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Fellowship with God |
Fellowship with the Holy Spirit
Fellowship in Prayer
Filling of the Holy Spirit
Spiritual Warfare
Grieving and Quenching the Holy Spirit
Lying to the Holy Spirit
Hebrews 11:5Enoch lived by faith from doctrine resident in the soul. He had a completed ECS and advanced to Spiritual Maturity and Spiritual Rapport. As a testimony of his faith that he was pleasing to God, he was translated directly to Heaven without dying. Thus, he is a symbol of the Rapture. And his life of 365 years, corresponding to the number of days in a year, means going away never to return again.
By faith Enoch was translated (to Heaven) with the result that he did not see death; and he was not found because God had translated him; for before his translation he had obtained the testimony that he was pleasing to God.
The walking analogy means taking one step at a time. The body should be upright to walk. This indicates alignment of the X, Y, Z axes. The pace of the walk corresponds to alignment of the Time axis. The right foot symbolizes the spiritual side, and the left foot symbolizes the temporal. The step with the right foot symbolizes the spiritual advance, and the step with the left foot symbolizes the temporal advance. The spiritual comes first. The spiritual determines the temporal. The testing of the believer begins with the spiritual and proceeds to the temporal. The right side corresponds to the Church, and the left side to the state. The right side corresponds to the woman, and the left side to the man. Right Man and Right Woman are designed to walk together.
Noah walked with God (Gen 6:9). He rejected sin and lived in fellowship with God. When God Almighty appeared to Abraham to reiterate the Abrahamic Covenant, He told Abraham to walk before Him (Gen 17:1). This meant that Abraham was to walk in fellowship with God and be sanctified. When Israel received the Law, walking in the ways of the Lord required obeying the commandments of the Law (Deut 8:6).
Samuel's sons did not walk in his ways.
1 Samuel 8:3The sons of Samuel did not walk with God but walked in sin and evil.
His (Samuel's) sons, however, did not walk in his ways, but turned aside after unjust gain and took bribes and perverted justice.
Ahab walked in the sins of Jeroboam, married Jezebel, and served Baal (1 Ki 16:31).
Walk of the Adulteress
The adulteress goes astray from the strategic path of the Spiritual life.
Proverbs 5:6 Strategic FailureShe wanders far from the Spiritual life. She wanders astray in reversionism without ever perceiving it.
She is far from entering the way of Life;
Her tracks wander without her perceiving it.
Proverbs 7:11The adulteress does not have harmonious rapport in social relationships with her Right Man and society. She is stubborn and headstrong and has rejected the authority of God and Right Man. She runs in rebellion. She doesn't stay home.
She is bombastic and headstrong;
Her feet have no rest in her own house.
Proverbs 7:12She can't wait to get out of the house. She goes to the plaza (shopping center), and at every corner she is on the lookout for a tryst. She is going down to the Sin Leading to Death (Prov 5:5; 7:27).
At one time before her door, at another in the plaza,
And again at every corner she is on the lookout.
Walk of Evil People of Judah
Before the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC, the people of Judah ran to evil.
Isaiah 59:7The people did not just walk. They ran to evil, which corresponds to reversionism in the Cosmic System. Their thinking was full of iniquity. They were full of sin. They were unsanctified and never Rebounded. Devastation and destruction were everywhere. Their highways were plundered by marauding bands. Criminality and highway robbery were rampant.
Their feet run to evil,
And they hasten to shed innocent blood;
Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity,
Devastation and destruction are in their highways.
Isaiah 59:8 Way of PeaceThe people were frustrated and without knowledge of "the way of peace." The "way of peace" refers to the road of Life of the saved (Lk 1:79). Jesus Christ is the way of Salvation as symbolized by Gate of the Tabernacle (Jn 14:6).
They do not know the way of peace,
And there is no justice in their tracks;
They have made their paths crooked,
Whoever treads on them does not know peace.
They did not practice justice. They did not know right from wrong. The judicial system was corrupt, along with the other institutions of government. Their paths of life were crooked. "Paths" refers to the course of life (Job 19:8; 30:13 La 3:9; Psa 119:105; 142:3). They did not have strategic alignment with God in the Spiritual life. Whoever walked on their paths in life did not know peace. The wicked do not have peace (Is 57:20, 21).
The believer in the Church Age has power through the filling of the Holy Spirit that Israel did not have under the Law.
Romans 8:4 Fulfilling the LawThe Law defined sin and its consequences, which was death. Since most Old Testament believers did not even have the enduement of the Holy Spirit, it was difficult for them to keep from sinning due to the weakness of their flesh. However, the filling of the Holy Spirit puts a lid over the Old Sin Nature. The Church Age Believer who walks in the filling of the Holy Spirit can be free from the domination of the OSN. Walking refers to ordering behavior, or execution of life.
In order that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk under the domination of the OSN (flesh), but under the control of the Spirit.
Walking "under the control of the Spirit" refers to execution of the Spiritual life in filling of the Holy Spirit with X, Y, Z, and Time axes aligned (ref. Gal 5:16, 25).
Walking in Carnality
The Corinthians had neglected Rebound and become carnal.
1 Corinthians 3:3"Carnal" refers to believers who have neglected Rebound. Those who never Rebound are called reversionists. The sins of jealousy and strife among the Corinthians was proof that they were not filled with the Holy Spirit. They were walking like unbelievers. The word for "man" here is anthropos, which is used for unbelievers.
for you are still carnal. For since there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not carnal and walking according to the standard of men?
Ephesians 2:2 Satan's Power Over ManThis verse describes the Ephesians when they were unbelievers and "walked according to the lifestyle of this world." The world is the Cosmic System. They walked under the influence of the Cosmic System "according to the powerful ruler of the air." That was Satan, the spirit who operates in unbelievers. Satan and his demons (spirits) operate in unbelievers and influence carnal believers. The outside influence of Satan and the world meet the desires of the OSN in the soul of the believer (Rom 6:6; Eph 6:12).
In which sphere (real spiritual death), you formerly walked according to the lifestyle of this world according to the powerful ruler of the air, the spirit that is now operating in the sons of disobedience.
Ephesians 4:17 MataiotesCarnal believers and Gentile unbeliever walk in the vacuum of the mind. "Vacuum" is the Greek mataiovth" (mataiotes), meaning vacuum, emptiness. The vacuum means devoid of doctrine and empty or filled with doctrine of demons or human viewpoint, which links to the Cosmic System (1 Tim 4:1; Jas 3:15). The person without the filling of the Holy Spirit has a hole in his head that allows access by Satan and his demons.
This, therefore, I explain and solemnly declare in the Lord that you no longer walk just as the Gentiles also walk in the vacuum of their mind
Ephesians 4:18 BOS and Scar TissueIn addition to the vacuum in the soul, there is darkness in the thinking. This is Blackout of the Soul (BOS). Furthermore, there is scar tissue of the soul, which is also called hardness of the heart.1 These people are alienated from the Life of God. They have no rapport with God. The scar tissue of the soul blocks the Light of God to produce BOS. Consequently, the whole body is full of darkness (Matt 6:22-23).
having been darkened in their way of thinking, having been alienated from the Life of God because of the ignorance which is in them, because of the scar tissue of their heart.
Ephesians 4:19 ReversionismScar tissue of the soul leads to licentiousness and every kind of immorality with insatiable lust. These are the consequences of rejecting God. The person enters the stages of reversionism, which creates a monster. The reversionist is the victim of both Satan and his Old Sin Nature.
Who, because they have become callused have given themselves over to licentiousness, resulting in the practice of every kind of immorality with insatiable lust.
The husband and wife walk together in Marriage. The husband corresponds to the left foot, and the wife corresponds to the right foot. The man has authority, and the woman is subordinate. The man leads and the woman follows. However, the complication arises in the Spiritual life. The man is supposed to lead Spiritually, and the woman is supposed to follow Spiritually. He is supposed to Love his wife as Christ Loved the Church (Eph 5:25-26). And the woman is supposed to submit to the authority of the husband as to the Lord (Eph 5:22). Marriage is a corporate testimony, and walking is only possible in Marriage when the husband and wife fulfill their roles in the Spiritual life.
Walking in a Marriage of wrong man – wrong woman presents a difficult problem. However, walking in a Marriage between a believer and an unbeliever is next to impossible. It is like walking on one foot.
2 Corinthians 6:14 Marriage to UnbelieversMarriage between a believer and unbeliever is prohibited. It is like plowing with an ox and an ass (Deut 22:10), partnership between Righteousness and lawlessness, or fellowship between light and darkness.
Stop being unequally yoked to unbelievers; for you see, what partnership has Righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?
1 Corinthians 7:17The general rule for Marriage between a believer and unbeliever is to stay married unless the unbeliever wishes to depart. This same general rule for walking applies to other conditions in which a person finds himself at Salvation. For example a person who is circumcised should not try to be uncircumcised (1 Cor 7:18).
Only, as the Lord has apportioned to each one, as God has called each, in this manner let him walk. And so, I direct in all the churches.
1 Corinthians 7:20"Station" is the Greek klh'si" (klesis), meaning calling; station in life, position, vocation. It refers to vocation, or station, such as slave or free, circumcised or uncircumcised. The person should stay in his current station and learn doctrine and execute the Spiritual life.
Each one in the station (calling) in which he was called at Salvation, in this let him remain.
The precedent for the filling of the Holy Spirit was the Lord Jesus Christ in Hypostatic Union. When He lived on Earth in a human body, He used the filling of the Holy Spirit to execute the Spiritual life. He did not depend on His Deity but executed the Spiritual life from His humanity. He lived the prototype Spiritual life that Church Age Believers have as the operational type. He was a prophet, priest, and king. He is now the Royal High Priest of the Church.
The filling of
the Holy Spirit enables the CAB to be in fellowship with
God. Fellowship with God requires sanctification from
sin, which is accomplished through Rebound. When we
confess our sins to God, He forgives us our sins and purifies
us from all wrongdoing so that we can have fellowship with
Him. Sanctification was symbolized by the Laver in the
Tabernacle. The Laver was used for washing the hands and
the feet. The hands symbolize service, and the feet
symbolize the walk. The only way to serve God or walk in
fellowship with Him is to be sanctified. Sin destroys
fellowship with God. In the Divine order of Creation,
the color red symbolizes sin and orange symbolizes God's
separation from sin.
Thus, the filling of the Holy Spirit brings rapport with God. It enables us to serve Him and to walk in fellowship with Him. It removes the roadblocks and hurdles in our relationship with God. It paves the way and enables us to walk in straight paths without falling by the wayside, taking a wrong turn, or wandering off and getting lost. It clears the confusion and removes the fog. It brings to us the strength and power of God in Grace and enables us to function effortlessly in the Spiritual realm. It makes us spiritual beings rather than soulish animals. It enables us to soar like eagles rather than wallow like hogs.
The filling of the Holy Spirit is the greatest thing that can be done to synchronize the Time Axis with God. The believer who is filled with the Holy Spirit marches to a different beat. He plays a different tune and sings a new song in harmony with the Heavenly choir. He leaves behind the perspective of human time for his New Life in Eternity. He sets aside his human calendar for the goals of his Eternal destiny and Heavenly calling. In an instant after Rebound, he is content in his rapport with God as he walks in the Light of Eternity in the land of the living.
Ephesians 5:18In a contrast between the carnal and the Spiritual, the believer is commanded to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Rather than being filled with spirits of alcohol, he should be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Stop getting drunk with wine by which is debauchery, but keep on being filled with the Spirit.
Ephesians 5:19 Music MinistryThe Spiritual life includes the music ministry in the local church. The believer who is filled with the Holy Spirit can express himself to the Lord through music. The filling of the Holy Spirit brings the soul into harmony with God and fellow believers. This includes appreciation for hymns of praise and Spiritual songs. Worship includes congregational singing. Music is produced in the heart, which is the right lobe of the soul. Before the song comes from the mouth or music is played, it is produced in the heart, which is in fellowship with God. Lyrics come from the mind and music from the heart (1 Cor 14:15). Music is an expression of Love and Happiness in fellowship with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
expressing yourselves in psalms and hymns and Spiritual songs, singing and making music in your heart (right lobe) to the Lord;
Psalms in the scripture are the doctrinal lyrics of songs. A psalm is a song of praise. Hymns are songs of praise to God. Spiritual songs are odes with Spiritual lyrics. Music communicates Love and Happiness without words. Trumpets communicate Judgment. Woodwinds communicate Love. Flutes and harps communicate Happiness. And percussion communicates the rhythm of marching and the din of battle.
Colossians 3:16 Music MinistryBible Doctrine should live, or dwell, abundantly in the Edification Complex of the Soul. Wisdom is mature understanding from metabolized Bible Doctrine. The Pastor-Teacher with wisdom should teach the local congregation and provide correction through accurate instruction. This does not include counseling because the Holy Spirit is our counselor. Correcting others by members of the congregation is accomplished by taking a stand and providing information - not counseling. The congregation has fellowship with God through music, including Psalms, hymns, and Spiritual songs. Spiritual songs are songs with Spiritual content. Music must be offered in the sphere of Grace. This requires the filling of the Holy Spirit and submission to God's Authority. Non-doctrinal lyrics and emotional aberrations are not Grace oriented. The singing is produced in the heart (right lobe) before it comes from the mouth.
Let the Word (doctrine) of Christ dwell in you abundantly,
In all wisdom, teaching and correcting one another,
In Psalms, hymns, and Spiritual songs,
In Grace, singing in your hearts (right lobes) to God.
Romans 8:5 Sin vs. SpiritualityThose who do not have the filling of the Holy Spirit are at the mercy of their Old Sin Nature (OSN). Therefore, they keep concentrating on the desires of the OSN, which include sin, lust, evil, and human good. However, those who are filled with the Holy Spirit are controlled by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit keeps a lid on the OSN, and the believer concentrates on the Spiritual life.
For you see, those who are controlled by the flesh (OSN) keep concentrating on the things of the flesh (OSN), but those who are controlled by the Spirit keep concentrating on the things of the Spirit.
Romans 8:6 Death vs. LifeThe way of thinking of the OSN is spiritual death. Sin makes a person spiritually dead. In contrast the way of thinking of the filling of the Holy Spirit is Spiritual Life. The one who is filled with the Spirit is Spiritually alive. He also has Peace and tranquility of soul. He is free from the frustrations of sin and evil and conflict with man and demons.
For you see, the way of thinking of the flesh (OSN) is death, but the way of thinking of the Spirit is Life and Peace.
The filling of the Holy Spirit is lost through sin. It is recovered in only one way – Rebound. Praying for the filling of the Holy Spirit or asking for it will not work. It is only operational through sanctification. The sinner must be forgiven of his sins. Even though the sins were all paid for on the cross, sin is still a rejection of God. A person cannot be in fellowship with God and sinning. Sins separate the believer from God. The recovery procedure is Rebound. When we name our sins to God, He forgives them and restores us to fellowship through the filling of the Holy Spirit.
1 John 1:9 Rebound"If we acknowledge our sins" means that we must name them to the Father. Then He will forgive us the sins we named. He will also purify us from all wrongdoing. "Wrongdoing" is the Greek ajdikiva (adikia), which means unrighteousness or wrongdoing. It includes grieving and quenching the Holy Spirit, the function of the OSN controlling the soul, and lying to the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:1-5). Rebound restores the filling of the Holy Spirit and fellowship with God.
If we acknowledge our sins, He is faithful and Righteous with the result that He forgives us our sins and He purifies us from all wrongdoing.
What failure to Rebound means for the believer:
In Spiritual Warfare the Holy Spirit outfits the believer with the weapons to defeat Satan and his forces.
2 Corinthians 10:3-4 Spiritual WarfareAlthough we "walk in the flesh" (in the human body), we do not engage in Spiritual Warfare with human weapons. The Holy Spirit provides weapons with Divine power to destroy Satan's fortresses, or strongholds.
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh,
4 for the weapons of our warfare are not human attributes, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.
The weapons of Spiritual Warfare for the Christian soldier are listed in Ephesians 6. They are the armor of God (Eph 6:13) or armor of Light (Rom 13:12), which includes:
The weapons of Spiritual Warfare protect the Christian soldier in combat with Satan. They are designed for efficiency and effectiveness. They enable the Christian soldier to achieve victory without severe injury. A sword that is too long, for example, will leave a person off balance and vulnerable. A dull sword is a hindrance. A belt that doesn't fit can make it difficult to carry weapons and equipment. The coordination and timing of a soldier depend upon a good uniform with good weapons. Similarly, the Christian soldier must have a good uniform and good weapons to efficiently handle Satan without becoming a casualty.
Just as civilians walk around, soldiers march. Soldiers must be able to move quickly, to rush to the battle front and fight. Timing and precision are most important to a soldier. This analogy holds for the Christian soldier. Problems with timing cause him major problems. He must have his Time axis synchronized with God and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to seize the moment and strike the decisive blow to the enemy. Spiritual Warfare is one of the purposes of the Christian life. And in Spiritual Warfare precise timing is possible only through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Based upon the meaning of the terms, grieving the Holy Spirit is more closely associated with lawlessness and quenching the Holy Spirit with legalism.
Grieving the Holy Spirit
Ephesians 4:30"Stop grieving" is a Greek imperative of prohibition, which means stop doing something you are doing. "Grieving" is the Greek lupevw (lupeo), which means to vex, insult, squelch, grieve. This is language of accommodation to describe in human terms the dissatisfaction of the Holy Spirit due to the believer who is unsanctified and living in sin. The term came from the description of the rebellion of the congregation of Israel, who "grieved His Holy Spirit" (Isa 63:10).
Furthermore, stop grieving the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed with reference to the day of redemption.
The Holy Spirit is the One who seals the believer for the "day of redemption." The Church Age Believer is sealed as if with a signet ring with a bar code that identifies him as Royal Family of God. The Holy Spirit puts his signature on the CAB at Salvation so that the mortal body of every CAB will be redeemed at the resurrection of the Church. "The day of redemption" refers to the day of the resurrection, which is the Rapture.
Quenching the Holy Spirit
1 Thessalonians 5:19"Stop quenching" is another Greek imperative of prohibition, which means stop doing something you are doing. "Quenching" is the Greek sbevnnumi (sbennumi), which means to suppress; quench; put down; extinguish. Quenching the Holy Spirit is a state of sin due to failure to Rebound.
Stop quenching the Spirit;
To put this in perspective. None of the major Christian denominations teach how to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Christians who attend these churches will be in a state of quenching or grieving the Holy Spirit. Either state signifies a totally dysfunctional Christian.
When Ananias brought the money from the sale to give to the Church, Peter called his hand and accused him of lying to the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3, 4). For this Ananias and his wife died the Sin Leading to Death and were taken outside and buried (Acts 5:5-10).
Ananias decided that he would lie about the price of the property. This was a sin, and he lost the filling of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, he lied to the Holy Spirit.
The Purpose of Prayer
Procedure for Prayer
Doctrinal Basis for Prayer
Intercession of Christ and the Holy Spirit
Intercession for Others
Lord's Prayer
The Other Lord's Prayer
Hindrances to Prayer
Prayer is an integral part of the function of the priesthood of the believer in the Church. Every believer is a priest in the Church. A priest represents himself and others before God. A priest can deal directly with God and receive direct support without going through a middle man. It wasn't that way under the Mosaic Law. The priesthood in Israel came only from the Tribe of Levi. The Levitical priests represented the people before God.
The believer-priest in the Church can confess his sins directly to God and have them forgiven without the help of any other priest. A priest can pray for God to forgive the sins of others, and they will be forgiven. A priest can ask Divine support or Divine guidance, and he will receive it. A priest has access to God at any time as a function of his priesthood. God has an open door policy with believer-priests in the Church. A member of the congregation can reach God just as easily as a pastor.
Prayer is a part of fellowship with God. Fellowship is a relationship with God in the filling of the Holy Spirit. In fellowship with God there is Love, Peace, and Happiness, but God does not speak. He has already spoken in His Word. In fellowship we can reciprocate with Love for God. In prayer we can speak to God. We can communicate to God with words or thoughts. He will answer our prayers but not with words. Those who have a fulfilling prayer life learn to recognize God's answers when they come.
God did answer with words in past dispensations, but after the completion of the canon of scripture, He stopped speaking in the Church Age (Rev 22:18, 19). However, the Holy Spirit is with us to lead us in all truth. The Holy Spirit will reveal God's answers to our prayers. Recognizing the answer requires the filling of the Holy Spirit and Divine viewpoint. Praying is the easy part. Recognizing the answer is more difficult.
When we pray, God knows before we ask (Matt 6:8). He hears before we ask (Psa 139:4). He knows the end from the beginning (Isa 46:10), and He heard us in Eternity past. His answers were scheduled in Eternity past. They may fall in while we are still praying. They may arrive before we pray, or they may take a while before they come. God knows our needs. If we need an immediate answer, it will be there. If God wishes to show us the answer later, that is His call.
Prayer is addressed to the Father as a matter of protocol, since He is the highest authority in the Godhead. It is not offered to Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, or angels. Prayer is offered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ because He is our Mediator (1 Tim 2:5). He is also our Savior, our sanctification, and our propitiation. He satisfied all of the demands of Righteousness and Justice of the Father on our behalf.
Public prayers should be short (Matt 6:7), and private prayers can be long. Prayer does not have to uttered audibly, and it doesn't require words. It can be communicated in thought only. However, most people think in words. God knows our thoughts before we speak. He doesn't need the words. Sometimes when we are thinking about a problem, He gives us the answer before we even pray.
We bow our heads in prayer out of respect for God. Bowing all the way to the ground with the face to the ground is even more of a demonstration of respect and homage. This is called falling on the face in the Bible. We close our eyes to concentrate. Neither bowing the head or closing the eyes is required. For a man to wear a hat while praying is a sign of an arrogant ass.
1 John 5:14-15If we ask anything in God's will, He will answer the prayer positively (Jn 9:31). Knowing the will of God requires knowing Bible Doctrine and being able to make the correct application.
14 This is the confidence which we have toward Him (the Father), that, if we ask anything according to His will, He listens to us.
15 And if we know that He listens to us in whatever we ask, we know that we have obtained the requests which we have asked from Him.
James 1:5 Prayer for Wisdom"Wisdom" is the ability to apply knowledge to experience. Lacking wisdom means not knowing the right thing to do from Divine viewpoint. It may mean not knowing doctrine, but more likely it means not knowing the right application. Praying for wisdom is a legitimate prayer request, and God will supply the answer.
But if anyone of you lacks wisdom, let him ask from God, who gives to all generously and does not reproach, and it will be given to him.
James 1:6 Asking in FaithAsking in faith means asking God for wisdom in the specific matter and waiting expectantly for the answer. "Doubting" means vacillating between belief and unbelief. The person who doubts may doubt that God will answer or he may be depending on human viewpoint rather than Divine viewpoint for the answer. The one who doubts is unstable like the tossing of the sea, which corresponds to a reversionist (Isa 57:20).
But he must ask in faith without any doubting; for the one who doubts (vacillates) is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.
James 1:7 Prayer Not AnsweredThe one who doubts will not have his prayer answered because it was not offered on the basis of faith. The believer who prays in faith and waits for the answer in faith, will have his prayer answered. However, the carnal believer who doubts is unstable. He is not on praying ground, and he should not assume that God will answer his prayer.
For that person must stop assuming that he will receive anything from the Lord.
Psalm 34:15The eyes represent Grace. The idiom here means the LORD gives Grace to the Righteous (Job 36:7; Ps 5:12; 33:18; 37:25; 1 Pet 3:12). The ears of the Lord are listening for the prayer of the Righteous. "His ears toward their cry for help" means the Lord inclines His ears to listen to their cry for help. The Righteous believer has his X-axis aligned. He is walking in faith. Therefore, when he cries for help, it is because he is in a jam from trying to execute the Spiritual life. He was obeying God when he got in the crisis, and he needs immediate help. An example would be a tornado bearing down on him. God will answer his cry for help.
The eyes of the LORD are toward the Righteous,
And His ears toward their cry for help.
Psalm 34:16In contrast to the Righteous, the Lord opposes evil doers. The 'face of the Lord against' is a metaphor for the Lord's opposition (1 Pet 3:12). The Lord is taking evil doers to the Sin Leading to Death. Evil doers should not expect to have their prayers answered or be blessed in Grace. For example, those with blood on their hands (murderers) should not expect to have their prayers answered even though they pray repeatedly (Isa 1:15).
The face of the LORD is against evil doers
To cut off from the Earth the memory of them.
Psalm 34:17When the Righteous cry for help, the Lord listens and delivers them from their distresses. So, the basis for success in prayer is to be Righteous, which means walking in faith (X-axis alignment) (Prov 15:29; Jas 5:16).
They (the Righteous) cry for help and the LORD listens;
And out from all their distresses He delivers them.
Psalm 66:18"Regard" is the Hebrew ha*r* (ra'ah), which means to look with pleasure or cherish. The person who cherishes iniquity in his heart is not in fellowship with God. Therefore, God will not listen to his prayer. After this verse the writer of the Psalm Rebounds so that God can listen to his prayer.
If I regard (cherish) iniquity in my heart,
The LORD will not listen to me.
Psalm 66:19After the person Rebounded, God listened to his prayer. Living the Spiritual Life is the basis for effectiveness of prayer. The effectiveness of the believer's prayer is related to the Integrity of God. God will not compromise His Integrity to grant a person's carnal desires. The one who is in rapport with the Holy God can expect to have his prayers answered positively.
But in fact, God has listened;
He paid close attention to the voice of my prayer.
Psalm 145:18-19The Lord is near to those who pray to Him on the basis of doctrine. Being near means He is standing by to answer their prayers. Those who fear the Lord are those who respect His authority. The Lord hears their prayer and saves them in the crisis. They were aligned with the Lord before the crisis, and the Lord will deliver them in the crisis.
18 The LORD is near to all who call upon Him,
To all who call upon Him in doctrine.
19 He fulfills the desire of those who fear Him;
And He hears their cry and saves them.
Proverbs 28:9The one who turns away from listening to the Law, or Bible Doctrine, is a reversionist. The prayers of reversionists are an abomination. God throws them out like junk email.
He who turns away his ear from listening to the Law,
Even his prayer is an abomination.
Faith is required to receive answers to prayer.
Matthew 21:22When a person requests something in prayer, he must believe that he will receive it. If he believes, he will receive it. This is a very powerful promise (Mk 11:24). It is a promise to the believer that God will answer his prayers. If a person does not believe this promise, his prayers will not be answered.
And all the things you request by prayer, believing, you will receive.
1 John 3:21"If our heart does not condemn us" we are in fellowship with God. And we have confidence in fellowship with Him. God searches the heart to ensure that we are aligned with Him (Psa 139:1).
Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence face-to-face with God.
1 John 3:22God gives us what we ask in prayer if we keep His commandments and do what pleases Him, i.e. do His will. Those who are executing the Spiritual life can have confidence that their prayers will be answered.
and whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight.
Just prior to his arrest when he was about to be crucified, Jesus faced the crisis with intensive prayer. He was focused on the issue of being Judged for the sins of the world.
Matthew 26:39Jesus moved a little way beyond his disciples so He could pray to the Father alone. His disciples were supposed to be providing prayer support, but they kept falling asleep. Jesus "fell on His face," which means that He knelt down with His face to the ground to pray. He prayed to the Father to let the cup pass from Him. The cup symbolized all the sins of human history, and drinking from it symbolized the Judgment for all the sins. Sin was very distasteful to Jesus, who was completely pure and without sin.
Then He (Jesus) went forward a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless not as I will, but as You will."
However, Jesus recognized, "Nevertheless not as I will, but as You will." He agreed to do the will of the Father. He got up and awoke his disciples, and then went back to pray a second time.
Matthew 26:42This time He also concluded that the cup would not pass away unless He drank it. So, He prayed for the Father's will to be done. He agreed to go to the Cross and pay for all sins. So, praying for the will of God means being willing to obey His will.
Again He went away a second time and prayed, saying, "My Father, if this cannot pass away unless I drink it, let your will come to pass.
1 Thessalonians 5:17"Continually" is the Greek ajdialeivptw", (adialeiptow), from (aj, not) + (dialeivpw, cease), meaning unceasingly, continually. This does not mean to pray continuously, but to pray continually, frequently.
pray continually;
There are different types of prayer and a variety of applications.
1 Timothy 2:1Four major types of prayer are listed. "Supplications" is the Greek devhsi" (deesis), meaning supplication or entreaty. Supplication is a humble petition, entreaty, or request. It is a special request that may include extended prayer. Intercession is prayer for others. And petition is a prayer request for self.
First of all, therefore, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men,
1 Timothy 2:2Prayer should be offered for kings, presidents, and all in authority. This is prayer of the Spiritual ones for temporal authority. The purpose of such prayer is so that Christians can be free to execute the Spiritual life without interference. Bad decisions by temporal authorities can interfere with the freedom of believers to execute the Spiritual life.
for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may live a tranquil and quiet life in all Spirituality and probity.
When the baby Jesus was presented in the Temple, there was a prophetess there named Anna, who was 84 years old and "never left the Temple, serving night and day with fastings and prayers" (Luk 2:37). When she saw Jesus, she gave thanks and spoke about him to all those present (Luk 2:38).
Jesus taught the people that "at all times they ought to pray and not be discouraged" (Luk 18:1). He illustrated this with a parable about a widow who continually pestered the judge for legal protection from her opponent (Luk 18:2-8). The judge granted her request because it was easier than continually putting up with her. The point was that God the Father would grant requests from believers who continually petition Him (Luk 18:7).
Prayer in the Early Church
After Jesus ascended to Heaven, his disciples and the women who had been following Him (Luk 8:1-3), gathered together in an upper room in Jerusalem (Acts 1:13, 14). While they waited for the Holy Spirit per the command of Jesus, they were devoting themselves to prayer. An upper room is a sign of promotion. About 120 people had gathered together.
Peter had some insight about Judas Iscariot, who had betrayed Jesus (Acts 1:15, 16, 17), and he led them to elect another apostle to replace Judas. They selected two candidates, and prayed to the Lord to show which one He had chosen (Acts 1:23, 24). Then they drew lots, and the lot fell on Matthias. So they elected Matthias as the twelfth apostle (Acts 1:26). That, of course, was not the will of God. Only God can select apostles. Matthias was never heard from again in scripture. However, times haven't changed. Congregations still vote today to call pastors, and pastors only receive the call to bigger congregations.
They first erred in thinking they needed to choose the twelfth apostle. Then they proposed two candidates and asked the Lord to choose the one He wanted. The answer was none of the above. Taking lots had some merit in that it was associated with the Sovereignty of God. However, they didn't let God have a lot. So, prayer is not always the answer, especially if it is associated with false doctrine.
In the early days of the Church Age, Christians adopted a communal lifestyle in order to concentrate on living the Spiritual life.
Acts 2:42 Daily ActivitiesThese early Christians were devoted to prayer. It was a major part of their daily life. Later when a dispute arose over the daily distribution of food, the disciples concluded it was not good for them to neglect the Word of God in order to serve tables (Acts 6:2). So, they appointed the first seven deacons to handle the task of food distribution so they could devote themselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word (Acts 6:4).
And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread (Eucharist), and prayer.
Paul's Flawed Prayer Request
In a list of the priorities of the Christian life, Paul included devotion to prayer (Rom 12:12). Later he asked for prayer support from the Romans for his trip to Jerusalem.
Romans 15:30-31Paul asked the Romans to "strive together," or fight together, with him as a team. He was asking for artillery support through prayer. He was saying, "Pray for me! I'm facing trouble!" Then he proceeded to tell them how to pray for him. He wanted them to pray for him to be delivered from the dissidents in Jerusalem. These were the Jewish unbelievers who hated Christians, and the legalistic Judaizers in the Jerusalem Church, who were anti-Grace and empowered by the Prostitute of Babylon.
30 Now I urge you, brethren, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the Love from the source of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God on behalf of me,
31 that I may be delivered from the dissidents in Judea, and that my service to Jerusalem might be acceptable to the saints;
Paul was asking for tactical support for his strategic failure. Paul was going to Jerusalem for all the wrong reasons. And God was allowing it to teach Paul a lesson. Paul was influenced by Satan to go to Jerusalem, but that was because Paul sincerely wanted to fit-in with the other apostles. He was an odd-ball who lived by Grace and qualified for promotion to Spiritual Maturity ahead of all the disciples. Although they had a 2 ½ year head start, they never saw his dust. Under the ministry of the Holy Spirit, he caught on quickly and left them behind.
James and Peter were leading the Jerusalem Church, which was the largest in Christianity. However, the believers in Jerusalem were full of legalistic leftovers from Judaism. They were mixing the Law with the Dispensation of Grace. James and Peter went along with this because they were politicians. Paul was not, but he was going to try to be, to keep peace in the family. He would try to compromise with them, although they would never compromise with him. Apostates cannot be helped. Peter and James were not apostates, but the Judaizers in their church were.
So, the prayers that Paul requested were a total failure. He went to Jerusalem where he received Divine punishment, and the dissidents almost killed him. He had to be rescued by Roman soldiers, the military establishment. He spent four years in suffering under arrest in the temporal establishment because he tried to compromise the Doctrine of Grace. He was going to Jerusalem to offer a vow in the Temple. Then he would be accepted by the big church in Jerusalem, which was full of Jews. God had specifically sent him away from Jerusalem to the Gentiles (Acts 22:18, 21). God needed the truth written in scripture. The small churches that Paul founded are the ones in scripture. The Jerusalem Church was a big dud.
Paul's walk was first to understand Grace. This was the Spiritual step on the right foot. Then he compromised and had to be rescued by the Roman temporal establishment. He spent four years in Roman custody. This was the next step of the left foot. When he was released, he was able to take his next step on the right foot in Spiritual Maturity.
Devotion to Prayer
Paul prayed at all times for the Colossian congregation (Col 1:3). He was supporting them in their desire to fulfill the Christian life. They were an active part of his life, and he didn't just pray for them once. He was actively engaged in prayer for them that they might receive God's Grace and support in their Spiritual life. And he urged them to be devoted to prayer.
Colossians 4:2They should keep alert in prayer. Being on the alert requires watching, observing, and paying attention to the issues associated with the Spiritual life. This requires being aware of historical events and their spiritual implications. Their prayers should be with thanksgiving. Prayer is not just requests for the future but gratitude for Grace support that has already been received. Paul also requested prayer support for open doors to communicate the mystery doctrine of the Church Age (Col 4:3) and to communicate it clearly (Col 4:4).
Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving;
Widows have time to be devoted in prayer. Widows who have fixed their hope on God continue in supplications and prayers night and day (1 Tim 5:5). The widow who has been left alone has the opportunity for an active prayer life, which she could never have with a family. When Paul was in prison in Rome, he had time for an active prayer life and remembered Timothy continually in his supplications (2 Tim 1:3).
Romans 8:26 Intercession of Holy SpiritWhen the weakness of the flesh interferes with our Spiritual life to the extent that we don't even know how we should pray, the Holy Spirit comes to our aid. He intercedes for us to the Father with groaning. The groaning is without words. He doesn't use words to communicate with the Father, since they are one. The groanings are like sighs that express the agony of failure. They may be like the sounds of the bowels groaning, "Ooh!"
And in the same way the Spirit gives us a helping hand in our weaknesses; for we do not know how we should pray as we ought, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;
Romans 8:27The Father searches the hearts. He reads our minds. He also knows the thinking of the Holy Spirit. The thinking of the Holy Spirit is without words. He doesn't need words to communicate with the Father. He intercedes for the saints on the basis of the will of God. The Holy Spirit and God the Father both want the will of the Father to be done in the saints. Therefore, the intercessory prayer of the Holy Spirit is perfectly in line with the Father's will.
but the One who searches the hearts knows what the thinking of the Spirit is, because He (Holy Spirit) intercedes for the saints on the basis of the will of God.
Intercession of Christ
Jesus Christ also intercedes for us. He is our High Priest, and our Defense Attorney before God the Father.
Romans 8:34Who is the one who has a right to condemn the believer? Jesus Christ is the One who died on behalf of us and was raised from the dead and seated at the right hand of God. There is no higher position other than the Father. Jesus Christ intercedes on our behalf to the Father. And the Father will listen to Him.
who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is the One having died; yes, rather, having been raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes on behalf of us.
Hebrews 7:25Jesus Christ is able to save forever those who come to God through Him. Jesus is always living for the purpose of interceding on behalf of those who are saved. Once saved always saved. Should there be any argument, Jesus will intercede to the Father on behalf of the believer. And the Father will listen to Him.
For which reason, He (Jesus) is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives for the purpose of making intercession on behalf of them.
1 John 2:1When the believer is accused because of his sin, Jesus Christ acts as his Defense Attorney. Defense Attorney is the Greek paravklhto" (parakletos), meaning one who appears in another's behalf, mediator, intercessor, helper, Counselor, i.e. "Defense Attorney." Satan may accuse the believer, but Jesus will point out that the believer's sins were paid for on the Cross. There is no basis for condemning a believer because of his sins. It anyone tries, the Lord Jesus Christ will support the believer.
My little children, I am writing these things to you that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have a Defense Attorney face-to-face with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous One;
Genesis 25:21The Lord answered Isaac's prayer, and Rebekah conceived. She bore twins when Isaac was 60.
Isaac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was barren; and the LORD answered him and Rebekah his wife conceived.
After the spies discovered giants in the Promised Land, the congregation of Israel became frightened.4 They grumbled all night and decided to appoint them a new leader instead of Moses and return to Egypt. When they said this, Moses and Aaron fell on their faces and interceded with the Lord (Num 14:5). Falling on their faces was bowing down with the face to the ground in homage to God. When Caleb and Joshua tried to reason with the people, they were ready to stone them. The Lord was ready to destroy the congregation of Israel and raise up a new nation for Moses (Nu 14:11, 12). But Moses interceded with the Lord not to destroy the congregation, and the Lord honored Moses' request (Nu 14:13-20).
Again in the rebellion of Korah, the Lord was ready to destroy the congregation of Israel, but Moses and Aaron interceded with the Him (Num 16:19, 20-21, 22). Instead of destroying the entire congregation, the Lord opened up the ground and swallowed up the families of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram (Num 16:32).
When Solomon offered the prayer for the dedication of the Temple, he interceded for all the people who would present their petitions to the Lord from the Temple in the future (2 Chron 6:22-40).
Jesus taught that we should pray for our enemies.
Luke 6:28Believers should intercede for those who harass or persecute them (Matt 5:44). For example, the believer should pray for the enemy to be forgiven of his sins or delivered from evil. This will change the atmosphere to impersonal love for all mankind.
Bless those who are cursing you; pray for those who are harassing you.
When Stephen was stoned to death, he asked the Lord in his dying breath not to hold the sin of his assailants against them (Acts 7:60).
Paul interceded in prayer for his congregations (Rom 1:8, 9, 10; 1 Cor 1:4; Col 1:3; Eph 1:15-19; Phil 1:4; 1 Thess 1:2). He prayed for other pastors, like Timothy (2 Tim 1:3). He also interceded for Jewish unbelievers whose hearts were hardened (Rom 10:1).
Corinthian believers supported Paul in intercessory prayer when he was away on his missionary journeys.
2 Corinthians 1:11The Corinthians helped Paul and his team by their supplication (intercessory prayer) for them. The prayers were answered by God's gift of grace bestowed on Paul's ministry. Consequently, many people who heard Paul's message could give thanks to God for Paul's team, who brought the message.
While you also join in helping us by your supplication for us, in order that for the gift of Grace bestowed on us by (the prayer of) many persons, thanks may be given by many (who heard our message) on our behalf.
The Philippian congregation also prayed for Paul when he was under house arrest in Rome (Phil 1:19). Thus, members of the congregation have a part in the ministry of pastors and evangelists through intercessory prayer. The artillery support to break down barriers and open doors comes from prayer warriors.
Intercession in Spiritual Warfare
Intercessory prayer is a function of the priesthood in Spiritual Warfare.
Ephesians 6:18Along with the armor for Spiritual Warfare, active intercessory prayer support is needed for Christian soldiers. Prayer and supplication are the artillery support for the Christian soldier, who is armed with the weapons of warfare. "Praying at all times" means often. Prayer is an active part of warfare. It should not be neglected. The prayers must be offered in the filling of the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, they are useless dead works.
By all prayer and supplication, praying at all times in the Spirit, and keeping watch in the same with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints
The prayer warrior must keep watch. This is the Greek ajgrupnevw (agrupneo), which means to be alert, or stay awake, on guard; to keep watch over (Mk 13:33). Executing the Spiritual life requires keeping watch over the battle scene (Matt 26:41; Col 4:2; Rev 3:2-3; 16:15). "In the same" refers to the preceding process in the first half of the verse of praying in the filling of the Holy Spirit. The prayer warrior must persevere in staying on the lookout for changes in the battle scene and needs of the soldiers on his combat team. He must provide supplication for all saints. When he sees a believer falling into sin or under attack, he must intercede for him.
Paul also asked the Ephesian congregation to pray for him to communicate the mystery doctrine of the Church Age accurately and boldly (Eph 6:19-20). Paul was the Spiritual warrior on the front lines, and he needed prayer support from the Ephesian congregation.
1 Samuel 1:17When Eli interceded for Hannah, her prayer was answered, and she was no longer sad (1 Sam 1:18). When she returned home, her husband had sex with her, and the Lord remembered her petition (1 Sam 1:19). She conceived and later gave birth to a son, whom she named Samuel, meaning heard of God. She explained she named him that "Because I have asked him of the Lord" (1 Sam 1:20).
Then Eli answered and said, "Go in peace; and may the God of Israel grant your petition which you have asked of Him."
During the Absalom rebellion when David was told that Ahithophel, David's Counselor, had joined the conspiracy, David prayed, "O LORD, I pray, make the counsel of Ahithophel foolishness" (2 Sam 15:31).
Zecharias was a Levitical Priest, who was married to Elizabeth, who was barren (Luk 1:5, 7). After Zecharias had petitioned God over his wife's barrenness, he went into the Temple to offer incense as he performed his duty as a Priest. A multitude of people were outside praying (Luk 1:9-10). Suddenly an angel from the Lord appeared beside the Altar of Incense and Zecharias was frightened (Luk 1:11-12).
Luke 1:13-15The angel first told Zacharias to stop being afraid. Fear is a mental attitude sin which makes it impossible to think Spiritually. The Lord sent the angel to answer the petition of Zecharias. The angel informed Zecharias that his petition had been heard and that Elizabeth would bear a son, who would be named John.
15 But the angel said to him, "Stop being afraid, Zacharias, for your petition has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will call him the name John.
14 "You will have Happiness and exultation, and many will rejoice at his birth."
15 "For he will be great in the sight of the Lord; and he will absolutely not drink wine and alcoholic beverage, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, yet out from his mother's womb."
The angel further informed Zecharias that John would be filled with the Holy Spirit "yet (in the future) out from his mother's womb." This is the Greek (ek, out from) + (koilia, womb), which means "out from the womb." Nothing here implies in the womb. However, it does say "filled with the Holy Spirit" outside the womb. This refers to the Enduement of the Holy Spirit, which is different from the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Church.
Under the Enduement of Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit was given to enable people to perform certain tasks. The Holy Spirit came upon them and empowered them. The Enduement of the Holy Spirit was not linked to Salvation. Samson was endued with the Holy Spirit when he was fornicating with Delilah. David was endued with the Holy Spirit when he was committing adultery with Bathsheba. He later prayed to God not to take the Holy Spirit away because the Enduement could be revoked (Psa 51:11). Samson lost it when he had his hair cut.
Examples of the Enduement of the Holy Spirit include: Bezalel and Oholiab, who built the furnishings of the Tabernacle (Ex 31:1-11); Gideon (Judg 6:34); Zechariah the priest (2 Chron 24:20); Elijah; and Elisha. The Enduement of the Holy Spirit was give to John the Baptist to prepare the way for Christ (Luk 1:17). The Enduement was given while he was a child before he became a believer.
Luke 1:18Now Zacharias had just received an answer to prayer from Gabriel, who is a King of Arms of the College of Heralds. He is one of the most powerful angels. Yet Zecharias asked how he could know this for sure. He didn't even believe Gabriel. He wanted a sign.
Zacharias said to the angel, "How can I come to know about this for sure? For I am an old man and my wife is advanced in her years."
Luke 1:19-20Gabriel kept his poise and told Zacharias who he was. Since Zacharias had not believed the doctrine that Gabriel gave him, he would be struck dumb (unable to speak) until the birth of John had been fulfilled.
19 The angel answered and said to him, "I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and I have been sent on a mission to speak face-to-face with you and to announce this good news to you.
20 And behold, you shall be silent and unable to speak until the day when these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their own proper time."
Elizabeth became pregnant and stayed in seclusion for five months (Luk 1:24). In the sixth month Gabriel went to the Virgin Mary and informed her that she would conceive by the Holy Spirit and bear the Christ child (Luk 1:35). He also informed her of Elizabeth's pregnancy (Luk 1:36). Gabriel, the Head of the College of Heralds, foretold to both Zacharias and Mary the births of their children.
Then Mary went to visit Elizabeth. She entered her house and greeted her (Luk 1:39-40).
Luke 1:41-42When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby in her womb leaped. Now Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and she shouted out a blessing upon Mary and the fruit of her womb. This is more evidence of Gabriel, who was watching over the pregnancies of both Elizabeth and Mary. Gabriel was holding the unborn Jesus in one hand and John in the other. He revealed the relationship by making John leap in the womb by touching the spiritual body of the fetus. He also very likely told Elizabeth that Mary was pregnant with Jesus, and the Holy Spirit verified it. So, pregnant women have angels watching over their unborn, and the angels communicate with the mothers. Of course, demons can also interfere (Isa 57:3).
41 And it came to pass when Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit,
42 And she (Elizabeth) cried out with a loud cry and said, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!"
Elizabeth continues saying,
Luke 1:43-44Elizabeth knew that Mary was pregnant with the Lord. Elizabeth said that when she heard Mary's greeting, "the baby leaped with joy in my womb." "With joy" is the Greek ejn (en, in, with) + ajgallivasi" (agalliasis, joy) in the instrumental of association. The baby leaped in association with the joy of the mother. Elizabeth said the baby "leaped with joy." The baby could leap from reflex motility, but to leap with joy requires a soul. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit when all this happened. This lends even more credence to what she said. Thus, there was human soul life in the womb at six months of pregnancy.
43 "And how has this happened to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
44 For behold, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby leaped with joy in my womb."
Jesus' Petition to Raise Lazarus
Jesus, speaking from His humanity, petitioned the Father to raise Lazarus from the dead.
John 11:41-42After the stone was rolled away from the tomb of Lazarus, Jesus looked upward and thanked the Father for hearing His petition. He prayed audibly so those in the crowd would hear and know that the miracle was being worked at His request. When they understood that He was sent by the Father, then they could believe in Him and receive Eternal life.
41 So they removed the stone. Then Jesus raised His eyes (looked upward), and said, "Father, I thank You that You have heard Me."
42 "I knew that You always hear Me; but because of the crowd standing around I spoke, in order that they might believe that You sent Me on a mission."
John 11:43Jesus shouted for Lazarus to come out, and he came out of the grave bound hand and foot with cloth (Jn 11:44). As a result of the miracle, many of the Jews believed in Him and were saved (Jn 11:45).
Having spoken these things, He cried out with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!"
Worry and fear are sins that destroy fellowship with God. Sins should be confessed. Problems and burdens that cause worry, fear, anxiety, and concern should be given to God to handle. Some can be handled simply by leaving the problem behind with the Lord (Faith-Rest). In other cases the believer can petition God the Father for support in handling the problem (ref. Phil 4:6). Then the believer can deploy the appropriate Problem Solving Device to deal with the problem while God solves it.
Elijah's Petition about Rain
Elijah petitioned God that it would not rain, and it did not rain for 3 ½ years. There was a terrible drought in Israel (Jas 5:17; Luk 4:25). Then he petitioned God for rain, and it poured rain, and the drought ended (Jas 5:18).
Solomon offered a supplication at the dedication of the Temple (1 Ki 8:23-53). In his prayer he covered the scope of future legitimate petitions that might come from the Temple, and he asked God to listen to those petitions and answer them.
Solomon kneeled on his knees before the Altar facing the Assembly of Israel and spread out his hands toward Heaven (1 Ki 8:22, 54). His gestures assisted in addressing a large crowd without a public address system. He began with thanksgiving by recognizing the Sovereignty, covenant keeping, and Gracious Love of the Lord (1 Ki 8:23). He thanked Him for His relationship with his father David and for the Davidic Covenant (1 Ki 8:24, 25). He asked God to hear his supplication and the supplication of Israel (1 Ki 8:28, 29, 30).
Solomon asked for the Lord's Justice in condemning the guilty and justifying the Righteous (1 Ki 8:31-32). He interceded for future sins of the people that might lead to military defeat (1 Ki 8:33, 34). He interceded for future sins that might cause droughts and famine (1 Ki 8:35-39). He prayed for foreigners who might pray in the Temple in the future (1 Ki 8:41-43). He interceded for future sins of the people that would lead to military defeat, captivity, and the cycles of national cursing (1 Ki 8:44-53).
Daniel's Supplication for Israel
In the first year of Darius the Mede (538 BC), Daniel read in the Book of Jeremiah that the desolation of Jerusalem and the captivity would last 70 years (2 Chr 36:21; Jer 25:11; 29:10; Dan 9:1, 2; Zech 7:5). Daniel and his companions were taken hostage in the fourth year of Jehoiakim (606 B.C.). However, Jerusalem did not fall until 586 BC. Daniel did not know which date to pick, but he knew the end of the captivity was approaching. So, he began to pray for the restoration of Israel.
Daniel 9:3 Daniel's PrayerDaniel's prayer is a fulfillment of Jer 29:10-14 in which the Lord promised to listen to prayer and restore the prosperity of Israel and return the captives. Ezra also prayed such a prayer (Ezra 9:5-15).
Then I turned my face to the Lord God to seek by prayer and supplications with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes.
Daniel turned to the Lord God, where "Lord" is the Hebrew yn*d)a^ ('adonai), meaning the Lord (only used of God). He offered prayer and supplications along with fasting. Fasting is doing without food because of a higher priority. Doing without food is analogous to being without Grace. Daniel was seeking Grace for Israel.
Daniel wore sackcloth. Sackcloth was a coarse fabric made of rough, dark hair and worn during mourning and humiliation. Daniel also used ashes. Ashes were sprinkled on the head to symbolize the ultimate humility and sacrifice for sin that had been burned. The ashes were a testimony of the payment for sins (Gen 18:27; 3:19; Job 30:19; 42:6). Fasting, sackcloth, and ashes were commonly employed to call attention to a crisis or being in dire straits. They helped get the person in the right frame of mind for prayer. None of these things are of any value if the person is not genuine (Isa 58:3-11; Matt 6:16-18).
Daniel's Prayer, OutlineSupplication for Peter1. Introduction (Dan 9:3)
2. Confession of sin and guilt (Dan 9:4-14)
a. Statement of the transgression and the guilt (Dan 9:4-10)
b. Punishment from God for this guilt (Dan 9:11-14)
3. Supplication for mercy, and restoration of the Holy City and Temple (Dan 9:15-19)
Herod Agrippa I had Peter arrested with the intention of having him executed after the Feast of Unleavened Bread (ref. Herod Agrippa I).5 Peter was being guarded by four squads of four soldiers each (16 soldiers). The night before Peter was to be brought out to be executed, the Church was fervently praying for him.
Acts 12:5"Fervently" is the Greek ejktenw'" (ektenos), which means fervently, eagerly, continually. As Peter was sleeping bound to two guards with chains, an Elect Angel appeared and Peter's chains fell off (Acts 12:6, 7). The Angel escorted Peter out of the prison without being detected. Peter went to the house of John Mark, where the house Church was praying for him (Acts 12:12-16). They were amazed to see the answer to their prayers. This illustrates the power of prevailing prayer, or supplication.
Therefore, on the one hand, Peter was being kept in the prison, but on the other hand, prayer was fervently being made by the Church to God for him.
Supplication of Jesus
The Lord Jesus Christ offered up prayers and supplications during His incarnation. He prayed the night before going to the Cross (Jn 17), and He prayed on the Cross.
Hebrews 5:7During His incarnation, Jesus offered petitions and supplications. On the Cross His prayers were accompanied by loud crying and tears. He prayed to the Father who had the power to deliver Him from physical death. God had the power to deliver Him from dying and from death itself by the Resurrection. The Father heard the prayers of Jesus because of His reverence for Him.
Who (Jesus) in the days of His flesh (incarnation), having offered up both petitions and supplications with loud crying and tears (on the Cross) to the One who was able to save Him from (physical) death, and having been heard because of His reverence for God.
In this verse, "petitions" is the Greek devhsi" (deesis), and "supplications" is the Greek iJkethriva (hiketeria). "Having offered" and "having been heard" are aorist participles which precede the action of the main verb "glorify" (Heb 5:5).
After Hannah gave birth to Samuel, she made good on her promise to give the boy to the Lord. When she had weaned him, she brought him along with a bull, an ephah (3 pecks and 3 pints) of flour, and a jug of wine to the Temple in Shiloh (1 Sam 1:24). She and her husband slaughtered the bull and took the boy to Eli (1 Sam 1:25). She explained that she was the one that he had seen praying to the Lord, that the Lord had granted her petition, and that she was dedicating the boy to the Lord as long as he lives (1 Sam 1:26, 27, 28).
Then Hannah left Samuel with Eli and composed a Song of Thanksgiving (1 Sam 2:1-10). In the song she expressed her exultation and deep gratitude for the Lord's Grace provision and deliverance. Her song was like the Song of Moses after Pharaoh's army was destroyed in the Red Sea (Ex 15:1-18), Moses' final song (Deut 32:1-43), the Song of David (2 Sam 22), and the Magnificat of Mary (Lk 1:45-55).
The Song of HannahSong of Thanksgiving for the Ark1 Samuel 2:1-10
1 Then Hannah prayed and said,
"My heart exults in the LORD;
My horn is exalted in the LORD,
My mouth is opened wide over my enemies,
For I have abundant Happiness in Your salvation.
2 There is none holy like the LORD;
For, there is none besides You,
And there is no rock like our God.
3 Boast no more so very proudly,
Do not let arrogance come out of your mouth;
For the LORD is a God of knowledge,
And with Him deeds are weighed.
4 The bows of heroes are shattered,
But the feeble gird themselves with strength.
5 Sated ones hire themselves out for bread,
And hungry ones cease to be.
Even the barren gives birth to seven,
But she who has many children is forlorn.
6 The LORD kills and makes alive;
He brings down to Sheol and raises up.
7 The LORD makes poor and makes rich;
He demotes; He also promotes.
8 He raises the poor from the dust;
He lifts the needy from the ash heap
To make them sit with nobles,
And He causes them to inherit a seat of honor;
For the pillars of the Earth are the LORD's,
And He has set the world on them.
9 The feet of His saints He guards,
But the wicked are cut off in darkness;
For not by might shall a man prevail.
10 Those who contend with the LORD will be shattered;
He thunders against them in the heavens:
The LORD will judge the ends of the Earth;
And He will give strength to His king,
And exalt the horn of His anointed."
When David had the Ark of the Covenant brought up to Jerusalem from the home of Obed-edom, a special psalm of thanksgiving was composed for the occasion (1 Chron 16:8-43). David may have written the psalm, but it was performed by a chorus led by Asaph. The singing of the psalm was part of the joyous celebration when the Ark arrived in Jerusalem and was placed in the tent that David had prepared for it (1 Chron 16:1).
David's Prayer of Thanksgiving
After David collected all the material required to build the Temple, including the gold, silver, precious stones, and wood, he offered a prayer of thanksgiving to God. He recognized all his wealth as coming from God, who is Sovereign over all (ref 1 Chron 29:10-13). He thanked the Lord for allowing everyone to be so generous in their gifts for the Temple and recognized the Lord as the source of the generosity (1 Chron 29:14, 15, 16).
1 Chronicles 29:17David recognized the importance of an Integrity Envelope. He understood that God validates the heart and delights in the Spiritual integrity from a completed Edification Complex of the Soul. "Integrity" is the Hebrew rv*ym@ (meshar), which means straightness of way, integrity, uprightness. It refers to Spiritual integrity from a completed ECS.
Since I know, O my God, that You validate the heart and delight in Spiritual integrity, I, in the integrity of my heart, have willingly offered all these things; so now with abundant Happiness I have seen Your people, who are present here, offering willingly to You;
David was filled with abundant Divine Happiness because he had witnessed the people freely giving for the Temple.
As Jesus was traveling to Jerusalem from Galilee, he encountered 10 lepers. They cried out to Him from a distance saying, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!" (Luk 17:12-13).
Luke 17:14Jesus told the lepers to go show themselves to the priests, because the priests had to pronounce them cleansed of leprosy (Lev 14:1–32). When they obeyed Jesus' command, they were cleansed of their leprosy.
After seeing them, He (Jesus) said to them, "Go and show yourselves to the priests." And it came to pass while they were going, they were cleansed.
Luke 17:15-16One of the lepers upon realizing that he was healed, returned and fell at Jesus' feet and began giving thanks to Him. He was a Samaritan.
15 Now one of them, after seeing that he had been healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice,
16 and he fell on his face at His feet, giving thanks to Him. And he was a Samaritan.
Luke 17:17-18Jesus saw the irony that only a Samaritan returned to give thanks for healing. Jews did not get along with Samaritans (Jn 4:9), and Jesus did not send His disciples to the Samaritans (Matt 10:5). Yet, only a Samaritan returned to Jesus to give thanks.
17 Then Jesus answered and said, "Were not ten cleansed? But the nine, where are they?
18 "Were none found who returned to give glory to God, except this foreigner?"
Luke 17:19Jesus explained to the man that his faith had restored him to health. This was a miracle of Spiritual healing.
And He said to him, "Stand up and go on your way; your faith has made you well."
Praise for the Lord Jesus Christ
The Church Age believer-priest, who is in fellowship with God should be offering praise for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 13:15 Praise the Lord Jesus ChristThe believer-priest should be continually offering up a sacrifice of praise to God. Offering praise to God through the words of prayer is analogous to offering an animal sacrifice in praise to God. The words of the prayer are the fruit of the lips. The words acknowledge the Name of Christ. His Name refers to the Lord Jesus Christ as the unique God-man, who is our Savior, Mediator, King, and High Priest. The God-man in Resurrection Body is the unique person in all Creation.
Through the same One (Jesus), therefore, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of the lips which acknowledge His Name.
The angelic Living Creatures around the Throne of God in Heaven give glory, honor, and thanks to God all the time.6
Revelation 4:8
And the four Living Creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes all around and within, saying without ceasing by day and night, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is coming."
The four Living Creatures sing out, "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God, the Almighty." The three Holies refer to the Trinity with three persons that are one in essence. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all Holy. Holy describes God as separate, apart, sacred. God is apart from all Creation. Anything contrary to God is unholy. God is holy because He is God. "The Almighty" refers to the Sovereignty of God.
"Who was and who is and who is coming" – this refers to God as eternally existing. The division into three parts, however, draws attention to the Lord Jesus Christ, who reveals God.
Revelation 4:9The Living Creatures give glory, honor, and thanks to Him who sits on the throne. "Him who sits" is God the Father, but the Father cannot be seen. This is a Theophany, a revelation of Deity. When someone appears on the Throne, it is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ also sits on the Throne of God during the Church Age (Heb. 8:1; Rev. 3:21). He appeared in the image of a crystalline Theophany (Rev 4:3), but He will appear later as the Lamb (Rev 5:6). The Living Creatures are at the forefront of fellowship with the Lord.
And when the Living Creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, to Him who lives forever and ever,
Revelation 4:10-11 Angelic General StaffThe 24 angelic Kings of Arms are seated around the Throne of God. They bow down and worship Him who sits on the throne and recognize His worthiness to receive glory, honor, and power. They also recognize the Eternal existence of God's Design (Time-axis).
10 the twenty-four elders will fall down before Him who sits on the throne, and will worship Him who lives forever and ever, and will cast their crowns before the throne, saying,
11 "Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory, honor, and power; for You did create all things, and because of Your Design they exist and will always exist."
Revelation 11:17The 24 elders give thanks to God for the beginning of the reign of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Millennium.
"We give You thanks, O Lord God, the Almighty, who is and who was, because You have assumed Your great power and have begun to reign (Millennium)."
Author: Larry Wood, Released - September 12, 2013 - Revised Dec. 7, 2022
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