December 30, 2021 (Day 364,
Weakness): In 2020 a deadly, contagious coronavirus (COVID-19)
came out of China and quickly spread throughout the world.
The virus caused severe respiratory inflammation in the lungs
that was deadly to people 75 and over and others with weakened
immune systems. The virus spread through the air, and
those in nursing homes were among the first to succumb.
Other super-spreader venues included weddings, funerals, and
ocean cruises.
The virus arrived in the United States in February, 2020 on the
West coast and in New York. By March and April state
governors and the President implemented mitigation plans that
included lockdowns, only essential travel such as trips to
grocery stores and pharmacies, only essential businesses open,
schools closed, and telecommuting. The measures shut down
the economy, but the virus continued to spread. Cities
were shut down and streets were mostly empty. Congress
sent financial relief to prop up the economy and prevented
defaults on personal insurance and evictions.
During the summer of 2020, businesses struggled to reopen with
limited success. However, by November, 2020 the virus had
mutated into variants that propagated through countries and
around the world. These included the United Kingdom (UK)
variant and the Brazil variant.
The virus continued to propagate into 2021, and in May the India
variant emerged as the most virile COVID-19 variant to
date. It was followed by the most contagious South African
variant that came out of Africa and swept into Europe and the
Vaccines were developed for the virus in early 2021, but
deployment took time, and some people resisted the vaccination.
Consequently, the virus remained highly active at the end of
2021, going into 2022.
If God sent that much hell into the lives of people, there must
be a very good reason, and there is. The answer lies in
the Spiritual World.
The first clue about the
events in 2020 comes from the meaning of the year. The
number 2020 is a doubling of 20, the number for a
generation. Age 20 was the draft age in Israel. This
is the basis for the Bible Book of Numbers. The number 20
is also the number for war.
The number 2020 is not just a doubling of 20 for a generation,
but it is 20 raised to a higher power. It is a generation
of generations, a very special generation, or a generation with
historical significance. It is for a generation that
stands out in history like the generation of Noah, the Exodus
generation, or the generation of the birth of Christ. The
generation of 2020 will be remembered for all of world history.
Generations of historical significance are often associated with
cataclysmic Bible judgments, such as the Noahic Flood, Sodom and
Gomorrah, the Plagues of Egypt, and the Fall of Jerusalem.
The year 2020 is the year of the world's worst pandemic, or
pestilence. Pestilence is the general term for all manner
of pests that destroy living organisms, such as people, animals,
and plants. Pestilence could refer to viruses, bacteria,
microbes, fungi, or insects and animals, like mosquitoes, fleas,
and rats.
All Divine Punishment originates with God, either directly or
indirectly. God is the Creator of all things. He
decrees pestilence (Lev 26:25; Deut 28:21; 2 Sam 24:15; Ps 91:3,
5-6, 11; Jer 24:10; Rev 6:8; 18:8) and associated judgments (Jer
15:2; 43:11),
but angels or demons produce it. In the case of the
COVID-19 pestilence, the Elect Angels produced and distributed
the pestilence (2 Sam 24:15, 16).
God periodically sends cataclysmic judgments upon the
world. Recent world judgments include the 1918 Spanish Flu
Pandemic, and World Wars I and II. God will send a series
of cataclysmic judgments upon the world in the Tribulation to
destroy Satan's kingdom. World judgments are not related
to the Cycles of National Cursing. They are designed to
destroy the works of Satan and free mankind from slavery to
Satan (1 Jn 3:8).
So, COVID-19 is a pestilence from God to destroy Satan's
kingdom. The pestilence killed people, who were Satan's
subjects, and disrupted governments, businesses, and
institutions ruled by Satan and the Prostitute of Babylon.
Satan rules the world (Jn 12:31; 14:31; 16:11). Satan even
made the vaccines to combat the virus and then convinced
Christians not to take the vaccine. Satan plays both sides
to his advantage.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome is a respiratory disease
identified in February 2003 and caused by the SARS-CoV-2 corona
virus. COVID-19 is a SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The
Elect Angels produced COVID-19 perhaps in a bat, brought the
infected bat in contact with a human, and infected the human
with the virus. This infected human became a factory that
produced and breathed out infected moisture to spread the virus
to others, who in turn became infected and spread the virus to
others. The virus severely damaged the lungs of
people, which led to their death.
COVID-19 Variant Hotspots
When God judges Satan, people
are collateral damage. We don't have much of clue about
what it is all about. However, we are in the picture and
can follow the conflict with Bible Doctrine. The Book of
Revelation is the key to understanding historical events in the
Spiritual World. Revelation is about the Tribulation, but
the kinds of things that occur in the Tribulation are
foreshadowed in the Church Age. Revelation describes
the destruction of Satan's kingdom, which is called the Fall of
Babylon (Rev 14:8; 18:1, 2, 10). The purpose of the
COVID-19 pestilence was the destruction of Satan's Kingdom
according to the pattern of Rev. 17, Rev. 18, and Isaiah
21:9. The destruction included the deaths of the
60-80-year-old group, who were the Fourth Generation of the Four Generation
The COVID-19 pestilence started in China and spread to Europe
and North and South America. In the Northern Hemisphere
the continents of Asia, Europe, and North America are regions
under the power of Satan's Cosmic System. Under the
Judgment of the Holy Spirit the three regions correspond to:
Cosmic Babylon – Asia
Political Babylon – Europe
Ecumenical Babylon – North America
The COVID-19 pestilence is believed to have started around
Wuhan, China, which was the first known hotspot. However
the Chinese government covered up the circumstances of the
origin of COVID-19. So, little is known about the
extent of the virus in China. However, it soon spread to
Europe and the United States. The spread of the pestilence
is symbolized in Revelation by a pale horse, which symbolizes
pestilence and death. The Four Horses of the Apocalypse symbolize the
causes and consequences of the spread of the pestilence, such as
economic recession and suffering.
Four Horses of the Apocalypse:
White Horse - the
Antichrist, Evil King
Red Horse - Suffering -
of the Prostitute of Babylon and her subjects
Black Horse - Economic
Pale Horse - Pestilence,
New York
The first major hot spot of the coronavirus in the US was New
York. New York symbolizes Babylon (Satan's kingdom).
New York City is near Babylon, New York. The arrival
of COVID-19 in the US was preceded by a world economic boom and
US trade agreements with China and other nations (Rev 17:2;
18:3, 9).
When the virus hit New York, the Governor and mayor shut down
New York City. The streets were empty. The glory and
glamor, buying and selling were gone. This symbolized the
end of world commerce in the Tribulation (Rev 18:11-19).
Life in New York was stalled. Satan could no longer give
his subjects a life and the rewards of labor.
Civilian institutions were shut down, including businesses,
schools, dining, entertainment, sports, parks, recreation, and
cruise ships.
People were quickly bored with sitting around the empty city of
New York; so, they got on planes and flew to sunny Florida along
with the virus. Soon Miami became another major hot
spot. Miami is populated with retirees, and they soon
contracted the virus and began to die. The animosity
between the governor of Florida and the governor of New York
began to boil. Thus, Miami, the city by the bay, was
another symbol of Babylon and its fall.
The cruise ships that docked in Miami, Everglades, and Port
Canaveral also became hot spots for the virus. The cruise
ships became symbols of the Prostitute who sits on many waters
(Rev 17:1). The Prostitute of Babylon is Satan symbolized
by the High Priestess of Babylon who consorted with the Evil
King. New York became the symbol of the Evil King of
Babylon, and Miami became the symbol of the Prostitute of
Rome was another hot spot of the coronavirus. Rome
symbolized the Revived Roman Empire, the ten nation European
Union of the Tribulation (Rev 17:12). The Revived Roman
Empire will be ruled by the Antichrist, who will conquer three
of the kings who resist him (Dan 7:24). This conflict was
being played out with Great Britain's Brexit plan to leave the
European Union. Brexit finally occurred on December 31,
UK Variant
In November 2020 a virile variant of COVID-19 swept the United
Kingdom and spread to Europe and the US. The spread of the
UK variant into Europe (especially Italy) symbolized the
conflict between the Antichrist and the three states of the
Revived Roman Empire in the Tribulation who will resist him (Dan
7:24). United States
In November 2020 COVID-19 surged in the US as in the UK and
Europe. Daily cases quickly rose to 100,000 and then to
200,000, and total cases rose to 10 million and reached 20
million by December. The highest total cases in the US
were in California, Texas, and Florida across the southern US
and corresponding to Cosmic, Political, and Ecumenical
Babylon. This indicated the judgment by the Holy Spirit of
the US, which was enslaved in the Cosmic System of Satan.
Satan rules the world, and that includes the USA (Jn 12:31;
14:30; 16:11).
In December 2021 California passed Texas as number one in cases
in the US, corresponding to double cursing of the Prostitute of
Babylon (Rev 18:6). California as the region of Ephraim
has the double blessing, but it became double cursing for the
Prostitute of Babylon due to the coronavirus.
In March 2021 Texas and California cases fell to 1,000 to 3,000
per day. In April 2021 the UK variant hit the US and
caused a surge in cases in five states. The cases per day
in the leading states were: Florida (6500), New York
(8000), New Jersey (4500), Pennsylvania (4000), and Michigan
(6000). Infections of younger people increased with 44% of
US cases in ages 12-17. By April 7, 2021 Florida
vaccinations were 3.7 million (full), 8.3 million (partial) out
of the total population of 21.5 million. Yet the virus
continued to spread in the US and the world. By April 17,
2021 COVID-19 deaths in the world reached 3 million.
The surge of cases in the five states in the US due to the UK
variant was a sign of a giant per the meaning of the number
5. A giant corresponds to Baal, or Satan as the Evil
King. This was Spiritual Warfare. At the time the UK
was negotiating an exit from the European Union. This
corresponded to a battle with the Antichrist, the first horse of
the Apocalypse. India
In India in April 2021 there
were over 300,000 new cases per day for ten days. The
Indian variant peaked in May 2021 with over 400,000 new cases
per day. The death rate two weeks later peaked at over
5,000 per day. The Indian variant was more contagious and
deadly than previous variants. After surviving the initial
waves of COVID-19 in 2020, it appeared that the virus in India
had run its course until the Indian variant showed up and struck
with a vengeance.
After spreading through India, the Indian variant quickly
proceeded to Europe and the United States. It was in all
US states by June 2021, and it soon became the dominant
variant. Even though the US was well into its vaccination
program, there were still enough unvaccinated people to feed
outbreaks of the virus and keep the daily case rates high.
The devil's Kingdom of India is the home of Eastern religion,
namely Hinduism, Buddhism, and their offshoots. Through
doctrines of demons the people seek to be spiritual to reach God
by their own ritualistic self-discipline. Their legalistic
practices reject Divine sanctification through Jesus
Christ. Man by man's efforts can never reach God.
The result is slavery to Satan as the god of this world (2 Cor
The Indian ascetic lifestyle and false spirituality were of no
value against the onslaught of the coronavirus from the hands of
the Elect Angels. The Hindu ritual cremation pyres lit up
the night sky and left a stench through the day.2, 3
The burning of the dead bodies symbolized the suffering of death
of the Prostitute of Babylon following her rape by the Evil King
(Rev 17:16). Rape is demonic desecration, and Hindu
ritualistic cremation is a sacrifice to Satan, the god of this
The false religions of India are from the Prostitute of
Babylon. The Indian variant of COVID-19 was suffering of
those under the power of the Prostitute of Babylon. This
is symbolized by the red horse of the Four Horses of the Apocalypse (Rev 6:3-4).
The Indian variant spread over the world where it caused the
same suffering associated with the Prostitute of Babylon, who
also rules civil government, business, education, and other
world religions. She is even active in Christian
churches. The COVID-19 pestilence interfered with worship
in Christian churches, both doctrinal and apostate. It was
not an act of faith to congregate during the pandemic.
Even though the pestilence was spread by Elect Angels and God
promises to protect from pestilence (Ps 91:3, 5-6), congregating
in a pandemic is testing God (Matt 4:7). It is like going
out in the rain without a raincoat and trusting God to keep you
dry. True believers do not play with rattlesnakes and
trust God to protect them.
Some Christians even claimed a constitutional right to
congregate in violation of mandates of local government
authorities. This was after it came out that singing in
churches actually spread the virus. A life and death
crisis is not the time to argue the merits of constitutional
questions. It is not the time to claim constitutional
protection but to seek God's protection.
When the vaccines became available, complaints from some
Christians and non-Christians continued. These people
claimed their legal right to refuse the vaccine. The
question isn't whether they had the right. The question is
whether they wish to exercise their right of self-determination
to risk death and endanger the lives of others. This
defiance was not from God, but from Satan, the rebel. This
was Satan sowing seeds of discord in the people under the
authority of their leaders, who, in turn, were under the power
of the Prostitute of Babylon. Yes, it was a convolution.
Demon Centaurs
The suffering of the Prostitute of Babylon has another aspect
associated with the Indian variant. All of the COVID-19
variants caused debilitating symptoms, but the Indian (Delta)
variant was the most intense. People could not breathe,
and oxygen supplies for running ventilators were depleted.
The debilitating symptoms were spiritual before they became
temporal. They were caused by Elect Angels, but they also
resulted from lack of capacity for life of those under the
influence of the Prostitute of Babylon to deal with the
crisis. In other words, when the Elect Angels spread the
virus, Satan and his demons also reacted with a vengeance that
drove people into extreme pressure. They were stressed
out, weak, and exhausted, corresponding to Spiritual
Man's problems were intensified by trying to cope with them in
the Cosmic System, and because of the intensity of the crisis it
was difficult to stay in the Divine Dynasphere. It was like the
suffering of Job. The same kind of situation will occur in
the Tribulation from demon attacks upon humans. The
attacks will come from centaur demons and from a demon assault
army of 200 million. Both attacks are associated with the
Euphrates River (Rev 9:14), which is over the Abyss, the dungeon
of Hades where the Fallen Angels from the Noahic Flood are
India is East of the Euphrates River. It is across the
river from Israel, the vantage point of the Tribulation as
described in the Book of Revelation. Locust centaur demons
will come out of the Abyss under the Euphrates to terrorize
mankind under the power of the Prostitute of Babylon. The
demons will appear like horses with the faces of men, hair like
women, teeth of lions, breastplates of iron, and tails like
scorpions (Rev. 9:1-11). Their sting will be like the
sting of a scorpion, and the pain will torment for 5
months. They will be led by Abaddon, the worst demon
criminal in all creation.
The locust demon centaurs will give people excruciating pain for
5 months, such that men will want to die (Rev 9:6). The
Indian variant peaked in May 2021, which is the 5th month.
The number 5 is for a giant. Of all the waves of the
pandemic the Indian variant was a giant both in India and around
the world. It was a giant in both volume and intensity.
South Africa
The South African variant emerged in November 2021 and peaked in
December 2021. It was the most complex and contagious of
all the COVID-19 variants. It was so contagious that it
infected people who had been previously vaccinated.
However, it was relatively mild compared to the other variants,
and it did not usually require hospitalization or cause
deaths. It didn't attack the lungs but affected the
sinuses in the head.
The South African variant quicky spread North into Europe and
into the United States where it became the dominant variant by
December 25, 2021. The South African variant was
obviously a giant, but it was milder than previous variants of
COVID-19, and it attacked the head but not the lungs. This
was good news because it was a sign of progress in the battle
with Satan. Those who are sick are casualties in Spiritual
Warfare and at the mercy of Satan.
Satan first attacked Job's family and property, but he did not
attack Job's health. Then God gave Satan permission to
attack Job's body, and Satan destroyed Job's health (Job
2:4-7). Conversely, when Satan is defeated, his power over
a person's body is first removed. This is like overcoming
an illness. The next step is to have Satan's power over
the head and soul removed. This requires Grace
The weakening of COVID-19 in the South African variant is a sign
that the virus may be mutating into weaker variants that will
render it ineffective.
South Africa is under the curse of Ham, which means that Ham and his
descendants (African and Arabian) would be servants of the
Semitic and Caucasian races. Racial disparities are used
by Satan to enslave the subjects of his kingdom. Satan
especially hates the Jews. The destruction of Satan's
kingdom due to the coronavirus will remove barriers of racial
inequality. However, Satan can be expected to mount strong
counterattacks to regain his lost control over people.
Desmond Tutu, the South African Anglican bishop and
anti-apartheid activist died on December 26, 2021, the day after
the South African variant was declared dominant in the US.
Christian activism is anti-Grace, anti-God, and therefore the
work of Satan
The year 2020 stands for a generation of generations, a
generation with great historical significance. The
obvious reason for historical significance is that the
greatest pandemic in history began in 2020. The COVID-19
pestilence began in 2020 and is still going strong. The
pestilence is a world-wide judgment sent by God to destroy
Satan's kingdom. God periodically sends cataclysmic
judgments to free man from slavery to Satan and give him an
opportunity to have his life redeemed.
The great pestilence of 2020 was not about nationalism, sin,
spirituality, marriage, prophecy, or any of the major
doctrines of theology. It was about the cursing of man
because of the destruction of Satan's kingdom. It was a
twenty-first century preview of the final destruction of
Satan's kingdom in the Tribulation. The key to
understanding the pestilence lies in the Book of Revelation -
not in the first three chapters about the Church, but the rest
of the book, which dispensational theology takes as applying
to the Tribulation. It turns out that Revelation is the
source for understanding the Spiritual World, including the
war between the angels (Angelic Conflict).
The pictures of the empty streets of Rome and the deaths in
Europe were prophetic of the destruction of the Revived Roman
Empire in the Tribulation. The fall of New York City
when it was shut down because of the virus, symbolized the
Fall of Satan's Kingdom of Babylon in the Tribulation.
The spread of the virus from New York to Florida (the Water
Bearer) symbolized evangelism of the 144,000 in the
Tribulation. And the conflict between the
governors of New York and Florida symbolized the
attack of the Evil King upon the Prostitute of Babylon.
The Florida cruise ships symbolized the Prostitute sitting on
many waters. The three hot spots of Florida, Texas, and
California symbolized Cosmic, Political, and Ecumenical
Babylon due to the judgment of the Holy
Spirit upon the USA, which was enslaved to Satan.
Satan rules the USA just as he does the rest of the world.
The UK variant occurred in conjunction with the conflict
between Great Britain and the European Union over Brexit,
which happened on December 31, 2021. This symbolized the
war of the Antichrist with three of the ten kings in the
European Union of the Tribulation. Then the Indian
variant arose as the most virile of the variants. It
caused the worst suffering of man like the locust
centaur demons who will come from the Abyss under the
Euphrates. The spread of the Indian variant even
coincided with the crowning of Miss Universe from India as the
Prostitute of Babylon. This was followed by the arrival
of the South African variant as the most contagious of all the
variants. South African brings out the curse of Ham as
the fallout of racial injustice to further stir the pot in the
devil's world.
The years of history coincide with the advance of the
pestilence. The pestilence began after great blessing of
economic prosperity in 2020, the year for an historic
generational curse. It got stronger in 2021, the year
for Providential Preventative Suffering. And it is
proceeding even stronger into 2022, the year for cursing in
the bottom of the valley. Blessing has been left behind,
and cursing is approaching. This signifies Satan's fall,
going down to destruction, as it will occur in the
Tribulation, the last seven years before the Second Advent and
beginning of the Millennium.