David's Anointing
David's Conquests
David's Wives
Davidic Covenant
David Reaches Spiritual Rapport
In the meantime, the Holy Spirit had departed from King Saul and a demon was terrorizing him. Saul, who knew nothing of the anointing of David, called David to play the lute for him as therapy to drive away the terrorizing demon. David traveled back and forth to Saul from tending the sheep in order to play music for him (1 Samuel 16:14-22).
Then one day as the Army of Israel was in battle array to fight the Philistines, Goliath, the giant, began to taunt the Israelites to send out someone to fight him. He taunted them for 40 days, morning and evening. Back on the farm, Jesse called David and sent him to take rations to his brothers who were in Saul's Army facing Goliath. When David arrived, he heard Goliath's taunts and knew immediately that the arrogant bully needed to be annihilated. But Saul and his Army were afraid to face Goliath. David, who had objectivity from Bible Doctrine in his soul, convinced Saul that he was able to defeat Goliath. David explained how he had previously killed a lion and a bear that attacked his flock. The lion represents Satan as a Throne Angel, and the bear represents a demon Commander, such as Baal. Saul decided to give David a chance to fight Goliath.
David, with a shepherd's staff and his sling, went after Goliath, who was in full armor. David carried with him five round rocks. The number, 5, stands for a giant. Goliath was a giant. There were five giants who fought for the Philistines, all of whom were subsequently defeated. A giant in Spiritual Warfare is a demon Commander, such as Baal. As they exchanged words before the fight, David answered Goliath with the famous war cry of Bible Doctrine, saying, "The battle is the LORD's" (1 Samuel 17:47). David charged Goliath, who was very likely a little clumsy and without sharp eyesight. David fired a shot at him from his sling that caught him in the forehead and knocked him cold. Then David grabbed Goliath's sword and cut off his head. The demoralized Philistine Army fled in panic and was slaughtered by the Army of Israel.
That day David became a hero in Israel. The women came out to celebrate the Army's return singing and dancing. They sang, “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands” (1 Samuel 18:7). Saul immediately became enraged with jealousy and from then on saw David as a threat to his rule. The next day as David was playing music for Saul to drive away the demon spirit, Saul threw a spear at David to try to kill him, but David escaped. Saul, in his arrogant ambition, had correctly discerned David as a threat to his rule for all the wrong reasons. Saul depended upon public opinion for success while David trusted the LORD.
Saul then removed David from his presence and
him commander of a thousand. David was very successful in
the Army
and became even more popular in Israel. Saul encouraged
David to
continue to fight in the Army and promised to give him his
daughter in
marriage. The daughter had been promised before David
fought Goliath,
but she was never delivered. Saul encouraged David to
fight in hope
that David would get killed in battle. However, David
continued to
distinguish himself in battle and became the best commander in
Saul's Army
(1 Samuel 18:30). So Saul openly plotted to have David
David was born a wild
child (Psalm 51:5), who was
unloved by
his parents. He was the last born and least born.
His father
gave his brothers the best opportunities while he dumped the
worst assignments
on David. David, however, did his job as unto the
Lord. He
executed Bible Doctrine and let the Lord promote him. He
Bible Doctrine as a boy and advanced through the Separation from
the World
and Spiritual Growth phases of the Spiritual Life. When he
Goliath and stayed in the Army of Saul, he was already in
Spiritual Warfare.
When he went down to the Cave of Adullam and became the captain
of 400
men as he fled from Saul, David was in Suffering for Blessing (1
Sam. 22:1).
When David reached Spiritual Maturity at age 30, he was
delivered from
Saul and all his enemies and promoted to King of Israel (2
Samuel 2:4; 5:4).
David so thoroughly conquered the enemies of Israel that his son Solomon ruled in peace for 40 years and never had to fight a war. During his reign, Solomon was able to extend economic control of Israel all the way to the Euphrates River. This was the closest that Israel ever came to fulfilling the Palestinian Covenant granted to Abraham. Solomon enjoyed peace because his father David annihilated the enemies of Israel. David, whose rise to power began with Goliath, never stopped killing the enemies of Israel. When he was an old man, he even put down an armed rebellion led by his own son Absalom.
David was the greatest military leader in the history of Israel. He extended Israel's border farther than any other leader. Yet, he was not a dictator fueled by arrogant ambition. He was an obedient servant of the LORD, who executed the Spiritual life to Spiritual Maturity and Spiritual Rapport. David, like Joshua, became a type of the Lord Jesus Christ at the Second Advent when He will return to annihilate the enemies of Israel. David demonstrated in his conquests the principle that military victory must precede peace. There can be no peace in the presence of evil. The evil must be annihilated before peace can prosper. The Millennium can only come after the War of Armageddon.
As soon as David was anointed King of Israel, the devil counterattacked. The Philistines massed their army immediately to destroy David. However, David was prepared for his promotion to King and promptly deployed the Army of Israel to deal with the threat. He first consulted the LORD, and then marched to victory just as he had done in his previous battles beginning with Goliath. The LORD gave David the war plan, and David executed it. He defeated the Philistines decisively at Baal-Perazim. After the Philistines re-grouped, David again defeated them when they came to valley of Rephaim. This time he put them out of business and they no longer threatened Israel (2 Samuel 5:17-25; 8:1).
Then David conquered Moab (2 Samuel 8:2). Then he conquered Zobah, north of Damascus, where he took as prisoners 20,000 soldiers and 1,700 cavalrymen. When the Arameans of Damascus came out to fight, he killed 22,000 and made the rest his servants (2 Samuel 8:3-8). He conquered Ammon. And he conquered Edom where he killed 18,000 in the Valley of Salt (2 Samuel 8:12-14). Later when the Arameans came to the aid of Ammon against Israel, David's Army killed 700 charioteers and 40,000 cavalry (2 Samuel 10:6-19). Later, Joab led the Army of Israel to destroy Ammon (2 Samuel 11:1).
David's war cry against Goliath had been, "The battle is the LORD's." He continued with the same attitude throughout his life. He conquered all of Israel's enemies. The Lord had created David for this very purpose. David in his relentless pursuit of the enemies of Israel was the type of the Lord Jesus Christ in His triumph at the Second Advent. David left for his son Solomon freedom and peace as well as a Spiritual heritage of blessing. Solomon, who never had to fight a battle, lived in peace because his enemies were dead or subdued, and he lived in prosperity because of the blessing of being the son of a Spiritually mature believer.
Even though David advanced Spiritually to Spiritual Rapport, he never had harmonious rapport with a Right Woman. Even though his relationships with his wives were based upon the virtue and values of a mature believer endued with the Holy Spirit, he was simply making the best of a bad situation. The exception was his adultery with Bathsheba, which led to intense divine discipline and suffering. Yet, David survived the suffering and advanced to Spiritual Rapport with God.
Links: "Mystery Babylon the Great," David and BathshebaThe testing that enabled David to be promoted to Spiritual Rapport came from Satan's counterattacks of the Prostitute of Babylon and the Evil King. David's adultery with Bathsheba was inspired by Satan's counterattack of the Prostitute of Babylon. David's subsequent murder of Uriah and the Absalom Rebellion were inspired by Satan's counterattack of the Evil King.
David accumulated scar tissue of the soul and garbage in the subconscious from the guilt of his adultery with Bathsheba. He fell into depression, which included anxiety and panic attacks with heart palpitations and blurred vision - ref. Psalm 38. David's recovery began with Rebound and continued with the use of the appropriate Problem Solving Devices to ride out the suffering. David had to conquer the Prostitute of Babylon and the Evil King in Spiritual Warfare before he could finally be promoted to Spiritual Rapport and have peace with God.
Solomon's Heritage
Peace and Prosperity
Solomon's Temple
Solomon, however, was a wild child, who squandered his blessing in reversionism. His parents, David and Bathsheba, were not Right Man - Right Woman. Solomon failed the prosperity test and squandered his heritage on wine, women, and song. He succumbed to the power of the Prostitute of Babylon and built the largest harem in Israel's history. He also slipped into the evil of idolatry through the influence of his foreign wives.
Yet, no matter how deep Solomon sank in Reversionism, he was only demoted to the next level of the Four Generation Curse, which placed him in the Camel status. Solomon never lost his kingdom, nor any of the tribes. And he never had to fight a war, although the threat of terrorism caused him some grief (1 Kings 11:14-25). His grandeur and prosperity were unsurpassed in the history of Israel. Israel under Solomon reached the peak of national prosperity and blessing as promised by the Cycles of National Blessing (Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Leviticus 26:3-13).
Solomon himself collected 666 talents of gold in one year, and he traded all over the world (1 Kings 10:14-22). The number, 666, is for monetary reversionism, however, and indicates prosperity associated with evil. Solomon was failing the prosperity test, but the Lord did not take his prosperity away. Solomon became the most prosperous and famous king on earth (1 Kings 10:23-29). But he fell into Phallic Reversionism. He had a harem of a thousand women, and his foreign wives lured him into the idolatry through the power of the Prostitute of Babylon (1 Kings 11:1-8).
In spite of his evil, Solomon was allowed to retain his prestige and prosperity because of his symbolism in God's Sovereign Design. Under God's Sovereign Design, Solomon was a type of the Lord Jesus Christ, who would rule as the Son of David during the Millennium. And the peace and prosperity of Solomon's 40-year reign symbolized the Millennium.
The dwelling of the LORD in Solomon's Temple was a type of the dwelling of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Millennial Temple of Ezekiel and later in the Throne Room of the Heavenly Jerusalem in the Eternal State (Heaven).
The Shulamite Is Procured by Solomon
Shulamite is Rescued from Solomon
Spiritual Rapport
The Song of Solomon is a love poem of fiction that embodies the fundamental theme of love in scripture. It is an allegory of the love of God and man. It portrays Marriage Culture as the allegory of the love of God for mankind. Solomon, who is the villain in the story also symbolizes the Lord Jesus Christ. The Shulamite woman, whom Solomon wooed and married, also represents the congregation of Israel, who married Jehovah but later rejected Him. The relationship between Solomon and the Shulamite also represents the Evil King who tries to woo Israel and make her into the Prostitute of Babylon. The rescue of the Shulamite by her brothers from Solomon's castle represents the Second Advent when the Lord returns with the Church to rescue Israel from destruction by the Evil Kings. The Shepherd Lover, who is ruddy like David, represents the Lord Jesus Christ, who will be the Shepherd of Israel in the Millennium and sit on the Throne of David. The Daughters of Jerusalem represent the worldly housekeepers of Solomon's harem. And the peace between the Shepherd Lover and the Shulamite represents harmonious rapport in Marriage, which symbolizes the peace of the Millennium. Both the name of Solomon and the Shulamite are based upon the Hebrew root shalom, for peace.
The backdrop for Song of Solomon is the picture of King Solomon with his harem that later grew to a thousand women. Solomon represented the Evil King, who, like other kings in the world, kept a harem for his sexual pleasure. Solomon as the king of the harem also represented the male prostitute, who is the counterpart of the Prostitute of Babylon. This is symbolized in the animal kingdom by the rooster that rules the hens in the barnyard. It is also symbolized by the Billy goat, who rules the herd of females, the male elephant, who rules the elephant herd and impregnates the females, and the bull in the pasture of cows. The king and his harem, like their animal counterparts, represent Satan and his human slaves. The symbolism is the opposite of the marriage of Jehovah and the congregation of Israel, who was portrayed as His bride.
Song of Solomon must be understood on three levels: the physical, the soulish, or figurative, and the Spiritual. The physical level is the plot, or story line, of what happened. The soulish, or figurative, level is the drama, which includes intimate love relationships. The Spiritual level is the meaning of the book in light of the rest of scripture.
The Song of Songs, which belongs to Solomon. (SOS 1:1)The "Song of Songs" refers to the best and most excellent of Solomon's songs. This is the title of the poem. Solomon is the author.
May he kiss me with the kisses from his mouth!The play opens with the Shulamite singing about her Shepherd Lover, who is her Right Man. She is preoccupied with him and continually fantasizing about him. She longs for the "kisses from his mouth," also known as French kisses. And she longs for his sexual love. The word for sexual love is the Hebrew doD (dodh) in the plural, which means sensual and sexual love (SOS 1: 4; 4:10; Eze. 16:8; 23:17, Prov. 7:18). The two "d's" in the word represent the female breasts, which symbolize love. To translate the word simply as love would miss the whole point. The Shulamite desires the sexual love of her Shepherd Lover more than fine wine, which Solomon has lavished upon her.
For your sexual love is better than wine! (SOS 1:2)
Daughters of Jerusalem
The Daughters of Jerusalem, who are the chorus, chime in.
To the smell your oils are sweet.The Daughters of Jerusalem, who provide the beauty treatments for the Shulamite woman, are enamored with her. They are excited that she is going to be the wife of Solomon. They are full of worldly, human viewpoint. The smell of the Shulamite's beauty oils are sweet. The Daughters of Jerusalem "love" the Shulamite. Here "love" is the general term for love, which is the Hebrew bh^a*('ahab).
Oil poured forth is your name;
Therefore, the maidens love you. (SOS 1:3)
Do not stare at me because I am black, for the Sun has scorched me. My mother's sons were angry with me; they made me keeper of the vineyards. My own vineyard I have not kept. (SOS 1:6)The Shulamite was concerned about her personal appearance. She was Sun burned due to her job as keeper of the vineyards. She was given the job by her step-brothers. Since her vineyards were next to Solomon's, he noticed her when he went to inspect his vineyards. Solomon was like a wolf looking for prey. She says, "My own vineyard I have not kept." In this allegory the words are full of double meanings. Not only does the vineyard refer to the Shulamite's personal appearance. It is a double entendre for her hairy, matted parts.
The Shulamite uses clauses with perfects placed together, which means she is speaking with childlike simplicity - unlike an educated person. She is young - no more than 16 or 17. She is a simple, farm girl; but she is sharp-witted and a keen observer. Her use of the Hebrew rf^n* (natar) instead of rx^n* (natsar) indicates that she is from Galilee and speaks Aramaic.3
The Shulamite, in the finest apparel after the best beauty treatments and with the finest perfume, was a vivid icon of love. She was the cover girl and the queen of the ball. And she was very much aware of her charm as Solomon tried to woo her. She was a teen preoccupied with love.
While the king was at his table,Her expensive spikenard perfume drifted across the table to arouse Solomon's sensuality as he wined and dined her.
My nard gave forth its fragrance. (SOS 1:12)
Solomon was overcome by the exquisite beauty of the Shulamite.
Behold, you are beautiful, my love!He noticed her eyes, which he described as "doves' eyes." In the hidden code of Song of Solomon, the dove is a symbol of love. So, Solomon dreamed of love as he saw the beautiful eyes of the Shulamite. This shows that the Shulamite teen has tripped up the brilliant Solomon. He fell for her eyes, which is the wrong place to start with true love (Proverbs 6:25). Solomon is full of illusions and subjectivity. While he is wooing her, she is preoccupied with the Shepherd Lover, and Solomon is full of fatheaded illusions like a wolf on the trail.
Behold, you are beautiful!
Your eyes doves' eyes. (SOS 1:15)
Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest, so is my beloved among the young men. In his shadow I had intimate ecstasy and sat down (with him in great delight), and his fruit was sweet to my palate. (SOS 2:3)The Shulamite fantasizes about sexual love making with her Shepherd Lover. She calls him an apple tree because he was ruddy (Song of Solomon 5:10). King David was ruddy, and the Shepherd Lover is one of the types of David and a reminder of the Davidic Covenant. The Shulamite sat in the shadow of her Shepherd Lover and had "intimate ecstasy," which is the Hebrew dm^j* (chamadh) in the Pi'el perfect, meaning to greatly desire, delight, or take great pleasure in. The Pi'el is intensive in the Hebrew. The Shulamite is describing oral sex because she describes it in even more vivid detail in SOS 8:5. She sat down in his shadow and said, "his fruit was sweet to my palate." The fruit was symbolized by the apple, which is usually a symbol of the female, but here it refers to the male.
Even though the Shulamite's vivid description is in the perfect tense, for completed action, she is very likely just fantasizing here. She goes on with more descriptions of sex with her Shepherd Lover, which also appear to be fantasizing. The Shulamite had identified her Right Man and was ready to marry him, when she fell into Compatibility Testing with Solomon.
Daughters of Jerusalem
The Daughters of Jerusalem echo from the chorus the importance of the Shulamite's volition, which must not be coerced. She must freely give her love, which, according to the story line, she has not yet done.
I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem,The Daughters of Jerusalem call to mind the gazelles and the does, which are sleek, sexy animals symbolic of the female. The word, "arouse" is the Hebrew rWu (`ur) in the Hiphil imperfect, meaning to cause to be aroused sexually; to stir up. And "awaken" is the same word in the Polel (active intensive) imperfect, meaning to arouse sexually. Solomon understood this. That is why he went to great pains not to seduce the girl, but to try to convert her into a loyal companion and lover.
By the gazelles or by the does (hinds) of the field,
That you arouse not nor awaken love,
Until she pleases. (SOS 2:7)
Shepherd Lover
The Shepherd Lover also misses the Shulamite. He calls her a dove in the clefts of the rock (like Jeremiah 48:28). A dove represents love, and the clefts of the rock symbolize the female.
My dove, in the clefts of the rock,A dove in the hidden place (or hideout) of the cliff describes the Shulamite in Solomon's castle as per Jeremiah 49:16; Obadiah 1:3. The Shepherd Lover wants to see the visual imagery of the attractive Shulamite and hear her sweet voice. Thus, the Shulamite's Compatibility Testing affects her Right Man also.
In the hidden place of the cliff,
Let me see your form;
Let me hear your voice;
For your voice is sweet,
And your figure is attractive. (SOS 2:14)
Solomon woos the Shulamite intensely before the consummation of the Marriage.
How beautiful you are, my darling,Solomon tells the Shulamite how beautiful she is. He is captivated by her physical beauty. And he begins with her eyes again before noticing her hair, which is a much better indicator of the female personality. She has black hair like a flock of goats. Goats were still appreciated in Solomon's day, and this was a compliment.
How beautiful you are!
Your eyes are like doves behind your veil;
Your hair is like a flock of goats
That have descended from Mount Gilead. (SOS 4:1)
With me out of Lebanon, my bride,
With me out of Lebanon, you come.
You look down from the top of Amana,
From the top of Senir and Hermon,
From the dens of lions,
From the mountains of leopards. (SOS 4:8)
You have captivated my heart, my sister-bride;Solomon is captivated by the Shulamite, who is the wrong woman. Solomon is in Reverse Process Reversionism. His sexual attraction for the wrong woman has left him in emotional revolt of the soul. He is driven by jealous desires, which knock out true love and lead to scar tissue of the soul. He has no peace in his relationship with the Shulamite. He is full of lust and lasciviousness.
You have wounded by heart with a single glance of your eyes,
With a single strand of your necklace. (SOS 4:9)
How beautiful is your sexual love, my sister-bride!Here, the word for "sexual love" is the Hebrew doD (dodh) in the plural, which means sensual and sexual love (SOS 1: 2, 4; Eze. 16:8; 23:17, Prov. 7:18).
How much better is your sexual love than wine!
And the fragrance of your oils than all spices! (SOS 4:10)
Your lips drip honey, my bride;Solomon calls the Shulamite his bride. "Honey" symbolizes the female sexual response (Proverbs 5:3), and milk refers to the male sexual response.
Honey and milk are under your tongue;
The fragrance of your garments is like the smell of Lebanon. (SOS 4:11)
A garden locked is my sister-bride;A garden is a fenced enclosure. It is fenced to keep animals out. Here Solomon is describing the Shulamite's virginity. He calls her a "spring covered, a fountain sealed" (Proverbs 5:15-20). This describes her virginity.
A spring covered, a fountain sealed (SOS 4:12)
You are a garden fountain, a well of living water, and torrents (flowing down) from Lebanon. (SOS 4:15)
I have come into my garden, my sister-bride; I have gathered my myrrh along with my balsam; I have eaten my honeycomb and my honey; I have drunk my wine and my milk. Eat, friends; drink and get drunk celebrating. (SOS 5:1)Here, Solomon describes the consummation of his Marriage to the Shulamite during the wedding feast. Although it is not something that a civilized person would say, it is included in the play to document the course of events. The Spiritual symbolism here is Old Testament Israel as the wife of Jehovah.
Immediately after the consummation of the Marriage, the Shulamite had a guilt reaction. She began to have dreams of her Shepherd Lover (Song of Solomon 5:2-7); she was lovesick, and she talked to the Daughters of Jerusalem about him (Song of Solomon 5:8-16).
The Shulamite was eventually rescued from Solomon's castle by her brothers.
Before I was aware, my soul lifted me up to the chariots of my noble people. (SOS 6:12)On the Spiritual level, this daring rescue represents the Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ when He will return to rescue Israel from the Evil Kings of the earth.
Daughters of Jerusalem
The Daughters of Jerusalem cry out for the Shulamite to return.
Come back, come back, O Shulammite;Solomon
Come back, come back, that we may gaze at you! (SOS 6:13a)
Solomon, however, calls out to let the Shulamite go.
Why should you gaze at the Shulammite, as at the dance of the two companies? (SOS 6:13b)"Two companies" is the Hebrew <y!n^j^m^ (machanaim), meaning two armies, camps, or companies. This is a Hebrew idiom that draws attention to Machanaim, the place where the angels protected Jacob's camp (Genesis 32:2). "Two companies" refers to the forces of Solomon versus the relatives of the Shulamite.
After fleeing Solomon, the Shulamite returned home and married her Shepherd Lover.
Your palate like the best wine,Since "beloved" is only used by the Shulamite and since the description of her new relationship with her Shepherd Lover follows, this verse is attributed to the Shulamite. She is French kissing her Shepherd Lover again and comparing him to good wine, which goes down smoothly without sticking to the palate.
Which goes down for my beloved smoothly,
Which glides over the lips and the teeth. (SOS 7:9)
I am my beloved's,The Shulamite recognizes that she was made for her Shepherd Lover. The Lord creates the Right Woman and takes her to the Right Man (Genesis 2:22).
And his desire is for me. (SOS 7:10)
Who is this coming up out of the countryThe first two lines of this verse may be attributed to a bystander, but the rest of the verse is the Shulamite's description of the consummation of her Marriage to her Right Man. She left the evil king and was reunited with her Shepherd Lover just as Israel will leave the evil king and be reunited with the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of David in the Millennium (Isaiah 40:10-11).
Leaning on her beloved?
Beneath the apple tree I aroused you sexually -
Where your mother was in labor with you;
Where she who was giving you birth was in labor. (SOS 8:5)
The Shulamite describes her Shepherd Lover with the symbol of the apple tree. This time she arouses him sexually, which is the Hebrew rWu (`ur) in the Polel (active intensive) perfect, meaning to arouse sexually; from the root to lay bare (Habakkuk 3:9). The word is also used in SOS 2:7, 3:5, and 8:4 in the Polel imperfect. Here, however, the perfect tense refers to the consummation of love with sex. Sex with the Right Man reminds the Shulamite of the writhing of the mother of the Shepherd Lover when she was in labor giving birth to him.
Put me as a signet-ring on your heart,The Shulamite recognizes the Marriage covenant with her Shepherd Lover. She understands that only death can cancel the love between Right Man and Right Woman. And she discovers that the sin of jealousy knocks out love with cruelty. Jealousy is the enemy of Spiritual and harmonious rapport, which will be described in verse 10. Spiritual Rapport is a love relationship with God, and harmonious rapport is a love relationship between Right Man and Right Woman. Jealousy destroys the love as well as the timing of the response. Jealousy is both a love problem and a timing problem. Thus, in the midst of the Shulamite's exposé on love is this gem that defines jealousy as the enemy of Spiritual and harmonious rapport. Jealousy is in the center of scar tissue of the soul, which blocks Spiritual rapport.
As a signet-ring on your arm.
Because love is as strong as death;
Jealousy is as cruel as the grave;
Its (love's) flashes are flames of fire,
The flame of the LORD. (SOS 8:6)
Jealousy is the enemy of Spiritual and harmonious rapport.The Shulamite further recognizes that the love of Right Man and Right Woman is like fire, the flame of the LORD, who gives this love.
Many waters are unable to quench such love; nor rivers overflow it. If a man were to give all the wealth of his estate for love, he would be utterly despised. (SOS 8:7)The love of the man and woman in Marriage is worth more than anything in this world. Marriage is the seed of society, the root of the behavior. Marriage Culture determines the course of human history. The "wealth of his estate" refers to the offer of money for sex with the Prostitute of Babylon, who counterattacks Marriage (Deut 23:17-18; Isaiah 23:17).
I was a wall,The Shulamite compared herself to a wall, which symbolizes security. Compatibility Testing is analogous to testing the walls of the Edification Complex of the Soul and its Intimacy Room. Her breasts were like towers. Towers represent strongholds, and breasts symbolize the strength of love.
And my breasts were like towers;
Then I became in his eyes
Like one who finds peace. (SOS 8:10)
Then the Shulamite says, "I became in his eyes like one who finds peace." "Peace" is the Hebrew shalom, which is the root of both the words, Solomon and Shulamite. The consonants of these words are the same. The original Hebrew was written without the vowels. Peace is the tranquility of soul that is the gift of grace. It refers to Spiritual Rapport with God (Deuteronomy 32:15; 33:26; Isaiah 44:2; Romans 15:29; Ephesians 1:23; 3:19; 4:13) and Harmonious Rapport between Right Man and Right Woman (Gen 17:15). Jeshurun signifies the Righteousness of Spiritual Rapport in the Hebrew, and the "fulness" of Christ or blessing from God signifies Spiritual Rapport in the Greek. Thus, the Shulamite woman advanced to Spiritual Rapport.
This is furthermore a prophecy of the Covenant of Peace, which is the Millennium (Isaiah 54:10). Harmonious Rapport in Marriage between the Right Man and Right Woman symbolizes the love relationship between the Lord and Israel in the Millennium.
Released February 9, 2005 - Revised Dec. 15, 2017
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