Meaning of Fingers
The Tabernacle Model of the Fingers
Finger 1 - Forefinger
Finger 2 - Middle Finger
Finger 3 - Ring Finger
Finger 4 - Little Finger
Finger 5 - Thumb
Justice is higher than following the rules because the rules may be unjust. For example, rules which compromise personal rights are unjust. A law that robs the rich to give to the poor is unjust. The ultimate standard of Justice belongs to God. It is very important to live within the boundaries of the systems of Justice. Those who violate the boundaries, God will judge. Violating the laws of the land will not only invite prosecution, it will also bring divine punishment. Violating the boundaries of marriage may bring punishment from the state, but it will definitely bring the wrath of God (Hebrews 13:4). Those who gossip or malign others are assuming the prerogative of God. Such people will receive the punishment of the victims of their wrath (Matthew 7:1-2). Those who whine and complain will also be punished by God because they have opposed the Sovereign Design of God (James 5:9). Those who complain fail to recognize the Sovereign Design of God, which is perfect. They play God and point out the deficiencies in God's Design but there are none.
Everyone that God creates has a unique identity in His Sovereign Design. Everyone has a unique role, purpose, and design for his life. For example, God creates a Right Woman for a Right Man. The wrong man and wrong woman will not fit (Jeremiah 31:22). The woman cannot fulfill the role of the Right Man, nor can the man fulfill the role of the Right Woman. Two members of the same sex cannot be married in the sight of God because they have violated their roles in life.
Shape of the Ring Finger
is bounded by lawlessness on one side and legalism on the other.
Justice only exists within the bounds of true authority as shown in the
illustration of scar tissue of the soul. A pointed forefinger symbolizes
lawlessness and a spatulate finger symbolizes legalism. Lawlessness
and legalism associated with the ring finger may take many forms.
The obsessiveness associated with a spatulate ring finger may represent the perfectionist who strives for moral purity. There is a difference between being industrious and being obsessed with attaining an ideal. The scribes and Pharisees, who strove to keep the Law perfectly, undoubtedly had spatulate ring fingers (Matthew 23:13-36). Idealists and perfectionists may cause friction with their family or associates. Such people do not practice live and let live. They do not have a relaxed mental attitude of love.
The lawlessness associated with the pointed finger may represent a person who thinks in the spirit realm, or Cosmic System (not the Spiritual Life).
Long Ring Finger
A long 3rd, or ring, finger, adds intensity and represents a strong sense of justice or injustice. This may result in personal magnetism or being hypercritical. Such a person would be good in quality control or validation.
Short Ring Finger
A short 3rd, or ring, finger, represents the person who fails to recognize his role-identity.1 The person reaches adulthood with no clear sense of role or direction in life.
A ring finger that bends back excessively like rubber represents false identity in which a person is unable to find his role in life. The person would be apathetic toward a profession or career. It doesn't mean the person lacks a job. It means the job chosen doesn't fit the person. The person may have picked a job purely for the money, for example.
Thin Ring Finger
A thin ring finger is indicative of a serious role identity
failure, such as the Hollow-i Syndrome.1 Such people failed
to realize from childhood their role identity and perceived lack of legitimacy
and validity in their very existence.
Phalange |
3- I/O Production | Apathy, disinterest in the arts, lacking role identity, cosmic thinking, dupe | Justice, justification, vindication, role identity | Vanity, insatiability, showing off, rebellion, conspiracy, idealism |
2- Internal Processing | Lawless, hollow, dull, aimless, peevish, stubborn | Discerning, verification, analysis, perception of beauty, drama, the arts | Legalistic, showy, dramatic, self-justifying, manic-depressive |
1- Values, Beliefs | Vindictiveness, penuriousness, stingy, materialistic, lacking self-worth | Judicial, judgmental, just, fair, critical | Selfishness, greed, lover of money |
Ring Finger Normal Phalanges
A normal sized 1st phalange of the ring finger represents a person who has a sense of justice and fair play or even being critical when needed. The person would not hesitate to be judicial or judgmental.
A normal sized 2nd phalange represents a person who is discerning or good at verification or analysis. Or it could represent a person who appreciates beauty, drama, and the arts.
A normal sized 3rd phalange represents justice, justification, and vindication. It also represents role identity.
Ring Finger Thin Phalanges
A thin 1st phalange of the ring finger represents problems that result from jealousy on the low swing, e.g. vindictiveness, penuriousness, or being stingy. This may lead to being materialistic.
A thin 2nd phalange represents a person who is lawless and fails to recognize justice. The person may be hollow and without discernment of true role identity. And the person may be dull, aimless, peevish, or stubborn.
A thin 3rd phalange represents apathy or disinterest in the arts. It represents lack of role identity. It can be a sign of gravitation to cosmic thinking. And it can represent a dupe in a conspiracy.
Ring Finger Thick Phalanges
A thick 1st phalange of the ring finger represents selfishness, greed, or a lover of money.
A thick 2nd phalange represents a person who is legalistic and exceeds the bounds of justice. The person may engage in self-justification. The person may go overboard in being showy or overly dramatic. Thick 2nd phalanges on the ring and middle fingers may also represent the manic-depressive.
A thick 3rd phalange represents vanity, insatiability, or showing off. It may represent rebellion or conspiracy. And it may be the sign of idealism or a perfectionist.
The little finger arises from the feminine side of the hand. It is associated with the feminine and the mother just as the forefinger is associated with the masculine and the father. The little finger is associated with the right lobe, the seat of understanding and advanced knowledge (epignosis); consequently the little finger represents the intellect and wit, science and critical thought, adventure and novelty. It is associated with communication, eloquence, tact, diplomacy as well as communication in the spiritual realm. It gives rise to salesmen, con artists, doctors, actors, scientists, and lawyers. It is also associated with practicality, for example, in business. And it is associated with security in many different forms. For example, for the baby, it is dependence upon the mother. For the adult, it may be financial security associated with business. And it may require independence.
Shape of the Little Finger
normal, square shaped tip of the little finger represents a person with
self-confidence due to appreciation for who he is. He has an unobstructed
viewpoint of the person that God created. He is keenly aware of his
personal identity, or the little person of the soul.
A pointed little finger represents a lawless perception of self, which may be partially true but incomplete.
A spatulate tip of the little finger represents a legalistic perception of self, which is often obsessiveness rooted in early childhood. It represents continual obsessiveness with traumatic experiences in childhood. The experiences may be emotional or physical and can include molestation, such as sexual molestation. Or the obsession may be rooted in a childhood threat to the sense of belonging.
Short Little Finger
A short little finger may reflect inherent weakness, insecurity, or vulnerability (Finger Length). It is like being the runt on whom everyone picks.
Long Little Finger
A long little finger intensifies the traits associated with the finger (Finger Length). A long finger may represent the organizational skills of data base management, accounting, business administration, or economics. Or it could represent the conceptual thinking of scientific investigation. Einstein had a long little finger.2 And it can represent talent as a writer or communicator.
Bowed or Bent Little Finger
When the tip phalange of the little finger is bent, it
represents the inverse guilt syndome1 in which the child assumes
guilt after being abused or molested. The abuse may be verbal or
physical. The molestation may be sexual. The child, who is
unable to cope with such trauma, is overwhelmed with guilt, which continues
into adult life.
bowed, C-shaped, little finger represents fragmentation in the personality.1
is usually due to being exposed to a mother who is bitter, angry, vituperative,
and sometimes filled with wrath and near rage. Although the
anger may not have been directed at the infant, the infant was not mature
enough to deal with such outbursts and was consequently traumatized.
The baby from a few weeks to a few months old can subconsciously absorb
darkness from the mother at the time when the personal identity is developing
and have personality fragmentation. When the mother is in the darkness
of the Cosmic System, the child is in the evil of the shadow of darkness.
The child who absorbed the deprecation from the mother
can grow into an adult with an inherent loss of self-esteem. Part
of self would be missing in the adult, who would be unable to connect to
himself. The adult would gravitate between two extremes with one
side exhibiting extreme selfishness and the other extreme self-sacrifice.
One side would hold onto all that is theirs and be unwilling to share to
the extent of rejecting others, while the other side would be extremely
self-sacrificial and pour oneself out in service to others. These
two extremes could even be directed toward the same person. And the
extremes easily link with jealousy, which has a high-swing self-righteousness
and a low swing bitterness. The person could be driven to fulfill
his own jealous desires while being bitter, angry, and insensitive toward
others. This could lead to criminality, robbery, and rape.
The extremes can also link with the duplicity of the Double Headline or
Double Loop fingerprints. The permanently disfigured, bowed little
finger represents the child who tried unsuccessfully to wiggle out from
under the deprecating power of the vituperative mother.
Personality in Relationships
Fragmented personalities can alter the dynamics of relationships. Individuals must bond to form relationships. The ultimate relationship (see illustration) supersedes the individuals who compose the relationship. A good relationship is a synergism where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Relationships are not "I" or "You", but "We." The best relationships are not formed by strong individuals, but by individuals who can die to self for the benefit of the relationship. Interestingly, people with fragmented personalities often seem to recognize their deficiency and form relationships quite readily. Whereas, strong personalities may have difficulty dying to self for the benefit of the relationship, fragmented personalities are already partially dead to self and find it easy to bond. That is good for relationships, but it can produce some very bad unions. Whereas, a normal person would resist forming a relationship with a bad person, a person with a fragmented personality might dive right in, oblivious to the consequences.
the illustration of a relationship with a fragmented personality, the "You"
has a fragmented personality. The "I" personality is normal and doesn't
notice any problem because the relationship, "We," is so good. The
fragmented personality may be the ultimate "clinging vine" in relationships.
Furthermore, the harmony in a relationship with a fragmented personality
may vastly exceed that in a relationship of normal personalities.
Whereas, harmonious rapport is desirable for Marriage, a fragmented personality
may easily achieve harmonious rapport in relationships with the wrong man
or wrong woman. Further, those who are on the prowl may seek out
those with fragmented personalities to use them and then dump them.
And when the rules of Marriage are broken, God personally judges the guilty
parties (Hebrews 13:4).
S-Shaped Little Finger
An S-shaped little finger indicates autistic pockets.1
A little finger that bends backward like rubber is a sign
of an overbearing experience like a load that almost breaks the back.
This feature is normal the fingers of babies, which means they can be easily
shaped. However, in an adult who waits to be shaped, it is a sign
of a shallow personality.
A little finger that is curled like a claw indicates arrival
in a hopeless situation after all the possibilities
of repression have been exhausted in reversionism. The person is
full of hardness of the heart and is hanging by a thread.
Leaning Little Finger
little finger that leans apart from the other fingers indicates unforgiveness
of the mother.1 The individual has deep-seated resentment
for the mother. This is the sin of bitterness which was not handled
by Rebound. By the time the little finger stands apart, the individual
has likely lost track of the original sin. The solution is to Rebound
and keep moving through the daily metabolization of Bible Doctrine.
Phalange |
3- I/O Production | Immature thinking, weakness, insufficiency, whining, childish | Mature, rational, disciplined thinking; organization, self-confidence, communication | Strength, invincibility, immunity, tantrums |
2- Internal Processing | Dependency, promises unfulfilled, emotional attraction, clinging vines | Cognitive independence, impersonal love, belonging, self-sufficiency | Separation anxiety, controlling |
1- Values, Beliefs | Insecurity, negative motherly nurturing | Personal love, humility, motherly love, self-esteem | Security, positive motherly nurturing |
Little Finger Normal Phalanges
A normal sized 1st, or base, phalange of the little finger represents the value of humility, which is the basis for a true perspective of self as the person that God created and the basis for respect for authority associated with the forefinger. True humility has nothing to do with being humbled. It is not demeaning. Humility is the basis for greatness. Moses was more humble than any person of his day (Numbers 12:3).
God provides the mother to care for the baby that he created. The mother's relationship with the child symbolizes the provision of Logistical Grace and security by God the Father. The baby is fragile and weak, and the mother takes care of it. The child with humility can respond to the mother's love. Thus, the child learns humility from its weak, helpless condition under the loving care of its mother. This relationship of unity in love with the mother will lead to self-esteem on the part of the child, who will learn that even in weakness its needs will be met. Ultimately, it is God the Father who meets the needs of the baby through the mother.
The 1st phalange represents the child's relationship with its mother before the age of two when the child's mental development enables it to become aware of its separate identity. It is a personal love relationship in which the child is preoccupied with love for the mother. During this time, the child has not yet developed an understanding of its separate, independent identity. It is totally dependent upon the mother for everything. It is weak, capricious, and full of emotion. It is the living example of personal love, which has no strength of character. This symbolizes Spiritual Self-Esteem, which is the beginning of the Adult Spiritual Life.
A normal sized 2nd phalange represents the internal processing perspective of cognitive independence, impersonal love, belonging, and self-sufficiency. The 2nd phalange represents the second stage of the development of the child after it is weaned when it is no longer in the close personal love relationship of dependence with its mother. The child must develop cognitive independence. It cannot continue to cling to mother's skirt. The child at this stage must use its own faculties to figure out that the mother is still there and that it still belongs. It must begin to develop an impersonal love relationship. It isn't as though the mother dumped the child, but the child must grow up and develop the capacity through impersonal love to give love back to the mother and others. There is no virtue in personal love. The child must begin to develop impersonal love, which has virtue. The 2nd phalange symbolizes Spiritual Autonomy, which is the second phase of the Adult Spiritual Life.
The introduction of a younger sibling at this stage of the relationship is a test. The child cannot go back to becoming a baby and get the same attention from the mother. Before the sibling was born, the child was the center of affection. Afterward, it must be second with the mother. And it isn't just the mother in most families. Grandparents and other relatives also shift their attention to the new baby. This test can be traumatic for the child who was the center of attention.
to pass this test leaves a waist at the base of the 1st phalange that will
continue through life. The child who flunks the test does not have
a true sense of belonging, and its thinking will reflect this. The
child who lacks the true sense of belonging may feign weakness, or even
sickness, to get the attention back again. When it is sick, it discovers
that the mother does give it attention again. This false rationalization
will leave a waist at the base of the 1st phalange. And the person
will carry the false thinking into adulthood. Such people may be
inclined to love those who reject them.
A normal sized 3rd phalange represents the rational, discipline thinking of a mature person. It includes categorical thinking and organization. And it is characterized by self-confidence and good communication. It symbolizes Spiritual Maturity.
Little Finger Thin Phalanges
thin 1st, or base, phalange of the little finger indicates failure of the
mother, or primary care giver, to nurture and meet the basic needs of the
child. Since the child is totally dependent upon the mother for logistical
provision of food, clothing, and shelter, it could mean inadequacy in any
these. Neglect by the mother can have a traumatic effect on the child,
who will be haunted by insecurity. The child may grow up with fear
of lack of security or fear of impotence. This fear may then be projected
into a hypersensitive attempt to control. Such a person would lack
the self-esteem to launch out into something new and be tied to the past.
The person might be afraid to go to college for fear of failure.
thin 2nd, middle, phalange of the little finger indicates a child who never
reached cognitive independence, and is, therefore, overly dependent upon
others. Such people cannot stand to be alone and exhibit gang mentality
in which their need to belong is more important than virtue. A thin
middle phalange represents weak impersonal love, which can lead to emotional
attraction to others in lieu of true love. In extreme cases the people
can become clinging vines, who attach themselves to others and won't let
go. This case would, however, be associated with other factors, such
as jealously associated with the third finger.
The combination of a thick base phalange and a thin middle phalange indicates a serious failure to reach cognitive independence after an ideal relationship with the mother. For some reason, the ideal relationship ends and the child perceives the mother's commitment, or promise, of logistical support as ending. This condition is called promises unfulfilled1 in the preceding table. This problem may be caused in different ways. For example, after an ideal relationship with the mother, a new sibling may come along or the mother may decide to go back to work. In the child's world, these are big deals and can be quite stressful. When the child's impersonal love cannot cope, this may be perceived as rejection by the mother, or a broken promise.
When the child does not use impersonal love to solve the problem, stress in the subconscious may cause the mind to go haywire, i.e. strung together with a shoddy kludge. The child may conjure a mental image of the former wonderful personal love relationship with the former mother who became the rejecting mother. Personal love replaced impersonal love in the soul, and the child got its wires crossed. If this condition continues into adulthood, it can have serious consequences. For example, such people reject virtuous love relationships and gravitate toward those who reject them. They could reject the Right Man or Right Woman for a criminal, a thug, or a monster. Such people love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil (John 3:19).
A thin 3rd, tip, phalange indicates immature thinking, weakness, and insufficiency. This is characteristic of the pointed finger of lawlessness, which fails to recognize complete picture. The thinking of such people is based upon perceived weakness and insufficiency. Behavior may be childish and characterized by whining. Whining believers may say, "Why did God let this happen to me?"
Little Finger Thick Phalanges
A thick 1st, base, phalange of the little finger indicates a positive personal love relationship with the mother. It is not a bad thing. It indicates positive motherly nurturing, care, and security.
thick 2nd, middle, phalange indicates overcompensation for the breakdown
of impersonal love. It represents hypersensitivity and subsequent
emotional reaction due to lack of impersonal love. The result may
be anxiety or being overly controlling in relationships.
Separation anxiety is a typical example. A person with separation anxiety cannot bear a permanent separation from a loved one. Mature people understand that there are times when relationships must end. Although it is unpleasant, the normal person faces it and quietly moves on. However, the person with separation anxiety refuses to turn loose. Separation anxiety is due to desiring a personal love relationship when an impersonal one is required. The problem of separation anxiety can be easily solved by application of the Problem Solving Device of Impersonal Love for all mankind. The reversionist who refuses to use Impersonal Love may exhibit swelling of the middle phalange of the little finger.
A thick 3rd, tip, phalange when the rest of the finger is also thick indicates strength, invincibility, and immunity from disaster. However, a spatulate tip is a sign of obsession from scar tissue of the soul. It may be a sign of preoccupation with childhood abuse or problems. It may be the sign of tantrums as a communication of lack of self confidence. Or, when coupled with a long finger and thin middle phalange, it may be the sign of a dishonesty.
Death and life are in the hand (power) of the tongue,The literal translation of Proverbs 18:21 is "Death and life are in the hand of the tongue." The "hand of the tongue" is an idiom, which means "power of the tongue." But, symbolically, the thumb is the part of the hand that demonstrates the choice of Salvation. The tip phalange of the thumb corresponds to the Brazen Altar, which represents Christ our Salvation, in the Tabernacle. And the middle phalange of the thumb corresponds to the Laver, which represents Christ our Sanctification. The two articles of furniture in the Outer Court of the Tabernacle correspond to the two visible phalanges of the thumb.
And those who love it will eat its fruit. (Proverbs 18:21)
The next line of Proverbs 18:21 is the counterpart of the tree of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. "Those who love it (life) will eat its fruit." The choice in the Garden was to reject death. The Line of Life around the thumb represents the path that Adam and the woman walked around the tree of the forbidden fruit in the Garden. The choice after the fall is to choose life, i.e. Eternal Life. Those who choose Eternal Life and love Bible Doctrine will eat of the Tree of Life in Heaven (Revelation 2:7; 22:2, 14, 19). Remembering Salvation and loving Bible Doctrine are daily decisions to execute the Spiritual Life. The thumb symbolizes not just the choice but the execution of the will.
The thumb corresponds to not just the Brazen Altar and the choice of Salvation, but to the Laver and Sanctification. Positional Sanctification by which a person is set apart for Salvation in union with Christ occurs at the moment of Salvation. The Levitical Priests were washed all over once. But experiential sanctification is a daily process, which requires Rebound. The Levitical Priests washed their hands and feet daily. The relationship between the Brazen Altar and experiential sanctification is summarized in 1 John 1:7 related to 1 John 1:9.
1 John 1:7, 9The thumb represents the execution of the will in submission to the will of God. Motivation is from the Love of Christ, but responding to the Love of Christ is a choice. The Spiritual Life is represented by the Holy Place, but it can only be entered after passing the Brazen Altar and the Laver, which represent the execution of the will.
7 but if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin. 9 If we name our sins, He is faithful and righteous with the result that He forgives us our sins and purifies us from all unrighteousness.
The execution of the will requires sound thinking. The middle phalange of the thumb represents the rational thinking, or logic, required to reach conclusions upon which the volition can act. It is the control that supports the decisions of the will. And it corresponds to the mandates of the will.
The thumb also represents strength. The four fingers without the thumb are weak, but with the thumb, the grip of the hand is strong. This represents the Control of the Lord over all Creation. He controls the four seasons that support the agricultural cycles of production. God added to the four seasons represents Grace. The five fingers, thus, represent Grace.
The volition separates man from animals. Animals are at the mercy of their environment. Man was given a choice when he was placed on the earth. The volitional choice, which is Divine Institution Number One, was given to man - not to animals. Man was placed in the Garden as a witness in the appeal trial of Satan. The forbidden fruit represented the choice for Satan. The man and the woman could be witnesses for the prosecution, God, or for the defense, Satan. After the fall, the choice was whether to accept the gift of Salvation. God chose to apply Salvation based upon the volitional choice of mankind.
The volition is the primary factor in every person's life. Those who choose Salvation and love Bible Doctrine will have a life of great blessing and eternal rewards. Those who choose to reject Salvation, may have a happy life, but will be cursed for all eternity in the Lake of Fire. And those who choose Salvation but do not love Bible Doctrine will receive the cursing of reversionism. During this life, their hands and their souls will reflect problems. But they will go to Heaven and be happy forever, although they will not receive their eternal rewards.
Shape of the Thumb
ideal shape of the thumb is the tip phalange somewhat wider than the middle
phalange and the middle phalange somewhat longer than the tip phalange.
When the thumb is of normal length and proportion, this would mean a disciplined
support of the volition with implementation. When the thumb is more
spatulate, it represents legalistic obsession. When the thumb is
more pointed, it represents the tendency toward lawless expressions of
the will in general with some limited concentration of the will on specific
Short Thumb
A short thumb represents a weak will.
Long Thumb
A long thumb represents a strong will.
Bowed Backward Thumb
the thumb is curved backward, it represents a person whose will is easily
bent, or shaped, by another. The person is bending over backward
to accept another's will, or counsel. If the thumb bows backward
sharply, it is a sign of being gullible. If the bow is only slight,
however, it represents a good student, who is teachable and learns readily.
The Holy Spirit is the teacher and counselor of the Christian. Obeying
the Holy Spirit will not cause the thumb to bow, but a person who is apt
to obey false teachers will have a thumb that is bowed backward.
People with backward bowed thumbs will be good students; however, they
will also be gullible and accept false teaching. The devil is the
master of false teaching. The solution for a person with a sharply
bowed back thumb is Rebound and keep moving. Executing the Spiritual
Life will protect the person from false teachers.
the thumb is bent back and protruding at a right angle to the hand as if
double jointed, it represents an extremist. It could be the sign
of a religious zealot, who has stressed his will to comply with false doctrine.
It is not just the sign of a strong will, but of a strong will that is
pegged, stressed out, and out of control. It is the sign of a person
who is belligerent and unwilling to be subdued or taken prisoner.
the tip phalange of the thumb is bent inward, it is a sign of repression
that has led the person to a hopeless situation or where there is insufficient
will to succeed. The obstacles ahead appear insurmountable.
The problems are often stressful, but the person does not believe that
he can do anything about them. This symbolizes the reversionist who refuses
to use the Problem Solving Device of Faith-Rest.
Athletic Shank
pronounced shank of the thumb, where the thumb joins the palm at a sharp
angle, is called the athletic shank. It exists on the thumb in the
illustration on the left hand but not the right. This feature is
characteristic of athletes and soldiers, who have well-developed coordination
and motor skill control. It also indicates a sense of rhythm and
exists in musicians and dancers. It indicates a sense of timing and
manual dexterity. It is prevalent in the hands of athletes, soldiers,
musicians, dancers, pilots, mechanics, and actors. The shanked
thumb forms a natural grip on a sword or gun. Many of the great warriors
in the Bible, such as David, Samson, and David's 37 all-time great warrior
heroes (2
Samuel 23:8-39) undoubtedly had an athletic shank.
The shanked thumb also indicates a calculating mind in which the mind is focused on the problem at hand. The mind focuses to make mental assessments of the problem.
Proverbs 23:6-7A jealous, or selfish, person is coldly counting the cost even when he invites a person to dinner. Jealousy, from which selfishness comes, is associated with the third, ring, finger, but a calculating mind is associated with the shanked thumb.
6 Do not eat the bread of the selfish,
Or desire his delicacies;
7 For as he calculates within himself, so he is.
He says to you, “Eat and drink!”
But his heart is not with you.
In the smooth thumb, in contrast, the thinking is the extrapolation of the feeling or emotion. How the person feels is how he thinks. This is a sign of emotional revolt of the soul in which the emotion floods the soul and controls the thinking. The mind is supposed to control the emotion, but when the emotion controls the thinking, there is subjectivity.
Buckled Under Thumb
the thumb is buckled under the forefinger in the palm of the hand, it represents
an enslaved will. The person's freedom to choose has been compromised.
The person who buckles under does not necessarily believe the false authority
who causes the pressure but chooses to buckle under. This is like
Adam who buckled under to his wife's arrogant usurpation of his authority.
He knew what he was doing, but he chose to accept her authority over God's.
He didn't believe her. But he chose to buckle under. Afterward,
his will was confined to hers and to Satan's.
And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being completely deceived, fell into transgression. (1 Timothy 2:14)Thus, there is a difference between being deceived or seduced and buckling under. The woman was deceived. She didn't know that she was choosing to obey Satan's lie. She didn't know it was a lie. The man, however, knew it was a lie, and buckled under anyway. He chose to accept the woman's will rather than God's.
Tortoise Thumb
the tip phalange of the thumb is excessively short like a nub, it is called
a tortoise thumb, or the tortoise factor.1 The tortoise
has nubs for feet. And the story of the tortoise and the hare is
a good example of the meaning of this feature, which is rare but frequent
enough to merit a description of it. In the race of the tortoise
and the hare, the tortoise won the race because he exhibited the dogged
tenacity and perseverance to stick to his goal against impossible odds.
He had the will to win although he could only run in low gear.
People with the tortoise thumb go through life in low gear, but they persevere against all odds to execute their will. The tip of the tortoise thumb may be spatulate, which adds an obsessiveness to the will to stick to the task and accomplish the goal.
The club thumb is a variation of the tortoise thumb.
Both are short. The club thumb gets its name from being shaped like
a club. The club shape may be on the outside, inside, or both sides.
The club shape on the outside corresponds to a tyranny as seen by the world;
whereas, the club shape on the inside corresponds to tyranny that is personal.
Bel Club and the Diaspora
The club thumb has symbolic meaning related to Bel, the god of Babylon. When ancient Israel rejected Bible Doctrine, God used Babylon to destroy and scatter the Jewish citizens. In 586 BC the diaspora were scattered in Babylon, while a remnant of believers went down to Egypt. The scattering of the captives of Judah in Babylon is called the Diaspora, or the Sixth Cycle of Discipline (Leviticus 26:33). God used Babylon to punish Israel with 70 years of captivity, after which the diaspora returned to Israel, and Babylon was destroyed for violating the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12:3).
Babylon was ruled by Bel (Isaiah 46:1; Jer. 51:44), the confounder (Jeremiah 50:2), who was symbolized by a forge-hammer (Hebrew, vyF!P^, pattish) (Jeremiah 50:23) and a club (Hebrew, JP@m^, mappetz) (Jeremiah 51:20). The club, which smashed things to pieces, symbolized Bel of Babylon, who would scatter the Jews of Israel. Israel's enemies (Assyria, Egypt, Babylon, Moab, Ammon, and Edom) were destroyed when the diaspora withstood the suffering. Babylon scattered the nations of the whole earth, including Judah, but then, it was broken in pieces (scattered).
Bel was the god of the first United Nations in Babylon symbolized by the Tower of Babel. He claimed to both unite and confound the languages of mankind. That was a lie. God confounded the languages to keep Bel from enslaving the entire world and ushering in a false millennium apart from fulfillment of the unconditional covenants to Israel. Whether breaking in pieces with a club or confounding languages, Bel, the confounder, appears by many different names to rule chaos. He is the same as Janus, who was also symbolized by a club as well as a key. He was the god of fortresses, who ruled prisons, as well as the god of the key, who opened locks and doors.
The best example of the club thumb was on the left hand
of Ted Bundy, the serial
murderer of the 1970's, who used a club to murder his victims. The
club represents Satan as the god of war. Satan appears as both the
god of war and the goddess of love. Love and hate cannot coexist,
but Satan tries to be both. When love and hate combine, it is the
sign of Satan or one of his demon-gods like Bel, Baal, or Janus.
Bundy lusted for love and hate through murder and rape. He used a
club, the symbol of Bel, and he died at the age of 42, the number for Baal.
Phalange |
3- I/O Production | Slavery, weakness | Volition, will | Rebellion, tyranny, dictator |
2- Internal Processing | Lawless, undisciplined, subjective | Rational thinking, logic, control, mandates | Legalistic, overly empowered, stubborn |
Thumb Normal Phalanges
The ideal shape of the thumb is the tip phalange somewhat wider than the middle phalange and the middle phalange somewhat longer than the tip phalange. The length and thickness of the thumb phalanges represent the potential for freedom and autonomy. Freedom without authority is anarchy, and authority without freedom is tyranny. Freedom only exists under true authority. The will directs the soul toward freedom or away from it.
A normal-sized 2nd, middle, phalange of the thumb represents rational thinking, sound logic, and control. It represents the disciplined thinking of a mind that supports the will. It represents the execution of the will. And it represents the execution of the mandates of the will.
A normal sized 3rd, tip, phalange of the thumb represents the volition and the free will of mankind under Divine Institution Number 1. The major choices of everyone are Salvation and reciprocal love for God in the daily metabolization of Bible Doctrine. Through a person's choices, he will either be a witness for God or Satan in the appeal trial of the Angelic Conflict.
Thumb Thin Phalanges
A thin 2nd, middle, thumb phalange is a sign of lawless, undisciplined, and subjective thinking. Lawless thinking is characteristic of freedom without authority.
A thin 3rd, tip, phalange of the thumb represents a weak will that is easily enslaved and lacks autonomy.
Thumb Thick Phalanges
A thick 2nd, middle, thumb phalange represents legalistic thinking, which is characteristic of authority without freedom. A thick phalange indicates that a person has overly extended his will, which is tantamount to being overly empowered or stubborn.
A thick 3rd, tip, phalange of the thumb represents rebellion or tyranny and may be associated with a dictator.
Covering Analogy
Small Nails
Painted Fingernails
The fingernails cover the fingers just as the Mercy Seat covered the Ark of the Covenant. Problems with the fingernails represent problems with the covering. For example, fingernails that are discolored indicate medical problems.3,4 In other words, the nail is unable to providing adequate covering, and the problem shows up in the nails as well as the body. The nails also reveal the condition of the nervous system.5 Failure to handle the pressures of life with the Problem Solving Devices invites stress into the soul where it burrows into the subconscious, and from the subconscious into the body.
Liver Diseases - White nailsIndications of stress in the nails include: White spots; coarse nails, fluted (lengthwise ridges) nails; tips turned back like dishes; cross trenches (running across the nail width), pits, or holes in nails; and brittle nails.5
Kidney Diseases- Half of nail is pink, half is white
Heart Conditions - Nail bed is red
Lung Diseases - Yellowing and thickening of the nail, slowed growth rate
Anemia - Pale nail beds
Diabetes - Yellowish nails, with a slight blush at the base3
The nails in the illustration are small. People with small nails exhibit the following characteristics:
Gold colored nails might symbolize a covering of the metal
gold, and therefore, actually symbolize the Mercy Seat. For a woman
with gold nails, this could be taken to the next level. The Mercy
Seat symbolizes the Propitiation of God with the sacrifice of Christ.
The two angels are on the ends of the Mercy Seat could then symbolize the
witness of Right Man - Right Woman (RM-RW). Jesus Christ oversees
the RM-RW relationship. This corresponds to propitiation. So, a woman
with gold fingernails is depending upon the propitiation of the Lord Jesus
Christ to fulfill her RM-RW relationship.
Red | Covering of Blood |
Orange | Covering of Evil |
Yellow | Covering of Weakness |
Green | Covering of Happiness, Blessing, Extravagance, Reversionism, Lasciviousness |
Blue | Covering of the sky, water, self-righteousness |
Indigo | Covering of Mystery, Eclipse, Resurrection Clothing |
Violet | Covering of Justice, Royalty, Jealousy |
White | Covering of Love, Sanctification |
Black | Covering of Death, Darkness, World |
Pink | Covering of Lust |
Gold | Mercy Seat, propitiation of RM-RW relationship |
Silver | Covering of Judgment |
Released June 27, 2002 - Revised Sept. 23, 2013
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