Meaning of 2017 - Lawlessness
The Year
The Law
Phallic Reversionism
Satan Sponsors
Pleasure Lusts
and Quarrels
The Year 2017
January 1 (Day 1,
Unity): The
meaning of the year 2017 is lawlessness, especially related to the laws
of Marriage. Lawlessness is disobedience to the commandments of God.
The number 17 refers more specifically to lawlessness associated with Marriage
and intimacy, including Phallic Reversionism, adultery, fornication, sexual
impurity, perversions, and prostitution. Phallic Reversionism
begins with rejection of Right Man – Right Woman. The number 17 is
associated with Phallic Reversionism in the valley (ref. Jer
2:23), and the number 77 is associated with Reverse
Process Reversionism on the mountain.
The Law
The commandments of God were called the Law in the Old Testament
(1 Tim 1:8, 9, 10). Most of the Bible was written about the Law and
the consequences of violating it. The Law contained both spiritual
and temporal commandments. So, lawlessness was both spiritual and
temporal. Violation of spiritual commandments was sin, and violation
of temporal commandments included criminality and violations of the Laws
of Establishment. The ultimate penalty for violations of both spiritual
and temporal law was death, although there were provisions for mercy.
In spite of God's commandments man ran off into sin.
That began in the Garden and has continued throughout history. The
greatest example of lawlessness was the Antediluvian Civilization in which
Satan attacked Marriage, and the fallen angels cohabited with women (Gen
6:4). The Flood, which destroyed that civilization, began on the
17th day of the 2nd month, where 17 is for lawlessness, and 2 is for division
(Gen 7:11). Thus, running off to have illicit sex under the
power of demons is the great example of lawlessness associated with the
number 17.
Lawlessness includes all manner of antinomianism and unrestrained
behavior, including sin, evil, lasciviousness, promiscuity, fornication,
criminality, and idolatry. Lawlessness is generally associated with
overstepping the boundaries of God.
Lawlessness is the opposite of legalism, which is rigid
adherence to the letter and not the spirit of the law. The love life
of the reversionist alternates between lawlessness
and legalism. Lawlessness hides behind a cloak of legalism (Gen
3:7; Matt 23:25, 28). The cloak of the legalist hides the ravenous
wolf inside (Matt 7:15).
The number 17 is associated with Phallic Reversionism.
Satan tempts people to enter into lawlessness associated with Marriage
(ref. 1
Cor 7:5). Satan's demons influence people during sex (ref. Jer
2:23). Satan also sponsors all manner of sexual perversions
from adultery to homosexuality to destroy Marriage. These sexual
sins amount to idolatry (Col 3:5).
teachers (2 Pet 2:18-19) and creeps
are Phallic Reversionists. They do not have a completed Edification
Complex of the Soul with its Intimacy
Room and lack the capacity for true love.
Marriage does not solve the problem of Phallic Reversionism.
Legal sex is not sanctified sex. The Phallic Reversionist has insatiable
desires which cannot be satisfied. No matter what he receives, he
is always looking for greener pastures. He himself is the problem
because he does not have true love from the Intimacy
Room of the ECS. He expresses sexual aggression such as lust
and lasciviousness in intimacy, but he does not have true love. Only
true love satisfies. Sexual sins leave a person frustrated.
The color for 2017 is green.
The green tree may symbolize the reversionist, who is thriving in sin in
his native soil (Psa 37:35) or reveling in promiscuity (Jer 2:20).
The color green may symbolize pseudo happiness and unrestrained pursuit
of pleasure. It may symbolize sexual promiscuity of Phallic Reversionism
and Reverse Process Reversionism.
year 2017 will be an opportunity for lawlessness. The doors will
be open to indulge the desires of the flesh (2 Pet 2:18, 19). Satan
and his demons will be allowed to seduce people into lawlessness (1 Cor
7:5, 9; 2 Cor 11:2, 3; Jas 4:7). However, the believer must resist
the temptation to give up his Spiritual freedom in the Divine Dynasphere
for the glory of the world (Gal 5:1, 13).
Satan Sponsors
Satan sponsors anarchy and lawlessness in opposition of God
and the Divine Institutions. Satan and his demons promote unrestrained
lawlessness to thwart the Plan of God. Satan rules through the Evil
King, who is called the Antichrist and "man
of lawlessness" (2 Thess 2:3). He also empowers the Prostitute
of Babylon, who runs civil institutions and churches and performs lawless,
lascivious rites (2 Ki 9:22; Rev 2:20).
Satan is in the party crowd in their carousing and rave
dancing. They live for the day without consideration for tomorrow.
Their motto is "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die" (Is 22:13;
56:12; Lk 12:19; 1 Cor 15:32).
Lawlessness may provide pleasure for the moment, but it will
lead to intensified punishment from God. The displeasure of God is
not worth the discipline that will follow. Fornication and adultery
will bring intensified punishment. In the end, lawlessness will lead
to weakness and loss of capacity for life and love. The lawless person
will end up like a dried up bush in the desert (Jer 17:5-6). Unrestrained
lawlessness results in Divine punishment, sowing to the wind and reaping
the whirlwind (Hos 8:7). And it results in the punishment of the
"sons of disobedience" (Eph 5:3-6; Col 3:5-6).
David and
Bathsheba (2 Sam 11:2-4; 12:1-23; Psa 32:1-11).
Fornicating in lawlessness and being demoted into Intensified
Divine Punishment (Prov 7:21-23).
Committing adultery and destroying the marriage.
Pleasure Lusts
and Quarrels
Lawlessness has two sides – the pursuit of pleasure and bitter
antagonism (biting and devouring). It is fueled by jealousy, which
knocks out love. Jealousy drives arrogant ambition and Frantic Search
for Happiness on the high swing and bitterness on the low swing.
The lawlessness of pleasure lusts on the high swing is in opposition to
bitter lawlessness of quarrels and fighting on the low swing. Failure
to handle lawless sins and lusts of the Old Sin Nature will lead to strife
and quarrels with others in the world (ref. Jas
A society preoccupied with lawless pleasure lusts will
be cursed by quarrels and fighting. Promiscuous people quarrel and
fight. Holy rollers quarrel and fight. Lust and lascivious
pleasure lusts are balanced by bitter quarrels and fights. There
is hatred toward those who interfere with pleasure lusts and legalistic
opposition and jealousy toward those who have worldly pleasures.
The meaning of the year 2017 is lawlessness, especially related
to the laws of Marriage. This begins with rejection of Right Man
– Right Woman and proceeds into Phallic Reversionism and idolatry.
This type of lawlessness is pervasive. It includes the sexual sins,
such as lasciviousness, sensuality, fornication, adultery, and prostitution
along with mental attitude and overt perversions like incest, homosexuality,
masochism, and rape.
Sexual lawlessness is not just immoral. It is sin
that is sponsored by the devil. Satan and his demons actively promote
sexual sins to oppose the Divine Institution of Marriage and to enslave
people. Cohabitation is not just an attack on Marriage but
also on the Divine Institution of the Family. It is also a violation
of the Four Generation
Curse. Those who cohabit are unpatriotic and non-Christian.
They are the slaves of Satan. They have no love for their cohabitants,
their children, nor anyone else.
Those who engage in lawless pleasure lusts will be cursed
by quarrels and fights from legalism. Immoral lawlessness will be
condemned by bitter legalists and rip marriages, families, and society
apart. Neither side has the answer. The human solution is no
solution. The Divine solution is the only solution. Only True
Love of the Spiritual life can bring Divine blessing. Only respect
for Bible Doctrine can bring Spiritual freedom and provide the Integrity
Envelope for True Love.

1. Larry Wood. Doctrinal Definitions,
"Lawlessness," Dec.
11, 2016.
2. Larry Wood. Colors
in Scripture, Oct. 3, 2011.
Released January 1, 2017 - Revised Jan. 2, 2017