwhile Joseph wound up as a slave in Egypt at age 17.

A Slave in Egypt

In Egypt, Joseph was bought by Potiphar, the local Sheriff. Potiphar is Egyptian for Poti Pherah, which means he whom the Ra gave. Ra was the Creator in the Egyptian pantheon. Potiphar was a combination Police Chief, Sheriff, head of the Secret Service, and Chief Executioner. He was pharaoh's right hand man when it came to dealing with criminals or potential threats to the throne. He was a very powerful man. Potiphar soon recognized Joseph's talent and promoted him. Now, Potiphar was upper class and had a large estate with slaves to do the work. He noticed that Joseph's projects were always a success, so he promoted him; gave him power of attorney; and turned over all management of his estate to Joseph.

When Potiphar came home at night, he sat down to a fantastic dinner with the best wine and finest of culinary delights - not to mention the entertainment - all compliments of Joseph. Joseph managed everything. Joseph was totally honest; did a good job; and was the ideal slave. That meant that he accepted his status of being without rights and without freedom. He accepted his status as coming from the Lord, and all that he had as part of the Plan of God. Spiritually, he was applying Faith-Rest, which is leaving the matter of his injustice in the Lord's hands (Psalm 55:22). This was used effectively by Abraham, his great grandfather. He meant that his deliverance was in the hands of the Supreme Court of Heaven and he need not concern himself with it. In essence, Joseph left the matter in God's hands and enjoyed his new status in life.

However, Joseph was a very good-looking young man, who had a very attractive body, per Genesis 39:6. He is one of three men in the Bible who are described as "good-looking" (or handsome): Moses, David, and Joseph. Well, Potiphar's wife an adulteress, which was not all that unusual in Egypt contrary to what the history books report about their morality. Potiphar's wife, who was probably middle aged, was into sexual pleasures outside marriage. She was sexually aggressive: She seduced teen slaves and raped them if they didn't submit to her demands. She had a voracious sexual appetite and could not keep her hands off guys.

Potiphar's wife took one look at the handsome, young Hebrew slave and went wild with sexual desire for him. All she could think about was Joseph's body. It is interesting that Potiphar recognized Joseph's ability, while his wife recognized only the accouterments of the flesh. She tried daily to seduce Joseph and to trap him into sex. This according to the definitions of the day is sexual abuse on the job. Joseph found it very difficult to do his work in managing Potiphar's estate due to the constant hounding for sex. Under the circumstances, Joseph behaved admirably. He refused to be a part of her social life and rejected all her demands for sex.

Joseph's rationale for rejecting her, as he told her, was that Potiphar had put everything in Joseph's charge with the exception of his wife. Joseph recognized the wife of another man as being the property of another. It would be wrong to take what belonged to another, and adultery would be a sin against God and evil. This was all related by Joseph (who was probably 17-19 years old) before the word of God contained the commandment: "You shall not commit adultery". Joseph recognized as does our Constitution that two things are sacred: Human life and personal property. Those who deprive others of these rights hinder them from fulfilling their purpose in life and must be removed from society.

One day Joseph went to work while the men slaves were not in the house, and Potiphar's wife saw her opportunity; called him into the bedroom, and proceeded to give him orders. Joseph was a slave and had to obey. She demanded sex, but he refused. Then "she grabbed him skillfully by his garment" (Hebrew "begedh", Genesis 39:12). The slaves wore a single skirt cut above the knee (and perhaps nothing else). She had him trapped. He was in her power - and one should not discount the sexuality of the female animal in the bedroom (probably still wearing her nightgown). She demanded, "Have sex with me!" Joseph as a slave could not lift a finger against her. If he so much as touched her, he was dead meat. Slaves do not talk back or touch their owners.

Potiphar's wife made the next move, which was to pull Joseph out of the skirt and free him from the garment (this is an attempt to translate the Hebrew idiom used here for her skill in taking off his skirt). Anyway, she wasn't just after a look. She was grabbing for his genitals. Her intention was to arouse and rape. But Joseph eluded her grasp and ran out of the house. The scripture says that he ran out on the outside. There is no mention of him running away. He was simply outside the house without his clothes.

Potiphar's wife had to think fast. She was holding his skirt in her hand, and he was outside without it. Even the dumb ones could figure this out. She was guilty. What was she going to do? With a man's skirt in her hand, and the man standing naked outside, she had to come up with a forceful alibi. She handled the situation by suppressing the guilt (denial), then venting the guilt from her subconscious as bitterness, hatred, and racial prejudice toward Joseph. She played the part of "hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn." She blamed everything on Joseph; used his skirt as circumstantial evidence; and pretended that he had tried to rape her.

She immediately called in the men slaves and told them the story. Why not the women slaves? There are probably two reasons: (1) Women are not that stupid, and (2) the women slaves may have seen what happened anyway. She practiced her story with the men. Then she lay back down on the bed with Joseph's skirt beside her. When Potiphar came home from the office, she told her story and he believed her. He threw Joseph in jail. Now the penalty for adultery was 100 blows, which Joseph did not receive; so Potiphar probably didn't completely believe her. Joseph was innocent but the moral law in Egypt (as the historians would have us believe) sent an innocent man to jail on the testimony a single, lying witness.

Joseph in Prison

We don't know how long Joseph stayed in prison. He was 17 when he was sold into slavery and 30 when he later stood before Pharaoh. Two years before he saw Pharaoh, he interpreted dreams for the cupbearer and the baker. So Joseph was in prison probably 8-10 years. This prison experience was just the next phase in Joseph's divine cross functional training. For in a short time he was running the entire prison just as he had run his father's estate and Potiphar's estate.

This needs to be understood from the divine viewpoint. Joseph was in prison for training. The quickest way to accelerate spiritual growth is through suffering. The stages in Joseph's spiritual growth may be listed as follows:

1. Spiritual Growth - studying doctrine till age 17 at home.
2. Separation from the World - working at home till age 17 (had the moral courage to report the truth about his brothers).
3. Spiritual Warfare - Satanic counterattacks from his brothers, Potiphar's wife, and demons.
4. Suffering - Advance to maturity in prison.
5. Spiritual Maturity - Age 30 - Prime Minister of Egypt.
So Joseph was in prison to get rid of his personal arrogance and make way for the grace blessings of God. Joseph was too much of a politician. He was under the influence of Political Babylon, which is a violation of God's authority by means of worldly friendship. There are three parts of Cosmos Diabolicus (Satan's World System): Cosmic, Political, and Ecumenical Babylon.
1. Cosmic Babylon - the lawlessness and rebellion of false authority of demons.
2. Political Babylon - friendship with the world.
3. Ecumenical Babylon - religion - man by man's efforts trying to reach God.
Note: Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with God.

Pharaoh's Disturbing Dreams

One night Pharaoh had some very disturbing dreams. He tried unsuccessfully to get the priests (who worshipped the pantheon of gods and goddesses) to interpret them. The Egyptians were very avid students of the interpretation of dreams just as the New Age astrology cults are today. However, God gave Pharaoh the dreams, and no demon power could interpret them. Pharaoh's Cup Bearer (who was really Chief Butler, Chief Chef and wine steward) remembered Joseph's ability to interpret dreams from his prison experience. He told Pharaoh and Pharaoh summoned Joseph.

Joseph listened to Pharaoh's dreams, and God the Holy Spirit revealed the meaning to him. The seven fat cows and seven ears of grain were seven years of prosperity ahead while the seven starving cows and the seven shriveled ears of grain were seven years of famine. Joseph interpreted the dreams to Pharaoh, but he didn't stop with an academic proof. Without slowing down, he led right into an explanation of what action needed to be taken. This was an impending crisis. It wasn't enough to be recognized as a Ph.D. in dream interpretation while the nation of Egypt and the Middle East starved to death.

Joseph's Project Plan

Joseph was one of the greatest business men who have ever lived. He was a very successful CEO (Chief Executive Officer), and he was about to present a Project Plan that would propel him to the office of Prime Minister of Egypt. Joseph was going to outline a Concept Pitch for handling the crisis in the land of Egypt. It is four verses long (Gen. 41:33-36), and is a model of excellence for a project proposal. Egypt was a world power, and the business men, government leaders, and priests were no dummies. The wisest leaders in the nation listened to Joseph's proposal and concluded that it was an excellent plan.


"And now let Pharaoh look for a man who is teachable and wise, and set him over the land of Egypt." (Gen 41:33)

The first point in Joseph's Project Plan was authority. Someone has to be the CEO. Authority is an absolute necessity for a successful project. Just as there is one head on the human body, there is one head of a project. He does not rule by power but by authority. There is a big difference.  Authority without freedom is tyranny. Freedom without authority is anarchy.  Authority provides freedom. There is no freedom without authority. For this reason selection of the Authority of a project is the first and foremost ingredient of a Project.

The head defines the vision, quality, and strategy for the project. These are all extremely important, but all of them relate to freedom. Joseph is a slave and he is standing before Pharaoh and telling him, "You better search through the available personnel and put someone in charge to handle this crisis." The first thing he mentions is authority. Isn't it odd that a slave who has repeatedly been the victim of abuse of power would be standing before Pharaoh and defending authority? Not at all. Joseph, after all his abuse, clearly understood the relationship between freedom and authority. Selection of Project Manager is the single most important decision that determines the fate of the project. Most projects that fail do so due to the selection of project manager.

The Project Manger determines the fate of his employees. He provides them with freedom to work to achieve their fullest potential: To succeed or fail. He defines the project, the vision, scope, strategy. He chooses the market. He must chart a course for success of: The business, the employees, and the customers. This is all about the internal freedom of a nation! Do you see it? The freedom from external enemies is provided for this nation by the blood and sacrifice of the military establishment - and the blood in this nation runs deep. However, the internal freedom, which affects every employee and every citizen of the nation, is defended by the business establishment and the criminal justice system.

Look at the breakdown of freedom. Joseph's brothers plotted to murder him and sold him into slavery. Potiphar's wife abused her slave. To use the metaphor of Moses (Deut. 28:13, 44; Isa. 9:14-15) (I can't claim credit for this one): She was a tail and not a head. She was making decisions to satisfy her tail. Then Potiphar listened to his wife. He made the decision on the basis of his tail and not his head. This is the vocabulary of Moses and Isaiah, who did not allow their writing to be censored by the editors (which Kipling called " the gods of the copybook heading"). There is very little freedom of the press in this nation today because the tails will not allow the truth to be printed. Teens are often lax on their education because they succumb to the pressures of the tail. Sex rules their lives. Why? Because they do not believe the Doctrine of Right Man - Right Woman. They have an empty file on the cerebral cortex where that doctrine should be stored. Consequently, they use their tail instead and run for a cheap substitute.

Principle:  When promotions are passed out on the basis of the tail and not the head, organizational values are obvious!

Qualifications for Project Manager

The qualifications for the CEO are given next: "Must be teachable and be wise." "Teachable is the Hebrew word, "bin", which means perception. In other words, the CEO must be someone who has the ability to learn, someone who is educated. It means someone who is qualified for the job. Perception refers to learning the vocabulary and principles of a discipline. It may refer to a single discipline. For example, a businessman needs to understand finance. Perception refers to studying finance, learning it academically, being educated in the discipline of finance. Wisdom refers to multiple disciplines, but perception refers to one at a time.

To be teachable a person must have both humility and respect for authority. There is absolutely no way to learn an academic discipline without both. No subject in the classroom that is worth learning can be learned without submission to authority. Those become great do not begin great. They begin by learning what is already known in the profession, and then they may be able to advance beyond the current state-of-the-art. Those who are given power over others, must have the capacity to exercise it without arrogance. Arrogance leads to both tyranny and lawlessness. The great W. E. Deming was an avid learner and considered learning one of the four criteria for a project. He and Joseph were alike in that respect. An organization that is not learning is an organization in decline.
The person who is teachable can learn and develop discernment, which is the result of perception. Discernment is the ability to differentiate. A person with discernment is able to differentiate between truth and fallacy. He is not easily deceived. A leader must have objectivity and capacity (inner strength) to avoid being deceived by the chicanery of snobs and the shortcomings of fools.

The Project Manager must also have wisdom. Wisdom is mastery of all relevant subjects. It requires a complete, well-rounded person, who understands the technical as well as the personal, who loves his country and his fellow man, as well as one who understands and respects the benefits of the latest technology. Wisdom requires the ability to integrate all the categories of knowledge to formulate the vision and strategy of long range decision making. Wisdom seeks complete solutions and avoids temporary problem fixes. Wisdom has its eye on the solution - not the problem. Wisdom watches the ball - not the crowd.


The extent of the authority for the Project Manager is "the land of Egypt." Of course, there is no way to deliver a nation without having authority over all of it. This plan cannot just be applied to a few cities. It must involve the whole nation. This is the concept of freedom, which is provided by true authority. The military establishment protects the external borders of a nation. The law enforcement agencies and the business establishment protect the internal borders. The business establishment provides freedom for employees and customers.

Free enterprise must be free. But if it is under the power of Satan, it is not free. The employees are not free; and the customers who buy products conceived and dedicated to the purpose of evil are not free. The only way to run a business in free enterprise is to run it under legitimate authority. That means that God has to sponsor the project. "There is no authority except from God" (Rom. 13:1a).
A good project, as well as a good product, must meet the needs of mankind. This is the purpose of business and the purpose of government. Joseph's project will prevent the nation of Egypt from starving. The part of the human body that corresponds to freedom is the part under the head - the neck. The yoke around the neck symbolizes loss of freedom (Gen. 27:40; Deut. 28:48; Isa 10:27; Jer 27:1-11, 30:8; Lam 1:14). The picture shows the neck (freedom) in relation to the head (authority). The succeeding verses explain the other points in Joseph's pitch as shown on the picture.


“Let Pharaoh take action to appoint overseers in charge of the land, and let him exact a fifth of the produce of the land of Egypt in the seven years of abundance.(Genesis 41:34)
Joseph's next request of Pharaoh was to appoint "overseers" in every city. These were the directors, i.e. management. Management is required to deploy any project successfully. It is the responsibility of management to insure that the lofty vision, goals, quality, and strategy requested by the CEO is carried out. Management is responsible for the dirty details of supervision of employees, maintaining standards, and meeting schedules. Management is responsible for developing procedures to carry out the purpose and policy of the organization as defined by the CEO.

Management is represented by the shoulders on the diagram. They must shoulder the responsibility for completion of the project. The shoulders as the symbol of management were deduced from the symbol of the Tribe of Issachar, who were the pack animals (the donkeys, Gen. 49:14) for Israel and camped on the Northeast corner of the Tabernacle. This location in a Client Nation is identified with the trade center. This is probably beyond the capability of most Bible students, but the concept of donkey to represent management should ring true with everyone. Donkeys are loved and respected by those who know them best (management perspective) and considered jackasses by the rest of us.

Management often is without leadership ability; and that is unfortunate. Their mentality is simply not so inclined. They see the trees, but never the forest. The CEO is the leader. Leadership is a very different function from management. The leader sponsors freedom and empowers employees. The manager restricts their freedom and controls them. The leader has long range vision; the manager is nearsighted. The leader sees the solution, the manager the problem. The leader leads, the manager follows. Hopefully, it is not as bad as the head and the tail!


The next part of Joseph's Project Plan was the proposal of a methodology that had integrity. The position of Integrity was chosen on the picture to correspond to the Breastplate of Righteousness (Isa. 59:17; Eph. 6:14). Integrity is not used here as a human norm and standard. Integrity means that the proposal will work for success as well as failure. The proposal must work for the entire Life Cycle of the project, which in this case is 14 years. Verse 34 covers the 7 years of prosperity during which time the taxes would be 20% of the bumper crops, which would be stored for the 7 years of famine. This was a fair plan and one that could be implement for both the 7 years of prosperity as well as the 7 years of famine.

The solution for the years of plenty would require building barns to store the grain. This would entail tax collectors, construction of facilities, and guards to protect the stored grain from thieves. They would have to be able to build the barns fast enough to store the first year's crop, the next year's crop, etc. Over the land of Egypt this would be a massive project, but if it were organized properly, it would work, i.e. it would be successful during the 7 years of plenty. Then security would have to be provided to protect the national investment.

Integrity means providing a solution (or product) that meets the needs of mankind. It means safety, reliability, and security. What if there were rats? Then would the locals be willing to donate cats? Surely, they would! Great idea! What about reliability? Could they build barns with the strength to store the tons of grain? The Egyptians were great architects. Surely, they could! Great idea! What about security? Let Potiphar handle it! Great idea? (Some adjustments might be needed, but surely they could handle the security.)


“Then let them gather all the food of these good years that are coming, and store up the grain for food in the cities under Pharaoh’s authority, and let them guard it. (Gen.41:35)
The methodology was to "store up" enough grain during the years of plenty to keep the nation from starving in the years of famine. "Storing up" is the function of the stomach, and that is were we get the concept of methodology. The methodology must be digestible. It must be reasonable, workable, doable. The basic plan has already been covered. Remember, Joseph is giving a concept pitch - not a detailed implementation plan. The methodology is to tax 20% of the produce to be stored for the seven years of famine. This was a reasonable tax for prosperity, and the amount of grain to be stored could be handled. The methodology was sound.

Methodology is key to any successful project. It must be something that can be executed successfully. It must be clear, simple, efficient, effective. System definition, function, and architecture are included in the definition of methodology. Methodology is the means of achieving the purpose (or aim) of the system.


“And let the food become as a reserve for the land for the seven years of famine which will occur in the land of Egypt, so that the land may not perish during the famine.”(Gen. 41:36)
The legs on the picture represent history. This is symbolized by walking - the believer's walk through history. The project must be compatible with contemporary history. The project manager must be able to plan the project over its entire life cycle. Joseph presented a 14 year plan that was designed to change as history changed. Those who fail to consider history may find themselves like the Swiss watchmakers or IBM (who lost their computer market to the PC).


The next part of the project is Strategy, which is represented by the feet on the picture. The feet are the pivot for the body and point the body in a given direction. Every part of the project must be strategically aligned. When individual parts are optimized without regard to strategic alignment, the resulting suboptimization may be a detriment to the project. It is therefore, imperative that each component of the whole be aligned with the overall purpose (strategy) so that the needed contribution of the component is achieved.


Completion (or completeness) is the next part of a project plan shown on the picture. By completion (or completeness) is meant the entire whole. The project must be a complete unit, a whole that lacks nothing. It must cover the entire Life Cycle. It must not leave a stone unturned. It must not have a fatal flaw. Complete means the systemic view of the project must be clearly understood. If this project is part of a bigger system, it must fit. If the project is the system, then all the parts must be there. Joseph is including in his system perspective all the land of Egypt. He realizes he is dealing with the nation. This is a national crisis that demands a national solution.


The feet on the picture represent metrics. This is why the toes exist. One can count his toes. Notice first that Joseph's metrics for the Project Plan were not quantitative but relative. He used one-fifth (20%) for taxes, but he did not count the number of cities or barns or mouths to feed. He did not offer an estimate of life cycle cost. However, as soon as the directors are appointed over the land of Egypt, quantitative metrics will be used. He will take a census, count the barns, project the amount of storage space required, hire the facilities contractors, etc. We know from later verses that Joseph knew at every phase of the project that it was on track. When he began collecting the grain, he knew how much he needed to be successful. Because we read later that the project was so successful that the amount of grain collected was beyond his estimates and beyond his capability to count. He set up a system for accountability and the prosperity exceeded it. Metrics must be tailored to the project and to every phase of the project. For example, metrics for planning are different from metrics in the integration and test phase. Yes, metrics includes testing, market analysis, customer surveys, reliability statistics, and many other types of record keeping.


The Egyptians were ready and able to perform this project. They were great architects, mathematicians, administrators, accountants, and farmers. The entire nation contributed to this project. They were successful beyond measure! This is a great success story! God blessed the project beyond the imagination. So this is the final chapter: The Blessing or Cursing of God. If God blesses a project, it is successful; if God curses it, then it is doomed. If God blesses, then He helps our weaknesses, but if God curses, the project is doomed. How does one achieve the blessing or cursing? Answer: The salt of the earth principle. God blesses based upon the Bible Doctrine resident in the soul of the believers in a nation. Joseph had doctrine in the soul. He stood the testing of the Justice of God and was used to deliver his own family and the entire nation of Egypt from destruction.

Blessing or cursing are in the hand of God and He blesses or curses depending upon doctrine in the soul of the believer. This was God's project, and Joseph was simply the steward of the grace of God.

August 13, 1996, Revised September 4, 2002
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Author: Larry Wood

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