Origin of Shame
Miriam's Shame
Arrogance Feels No Shame
Shame of Exposed Genitals
Shame of Sexual Sins
Shame of Idolatry
Shame of Short Haired Women
Shame of National Cursing
Undeserved Shame
1. Guilt
is the result of violating a law. It began when man sinned in the
Garden by violating the law of God.
2. Shame is the personal
relationship with guilt. Shame is fear or dismay because of the guilt.
a. Fear
of exposure of guilt is embarrassment.
b. Dismay
is realization of personal failure, weakness, and inadequacy due to guilt.
Origin of Shame
1. Shame began in the Garden.
After man sinned, he was ashamed of his nudity for the first time (Gen
After they sinned, Adam and the woman made loin coverings to cover their
genitals (Gen 3:7).
3. Shame was centered in the genitals (associated
with the genital pressure point of the spiritual body).
4. Nudity was not a problem before the Fall because
there was no sin (Gen 2:25).
5. After Adam and Eve were saved, the Lord made
clothes of animal skins for them to cover their nudity and protect their
privacy (Gen 3:21).
Miriam's Shame
1. Miriam was given leprosy because
she gossiped about Moses' marriage to an Ethiopian (Black) woman (Nu 12:1,
2. After Moses interceded
for her to be healed, the Lord made her bear her shame for seven days (Nu
12:11, 14, 15).
3. Because of her leprosy,
Miriam was ostracized and quarantined.
4. Miriam's shame lasted
7 days, where 7 is for categorical punishment (Nu 12:15).
5. God healed Miriam after
7 days.
6. Thus, shame must
be endured until God takes it away and the person receives Capacity for
Life to overcome it.
7. Shame is a sin like fear
that requires maturity to overcome (ref. 1
Jn 4:18).
Feels No Shame
1. Arrogance can produce a hardened heart that feels
no shame.
2. The women of Judah before the fall of Jerusalem
were under the power of the Prostitute of Babylon. Their foreheads
(mentality) were full of darkness and their genitals were exposed to the
Cosmic System (ref. The
Fall of Man). They did not have the humility to blush (ref. Jer
3. Arrogant and insolent people are undisciplined
and feel no shame. Their conscience cannot grasp the seriousness
of their circumstances.
4. Discipline inevitably produces shame, but the
shame must be faced objectively rather than harboring it and adding insult
to injury.
5. Those who learn from discipline will not become
the victims of shame (Prov 13:18).
6. Undisciplined children bring shame to their
parents (Prov 29:15).
Shame of Exposed Genitals
1. Terms for shame may be derived from words for exposed
2. When Saul became angry with his son Jonathan,
he maligned him in terms of his mother's exposed genitals.
Samuel 20:30
Then Saul's anger burned against
Jonathan and he said to him, "You son of the perverse rebellious female!
Do I not know that you have chosen the son of Jesse to your own shame and
to the shame of your mother's pudenda (exposed genitals)?"
a. "Shame" is the Hebrew
(bosheth), which is from the root meaning
to blush.
b. "Pudenda" is the Hebrew
(`revah), meaning pudenda or nakedness.
c. "The shame of your
mother's pudenda" is a vulgarity that maligns the sex act whereby Jonathan
was conceived.
3. Exposure of the genitals was considered shameful
(ref. Gen 9:22,
Gen 9:23).
4. Exposure of the shame of Jerusalem when it was
destroyed by the Chaldeans was described as others seeing her genitals
(Jer 13:26; Lam 1:8, 9; Ezek 16:36, 37, 38, 39). The men were killed
and the women raped (Lam 5:11-12). The shame of Jerusalem was its
destruction because of evil practices that included worship of Baal in
which women became Prostitutes of Babylon, rejection of the Law, and failing
under the Four Generation Curse. The destroyed city was like a woman
that had been stripped. The destruction of Babylon was described
the same way (Isa 47:3).
5. The captives of Egypt and Ethiopia would undergo
the shame of being marched naked into Assyrian captivity with their butts
exposed (Is 20:4).
6. The Hebrew hw*r=u
for pudenda was also used for the nakedness of a thing, i.e. indecency,
improper behavior (Deut 23:14; 24:1).
7. "Uncovering the nakedness (pudenda)" was a euphemism
for cohabitation (Lev 18:6-18).
Shame of Sexual
1. Sexual sins are sources of shame (as with Tamar
after her rape, 2 Sam 13:19, 20).
2. Sex outside of marriage is a sin that leads
to intensified punishment and the Sin
Leading to Death (Prov 5:5).
3. Some sexual sins are worse than others and produce
more shame and guilt.
4. Sexual sins are committed in the Cosmic System
and amount to idolatry
whether or not there is a physical idol.
5. Sexual sins are prevalent in nations that are
under the Cycles
of National Cursing and the Four
Generation Curse. Before the fall of the Northern and Southern
Kingdoms of Israel, illicit sex was widespread under the worship of Baal.
Shame of
1. Idolatry is a vile sin that rejects God and the
Second Commandment and leads to the Four
Generation Curse (Ex 20:4, 5).
2. Those who trust in idols will be utterly put
to shame (Isa 42:17). They will be destroyed under the Four Generation
3. Those who practiced idolatry in Judah would
have shame like a thief when he is caught (Jer 2:26, 27, 28).
4. Idolatry is a shameful thing (Jer 3:24, 25;
5. Apostate believers in the Church are engaged
in a form of idolatry in Ecumenical Babylon. Their production of
dead works, human good, and evil is a shame (ref. Phil
3:18-19; Jude 13).
Shame of Short
Haired Women
1. Very short hair or a shaved head on a woman is a
sign of shame (ref. 1
Cor 11:5; 1 Cor 11:6). The short hair indicates an authority
2. The woman who causes her husband shame is like
rottenness in his bones. She ruins him to his core.
A virtuous wife is the crown of
her husband,
But she who causes shame is as
rottenness in his bones.
a. The "virtuous wife" has
a completed Edification Complex of the Soul. She respects her husband
and makes him a king.
b. The woman who causes
her husband shame destroys him to his core.
Shame of National
1. The Cycles
of National Cursing produce shame in the nation.
2. Draught causes shame (Jer 14:2, 3, 4-6).
1. When Job got sick from the cursing of Satan, his
friends shamed him (Job 12:4). They mocked him and had no respect
for him (Job 30:9).
2. Jeremiah was a laughingstock to all the Jews
before and after the fall of Judah (Lam 3:14; Jer 20:7, 8). The message
of Jeremiah was rejected after the fall by Ishmael (Jer 41:2ff) and by
those who went down to Egypt (Jer 43:2).
3. The Jews in captivity in Babylon rejected Ezekiel
(Ezek 12:22).
4. Ridiculing the prophets is an expression of
arrogance, insolence, and negative volition (Psa 69:10-11, 12; 2 Pet 3:3).
It is the sign of fools (Gen 21:9; Prov 14:9).
5. Ridiculing the prophets is also be a sign of
Satan (Neh 4:1-3).
6. Rhymes and jingles in songs express arrogance,
foolishness, and rebellion. Music may be demon inspired (Gen 4:23-24;
Dan 3:5).
7. Moab was made a mockery because it had made
a mockery of Israel (Jer 48:26, 27, 39).
8. Jesus Christ was mocked (Ps 22:6, 7; Matt 27:29,
31, 41; Mk 15:20, 31; Lk 22:63; 23:11, 36).
9. Undeserved shame must be rejected (Heb 12:2).
1. Israel will forget its shame and humiliation in
the Millennium (Isa 54:4) and have a double portion of blessing (Isa 61:7).
2. Those who were barren will be rewarded with
children in the Millennium (Isa 54:1).
3. Failure to have an Edification
Complex of the Soul is the shame of nakedness of the soul (ref. Rev
3:17-18). This shame can be overcome by learning doctrine and
executing the Christian life (Rev 16:15). There is no shame in Spiritual
Self Esteem.
4. Shame is a sin from the worry/fear complex (1
Jn 4:18). Sanctification from shame requires Rebound
(1 Jn 1:9). The sin of shame and those sins associated with it, such
as worry, fear, dismay, must be confessed to God, and then they will be
forgiven. Then appropriate Problem
Solving Devices can be deployed to continue with the Spiritual life.
Over time the roots of shame will fade away (Ps 25:3; Isa 50:7).
5. However, shame may have additional strings
attached, especially when it resulted from severe trauma. The problems
can come from three sources: The world, the flesh, and the devil.
a. Flesh (Old
Sin Nature) – shame may continue to haunt because of illusions or lack
of objectivity and maturity. When this occurs, shame and associated
sins must be recognized and handled through Rebound and isolation of the
sins, i.e. leaving them at the cross. Shame, like guilt, must be
handled with God and not allowed into the subconscious where it can cause
mental problems.
b. The world – if people
know about the shameful problem, they may gossip and cause more shame.
Such people are in the Cosmic System. Separation
from the world is required (2 Cor 6:17).
c. The devil – Satan and
his Cosmic System may continue to accuse,
curse, and cause trouble (Rev 12:10). Satan has driven people with
shame to commit suicide. This has happened to teens who were bullied.
So, shame is not just a soulish problem. It is a spiritual problem.
Separation from people is easy, but handling Satan requires God's help.
For example, cursing may come from the Prostitute
of Babylon. For doctrine on dealing with Satan, see Dealing
with Demons in Grace.

1. Larry Wood. Sin:
The Universal Threat with Deadly Consequences, Nov. 7, 2015.
2. Larry Wood, Redemption,
May 14, 2014.
3. Larry Wood. "Dealing
with Demons in Grace," Sept. 11, 2016.
4. Larry Wood. Satan,
the Super Creature, June 7, 2016.
5. Larry Wood. Right
Man - Right Woman, May 13, 2015.
Author: Larry Wood, Released April 15,
2017 - Revised Apr. 18, 2017