The Morning Star

The Morning Star is by far the most awesome planet apart from Earth.  It symbolizes the great and awesome Day of the Lord when the Lord will return at the Second Advent to destroy the enemies of Israel and capture the Fallen Angels.  The armies of the world will be destroyed at Armageddon in the ultimate doomsday.  Satan and his demons will be imprisoned in Hades, and unbelievers will be cast into Hades in horror in the Baptism of Fire.  The Morning Star with its lakes of fire and volcanoes under deep dark clouds symbolizes all the destruction of the Second Advent.  What's more the angels have left a gold mine of art to commemorate the greatest event in human history.  The crust of the planet is like fabric into which pictures are woven through geological processes over millions of years.
Morning Star Symbolism
History of Creation
Location of Images
Mountain of God
Aine Corona
Angels (Arachnoids)
Seven Bowls
Shield Volcanoes, Lakes of Fire
Rivers of Fire
Face of Horror

Morning Star Symbolism

The Morning Star is the brightest heavenly body in the sky apart from the Sun and Moon.  The Morning Star is a planet that symbolizes the Lord Jesus Christ as the Mighty Warrior who will return at the Second Advent with His mighty angels to conquer the enemies of Israel.  Cloaked in thick clouds of Carbon Dioxide with colossal hurricanes at the poles and spotted with volcanoes and craters, the Morning Star is like a fiery furnace, symbolizing the fiery Judgment of the world and the Baptism of Fire.  It is the hottest planet in the Solar System with a mean surface temperature of 462°C, 863°F.  Note, lead melts at 621.5 °F.Atmosphere (False Color)

Upper level winds blow east to west at about 370 kph (230 mph).  The tops of the upper level sulfuric acid clouds are 30 to 45 miles high.  Winds in the lower cloud deck are about 150 mph. The false color image of the atmosphere shows streaks due to the strong winds made by weather angels.

Beneath the dark clouds, the surface of the planet is shrouded with angelic images.  It is the most graphic of all the planets and vastly exceeds the barren graveyard of the Red Planet.

Woven FabricThe unique crust of the planet is like a curtain into which angelic images are woven, corresponding to the images of angels woven into the curtains of the Tabernacle.  Note, lines in the image cross perpendicular to each other, producing the equivalent of pixels at the intersections.  After millions of years this geological picture was the mirror image of the camera that used pixels of light to take the picture.  The angels produced this picture to welcome man's arrival.  This was revelation - not discovery. Angels, Arachnoids

Along with huge, round domes of active and inactive volcanoes are images of angels, corresponding to the angelic army with the Lord Jesus Christ at the Second Advent (Matt 16:27; 25:31; 2 Thess 1:7; Jude 1:14-15) and the Rapture (1 Thess 4:16).

Major Land Masses

Mountain of the Lord
Great Dragon
There are two major land masses on the planet, one in the North and the other south of the middle.  The northern land mass near the North Pole has the highest mountain, symbolizing the Mountain of the Lord, corresponding to the Sovereign Lord over all.  The land mass south of the equator symbolizes Satan as the great dragon who rejected his creation and fights against the Lord.  Satan and his followers will be defeated at the Second Advent in the Armageddon War (Ps 110:1; 1 Cor 15:23-27; Rev 19:19-21).
The bold image of a solitary shoe and another image of a foot on the planet symbolize the return of the Lord at the Second Advent.  Just as He ascended from the Mount of Olives, He will return.  His foot will touch down on the Mount of Olives (Zech 14:4; Acts 1:9-11, 12).

History of Creation

The Morning Star was created during the Creation of the Universe as a memorial of the Creator (Gen 1:1; Col 1:16).  It was not originally a fiery furnace and symbol of Judgment.  It was beautiful and peaceful beyond description, although it had no life like the Earth (Isa 45:18).  The angels who lived there were filled with great Happiness and sang praises to God (Job 38:7).  There was water vapor in the atmosphere.  However, that all changed when Satan sinned and rebelled against the Creator.  The environment of the Morning Star suffered like that of the Earth (Gen 1:2).

Satan wanted to usurp the Throne of God and rule over Creation in place of the second person of the Trinity, the Angel of the Lord (Isa 14:14).  After the fall of Satan, the Universe suffered great Judgment.  The water vapor on the Morning Star evaporated and only trace amounts, 0.1%, are left.  Covered with thick clouds of Carbon Dioxide in the greenhouse effect, the planet became like a fiery furnace.  Volcanoes erupted, the ground cracked, and rivers of fiery lava flowed.

Hidden by thick clouds, the planet was clothed in darkness and gloom.  The atmospheric pressure is 92 times that of Earth, corresponding to the pressure 900 m. (3,000 ft.) under water on Earth.   The top of the atmosphere is covered by an opaque layer of clouds of sulfuric acid that block the view of the surface of the planet from space in visible light.  With infrared technology it is possible to see some of the planet's hidden secret.  It is the secret of the Second Advent, which will occur on a date that is hidden from everyone except God the Father.  Not even the Son knows the day (Matt 24:36-38; Mk 13:32; Acts 1:6, 7).

The images that have emerged on the planet symbolize the doom of final destruction for all who would rebel against God and His Creation.   There are huge shield volcanoes 60 miles in diameter forming lakes of fire (Matt 25:41; Rev 19:20; 20:10, 14, 15).  Inactive volcanoes and craters mark judgments of the past.  The surface is littered with broken slabs of rock and deep cracks.  The color of the surface is orange, for separation (Ps 103:12; 2 Cor 6:17; Heb 7:26; Rev 21:27).  The doom of Satan and his followers will occur at the Second Advent, the great Day of the Lord (Isa 13:9, 10; Joel 2:1, 2, 3; Amos 5:20; Zeph 1:14, 15; Matt 24:29, 30).

After Satan was convicted and sentenced to his fiery Judgment in he Lake of Fire, God granted an appeal trial.  Human history would be the Appeal Trial  The Morning Star was placed in the Solar System as the Second Planet to symbolize the defeat of Satan in his Appeal Trial.  The Morning Star symbolized the Lord Jesus Christ who would return at the Second Advent and defeat Satan and his followers.  Satan would be bound in prison for a thousand years before his final Judgment in the Lake of Fire (Rev 20:2, 3).

Location of Images

Longitude on the map of the Morning Star is measured from 0 degrees to 360 degrees east.4

Mountain of God

Mountain of the LordLocation:  Ishtar Terra, near the North Pole, northeast of Lakshmi Planum,  latitude 64° North, longitude 4° East.  Nearby Cleopatra Crater is at latitude 65.8° North, longitude 7.1° East.

Maxwell Montes is the highest mountain range on the planet.  It is 11 kilometers (6.8 mi., 36,000 ft) high.  It is about 853 kilometers (530 miles) long by 700 kilometers (435 miles) wide.

The high peak of Maxwell Montes (Skadi Mons) symbolizes the Mountain of the Lord, corresponding to His Sovereignty (Ps 2:6; 3:4; 87:1; Isa 11:9; 56:7; Ezek 28:14; Dan 9:16, 20; Joel 2:1; 3:17; Zech 8:3; 2 Pet 1:18).  The highly reflective surface of the mountain indicates the presence of some mineral.

The crater nearby (named Cleopatra) in the center of the white area symbolizes the scar where Jesus Christ was pierced (Isa 53:5; Zech 12:10; Jn 19:34, 37; Rev 1:7).  He will have the scar when He returns at the Second Advent.  The crater is a double-ring impact basin about 100 kilometers (62 miles) in diameter and 2.5 kilometers (1.5 miles) deep.


Location:  Eastern Lavinia Region, centered about 60.5 degrees south latitude and 348.8 degrees east longitude.  The images are about 95 kilometers (59 miles) in length and 65 kilometers (40 miles) in width.  The right image was made when the radar was looking to the right of the spacecraft and at an angle of 25 degrees. The left image was made when the radar was looking to the left and at an angle of 20 degrees.  Resolution of the Magellan data is about 120 meters (400 feet).

The significant feature of these images is the foot that is pointed downward.  Whereas it is tempting to try to make the upper half of the image into a man, objective analysis does not permit it.  There are some stubs but not of a creature.  This image was made ages before man.

The foot pointed down is taken to symbolize the Lord's return to the Mount of Olives at the Second Advent (Zech 14:4; Acts 1:9-11, 12).  Also the head can symbolize the beginning and the foot the end.  The Second Advent corresponds to the end when the Earth will be burned with fire and unbelievers and demons cast off to prepare for the Millennium (1 Cor 15:24).


Location:  Sachs Patera, latitude 49 degrees North, longitude 334 degrees East.

The image of a shoe is an elliptical depression 130 meters (81 feet) in depth, spanning 40 kilometers (25 miles) in width along its longest axis.  It appears to have been formed when a chamber of molten material (lava) drained and collapsed, forming a depression surrounded by concentric scarps spaced 2-to-5 kilometers (1.2-to-3 miles) apart.  Solidified lava 10-to-25 kilometers (6-to-16 miles) long extends around the shoe.

The shoe symbolizes the return of the Lord at the Second Advent.  Just as He ascended from the Mount of Olives, He will return.  His foot will touch down on the Mount of Olives (Zech 14:4; Acts 1:9-11, 12).

Aine Corona

Aine Corona
Aine Corona
Location:    South of Aphrodite Terra, centered at 59 degrees south latitude, 164 degrees east longitude.  The image is approximately 300 kilometers (180 miles) across.

The large circular structure near the center of the image is a corona, approximately 200 kilometers (120 miles) in diameter and provisionally named Aine Corona.  A corona is a crown, corresponding to an angelic authority.  The Kings of Arms are the highest ranking angels who sit around the Throne of God.  They wear crowns on their heads (Rev 4:4).  The angelic Kings of Arms, like Michael and Gabriel, oversee the other angels and lead the angelic armies.  They will return with the Lord at the Second Advent.

On the North side of the Aine Corona is a disk that resembles a bowl.  The disk is made from the flat dome of some kind of volcano.  The scientists call them pancake domes.  They are all over the planet.  This one is about 35 kilometers (21 miles) in diameter and is thought to have formed very viscous lava.   The domes symbolize bowls, corresponding to bowls of blessing or cursing.  This bowl appears to be part of the decoration for the large crown.Corona

Here is another large corona.  The picture itself is about 100 km. (60 mi.) on a side.

Angels (Arachnoids)

AngelsAngels are symbolized by small coronae with silky hair.  Angels don't have long hair, but the flowing hair symbolizes an angel in motion.  The structures are called Arachnoids for their spider and cobweb appearance.  They are 50 to 230 km (30 to 138 mi) in diameter circular structures.  They have a central volcanic feature surrounded by a complex network of fractures.

Angels will return with the Lord at the Second Advent (Matt 16:27; 25:31; 2 Thess 1:7; Jude 1:14-15) and the Rapture (1 Thess 4:16).

Seven Bowls

Seven BowlsLocation:  Eastern edge of Alpha Regio, centered at 30 degrees south latitude and 11.8 degrees east longitude.

There are seven circular, dome-like hills, averaging 25 kilometers (15 miles) in diameter with maximum heights of 750 meters (2,475 feet).  The seven circles correspond to the seven Bowl Judgments in the Tribulation that will precede the Second Advent (Rev 15:7; 16:1-21).

Shield Volcanoes, Lakes of Fire

Shield VolcanoesLocation:  Tinatin Planitia, latitude 14.98 degrees North, longitude 008.80 East.

Active shield volcanoes are lakes of fire (Rev 20:10, 14, 15).  Inactive ones (called domes or pancakes) symbolize bowls, for bowls of blessing or cursing.  The largest dome in this image is 62 km. (38 miles) in diameter.

Rivers of Fire

River of FireLocation:  49 degrees south latitude, 273 degrees east longitude of an area with dimensions of 130 by 190 kilometers (81 by 118 miles).

The channel in the image is a 200 kilometer (124 mile) segment of a sinuous channel.  The channel is approximately 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) wide. These channel-like features are common on the plains of the planet.  They appear to have been formed by lava. Most are 1 to 3 kilometers (0.6 to 2 miles) wide.  They resemble terrestrial rivers.  They symbolize rivers of fire, corresponding to the River of Fire of the final Judgment at the Great White Throne as represented by the Constellation Eridanus (Dan 7:9, 10, 11).

Face of Horror

Horror FaceLocation:  Northern Lavinia Region, centered at 21.4 degrees South latitude, 335.2 degrees East longitude

This is the image of a cluster of four craters that are in rim contact.  The cluster was probably formed from the breakup of a meteoroid.  The cluster is approximately 14- kilometer (8.7-mile) mean diameter.

The image appears to be a face of horror corresponding to the faces of those facing the doom of the Great Tribulation and Second Advent (Rev 6:15, 16, 17).


WeaverLocation:  Eistla Region, in the southern hemisphere; centered at 5.5 degrees East longitude, 18 degrees South latitude.  The image is 122 kilometers (76 miles) across east to west and 107 kilometers (66 miles) north to south.

There is an unusual volcano in the center that is unlike any other on the planet.  It resembles a tick or a spider and symbolizes a weaver, corresponding to an angel who made the pictures all over the planet.  The picture appears to have been made when the walls of the volcano were breached and lava flowed out.  God did the design but angels produced the pictures on the planet.

The angelic weavers correspond to the weavers of the curtains for the Tabernacle (Ex 26:36; 27:16; 28:39; 35:35; 36:37; 38:18, 23; 39:29).  Weavers made fabric for clothing and tents.  A tent symbolizes the clothing of the body (Isa 38:12; 2 Cor 5:1, 4; 2 Pet 1:13, 14).

The weaver volcano is approximately 66 kilometers (41 miles) across at the base and has a relatively flat, slightly concave summit 35 kilometers (22 miles) in diameter.


ChainLocation:  Latitude 13.79° South, longitude 300° East.  A corona chain is along the Parga Chasma intersecting Themis Regio (map). Themis Regio is the bright area just East of the image.

The chain symbolizes the capture of Satan at the Second Advent (Rev 20:1-3).


TempleLocation:  Near Hestia Rupes on the northwestern corner of Aphrodite Terra, the Great Dragon.

A long road looks like an avenue with streets branching off.  The road extends for approximately 50 kilometers (31 miles).  The large house at the end of the road symbolizes the Temple (Isa 6:1-4; Rev 11:19; 15:5).  Ezekiel described the Temple in the Millennium after the Second Advent (Ezek 40-48).

There is an arched gate on the East side of the Temple.  The road symbolizes the road of life, corresponding to the Destiny Line in the hand, and the way of Salvation.

John 14:6 Christ the Way of Salvation
Jesus said to him, "I Myself am the way, the Truth (Doctrine), and the Life.  Absolutely no one comes to the Father except through Me."
There is only one road to the Temple, just as there is only one way of Salvation (Acts 4:12).  The Temple at the end of the road symbolizes going home to Eternal Salvation in Heaven.  The arched gate on the east side of the Temple symbolizes the only entrance, corresponding to the Gate of the Tabernacle (Ex 27:14, 15, 16).

Beyond the Temple on the West are two subterranean chambers symbolizing the chambers of death, or Sheol (Prov 7:27).


PentagramThe path of the Morning Star as observed from Earth forms a pentagram with loops at its points.6  The Earth is in the center of the pentagram.  Loops at the points of the pentagram symbolize fetters that bind a prisoner.
  1. Yoke around the neck – symbol of slavery (Lev. 26:13, Jer. 2:20; 27:2; 28:10, 30:8, Ezek. 34:27, Nah 1:13).
  2. Shackles on ankles (leg irons) enslave the walk (Ps 107:14).
  3. Shackles on wrists (manacles) enslave work with hands (Eccl 7:26; Mk 5:4).
At the Second Advent Satan would be taken captive and bound with chains (Rev 20:1-3).

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1.  "Venus," Wikipedia, Apr. 20, 2017.
2.  "Arachnoid (astrogeology)," Wikipedia, Apr. 7, 2017.
3.  "Space Images, Venus," Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, June 2017.
4.  Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature, "Venus 1:5 million-scale Magellan Imagery," USGS Astrogeology Science Center.
5.  "Welcome to the Planet Venus," NASA JPL.
6.  Venus, "Pentagram," Anon Moos, SVG, Public Domain, Wikipedia, Apr. 20, 2017.
7.  "NSSDC Image Catalog, Magellan," NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,
Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA, July 13, 2015.
8.  "Maxwell Montes," Wikipedia, March 12, 2017.

Released June 5, 2017 - Revised June 9, 2017

Author: Larry Wood
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