David's wives, except for Mikal, are listed in 1 Chronicles 3:1-5. These women, along with their meanings, are listed in the table. Each wife was a test for David in the development of the Intimacy Room of the Edification Complex of the Soul. Bear in mind, that David had the Enduement of the Holy Spirit, but he did not have the Filling of the Holy Spirit nor the power of the Spiritual Life of believers in the Church Age. After each test was passed, David was promoted with another wife. After his victory over Goliath, he received his first wife. During his flight from Saul, he picked up two more, 'Achino`am and Abigail. While he was King in Hebron, he picked up four more; and when he was King in Jerusalem, he picked up the eighth.
. | . |
. | . |
1 lk*ym! (Mikal) | brook, stream | water of Word - X-axis | Blue | 1 Sa. 18:27; 2 Sa 3:3 |
µ2 <u^ny)j!a^('Achino`am) | my brother is delight | love, social friend, breasts - Y-axis | Yellow | 1 Sa 25:43 |
3 ly!g^yb!a^(Abigail) | my father is rejoicing | royalty, Spiritual - Z-axis | Violet | 1 Sa. 25:30 |
. | . |
. | . |
4 hk*u^m^ (Ma`akah) | fondling female, pet | skin - Adam = red | Red | Ge 2:7; 2 Sa 3:3 |
5 tyG!j^ (Chaggith) | festal | dancer | Green | 2 Sa 3:4 |
6 lf^yb!a^ ('Abital) | my father is dew | female sexual response; genitals | Orange | 2 Sa 3:4 |
7 hl*g=u# (`Egelah) | heifer | big female | Indigo | Judg 14:18; 2 Sa 3:5 |
. | . |
. | . |
8 u^Wv-tB^ (Bathshu`a)
ub^v#-tB^(Bathsheba`) |
daughter of opulence
daughter of the oath |
(Right Woman substitute) | White | 1 Chron 3:5
2 Sa 11:3 |
The dowry that David had to pay for Mikal was 100 foreskins of the Philistines, but he paid 200 instead. The word for foreskin (Hebrew hl*r=u* , `arelah) here was a Hebrew euphemism for the male phallus. The way the dead were counted was by the phallus, since the Jews were circumcised and the Philistines were not.
Mikal was a very proper Jewish girl like a graduate of a Baptist college. She was legalistic and somewhat prudish because her Spiritual instruction was not coupled with experiential sanctification. In other words, she was religious but lacked a love relationship with God. Her name, Mikal, meant brook, or stream, a symbol of the water of the word. When Mikal saw David dancing before the Ark and the women cheering, she was jealous and bitter due to her legalism. She criticized David for showing his butt before the women. Apparently he had girded his robe in his belt to dance. This revealed not only her jealousy but also her prudishness. Her bitterness caused her to be barren (2 Samuel 6:18-27).
From all this, it can be deduced that Mikal represented the X-axis of the Edification Complex of the Soul, which symbolizes Righteousness and is counterattacked by Ecumenical Babylon. The characteristic color of Mikal, a brook, would be blue.
Abigail represents the Spiritual woman, which corresponds
to the Z-axis
of the Edification Complex of the Soul. The color of that axis corresponds
to the color of Justice and royalty, which is violet. Abigail provided
Spiritual Love and harmony to David.
David's first three wives represented the Attraction,
or Identification, Phase of the Right Man - Right Woman relationship.
Three axes are required for the foundation of the Intimacy Room in the
Edification Complex of the Soul. The foundation of the Intimacy Room
represents the Attraction Phase. Now, in the Church Age, the believer
is expressly forbidden from having more than one wife, but prior to the
Church Age, the Lord permitted more than one wife in His permissive will.
In spite of all David's wives, he still reached Spiritual Maturity and
the fullness of blessing from God after passing Evidence Testing.
David's wives did not prevent him from executing the Spiritual Life.
Furthermore, the individual wives provided insight into the testing of
all aspects of the Marriage relationship. Each wife represented a
different test and another promotion level. Every time David was
promoted, he received another wife. The wives pointed out the strategic
objective of the corporate testimony of Marriage in David's life.
Ma`akah was different from David's first three wives, who represented the Attraction Phase of the Right Man - Right Woman relationship. Ma`akah represented the logical progression toward intimacy. David saw Mikal in Saul's castle and was attracted to her. They did not have meaningful conversations. They were young, passionate lovers without much soul compatibility. Thus, Mikal represented the first step in the Right Man - Right Woman relationship, i.e. the Attraction Phase. Then David progressed to social life in his love relationship with 'Achino`am. After meeting, it is logical to talk. Next, David progressed to a Spiritual relationship with Abigail, the ultimate Spiritual companion. However, the first three wives were all associated with forming the foundation of the Intimacy Room in the Attraction Phase.
Ma`akah represented the beginning of the wall of the Intimacy Room. The walls are analogous to the skin of the human body. The color of the skin is red, from the Hebrew Adam, which means red or ruddy. So Ma`akah was symbolized by the color, red.
Song of Solomon 7:1-2Dancing is an expression of love and happiness. It should, therefore, be performed in the Filling of the Holy Spirit. Belly dancing expresses in pantomime conjugal love making. It is on a higher plane than touching. It expresses love and happiness in a realm that is beyond the sensual. The legalists who view belly dancing as vulgar have obviously not arrived at level 5 of the Right Man - Right Woman relationship. The color that symbolizes happiness is green, which is the color of prosperity. Thus, Chaggith was symbolized by green.
1 How beautiful are your dance-steps in sandals,
O prince's daughter!
The swaying of your hips are like jewels,
The work of an artist's hands.
2 Your navel is a well-rounded basin
Which never lacks mixed wine;
Your belly is like a heap of wheat
Encircled about with lilies.
One of Solomon's brides danced for him as an expression of her love response to him. When a woman dances for a man, it is a much higher expression of love than touching.
Chaggith's belly dancing also reveals something else about her. She war probably plump, which was the case with many women of the day, and especially the belly dancers. The "well-rounded basin" (SOS 7:2) was the belly. For belly dancers a belly is an asset. A woman without a basin would not be prized for her belly dancing.
The dew on the grass symbolizes the dampness of the woman's pubic region. The dew on the ground may be symbolized by the color, orange, like the color of pottery. The orange fruit is a symbol of the female genitals, and its sticky juice is a symbol of the female sexual response just as dew. Thus, 'Abital was symbolized by the color orange as well as the orange fruit.
With 'Abital, the natural progression of events led to the female sexual response. The purpose of the Compatibility Phase of testing is to bring about coalescence of souls. When there is coalescence of souls, there will be coalescence of bodies. The Right Man and Right Woman are designed to have wonderful coalescence of bodies. When that does not happen, the problem is usually in the soul. Scar tissue of the soul is the great enemy of conjugal love. Legalists are frigid and dry while the lawless are promiscuous and swampy.
`Egelah represented the completion of the Compatibility Phase when the soul receives stress testing to prove that it is capable of sustaining the power of the conjugal love relationship in Marriage. A person who has not completed Compatibility Testing cannot withstand the conjugal love relationship without springing a leak in the soul. When the soul springs a leak, it falls under the power of the Cosmic System and the Old Sin Nature takes over. That does not make for a loving relationship. The person in the Cosmic System is in darkness, and none of the love lights are on. All of the lights in the Intimacy Room go out, and the soul becomes a haunt for demons (2 Corinthians 6:14).
Samson's first wife was a Philistine, whom he referred to as his heifer. She was obviously a big woman to match Samson.
So the men of the city said to him on the seventh day before the sun went down, "What is sweeter than honey? And what is stronger than a lion?" But he (Samson) said to them, "If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have hit upon (guessed) my riddle." (Judges 14:18)On their honeymoon, Samson's wife engaged in social intercourse with the other men at the wedding party. She violated her loyalty to Samson when she told his secret to the other men. That broke up the marriage, and Samson's wife later married the best man.
David was a wild child who had to overcome many problems that hindered the Right Man - Right Woman relationship. When David moved into Spiritual Rapport Testing, his soul reeled in confusion. He entered into reversionism and made wrong decisions. Granted, David fell into reversionism, but he was under strong pressure from Spiritual Rapport Testing. It was God's Plan to give David his Right Woman at this phase. The Right Woman would be the woman of the promise and bear him children to receive his inheritance like Isaac and Jacob.
However, at this stage, David failed the test and committed adultery with Bathsheba`. He even had her husband murdered before he Rebounded. David received intensified discipline for his adultery and murder. He had so much discipline that he had to take it on the installment plan for the rest of his life. Consequently, he never had his Right Woman.
David married Bathsheba` as his eighth wife. She is called Bathshu`a in 1 Chronicles 3:5, which means daughter of opulence. As the daughter of opulence, she symbolized the Right Woman through whom the inheritance would be passed down through the child of the promise. Elsewhere she is called Bathsheba`, which means daughter of the oath, i.e. the Marriage covenant. She was married to Uriah the Hittite, David's best general. Bathsheba` was Uriah's Right Woman, who is called his ewe lamb (2 Samuel 12:3). She was not David's Right Woman.
However, David married Bathsheba` through whom his inheritance was passed on through Solomon. Nevertheless, she was not his Right Woman. So, David, the greatest lover, failed to receive his greatest female love responder, his Right Woman.
Bathsheba` is represented as the color, white, although she was only the Right Woman substitute. The Right Woman is supposed to be white for sanctification just as the bride wears white for purity. White is the combination of all the colors of the rainbow. When all the colors are present in the Intimacy Room, the result is white. White is the color of love. Love is combination of all seven colors just as God's Love is the expression of His Integrity including His Righteousness and Justice.
David Rebounded, however, and took his punishment.
He eventually qualified for Evidence Testing, which occurred during the
Absalom Rebellion. In spite of all his wives and sins, he eventually
reached Spiritual Rapport and Maximum Glorification of God. He had
all the lights in his Edification Complex. He just did not have his
Right Woman. Having the Right Man or Right Woman is not a requirement
for the Spiritual Life as Paul tried to explain to the Corinthians.
![]() Intimacy Room |
bodies exist in pairs corresponding to Right Man and Right Woman.
The spiritual bodies of Right Man and Right Woman are inseparably united
in a corporate system. A system cannot be broken down without destroying
the system. What happens to one member of the system also affects
the other.
The pressure points on the Right Man are like buttons which correspond to button holes on the Right Woman. The Right Man and Right Woman are designed to be fully compatible in their spiritual bodies. All their pressure points are designed to complement each other. However, some pressure points may be compatible in couples that are not Right Man and Right Woman. This was David's problem. Each one of his wives had at least one pressure point that was compatible with his. However, since none of his wives were the Right Woman, all of his children were wild children.
Some of the pressure points of the spiritual bodies may be grouped to produce even stronger unions. For example, the Breast, Solar Plexus, and Belly may be analogous to a horse, driver, and wagon. The horse symbolizes the man. The driver symbolizes the Lord, who is the matchmaker. And the wagon symbolizes the woman.
Similarly, the Womb or Belly and Genitals may be grouped
together to symbolize sex, or conjugal love. Sex is not simply a
function of the genitals but the Womb or Belly as well. In this case
the man fills the woman, and the woman completes the man.
Pressure Point |
1 Mikal | Water | Breast | Redeemer |
2 'Achino`am | Love | Soul | Savior |
3 Abigail | Royalty | Crown | Almighty God |
4 Ma`akah | Pet | Womb | Red Planet |
5 Chaggith | Festal | Solar Plexus | Mediator |
6 'Abital | Dew | Genitals | Morning Star |
7 `Egelah | Heifer | Throat | God of Covenants |
8 Bathsheba` | Opulence, oath | Feet | Last Adam |
1 Mikal captured David with her breasts, which intoxicated him (Prov 5:19-20). Breasts symbolize true (righteous) love. Mikal, however, was a proper girl who neglected Bible Doctrine and became self-righteous and legalistic, corresponding to the attack on the Breast pressure point. Her self-righteousness led to bitterness and judging David for showing his legs while dancing before his audience of women (2 Sam 6:16). This made her barren (2 Sam 6:23). Mikal corresponds to the Redeemer Planet because she was redeemed from Saul for the price of 100 foreskins of the Philistines.
2 'Achino`am enjoyed a social love relationship with David, corresponding to the Soul pressure point. 'Achino`am was the mother of David's firstborn, Amnon (2 Sam 3:2), as symbolized by the Savior Planet as a son of light.
3 Abigail recognized David's royal destiny to be King of Israel, corresponding to the Crown pressure point. She understood God's Sovereign Design and prophecy, which she probably learned from Samuel. She was a woman who could be a queen. The Crown corresponds to the Almighty God Planet, for the Sovereign King.
4 Ma`akah means pet, corresponding to the sensual relationship with a woman. She symbolized the suffering of the Womb, corresponding to the Red Planet. She was the mother of Absalom and Tamar (2 Sam 3:3). Tamar was raped by Amnon, who was murdered by Absalom. Absalom started a rebellion and wrestled the kingdom from David, who was forced to flee for his life. David's suffering from Absalom was the greatest of his life. The suffering was Evidence Testing, which was used to promote David to Spiritual Rapport. Absalom's army was defeated and he was killed, but David wept bitterly for him (2 Sam 19:4). Thus, the Absalom rebellion was like the suffering of a woman in labor, as symbolized by the color red.
5 Chaggith means festal, corresponding to dancing and celebration. Thus, she symbolized the Solar Plexus. She brings to mind Happiness, corresponding to the color green, and the balance of a dancer as symbolized by the Mediator Planet.
6 'Abital means dew and symbolizes the female response from the Genitals. She was turned on sexually - the great sex partner. The dew is associated with the dawn, corresponding to the Morning Star and the color orange.
7 `Egelah means heifer, corresponding to a big woman who is covered with fat. The color indigo corresponds to a covering. `Egelah was the mother of David's sixth and last son (Ithream) born in Hebron (2 Sam 3:5). All the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron and made a covenant with him to be King of Israel (2 Sam 5:1, 2, 3). The covering of all the tribes and the covenant correspond to the Throat pressure point, which is symbolized by the God of the Covenants planet.4 The Throat may be associated with speaking, conversation, singing, swearing, lying, maligning, or quarreling.
8 Bathsheba` is also called Bathshu`a, meaning daughter of opulence (1 Chron 3:5), corresponding to the Right Woman through whom the inheritance would be passed down through the child of the promise. Elsewhere she is called Bathsheba`, which means daughter of the oath, i.e. the Marriage covenant. She was the Right Woman of Uriah the Hittite, who was her first husband (2 Samuel 12:3).
The daughter of opulence and daughter of the oath also signify the Davidic Covenant through which there would always be a son of David on the Throne of Israel. Bathsheba` was the mother of Solomon who reigned from the Throne of David as the symbol of peace and prosperity of the Millennium under the rule of Christ. Bathsheba` was also the mother of Nathan. The humanity of Christ as the Son of David was descended from Solomon through Joseph (Matt 1:6) and Nathan through Mary (Lk 3:31). Thus, the pressure point of the Feet correspond to the two lines which came together in the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ. The Feet are symbolized by the color white, corresponding to peace during the rule of Solomon and the rule of Christ in the Millennium. The Feet are symbolized by the Last Adam Planet.
So they found Abishag, an exceedingly beautiful young virgin from Shunam, who came to sleep with David and be his nurse (1 Ki 1:3, 4). None of David's other eight wives or concubines could do the job, since people who are not Right Man – Right Woman become hardened toward each other over the years. They have rough edges, and David's advisors wanted the best for the king. However, in spite of her enticing beauty, the virgin cure did not revive David's vitality, and he never had sex with her before he died.
Now Abishag was not just an amenity for kings. She has a part in the prophetic revelation of scripture. Abishag means father of wandering, error, or reversionism. It is applied to a father who wanders away from Divine commands and becomes an apostate or reversionist. This actually applies to Abishag, who was a mistress, a concubine, and a Prostitute of Babylon. David needed a nurse, but physical beauty is not a requirement for the job. It is, however, a requirement for temptation.
Abishag was brought into Divine revelation to demonstrate that David died without his Right Woman. The last woman in his life was a concubine with whom he never had sex. She was a human good substitute for his Right Woman. David never had his Right Woman because he took Uriah's Right Woman and had him murdered. In the Justice of God since David deprived Uriah of his Right Woman, David would never have a Right Woman (2 Sam 12:10).
There are other reasons David never had a Right Woman. He made bad decisions to marry wrong women instead of waiting for the right one. And in prophecy he was a type of Christ, the Son of David, who would sit on the Throne of David. Christ died without His Right Woman. The Church was called out to be His Right Woman.
The production of the Intimacy Room is light - not physical fruit. The fruit, or production, of the Intimacy Room consists of the seven colors of light of the rainbow. The fruit-bearing, or production, of the Spiritual Life in the Intimacy Room is light. The symbolic colors associated with David's wives are the colors of the light in the Intimacy Room.
After the Flood, God placed a rainbow in the sky as a symbol of the end of judgment. However, the rainbow was also a testimony of the breakdown of marriage culture. In Satan's attack on Marriage, all seven tests of the Right Man - Right Woman relationship were failed. The rainbow in the sky was a testimony of the failed tests and lack of light in the Intimacy Room of those who rejected the Right Man - Right Woman relationship. Those who reject Right Man or Right Woman reside in darkness. And the only way to pass the intimacy tests is with Bible Doctrine.
The colors in David's Intimacy Room also correspond to the colors of the pressure points of the spiritual body. David's eight wives were associated with pressure points and their corresponding planets. Each wife had characteristics associated with a specific pressure point. Thus, David's relationship with his wives was reflected in his spiritual body and theirs.
Children born before the parents are in Spiritual Rapport receive various curses. David's family was full of cursing when he sinned with Bathsheba`. The cursing included rape and murder. Wild children from relationships other than Right Man - Right Woman also inherit cursing. David was a wild child, and he had a life time of problems with women. His first seven wives represented the intimacy tests that he had to pass to qualify for Right Woman.
Job's wife in Spiritual Maturity left him during Evidence Testing. He received a new wife after Evidence Testing, and his three daughters by her were the most beautiful in the land. Job gave an inheritance to all his children, not just the firstborn. Joseph did not marry until he had passed Evidence Testing. He married a daughter of a priest of the Sun god, yet God was still able to bless his marriage with double blessing.
Spiritual Rapport is the key to harmonious rapport in marriage. Spiritual Rapport is the phase of maximum glorification of God. The light in the Intimacy Room will be white from the combination of the seven colors of the rainbow. White is the color for true love and sanctification, which only occurs when all the colors are present. David went through eight wives so we could understand the colors of light production in the Intimacy Room and the spiritual body.
David never had his Right Woman because God judged him for taking Uriah's Right Woman (Bathsheba`). And in prophecy David was a type of Christ, the Son of David, who would sit on the Throne of David. Christ died without His Right Woman, and the Church was called out to be His Right Woman.
Released December 23, 2000 - Revised Feb. 3, 2016
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