Meaning of Mounts
Mount of Life - Finger 1
Mount of Integration - Finger 2
Mount of Vindication - Finger 3
Mount of Self-Esteem - Finger 4
Masculine Mount
Feminine Mount
Mount of Offense
Mount of Defense
Mount of Capacity for Life
Mount of Evangelism
Mount of Wisdom
The mounts are a big clue about the personality and must not be overlooked. Mounts that are raised indicate motivation from the physical, while mounts that are depressed indicate overriding intellectualization. The hands of Esau were thick, and he became a skillful hunter, an outdoorsman (Genesis 25:27). However, the hands of Jacob were thinner and motivated by intellectualization. He was motivated by jealousy like his brother, but he handled it intellectually as opposed to physically. Samson, who approached life physically, had thick hands. He ripped a lion apart with this bare hands (Judges 14:5-6).
The mounts are also a clue to health. Unhealthy hands may be withered. The Lord healed a withered hand (Matthew 12:13; Mark 3:5; Luke 6:10).
The mounts represent the motivation of the thinking just
as the hypothalamus, the seat of the emotions, influences the thinking.
The parts of the hand correspond to the hierarchy of the cognitive processes.
The third phalange of the finger corresponds to the thinking of the cerebral
cortex. The cerebral cortex is the region of constructive thought
and production. It is a place where data is gathered for analysis,
and where the final conclusion is expressed. It is the place where
the thoughts of mental labor are brought to fruitful conclusion.
The third phalange of the finger is the location of sensory perception.
The finger tips touch and feel as well as push and pry. So, the third
phalange of the finger corresponds to input/output processing. However,
the finger only contains the sensor circuitry. The thinking which
makes sense of the sensory signals comes from the cerebral cortex.
Perception must include the input/output processing of the brain.
So the hand merely symbolizes the hierarchy of thought processes.
The second phalange of the finger corresponds to the internal processing of cognition. Internal processing includes the analysis of the sensory data. This involves a battery of analytical methodology. The norms and standards from the conscience will be brought to bear upon the data. The data may be accepted as valuable or discarded as garbage. Judgments will have to be made regarding the data and conclusions drawn. The second phalange of the finger symbolizes the internal processing function of cognition.
The first, or base, phalange of the finger corresponds to personal values. Values are the base, or foundation, of the thinking. The values hold the strongest influence over thought. When an argument arises over values, the argument is not likely to ever be settled. People do not set aside their true values. In many cases the values are so deeply ingrained that the person doesn't even know they are there. The values, norms, and standards of the soul are part of the conscience. Thus, the internal processing function weighs the thoughts and data from the cerebral cortex against the values of the conscience. The values are the foundation upon which academic disciplines are built. The values of the soul correspond to the base, or first, phalange of the finger.
The mounts of the palm correspond to the motivation of the soul. Before cognitive analysis begins, there must be something that motivates it. Love of country motivates a soldier to fight or a statesman to serve. Lust and jealously, hatred and spite, motivate a criminal. Some people are motivated by ambition and others by approbation lust. When the motivation oversteps the cognitive control, the emotion pops up. The emotion may be good or bad, but it simply amplifies the motivation. The hypothalamus at the base of the brain represents the function of motivation. The hypothalamus telegraphs hunger and thirst to the brain. Hunger motivates behavior (Proverbs 16:26). Esau was so strongly motivate by hunger that he sold his birthright, and Jacob was so strongly motivated by jealous ambition that he chiseled Esau out of his birthright (Genesis 25:29-34). The mounts of the palm symbolize the motivation of the soul.
parts of the hand are also analogous to a tree. The production of
a tree occurs in the leaves. Photosynthesis in the leaves combines
carbon dioxide with water in the presence of sunlight to produce fruit
and fiber. The third phalange of the finger symbolizes the leaves
of a tree. The branches of a tree disseminate water to the leaves.
The second, middle, phalanges of the fingers symbolize the branches of
a tree. The trunk of the tree is the single base that supports the
branches to accomplish the unified purpose of the tree. The strength
of the tree is determined by the strength of the trunk. The first
phalange of the finger symbolizes the trunk of the tree. The roots
of the tree draw water to quench the thirst of the leaves. On a hot
day, the leaves may wither from heat. In summer the sap rises to
supply the growth of the tree. In the winter, the sap falls, and
there is no production because the leaves are dead. The roots also
anchor the tree to the physical earth. Similarly, the mounts of the
palm anchor the finger to the physical body. The mounts of the palm
symbolize the roots of the tree.
Rings around the fingers, the Ring of John the Baptist, Ring of Fate, and Ring of Justice, tend to block the positive influence of the mounts. The ring will block the influence of even an overdeveloped mount. Partial rings, which are more common, only partially block the influence of the mount.
Markings on the mounts apply to the function of the mount on which they are located. For this reason, some normally bad signs may be a blessing in disguise on some mounts. For example, a cross is usually a sign of the of curse capital punishment, or the sin unto death; but a cross on the mount of Finger 1 is considered a blessing in the Right Man - Right Woman relationship. That is because it represents the divine punishment of the Right Man from the Love of God (Ephesians 5:25-26).3 "For whom the Lord loves He punishes" (Hebrews 12:6a). The only way for the man to have this punishment is to have found his Right Woman. And the only way to find the Right Woman is through Grace. So, it is a sign of blessing from God's punishment in Marriage.
When the mounts are not centered under the fingers, then consideration must be given to the mounts on either side. The meaning of a displaced mount should be combined with that of the next closest mount. The center of the mount is marked by the point of the triradius, the inverted triangular fingerprint under each finger. The tip of the triangle marks the center of the mount.
The color of the mount should also be considered in any
Finger 1 | Life, ego, ambition, leadership, achievement, power-lust, religious ceremony, autonomy, authority, activism, extravagance |
Finger 2 | Integration, management, studiousness, scientific investigation, enjoying solitude, patience, introspection |
Finger 3 | Vindication, lover of the arts and beauty, creativity, charisma, judicial |
Finger 4 | Self-esteem, communication, commerce, spirituality, sharp, wit, novelty, doctor, diplomat |
Masculine | Masculinity, objectivity, vitality, robustness, dominance, friends, music lover, sexual initiation |
Feminine | Femininity, subjectivity, inspiration, romantic, dreams, clairvoyance, creativity, fantasy, travel, sexual response |
Offense | Offense, Bitterness, aggression, physical courage, martial arts, pugnacious, warrior |
Defense | Defense, worry, fear, mental courage, recalcitrance, resistance, stubborn |
Capacity/Life | Capacity for Life, momentum, power, coping, enthusiasm |
Evangelism | Evangelism symbolic of Common Grace, charismatic, mesmerizing, enchanting, bridge between left and right lobe thinking, facilitator, traffic director |
Wisdom | Wisdom, mentor, counselor |
A well developed Mount of Life is characteristic of people who are energetic and take the initiative. These are the doers, the movers, and the shakers. They do not have to take this to the extremes of activism, which is overstepping the boundaries of authority in the Spiritual Life.
An overdeveloped Mount of Life may be a sign of arrogant ambition, which was the sin of Satan, who said:
‘I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;Arrogant ambition was also the sin of the woman in the Garden, who tried to usurp her husband's authority.
I will make myself like the Most High.’ (Isaiah 14:14, NAS)
Yet, for your husband, your desire; but he shall rule over you. (Genesis 3:16b)Power lust, activism, and extravagance are additional examples of an overdeveloped Mount of Life.
An underdeveloped Mount of Life is the sign of laziness and lack of determination to succeed (Proverbs 6:6, 9; 19:24; 20:4; 21:25; 22:13; 26:14-16). It is the sign of those who are not motivated to express or respect authority. And it is the sign of lack of leadership of those who do not trust their own leadership ability and, therefore, become vulnerable to manipulation.
Cross: A cross represents Eclipse Testing of the Right Man - Right Woman relationship (Ephesians 5:25-26). It is a sign of Marriage blessing on the Mount of Life because it means the Right Man has found his Right Woman.
Island: An island on the Mount of Life represents ambitious plans that are ruined by others.
Lines: Lines that run lengthwise through the mount toward the finger enhance the qualities of the mount. However, too many lines represent distraction. Lines at right angles to the finger weaken the ambition and initiative of the person.
Net: A net represents judgment, which dissipates all the benevolent qualities of the mount and leaves only arrogant power lust and insolence. This is described by the Hebrew /odz*(zadon) and the Greek u{bri" (hubris). Hubris described the final stage of arrogant power lust which was the undoing of the leading character, or protagonist, in Greek drama.
When comes arrogance, then comes shame;Paul was the victim of this hubris that was dished out by others in 2 Corinthians 12:10, where hubris in the passive voice is translated, "insults."
But with the humble is wisdom. (Proverbs 11:2)
Ring: A ring (circle) on the Mount of Life represents a covenant, or contract, which is a sign of success.
Ring of John the Baptist: The Ring of John the Baptist blocks the influence of the Mount of Life. However, an overdeveloped Mount of Life coupled with a Ring of John the Baptist may produce a religious activist, or zealot, which is not a good thing.
Square: A square symbolizes a lampstand (Matthew 5:14-15; Mark 4:21-22; Luke 8:16-17; 11:33-34), which is the opportunity for letting one's light shine. It could also symbolize a pedestal or pulpit. It could also represent protection from arrogance.
Spot: A spot represents defamation and financial loss (James 5:1-4).
Star: A star on the Mount of Life symbolizes the order of the Morning Star, the highest reward for believers (Revelation 2:28). It may also mean famous people will come into the person's life. It is a sign of walking with kings, but not necessarily being one.
Triangle: A triangle represents the fire triangle, which includes fire testing that reveals gold, silver, and precious stones; sexual love/fire; metabolization; corporate (meaning two or more people) production.
The well developed Mount of Integration may be the sign of interest in scientific investigation. It may also motivate religious behavior, good or bad. True religion requires being a member of a congregation, the Body of Christ, and a serious student, or disciple. The Temple Mount in Jerusalem was over the location that corresponds to the mounts of Fingers 1 and 2 in the hand of God.
An overdeveloped Mount of Integration may be the sign of dissatisfaction with the world, which may include inner frustration, disquiet, lack of harmonious rapport, unhappiness, and misanthropy. It may signify lovers of money or misers.
For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, slanderers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, (2 Timothy 3:2)Serious academic pursuits may result in being puffed up with knowledge rather than tempered with wisdom and placated by love. An overdeveloped mount may signify being motivated toward religion that is not grace-oriented.
Who adhere to a superficial form of the Spiritual Life, but they have denied its power. Avoid such persons as these. (2 Timothy 3:5)An overdeveloped Mount of Integration may also signify being overly critical, suspicious, or paranoid.
The underdeveloped Mount of Integration may be a sign of a person whose boundaries are eroded by codependency. The person may have low vitality and little confidence. The person may lack self-control and be easily influenced. And the person may fail to recognize the seriousness of matters. The person will be like a tree without roots, unable to support much weight.
An underdeveloped Mount of Integration signifies cutting off the influence of the masculine and feminine mounts as well as the light, persona, and awareness of self. Such a person would lack commitment to who he is. The person would have an autistic quality in internal communication.
Cross: A cross represents shipwreck or disaster, such as Paul's shipwreck on Malta or Jonah swallowed by the great fish.
Lines: Lines that run lengthwise through the mount toward the finger enhance the qualities of the mount. However, too many lines represent distraction, such as from an unspecialized career. Lines at right angles to the finger weaken the success upon achieving the destiny.
Net: A net represents a person destined for judgment or jail, such as Pharaoh.
For the scripture says to Pharaoh, "For this very reason I raised you up in order that I might demonstrate My power in you and in order that My name might be proclaimed in all the earth. (Romans 9:17)Ring of Fate: The Ring of Fate is an evil mark that cuts off the influence of the Mount of Integration and thwarts the realization of destiny.
Square: A square represents protection from death before achieving destiny.
Spot: A spot represents defamation, advancing out of bounds, or a flag down on the play.
Star: A star, which is usually a good sign, is bad on the Mount of Integration. It represents going out in a blaze of glory whereby a person achieves fame after death, although the fame eluded the person in life. An example was the death of the Levite's concubine over whom the civil war between Israel and Benjamin was fought (Judges 19-20).
Triangle: A triangle represents the fire triangle, which includes fire testing that reveals gold, silver, and precious stones; sexual love/fire; metabolization; corporate (meaning two or more people) production. Teachers, teammates, or business associates may assist the person in his quest for destiny.
An overdeveloped Mount of Vindication may motivate a multitude of expressions of jealousy on the high swing, for example selfishness, greed, rebellion, insatiability, vanity, pleasing the crowd, and showing off. The love of money is motivated by this mount (1 Timothy 6:9-10). Since jealousy amplifies other sins, there may also be self-righteous snobbery, jealous-ambition, and egotism. An overdeveloped Mount of Vindication may lead to lawlessness or rebellion, as in the case of Absalom. Absalom was motivated to organize a conspiracy to topple the kingdom of David (2 Samuel 15:7-12). The leaders of a conspiracy may exhibit overdeveloped Mounts of Vindication whereas the dupes may have underdeveloped mounts. Esau rejected the laws of God and became a hunter.
An underdeveloped Mount of Vindication may motivate the expression of jealousy on the low swing, for example penuriousness, vindictiveness, picky, fault-finding, and spite. Since jealousy amplifies other sins, there may also be bitterness, animosity, aggression, and complaining. The underdeveloped mount indicates lack of intuition, disinterest in the arts, and apathy. They may be dull, drab, and monotonous. Consequently, they may be materialistic to satisfy their physical desires. And they may have the love of money expressed not in greed but in stinginess, penury, or miserliness.
Cross: A cross represents failure to achieve success.
Lines: Lines that run lengthwise through the mount toward the finger enhance the qualities of the mount. However, too many lines represent distraction from achieving success. Lines at right angles to the finger weaken the fruits of success, and many such lines can mean reaping the negative aspects of the mount.
Net: A net represents judgment of the pursuit of success. It marks yearning for success that remains illusive and magnified illusions of personal ability.
Ring: A ring on the Mount of Vindication represents a covenant, or contract, which is a sign of success.
Ring of Justice: The Ring of Justice means disappointments or difficulties in attempts to achieve success. It can mean a crisis in a relationship.
Square: A square represents protection from the negative aspects of the mount, such as flunking the prosperity test.
Star: A star is a sign of sudden brilliance and great success, fame and fortune, which may destroy the Spiritual Life.
"But Jeshurun became fat and kicked -- you became fat, thick, obese -- and let go God who made him and despised the Rock of his salvation." (Deuteronomy 32:15)Triangle: A triangle represents the fire triangle, which includes fire testing that reveals gold, silver, and precious stones; sexual love/fire; metabolization; corporate (meaning two or more people) production. Teachers, teammates, or business associates may assist the person in achieving success.
An overdeveloped Mount of Self-Esteem is the sign a lover of self as well as a person who will use his gifts for dishonest gain (2 Timothy 3:2). It is the sign of a swindler or charlatan. It may indicate sublimation, such as through alcohol or drugs. When the person has short finger, it may be a sign of impulsiveness and bitter temper.
The Apostle Peter exhibited the traits of an overdeveloped Mount of Self-Esteem. He impulsively cut off the slave of the High Priest's ear with a sword as he tried to protect the Lord Jesus Christ (John 18:10). He tried to walk on water (Matthew 14:28-31). And at the Mount of Transfiguration, he just had to open his big mouth (Matthew 17:1-6).
An underdeveloped Mount of Self-Esteem is the mark of a dull person whose powers of communication are poor or mundane. It may indicate lack of talent in business, science, or literature. If the mount is nonexistent, it can mean being without a sense of humor.
Cross: A cross represents capital punishment, or the punishment of the sin unto death, for dishonest practices, such as embezzlement.
Lines: Lines that run lengthwise through the mount toward the finger enhance the qualities of the mount. Many lines represent a healer and talent in medicine. Lines at right angles to the finger weaken the positive qualities of the mount, and may indicate the ability to cope, anxiety, and uncertainty.
Net: A net represents judgment and corresponding slavery to the bad traits of the mount, such as dishonest gain and sublimation.
Square: A square represents protection from the negative aspects of the mount, such as failure in business.
Spot: A spot may represents a sin of the tongue or failure in business.
Star: A star is a sign of sudden brilliance and great success, fame and fortune in fields such as business, science, or law.
Triangle: A triangle represents the fire triangle, which includes fire testing that reveals gold, silver, and precious stones; sexual love/fire; metabolization; corporate (meaning two or more people) production. Teachers, teammates, or business associates may assist the person in achieving success.
An overdeveloped Masculine Mount is the of sensuality, including excessive eating and drinking, as well as illicit sex. A swollen and red Masculine Mount is the sign of a Phallic Reversionist. Puffiness near the thumb represents unrestrained emotion; whereas, puffiness lower down represents physical overindulgence.
An underdeveloped Masculine Mount is the sign of loss of vitality and energy. It is also the sign of anemia. The underdeveloped mount indicates mental rather than physical expression of love. A narrow mount that is not flat reduces the power of masculine expression and the person may be overly cautious.
Cross: A cross represents the punishment of the sin unto death in the Right Man - Right Woman relationship. The reversionist is on the road to death, whereas the doctrinal believer can pass the test (Ephesians 5:25-26)
Lines: Lines that run lengthwise through the mount toward the fingers enhance the qualities of the mount. Over 2 or 3 lines, however, bring out the bad qualities of the mount. Lines that radiate from the thumb and cross the Life Line are Lines of Influence, which usually weaken the influence of the mount.
Net: A net represents judgment and corresponding slavery to the bad traits of the mount, such as Phallic Reversionism, sensuality, or anemia.
Square: A square represents protection from the negative aspects of the mount, if the square is not located down near the Line of Life. If it is located down near the Line of Life, it can mean incarceration, life in a convent, or living as a hermit.
Spot: A spot may represent a sexually transmitted disease, especially if it is a dark spot. A liter spot may only represent an ulcerous condition from illicit sex.
An overdeveloped Feminine Mount may mean difficulty distinguishing reality and may withdraw into their imagination or dream world. They may become obsessed with the spiritual realm (not true Spirituality) or with the love of beauty. Anxiety may be brought on by their hyperactive imagination. They may be easily deluded and may delude others.
An underdeveloped Feminine Mount means lack of imagination and active response. This includes lack of understanding of others. A flat, white mount means death of the imagination.
Cross: A cross represents capital punishment, or the punishment of the sin unto death, which may include the death of the imagination or discernment of reality.
Lines: Lines that run lengthwise through the mount toward the finger enhance the qualities of the mount. But an excess of lines may mean dissociation. Lines at right angles to the finger weaken the positive qualities of the mount. However, lines on the outer edge of the palm on this mount represent travel. Crosses, islands, and broken lines indicate unpleasant journeys.
Net: A net represents judgment and may be a sign of worry.
Square: A square represents protection from the negative aspects of the mount and will fortify the boundaries between imagination and reality.
Spot: A spot may represent judgment of the nervous system or mental illness.
Star: A star is an ill omen on the Feminine Mount, for the person will probably lack the Capacity for Love to enjoy it.
Triangle: A triangle represents the fire triangle, which includes fire testing that reveals gold, silver, and precious stones; sexual love/fire; metabolization; corporate (meaning two or more people) production. Teachers, teammates, or business associates may assist the person in achieving wisdom in the use of the imagination and creativity.
An overdeveloped Mount of Offense represents a person who is hot headed, starts fights, and engages in frays. The bitterness may be expressed in many ways, such as quarreling, vituperation, and implacability. It may be fueled by jealousy associated with the Mount of Vindication, which magnifies the expression of bitterness. It may motivate binge eating or drinking. And it may motivate the sexual sins associated with bitterness, such as rape and masochism.
If the mount is underdeveloped the person will be a spineless jellyfish. The person will lack confidence and motivation or may be ambivalent and withdrawn.
Star: A star on the mount will likely be associated with a Line of Influence and spell disaster for the person associated with the Line of Influence.
Spot: A spot may represent strong judgment on the Mount of Offense, which implies that the recipient will also be able to endure great physical pain.
An overdeveloped Mount of Defense may be expressed in being stubborn like a mule or stiff-necked. Such people will be unwilling to compromise.
An underdeveloped Mount of Defense may be expressed as being overly submissive, to ready to surrender, and lacking endurance.
Cross: A cross represents capital punishment, or the punishment of the sin unto death. On the Mount of Defense it represents an enemy who would send a person to the cross.
Lines: Lines that run lengthwise through the mount toward the the little finger enhance the qualities of the mount and may represent resilience and moral courage. However, lines a right angles on the outer edge of the palm on this mount represent enemies.
Net: A net represents judgment and slavery to the bases desires of the mount.
Square: A square represents moral courage or control over great rage.
Spot: A spot may represent an injury in an altercation.
Star: A star on the Mount of Defense represents crashing and burning.
Whereas, the individual mounts add strength in their respective dimensions, the Mount of Capacity for Life integrates the strength from all the dimensions. It is, thus, multidimensional strength, which corresponds to power and capacity. A barrel can hold no more than the strength of the base and sides allow. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. Thus, capacity for life is an integrated measure of strength and power. The Mount of Capacity for Life is also a volumetric measure of the fullness of blessings. How much blessing a person can hold depends upon the strength of capacity for life. Without capacity to handle the blessing, a person will lose control in the region of lawlessness or legalism.
Thus, the naturally hollowed out area of the palm of the hand is called the Mount of Capacity for Life even though its shape is more like a valley than a mount. It is like a barrel or cup into which God pours blessings. It symbolizes the Edification Complex of the Soul with its foundation, walls, and roof. The strength of the respective parts is described by terms imply area or volume. The strength of the foundation is the confident expectation of Hope, which endures stress testing. The ECS "hopes all things" (foundation), "believes all things" (walls), and "endures all things" (roof) (1 Corinthians 13:7). The walls are also described as the "breastplate of capacity-righteousness," where the Greek dikaiosuvnh (dikaiosune) means capacity-righteousness, which is a measurement of area that corresponds to the breastplate (Ephesians 6:14).
The Mount of Capacity for Life also momentum, which is the active power to punch through. It includes the power of coping with outside pressure. And it motivates enthusiasm for life. The Greek word for hope, ejlpiv" (elpis), means confident expectation that bears all things with enthusiasm. The strength of the Mount of Capacity for Life is measured in calculus by an integral rather than a differential. It includes area and volume instead of just linear measurement.
Capacity for Life corresponds to the strength of soul and body as well as the 23-day Biorhythm Cycle. Lack of Capacity for Life means weakness, which may progress to sickness. When a person is sick, the life energy is depleted. When a person dies, the life energy in the body goes to zero.
The color for Capacity for Life is yellow, but in the palm it pink, the color of flesh. Other colors indicate a problem.
An overdeveloped Mount of Capacity for Life is one that is overly fleshy or bulges outward. This is contrary to the normal shape of the mount, which is concave. It indicates a person who is hypersensitive, wears his feelings on his sleeve, and easily falls apart. Or the person may easily react in anger. Greed, which is trying to get to big a handful, may also be represented by an overdeveloped mount.
An underdeveloped Mount of Capacity for Life, a hollow palm, is overly concave. It is a sign of lack of enthusiasm and may include feeling depressed and helpless. Such people may also be a drain on others in their environment. The Mount of Capacity for Life symbolizes the connection to all areas of a person's environment. When the mount is depressed, the individual is unable to connect, relate, or withstand the perceived demands of the environment. And the person would feel inadequate to perform normal tasks.
An underdeveloped Mount of Capacity for Life may be the sign of Intensified Discipline. Illicit sex will bring Intensified Discipline. Sex is physical and requires capacity for sexual life. The capacity is depleted through illicit sex. Illicit sex is sex outside of marriage. God's punishment for illicit sex, which is Intensified Discipline, will weaken all areas of capacity for life, and not just capacity for sexual life. The extreme forms of illicit sex, such as homosexuality or lesbianism, will likely show up in the Mount of Capacity for Life. The mount may be hollow or appear broken up like a pot hole that is forming in a road.
Cross, Net, Spot, Star: A cross, net, spot, or star on the Mount of Capacity for Life are all ill omens that destroy capacity for life.
Lines: Lines that run lengthwise through the mount toward the finger enhance the qualities of the mount. Lines at right angles to the fingers weaken the positive qualities of the mount.
The Mount of Evangelism is symbolic of Common Grace, which is the function of the Holy Spirit in making the gospel real at the point of gospel hearing (John 16:7-11). Since the unbeliever has no human spirit, he cannot understand Spiritual information, such as the gospel. So, at the point of gospel hearing, the Holy Spirit transverse gospel information to the right lobe so the hearer can understand it and act upon it with his volition. People with a well developed Mount of Evangelism have a free flow of information between the left and right lobes. They are quick to perceive and quick to accomplish.
The Mount of Evangelism corresponds to the function of the Levitical Priest who stood at the Brazen Altar to demonstrate the gospel and Bible Doctrine to those who brought sacrificial offerings or came to worship. It corresponds to the function of God the Father in drawing a person to Salvation (John 6:44, 65; Jer. 31:3). It also symbolizes the function of the Holy Spirit in the stream of consciousness in converting gnosis (knowledge) from the left lobe into epignosis (understanding)in the right lobe of the soul.
The mounts may be viewed as joined together in the stream of consciousness. All of the mounts represent the compartments of the stream of consciousness, but the Mount of Evangelism is strategically located and has the potential of blocking the stream.
The Mount of Evangelism is like a bridge between the left and right lobes that facilitates understanding and implementation. Information that needs to be understood flows to the right lobe, and information that needs to be implemented flows to the left lobe. Those with a well developed Mount of Evangelism may be good facilitators and actually enjoy directing traffic.
An overdeveloped Mount of Evangelism is characteristic of a person who overextends himself or has too many irons in the fire.
An underdeveloped Mount of Evangelism is characteristic of a person who can't bring ideas to completion. An good idea from the right lobe (feminine mount) may not be able to be implemented in the left lobe (masculine mount). Or conversely, a person may waste all his time doing routine maintenance stuck in the past rather than innovating. The same problems are caused when the feminine and masculine are out of balance and one is higher than the other.
extension of the base of the palm in the area of the Mount of Wisdom indicates
instinct. Instinct is response that is outside the normal thought
processes or reasoning. This may be good or bad. In the good
sense it is outside awareness. In the bad sense it is animalistic.
This is what Freud calls the "death wish." Although it has nothing
to do with suicidal thoughts, it is a heightened awareness of danger, or
a sense of doom or foreboding.
Released June 21, 2002 - Revised June 1, 2014
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