The Curse of the Green Comet
The Comet
Double Cursing
50,000 Years Ago
Creation of Adam
Cursing Turned to Blessing
C - a non periodic comet with an orbit of more than 200 years.As the comet approached the Sun, it appeared to travel through the Pole Signs and spent 3 months (October through December) in Corona Borealis, the Crown of Thorns. The signs around the North Pole of the heavens symbolize the top-level overview of the Creation of mankind to resolve the prehistoric Angelic Conflict. Note, the link to the Pole Signs needs to be read to understand the meaning of the Green Comet in relation to the present time and 50,000 years ago and what God was saying.
2022 - year discovered
E3 - the third comet discovered in the 5th half Moon of the year (i.e. 1st half of March)
ZTF - Zwicky Transit Facility observatory of discovery.
Released Feb. 1, 2023 - Revised Feb. 17, 2023